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Why should I comment on the Articles I read?

Why do you need to comment on Articles every time you read them?

For us of the A.C.D. Staff it is very important that users comment on the articles they have read, in order to let us know your level of awareness, how much you are learning from these teachings, how much you are similar to them, what are your gaps, and what are your strengths. Most of this information we understand from your spontaneous comments, without you having to describe it. Our goal is to help people Evolve Spiritually, which includes many aspects, but to do so communication on both sides is needed. For us it is not possible to get to know every single user, chat with them one by one, but we can get to know you through the comments you leave. If a user does not comment, he will simply be invisible to our eyes, and this will mean that we will never be able to carry him forward as the Steps progress. In the Academy there are teachings of the highest level, all offered entirely for free, but to access them it is necessary to make only a minimum effort: to take courage and make yourself known. Choosing to comment allows you to have access to new material from time to time. A user who comments is interested, that is, it allows us to understand that he is really willing to continue with this Path. For this reason, you will have access to additional material, every day. A user who does not comment shows that he has no "time" for Spirituality, or interest, and this signal leads us to believe that he is not the right person to offer our material to. The fact that the Academy is the only Psychic school in Europe and in the world to offer such teachings of the highest level, totally Free forever, allows you to understand the enormous value of this school and the material inside. Anyone could access the next steps, without the need for tests or preliminary interviews; however, it is necessary to be present and active, leaving comments under the articles you read, to make us understand that you have a real interest in continuing with this Path. All that is required is to comment on the articles, writing what you think about the topic you have just read; You can also share your own experiences and reflections, which you would like to share with us. Leaving a comment under an article is a very minimal request, to obtain the next levels of the Steps, then. 

Each user can decide their own pace. We of the Staff offer you a certain rhythm of reading, through the lessons that we will carry out in the Classroom, inviting you to be present at the lessons as well. However, each student can follow their own pace, for example if they are experiencing a very busy period and want to go slower, they can read the Steps at a slower rhythm, without any problem. It is important to us that each student feels at ease, following their own rhythms and needs. The only request is to comment on the articles immediately after reading them, even better if you decide to show up in class and let the Tutor know your needs: we will be happy to meet you by choosing times in which to carry out the lessons that will be best for all the students in the class.

It is useful to know that a minimum of 15 words is required for the comment to be approved. However, we appreciate the most substantial comments, in fact we have decided to reward them! For each comment of 70 or more words, the user will get a virtual "booklet" that will appear next to the article read. For example:

 When all the articles of the Step you are reading have been commented, then a virtual booklet will appear next to them, you will get a "medal" that will allow you to access further material present in ACD.

  • Paolo


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    00:00 11/01/16

    Eccellente lavoro, mi stavo giusto chiedendo come mai i comunicati e gli avvisi erano diventati più radi ed ho sentito una vocina che diceva:" vai sul sito" :) ed ho trovato la gradita sorpresa, grazie ragazzi :)

  • Mariella


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    19:53 10/01/16

    anche a me piace che sia tutto concentrato sul sito perché trovo che ci sia una grande dispersione di energia per andare da skype a fb al sito e via andare se pensate a tutto quello che abbiamo da fare! grazie ragazzi per l'ottimo lavoro che state facendo! ne approfitto per chiedervi un'info: ho cambiato indirizzo mail... come faccio a cambiarlo anche qui cioè a chi devo comunicare la nuova mail a cui farmi arrivare le notifiche dal sito? ancora grazie... ciaoooo

  • Keka Medaglia per aver completato lo Step 1


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    23:35 09/01/16

    Benissimo finalmente d'altronde esiste questa bellissima bacheca perchè non usarla? Bravi state andando alla grande! :D

  • Onda Vibrante


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    22:35 09/01/16

    Mi sembra un'ottima idea. In queso modo avremo tutto il necessario sul sito, senza dipendere da fonti esterne :)

  • Pierrotto -Pier Luigi -


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    18:30 09/01/16

    Bene. Si avrà un target mirato. Grazie

  • Cheyenne


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    17:25 09/01/16

    Splendida idea. Non riuscivo ad entrare tutti i giorni su skype e su facebook ed avevo sempre il timore di non essere del tutto aggiornata su ACD. Bravissimi tutti, grazie per il meraviglioso lavoro che fate per noi.

  • Luca


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    16:48 09/01/16

    Ottima idea che dotata di notifica chiude il cerchio :)

  • Yousei


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    13:47 09/01/16

    Molto bene, stavo infatti valutando di chiudere facebook definitivamente. Ho notato specie ultimamente come la rete ci stia avviluppando tutti in modo inscindibile. L'altro giorno mio marito ha chiesto il numero di cellulare a una persona per questione di lavoro. Dopo averlo memorizzato e neppure chiamato, su facebook è apparsa la dicitura: "tal dei tali, potresti conoscerlo". Sta diventando un social pericoloso...

  • Luca B.


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    10:56 09/01/16

    Bene direi, credo sia davvero importante questa bacheca, ma soprattutto gli avvisi che ci verranno notificati, più che altro lo trovo importante per leggere in tempo le Vostre comunicazioni... Grazie Angel, state facendo proprio un ottimo lavoro!

  • Morenz akira


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    20:46 08/01/16

    Ottimo...per me e penso tanti altri si evita di distrarsi o di non leggere gli avvisi. Grazie

  • Dharani Tara Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Volume 1 Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Volume 4 Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Volume 5 Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Volume 6


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    10:31 08/01/16

    Bravi! Mi pare un'ottima idea :)

  • marco


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    08:17 08/01/16

    Buongiorno, in effetti facebook mi ha fregato un po' di volte, con notifiche che a seconda dei commenti andavano e venivano..ottimo. Inoltre il collegamento agli articoli in questo modo è diretto! Magari sarebbe ottimo poter aggiungere la possibilità di ricevere anche una mail. Grazie

  • Winsaarad


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    00:36 08/01/16

    Non vedo l'ora <3

  • Sabri-sa


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    21:37 07/01/16

    perfetto così anche chi no ha facebook sarà più facilmente informato e non si perderà nessun avviso :D

  • Animainviaggio


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    18:12 07/01/16

    Molto utile! Grazie