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Energy – What are energetic programs? (part 4)

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Previously we talked about what is an energy register inside an object, a piece of furniture or a wall.The energetic recollection is the set of energies that objects store within them about everything they experienced during their presence in a particular place.For example, they recorded everything a person did and said in his home, absorbing all the feelings emanating from it.Furthermore , objects absorb the energies of all the people who attend that house, therefore they can contain a set of different energies, among which some that annihilate each other or among which one prevails.For example, if an object was first in contact with someone who emanated positive energy, and immediately after with someone who gave off heavy energy, the stronger of the two will prevail in the object, depending on which of the two people had the strongest intent.Objects absorb people’s emotions, so if the first was very happy and the second very sad or angry, it depends who was stronger in the two.If, for example, the second person was a little sad, but did not give off a very suffering energy, the object could have absorbed very little of its energy and therefore its register remained of positive energy.Moreover, it also depends on how long the object has been in contact with people, as a few seconds may not be enough to influence the object and create a new program inside it, unless you take that object just when one is at the height of anger or happiness.To give an example, today you might be a little sad for various personal reasons, but you don’t have a very strong negative energy, so the objects around you will absorb some negative energy but their programs will not be completely distorted;however, at a time of day, you reach the pinnacle of sadness when, beyond all that has already happened to you, another event takes place that really makes you suffer.At that moment you might find yourself in the bathroom, or in the bedroom and learn of a fact that will make you feel bad;there you will – without realizing it – a sort of greater negative energy evaporation that will influence the whole surrounding place.The objects, the walls, the furniture will be influenced by your energy.Even if you spent the whole day in the living room, five minutes of emotional climax will be enough in the bedroom that it will record a far more negative program.

When you experience an emotion, it continually influences the auras of the place where you are, then objects, walls, and even people and animals.When you then feel a very strong feeling, such as a very heated anger or extreme happiness, in the moments or minutes when you reach the peak you will greatly increase the energetic influence in that place, up to the point of creating a energy program.It is important that you understand that every day, every hour at any time you are influencing everything around you, and not just when you are very angry or overjoyed, but you do it all the time;so every day the objects and what surrounds you record your emotions and your energies, with which they also influence the auras of all the people who meet you every day on the street, at work or in the family.Even more so, when you are very happy or very angry, you end up creating an energy program because of the strong intent you have expanded outside of you.The objects continually absorb your emotions, your thoughts and your actions, but there are moments when the registers become much more intense, they become alive, so much that they are able to repeat themselves and condition themselves.We define those events with the term Energy Program.The energetic program is born when your feeling or your thought that you were trying, has come out so strong that it has not only influenced the place where you are, but it has reprogrammed it.Therefore your feeling combined with a strong intent has created a program that, with time, will be repeated.All this happens very often and you don’t notice when it happens, because obviously you are not aware of it.Hopefully you will decide to practice and become aware of your energetic actions, so that you will stop reprogramming the places around you with negative energies.

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Even if you do not notice it, or you think you are not at fault because you are not aware of what happens when you are sad or angry, you are still influencing the auras of places or other people around you, throwing negative energies on anyone, risking to ruin their days and, for some, even their lives.Being aware of the effect your energy is making is very important both for your well-being and that of others.

In every moment of your day, even now, you give off your thoughts and moods which are then memorized by every single material that surrounds you.So if you are now sitting on the bed, with your back to the wall, with a pillow behind your back, both the bed (sheets, mattress, various plushes resting on the bed) and the pillow on which it rests, and the wall behind you , they will record your energy and take their imprint.There is no need for you to understand why they do it, because it happens like when you walk on the sand and leave your footprints: you can also be an ordinary person, without any special qualities that make you famous or important, but when you walk on the sand you leave your fingerprints.It just happens, so all the objects, the walls, the places you frequent, record your imprint when you pass by there.You could be an ordinary person, very normal, invisible to society, but every place you frequent and even more so where you often live has memorized and continues to memorize every single day of your life.By dint of memorizing your routine, especially the stronger moods, programs have been created in these places.

To take the example I told you about when you feel so much anger, or so much happiness: as you well know there are not only these two extreme feelings but an infinity of thoughts and feelings that, mixed together, make up all your programs.In fact your thoughts are made of energy, so everyone is absorbed by what surrounds you and, the stronger ones, create a program.I would like to explain to you what a program is by giving an example of earth that could bring to mind references to your life that you never explained before.We speak for example of the objects or accessories that you use every day but that, over time, you are not the only one to touch and therefore to influence.We talk about common objects that can be exchanged in the family without giving us too much weight, as could happen for example with the sheets of the bed which, when they are washed, could then be exchanged and end up in your brother’s bed and his will cover yours.Since they have been washed, the sheets will be clean, perfumed, but certainly an energy program will not go away with a simple washing.I refer to the sheets, because during the night many people have a habit of thinking about their problems for a long time, then they imprint their negative thoughts in the mattress, in the sheets, in the pillowcases and in the pillow itself and, even if they always appear of a brilliant white and fragrant beauty, they could contain very negative energy programs.Unfortunately, all the people have been used to not keeping their thoughts under control, so most of the population thinks too much about problems rather than cutting them off and enjoying a well-deserved mental rest, through non-thought.So, at night, when work is finished and we hide in our bed, many end up thinking about their problems, their dissatisfactions, their insecurities.All these thoughts vibrate with negative energy, so whenever you think badly about yourself, think about your problems or what has happened to you sad or annoying today, print negative energy into the materials that are closest to you.

The bed is the first to absorb your negativity and every part of it records your thoughts and feelings.So try to imagine what would happen if the sheets in which one of your family members slept who spent the night thinking about his problems, his frustrations, and maybe even cried for the suffering of what most tainted him in the mind, ended up in your bed.Since we have always been used to ignoring every symptom of external influence, attributing it always and only to ourselves, you would not notice anything at all.

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Yet the thoughts of your family member have been recorded in the sheets that now cover your bed and, during the night, or during the time you are lying on your bed, they will pass to you.These thoughts are not recognized as belonging to your brother, but will be interpreted by your brain as if they were yours.When you think of something, you don’t think “I, Fabrizio, am sad because it happened this morning …”, but reasons without introducing yourself.Thought will be recorded that way and when someone else absorbs your thought through that object, it will absorb that state of mind by identifying it as its own.Obviously it’s not your brother’s fault, because indeed, he is suffering from something that hurt him, so you can’t blame him.But you can pay more attention and remain conscious, so that his thoughts do not become yours too.

Always, every day, we are influenced by the thoughts and moods of other people, through their auras or through the energy programs they have recorded in the objects they used.Therefore it is difficult from morning to evening to realize all the programs you undergo and that do not really belong to your mind, but with time and practice you will become more and more aware of it, learning not to be influenced.The improvement is incredible, because when you learn to recognize your thoughts from all those other people – wanting or wanting to – have passed you, your routine becomes lighter, more relaxing, because most of the weights have never really been yours, but you had accepted them in your mind and so you carried a great weight on your shoulders.Through the technique of non-thinking, the technique of staying conscious during the day, and through the understanding of energy programs, you will become more and more good at recognizing when a thought is yours from when it is not, so as to detach it and not let it enter into you.This will take a long time, because there are many more programs around you than you can imagine.So do not be in a hurry to believe that you know how to recognize them all, but have the humility to admit that you do not yet have total control of your life.As already mentioned, other people do not know what they are doing, they are not at fault because they do not do it intentionally;this does not mean that their thoughts and feelings or moods do not belong to you, so you must not be influenced and end up suffering as much as they do.

So your nightly thoughts may not be yours, but those who used the objects next to you before you used them. It is not just the sheets, but also the stuffed animals (which often pass from the oldest to the youngest child over the years), of the furniture objects (which used to be in your brother’s room and which are now in your room), of the furniture that comes from the bedroom of your parents, clothes that belonged to your cousin and that are now tight, and so on. Obviously knowing that the objects that belonged to your family can have their programs and that they could influence you, should not make you obsess and disgust everything they give you or pass to you; do not overdo denying and rejecting every gift that is given to you; but be aware that if you always use only second-hand clothes, stuffed animals that belonged to your older brothers and so on, you are accepting to be influenced by programs that now belong to those objects. This should not get you to the point of rejecting any gift for repulsion towards their energies, but simply to make you become more aware of how life works. People are continually influenced by external energies, especially those of their family members, even if they don’t want to. For example, you may have chosen not to look exactly like your brother, or your father, because you think he is a person not to be imitated, so try to be the opposite of him, talk differently, reason differently, but this does not take away let his energies hit you every day, even if in a different way than you expect them to be. Besides, you know what he says about you, but not what he thinks of you. People’s real thoughts are often very different from what we believe.

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Knowing the thoughts of others is amazing, because it opens up a world to you, allows you to discover what goes on in their most intimate mind and many times you can get to know yourself better through them, because you discover how they see you and what they like or he doesn’t like you. From there you can learn to improve yourself and change some attitudes that make you look negatively in the eyes of others, but that’s another story.

Recognizing energy programs is much more complex than it seems, because we are so used to suffering them that recognizing them as not belonging to us is more difficult than expected. It is all about understanding exactly how a program works, and through meditation and the various techniques taught in ACD, you will learn to detach external thoughts so that they do not become yours. Going back to your brother’s example and the sheets, he might have spent time thinking about his problems, impressing his feelings on the fabric. Imagine if he, for a few hours every day, had thought about quarrels with his girlfriend, about how much he feels alone and misunderstood, about how anxious he feels about next month’s university exams, how much he feels judged by his friends who treat him badly or who do not show him true friendship, and more. If you were very, very conscious, you would perceive the precise thoughts your brother had and you would hear the people he thought of; instead you are not and you suffer all his thoughts in first person. So your brain will absorb its energies and look for some reason to associate certain feelings and moods. From that moment on, even if before you had no reason to think so, you will begin to think that your girlfriend is cheating on you, or that you are no longer in love with you, or that you no longer love her as before and that perhaps you should look for him ‘else. You may think that your friends are not so much friends but that they are confabulating behind your back, or you might get anxious about exams even if you had none at all a few days before. So you won’t think about his girlfriend, or his friends, but you will associate those feelings with your personal story, increasing those moods in you and looking for a reason to own them. You may have no reason to feel so lonely or sad, but since that feeling influenced you, you will look for a reason in your mind to feel like this, and finally you will find it! If the thought does not exist, you will create it from nothing, for example by inventing an excuse to believe that your girlfriend is cheating on you, even though you have never mentioned that you want to interest others as well as yourself.

People’s thoughts are among the most convoluted and unexpected, so don’t expect too much about them. For example your brother could show everyone to be very sure of himself, to feel beautiful and perfect in everything, yet, at night, when nobody hears him, he could think a lot and hope in the judgment of others; you might wonder if it’s really so beautiful or if nobody really likes it and if for this reason it doesn’t have a steady girlfriend, even if everyone shows its cool façade that goes out with many women every night. Energy programs are therefore those feelings so well impressed in a material or an object that they then continue to activate themselves and make people feel that feeling again even when there is no longer any reason for it. In fact the program does not activate only once, but it does it continuously! And look for the most absurd reasons to get yourself feeling the same feeling every day. If you only ever thought about university exams every time you lay down on the bed, sooner or later the doubt would come to you; unfortunately, it is not so simple. In fact the energy program is also intelligent, because he influences that feeling, but then you will unconsciously find a reason to feel that state of mind. For example, one day you will think about the exam, the next day you will think about a quarrel you had with a work colleague, the next day you will still think of your mother who was not understanding of you. Thoughts could be different every day but the fact is that all of them will eventually lead you to feel that very sad, or angry, emotional state. Remember that there is not only sad or angry thinking , but also jealous, envious, depressive, oppressive, frustrating, but also mangy, anxious, annoying, the list is really long.

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So every emotional state you have could come from an influence that you absorbed during the day and that doesn’t really belong to you. Learning to recognize external energy programs or influences and detaching from them frees us from so many weights.

Every person has different habits, so if a person spends a lot of time at home, obviously it will influence the furniture and objects of his house more with his thoughts and energy programs, unlike a person who spends much more time away from home and therefore it will influence the decor of the places you frequent most (for example, in your office) rather than in your room. The more a person is in his house, the more he influences this by creating more solid and resistant energy programs. Any energy program can be destroyed with the right methods, but there are some programs that are much more persistent and hard to break down than others. Furthermore, the same person can create multiple different programs and not just one, and each can function independently of the others. So breaking down a home program does not mean having everyone else eliminated. The programs are like mechanisms that are activated, because in addition to being recorded in an object, they become “alive” in the sense that they succeed in having that feeling again felt by the same person or someone else. So going back to your brother’s example, if one night he thought very badly about a topic that concerns him (for example the girlfriend who cheats on him), the next day then that thought may have passed, but when he returns home and gets he will go back to bed, that thought could come back to him again. This is an energy program. Moreover it could change into other thoughts, always all of the same negative level or even worse. In fact the program is not on the same thought, but on the same mental state, therefore on the emotional feeling. The energy program is a mechanism that wants you to experience the same feeling with which it was programmed indefinitely. He wants to push you to try again that negative feeling regardless of what thoughts you will use to return to feel that sadness. Then your brain will do everything, because it will search through your daily or past memories which could be a reason to become sad and, as soon as it has found it, you will have a thought in mind that you will begin to feel sad, angry, or whatever.

Moreover, these programs are not all activated immediately, but over time. In fact, you could also secretly go to your brother’s room and lie down in his bed and still feel nothing; so you will think that there is no energy program and you will be disappointed. However, these programs – which we remember are inserted into the aura of objects and materials displayed in his room – do not remain there, but they can influence your aura even without you noticing. In other words, you could lie down in your brother’s bed and hear nothing; in the meantime, however, something subtle is happening and the energetic influences are sticking to the fabrics of your clothes and your aura. So you will leave the room thinking that nothing has happened, but in reality your aura will have been influenced by the energy your brother left in his room. So you could be influenced by your brother’s energy even if he isn’t there at that moment, because he left his energy footprint in that room. These influences are not all activated immediately, but they are waiting for the right moment when you will not be alert and will therefore be more sensitive to influences. See the programs as if they were species of larvae that will remain attached to your aura but will only act when you lower your guard. An influenza can also take days to activate. Obviously the programs are not larvae, but sometimes they may seem that way.

During the day we absorb many energetic influences and we are conditioned by the moods of other people or by the programs they have created; during the night, then, we are even more vulnerable and many programs are activated just as we sleep, entering our unconscious and making us think about problems and frustrations that do not really belong to us, but that from that moment we have accepted as ours and so we treat them and we suffer for them.

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All this happens in the unconscious, so it is not at all easy not to be influenced by it. Understanding and detaching energy programs and their influences is a work that requires a lot of daily consciousness, every day, without ever lowering one’s guard. However, once you take the hand, it will be much easier for you to recognize them and finally free yourself from so many daily sufferings that otherwise would have struck you and landed you. Imagine, therefore, how many influences you absorb every day in all the places you frequent (and not only in your home) and then, while some programs are activated immediately, others can also wait several days before turning on and opening a new mind in your mind negative discussion. It is therefore easy to get confused and to think that these are one’s own thoughts, whereas they are energies that we have absorbed from other places or people. With time you will understand better what a program is and how it works. It is really important, however, that you learn these teachings without obsessive ones over: knowledge serves to make you wake up, not to make you suffer. So try to recognize your thoughts from those you are influenced from outside, but don’t go into paranoia, because that doesn’t do you good. Rather relaxed and, if this topic is too difficult for you, take the time you need to assimilate it and not force yourself to go on to the next levels unless you are sure you are ready.

Energy programs can be eliminated, cleaned up and, fortunately, new and very positive ones can also be created. In fact you can create an energy program that pushes you, every day, to feel strong, happy and confident of yourself, to improve your days but also those of the people you love.
In this path you will learn how to do it. Get ready, because there’s so much more to learn!

End of page 6 on 6. If you liked the article, comment below to describe your feelings when reading or practicing the proposed technique.

This document is the translation of the original article ( on the Dimensional Consciousness Academy website.

  • babaji - 10:19 17/04/24

    Quando avevo 17 anni, un amico mi invitò ad un convegno spiritista e una medium canalizzava un disincarnato morto di malattia. io mi ero addormentata, quando ad un certo punto mi svegliai e provai una profonda tristezza dolore...ed è li che ho capito che sentivo anche le cose degli altri

  • samudra - 01:17 16/04/24

    Per l'ennesima volta dovrei domandarmi se rammaricarmi per la mia ignoranza o felicitarmi per l'opportunità di poter arricchire le mie conoscenze. La risposta è ovvia, l seconda opzione è assolutamente prevalente, la conoscenza non fa mai male, può fare solo bene. Durante questo percorso sono venuto a conoscenza che ogni oggetto può essere influenzato energeticamente ma non ho capito, intuito o percepito che si potessero creare dei veri e propri programmi energetici con la possibilità di eliminare quelli negativi creandone altri positivi. Nelle giornate in cui sono riuscito ad essere più consapevole, magari meditando con maggior concentrazione mi sono sentito meglio, per cui questa è la via che , purtroppo credo , sia molto lunga. L'importante è riuscire a tagliare il traguardo.

  • Arya🌻 Medaglia per aver completato lo Step 1 Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Vol. 1 Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Vol. 4 Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Vol. 5 - 15:01 03/04/24

    È un argomento molto interessante, capire come funzionano i programmi energetici rende più chiaro quanto di tutto quello che proviamo o pensiamo, in realtà non ci appartiene ma senza accorgercene ne diventiamo in un certo senso vittime. Pensavo poi, che come i programmi racchiusi nei luoghi o nei vari oggetti possono comunque influenzarci, al contempo da essi possiamo anche scoprire e risalire ad altre informazioni ! Ad ogni modo, come esistono positivi, ne esistono anche negativi, infatti ho potuto notare la differenza di quando si medita tanto e si cerca di meditare con maggiore qualità, come quanti pesi e negatività che si hanno , vadano man mano ad affievolirsi e poi scomparire già solo con la meditazione!! Grazie Angel, molto bello come argomento e tra l'altro è importante comprenderlo sino in fondo!!!

  • tyler_durden Medaglia per aver completato lo Step 1 Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Vol. 1 Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Vol. 4 Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Vol. 5 Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Vol. 6 Medaglia per aver completato il libro Il Sigillo delle Vite Passate - Vol. 1 - 20:32 13/03/24

    Le persone molto tristi e infelici attraggono ulteriori negatività e chi si trova attorno a loro si troverà senza motivo apparente ad attaccarle verbalmente, ma il motivo c'è e la stessa cosa funziona con gli oggetti che assorbono le energie di chi ci passa vicino, attraverso le tecniche si possono ripulire gli oggetti o le auree delle persone. Mi ha fatto anche pensare agli alieni merdosi che si nascondo in muri e mobili e poi quando se ne vanno la mattina c'è una strana calma, forse ripuliscono le tracce del loro passaggio dopo averli programmati negativamente.

  • lorenzolo - 11:21 13/03/24

    Ora ho compreso meglio come funziona un programma energetico e come esso viene creato e influenza chi ci sta attorno. Il nostro stato d’animo è molto importante per passare una giornata serena. A volte, alla sera, mi capita di ripensare alla giornata trascorsa e in apparenza è stata una giornata normale in cui ho lavorato e fatto altre cose, ma nella realtà è stata un “inferno” perché con tanti pensieri e stati d’animo di confusione… ovviamente per fortuna non è sempre così, però per spiegare come non sono gli eventi esterni a determinare la “qualità” della nostra vita ma come ci sentiamo internamente.

  • lorenzolo - 11:20 13/03/24

    Ora ho compreso meglio come funziona un programma energetico e come esso viene creato e influenza chi ci sta attorno. Il nostro stato d’animo è molto importante per passare una giornata serena. A volte, alla sera, mi capita di ripensare alla giornata trascorsa e in apparenza è stata una giornata normale in cui ho lavorato e fatto altre cose, ma nella realtà è stata un “inferno” perché con tanti pensieri e stati d’animo di confusione… ovviamente per fortuna non è sempre così, però per spiegare come non sono sempre gli eventi esterni a determinare la “qualità” della nostra vita ma come ci sentiamo internamente.

  • deb Medaglia per aver completato lo Step 1 - 07:11 11/03/24

    Molto bello e interessante soprattutto l argomento dei programmi energetici. Non vedevo l ora di arrivarci e, anche se non riesco ancora a dividere i pensieri degli altri dai miei, riesco a proteggermi e farmi influenzare molto meno rispetto all inizio. Per quanto riguarda i programmi dentro gli oggetti mi è venuto in mente che c'è stato un periodo della mia vita in cui ero veramente triste, non dormivo mai e pensavo tutto il tempo ai problemi. Proprio in quel periodo non riuscivo assolutamente a stare in camera mia, facevo il possibile per rimanere fuori casa il più a lungo possibile e addirittura dormivo nel letto dei miei ogni volta che potevo. Ora ho avuto la spiegazione di quello che stava succedendo e per fortuna ora non è assolutamente così anzi. Adesso è il luogo dove medito e dove mi sento più protetta e felice e probabilmente senza rendermene conto sono riuscita a sostituire un programma negativo con uno positivo. Non vedo l ora di conoscere sempre di più. Grazie Angel🩵

  • Lunargentata Medaglia per aver completato lo Step 1 Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Vol. 1 Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Vol. 4 - 00:54 04/03/24

    Questo documento mi fa riflettere ulteriormente sulla presa di coscienza dei nostri sentimenti, nostri e delle persone che ci circondano. Lo stesso vale per le lenzuola come spiegato, fortunatamente fin da piccola ognuno aveva le sue lenzuola. Ma questi programmi non vengono trasmessi solo da oggetti, ma lo stesso penso che valga anche dell'ambiente, come una stanza, oltre che le aure delle persone. Confermo che quando si prende sempre più coscienza, si può distaccare facilmente, più si pratica e più si migliora!

  • rob78londra - 10:09 26/02/24

    Bello questo articolo,sarebbe veramente interessante imparare a creare dei programmi energetici che mi ci aiutino a essere positivi, continuiamo con questo percorso

  • Salomon - 10:29 25/02/24

    La lettura del doc è stata esaustiva e molto chiara , quindi non posso che essere d accordo 🙏 è molto importante riprogrammare sempre i luoghi e soprattutto le cose … seguo , grz Angel

  • carla - 22:25 13/02/24

    Io che sono amante delle cose antiche, ho in casa tanti oggetti provenienti da tanti posti e quindi sono inondata sicuramente dai programmi energetici. Non mi sono mai fatta domande su cosa potevo portarmi in casa comprando una determinata cosa. Comunque influenze negative ma anche positive le riceviamo ovunque. L'unica cosa che si può fare per scongiurare queste assimilazioni, quando negative, penso che sia molto importante rafforzare la nostra aura e la nostra capacità psichica. Se ci sono delle tecniche specifiche le adotterp'.

  • emonisa - 19:14 07/02/24

    Sapevo già l'esistenza di questi programmi energetici e quando ho capito come agivano ho messo insieme un sacco di eventi e persone e persino me stessa vedendo quanti programmi energetici si erano attivati in passato. È molto importante educare la mente a rimanere nella pace e adcelaborare le proprie emozioni senza perdere il controllo. Grazie perché attraverso questi articoli stai creando nuove consapevolezze

  • jael Medaglia per aver completato lo Step 1 per la 2ª volta - 15:58 31/01/24

    Questo argomento è stato fantastico e, prima ancora che lo leggessi, ne ho avuta una dimostrazione pratica, proprio nella giornata di oggi. Avevo già idea dell'esistenza dei programmi energetici e di come vadano a impregnare oggetti e ambienti, però non avrei mai immaginato cosa avrebbero potuto impregnare: una cosa banalissima! Esattamente qualche giorno fa, mentre pulivo il giardino e la veranda, mi trovavo in uno stato di tranquillità e serenità, pronta per partire per un viaggio di lavoro. Così ho impugnato la paletta per raccogliere la spazzatura e ho iniziato a sentirmi triste, depressa e arrabbiata, e ho incominciato a rimuginare su dei pensieri che sono entrati in maniera molto prepotente nella mia mente, e non mi hanno più abbandonata, nonostante cercassi di distaccarli. È stato veramente terribile, perché ho fatto tutto il viaggio, che da lì a poco avrei dovuto intraprendere, con molta molta tristezza e nervosismo, quando avrei potuto godermi il tragitto con il mio compagno. Il giorno dopo avevo ancora quei pensieri, ma un po' meno pervasivi, considerando anche che una volta giunta a destinazione (e anche il mattino dopo) avevo meditato. In più il lavoro mi ha piacevolmente distratta. Fortuna che la Meditazione mi ha aiutata a svolgere bene il mio lavoro e a non lasciarmi travolgere. Tornata dal mio viaggio e trascorsi due giorni, oggi pomeriggio ho nuovamente ripulito la veranda e appena ho preso in mano la paletta, immediatamente ho riavuto dei pensieri molto molto simili a quelli che avevo fatto prima della partenza, e uno stato d'animo altrettanto simile. Mi sono bloccata dopo essermene accorta e ho un po' ironizzato dicendomi: "Ma che cos'è, la paletta della negatività?". Ci ho un po' riso sopra e mi sono distaccata da quel sentimento, ma mi sono resa conto che era collegato proprio a quell'oggetto, quindi evidentemente, è accaduto qualcosa di negativo in altri momenti in cui l'ho preso in mano. Anzi, proprio ora, scrivendo, mi viene anche in mente il motivo e il giorno esatto in cui questo programma si può essere attaccato. Incredibile come, le volte successive, mi sia ritornata in mente la stessa tipologia di pensieri (non identici al primo ma simili nella sostanza) e stati d'animo. Devo dire che, generalmente, quando pratico la Protezione energetica (la bolla psichica) della mia abitazione, faccio entrare la Prana in maniera molto intensa dappertutto, per istinto: anche sui mobili, soprammobili e tutto ciò che è all'interno dei mobili, ma non ho mai pensato al punto in cui si trovasse quella paletta, perché è all'esterno; in un vano tecnico che, nonostante io includa nella protezione come pertinenza esterna, non ho mai riempito di Prana specificamente. Lo faccio, invece, con l'interno della casa, i soffitti, i pavimenti, muri, cose, piante. Tutto ciò che è dentro. Adesso cercherò di prestare maggior attenzione anche agli oggetti esterni alla casa, ma rientranti nella bolla.

  • Nick Medaglia per aver completato lo Step 1 Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Vol. 1 Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Vol. 4 Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Vol. 5 Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Vol. 6 Medaglia per aver completato il libro Il Sigillo delle Vite Passate - Vol. 1 Medaglia per aver completato il libro Il Sigillo delle Vite Passate - Vol. 2 - 22:36 15/01/24

    Un programma energetico è qualcosa di più di una impronta energetica assorbita da un oggetto a da un luogo. Un programma energetico si forma quando quel tipo di energia assorbita è molto intensa e/o avviene in modo ripetuto per diverso tempo. Ecco che quel sentimento o emozione risulta impressa talmente forte che non solo non perde di intensità nel tempo, ma può anche aumentare. Questo è quello che ho capito su questo argomento. Poi è chiarissimo il modo in cui ci influenzano i programmi, come pure la difficoltà di riconoscerli, tanto più se il loro effetto può manifestarsi a posteriori. Ovviamente per poter rendersi conto della loro influenza servono non pensiero ed essere coscienti. Fortunatamente si possono anche eliminare con la pulizia energetica e riprogrammare oggetti e luoghi con programmi positivi, però riconoscere quelli presenti non è facile. Grazie.

  • Stella d’Oriente Medaglia per aver completato lo Step 1 Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Vol. 1 Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Vol. 4 Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Vol. 5 Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Vol. 6 - 20:33 13/01/24

    Come vorrei essere capace di mantenere uno stato mentale sempre positivo e cosciente. Invece cado troppo spesso in sentimenti negativi. In particolare, mi ritrovo obbligata ad occuparmi di faccende che non vorrei pesassero sulle mie spalle. Invece non posso allontanarle da me. E questo crea in me un sentimenti molto negativo. E inutile dire, che lo alimento tutti i giorni. Leggere questo documento sui programmi energetici mi fa riflettere sul fatto che le cose che devo affrontare sono molto meno negative e pesanti di come le vedo io. Semplicemente vorrei evitarle, ma non posso e quindi le vedo terribili. Ma posso cambiare questo programma, posso affrontare queste incombenze con un altro stato mentale più positivo e rilassato. Poi imparare a riconoscere i programmi non miei, quello è anche più difficile. Purtroppo intorno a me ci sono persone non molto positive, anzi, con delle aure piuttosto pesanti. Insomma devo difendermi continuamente da queste presenze. E non è possibile evitarle e tantomeno allontanarle da me. Quindi devo trovare una strategia valida per trasformare il mio presente nonostante tutta la pesantezza che mi circonda. La mia casa che dovrebbe essere un posto sicuro e tranquillo, a volte mi fa sentire in trappola. Questo è sicuramente un programma, da distruggere.