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The Low Frequency – The Low’s distractions and mechanisms (Part 2)

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The low Frequency is an intelligent conscience that is part of the Planet’s mind, which we’ll also call Gaia’s mind. If on one hand we have the proof of the planet’s intelligence thanks to the miracles that the Nature manages to make to survive even in the worst moments, on the other hand the planet has a second face, much different from the continuous evolution that the Nature offers; I’m talking about that conscience that keeps everyone on a lower frequency, which will be called Low Frequency. The Nature and the Low Frequency aren’t the same thing, but they are both part of the Planet’s mind. We can associate the Nature to the human need to eat food to stay alive thanks to the nourishment, so to the normal hunger that comes when we stay without food for too long. The Low Frequency can be associated instead to the obsessive hunger that makes us eat even if the body doesn’t need that nourishment, and yet we think that we are hungry and so it makes us eat again, and again and again, up to make us risk huge problems due to the obesity, and nevertheless it makes us believe that we are still hungry and so it makes us eat again. This analogy helps you to comprehend the huge difference between the Nature and the Low Frequency: they are both part of the Planet’s mind and it isn’t  easy to distinguish them, as it isn’t easy to tell between the real hunger and the nervous one, because both of them have similar symptoms that make you believe that they’re the same thing; and yet one of them has the purpose to keep you alive while the other one – if you listen to it – will destroy your life. The Nature in itself continues its course, so it makes sure that the human beings, as well as the animals, the insects and the vegetable kingdom, keep going on with their lives making useful actions for the Planet.

So the Nature pushes you to do a job that helps your species’ society, that in our case happens with a job contract, while in the other species, for example ants, bees, etc, it happens spontaneously: each one of them knows what to do since its birth. The insects dedicate all of their lives to their jobs and to the procreation, which is their only life’s mission, because they work all the time to carry on the specie. On the contrary, we aren’t ants, and even if we can learn a lot from them both in their way of work and in their society – as a sincere cooperation between the single members to become a unite group, which among us humans it’s very rare – we have to remember that we are much more evolved than insects, because we have a Conscience which is superior to their. Of course, more than once we might have looked at some of our acquaintances thinking that a cockroach is more intelligent than them, but actually, the human race can’t be compared with an animal species or with insects, as our intellectual and psychic abilities are more mature, more advanced. Inside the planet Earth, the human race is the most capable of mental, technological, psychical and spiritual evolution. When we think of Nature, we think about beautiful landscapes, flowery meadows and beautiful animals, but Nature isn’t only that. If on one hand we have heavenly places, on the other hand there are also natural places filled with poisonous animals, leech, ticks, any type of parasite, swampy areas, deserts in which you can’t hope to survive for too long, infinite plain of ice, in which life wouldn’t be easy as you think. So, Nature isn’t just flowers and nice landscapes, but it also contains swampy areas with much more stagnant energy. Therefore you shouldn’t be surprised by the fact that Gaia’s mind has, in addition to the Nature’s instinct, also a conscience that transmute into the Low Frequency, an intelligent conscience that keeps us tied to its frequency.

The Low Frequency is like the swampy zone of the Planet’s mind: figuratively is the part of Gaia’s mind that makes you stagnate in the unconsciousness.

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But as we know, the man is capable of reclaiming a swamp in order for it to become a better place, therefore through the practice to become conscious and to exit from the Low Frequency, it is possible to exploit our powers to maneuver the matrix and obtain the benefits for ourselves and for others. You have been influenced by the Low Frequency since forever and there is no person or living being in the world that is born already with the mind outside of the Low Frequency, because it would be like thinking that we can be born outside of the nature: since you’re born inside the planet Gaia, you are under its influences since forever, without realizing it, whether you want it or not. Just like the nature doesn’t ask you for permission to enter in your life, but it starts to have effect on you right from the day of your birth (as the urgency to breathe, the hunger, but also the need to have contacts with other beings of your species), the Low Frequency doesn’t ask you for permission either. It is constantly working to distract our attention from the discovery of our identity, putting before our eyes a thousand of reasons to forget who we are. The Low Frequency is not “dark”, but it isn’t even our ally, since its role is precisely to keep us asleep, so that we fulfill our work as ants, and we don’t act as evolved Consciences.

Surely, you’ve realized that there are people who want to know more about their own identity and others that don’t. The first, often wonder if life it’s all here, they wonder if life has a deeper aim, they often ask themselves the same question you’ve asked so many times: “Who am I?” and although they don’t know the answer yet, they keep asking questions.  However you are very well aware that other people aren’t interested in asking these questions, because their idea of ​​life is already what they are living: you work, you come home to your family and work again tomorrow; there’s nothing more, for them. Indeed, according to their mentality, if you are interested in something beyond of work and family, it’s for sure something wrong! According to them, you must work, bring the money home, keep your family and that’s it; at best, if you really want to be “open-minded”, you are allowed to play a sport, but only if that doesn’t take you too much time away from family, otherwise it isn’t good either. Then you realize that some people are more willing to know the truth, while others wouldn’t want to know that even if you’d put it in front of them. This is the first difference that we recognize among those who could be called people seeking evolution, from those who could be called Gaia’s Low. The Gaia’s Low, are the perfect example of what the Low would like for us: he wants the humans to behave like ants, to spend their entire lives working and raising a family, without having the least time to stop reflecting and so deciding to evolve their Consciousness through the spiritual practice.

The Low wants us to believe that spirituality is a distraction from our work duties, to keep us away from the truth: that our work commitments distract us from our spiritual evolution. In fact, the Low Frequency wants the humans to behave like insects, but we aren’t Gaia’s insects: we are human, capable of evolving our psychic capacities, so that they can reach the level of changing personal and global events, with more positive goals. We could take the example of Jesus: he has reached the level of manipulating the Matrix enough to be able to change the events and to make miracles, many of them aren’t even told anymore, although we still remember some of them. Yet, he got out from the Low, to make positive action for himself and for the whole planet. Clear that it isn’t easy to reach his level, but we aren’t here to compete, because that’s not what he wanted to teach us: we are here to realize that we are not working machines, but Consciences that must soon awaken to remember who they really are. The Low Frequency is as clever as it is hidden, because it influences us since our birth, so it becomes difficult to recognize it in our routine from day to day.

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We have spent our entire life following its current, instead of choosing our life with our real decision, so the awareness that the Low Frequency exists and keeps us under its control can be a hard truth to accept, but only at the beginning. After that, you learn to know it and to move between his methods to keep you down.

The Low uses two main methods to keep you down, distracted, and away from the search for truth, which would have led you to take a path to reach your Awakening. The first method that the Low uses to keep you anchored to the ground is your own thought, through the regulator which will be discussed later. The second method is the use of people around you, which will distract you and make you lose time, so that you end up forgetting what evolutive thing you wanted to do, and choose to only deal with the daily \ work things that you have been given. Even if you were able to do them both, the low will make you believe that you should only deal with work \ family chores, forgetting completely the evolutive things that you could have done. The truth is that you can realize the existence of the Low Frequency, only if you start practicing, because it will give you the evidence of the veracity of its presence. So as long as you stay within the Low Frequency, you don’t realize how much you are caged by it, and surely you would think that in the end, it can’t reach you. While if you start practicing you realize how it is actually true that he exists and how influential his presence in your life is. To give a practical example, the low moves people and situations around you to distract you and to keep you from practicing meditation, so that – not practicing it – you will stay low and completely under its will. For example, you might be used to living in a quiet house, where the bell rings very rarely, only when the mail arrives; but it usually arrives at the same times and it doesn’t bother you. Instead, very different happens when you’re about to sit down to practice.

The first meditation ever, could go without problems, without any interruption; it could. The next day, then on the day after of your practice, the low may already get in with some internal distraction, such as apathy, listlessness, and despite having enjoyed the meditation that you had on the previews day, on the second day you might think that you don’t want to practice it again; but you may be able to practice it anyway and go against your own apathy. Around the third / fourth day, the low will start to interrupt more seriously. Besides the apathy, the low will start to set in motion its mechanisms for moving other people around you, so that those people will distract you and make you lose time, to make you forget to practice the daily meditation. Let’s take as example that you want to practice the meditation around the 16:00 . For the entire morning you’ve done your chores or what you had to do, and no one has called you or contacted or rang the bell. For the entire day, no one showed up or contacted you to do something together and steal some time. So, you do all the tasks and keep yourself free for the afternoon, convinced that no one can stop you from practicing. Yet, as soon as it’s 16:00 and you’ll think that you’re about to sit down and practice, convinced that you had already carried out all the tasks and chores that you had to do and that you are free to finally dedicate yourself to meditation, your doorbell will ring and you’ll see that it is an old friend that you haven’t seen in a long time. The situation will seem very normal and quiet: you let him in your house because it’s been so long since you haven’t seen each other, you are happy and spend the evening chatting and laughing, so you would never think that it was the Low to send that friend to distract you from your goal of Awakening.

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If it’s not the friend, it’s the uncle that shows up only during important events such as Christmas or Easter and yet today, even if it’s a normal day, just like the others, he will suddenly show up with the excuse of missing you, or saying that he needed some holidays, taking advantage of it to come to you to spend some time together! He could have showed up 30 minutes before or after and yet he rang the bell of your house just one minute before you started the Meditation, or even during the session, to distract and interrupt you, making you feel dissatisfied and annoyed, due to the abrupt interruption while you were practicing. The point is that it won’t cross your mind that that interruption was cause by the low, so that you can’t get out of its influence thanks to the Meditation. So, you’ll underestimate this practice, thinking that it’s just a session (too long!)  of relaxation and that there’s nothing beyond it. And yet, if it was just that, the low wouldn’t move other people to get them to your house, to distract you from practicing and to keep you from doing it the way you wanted to. If the Meditation wasn’t so important for your Awakening, and it wasn’t useful to get out of the Low’s influence, for sure the Low Frequency wouldn’t stop you from practicing it. And yet you don’t realize until you start practicing and realize that in some ways there’s always something that happens to prevent you from meditating or to stop the meditation during the best part.

You may have spent the whole day doing whatever you had to do: you have worked, you have paid attention to your family, you have cleaned the house, you did everything that was in your daily tasks and no one interrupted you; then, as soon as you sit down to meditate, you receive a text from the person that never showed attention towards you, and that makes you want to take the tablet/computer/smartphone and spend hours talking with her, thinking that it would be stupid throwing away this occasion. It could be someone you haven’t heard of from weeks, months or years, or someone who has always ignored your chats, or that texts you only when important things happen; and yet as soon as you sit down to meditate, she will contact you with an excuse that it will appear too interesting to make her wait for 30 minutes, the time to meditate. You could choose to meditate, and then text with that person all the time that you want; and instead you’ll choose to chat with her, ending up talking about useless nonsense, until it will be too late and you’ll have to go to sleep, because you will work tomorrow! Meanwhile the low will work in your mind to make you choose by yourself to waste time behind that chat, instead of dedicating 30 minutes to your spiritual evolution and only then being free to open every chat you want. So if on one hand the low has worked around you to push someone to distract you, at the same time it has worked inside your mind to make you choose to accept that distraction, instead of dedicating to your evolution. So it will make you think that nothing of important has happened, that there’s nothing wrong, because you’ve chatted but you’ll be able to meditate tomorrow; and yet inside of you, you already know that you won’t be able to meditate tomorrow, because the Low Is already working on other excuses to take your time and to keep you, even more tomorrow, from meditating.

Until you start practicing, you won’t actually realize of the Low’s existence and of the methods that it uses to keep you down and to stop you, but they will just be theories that you won’t be able to seriously comprehend. Instead, practicing meditation, you’ll realize how the Low wants to keep you down, because it will start to create events that will make you lose the will to practice, or that will make you forget about it. It’ll seem crazy, and yet it will find thousands of ways to make you forget what you wanted to do. First of all it will fill you with sudden events, like your best friend that will suddenly feel nostalgic and that will ask you to spend the whole night keeping her company, making you lose the occasion to meditate.

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Or it could be a member of your family that today wants to spend more time with you, or that messes something up, making you waste your day to solve the problems that he caused. In all of this, you’ll be back home tired, and you won’t feel like meditating anymore. If instead it doesn’t manage to keep you out of your house for too long, it will try to bring the low inside of your house, to keep you from practicing even when you managed to keep yourself free to meditate. So, you sit down convinced that nothing and no one will prevent you from meditating: you told your friends that you’ll be sleeping for an hour, so that they’ll be convinced to not to bother you for that hour, so that you can meditate. And yet you’ll receive a lot of calls from call centres or from unknown numbers that, look at that, right that day took the wrong number, annoying you with thousands of calls and the ringtone seems always higher, right when you’re meditating.

If instead you had turned off your phone, to avoid someone bothering you, here is someone coming to the doorbell of your neighbour, ringing repeatedly, although they usually ring once and then – realizing that no one is home – they live; and yet not today! Today they must ring that doorbell just like if the door must open on its own, even if it’s clear that the neighbour aren’t at home! It could have been a calm, quiet day, considered the time (afternoon, where everyone is resting) but, as soon as you start meditating, a lot of cars will ride on the way where your home is, honking and will make an annoying noise that they hadn’t made for the entire day, but in this moment they are committed to be as loud as doesn’t matter if it was quiet before and there weren’t noises even in the distance: as soon as you’ll sit down to meditate, the neighbour’s dog will start barking and the others dog will follow it with that noise that seems to announce the apocalypse, because they’ll be so loud and so insistent that even if you love dogs, you’ll be stressed by that loud noise that they make, disturbing your meditations; and all of this mess, just to make you stop meditating, annoyed by the noise. Only when you start practicing, you’ll realize of the existence of the Low Frequency, because it will activate just when you’ll decide to practice to get out of its influence. Only then you’ll realize how important it is to get out of the Low. You didn’t realize before, you didn’t know about its existence and you didn’t even notice; and yet, as soon as you’ll start practicing, , you’ll really notice its presence, because there will be a lot of crazy situations that didn’t happen before. It’s clear that if you decided to go on with this path, you’ll improve day after day, managing to meditate even when the low wants to distract you with its strategies. So, don’t think that it’ll always be like that, it would be impossible to meditate. But it needs to be clear from the beginning that if you wait for the low to give you the permission to meditate, then you can say goodbye to your Awakening: you decide whether to practice or not, even when the Low will become stronger to prevent you from doing it; because if you wait for it to give you some rest and to offer you some time to meditate, you’re hoping for a miracle that it surely won’t happen.

The Low doesn’t want you to Awaken, so don’t delude yourself that there will be a day when it’ll leave you free to meditate serenely, without bothering you from the day after. It is the enemy of the Awakening, so it’s important to realize that, but most of all to understand the reason why the Low doesn’t want you to Awaken. Then, you’ll be in the right direction to comprehend how important it is to develop psychic capacities. For now, you only have to meditate and realize how many situations happen in the exact moments in which you choose to meditate, just to prevent you from practicing, or to distract you in the middle of the meditation in order to not to make you reach a real wellness, so to make you think that the meditation isn’t that relaxing. At the beginning the Low will look like a too cunning enemy for you, because as soon as you sit down to meditate the dog will start to bark, the neighbour will scream and the cars will make noise, but you must not be knocked down by those trivial methods. The mental and physic wellness, but most importantly all the benefits that the meditation bring to your life, will be much more rewarding than any type of distraction that the Low could bring to you to keep you from practicing. So, regardless of what the distractions are, put them apart for 30 minutes and sit down to meditate. Your life will change considerably.

End of page 5 of 5.If you liked the article, comment below to describe your feelings when reading or practicing the proposed technique.

This document is the translation of the original article ( on the Dimensional Consciousness Academy website.

  • luci

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    18:57 01/08/24

    Il Low è davvero appiccicoso e invadente. Trova sempre un modo nuovo per mettermi i bastoni tra le ruote e rendermi complicato praticare e seguire le lezioni. Ma non demordo... io sono più caparbia e decisa di lui.

  • liliana12

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    10:19 01/08/24

    Ora comprendo perché ogni volta che cerco di meditare accade qualcosa di strano, e mi innervosisco e mi sento frustata per non riuscire a meditare

  • ooguway

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    23:46 31/07/24

    Dare finalmente un nome a questa "cosa" fastidiosa e disturbante è stata per me una svolta! m i sono da sempre chiesta da dove arrivassero dei pensieri assurdi che pure applicandomi non mi ritenevo capace di creare... invece appaiono (sempre meno grazie alla meditazione) dal nulla!! sentivo che non erano reali, cioè non appartenenti alla mia realtà, eppure stavano lì pronti pronti ad assalirti... "francamente è stancante" è la frase che mi sono sempre ripetuta, avevo la sensazione di girare in tondo. Ma, "era" stancante, mi correggo, perchè la meditazione sui chakra è benefica! praticata con perseveranza è un balsamo che "pettina i pensieri"... non vedo l'ora di avere altre informazioni sul LOW, sulla sua origine e su chi c'è dietro! Grazie per questa oppoertunità!

  • tinagiargi

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    22:58 31/07/24

    Da quando ho iniziato questo percorso ed a meditare sono in guerra con il low. Interferisce molto nella mia vita, il vantaggio ora rispetto a prima é che ne sono cosciente e ogni volta che mi accorgo che lui vuole distrarmi da un proposito come leggere, studiare o meditare si attiva ancora di più la mia testardaggine a continuare e a portare a termine ciò che mi ero prefisso di fare.

  • moca

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    14:13 28/07/24

    Bene ora si è abbastanza preparati su ciò che dovremo affrontare durante la meditazione , speriamo di essere perseveranti.

  • pleiad
    Medaglia per aver completato lo Step 1

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    21:51 26/07/24

    Questo cammino non finisce mai di stupirmi ed ogni volta che rileggo gli articoli scopro nuove sfumature. sono io che cambio? può essere. Una lettura calma e rilassata ci fa capire di sicuro di più. E così oggi scopro che il low è tutto ciò che è eccesso rispetto ai bisogni fondamentali: l'avidità, la gola...ecc. Tutto ciò per avere il quale noi ci distruggiamo di desideri e di lavoro, come se non dovessimo morire mai e potremmo portarci tutto nella tomba, compresi i quintali di dolci che ci mangiamo!Il low è ciò che non vuole farci pensare allo spirito, ma soloa lla materia e ai piaceri, al possesso e alla carriera, è ciò che ci spinge a non pensare alle cose importanti, ma poi ci ammazza di pensieri inutili. Perdonatemi, ma mi sembra diabolico, la tentazione che non vuole farci salvare l'anima. E' una lotta, dentro e fuori di noi. Però è una lotta che ci sarà sempre, che se non ne prendiamo coscienza ci fa moprire come dei poveri stupidi incoscienti. Come se fossimo delle marionette...L'unica arma che abbiamo è la decisione, l'intento di migliorare e la persevenanza, nonostante le difficoltà. Almeno questo mi sembra di aver colto oggi. Meraviglia delle meraviglie: è stato sempre sotto i miei occhi questo modo di vedere, ma come tanti credevo di essere fuori luogo, anormale e malata, solo perché mi facevo domande in più...Grazie, ancora una volta.

  • Etoile

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    22:24 25/07/24

    Non avevo mai sentito parlare del Low... Beh... Ora conosco il responsabile che mi ha portata a interrompere le mie meditazioni e non trovare il tempo per praticarle. Ora so perché e imparando a riconoscerlo posso riuscire a rimettermi in carreggiata!

  • stefania10

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    19:25 21/07/24

    Come in tante altre cose è come se fosse una sfida ma una volta preso il via probabilmente sarà difficile che trovi ancora spazio. Personalmente vorrei prendermi un ora la mattina o la sera per dedicarmi completamente alla meditazione in modo da non avere problemi di distrazioni

  • terminator

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    21:28 17/07/24

    Ora capisco meglio il compito del Low Frequency e dei metodi che utilizza. Se ho compreso bene il low è strettamente collegato con la nostra vita e routine e mi ha incuriosito molto leggere che questo viene manipolato in modo negativo e mi chiedo se in passato ad esempio 100 anni fa il low era molto più leggero e quindi si viveva più serenamente rispetto ad ora dove c’è molto più stress. Ovviamente non mi riferisco a chiunque ma parlo per me dove durante il giorno si avverte questa sensazione di affaticamento e torpore che si può notare anche guardando le altre persone.

  • lucasm

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    09:53 15/07/24

    A volte è bizzarro e fastidioso. Qualche volta nella vita è stato davvero invalidante questo low. Andare avanti sempre. La ragione per cui lo fa è temprarci

  • infinito

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    21:03 14/07/24

    Questa lezione mi ha fatto capire molte cose e mi sta dando tutti gli stimoli giusti per combattere il Low. Facevo meditazione ogni giorno, mattina e sera... ad un certo punto, gradualmente, ho smesso senza riuscire a spiegarmi il perché. Ora lo so. É proprio stata colpa del Low. Ora mi sento più consapevole e pronto a ricominciare le meditazioni. In questi giorni volevo ricominciare a meditare e mi stavo proprio chiedendo come trovare gli stimoli giusti. E mi é arrivata la risposta; ho ritrovato il link dell'Accademia che avevo interrotto (sempre per colpa del Low) ed ho trovato la risposta che stavo cercando proprio in questa lezione. É proprio vero, non siamo qui per caso! E nulla accade per caso. Grazie!

  • Nebula
    Medaglia per aver completato lo Step 1
    Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Volume 1
    Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Volume 4
    Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Volume 5

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    12:58 09/07/24

    Questa lezione è da leggere e rileggere tantissime volte, perché viene lavata via dalla mente! appena si inizia a praticare si nota (grazie al fatto che ce l'avevi anticipato tu) da subitissimo il low che si impegna per farci smettere, e come agisce intorno e dentro di noi! mi è tornato subito in mente la prima volta che mi accorsi di come mi fregò, avevo appena trovato ACD e stavo facendo le primissime meditazioni. penso che fosse il secondo o terzo giorno di meditazione e tornai a casa dall'università che non vedevo l'ora di meditare. mi scrisse una mia amica per dirmi che era appena uscito l'ultimo episodio di una serie che seguivo. così mi si pose la domanda "guardo l'episodio o faccio med?" l'episodio dura solo mezz'ora, mi dissi (come anche la meditazione eh!) così lo guardai. appena questo finì mi misi a meditare e i vicini di casa iniziarono a fare dei lavori rumorosissimi così meditai in mezzo al rumore di trapani e robe che cadevano. lo scrivo perché è così lampante la fregatura che c'era stata che mi sentii così stupida! avrei potuto meditare e poi guardare l'episodio, se proprio dovevo. ma scegliendo prima il low e poi la pratica ho dato tutto il tempo che serviva al low per prepararsi... ovviamente non è stata l'ultima volte che mi ha fregato e chissà quante volte succede solo che ha cambiato forma e metodi. come dici tu, prima la pratica.. e poi la pratica! grazie infinite Angel!

  • dondy

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    11:24 07/07/24

    Grazie Mi rendo conto che dopo la prima mediazione, bellissima, ho provato apatia e svogliatezza, ora capisco perché. Voglio rifarla e praticare tutti i giorni, con la consapevolezza che mi ha dato questo articolo. Molto interessante il riferimento a Gesù, quando si parla di Lui il mio cuore vibra di gioia...

  • martina_

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    14:06 04/07/24

    Grazie a questa spiegazione capisco perché molte volte in cui cerco di meditare accadono le cose più assurde, ora avendo questa consapevolezza sono pronta per affrontarlo al meglio…più che altro nella mia vita molte volte ho avuto in mente progetti che ritenevo wow, ma di punto in bianco da un giorno all’altro ho smesso di crederci dimenticandomene. La cosa che non capivo è che all’inizio del progetto mi sentivo carica vogliosa di imparare e continuare e poi…niente. Finalmente sapendo che il low ti può portare a tutto ciò cercherò di affrontarlo al meglio, grazie!

  • antonior

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    17:51 03/07/24

    Ci sto mettendo tutto me stesso, la mia anima e la mia forza di volontà. Niente mi impedirà di risvegliarmi. Terrò conto anche di queste incredibili informazioni. Grazie sempre per tutto il lavorò che fate.