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Step 1 - N° 1

Introduction Step 1 - Psychic Arts

The Path of Psychic Arts is an evolutionary manual that provides comprehensive knowledge about the vast world of the paranormal. It will help you discover everything you've ever wanted to know but were too afraid to ask. Although Spirituality is something that has always been a part of us, we may not be familiar with the term due to our upbringing and cultural beliefs. As a result, we may fear and reject the discovery of the Sixth Sense and its faculties. In reality, these abilities have always existed within us; we've just been unaware of them.

Who am I? Why do I exist? These are questions that you have probably asked yourself many times. In these pages, I will answer these questions and explain why it is so important for you to Awaken. Through Psychic Arts, you will find answers to many more questions than you can imagine.

During this journey, we will discuss numerous topics that will nourish your mind with knowledge you have been searching for all your life, but did not know how or where to find. The objective of this journey is to provide you with as much information as possible, so that you can understand how the world we have always lived in really works. You will come to understand the true mechanisms that set it in motion, which we have been ignorant of all our lives.

We will talk about Energy, Matrix, presences that do not have a physical body - also called Entities or Ghosts - as well as the Soul. We will delve into Chakras, Astral Traveling and Premonitory Dreams; you will gain an understanding of the Aura and how it can be seen You will discover that you possess a Sixth Sense, capable of manipulating energy and manifesting tangible results on the physical plane in which you reside. We will explore the healing power of Prana, which can alleviate the ailments that plague us in our daily lives, such as the dreaded Headache. We will talk about the Third Eye, God and the Universe, as well as Psychic Protection which can shield you from negative energies. I will explain how Visualization works and how Thought works. In addition, we will explore topics such as Past Lives, Energy Records, Programs, and much more!

Step 1 is the beginning of a truly comprehensive path of Psychic Arts, which will allow you to embark on your journey towards Awakening in the most balanced and positive way possible. Hurry up and read the next article to Discover your Potential!

Remember that for any need you can contact the Staff for assistance or write us your questions. We ask you to comment on each article after reading it, in this way we can understand that you are actively pursuing this Spiritual path.

Accademia di Coscienza Dimensionale welcomes you to the world's most comprehensive Psychic journey and wishes you a pleasant continuation.

  • Dzaghetto98

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    09:14 14/08/20

    Grazie mille per questa possibilità che mi state dando, Come dice la home, non sono qui per caso.

  • ☺MATRIX🙃

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    23:13 13/08/20


  • Buddhiconscious

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    10:14 13/08/20

    Sono Pronto a cominciare

  • Angelo

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    17:16 12/08/20

    Sono pronto

  • Angelo

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    01:02 12/08/20

    Grazie per l'opportunità magnifica che ci state offrendo, molti non lo avrebbero fatto.. Unici 😊

  • fary

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    00:28 12/08/20


  • Romina

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    00:20 11/08/20

    Ho letto tutto benissimo e non vedo l’ora di cominciare, spero solo di farcela perché ho sempre creduto che la vita non poteva essere solo questo e soprattutto il fatto di finire in una bara e basta , stop , tutto qui ?? No non ci credo, non è possibile, un bacio a tutti voi anche se non vi conosco ❤️

  • Romina

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    17:00 10/08/20

    Sono felicissima di avervi scoperto, mi interessa tutto,ho però un grande problema lavoro tantissimo ho poco tempo, ho paura di cominciare questo bellissimo e interessante programma e di doverlo abbandonare sul più bello perché non posso seguire le lezioni , lavoro 6 su 7 e al giorno ho 2 ore di riposo come potrò seguire le lezioni se sono fissate a orari precisi ? Grazie mille se mi aiutate

  • Alex

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    16:54 10/08/20

    Grazie per questa opportunità

  • Martina

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    12:29 10/08/20

    Non vedo l'ora di imparare tutte queste cose! Grazie grazie!

  • Malak70

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    22:24 09/08/20

    Proprio oggi pomeriggio riflettevo su alcune domande che riguardavano gli argomenti che trattate.. È una gioia vedere che posso ricevere nuova conoscenza e affinare quella che ho.. Sono colma di gratitudine per tutti voi. Grazie di cuore.

  • Flodjan

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    09:15 09/08/20

    Sto seguendo il corso e mi sembra molto interesante e ben organizzato

  • swami willi
    Medaglia per aver completato lo Step 1

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    15:22 07/08/20

    Nulla succede per caso... rileggere le lezioni del primo step con gratitudine per le vostre scelte e per chiarirmi meglio ciò che sto sperimentando: materiale affascinante e istruttivo. Grazie, grazie, grazie.

  • Anya6004

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    15:01 05/08/20

    Grazie per questa opportunità di crescita, sono grata per tutti questi spunti di riflessione che ci concedi di poter conoscere e applicare nella nostra vita, felice di esser qui, Namaste'🙏

  • Lucrezia

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    14:52 05/08/20

    Felice di iniziare questo percorso...