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Step 2 - N° 28

Questions about Energy – Conscious of your own Energy (part 3)

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Angel: Good evening, everyone! We can start with the second lesson about Energy.

Student: Hello Angel! If when we're practicing, we're in a certain mood, so our intent is in tune with it, can it have an influence on the quality of the prana we call up? For example, if I'm a little nervous, do I tend to attract energy of that vibration thus risking letting in not-so-clean prana? And vice versa, if I'm in a great mood will the quality of prana be better than usual?

Angel: Hi. According to this reasoning, we should only and exclusively practice when we are in a very good mood, otherwise we risk doing worse and attracting dark energies that will make us feel bad. So, no, be reassured that it doesn't work that way at all. All to the contrary, many people started practicing precisely because they did not feel fully fulfilled by the life - Low-illusory - life they were living, so they practiced even in a bad mood specifically in order to improve it. With practice, in fact, they improved their mood and their own lives. When you are sick, sad or feeling stressed, meditation is really meant to make you feel better, to put that mental serenity back into you and bring you peace. In this case the intent is not in tune with your mood, because your mood is black, you are sad and stressed, but the intent, and therefore the desire, is to feel better: because you would really like to be happy again. That's why you need to practice anytime, but all the more so when you feel down, sad, drained and demoralized: because it brings you back to peace and fills you with clean energy that will bring you back up in energy and mood. You have to practice all the time, all the more so if you feel bad or in a bad mood. The real question is: Who made you in a bad mood? The person you had an argument with, or the energy program they inserted from the back of your head to push you to have that argument during the day? Through Meditation you'll learn to shield yourself from these programs and prevent them from affecting you, which is why it pays to meditate all the time. 

Student: I realized that positive thinking is very very important, because without it as a base, you'd not be able to practice well. It's amazing how I didn't understand what I was missing, I felt I was practicing mediocre meditations, I didn't know what documents to read to give me the right motivation and charge (since they usually help me so much) and here they are! These were the documents I was looking for, it's amazing how everything happens for a reason. I am so happy that thanks to this class I read what I needed. Positive thinking! Having said that, I wanted to ask: is it possible that during meditation I still feel the energy entering the Chakra I'm paying attention to even if the attention goes away for a few moments? Still not being able to have good concentration, it happens that I get lost in a thought and realize that even if I'm thinking about something else for a few seconds, I still feel the energy coming in. Since I know that non-thinking is crucial, I can't tell if that energy coming in is positive or not. I hope I've been clear, thank you.
Angel: Yes absolutely. When we meditate, we put in the beginning the intent to call prana into the chakras to fill them, and then try to maintain a total non-thinking for the duration, so staying focused on perceiving the energy recharging the chakra without thinking. Obviously, total non-thinking will not occur right away, since you're new to this path, but only through constant practice will this from time to time improve, until we can maintain it for the duration of the technique or even for the whole day. So, it's normal to have a few moments when you become deconcentrated, however, the energy that is called up does not stop recharging the chakras if that is our intent. So, it's possible that during meditation you feel the energy coming in even if you lost concentration for a few moments at that moment, because your intent remains. Obviously, however, much more, and of greater quality, would enter if you stayed focused for longer instead of being distracted. However, have no doubt about the kind of energy you are absorbing, your intent is to absorb white prana and therefore a pure energy that makes you feel good, and that you will absorb, even if you are distracted for a few seconds. So, the energy you feel coming in is not negative, because your intent is to call up prana. Never have any doubt about that.

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Student: Lately, when I greet people, it feels natural to caress them, for example on the shoulders; before I was afraid to touch them for fear of being contaminated by their energy. Do you think I may have become energetically stronger and unconsciously feel it? And that's why I feel safer and more comfortable approaching others, because having a stronger energy I know mine will prevail? That's a really good feeling!

Angel: Yes certainly, through meditation your energy becomes more and more compact, so you feel more confident. In any case, you don't have to be afraid of touching others, also because if we really wanted to find the nitpick, other people's energy affects you even at a distance of meters, so without necessarily touching each other. In other words, don't have these problems, protect yourself psychically and everything will be fine. 

Student: Since I'm still not good at charging myself with energy, it often happens to me that maybe I leave the house feeling good and then among the people on the street, in the buses, the people I talk to, etc., I find myself feeling like I'm being sucked out of what little positivity I have, feeling literally drained, often tired, and if someone who has problems talks to me I also find myself depressed without me having any real problems to be depressed about. So, I was wondering if there's a way to avoid that.

Angel: That's good, I like your question. Absolutely yes, there is a way. The technique is to stay aware of your life moment by moment. It's a difficult technique the first few times, but already in two weeks, if you train seriously every day, you'll notice the very big changes you've already achieved. It's about becoming aware, living in the here and now; as you walk be aware that you are walking, simply notice, pay attention that you are walking. Observe your surroundings, pay attention to what you are seeing, smelling or tasting; when you are at work be aware that you are working, that you are doing this precise action, that you are moving your hands to work but that your mind is free from these programs. When you are in the bus be aware of all the people around you: that they are thinking, feeling, being hungry or sleepy. Become aware of everything and feel your light energy protecting you from any outside influence. To help you become aware, you can look at your hands (looking in the mirror also helps, but more so looking at your hands): look at them and move them slowly, close them and open them again. Notice how mechanical it is? It's a machine, a robot, it's not really you. It's the machine you reside in. At first it will be a difficult technique to do, don't worry, then it'll get easier; so much so that you'll learn to be conscious even while you sleep. Over time you'll learn the technique for Being Conscious better and better.

Student: Okay I'll do it! Thank you very much, I think it will be hard for me who always escaped from reality.

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Angel: This technique is difficult, but if you want it you will do it! Every day focus on paying attention to what is going on around you and you will see how everything will get better! Your spiritual evolution will rise through the roof! Staying mindful will allow you to have less energy stolen from others and not have their negative energies taken away from you; so even though practicing the exercise of staying mindful may seem tiring, it will actually then gain you many privileges, chief among them not being influenced by others or having energy stolen from you.

Student: Could one steal energy unconsciously?

Angel: Yes of course, actually almost everyone steals other people's energy, unconsciously. Then there are those who steal energy consciously, that is, of their own will, and these are called "energy vampires," because they suck a lot of energy out of you and drain you dry. However, in truth, everyone steals energy from others, but there are those who do it much more.

Student: Is it true that there are people who draw energy from you?

Angel: Regardless a little bit everyone steals energy from you and that is why you need to protect yourself. But yes, there are some people who are more "stealing" than others, at whose presence you feel drained faster. So, I recommend that you always keep your energy very clean and obviously protected, so that they can't throw their suffering or negative feelings at you, or even steal your energy.

Student: How can you concretely defend yourself against negative energies and attacks? Other than keeping your energy up, of course.
Angel: With strong psychic protections that need to be practiced and reinforced every day. Furthermore, it's very important to also practice exercises to strengthen the aura because it allows you to keep it nice and strong and not have it pierced or damaged by those who are too unconscious and also lower your vibration, or those who consciously decide to harm you.

Student: Referring to the energy that is accumulated through meditations, it can be consumed quickly depending on how conscious you are during the day. Can you please provide more explanation? Thank you.

Angel: The more unconscious you are during the day, the more others and the Low in general are able to steal energy from you, thus consuming you, making you more tired during the day. In contrast, the more you remain Conscious during the day, so the more you practice to become Conscious, the more you are able to protect yourself from the various vampirization, that is, the various drops in energy and concentration that you experience during the day. So, the more conscious you are, the more you're able to have more energy until the evening, compared to the usual (in which you lived/lived unconsciously), which coming to the end of the day you are tired and fatigued for obvious reasons. So, it's obvious that the more you practice the better you feel and the more energetic you become.

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Student: How can you be aware of energy for longer? Both in general during the day and while meditating and performing techniques.

Angel: In order to have more and more awareness of energy during techniques, it's essential to learn to stay more aware, both while practicing and when you are in Low. It's an awareness that grows over time if you keep engaging in the practice, so if you meditate every day, if you practice the protections and other techniques, you will develop more and more awareness over time that will last longer and longer. It's a matter of training, the more you practice, the more you will develop the ability to feel energy. On the other hand, when you're not practicing, it's appropriate to always stay conscious, so try to stay in non-thought, train when you're in the Low, because staying conscious will help you become even stronger when you then practice. It's all connected.

Student: Hi Angel, on one site I read that energy should only flow through the spine and not go through the organs because it is harmful. I was wondering if this is true and why would it be harmful? Thank you very much for your helpfulness.

Angel: Indeed, there is no sense in such a theory. Why would it be harmful to our organs? Aren't organs moved by energy? Unfortunately, there are so many websites and books that instead of offering information they spread disinformation, that is, information that is so wrong that it seriously confuses people to the point that they turn away from research. So, go ahead and ignore what you have read above, because it doesn't make any sense. On the contrary! Energy is good for organs, in fact the more you do energy healing on yourself, so practicing healing on an organ for example, the better off you are, so much so that you can heal it of the pains and physical problems it has or prevent them from coming in the future. So, I assure you that organs are very good for receiving energy! 

Student: I'd like to know if it's true that it would be better to concentrate energy when you are fasting or is it still better to avoid with a full stomach.

Angel: You can practice and use energy at any time without any problem. You may notice differences, in that immediately after eating you may feel slightly more tired because of a full stomach, but that doesn't mean it brings problems, you are simply sleepier, but that doesn't mean you have to practice only when you are fasting; you'd better not! You can practice all the time; in fact, practicing after eating allows you to get your Tonale back up, which, obviously with a full belly, had gotten a little low. So, you can practice all the time, without making problems for yourself. There are those who want to find problems in anything so as not to practice; don't get caught up in their obsessions and mental structures, these are rules that the closed-minded impose on themselves.

Student: I have a doubt that is perhaps stupid. I'm in a life situation where all the energy I take I want to acquire it to "attract" positive events and remove myself from certain difficult situations. So, I'm afraid of using it for techniques and not having enough to change my life for the better. I don't know if that makes sense.

Angel: This is a very obsessive doubt that Low is pushing on you, which you must not listen to for any reason. Know that by practicing the techniques you're already going to improve your life on multiple factors; not the other way around! So, focus on accumulating energy through meditation and don't be afraid to use it to practice the techniques, because that is also why we meditate. We take energy in such a way that we can use it, through the techniques, to improve our Low life as well, not just to evolve in Spirituality. So, the more you practice the more you will attract positive events to you, don't get obsessed.

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Student: During breastfeeding, how can you manage energy?

Angel: Breastfeeding discharges a lot of energy, much of which will go to the baby, so the purer the energy, the better it will do for you and the baby. I recommend that you meditate a lot and breathe prana often, even outside of meditation. You need to recharge much more often than a standard person also to avoid "aging" quickly, as rightly happens to the female physical body after giving birth and throughout the breastfeeding period. It will improve your health and your child's health, so it's important that daily you take your meditation time. When you breastfeed, feel the prana coming into your son, not so much feeling the prana going from your breast to your son, but really feel how with each feeding he is breathing prana from outside and automatically getting used to breathing prana that is around him. In this way he will take in more external pranic energy and less of your own. You will drain less energy. Unfortunately, the mistake that all spiritual mothers make is to believe that in order to do good for the child it's okay to stop practicing in order to devote yourself entirely to the child, but if it's true what you say, which is that your child's soul chose you as its mother before reincarnating, it certainly chose you because you practice and are spiritual. So, why after his birth do you have to let him find a Low mother? If he had known earlier, he would have chosen any other woman as his mother. Therefore, if he chose you because you are spiritual, keep on being spiritual, all the more because you were the lucky ones; don't give up as if you don't care about you anymore. You can look after your child and evolve spiritually at the same time, so that you can offer your child a better, more conscious, more telepathic, stronger, better mother. Instead of an unconscious mother, always tired and stressed, not at all telepathic, fragile and weak, who takes it out on him even when he is not at fault. So, I advise you to practice. I know that you're tired, that you don't have time, that the baby steals your whole day, I already know these answers, but you don't have to say them to me, because it doesn't change anything for me. If you don't practice you lose consciousness, but if you practice you evolve, you remain strong in spite of a child - while the others will be tired dead and you will still be full of energy - and above all you will be able to ensure a better mother for your child. You do this for yourself and for your family.

Student: I wanted to ask, if astral energy is immaterial and not physical, how does it have effects on the physical world? I have often been able to smell particular odors in a room in which there could be no strong scents or smells, but also, for example, tasting food or drink through telepathy. How is it possible for this to happen through energy that is not physical but has a physical effect on matter?

Angel: Everything you see and hear is energy, even a smell is simply energy that our brain through the senses translates into scent. From the moment you're practicing evolutionary techniques, your senses are expanded and as a result you are able to perceive smells and sounds more broadly. Physical energy is nothing but astral energy that has become much denser, until it becomes completely solid. But in the beginning, it was astral energy, which means that the physical dimension previously was astral, but over an incredibly long time it became thicker and thicker until it became physical. Nevertheless, the two energies continue to coexist, that is, astral energy can accomplish effect on matter, thus creating material events on our physical plane. That is why you can physically perceive energies that are in the astral.

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Student: Regarding the fact that we are energy, and everything is energy, even the chair we are sitting on, I was wondering: science has always taught us that both we and objects are made of cells, molecules, atoms, and the atom from protons and neutrons, and so on. As in the micro, so in the macro (see sun and planets). But the let's say "solid" part of the atom is only a tiny part of it (nucleus and electrons orbiting around at set distances as well as planets). Is it possible that in the remaining part, that is 99 percent, there is what we can call conscious energy, something that has consciousness and allows different communication between things?

Angel: Yes of course, because science teaches us and explains to us the various laws that govern the solid, material part, although today we are also making progress regarding the more energetic part. Be that as it may, energy as we understand it, so prana, is intelligent consciousness, it's everywhere and it causes us all to be connected, both in the micro and the macro. The visible and experimental part of energy, through our senses, represents the more material part of this consciousness, the part therefore with a much slower energetic vibration, which causes matter as we see it to exist.

Student: So, between the planets (in the macro) and between the nucleus and electrons (in the micro) of each of our cells or objects and between the objects there is conscious prana, that is God or whatever name each of us can give it.

Angel: Yes exactly, the empty space between one planet and another and the space between one atom and another are very similar in this respect, because energy is everywhere.
Student: Okay, I feel like I've always sensed it, but never fully understood it. Thank you, I hope as soon as possible to start communicating with this energy more and more!
Angel: Certainly, it's all up to you.

Student: What is the difference between static and pranic energy? From the document it seems they are the same thing, both present everywhere, but in smaller amounts in negative places.

Angel: Static energy is present everywhere, although it's easier to see it where prana is also more present; however, static energy is everywhere, because energy is present everywhere. Basically, static energy is what you see of energy when you look at it. Pranic energy is prana, so, the energy that is less present in very dark places, but if called back to those places, it can clean up the energy and thus make those places more positive.

Student: I don't quite understand the concept of static energy: is it the whole of all the energies in a given environment (e.g., Prana and energy programs) or is it a separate thing? Also, on one article it says that static energy "can be found anywhere on the planet," so is it an energy that only Gaia has or can it be found throughout the Universe?

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Angel: Yes, by static energy I mean the nonphysical energy that moves all around us, which you can see through the energy view, starting with the white dots that you see when you look at, for example, the empty space in the middle of the room, or as you look at the ceiling. Then within the static moves prana, so you can see it, as you can also see the energies of energy programs, etc. Of course it is found within the whole universe, not just this planet.

Student: Good evening! If prana creates everything and is positive energy, can negative energy also create?

Angel: No, negative energy destroys, so it acts to destroy and bring malaise into people and places, with the intent to ruin them. For example, war is a product of darkness, which obviously aims to kill and destroy.

Student: Hi guys and thank you Angel for this wonderful opportunity. The question that comes up for me is this: as much as I think I put all the effort I can into recalling prana and meditating, I always sense a lot of negativity around me, I'm afraid I'm doing something wrong. Could it be that Low and negativity around me manage to take over? 
Angel: First of all, I would advise you to always start with a good relaxation session, don't be in a hurry to finish it to start the technique or meditation, because the more relaxed you are, the more you will get into a positive state of mind and predisposed to practice. A lot of people unfortunately underestimate this step and so they don't practice well because they haven't entered the right state of mind, so what happens, they feel negativity, various annoyances or they don't feel like it at all, because they are much more manipulable by Low. So, if you instead of starting to practice without warming up, first do a good relaxation session, you will already be many steps ahead to start a good meditation session and have fewer Low distractions, such as the feelings of negativity that might come to distract you and not make you do a good practice. These are just feelings! Unfortunately, Low also plays on this and we have to be prepared on everything. Of course, it also takes time and experience, because remember that you have just started this path and you should not be in a hurry to know how to do everything, too quickly. Also, it is good to practice during the day as well, trying to be higher tonal and be more familiar with prana even outside of practice sessions. That way when you then practice the meditation sessions, everything will be smoother and easier.
Student: Thank you very much! Yes, many times, I meditate fast due to lack of time and this definitely fails to make me have good sessions and especially relax completely, thanks for the advice.

Angel: You're welcome! You will see that with the right relaxation it will be a whole different thing.

Student: To dwell on and then not "let go" of a bad experience, even in terms of energy, is to chain a negative energy on us, right?

Angel: Yes exactly, because that negative energy stays on you. So, it's good to practice to let it go, even if it's hard, so that those energies don't continue to cause us damage invisible to our eyes, but very strong on our lives. That's the end of the lecture for today, but if you have any more questions, don't forget to send them by right-clicking and hitting "Write Question." See you soon!

End page 7 of 7. If you liked the article, comment below describing your feelings when reading or practicing the proposed technique.

This document is the translation of the original article ( on the Dimensional Consciousness Academy website.

  • Salvuccio
    Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Volume 7

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    13:42 17/09/24

    Anch'io all'inizio pensavo che una buona meditazione poteva avvenire solo se il mio stato d'animo era in sintonia con il momento della meditazione, cioè sto bene, mi sento bene, e allora la meditazione sarà buona. Arriva al momento giusto la smentita di Angel e finalmente capisco che, al contrario, la meditazione serve a darti la direzione più giusta, quindi a correggere in qualsiasi momento quello che stai sbagliando. Ho potuto constatare che se effettivamente noi seguissimo fedelmente le indicazioni dell'audio guida e senza condizioni di emozioni e di pensiero, avremmo sempre delle ottime meditazioni, che tradotto vorrebbe dire, crescita spirituale. Grazie per l'ottima lezione!!

  • gil
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    11:21 17/09/24

    Certamente la meditazione non è qualcosa che si deve fare solo quando ci si sente bene, l'umore è perfetto, e la vita ci sorride, altrimenti nel mio caso non mediterei mai. Anzi più mi sento giù, deluso, confuso, dubbioso, disorientato, abbattuto, o altre sensazioni negative, più mi metto a meditare. Una volta non sapevo del low, ma adesso non posso più ignorarlo, quindi penso subito a lui, e non al fatto che possa essere un mio pensiero. Ogni volta che vglio fare qualcosa pe revolvermi, e subentra qualche pensiero che potrebbe spingermi a rinunciare, o a posporre, misprono, mi pungolo, e lo faccio subito. Non sono più considerati come prima miei pensieri, ma pensieri instillatimi dal low. Come ho già detto varie volte, mi da fastidio quando qualcuno mi spinge a fare ciò che non voglio, perciò se il low preme provando a farmi rinunciare, per un attimo posso anche dargli retta, ma quasi immediatamente mi chiedo... sono io che non voglio meditare, o è lui che non vuole che lo faccia? Se sono io, OK, allora non lo faccio, altrimenti lo faccio. Ovviamente non esiste che sia io che non voglio, ma lui che cerca di convincermi che sia io a non volerlo, perciò clicco subito sul triangolino e vado. A proposito adesso è il momento, devo andare, proprio perché lui mi sta dicendo che non è il momento! Grazie Angel!

  • klaudia

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    19:47 15/09/24

    In assoluto io medito anche e soprattutto quando il mio umore è basso e negativo, trovo forza per rialzarmi solo nella meditazione. Anche quando sto troppo in mezzo alla gente, che mi toglie energia anche involontariamente, sento proprio il bisogno di tornare a casa e meditare, ormai è un passaggio fondamentale delle mie giornate sia per caricarmi e uscire che per ripulirmi al rientro, ringrazio Dio per aver trovato la forza di introdurre la meditazione nelle mie abitudini quotidiane. Un tempo anch'io meditavo solo a stomaco vuoto, in alcuni momenti ancora lo faccio però ho capito che si può fare davvero in qualsiasi momento, una volta che riesci a non addormentarti più durante la meditazione puoi farlo anche dopo pranzo, forse aiuta anche a digerire! Grazie per questo articolo, è stato interessante, soprattutto ritrovare l'argomento dell'essere cosciente durante la giornata, una tecnica davvero utile.

  • raffaella83

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    12:55 15/09/24

    Ho riletto volentieri questa sezione di domande e risposte. I punti principali che ho annotato sono: 1) si medita anche se la giornata è andata storta e quindi quando il pensiero non è positivo; 2) la tecnica per restare il più cosciente possibile quando camminiamo o svolgiamo la nostra attività lavorativa, sentire gli odori e i profumi degli ambienti che frequentiamo e badare anche alle emozioni delle persone che ci sono vicino o nei vari luoghi che frequentiamo, imparando anche a percepire la loro energia e non farci vampirizzare la nostra; 3) la distinzione tra l'energia statica e quella pranica. L'energia statica è ovunque ed è rappresentata dai puntini bianchi di una stanza se si osserva una stanza al buio, all'interno di essa si trova quella pranica che richiamata. La pratica di restare cosciente la pratico a singhiozzo, ma mi sono accorta che che ho dei momenti in cui la mia coscienza è alta e riesco a percepire gli umori altrui e proteggere la mia energia. Di sicuro pratico con costanza la respirazione pranica al di fuori della meditazione e gli effetti si vedono, mi sento energica, più cosciente e positiva. Intensificherò l'esercizio della coscienza in modo da fortificarla e proteggermi sempre più. Grazie 🌻

  • noemy
    Medaglia per aver completato lo Step 1

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    11:45 15/09/24

    Dopo qualche mese di meditazione si è instaurato in me questo meccanismo di "necessità" della meditazione, proprio per stare bene...e lo sento farsi vivo SOPRATTUTTO quando non sono in forma, mi sembra proprio una sorta di appiglio per poter uscire dal mio malumore. Riconosco in un'altra domanda, invece, una mia esperienza non quotidiana, ma comunque frequente, ovvero il fatto di sentire la gente intorno a te che ti succhia via l'energia positiva(è davvero pieno di vampiri energetici in effetti)...a fine giornata spesso mi sento non stanca fisicamente, ma scarica a livello energetica, pur non avendo un lavoro faticoso. In merito a questo, quando riesco a prenderne coscienza in tempo, cerco di assentarmi quei 2 minuti proprio per inspirare prana e ristabilire per quanto possibile la mia energia. A volte funziona e altre no, però comunque ci provo sempre. Interessanti anche i discorsi collegati alla scienza così come ce la merito a ciò non mi sono mai posta troppe domande, ho sempre tenuto le due cose su piani sovrapponibili, ma paralleli. é chiaro che se l'energia esiste ovunque, sia presente proprio dappertutto, anche tra le più piccole parti esistenti al mondo. È sempre tutto una scoperta in ogni caso! Anche a me inoltre era stato detto che le meditazioni andavano svolte soltanto in certi momenti della giornata, o a stomaco vuoto...ormai tutto ciò che avevo sentito è come se l'avessi messo in una scatola da archiviare (se non buttare), ma di tanto in tanto, grazie a questi incontri mi torna in mente qualcosa da rettificare, appunto. GRAZIE!!!

  • Iris

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    22:00 14/09/24

    Quante cose interessanti e vere… se le avessi sapute prima..mi sarei preservata molto... comunque da quando pratico, da quando vi ho conosciuto, mi accorgo che fino a “prima” non ero mai stata cosciente/presente delle circostanze intorno a me e di me stessa e degli altri, mentre adesso talvolta mi accade, come se vedessi oltre.. E poi anche io quando qualcuno con cui non ho molta confidenza mi tocca la spalla o il braccio seppur in modo bonario avverto un po’ di fastidio..

  • semussin

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    16:58 12/09/24

    Le domande e le risposte che ci sono in questa lezione mi hanno confermato ciò che ho appreso in questo percorso in Accademia. All'inzio avevo capito che si dovesse meditare con uno stato d'animo positivo, quindi quando non ero di ottimo umore dovevo lasciar perdere e non praticare , invece è tutto il contrario ho capito che più pratico più attraggo eventi positivi intorno a me non solo ma cercare di avere sempre un pensiero positivo mi è stato di grande aiuto. Un altro suggerimento che mi è stato utile prima di meditare è stata la tecnica del rilassamento, prima di ogni pratica eseguo sempre una sessione di rilassamento anche di 30 minuti e tutto questo mi porta poi a svolgere una buona meditazione senza avere distrazioni. Adesso l'altro obbiettivo che mi sono posto è quello di cercare di “Essere Coscienti”, penso che se agisco in questo modo il mio pensiero diventerà sempre più positivo.

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    19:54 11/09/24

    Documento pieno di domande e risposte molto interessanti! Da sottolineare sicuramente come sia importante praticare in tutti i momenti, non solo quando siamo felici ma anche a maggior ragione quando non lo siamo, proprio per poter tornare in pace e alzarci di tonale. Altrettanto importante è anche rimanere coscienti durante il giorno, e non solamente durante la pratica, prestando attenzione a ciò che succede attorno a noi ed evitare in questo modo che gli altri ci influenzino o ci rubino energia. Parlando invece della meditazione, concordo in pieno quando si dice che il rilassamento è fondamentale: per mancanza di tempo anche a me è capitato di fare delle meditazioni un po' troppo frettolose andando subito al dunque senza rilassarmi come si deve, e la differenza è veramente enorme

  • FeBo
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    12:46 11/09/24

    Ho riletto molto volentieri questo articolo in quanto in questo periodo della mia vita sto capendo sempre di più quanto tutto sia energia e quanto in ogni istante, mentre camminiamo, parliamo e interagiamo con gli altri in realtà non usiamo solo la nostra mente o le nostre facoltà "low" ma in realtà quello che succede è uno scambio di energia che avviene sempre, ma se non si è cosciente semplicemente non ci si accorge di ciò! Ogni volta che abbiamo una conversazione con un'altra persona o semplicemente ogni volta che stiamo seduti vicino ad un nostro collega o a qualsiasi altro c'è uno scambio di energia; durante una conversazione o durante uno scambio di opinioni credo ci sia sempre chi acquisisca energia e chi la perda, è inevitabile! Sto scoprendo, giorno dopo giorno, come cercando di rimanere coscienti, si riesca a percepire le intenzioni che ha l'altra persona nel mentre avviene il dialogo e si riesca quindi a comportarsi di conseguenza senza farsi trascinare emotivamente nella conversazione e senza farsi quindi succhiare energia. Sono consapevole che anch'io nel passato e forse tutt'ora ho prelevato energia da altri, non penso che solo gli altri lo facciano su di me! Ma devo ammettere che finchè non si pratica e non si medita per raccogliere energia quese dinamiche non vengono alla luce; quando assorbi energia durante la meditazione o semplicemente quando inizi a vederla allora tutto diventa più chiaro e percepisci che l'energia è tutto intorno a te e che anche una semplice conversazione fugace tra persone può avere il suo effetto, perchè in realtà quello che avviene è uno scambio vero e proprio di energia e l'essere umano ha da sempre fame di energia anche se non ne è consapevole! Sono ancora all'inizio del mio percorso, ma sono grata di iniziare a percepire queste dinamiche, è stata veramente una svolta per me capire finalmente con la poca esperienza che mi sono fatta praticando qui in ACD che in realtà ciò che ho visto fino a adesso del mondo è solo un minimissima e piccolissima parte e che la gran maggioranza del tutto mi era stata celata. Grazie di cuore!

  • myzzylove
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    23:52 08/09/24

    Secondo me è fondamentale meditare sempre, quando si è giù perché ci aiuta a salire di tonale, quando non stiamo bene di salute perché la Prana ci cura, quando stiamo bene per rimanere costantemente bene, caricare i chakra affinché possano svolgere ognuno il suo compito perché da “ scarichi “ non ci riuscirebbero. Molto importante è restare coscienti, quando siamo coscienti riusciamo ad affrontare tutto ciò che accade intorno a noi nel modo migliore proprio perché “ stiamo sul pezzo “ e non siamo “ distratti “ o meglio “ ipnotizzati “. Un conto è vedere qualcosa mentre accade e reagire consapevoli di quello che è successo, meglio se si è così coscienti da comprendere perché sia successo e intuire subito come affrontare la questione, un altro conto è accorgersi anche un attimo dopo che l’evento è successo, avremo tipo uno “ shock “ perché essendo “ addormentati “ fino al secondo prima e’ come risvegliarsi improvvisamente trovandosi difronte un evento, quindi ci coglie alla sprovvista e potrebbe passare del tempo prima di comprendere bene cosa sia successo, il perché sia successo, magari meditando, e poi fare tecniche per trovare la soluzione migliore. Grazie mille 🙏

  • fulvia74

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    22:21 06/09/24

    ho notato che facendo/immaginando di passare la prana negli organi specialmente quelli che mi creano più 'problemi ho avuto un piccolo miglioramento di salute. Non penso di poter guarire dalle mie patologie ma anche un piccolo sollievo è già un risultato, oltre al fatto che oggi mi sono accorta di avere ampliato la percezione delle emozioni altrui, portandomi a fare dei bei gesti nei confronti degli altri che prima non avrei fatto perche' non avrei captato le loro emozioni.

  • Kriya
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    12:56 05/09/24

    che bello questo articolo! Voglio segnarmi alcune cose. Ci sono un sacco di spunti. Ad esempio quando parli della maternità e di accumulare più prana per non invecchiare rapidamente come è solito ad una donna dopo un parto, mi chiedo se meditando non si resti, a prescindere, più giovani, in quanto la prana tenga giovane il corpo a prescindere. Io quando praticavo molto, non avevo più problemi di salute. Ero più portata anche ad avere abitudini più sane, come mangiare meglio, e fare più esercizio fisico. Ho adorato questo documento, le domande sono molto varie. Vorrei saper bloccare il tempo per averne di più da utilizzare, per studiare i tuoi doc!

  • numa
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    17:31 04/09/24

    C'è una cosa che però non ho capito riguardo alle energie negative e all'essere presente. In un precedente articolo Angel diceva che per non essere influenzati dal low, dalle energie altrui, dalla negatività in generale bisogna piuttosto andare in Non Pensiero. Qui invece dite che devo essere cosciente di tutto ciò che mi circonda, la gente nel bus, le mani, i passi che faccio ecx per poter schermarmi in un certo modo. Non capisco, io agli altri non ci voglio pensare e non voglio proprio rivolgergli i miei pensieri, soprattutto in questa fase della mia vita che appunto cerco di pulirmi e soprattutto di restare pulito. Capisco che mi sentirei più vivo nell'essere cosciente, ma avere l'attenzione a mille tutto il tempo mi sembra anche quasi estenuante. Scusami, è un mio pensiero e ci tenevo ad esterbarlo. Grazie mille ancora per l'articolo e spero di arrivare in tempo al passo con tutta la mia classe XD a causa del lavoro, delle vacanze e di un'operazione, ho messo un pò da parte gli articoli, ma mai la medetazioneye le tecniche!

  • fab

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    18:12 29/08/24

    Queste domande sull'energia, fanno capire l'importanza di praticare la Meditazione per stare in tempo presente e lontani dal Low; per poi proseguire la giornata cercando di rimanere il più possibile nel qui e ora

  • Luca.r

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    18:04 28/08/24

    Forse questo è uno degli articoli di domande che mi è stato più utile, si vede che ad un certo punto le persone sono interessate e le domande diventano più inerenti e interessanti