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The Matrix – We live in a videogame (Part 2)

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The Matrix is ​​the life that surrounds us, by means of scenarios displayed in a great stage.

The routine that we live is Matrix, the people we frequent are Matrix, our choices are Matrix.

Almost everything we live every day is illusory, a great performance created specifically to occupy our time and enjoy our lives. The Matrix is ​​a great videogame in which, when we decided to be born on this planet, we chose the character to play. Initially we chose our sex, then our appearance, then the personality we should have had and then the kind of life that we would have to lead to get to a specific place and at a precise moment of our life: the moment we saw in front of us the word “Awakening”. From this point on everything changes. We are at a crossroads where we have to choose whether to awaken, understand that our whole life has been an illusion and that nothing that we have experienced is real, or whether to believe in that story and let ourselves indulge in it, choosing to live inside the Matrix for the rest of our lives.

Choosing to recognize the Matrix does not require sacrifice, it does not push you to give up your life and your habits, nor to abandon the people you love; instead, it calls you for recognizing who You are rather than the character you had invented to play the videogame that gave you an illusory life.

Identifying what the Matrix is allows you to understand the meaning of everything that has happened to you and that happens to you every day despite, inside you, you realize that something is wrong. You live your life accepting every situation that happens because you think you cannot change it, convinced now that the video game in which you are is an actual reality. Take what comes without even asking yourself whether it’s right or wrong, because you feel powerless towards life, you do not know that you can change and with this you do not even try to find a solution to succeed, because you’re stuck at the start. But as real as it may seem, the Matrix remains only an illusion. Everything you see, touches, everything you can eat, smell, everything you cannot see or touch but try, that’s all: this is Matrix, nothing but illusion. The Matrix is ​​the videogame in which we are living, so every detail that belongs to it is real as long as you’re inside the game, but in truth it’s just an illusion. If you choose to understand it, you will be able to take the Matrix as a great game room where you can have fun trying and playing with many new different experiences; if you take it too seriously, this can really make you suffer, because the computer is a very good player.

On this planet, everything that is, it’s Matrix. Your phone is Matrix, your tablet, your desk, your home, your own physical body is Matrix. It is everything we see, hear, touch, perceive, therefore also animals, people and not just objects or materials, because everything is part of the Matrix. Do you know when you have a lucid dream? In lucid dreaming you can do whatever you want, because you know that being inside an illusion allows you to fly or create scenarios in which you will certainly enjoy yourself; it’s just fantasy, isn’t it? So you can go crazy. The Matrix is ​​like a big dream where all living things are sleeping and, unfortunately, they do not realize that it’s just a dream. On the contrary, everyone really believes they are awake, so they live the dream as if it were their real life and suffer when the dream scenarios are not as they would wish, even if they themselves create them with their mind. The Matrix is ​​like a lucid dream, but there are those who take advantage of the moment to have fun and those who do not realize that they are asleep, thus remaining submissive to the dream. Animals and people are present in the lucid dream, but those are not real. Even in the life of the Matrix not everything we see really exists, even if it seems alive.

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The life we ​​live every day is a great dream that we can choose to make lucid and to model it as we like, or continue to sleep and suffer all the events that are beyond our control.

Even if you get up from bed every day and think you’re awake, you’re sleeping in another big dream, which you can choose to make lucid and positive, rather than heavy and always full of added problems. Even if you wake up from sleep at night it seems so fast, the awakening from the Matrix takes much longer, because you awaken little by little, becoming more and more aware of what is real and what is not. It takes time and do not despair if you cannot immediately, because understanding that the life we ​​live in is an illusion is much more complicated than it seems, because we were born and raised with a helmet on our head that has imposed, to always believe that what we see it is the only existing reality. Even religion and the various beliefs that have been implanted in us from birth have the intent to confuse us, not telling us the whole truth. But we cannot blame other people who have grown us up, educated or taught us to believe and be faithful to this illusory life, because even they do not know they are asleep, and unfortunately not everyone wants to accept that it is just a dream. Forcing them to believe it would be wrong, because everyone must be free to choose and some, unfortunately, exist for not being able to choose; they are born to live forever in the Matrix and never get out of it. But this should not make us sad because everyone exists for a reason and we do not have to impose our own opinion on others. It is right for everyone to make their own path regardless of what others say or believe.

We all wear a helmet that is called Regulator, but we can choose to remove it and live the reality every day and to wear it again to play in the Matrix when we are comfortable, or we can choose to remain asleep every day and forget, forever, that reality exists. Some want to stay asleep forever and we cannot force them to wake up, but we are not forced to follow them and be asleep with them. Choosing to unfasten the helmet allows you to decide when to live in the true reality and when to abandon yourself to illusion, so you can see life as it really is, or to see it how all the others live it and perceive it. Unfastening the helmet, however, gives you the freedom to choose, an option that not everyone has. In fact, the difference between a perpetually asleep and the one who tries to awaken from the Matrix, is that the first has no choice: he can see a single reality that is illusory and has no free access to the real reality outside the Matrix. The second, however, continually tries to undo his helmet, managing to catch a glimpse of the truth, until he learns how to remove it and see it completely. He will have access to the truth, but he can choose – as often as he wants – to live the illusory life together with all the others. Those who choose to isolate themselves and completely destroy their Matrix life to devote themselves only to the obsessive opening of his helmet, probably did not understand the meaning of life at all. Living a Matrix life is right, what is incorrect is being overwhelmed without even knowing what the truth is.

To believe that you already know everything and that you already know how to get out of the Matrix perfectly, it is also an illusion, because it is not easy to get out and recognize the truth, really seeing – with open eyes – its codes (and not only metaphorically) and being able to modify the events of the Matrix to adapt them to your interests. Becoming aware of the Matrix is ​​still very far from escaping, or so to speak, awakening, because understanding that the Matrix exists is a level, but changing its codes to adapt it to their needs is very different. The asleep will perceive a long illusion for the entire duration of his life without ever discovering anything else; the one who is conscious will know that it is an illusion and will try not to be injured every time the game will seem hard; others, however, will choose to evolve their psychic faculties to take off their helmets, see reality, take the leads of the Matrix and rule it.

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Saying that you can control your life and really manage to rule the Matrix are two completely different actions. When you understand what the Matrix is ​​and learn how to model it according to your decisions, consciously, you can still have the choice of whether to see how others live life or what reality actually is, but this will finally become your own choice and it will no longer be someone else’s over you. Seeing the Matrix and coming out of it, it will not distract you, isolated and alone, but quite the opposite: you will feel much more united to the Whole than you feel now, you will feel happier and more in love with your life, you will be more inclined to wake up in the morning, because you will have a real purpose that will motivate you to act and move forward with your strength; because you will not miss strength anymore. Whoever says that knowing the truth makes one suffer, is lost in another of those illusions shown as true stories; the truth corresponds to practice, not only to theory.

Every day, from birth, you continue to see the illusory life that has been placed in front of you because of the helmet you wear, but all the smallest to the biggest thing that makes up your day are in reality, illusory mechanisms created by the Matrix that will continue to cloud your vision of reality throughout life, unless you choose to use the view that belongs to your most advanced psyche to see and understand reality. Your helmet, the regulator, makes you perfectly suited to the video game in which you are, so you, like all the other players, see the same things even if they are illusory. To understand this, try to think of any video game you’ve played: as long as you’re inside the game you have to follow its rules, so you cannot open doors you do not have keys to, you cannot buy items if you do not have enough coins, you cannot level up if you do not complete your character’s missions. Of course you cannot enter the game and level up just by your will, or earn coins without moving your character to the map, but you have to stay at the rules of the game. However, as soon as you turn off the monitor, you are perfectly aware that your life is not that of videogames, so even if you cannot open the doors and access the other rooms, you can open the doors of your home, move in another room, and so on. If your character has no coins, it does not mean that you, in reality, have no money to buy what you want. You know that the videogame you played, even if it can be very nice, is well separated from your real life. The problem arises when your obsession with that video game becomes too strong, identifying too much in the avatar you have chosen, suffering if you lose the game, getting angry if you cannot level up, even willing to spend your real money to “buy” virtual coins that your character can spend on new clothes, items, magic potions that the game provides. Playing videogames is a lot of fun, but these should not be confused with real life, so much so that you decide to take away a “real” material of your life to turn it into a property of your virtual character. When a person forgets that the videogame he is playing is just a small entertaining program that should serve to relax him a little, and not to distract him from real life, he ends up forgetting his personality and becoming his character, to live for his character, so much to lower his social, cultural and real life to spend all the time playing a fake game.

Here comes the point: the game is a program, an illusion, because the game exists and is fun but the whole world inside is just a graphic representation designed by another person who created a dimension to spend time there. The game exists but it is an illusion. For example, the character of our game can find coins and with those coins can buy clothes or objects that exist in the world of the videogame, but these coins are fake, they are not real in this physical dimension, they belong only to that video game.

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When we turn off the monitor, those coins or purchased clothes will not magically appear in the closet of our room, but will remain within the game. So those clothes do not exist, they are just an illusion. Inside the videogame clothes exist, because the program shows us the perfect projection of them and as long as we play we can really believe in those clothes and want to buy them and collect them more and more, but when we turn off the monitor we realize that everything we have purchased in reality does not exist, because it belongs to the game, so it is fake. We must not make ourselves hypnotized and fall asleep because of that game. It may seem complex to understand, but the Matrix we are in is pretty much the same. Outside the Matrix there is no one with the joystick in hand that controls us, but there is our greater Awareness that is our true self, which observes our actions and try to direct our choices. Our Consciousness, or Soul, which we really are, is very different from the character we are interpreting right now. Just like in a videogame, we have chosen a character very different from our true Essence in this life from aesthetically and personality point of you, but not only. The avatar you choose to interact in that game can be completely different from your real appearance: for example, you are a professional lawyer, but you could choose to play a video game in which you are a little fish that has to swim in all the ocean to find the precious gems that the bad octopus has stolen. In this reality you are completely different from the image of the little fish, your job is different, your life purpose is different, your enemy is different. Yet while you’re playing, you identify yourself with that avatar, committing yourself to really swimming well, finding all the gems and defeating the octopus, the enemy. In other words, your Soul may look really different than you are now, it may have different commitments from your daily routine, and it could have a purpose in life completely opposite from what you have now.

But what is the right purpose to follow? The one of the Soul, of course. When you play the videogame, choose to spend a few hours solving your avatar’s problems, then put all your effort to complete your character’s missions and achieve the prizes, but the reality is that if your little fish finds the gems, you still you have not changed anything in your real life, you have not increased your salary, solved a family dispute or found a job for your child, because the missions in the video game have nothing to do with your daily life. For the same reason, your everyday life inside the Matrix could be very different from the life that your real ego plays and, even, your daily choices and your everyday “missions” may not be worth anything for your Soul, but it could only be like a pastime or a waste of time. Here’s what awakening it is for: to understand what in this life, this game called Matrix, really makes sense for our Soul and what instead it is just a useless part of the game that is wasting our time. The Matrix is ​​a very realistic videogame to which we have promised excessive loyalty, but we can choose to open our eyes and recognize, understand and live in the Matrix aware that it is an illusion.

All of us are perfectly tuned to the same big computer called Matrix, which is why we all see the same things and exchange the same information; as long as we are inside the game. For this reason, we can all see the same objects that are inside a room, touch them and describe them in the same way, but nevertheless they are illusory. Therefore, we can describe an object similarly as others see it, and for this reason we believe that this object really exists and we are very sure that it is there, in front of us; despite this, however, everything around us is a projection that does not exist in true reality. The same it is true for a person or for an affair: everyone has seen it and for everyone it is real, but it belongs only to this illusory Matrix.

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Until today you have slept and lived in a dream that you thought was reality, but do not fool yourself: because from today you will still continue to live inside the Matrix and you will not wake up from sleep just for reading a document. However, by becoming aware of the existence of the Matrix, you can already start taking some small steps towards what will be, if you will continue, a real path of Awakening. When you begin to open your eyes, you will see that the walls of your house that you believe blocking the access to the energies, in reality are not so compact, hard and impenetrable as it seemed; you will notice that the wall does not really exist as it seemed when you were inside the game, but you will recognize it as a set of codes that your helmet has decoded to show it to you, like to all those who are wearing it right now. Choosing to remove the helmet is not an instant action, you cannot remove it at any moment, but you can choose to practice to evolve and then, slowly, loosen the belt and start to adapt to fresh air that accesses from the space created in the helmet to make us feel a taste of freedom. Clearly the helmet is just a metaphor to talk about the regulator. Since all the physical beings in this world have a brain perfectly tuned to the big computer called Matrix thanks to the regulator, we all see and perceive the same things. In reality, however, our regulator can do much more than show everyone the same illusion, but I’ll talk about it in the next articles. Continue reading and do not forget the practice!

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“This document is the translation of the original article on the Dimensional Consciousness Academy website.”


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  • Antoine
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    17:28 24/04/24

    Sinceramente non avevo mai sentito parlare di Matrix prima di A.C.D. essendo questo tra l'altro il primo percorso spirituale che intraprendo. Mentre leggevo, riflettevo guardandomi intorno sul fatto che tutto ciò che mi circonda non è reale, o meglio, non è come appare. Penso che se si prende davvero coscienza di questa verità, si cambia anche il modo di vedere le cose. La metafora del videogioco rende di facile comprensione il concetto spiegato del Matrix. Noi ci identifichiamo con il nostro personaggio soffrendo insieme a lui e partecipando in modo molto coinvolto nelle sue vicende, quando in realtà siamo il giocatore che è all'esterno e non l'avatar che abbiamo scelto. È stato fatto ben comprendere come tutto ciò che reputiamo reale e importante in realtà lo sia solo relativamente, ovvero finché viviamo in questa illusione. Vivere nel Matrix non è sbagliato, sbagliato è invece identificarsi troppo con il personaggio fittizio e con la realtà creata appositamente per intrattenerci e non per distruggerci. Non vedo l'ora di imparare le tecniche per modellare il mio Matrix e creare eventi favorevoli e più positivi per la mia vita.

  • spiritualgrowth

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    10:20 22/04/24

    Documento e spiegazione davvero molto intrigante. Viviamo in un Matrix e la gente non se ne rende neanche conto, non gli viene neanche in mente che viviamo in un Matrix. Interessante l’esempio del videogioco e degli acquisti che si fanno per l’avatar nel gioco, ma una volta spento quest’ultimo quei vestiti o soldi non esistono nelle realtà. Questo mi fa riflettere sulla morte fisica del corpo umano. La maggior parte dell’essere umano è materialista e molto attaccato ai soldi, alcuni sono pure avari, ma alla fine quando si muore tutti i beni materiali rimangono in questo Matrix e non nel mondo reale.

  • srmaco

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    16:28 21/04/24

    La realtà materiale è illusione creata dal nostro pensiero. All fine del gioco abbandoniamo il gioco e ritorniamo nella vera realtà.

  • valemix

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    23:44 14/04/24

    Piu' leggo del Matrix e più penso all'omonimo film che ho visto in epoche diverse e più volte , ma ancora non mi è chiaro , però praticamente parla della nostra realtà come se fosse un aiuto al Risveglio mascherato da innocuo film ...

  • tyler_durden
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    07:33 12/04/24

    L'esempio del videogioco in cui ci si identifica con un avatar aiuta chiaramente a comprendere cosa sia il matrix, infatti l'Anima o la Coscienza ha scelto come avatar un personaggio umano per vivere in questo videogioco e le azioni che ritiene importanti come lavorare magari sono del tutto secondarie per la Coscienza che cerca il risveglio. Anche se il matrix è una realtà illusoria questo non vuol dire vivere come se non contasse nulla, anzi proprio il contrario bisogna godere al meglio di questa esperienza che è la vita. Dato che siamo tutti all'interno dello stesso matrix, esso usa i codici affinché vediamo tutti lo stesso oggetto, la stessa persona, la stessa situazione.

  • julio-caesar

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    23:58 11/04/24

    Articolo molto interessante. Inizialmente mi ha un poco spaventato la lunghezza, ma poi iniziato a leggere ho letto tutto d'un fiato.

  • jeji
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    12:24 02/04/24

    Rileggere dopo diverso tempo questo articolo ed essendo più praticante mi è apparso totalmente diverso e funzionale, a volte diamo per scontate delle conoscenze che invece sono uno dei pezzi mancanti del grande puzzle!! Soprattutto, ultimamente dopo la meditazione e protezione mattutina ho notato il rafforzamento che ho nella lettera degli articoli, in particolare quelli lasciati indietro o che adesso fanno al caso mio. È dura e bello allo stesso tempo comprendere (anche se in parte, c'è ne di strada da.fare ancora,ma mi sento sulla via giusta!) di aver fino a prima interpretato un personaggio, del quale soffriva per sconfitte ed altro, ma molto rassicurante per andare avanti nel miglior modo possibile. Come sostieni l'importanza nel comprendere questa illusione non è abbandonarla ed isolarsi,ma al contrario combattere e modificare la propria vita capendo che il Matrix non è tutto quello che esiste,ma che siamo qualcosa di molto più complesso e immenso. Effettivamente tutto cambia,ma totalmente in positivo, perché ora se succede qualcosa puoi chiederti il perché e non disperarti, avendo delle carte reali da giocare in un illusione! La spiegazione attraverso il videogioco lascia un ampia comprensione di che cosa sia il Matrix anche ai più scettici, dando la possibilità di un percorso diverso, quello della comprensione di chi sei veramente e di quale sia il tuo scopo qui.. non tanto tempo fa ho perso il lavoro a causa di mille motivi non hanno rinnovato il contratto come a me ad altri,in un luogo di lavoro in cui stavo benissimo e ovviamente la cosa mi ha resa molto triste, ma comprendendo la causa delle manipolazioni etc si può avere ancora più motivi per lottare e guardare i lati positivi della disoccupazione,come ora ho davvero tempo per praticare dove e come voglio e leggere i tuoi libri e articolo in pace totale, magari si arriverà ad.un punto tale,perché del resto chi lavorerebbe se non per passione?! Ovviamente in questa illusione il lavoro è diventato fondamentale altrimenti non puoi nemmeno mangiare,ma bisogna vedere i lati positivi di ogni cosa per star bene e appunto non disperarsi per qualcosa che non è nemmeno reale! Mi è piaciuto molto il discorso di non obbligare le persone al mio percorso, in passato infatti ero molto afflitta da questo, ma piano piano me ne sono fatta una ragione, ovvero ho compreso che non per forza tutti anche se sarebbe la cosa migliore possono o vogliono intraprendere il percorso di pratica per il risveglio! Ma la cosa bella è che attraverso questo percorso impegnativo, tosto, bellissimo e davvero pieno di emozioni c'è la possibilità di scegliere la libertà ed è la cosa che in questo Matrix spesso si sceglie di percorrere,ma senza comprendere che quella che si segue (in vari modi) è solo un apparente libertà!! Grazie mille Angel 💓

  • Galanasoul
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    01:14 28/03/24

    Andando avanti in questo Percorso sto diventando sempre più consapevole del matrix. Ho letto questo articolo diversi mesi fa´ ma adesso inizio a comprendere davvero che posso cambiare la mia vita e prendere distanza da certe cose, quelle che io non ho definito e voluto. Mi piace molto l´idea del sogno lucido e del poter osare e modellare l´illusione, rendendola positiva. Ci vuole tempo, si. Ognuno esiste per una ragione, sentire questo adesso mi aiuta a non rattristarmi per coloro che non vogliono/possono risvegliarsi. Ci possiamo risvegliare dandoci tempo per poter vedere i codici del matrix e riuscire a uscirne. La pratica è fondamentale per farlo. Che bello sapere che i codici si potranno modificare attraverso l´evoluzione delle capacità psichiche! Ancora ho un po´ di strada da percorrere. Il bello sarà poter togliere il casco quando io lo deciderò. "Il gioco esiste ma è un´illusione", credo che questa sia la frase chiave. In questa realtà il nostro io potrebbe essere diverso dal nostro Io reale, lÁnima. E anche lo scopo qui potrebbe essere diverso da quello dell´Anima. Io credo, in questo momento, che lo scopo del mio avatar sia molto vicino a quello della mia Anima. Ma potrei sbagliarmi.

  • Betty

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    09:49 25/03/24

    È sbalorditivo quanto ho letto appartenere ad un videogioco molto complicato da comprendere ma con il vostro aiuto e passo dopo passo spero di riuscire anch io a capire i vari passaggi da affrontare....che sono il mio risveglio il capire chi sono e lo scopo della mia vita ....ogni lettura è fantastica piena di informazioni che aiutano a riflettere i dubbi e le domande che ci facciamo ogni giorno grazie a voi per esserci

  • Ilary

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    23:19 22/03/24

    è come se vivessimo in una prigione virtuale, dalla quale sembra nn ci siano uscite...tuttavia voi insegnate che in qualche modo è possibile controllarne alcuni codici, che sono i pezzi che la regolano...certo che, anche se potessi , non mi toglierei mai il casco in un attimo solo, altrimenti impazzirei...i piccoli passi da fare in tal caso sono fondamentali. Proprio in questo perido sto trovando diversi riscontri del Matrix, da diverse fonti...probabilmente non a caso....tutte le fonti, con parole diverse e con esperienze diverse, riportano allo stesso schema del Matrix, esattamente lo stesso.

  • ooguway

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    11:07 22/03/24

    Ho sempre pensato che qls cosa si faccia nella vita bisogna farlo divertendosi, lo sostenevo 20 anni fa a lavoro... sollecitavo i colleghi a "divertirsi" mentre lavoravano... mi guardavano come si guarda una pazza! Ho sempre avuto questa visione e non so perché! Ma forse ora, con la scoperta del Matrix, riesco a spiegarmelo! E sono contenta che il risveglio dal Matrix avviene a poco a poco... perché mi ci devo abituare: ho dentro di me un misto di stupore e e di spavento! Ma "avere uno scopo reale" e " andare avanti con le mie forze" è sempre stato il mio obiettivo, grazie!

  • GiacomoR
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    20:16 21/03/24

    Tutto intorno a noi è illusorio, un insieme di codici di questo matrix che il nostro cervello ci mostra come la realtà che abbiamo intorno. Una volta capito questo si può praticare per riprendere il controllo della nostra vista, uscire dal matrix e imparare a imprimere il nostro volere su esso. Più si medita più ci si rende conto dell'illusione e si riprende in mano la nostra vita. L'importante è iniziare a praticare per riuscirci.

  • Angelica

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    11:42 16/03/24

    Comprendere che il siamo tutti completamente immersi nel Matrix è molto utile. È utile per poter realizzare i propri sogni, per non preoccuparsi degli errori e per non demoralizzarsi davanti alle sfide che noi stessi abbiamo scelto per evolverci.

  • artemisia@

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    09:46 14/03/24

    Ho compreso che il matrix è il mondo che vediamo ma che ci nasconde la verità volendoci tenere sotto controllo. Dal canto nostro seguendo il libero arbitrio possiamo decidere se continuare a vivere in un simulacro di libertà o riconnetterci con la propria essenza attraverso la crescita personale e spirituale. Nella scelta di questo viaggio c è l accettazione incondizionata di chi nn condivide la diversità di pensiero. Ogni essere umano ha lo scopo di realizzare la propria visione, sta a noi direzionarci anche se spesso ci lasciamo sabotare. Ho dimenticato lo scopo per cui ho deciso di nascere addormentandomi, è arrivato il momento di svegliarmi per dare un senso al mio viaggio di evoluzione. 🙏

  • anlura

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    22:19 13/03/24

    Questo documento per me è molto difficile , Vivere nel matrix sembra così reale che è incredibile che possa esistere veramente una cosa così. E uscirne sembra altrettanto incredibile ,anzi impossibile. Non ho ancora ben chiaro tutto l'articolo, ma continuerò a rileggerlo e nel frattempo mi concentrerò sulla meditazione.