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Moving Energy – Moving the energy of the Chakras (part 1)

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Today I’m going to explain what Energy Movements are.
As you can tell by the name, we’re talking about an exercise that allows you to move energy, both inside and outside your body. Through this exercise you’ll also develop many other abilities. The first reason why we should practice Energy Movements is to help our body to better absorb pranic energy during the conscious breathing of Meditation. By moving our body’s energy, we manage to solve what might be energetic blockages that usually hinder a more fluid movement of energy inside us. All of us have little energetic blockages here and there; nothing serious, but they can inhibit the flux of energy when we practice important techniques such as Energy Healing, Astral Travel, and so on. Energy Movements are very useful to improve both the fluidity inside your body and your ability to use energy on others. For example they help you in those altruistic energy techniques such as Energy Healing on someone else.

Knowing how to move energy is the basis of any other technique, because if you’re able to move energy, you’ll rapidly become able to do anything. In fact, all psychic abilities are based on energy. So, knowing how to move it is of great help to develop all the abilities that you desire. This following exercise is very quick and easy, but from the very first session it’ll bring you physical wellness and improvements that you’ll notice immediately during your next Meditation. I suggest you sit comfortably and practice this simple exercise, which will allow you to comprehend the value of this technique.


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Let’s begin with a simple energy movement exercise.


Start to relax…

Sit composed with your back straight.

Don’t cross your legs if you can, or sit in the half lotus position.


Take deep breaths…

And feel the white energy entering inside you.

With every breath…you feel yourself relaxing

and raising your tonale.


Now choose the hand you find more comfortable moving energy with, while the other one will stay still.

Place the hand you chose near your Chi,

and from that chakra start to make the energy rise to the Plexus.

Slowly raise your hand, starting from the Chi, and slowly bring it near the Plexus.


While the hand is physically moving, focus on feeling the energy movement inside your body, which follows the hand.


So focus…


Raise your hand…

Bring it near the Plexus…

And when you’re done repeat it.



Start again from the Chi, without touching the Chakra with your fingers, but only by placing the hand close to it,

raise it slowly, until you reach the Plexus.


Don’t hold your breath while you’re practicing, remember to stay relaxed and to breathe.


Now breathe deeply…

Start again from the Chi…

And now, while you’re raising your hand, focus mostly on the inner physical sensation.

Focus on this energy thread that starts from the Chi and reaches the Plexus.


Good, now relax your arms…

And let’s practice the same exercise, but without using the hand; in this way you’re sure to comprehend what an Energy Movement is.


Basically, focus on the Chi,

and now, imagine and visualize this white line that from the Chi rises to the Plexus.


Breathe while you’re doing it, don’t hold your breath, because if you breathe it’s easier to move energy.


Visualize this white line going from the Chi to the Plexus again, with a slow movement…

In this way you can feel it better, while a fast movement would be more difficult to perceive.


You can breathe prana from the Chi, and after taking this breath feel the energy that you’ve just absorbed moving to the Plexus. This might make the exercise easier for you.


So now breathe from the Chi, feel the energy entering…

And now move this energy upwards through the body, until it reaches the Plexus chakra.


During the first experiences you’re only visualizing this movement, but by continuing with the exercise you’ll start to actually feel this movement. You’ll feel it inside your body, and it will be very physical.


Now let’s start again with the help of the hand.

Focus and place your hand near your Chi, slowly make a sign with your hand to make the energy rise up until it reaches the Heart chakra.


While you’re moving the hand, visualize – inside your body – this white line that follows the movement of your hand.


From your Chi, this white line goes up to your Heart chakra.


When you’re done start again. Place your hand near your Chi again, and slowly go up to the Heart chakra.


Even if in the beginning this movement won’t be fluid, or as you might expect it, you might still notice it from the simple fact that you feel a faint stitch in your stomach (at the Plexus chakra), or your Heart chakra might start beating a little faster; or again you might feel the same faint stitch in the area of your Heart chakra.

Even if you haven’t felt the fluid movement starting from the Chi and going to the Heart chakra, you might still have felt some faint sign, like a light stitching. This is just the first experience, so don’t be in a rush to want to feel all the singular movements, but focus on starting to feel those little movements here and there, that can prove to you the technique is working. As always, don’t have expectations, so that the technique can actually work.


Let’s start again.


Focus on your Chi, place your hand near it, and slowly raise your hand until you reach your throat chakra.

While you do that, focus on feeling – or visualizing, at the beginning – this thread of energy moving inside your body.



Feel the hand moving slowly…

And your inner energy follows.


Don’t hold your breath, but keep breathing…


Raise your hand to the throat…

And start again by going back to your Chi. Raise your hand…

The internal energy follows…

And reaches the Throat chakra.


Even in this case you might have noticed that perhaps you didn’t feel the thread of energy following the whole movement of your hand, but when you were coming near the chakras you started to feel some pulsation or twinges. This is of course a positive sign and proves that something is happening. For example, you might have never meditated on the Throat chakra, and yet when you arrived close to it during the energy movement, you might have felt some physical sensation, like a faint squeeze or a little stitch, and this obviously proves that the energy is moving.


Now let’s repeat the exercise, but without using the hand.

Relax your arms,

Focus on your Chi, and feel this inner thread of energy that from the Chi starts going up slowly, until it reaches the Plexus chakra.


Breathe deeply… while you’re moving energy… without being in a hurry.


When you reach the Plexus, visualize this energy moving inside of you, and rising to the Heart chakra.


Even if the distance between the Plexus and the Heart is visually really small, when you feel the energy moving inside of you, you realize that the distance is bigger, much more than what it looks like.


So, reach up to the Heart…

And now, from the Heart chakra, calmly move this energy until you reach the Throat chakra.


Well done. Now let’s do this same exercise going downwards.

From the Throat chakra, let’s move the energy slowly downwards, until it reaches the Heart chakra.


Now from the Heart chakra, go down to the Plexus…


From the Plexus, go down to the Chi… slowly.


Well done. Now, even though the thread that you have visualized passed through the centre of the body, you might have felt energy movements near your ribs, or at the sides of your neck, or at the sides of your chest. This feeling isn’t wrong, because when you move energy, even when you focus on one tiny thread of prana, you’re actually moving a greater amount of energy inside your body. So, even if you do the movements while visualizing a little thread, what is actually moving is much more energy, which you don’t feel at the moment, but it’s there.


Now let’s begin the exercise again, by using your hand.

Place your hand near the Chi…

Breathe deeply….

Make sure you are relaxed.


And now, from your Chi, raise your hand and feel the internal energy moving…


Bring it to the Plexus…


Reach the Heart…


Feel the Heart, and the heartbeat that gets stronger…


Reach the Throat chakra…


Feel the Throat chakra becoming active…


Now move to the Mind chakra… calmly…


And now, up to the Crown chakra…

Place your hand higher than your head, so that the energy will move also outside of it…

And the Crown will become taller, above your head…


And if you pay attention, you might actually feel the Crown also outside of your head…


From this experience you might understand that there is much more to the Crown chakra.


Now go back with your hand near the Crown…

And slowly lower your hand and move the internal energy until it reaches the Mind chakra.


Down to the Throat…


Down to the Heart chakra…


To the Plexus…


To the Chi…


And now, relax your arms…



And relax.


Here we conclude the first energy movement exercise.


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Welcome back! As you experimented with this exercise firsthand, energy movements raise your tonale and make you feel better. Practicing this exercise before Meditation – or any other technique – will make you feel more capable of what you’ll be doing. In other words, you’ll feel stronger. This feeling is real, because Moving Energy allows you to train your ability to use it and to manipulate it as you prefer. This means that you’ll have more power upon it, so much so that you’ll imprint your intent on it more quickly. During this journey I’ll teach you a variety of exercises on Energy Movements, so that you’ll be able to move both the internal and external energy. A bit at a time you’ll understand how important it is to train in these movements.

What you’ve learnt today is the first step using these Movements, which is moving the energy of your chakras. In reality, you could move the energy of any area of your body, but I made you start with the chakras because they are the most energetic points of the body; and this has helped you to have your first sensations. Obviously, moving energy in other parts of the body will be just as useful and beneficial.

While practicing these movements, you may have had rumblings in your belly while on the Chi or the Plexus, or slight dizziness while on the Mind chakra and Crown. These sensations allowed you to understand that something was happening, even if your Regulator wanted you to believe that you were not able to perform this exercise! Through this first experience you can already start silencing your Regulator, as the movements were happening and will keep increasing in the next sessions of practice! For this reason I recommend you practice Energy Movements, because they will help you to improve in all sensory and psychic fields. In the next lesson I will teach you another exercise and I will better explain the functions of Energy Movements. In the meantime, I invite you to tell me about your first experience with this technique by writing a comment below!

End of page 9 of 9. If you enjoyed the article, leave a comment below describing your feelings while reading or practicing of the proposed technique.

This document is the translation of the original article on the Accademia di Coscienza Dimensionale website.

  • antonella del piano

    Sei sicuro?

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    01:33 03/07/14 devo provarla domattina ora sto leggendo ma non sono sola.Grazie

  • Pina

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    23:51 02/07/14

    Favoloso, l'energia la sento muoversi benissim da un chakra all'altro..grazie , sto imparando veramente tanto !!! :)

  • Francesca

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    23:06 30/06/14

    aspettavo la spiegazione per una rinfrescata, grazie!

  • Silvia

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    22:22 30/06/14

    Subito provato,ma solo con le dita(sara' più' direzionale e' vero)l'energia mi si sposta a passo di lumaca

  • sogno

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    19:18 30/06/14

    wow sento vibrare tutto il corpo e arrivata alla corona ho sentito il suono evolutivo, come in meditazione :)

  • giuliana

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    15:48 30/06/14


  • sogno

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    13:44 30/06/14

    Bel documento grazie Angel :) provo subito a farla ;)

  • Jennarina

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    09:56 30/06/14

    Innanzitutto grazie ;) va applicata prima o dopo la meditazione classica? (Quella del non pensiero) :)

  • venusia

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    09:33 30/06/14

    grazie sempre interessante :-)

  • Clara

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    03:07 30/06/14

    è bellissima! Grazie :)

  • Tara

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    00:12 30/06/14

    Grazie Angel ... ho sentito l'energia.. soprattutto nei chakra 6 e 7 con un po' di fastidio alla testa.

  • davide

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    21:57 29/06/14

    Grazie,:) si sente l'energia muoversi

  • Denise

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    19:36 29/06/14

    Aspettavo proprio questi doc per rileggermi bene le spiegazioni; grazie mille! :)

  • Cassandra

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    19:26 29/06/14


  • Nuvola Bianca (Enya)

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    18:10 29/06/14

    In realtà questa tecnica la faccio da più di un mese, ma la tua è perfetta. La farò ogni giorno, grazie! ^_^