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Astral Travel – First attempt with guided technique (part 3)

Page 1 of 15 

In today's lesson I will guide you in the accomplishment of an Astral Travel. I suggest that you practice this guided technique about an hour before going to sleep, so you will not have the anxiety of finishing it quickly just because you have to wake up early tomorrow morning, since this technique may necessarily require time to be successful. You may also decide to practice this technique in the afternoon, so if you fall asleep to perform your Astral Travel you don’t have to worry about waking up early. When you are ready to practice, listen to this guided technique and reset all your expectations, in this way you will not ruin your experience, since it could be even very different from how you have pictured it.

Before lying down to perform your Astral Travel, make sure to go to the bathroom, drink some water so you will not feel thirsty and wear comfortable clothes. Silence your cell phone and make sure that nothing and no one can disturb you while you will be practicing this technique, since your phone ringing, an intercom call, or someone knocking on the door will disturb you and you will need to postpone this technique for another day because you will not be able to concentrate enough to get out of your body today. For this reason, it is recommended to practice it at night, but if you are able to keep a calm and quiet atmosphere also during the day, for example, early in the morning or in the afternoon, it is perfectly fine to practice the technique at those times. In fact, practicing in the morning as soon as you wake up, or in the afternoon might be even easier for you for security reasons: night-time for many people could be scary, and if darkness disturbs you it might be a great advantage to practice during the day. Of course, you don’t have to drink coffee or fizzy drinks before practicing this technique, since you will find it difficult to induce the paralysis of the body necessary to perform an Astral Travel.

First of all, lie down in bed in a comfortable position. Don’t hold your hands on your belly, but place them on the bed as well. Keep your legs straight, not bent or crossed. If you can, I recommend that you lie face down so you can perform your Astral Travel coming out of your back, as it is easier; however, it depends on whether you can fall asleep in that position or not. I suggest that you try it anyway, so lie on your stomach, and in that case, you can place your hands under the pillow or at your sides, the most important thing is not to block the energy of your back; so don't keep your arms behind your back. The technique will change depending on your laying position, there are mainly two options, so I will explain you both of them in this document. You may also decide to get ready for the technique lying on your back, after which, when we start with the actual technique, I will advise you to change position and lie face down. The technique will be divided into two phases: during the first phase I will guide you with my voice, while the second phase should be accomplished without guidance, because the voice may distract you. So, once you have finished the first phase, I will explain you what you have to do to continue the technique without any guidance.

 Let's get started.

Now close your eyes and follow each instruction, carrying it out in a calm and relaxed manner. Don’t rush, take your time!

Start breathing Prana into yourself....


And feel yourself relaxing...


Concentrate on the breath...

Breathe deeper… Take slow deep breaths…


Breathe deeply...

And feel the white Prana spreading throughout your body every breath you take....


Just relax...

And don't think about anything...


You know that if you feel upset or excited, you will not be able to perform your Astral Travel....

So you need to relax...


Breathe deeply.


And focus on your breathing.


Deep inside... feel that you want to astral project....

And focus on that desire

without thinking about it, but set powerfully your intention....


Feel it as a desire, but without thinking about it too much....

Keep your desire deep in your heart, your head must not be full of thoughts....


Keep your mind silent.


And relax...


Feel your arms becoming heavy...

Your shoulders become heavy...


And your whole body becomes heavy....


And you let your whole body relax....

Let yourself relax inside and out...


And breathe Prana...

Without forcing yourself, feel the white Prana flowing inside your body every breath you take. 

Feel your head becoming heavy.

Your neck becomes heavy.

And you slowly abandon your will to move....


Feel that every muscle in your face and in your body must no longer be moved… and you want to stay still....

Because everything ... is relaxing.


And keep the feeling of wanting to get out of the body, inside you....

But you need to relax...


Feel your heart relaxing...


While you are breathing Prana, your heart is calm....

Everything calms down inside and around you.


And everything becomes heavier...

Even the air around you ... becomes heavier.


And you feel... how hard it is to move your body....

And you feel ... that in order to relax the right thing to do is to stay still ... and not try to move ... so you stay relaxed ...


Focus on the energy of your legs...

Don't move them physically, but focus on their inner energy....

While you are relaxed.


Feel the Pranic energy flowing inside your legs.


Feel the energy entering - and moving inside your legs. 


Feel how the energy enters through your fingers and slowly flows to reach your knee.


Feel the energy moving inside your legs....


Let the energy enter through your fingers....

And spread it until it reaches your knees.


And from the knees move it down to your feet, but don’t let it flow out of your feet....


And again… move the energy back from the feet to your knees.


And move it again down to your feet...

feeling its movement inside your legs.


Feel how energy is moving....


Now keep your physical legs still, and try to feel your “energetic legs” coming out of your physical legs.


Just focus on feeling your feet and legs, up to your knees, coming out of your physical body…


Slowly, without any rush… set only your intention....

Without any thoughts in your head...

focus only on your intention to get your legs out.


And even if you can’t at first, try to feel this physical sensation in your legs....

It almost feels like pain, but very slight....

And it's a good start, because your energetic legs are starting to make their first movements.


Take your time…


Now relax...

Relax your legs...

And let the energy enter through your feet and move it to your knees again.


Move it from the feet up to your knees....


Then move it down, back to your feet.


Let the energy go back to the knees and then up to the thighs....



Let the Prana enter through your feet...

And slowly move it up, up to the thighs.


And focus on the energy movements you are making inside your legs.


Fill your legs with Prana....

The more Prana you have inside, the easier is to move it....

and to feel its physical movements, even if you are not moving physically.


Yet, the more you focus on this movement of energy, the more physical it will become.


Just relax...


And now try to raise your energetic legs, keeping your physical legs still.


Relax while you are doing it. Don’t rush, take your time! 

Feel your feet, legs, knees, thighs, coming out....


Feel the energy coming out...


Now just relax… breathe Prana and relax...


Now focus on the base of your spine....

And calmly and gently, feel the energy moving along your spine.


Start from the base until you reach the centre of your backbone....

Calmly, fill it with energy....

And move this energy from the bottom to the top.


And from the top to the bottom...


Concentrate on feeling the energy moving from the bottom up...

Following your spine.


And now move it calmly along the rest of the spine....

Breathe and relax.


And feel the energy flowing from the centre of your back along the spine....

and reaching the neck.


And now keep moving the energy up...

Feel it in the back of your head… until you reach the Crown Chakra.


Go back to the centre of your back, and start moving the energy up again, slowly…


Move it up to the neck ... and then up ... to the Crown.


Go back again to the centre of your back...

And with greater intensity, move the energy up....


Now focus on the base of your spine....

And slowly move the energy up until you reach the Crown....


Follow your spine and feel the movement of the energy.

Follow it, flowing through every inch of your spine.


And when you are done, start again from the base....

And move the energy up, through your whole spine.


And focus on feeling the movement of the energy through the length of your spine.


Now just relax...

Don't think about anything else....


Just relax and keep mental silence....


Now focus on your intention to get your energetic legs out of your body....

Followed by your energetic torso…


Then feel the whole body, except for the head, energetically leaving your physical body.


Stay still physically ... and feel your energetic arms lifting up...

Feel your legs lifting up...

Followed by your pelvis...

And then the whole back tries to lift up....


Breathe while doing it...

Don't hold your breath...


And keep feeling your arms lifting up....

Along with the rest of your body.


Feel as if the physical body is too heavy....

While the energetic body is light and starts to lift....


Feel as if you are floating in the air....


The only thing holding you back is your energetic head connected to your physical head....

But the rest of your body is lifting up....


And you can feel this through the energy movements you are making within yourself.


Keep going...


Calmly... feel your energetic head gradually lifting as well....


Relax your head...

And don't think about anything...


Now let energy enter from the Crown...

And feel this energy moving inside your head.


Feel it moving from bottom to top....

And from the top down...

And keep moving the energy inside your head.


Now change the energy movement, start to move the energy from the back of your head up to the Mind Chakra.


So feel the energy moving through your head....

Moving from the nape of the neck and reaching the Mind chakra.


Relax and feel this internal movement.


Now feel the energy moving from the Mind chakra to the nape of the neck.


Feel the energy as it moves...


Start again and move the energy from the nape of the neck to your forehead....


Now breathe Prana from your Crown Chakra....

And feel how it fills your whole head with energy, which will help you flow better.


Breathe... and relax...


While Prana keeps entering through your head...

And fills it…


Keep feeling your whole body very heavy....

So heavy that you lose control of it....


Feel that you can’t move your body anymore and you want to get out of this body....

Feel yourself becoming lighter... while the body is heavy....


Now concentrate... start from your legs ...

Concentrate on lifting them up...

Together with your arms.

And while your physical body is relaxed....

Set powerfully your intention of wanting to get out of the body....


And you feel your arms and your legs lifting up.

Followed by your pelvis...

And by your whole torso...


And the neck...

And the head...


Feel your whole body lifting up, with the intention of getting out of your physical body....



Don’t hold your breath...


This is the end of the first phase... now you can begin with the second phase. 

Now let’s start the second phase of the technique. This is the most important phase because you will have to do it by yourself. My advice is to continue this technique changing your physical position, lying face down so you can perform your Astral Travel coming out of your back. But if you are not comfortable, you can continue in the same position. If you decide to come out of your back, the second phase of the technique will be based on moving the energy of the whole body with the intention of coming out of the back. You have to feel yourself being lifted, pulling yourself up out of your back. In this position it will be easier to get your head out, since astral projecting directly from the back of the head is faster than getting out from the forehead. On the other hand, if you prefer to continue the technique lying on your back, you can astral project getting out of your body exactly as we have done so far. Remember, what is important, is to relax! Don’t hold your breath, because only if you are relaxed, your body will be able to let the energy flow better, and this energy will be used for your astral projection. Now you have to continue on your own, without your headphones, so you can hear those dimensional sounds that will help you perform astral projection with greater ease; therefore, you have to keep your ears open and you have to be able to hear the dimensional sounds. Continue the technique without any fear, and come back here tomorrow to read the final part of this lesson. Practice this technique until you fall asleep, setting powerfully your intention of leaving your body. Enjoy your Astral Travel!

Page 15 of 15 

Welcome back!!! I hope you succeeded on your first try, but if you didn’t, don't worry. The first time helps you become familiar with the energy movements, which are not so easy to make. In fact, this first experience is necessary for you to communicate to your body your intentions of astral projecting; here’s what you just said to it: “From now on I am going to go out of my body”, so your body will gradually get more and more used to it, until you will be able to perform an OOBE without effort. It's not easy to astral project from the very first attempt, so if you didn't succeed, you don't have to worry, this is just your first try and it will get better and better next time. The key to achieve OOBE is to get the body used to the internal energy movements, so during the astral projection the body does not get “scared” and does not go into a defensive mode; in this way it will let you bring out your energy probe and will not be paralyzed by fear. It is very important that during the technique to perform an OOBE you focus on not feeling strong emotions that could make your heart beat fast, because if your heart beats too fast the body will refuse to let you astral project, since it will misinterpret your pulse racing as a danger, so it will block your OOBE. Consequently, in order to “trick” your body, it is important to remain almost impassive, or rather, you don’t have to be too excited and thrilled about what you are doing, but you have to keep a detached feeling, as if “you don't care about anything”; by doing so, your heart will be quiet (you will have a steady pulse) and you will not have your pulse racing from excitement. Of course, if your heart beats faster, nothing bad or dangerous will happen, but your body will hold back the energy and so you will not be able to achieve an OOBE, but nothing more than that.

To achieve an OOBE you need to be completely relaxed, calm and with your eyes closed. It is important that you never open your eyes, because if you open them you may ruin what you have done so far. Moreover, it is essential that you never hold your breath, this might often occur when you try to astral project; but you always have to breathe steadily, remaining conscious of your breath. This first experience was useful for you to start moving energy from your legs and back, so gradually you will be able to move your energetic body better and better, until you will be able to detach it from your physical body and thus to astral project. In addition, you have discovered that it is possible to astral project even from the back, and that it is precisely the most favourable position to achieve an Astral Travel. You just have to try again and again until your OOBE is perfect. In the meantime, if you want to tell me about your first experience with this guided technique, even if you didn't completely astral project, you can leave a comment below. Write me about your first attempt and I will be happy to read your experience and, if necessary, I will recommend a better approach. The details of your physical sensations are crucial!

End of page 15 on 15. If you liked the article, comment below to describe your feelings when reading or practicing the proposed technique.

This document is the translation of the original article ( on the Dimensional Consciousness Academy website.

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  • nicolettamazzone

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    17:12 20/12/24

    Ho provato due volte in questi giorni ma non riesco ad uscire in astrale. La sensazione del corpo pesante la sento, eseguito la tecnica guidata ho sentito un formicolio alle gambe ma dopo un po' mi innervosisco. Mi rendo conto che devo praticare di più le varie tecniche per riuscire nell'intento del viaggio astrale

  • deb
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    15:33 13/12/24

    Sto rimandando molto questa tecnica perché penso sempre che per riuscirci dovrei provarci tutte le sere e non solo nel weekend. Quindi alla fine va a finire che non provo neanche nel fine settimana. Ho provato un paio di volte, a distanza l una dall' altra, e le sensazioni che ho sentito erano molto forti nel senso sentivo bene l energia interna che si muoveva e molto formicolio in tutto il corpo. Arrivata alla testa ho sentito dei movimenti come impazziti (sempre in positivo perché era una sensazione piacevole) e ho concluso cosi. Durante tutta la tecnica ero ovviamente molto emozionata mentre tenevo l intento di compiere il viaggio astrale e diciamo che non riuscivo ad abbassare l emozione e stare più distaccata e in non pensiero. Anche questa è una tecnica che bisogna allenare e mi rendo sempre piu conto di quanto tutte le tecniche siano complementari fra loro. Grazie🩵

  • andreaaaa

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    09:48 10/12/24

    Anche qua credo che la preparazione e il silenzio interiore svolgano un ruolo fondamentale per la buona riuscita del viaggio.

  • cappuccino

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    11:14 08/12/24

    Ho provato un paio di volte e in entrambi i casi all’inizio ho sentito il corpo pesante e intorpidito. Poi la sensazione è quella di fastidio fisico, come se qualcosa spingesse da dentro verso l’esterno, ma ero paralizzata. Ritenterò nuovamente dato che conosco queste prime sensazioni, sperando siano corrette.

  • alex2406
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    10:23 07/12/24

    Finalmente ho trovato il tempo per praticare questa tecnica! Purtroppo, essendo ancora agli inizi, non sono riuscito ad uscire in astrale, anche se le sensazioni sono state molto positive. Ho sentito moltissimo i movimenti di energia nella zona delle gambe, mentre per quanto riguarda il resto del corpo ho avuto un po' più di difficoltà. Da notare come durante tutta la durata della tecnica il Low cercava di farmi smettere, facendo pensare cose del tipo: "è inutile che prosegui, tanto non ci riuscirai" etc. Anche per questo sono contento anche solo di essere arrivato fino in fondo! Sicuramente per una buona riuscita della tecnica dovrò prendere molta più energia ed allenarmi molto con i movimenti di energia, anche perché gran parte della guida audio su basa proprio si questo principio

  • klaudia

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    13:19 03/12/24

    La tecnica è stata strepitosa anche se non sono uscita dal corpo, ho sentito tutto ciò che la guida mi diceva, il corpo era pietrificato e sembrava sprofondare nel letto, sentivo il corpo energetico ma è rimasto come fluttuante nel corpo fisico. No. Pensavo di rilassarmi tanto a pancia in giù, è una posizione ed una tecnica che mi daranno risultati, ne sono sicura. Non ho sentito neanche i soliti dolori fisici cronici. In questo momento sono esaltata anche se non sono riuscita ad uscire... E dire che è stata una mattinata nervosa e non Pensavo proprio di riuscire a rilassarmi tanto. Grazie mille!

  • gil
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    15:50 02/12/24

    Niente! Anche stavolta non è andata! Il problema nel mio caso è che quando penso di muovere la parte energetica, di fatto muovo entrambe, sia quella energetica, sia quella fisica, e così ovviamente non funziona. Ci vuole molta energia è forse quella che ho non basta. Faccio questo esercizio perché me lo sono trovato sul percorso, altrimenti mi limito a tentare di muovere solo la parte energetica e non fisica, più che altro di un braccio solo. Questo è il mio metodo di allenamento, muovere l'energia del braccio, evitando di muovere la parte fisica. Per ora non ci riesco, ma ci vuole allenamento continuo, e io non sto impegnandomi abbastanza, tutto qui. Vedrò di cambiare le cose, anche perché questo è un esercizio che mi attrae tantissimo, e riuscire ad avere successo sarebbe fantastico. Non sono sicuro, ma forse in passato riuscii a compiere un oobe, ma fu tantissimo tempo fa, e non ricordo bene, per no dire che non ricordo quasi nulla, eccetto che guardavo il mio corpo disteso sul letto, e io ero sopra di lui. Rimasi nella stanza, e tutto finì lì. Lo presi per un sogno, e forse era così; non ricordando i dettagli non posso affermare nulla. Ci sono anche delle limitazioni nostre che talvolta subentrano e impediscono il salto, la paura! Il timore di non sapere rientrare, di trovare delle cose strane, di trovarsi in difficoltà e di non sapere come risolvere. Angel ha specificato mille volte che non c'è nulla di cui avere paura e che una volta effettuato il viaggio non si vedrà l'ora di farne un altro, ma talvolta ci lasciamo prendere dal panico, e ovviamente la piccola sonda di energia non uscirà, facendoci perdere un'esperienza degna di essere ricordata! Grazie Angel per questa tecnica, atta a compiere una cosa così affascinante!

  • Simona
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    19:59 03/11/24

    Devo cimentarmi nuovamente in questa tecnica, ultimamente avendo dovuto ridurre il numero delle Meditazioni non credo riuscirebbe. Però è una tecnica che avevo già provato tempo fa, non ero riuscita al primo colpo ma sicuramente riprendendo in mano per bene il percorso, praticando tanto e sperimentandola potrei riuscire a portare a termine l'oobe correttamente prima o poi 😊 è una tecnica che assolutamente farò, è molto interessante e permette di fare tantissime cose e di sperimentale il mondo sotto un altro punto di vista. Grazie per la tecnica Maestra 😊

  • bcpr6es

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    00:59 25/10/24

    Esperienza molto piacevole. All'inizio ho avvertito un leggero prurito in diverse parti del corpo. Poi mi sono rilassato. Al "risveglio" ho avuto per qualche istante brividi di freddo. Poi pace calma serenità.

  • jeji
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    16:20 24/10/24

    Non ho ancora praticato la tecnica del viaggio astrale, ho solo ascoltato la prima parte con la voce che guida, principalmente per due motivi, non ho svolto tante meditazione come ci hai più volte suggerito a lezione (almeno 7 e svolte bene)! Quindi non ho una quantità tale di energia per poter sicuramente uscire dal corpo e svolgere un viaggio astrale, poi dovrei farlo in un momento in cui sono sola a casa e riesco a non avere distrazioni di nessuno genere, nemmeno sonore appunto. Ti ringrazio molto per tutti i consigli cercherò di attivarmi e svolgerla in un momento non tanto lontano da ora. Grazie Angel,come sempre❤️

  • ~Sabrina~

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    10:40 12/10/24

    Sono ancora alle prime armi con l’uscita in astrale, quindi grazie per tutti i suggerimenti su come compiere questa tecnica. Per riuscire nell’uscita, dovrei abituare prima il mio corpo ai movimenti di energia e caricarlo maggiormente facendo più meditazioni. Intanto, ho preso confidenza con l’esercizio e mi sono rilassata con la bellissima tecnica guidata con musica :)

  • dafnead

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    18:15 10/10/24

    Inizialmente non mi andava molto di fare questa tecnica perché avevo un timore "irrazionale" degli alieni. Poi però l'ho fatta lo stesso perché sapevo che mi sarei comunque protetta e fatto una meditazione prima di provare ad uscire, che mi hanno tranquillizzata subito essendomi alzata di vibrazione. Durante la tecnica mi sono sentita benissimo, mi sono rilassata tanto e mi sentivo molto in pace. Non sono riuscita ad uscire forse un po' perché l'ho fatto a pancia in su e forse perché il corpo si allarmava non appena avevo la sensazione di uscire e mi risvegliavo di colpo. Nonostante non ci sia riuscita mi è piaciuta molto come tecnica perché mi ha regalato un rilassamento meraviglioso!<3

  • alessandrad'ostuni

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    09:22 09/10/24

    Ottimo il rilassamento, il torpore del corpo, il respiro tipico del sonno profondo, ero pancia in giu, il collo era scomodo, la parte lombare pure, entrambi doloranti. Ho sentito uscire forse gambe e braccia, ma tutto il resto fermo. Vedremo in posizione supina se va meglio.

  • fab

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    11:25 29/09/24

    Ho provato la tecnica per due volte, buono il rilassamento che ho provato e la sensazione dello spostamento di energia alle gambe e la sensazione di distacco dal corpo. Non sono riuscito a terminare la pratica perché mi sono addormentato prima di finire forse per il troppo rilassamento ed essere sdraiato ad occhi chiusi pur avendo l'intento di effettuare la tecnica non è facile per me rimanere sveglio fino alla fine. Poi non ho ben capito come effettuare la seconda sezione: cioè proseguire da solo che si intende? Non è più guidata? Come bisogna proseguire?

  • pleiad
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    17:55 28/09/24

    Bene, sono proprio un'allieva disubbidiente, visto che ho voluto solo leggere la tecnica per capire in cosa consisteva, ma non me la sono sentita di praticare,non era il momento giusto. Inoltre ho letto da qualche parte qui in ACD che bisogna avere molta energia per fare un obee e ciò richiede molte meditazioni, che io ancora non riesco a fare. In più aggiungo di non essere convinta di volerlo fare perché ho troppa paura...mi sembra chiaro che ho bisogno di crescere. Tuttavia, appena mi sentirò piu predisposta credo che tenterò e scriverò la mia esperienza. Per ora accettatemi per come sono, con la mia marea di paure. Grazie