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Step 1 - N° 18

Questions about Meditation (Part 1)

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Angel: Welcome to Accademia di Coscienza Dimensionale – Dimensional Consciousness Academy. I am very happy to meet you and see so many people online. Today’s lesson will be dedicated to clarify all the doubts and answer to the questions that prevent you from performing a calm practice since often you think you are making a mistake. Since meditation is a relaxing technique that brings you to experience sensations that are by far positive, there is no reason to be afraid of not being able to do so or to feel discomfort for not having immediately reached the goal, because it is normal for you to find difficulties the first time you are meditating. Most of our insecurities simply stem from the fact that meditation is a novelty in our lives since we were not used to it before. Today, therefore, we will dedicate this lesson to expose all these insecurities and solve the doubts that slow down our evolution. Let’s do it and get on with the first question.

Student: Hi Angel, first of all thank you for everything you do for us. I wanted to ask you how can I find my chakra exactly. There are those who say they feel it lower down, some say they feel it higher, the point is: where is mine?

Angel: Hi! The chakras are found in the area that I represented in the drawing included in the article of Meditation. Notice that each article has its own image and are all made by us; they were not taken from the internet, but they were created by the ACD staff or students therefore they represent the exact areas where the chakras are located. You can also take a look at the other articles on meditation and those on chakras, where you will find more and more precise and clear drawings about the position of the chakras in our body. Each of us owns them, they are energy centres, so they are not spots so small that you have to be able to catch it with difficulty, but it is an area of ​​the body, which we call a chakra, where this energy moves. For example, the heart chakra is located in the heart area, so you certainly don’t have to look for it in the stomach area; you could feel it a few centimetres lower or higher than the heart, thus always remaining in that precise area. You’re not wrong if you concentrate slightly up or down while staying in the same area, because you might perceive it slightly shifted relatively to another person; certainly it will not be in a completely different part of the body. The chakras expand and the more you meditate the more you can feel them larger and broad, in this way you can feel them better and more precisely where they are, so it is just a matter of getting a little familiar with your body and recognizing the feeling your chakra gives you. With time you may find it in a slightly different position although at the beginning you felt it in a different place, because by practicing on it you will realize that the correct position of your chakra is another compared to what you believed at the beginning. Don’t worry about this, however you must remember that the chakras follow the spine, so you will not have to concentrate either to the right or to the left, but exactly on the centre line of your body: for example, the heart chakra is in the centre of the chest and not to the left.

Student: During meditation, while meditating on the heart you say you focus on it and hear its beats, but more than once I have felt these beats in my ears and therefore in my head, even though I don’t think it’s the same thing. Do I have to feel the beats right on the heart chakra or do I have to hear them with my ears?

Angel: That of the heart is a chakra that is placed in the chest area, very close to the heart, the organ to which it is very connected. Here is the reason for this name. When I say we focus on the heart chakra it is clear that we need to focus on the feeling of the heart and not what we feel in other parts of the body.

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If you pay attention to what you hear with your ears you would be paying attention to your hearing, certainly not to the chakra. When you touch something with your hands you are paying attention to what you are feeling with them, not to what you are feeling with your feet, because they are two parts of the body that at that moment have nothing to do with one another. For the same reason, when I point out to focus on the heart chakra and heartbeat, I really want to feel with the heart the feeling that gives us his heartbeat, paying attention to our chest that makes us feel an obvious and natural kind of emotion that however, we have always ignore and take for granted, considering even useless to concentrate on it. In reality thanks to the heartbeat we can speed up our connection to the chakra connected to it and activate it faster, because focusing on the beat (which is always working and never leaves us) we can focus more easily on that area, compared to the other chakras in which there is no apparent movement.  Are two different things knowing that the heart beats but ignoring it or instead to consciously perceive its heartbeats, one by one in total silence while breathing Prana. Here is what meditation is: it is a short session that can last even 30 minutes, but in that period of time it allows you to evolve and expand your chakra thanks to the concentration and the filling of energy you carry out during this practice.

Student: When I meditate on the heart chakra I focus on the finger chakras, am I doing it correctly? But I must say that I do not feel the heart chakra as you say.

Angel: The heart chakra is located exactly in the heart area and certainly not in the fingers. Where do you have your heart? In your chest, you don’t have it in your fingers. Therefore, meditating on that chakra means focusing on the chest because that is where it is. The fingers are used to better direct your concentration towards the chakra on which you have to meditate, but it is not the fingers themselves that we need to focus on. Most people are not very familiar with their bodies, although they see it every day, because it is a training we do not do every day. In fact, no one focuses on feeling what their backside feels, or what their elbows feel; we notice these areas only when we feel pain, slam or feel itchy, but for the rest of the day we forget what they feel, unlike the hands we use a lot to touch and perceive what is close to us. Meditation gets you out of the usual patterns and habits, allows you to focus on something that has always been there but that you have perpetually ignored. The reason why you do not feel the heart chakra is because you are not focusing on the heart but on the fingers. From today, try to focus on the heart as I indicated, so by doing so you will always feel better the chakra connected to it.

Student: During meditation, you suggest to touch the chakras with your fingers, well does this “touch” really have to happen or just in my imagination? Since maybe moving I could lose my concentration. Moreover, to touch the chakra, do I have to use one finger per hand or two fingers of the same hand? And which finger should I use?

Angel: Through that feeling that is created by placing your fingers on the skin of the chakra area, which we call touch, you focus better on the chakra you want to meditate on, helping your mind to focus on the present rather than getting lost in thoughts and imagination. Therefore, the touch must be real and not just an imagination. Without touching the chakra, you risk not concentrating on it at all and failing to perform the thoughtless state, ending up demoralizing yourself and believing that you cannot succeed simply because your technique is wrong.

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For this reason, even if it may tire your arm or be uncomfortable at the beginning, in reality in the long run you will find much easier to meditate by touching the chakras because it will allow you to concentrate better on the right area without losing yourself in a thousand fantasies. To touch it you will use two fingers of the same hand, but if you want to use three or even the whole hand it will be your choice; surely you will find yourself much better meditating with index and middle finger, or with medium and ring finger. These fingers are the ones that move energy the most, so it will be easier to feel the chakras if they are touched by more energetic fingers. Sometimes you can decide to vary and use other fingers to improve the energy of your hands, but don’t forget the goal of meditation which is to evolve the five main chakras. The finger chakras can be trained in other situations, so focus on the larger chakras.

Student: It happened to me, while I was meditating on the highest chakras, not to feel the fingers with which I touched the chakra. It was as if they had fallen asleep, as if they were no longer mine. Does this depend on a circulation problem or is it a common feeling? If I turned away I felt my fingers again. Lately, I also have the problem that the legs move and contract, so I don’t know if it’s connected or if it’s a sensation that can happen during meditation.

Angel: During meditation it is normal for the fingers with which you are touching the chakras and legs to fall asleep, because you are holding a position that you were not used to. When your hand falls asleep or your arm or legs can’t fit in the same position anymore, change it and settle down as you feel more comfortable without doing too much trouble. The ideal position to meditate is to sit in the half-lotus position, but if you are not used to it is normal that at first you may find it uncomfortable and annoying; slowly you will get used to it without hurting yourself, so when it becomes uncomfortable sit as you wish to peacefully conclude your meditation.

Student: If it starts to tingle all over me, can I remove my fingers and concentrate on the belly chakra through tingling?

Angel: I would advise not to remove the fingers from the chakra, but, at most, to change hands so that the tired one can rest in the most suitable position. At least for the first few months of meditation, I recommend using your fingers to better focus on the chakra, although you could do it without touching it, because the fingers will help better addressing the energy; at least for the first time. After that, when you can move energy and feel it really well, you can choose to meditate without using your fingers, although you will probably find yourself so well that you decide to continue as you are now. The fingers allow you to stay focused not only thanks to the touch but also thanks to the thread of energy that is created between the hand chakras and the larger one on which you are meditating because they connect to each other; without using your fingers, since you are not yet experts in meditation, you could end up distracting yourself immediately; for this reason, I advise you to follow the steps listed during the explanation of the meditation technique.

Student: And if I hypothetically had a strong focus, could I meditate without using my fingers?

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Angel: If you feel you perceive the energy very well right away and don’t need to follow these steps you can certainly decide to meditate without touching the chakra because you feel confident about perceiving it and staying focused without distraction. It is important that you understand that meditation is an instrument that will allow you to evolve: it is not a competition for those who will first feel the chakras, it is not a game for those who will say they feel better energy. The meditation technique that I taught you has the intent to make you evolve with the right rhythm and the right potential, but if you think that some passages are useless, and so you skip them, you risk losing the beauty of meditation, ending then to take it for something different from what it is. Certainly if you don’t practice the right steps and the technique will end up being ineffective for you, it will not be the fault of the technique but yours, since you preferred to ignore the most important steps to make it work the way you want. Therefore, you can obviously decide to skip or modify the passages that I have shown you, but if the technique should turn out to be more difficult or even ineffective, realize that it is not the technique that makes mistakes but you have to start over from the beginning and putting into practice the right steps I listed. Don’t be in a hurry to become perfect because you will become so thanks to the practice through the passages that I taught and when the time comes you can choose, thanks to your personal experience, which is the best position to feel the energy, because this is the purpose of meditation.

Student: Unfortunately, I can only meditate once a day because I can’t find time. I would therefore have a little doubt: to load the chakras it is enough to concentrate on them and that’s it, or should I continue to attract white Prana in them for the duration of the meditation?

Angel: To load the chakras just concentrate on them, but it’s important to really concentrate without getting lost in fantasies and thoughts. Pay attention not to spontaneously decide to practice in a too simplified and reductive way due to laziness, ending up meditating badly and not concluding anything. In practice, it would not be enough to put your fingers on the chakra and then get lost with the mind in mental journeys and junk thoughts, because in this way they would not be loaded. To meditate well and then load the chakras during meditation it is necessary to carry out fundamental steps such as relaxation of the body and mind for the first few minutes of the session; then you breathe white prana from the chakra and, after a few deep and very conscious breaths, you can focus on it by stopping thinking and focusing only on the tactile perception you have on your chakra. Do not allow the lack of time to ruin even the only meditation of the day that you can do: precisely because you can only meditate once put effort so that it is excellent and not just a half hour of thoughts and fantasies that will take you anywhere. Meditating little and meditating badly will not load your chakras and will not allow your consciousness to evolve.

Student: If during the meditation the two fingers are detached from the chakra for a moment, do I have to start over it again or can I move on to the next one?

Angel: If the fingers come off there is no problem, the important thing is not to lose too much concentration ending up not meditating at all on that chakra, because in that case it would be better to repeat it because you have not seriously meditated on it. Otherwise, continue with the next chakra without stopping.

Student: Sometimes when I meditate I don’t feel my chakra and sometimes I feel it very much. Does it happen because I don’t focus well? But I feel others chakras better.

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Angel: It is normal because you have just started meditating and chakras are not yet stable and balanced, but they will need many meditation sessions to stabilize and allow you to always feel them well; for now you may feel them little or fluctuating, sometimes yes and sometimes not because you are still at the beginning and it is obvious that they will need time. By continuing to practice constantly, you will feel better and better, pay attention to them and see how they will improve.

Student: Thanks. You have surely repeated it many times in various documents but I would like to be sure. When I meditate on the mind chakra it seems that my fingers stick to the head, as if they were melting with it. It’s normal?

Angel: Yes, it’s normal because while we meditate on the mind chakra, usually without realizing it, we push our fingers too hard on the skin and end up feeling too stuck to the forehead or even feel the heartbeat in them. This happens simply because you are pressing too much, so try to press little less with your fingers so you will find that the pressure was due only to carelessness.

Student: I started meditating a few days ago. Unfortunately, I can’t keep my legs in half lotus and even holding them crossed I encounter some problems because they fall asleep; so until now I have meditated sitting down. I try to follow the passages you explained as closely as possible, I try to focus on the sensations of the “skin” in the chakra area but, unlike other people, I don’t feel anything. I can’t even feel the contact with the fabric (for the chakra chi). It’s normal?

Angel: The position of the half lotus can be uncomfortable and difficult for many people, especially if you are not younger or you have a bulky body, because it is not a position that is often used in your routine. In fact, for young people it is easier because for them it is more typical to sit in an Indian position and not with the typical office position to which one adapts by going on with age and working habits. Therefore, the only reason why the half lotus is uncomfortable is only because one is not used to sitting in that way; habit can be created and removed according to one’s choices and needs by repeating the same action over and over again. Meditation is for everyone because it is the practice of loading the chakras and making oneself aware of one’s life. If you can’t practice meditation in half lotus you can practice it sitting down because the ultimate intent is not to sit in half lotus but to meditate, so you have to learn not to lose sight of the real initial goal. Clearly there are passages that can improve our meditation, for example meditating in half lotus rather than with a crooked back and in an uncomfortable position. If you currently cannot take the half lotus position because your physical problems prevent you, you can practice sitting down, since this is the only choice; but if you have the possibility to choose, I suggest you to try to get into the habit of sitting in an Indian position, so that sooner or later, by trying, you will also be able to meditate in half lotus. You must understand that meditation does not require a super body, everyone including me has found it difficult to assume the position of the half lotus for the first time; little by little, however, with training, you will be able to position your legs in a certain way for more time until you can complete the half-hour meditation without having to move or change position due to leg fatigue.

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Notice that we are not talking about a very difficult position with legs above the head: we are simply talking about crossing them, so it is just a matter of habit. Since you have just started practicing meditation it is normal not to feel the chakra Chi, being usually also the most difficult to perceive. Among other things, the position of the half lotus helps to better perceive the energy of the Chi because it can remain in the belly area instead of wasting time dispersing down the whole length of the legs as would happen if you meditated while sitting. However, it is not a serious loss, therefore it will not ruin your meditation; I only advise meditating in half lotus if you have the opportunity, for the same reason. The fact that you can’t even feel the contact of the fabric on your skin certainly doesn’t depend on the chakra. The fact is that we are too used to completely ignoring the signals of our body, even forgetting that we can feel every inch of it because it belongs to us. A good exercise to regain confidence is to realize what is resting on our body. For example, you might try to feel the fabric of your socks that cover your feet, so you will concentrate on the sensation that the sock has on your skin. These are not paranormal or difficult exercises, it is all more than normal and natural, you just have to pay attention to what your body touches. Let us realize that we do not touch only with our hands, but continually touch each of our parts of the body. For example, right now our legs are sensing the fabric of the pants we are wearing, just as our arms are sensing the fabric of the sweater we are wearing. Learning to recognize these sensations will allow us to improve faster in the perception of our chakras, because if you are not interested in feeling what touches your body from the outside, how will you feel what makes it up from within? Because this is what we are talking about, we need interest, because we cannot say that we are not able to do so while we continue to ignore the sensations of our body. Regardless of meditation, you should learn to feel what touches your body because you will need to be better aware of what is happening to you in your life: for example, the beginning of a problem, allergy or inflammation preventing it from being created. Then this will also be useful during meditation because it will allow you to concentrate better in the area of ​​the chakra of your interest, feeling your skin without ignoring it. Shortly thereafter you will feel the chakra.

Student: And can I meditate even while lying down?

Angel: The purpose of the technique is to meditate, so if you can do it in the half lotus position it is better, but if because of the uncomfortable position you felt obliged to give up meditation just because you can’t sit that way, obviously you would be losing the true meaning of the practice, which is to meditate regardless of the position taken. My advice, therefore, is to meditate and that’s it, because lying down or sitting will certainly not ruin your practice, especially now that you have just started. The main purpose is to meditate, you could also do it upside down as far as I’m concerned; there are some advice that you could follow depending on your abilities and intentions, for example meditating from sitting with a straight back rather than lying in a fetal position, recognizing that in the latter case you wouldn’t move the energy well for all the chakras as instead you could do with your back straight. Among other things, I had also begun to meditate lying down for the first time, because the first few times I thought it was easier and more comfortable; only after I realized that it would have been better in half lotus and so then I did. Sometimes, when I could not meditate sitting for personal problems, such as back pain or other reasons that hindered me from the position of the half lotus, I simply meditated while lying in bed, because my goal was to meditate, then position is a factor that comes later.

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But certainly if every time you try to meditate then you end up falling asleep because of the lying position, you won’t go on for a long time, so you will have to make a decisive choice on the position to take during the practice. Unfortunately, meditating while lying down prevents you from concentrating well, a fundamental principle for doing it well, because if you are not focused and you fall asleep all the time it is obvious that you will not achieve the goals of the technique at all. So you see how you get better, remembering that the purpose is to meditate well and not to sit still for half an hour wasting time and fantasizing about various thoughts and obligations.

Student: I tried the meditation technique you taught, but I think I did something wrong. I couldn’t relax properly because the noises of the neighbors tormented me all the time, even though I know it’s Low’s fault. Besides, I used the half-lotus position, but after a while my legs started to hurt.

Angel: The first obstacles to overcome are the methods that Low uses to make us surrender already from the first meditation. Recognizing that it is the Low is already a great beginning, because it will help us more and more to understand the reasons why it tries to distract us and therefore not make us complete our meditation in peace, precisely because this is of extreme importance. Insisting is the only solution to defeat it. Regarding the position that causes you discomfort in your legs, it is not a real problem: when they hurt you, stretch and continue without worrying about anything.

Student: Being new, is it okay if I first do the guided relaxation you taught us, which lasts about 10 minutes, and immediately after chakra meditation?

Angel: Yes of course, you can practice both techniques because the fundamental meditation is on the chakras, but to be able to concentrate better and learn to relax you can practice the relaxation technique that lasts just 10 minutes; in this way you will be more relaxed and the following meditation will be better.

Student: If during meditation it happens to have arrived in a state of relaxation, but suddenly you are interrupted, you can create an energy block that damages us and when you wake up it makes us stay very agitated and nervous?

Angel: Interruption during meditation can be very annoying, but this should not change our mood and cause all the work done so far to collapse. In spite of the distractions we must not lose focus, because the interruption is clearly an event that happens to prevent us from reaching the final goal, and the more we are interrupted the more we should understand how important it is to commit ourselves to reach the goal today not procrastinate it to tomorrow. However, although annoying, the interruption does not create any energy blockages or various damages, it is simply up to us to be able to not lose the stirrups from the first obstacle, but to go on completely ignoring what happened. The goal is to relax, calm our masks, becoming calm and at peace: if we get nervous and agitated at the first hurdle we are getting the opposite of what meditation is. Whatever happens don’t distract yourself, continue with the meditation ignoring who or what would like to prevent you from doing it: it is only half an hour, not a whole day isolated and out of the world! Is it possible that those around you cannot accept that you want to spend half an hour alone with yourself? Teach them to respect your personal space, doing the same thing when other people want to be alone and in peace for a while.

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Student: It is the first time that I have meditated and I found several difficulties, but thanks to this I had the chance to meet people like you, incredibly generous who, despite not knowing me at all, have used their time to help me! Thank you so much! In the state of thoughtless I have a very short autonomy and have never been able to visualize the chakras. Reading step 1 it seems to me that I understood that we need to breathe Prana: does it mean focusing on the light and inhaling it? The thing that struck me most about this site is that it really looks like a solid group, it’s not just a site where you read, but you get advice from the staff, get advice from the students themselves, it’s incredible. You have to be proud of what you’ve created, Angel, because I’ve never seen anything like it anywhere else.

Angel: I’m really pleased that you found our site and that it immediately made an excellent impression on you. During the meditation the chakras will not be displayed, but touched to be able to charge them with energy. In fact, chakras are not spheres to be imagined, but are areas of our physical body where the energy is concentrated most; so it’s all real. When we meditate we can help ourselves by visualizing the white energy that comes into us to get closer to it faster thanks to our intent to recall it. In practice, visualizing the energy is first of all necessary for us to understand what we want to do, so with the intent to absorb it we will really call it and we will get it into us. Thank you very much for the compliments, I really care that the Academy website is experienced as a solid group in which everyone is interested in the presence of the other, and not just a place of reading where no one knows the existence of the other. Evolution is an important step that we can decide to share and do together, which is why I created this group, this team that collaborates, sometimes directly and sometimes indirectly. I am putting all my efforts into it and I am pleased that it has its fruits every day.

Student: Unfortunately, I made a huge mistake. I did not imagine Prana entering the chakras only for the first three minutes, but I did it all the time!

Angel: This is not a mistake, you simply focused more on calling Prana and less on not thinking, but it’s not really a mistake. Imagining energy helps us get a lot closer to it, so we use the visualization technique to call it in and let it enter. The fact that you have recalled it for the duration of the meditation is not a bad thing, because you have not thought about your problems or what to eat for dinner, but you have concentrated however on a fundamental passage of the technique, so there is no problem. Simply the next times you will meditate you will try to stay a little longer in not thinking, but I repeat that it was not a mistake to focus on energy, being fundamental for the technique.

Student: Instead, thinking about music is a distraction?

Angel: Yes, focusing on music is a distraction, because you would lose the real goal of meditating on the chakras and not listening to music. Meditation must be based on taking energy in the chakras in thoughtless state and in complete awareness. Music will not load them.

Student: Hearing your mix I started analyzing it, let’s say so.

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Angel: I understand and hope you enjoyed it, but don’t get distracted during meditation, because the mix is ​​meant to help you relax and therefore meditate better, not the other way around.

Student: I’m a musician, Low knows my weakness …

Angel: Being a musician does not prevent you from practicing meditation in thoughtless state. If your problem is the distraction that creates music, you can meditate quietly without headphones in order not to distract you. I also love music but when I meditate I have to focus only on the chakras and not on the notes of the melody I’m listening to. During meditation, which lasts only half an hour, you can put your work aside and focus better on the meditation session.

Student: When I start meditating, do I have to imagine the Prana that enters my chakra, or does it come into me through the breath?

Angel: During the relaxation phase you can breathe Prana through the breath and let the energy expand throughout the body; the moment you take care of a specific chakra you will bring in the energy directly from it, as if the chakra itself could breathe within itself through the skin.

Student: When I think, does meditation lose its value and do I have to start over?

Angel: It depends. As these are your very first meditation sessions you can safely move on and move on to the next chakra without having to start over; if, however, you notice that every time you arrive at the mind chakra as an example, by chance for one reason or another you always end up not meditating, to interrupt the meditation or to fall asleep, at that point it would be better to start again from the chakra on which you have more thoughts instead of going to the next, just to recover the lost chakra. This way you will avoid meditating too much on the first chakras and not meditating at all on the other ones, as can happen to many people at the beginning. It is important that all chakras are considered with the same attention. If during a meditation session you have not meditated at all because you actually spent all your time thinking, fantasizing or even moving to the rhythm of music, you can consider this session as cancelled, because in fact you have not meditated but only listened to music. Meditation is not a waste of time but has a meaning and a purpose, so it is different from the simple act of putting on headphones and listening to music, although this too can relax. Meditation is not a waste of time but has a meaning and a purpose, so it is different from the simple act of putting on headphones and listening to music, although this too can relax. However, meditation is not just relaxation, it is a state of evolution that allows your psychic faculties to evolve and become active.

Student: How do you turn off your brain during meditation? The feeling of no thought does not last long, to me at least very little, then again I fight against him.

Angel: We don’t have to turn off the brain, on the contrary, we have to turn it on more than before. The concentration we base on the chakras is a skill that we need to develop thanks to meditation, so the intent is just to improve our brain and make our mind more active and quick.

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To do this you have to focus solely on your chakra without thinking of anything else. The relaxation phase that occurs in the first part of the meditation allows you to focus better without too many distractions. In fact, the initial phase is very important for meditation to continue well. When you are unconscious, your masks and problems take over you, but if you turn on your brain, become present and conscious of every single thought that turns in your head and then decide to rule it, you can make the decision to expel it if disturbs you. You focus your attention on everything else, which is why it is difficult for you to meditate, but now try to focus only on your chakra, so you will notice the difference. Relax, don’t think about the Low, your boyfriend, your job or the time that passes, otherwise you are staying rooted to this dimension. Meditating takes you far beyond, so every time your thoughts come back just take a deep breath and pick up where you left off; if you fight, you’re shooting yourself in the foot.

Student: How much do they influence external noises in a meditation? Does meditation suffer from external noises and confusion despite having a good internal non-thought?

Angel: Meditation is not affected by external noises, these being indeed external. What could be affected by external noise is only your concentration in case you let yourself be distracted by them, for example by listening to the voices of neighbors or by focusing on the barking dog instead of focusing perfectly on your chakra. Besides this, no noise or kind of external confusion could affect the quality of your meditation. However, to avoid being distracted by external noises, I suggest you meditate with a meditation mix among those proposed by the Academy, so you will not be distracted by hearing the voices of neighbors because you will have headphones that will help you focus better on the meditation.

Student: When I arrive at the heart chakra I fall asleep without realizing it, even for 20 minutes. Why does this happen? What can I do?

Angel: Meditation relaxes us a lot as this is the main effect that makes us achieve, which is why we could fall asleep thanks to very deep relaxation. Clearly your intent is to continue meditation until the end without falling asleep, because your goal is to evolve and not just sleep; in order not to fall asleep there are various tips I could give you, but first of all I suggest you meditate in half lotus instead of lying down, with your back straight and your head well supported by your neck, instead of resting your head on the wall or letting your head fall into forward, because these positions would probably bring you to sleep. By committing yourself to keep your head straight, your back as well and your hand touching the chakra, you will keep your body active because it will be busy performing actions, so you will be able to stay awake. If instead you meditate without touching the chakra, with your head lowered or your head completely supported by the wall, you risk falling asleep and not solving this problem.

Student: How long does it take to meditate per day?

Angel: To achieve actual results, meditate at least once a day every day, for about 25/30 minutes in a row. However, my advice is to meditate twice a day for about half an hour per session, because in this way you will reach your goals without wasting time, having visible results from the first days.

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Student: Is it normal that after meditating, I feel the energy flow inside me even outside the meditation?

Angel: Yes of course, it’s normal. When you meditate, you gather energy that obviously will remain there inside you, it will not be lost immediately after finishing the meditation; therefore you may feel it moving even during the day although at that moment you are not meditating but doing something else. You will learn that the techniques I teach you do not only serve when you meditate, but they will serve for every single moment of your life. Feeling the energy outside of meditation is a great sign, because you are starting to perceive the first results and to understand that spirituality is much more than a simple pastime to relax.

Student: Is it normal to feel chills during meditation, like goose bumps? And what does it mean?

Angel: Yes it is normal, it is simply the energy that moves and causes you these thrills.

Student: So is it normal to even feel hot flashes during meditation?

Angel: Yes absolutely. Low chakras such as Chi and Solar Plexus, being much more earthy and material, when they collect energy they could make us feel warm, which is simply a sensation due to the energy that is entering and which the chakras translate as a temperature increase. The high chakras, on the other hand, could make us feel a certain fresh air, sometimes even a breeze, although we find ourselves in a closed room with closed windows and without the possibility of letting the wind in from outside. This phenomenon is nothing to worry about, it is the energy that is absorbed by the chakras.

Student: And when I don’t feel hot does it mean I’m not taking energy?

Angel: No, of course, this has nothing to do with it. The warmth and freshness are characteristics of the chakras, but they do not always make you feel these feelings because most of the time you will meditate without focusing on the temperature of the environment because you will be concentrating on meditation. Many times you may not feel the heat yet complete beautiful meditations. So don’t worry.

For the moment we have concluded the lesson, but there will be lots of other occasions where you can ask questions and I will be happy to answer. I was pleased to be able to spend time with you and thank you for actively participating in the lesson. From today you have more details to be able to carry out your meditations with greater confidence and serenity.

End of page 11 out of 11. If you liked the article, please comment below describing your feelings when reading or practicing the proposed technique.

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    13:19 28/07/21

    Stavo sbagliando delle cose in meditazione. Riproverò anche oggi provando a mette in atto quanto appreso in questa sessione

  • Cercatore

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    17:18 27/07/21

    Grazie per queste domande e risposte. Sono molto d'aiuto per migliorare le nostre meditazioni.

  • Gerro

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    01:40 27/07/21

    Ho avuto, attraverso queste domande, delle risposte che, sicuramente mi faranno meditare in maniera corretta! Al posto di utilizzare tutte le dita, userò il medio e l’anulare, concentrandomi sul chakra attraverso il tocco, altro errore era pensare che si riempisse di energia prana costantemente, distogliendomi dal concentrarmi sul chakra stesso, quindi migliorando questi dettagli, avrò sicuramente una meditazione migliore.

  • Victoria8

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    16:51 23/07/21

    È bellissimo svegliarsi al mattino con pensieri positivi, si affrontano molto meglio gli impegni quotidiani,la mia vita sta cambiando, grazie a questo percorso, grazie Accademia

  • Crystal2021
    Medaglia per aver completato lo Step 1

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    17:33 19/07/21

    Prima, agli inizi inizi, facevo anche io l'errore di meditare concentrandomi sul tocco quando invece il tocco serve per concentrarsi meglio su dove incanalare la Prana, infatti da lì tutto è migliorato tantissimo! Altro errore (che poi come dice Angel non è proprio un errore) che faccio però ancora oggi è il fatto di immaginare di continuo la Prana che entra nei Chakra invece che per i primi 3 minuti😅 Aggiusterò "il tiro"!🤣

  • Giuliai91

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    00:34 19/07/21

    Adesso sento abbastanza bene tutti i chakra, l'unico un po' più "altalenante" è sicuramente il Corona che a volte sembra davvero attraversato da una sorta di luce calda e altre invece giusto appena. Per la posizione la alterno anche in base a quanto sono stanca, a quanto tempo ho.. Ad esempio oggi prima di pranzo ne ho fatte due consecutive in mezzo loto, quella che farò adesso prima di addormentarmi la farò da sdraiata.

  • Antonino

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    10:01 15/07/21

    È bello poter leggere queste domande, si capisce che all'inizio le sensazioni provate ed i "problemi" riscontrati sono più o meno gli stessi per tutti grazie

  • Nadi

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    23:25 10/07/21

    Grazie Alcuni chiarimenti sono davvero molto utili e incoraggianti.

  • Steph

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    23:00 08/07/21

    Sono molto felice di fare parte di ACD, anche perché mi sento bene guidata in questo fantastico percorso. Anche se fin dall'inizio ho percepito bene i 5 chakra, avevo un po' di difficoltà a concentrarmi bene sul non pensiero, dopo qualche mese penso di essere migliorata, ma devo progredire con la pratica e la costanza. Grazie per tutti questi preziosi consigli.

  • luce

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    09:46 02/07/21

    grazie per i tuoi consigli Angel

  • Cosmic Feather
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    Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Volume 8
    Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Volume 9
    Medaglia per aver completato il libro Il Sigillo delle Vite Passate - Volume 1

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    18:44 29/06/21

    Grazie mille Angel per tutte queste preziose informazioni e spunti. Io sento i miei chakra in modo un po’ altalenante, nel senso che ci sono giorni in cui li percepisco bene e altri in cui potrei far fatica a percepirne uno o due. Ma adesso so che è normale poiché sono all’inizio e che, con l’esperienza e la pratica, i chakra assorbendo energia tenderanno ad espandersi e percepirli sarà più semplice. Grazie ancora.

  • Chiara

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    11:06 26/06/21

    Lezione molto interessante! Mi ha chiarito molti concetti che non avevo capito!


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    19:39 23/06/21

    wooow questa lezione mi ha dato davvero tanti importantissimi e preziosi spunti per meditare al meglio. Grazie di cuore!

  • xalessia

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    19:13 19/06/21

    Grazie Angel per queste informazioni utili, sono sicura che sarà sempre più facile meditare. Grazie a tutti!

  • Mara2008

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    22:48 04/06/21

    Più vado avanti più capisco che meditare è primordiale, per la salute prima di tutto. Grazie Angel per i tuoi preziosi consigli. Grazie di cuore 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼❤❤❤