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Libri di Angel Jeanne
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Chi siamo


Let me introduce myself.

I’m Alexander, the Co-founder of the Academy of Dimensional Consciousness and vice President of the no-profit cultural Association.

After a seemingly relaxed childhood, in my tennage years I encountered the beginning of my journey of evolution and soon found out that I had to forge myself on my own. At the times when the Academy didn’t exist yet, it wasn’t as easy to find the right way and even less to find reliable people. So I started having my first experiences, which were very extreme from the very beginning and initiated me to the psychic world with a baptism of fire. I immediately understood that I would have never stopped practicing. I met Angel Jeanne at a young age, when she was already teaching her psychic techniques. I immediately recognized her as a child prodigy. We started to get to know and to recognize each other. The magnificent and exciting time spent together would always aim towards a profound Psychic Evolution, we both had the strong will to practice, to know the truth and discover. I immediately noticed how us two were more intersted in Practice and Experience more than all the people surrounding us, even though they called themselves spiritual. Practicing with Angel was even more stimulating, as we were living in a world of people who sleep vertically. Since the very first day I put practice in front of everything, forging my character through Psychic Practice. I immediately recognized the power of Practice: there wasn’t a single day that I wouldn’t train on the powerful Chi, on everything that can be obtained through Aura and Energy Healing, making both my physical and energy body strong and hefty. I always practiced a lot on others as well.

Meditation and the moltitude of Psychic Techniques completely changed my life.

The many experiences of teaching, practicing, the meetings and the Tours that Angel Jeanne and me have organized (and keep organizing) with a great variety of students differing in age, level of evolution, place where they come from, and more intimately their stories, have enriched me a lot. I’m extremely happy and satisfied of having helped and assisted the evolution of each one of them with Angel Jeanne. I’m proud of our students.

I take this opportunity to say hello and to thank all of our students, many of which we met in person as well. A hug to all of you!

Experience was my only goal and through experimentation I knew I would have obtained what I was aiming at. The Academy of Dimensional Consciousness has been a key turning point. I knew it would have been an enormous step for humanity. I believed in Angel and in her Faculties since the very first moment: a child prodigy who became a Genious woman, who shaped herself completely on her own without ever receiving help from anybody, she decided to dedicate her body and Soul to help everyone else. I decided that I would have been by her side on this very important journey, which in a short time revealed itself as a huge collective change on a global scale. Humanity is not aware of the luck it has since the Academy and Angel’s techings exist, the only Psychic Master who can really teach Psychic Arts in this world. The Academy of Dimensional Consciousness is a school with balls, it requires strength and self-discipline to be able to walk this path.

I share my experiences on my Hathor diary, some of them are public, others are visible only by a few people. Not everyone should read my experiences. Most of them I keep for myself, sometimes I share some. Reading my experiences form my diary will help you understad what it means to be Psychic. After all, I’m here to Practice.

This is just a short introduction, because to learn more about us and to get to know us better it’s necessary to read the Steps and the numerous writings of Angel Jeanne, as they are the result of the personal experiences we had through the years, not things we’ve heard of, but things we lived directly on our skin, absolutely first hand.

Life is widened and improved if you bring spirituality, psychic techniques and you active Conscience always with you in everyday life, also outside of the place where you meditate.. Meditation is a deep and potenially endless state of mind that can be improved day afetr day and in every place you frequent.

Welcome inside the Vastity of the Psychic world. Its mark is permanent. I hope that your journey inside the Academy of Dimensional Consciousness will go in the best way possible.



  • Giulia - 18:40 04/11/15

    E' veramente un piacere per me conoscere Alexander. Una persona unica, di gran cuore. Mette sempre serietà e molta passione in quello che fa. Veramente complimenti, sei un grande. :) Grazie per tutto il supporto che ci dai e per tutto quello che fai.

  • Roberto - 04:49 13/03/15

    Sei una persona meravigliosa Alexander, ti stimo davvero tantissimo, sei di grande aiuto per Angel e per l'Accademia. Conoscerti è stato un onore per me, sei molto gentile e disponibile per gli studenti, possiedi davvero tantissime conoscenze e le esprimi in modo molto chiaro e comprensibile, quindi un grazie immenso a tutto ciò che fai anche tu per tutti!

  • Franco - 07:09 16/02/15

    Alexander sei fantastico, sono davvero felice che Angel abbia una persona così splendida al suo fianco. La tua grande passione si sente e si vede ad ogni incontro, in cui sei sempre disponibile ad ascoltare e aiutare gli studenti, e soprattutto si sente la tua forte energia. Allo scorso tour in molti hanno sentito che durante le tecniche guidate da Angel ci hai aiutati e protetti. Sei una persona davvero buona e gentile, ma allo stesso tempo con molta forza e fermezza. Grazie perchè sei un ispirazione, sia tu che Angel siete due grandi esempi da seguire ed è davvero un onore conoscervi!