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Welcome to the Dimensional Consciousness Academy: get to know the first steps

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This article has been temporarily translated with an online translator. The original articles are in Italian. If you would like to help us improve the translation into your language, do not hesitate to contact us by email. Thank you.

What is the first step in learning the teachings of the Dimensional Consciousness Academy? 

The first step is to register on the ACD website so that you can interact with the Staff, who will follow you for any need. Registration is easy and completely free. Just write your name, email and password. You will not be asked for sensitive data and registration will not be invasive! We care a lot about the privacy of our users so that registration will require only three simple and quick data and will not crowd your email with newsletters, advertising or other kinds of useless emails.

Your new profile will be approved within a few hours; you can take advantage of the wait to start reading the 1st Step even without having to log in. After a few hours you can already try to Login, then enter your nickname and password and log in; in the event that it signals "error" do not worry, because it means that the profile has not yet been approved but will be accepted within a short time. Wait and try again a few hours later. If in doubt, you can always contact us by email and request information from: 

As soon as you are approved, log into the ACD website and head over to your message section at the top right and click on the mail symbol.

You will receive a notification on your ACD profile: it will be your Tutor who will invite you to access a group of lessons on spiritual topics that you can decide to participate in: if you do, you will be able to enjoy dedicated lessons, read questions from other users and actively participate in conversations, or reflect on others' shares. You too can write your questions and receive an answer at any time! Participating in lessons will help you feel part of the journey, because you will be joined by your Tutor as well as new travel companions. Then open your message area and carefully read the notice from your Tutor, which will explain how the Class you will be placed in works and in which all future lessons will take place. 

Everything is ready: you just have to start your journey starting from the 1st Step, reading each article present and leaving a comment of approval, to let us know your appreciation for our immense and continuous work dedicated to students for free and let us know know that you are continuing to read, in this way we can give you access to increasingly interesting articles.

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What are Classes and how do they work? 

To improve the Path of the Academy and allow older students to continue with their journey of advancement, the Foundress has decided to divide the teachings into two levels: Classes and Classrooms. In order to deal with increasingly advanced topics, raising the bar of difficulty, Angel Jeanne will take care of carrying out her lessons exclusively in the classrooms she will personally take care of, while the role of guiding new members will be performed by the Tutors.

All newly enrolled students in ACD will be placed in the Classes and supported by Tutors, who will prepare students to understand the increasingly important and evolved topics so that they will become able to support future live lessons with Angel Jeanne. The Classes will therefore serve to prepare the students and make them suitable for the Pathways subsequently carried out by the Foundress.

Tutors are Angel Jeanne Staff members as well as senior ACD students who have obtained official approval from Founder Angel Jeanne to handle secondary Academy roles including preparation and training of newly registered students. The Tutors will accompany you during this immense journey called Academy. Students who will actively follow the lessons (commenting the articles of the Steps as will be required for each lesson), will be promoted over time and will be able to access the Pathways in the presence of Angel Jeanne. Until then, newly enrolled students will be followed by the Staff, then by the competent Tutors, through the Classroom in which they will face the basics of the first Steps.

To be more specific, the Classes are written chat groups (where neither audio nor webcam is needed) in which the Tutors will carry out lessons by answering students' questions regarding the topics read in the Steps. The role of the Tutors will be exclusively to answer the questions of the newly enrolled students, but they will not carry out extra teaching lessons with respect to what is already present within the Steps, as they are based on Angel Jeanne's direct experience. Subsequently, once the students are promoted to the Aula, they will be able to participate in Angel Jeanne's lessons, in which she will always present new topics, holding theory and practice meetings every day.

New members are welcomed into a Classroom (a chat within Hathor , the ACD community) where they will be followed by the relevant Tutor who will accompany them until it is time to move on to the Classroom. At that point the students will be promoted and then transferred from the Class to a Classroom, where they will be supervised directly by the Foundress.

Going back to the basics, each registered user can be part of only one class. Over time, users can be moved from one Class to another by decisions of the Tutor or the Founder, depending on the presence and activity of the student in question. The Tutor will accompany the new members, notify them of any news, update them on any changes or information they need to know, unlock the articles in the Steps making them accessible periodically and answer any questions they are responsible for.

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How do you participate in Angel Jeanne's direct lessons?

In order to participate in Angel's lessons, it will be necessary to be active, present in class with the Tutors and comment on the articles that will be read from time to time. Angel will teach students who have already learned the basics of the Academy, who have overcome the initial obstacles both in theory and in practice. Those who are active, present and therefore show an interest in continuing with this path will be promoted in the classroom, thus being able to directly follow Angel's lessons. In order for this school to be able to offer teaching to everyone, teaching many groups of students, it was decided that Angel will take care of already trained students, bringing them forward to successive levels; it will therefore be up to the Tutors to train the newly enrolled students and prepare them to become capable of understanding Angel's teachings when the time comes.

Students will have to put aside their expectations and the desire to "finish everything immediately", as well as the haste to read all the Steps thinking that this is the way to speed up their learning, because the Awakening path does not end: it expands. Students will be brought forward at the right pace, to allow them to practice and not just read, as reading alone cannot replace the practice that everyone should apply. So the articles will be periodically unlocked and made accessible just to allow students to practice those already accessible, and it is important that students comment on every single article they have accessed to demonstrate that they have read and understood it; in this way the Staff will be able to know who is going ahead and who is not, and accordingly choose who can be promoted. Students within the Classroom will not be able to participate in the Lessons with Angel in person until they are accepted and moved by Angel herself to a new Classroom. This decision will be made by the Foundress according to the organization explained above and not exceptions will be made: no one will be able to go directly to the Classroom if they have not first passed the Class phase, demonstrating interest in the Path and therefore active. Much will depend on the quality of the comments released by the student through which the Tutors will be able to understand whether the student is following the course with interest or with superficiality.

Inside the class, the students will learn the approach to the Academy, they will receive a direct discussion with the Tutor who will take them forward with the articles of the Steps. The Classes will mainly take care of reading the teachings already present and published within the Steps, creating in them a solid basis for later learning higher concepts. In the classroom, on the other hand, many lessons will be based on new topics, therefore not yet present in the Steps. 

Remember that: 
By commenting on the articles that will be made accessible to you, you will allow your Tutor to understand that you are moving forward with the path and that he can proceed with further teachings. In addition, each article read and commented on will give you a "virtual book" which, once you have completed all the series, will offer you more benefits and prizes for the most active users. So remember to comment on all the articles you read without omitting any, leaving abundant comments (and not just a few words) in which you explain your thoughts or experience on the topic you have read. Superficial comments will not leave a good impression and therefore will not be considered. Lessons on much more in-depth topics will be held inside the classrooms, for this reason you need to get there prepared, demonstrating that you are interested through your activity on our platform. You'll want to be active on Hathor as well. All chat lessons are carried out on the Hathor Network platform , the site associated with ACD where there are chats, sharing groups, practice appointments and much more; intended for ACD students only

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It often happens that students do not follow the path in which they have been entered but request access to subsequent documents without even completing the previous ones. The Academy has thousands of students: in order to understand who really wants to get to know our teachings better, it is necessary to actively participate in the lessons and then comment on the articles that are unlocked, to show us that you are following the path and understanding each topic; if you don't comment on the articles we can't know that you have read them! Only by reading and commenting on the articles will it be possible to continue with new accesses. If this doesn't happen, you recognize that you need to read or re-read the articles already accessible because you didn't understand them well enough to move forward. Your active presence will only benefit you, so take advantage of it. Let the Staff know how your journey here at the Academy is going, how you are, periodically updating your experiences. We believe that if a student is not interested in following the Lessons and commenting on the articles, he certainly isn't interested in discovering the contents of the higher Steps either. 

What are Classrooms and how do they work? 

When the time is right, Angel Jeanne will create a new instant chat called Aula; the more advanced lessons will take place here. The main difference will be the teaching method: in fact, the Classes study articles already written and published within the Steps; the Classrooms, on the other hand, have the opportunity to follow Angel's lessons live and actively participate in completely new topics, also asking questions and exposing their own reflections while communicating directly with the Foundress. All Classes will have the opportunity to become Classrooms but it will not be a fixed rule, because everything will depend on the commitment of individual students. This will take as long as it takes. Students who have not completed the period correctly in their Class and have not commented on all the articles present as required will not be able to participate in the Lessons in the Classroom, because the Academy path foresees starting in a Class and only when it is time to pass in a classroom. But time will not be the same for everyone, as it will all depend on the commitment that each student will put into becoming active and showing interest in following this path. Saying it is not enough, you have to commit yourself. Both Classes and Classrooms will have lessons within Hathor 

How do Classroom Lessons work? 

Every single Lesson that will be held by Angel Jeanne in the Classrooms will then be published in the Steps, as a written document. Indeed, the articles of the Steps were in principle Lessons which were then transcribed, corrected and published within the Steps. Lessons can vary and be divided into question and answer sessions, accurate explanations of topics that Angel will explain until the topic is concluded, or sometimes conversations between students. All this will be decided in advance, each time. Each lesson will be held via chat, after the Foundress has notified on what date and at what time it will start. Students must be prepared, having read and practiced the articles preceding those presented in class, so that they can then understand the new teachings that the Foundress will have to offer. The Steps are constantly growing precisely because the Foundress has not finished writing and publishing her knowledge, which we believe will never stop. The Steps will continue to grow, as will each of us. We are therefore happy with the continuous evolution of the Academy and the immensity of the material that can only be found in this Psychic School. In fact, it is not possible to find the material present in the Steps on other websites outside of ACD, unless they have been copied and published elsewhere by lying about their ownership! In this case it will be necessary to investigate and discover the truth: it is essential to warn the Staff of any suspicions so that they can make sure of the situation.

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Apart from this, it will not be possible to find the same teachings elsewhere precisely because they derive from the direct experience and first-hand practice of the Foundress Angel Jeanne. Many can talk about the same topic, but only those who have real practical experience can expose it to perfection, thus allowing others to have real experience on their own skin. Practicing students will not need to know anything else, because they will recognize the unparalleled quality of the teachings exposed and shared within the Academy of Dimensional Consciousness.

In each lesson new topics, updates or questions and answers on topics already covered will be presented. The lessons will be conducted via chat and the need for a webcam or microphone will not be required, except in the exceptional case of audio lessons, although rarer because the transcription of the same would take too much time and the publication within the Steps would take too long, therefore we will prefer always the written lessons. Each Lesson will be assigned to a pre-established date and written in your chat. During the lessons you can ask all the questions you want as long as you stay within the pre-established theme. We therefore advise you to make an effort to be present at as many Lessons as possible, so as to enjoy the opportunity of a direct confrontation with Angel himself.

Why are some articles of the 2nd Step still blocked for me? 

The articles of the Steps will be made accessible to you in an orderly way by the Tutors, while you will follow the lessons in the Classroom. However, sometimes you may notice articles that you don't have access to, or that you used to have access to but no longer have. You do not have to worry! This can happen when those documents are being updated or corrected, so as to improve them and make them more complete. Therefore, to avoid wasting your time, we prefer to block your access for the period necessary for the update and then open the article again when it is complete and ready to be read. Some articles may take longer than others to be updated, this is because the work in the Academy never ends: we have to look after so many students every day! For this reason, the updates of the articles may be delayed, but don't worry, when they are ready you will realize that the wait has been worth it: the students are always more than satisfied! In the meantime, you can go on reading and open the next articles without waiting; or you can re-read and review the previous articles. The important thing is not to stand still: read, practice, evolve. 

Why are they empty if I click on the higher Steps?

You will certainly have noticed that by clicking on the more advanced Steps, for example on the 4th Step or on the 8th Step, the pages will appear empty. Of course the pages are not really empty but you will not be able to read the contents until you are given access by the Tutors. Each Steps already present in the Academy contains approximately 100 articles each, which you will only be able to access after you have been authorized. By always being present, active, and leaving abundant and non-superficial comments, you will ensure that you receive access to the highest Steps each time. All this will take time: Angel Jeanne's teachings must be put into practice, not just read! That's why the Steps will become accessible gradually and not all at once, to give you time to practice the teachings you receive and learn the true meanings of each topic. The rush to want to know everything doesn't speed up even the psychic experiences which instead take longer to arrive; the course of the Academy is based on psychic Practice and Experience, not on hurried theory. This is the reason why only those who are really interested in continuing will have access to the more advanced Steps.

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What are the rules to respect? 

In the Academy there are few rules, but they must all be respected. 

First of all, Respect. 

The Foundress and her Staff work day and night to work on the ACD site and self-finance , to give every student, including you, the opportunity to receive teachings of the highest quality without having to pay inhuman amounts. This is because Angel Jeanne believes and works every day for the right to collective Free Knowledge, and her Staff follows it with equal conviction. For this reason we in no way accept excessive, profiteering requests and uncalled for claims.

In the Academy we are offering priceless material, paying the expenses out of our own pockets, nevertheless the Foundress chooses every day to continue teaching without being paid.

Since 2010 Angel Jeanne has been offering her work through the Academy without asking for anything in return and anyone can learn from ACD's teachings thanks to this courageous choice by the Foundress. Respect on the part of the students is due, especially for the time and patience of those who have been carrying on the Academy for all these years. Understanding that the Academy, the Founder who created it and her Staff owe nothing to anyone and that there is nothing owed to the students, but it is an enormous work carried out by free choice, thanks from of students for our work done will reward our sacrifices. 

Beyond that, we demand respect for all students and therefore fellow students of the Academy who belong to and attend our virtual school. For lack of respect, arrogance and rudeness towards Us or towards the other members of the Academy, the individual will be immediately removed without necessarily receiving explanations. The ACD school has no duties towards anyone just as the students have no duties towards it.

Students can enter or leave our site whenever they want, without giving us explanations, in the same way the Founder of the Academy of Dimensional Consciousness or her Staff can decide to remove a member for the reasons listed above at any time without explanation obligations . If you wish to advertise your practice, page, site or any other advertisement other than what we share in this space, please contact the ACD Staff privately to decide if and where to post it; on the contrary, those who enroll in the Academy with the sole aim of publicizing themselves will be immediately expelled without further loss of time.

This is a school of Psychic Arts, it is not a dating site or a social network for those looking for adventures and fun. In this Academy we practice to Evolve and to make real changes in personal and collective life. Anyone who is not really interested in practicing but only signs up to play and meet new love encounters will simply be eliminated without any waste of time.

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In conclusion, if you should notice incorrect behavior by some classmates towards others, or by some classmates towards the Academy that is helping them for free, such as acts of rudeness, arrogance, bullying, gossip, or any other situation that goes against the our regulation, please contact us immediately and let us know the incidents that have occurred in order to contribute to the improvement of this Office. Reports will be thoroughly investigated and action will be taken if deemed appropriate. Do the right thing. Your name will always be considered anonymous so you won't run into any problems, but thanks to you we will be able to make the Academy a better place for everyone and we will reward your much appreciated gesture.

The site is totally free for you to read and learn from Angel Jeanne's work. We offer our time without asking anything in return except your education and respect towards us and those of your companions. If you can't even offer this, it is certain that the Academy is not suitable for you and that you don't deserve it. It is our duty to enforce the regulation by everyone, without exception. Should someone feel so special that they don't want to respect them, they will be removed from ACD without too much hesitation.

With this we have concluded the very short list of rules to be respected, believing that it is not necessary to have to list those dictated by your common sense. We wish you to learn the best and to discover as much information and teachings useful for your Awakening.

Angel Jeanne and all her Staff wish you a good start of Evolution. 

Academy of Dimensional Consciousness

Proud to offer Free Knowledge.

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  • venusia


    Sei sicuro?

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    19:19 08/01/14

    grazie infinite, per il grosso lavoro da voi svolto..è un grande onore per me far parte di acd, rileggerò ogni volta che avrò dubbi le regole e le modalità del sito,peraltro utilissime, per cercare di non commettere errori e ottimizzare la mia navigazione all'interno dello stesso.Grazie a voi mi sento rinata veramente :)

  • Charla Helena


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    17:48 11/12/13

    bene..molto appropriato e corretto..grazie di cuore :)

  • Susanna


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    21:36 06/12/13

    Grazie a tutti per il vostro lavoro!!! :-)