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Questions about Thinking – If thinking was enough (part 1)

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Angel: Welcome to the lesson on “The Thought”. Today I will answer all your questions, please start.

Student: Hi Angel, thank you for the opportunity you are giving us. I have always worked on non-thinking by reading spiritual books. Now, however, being a time of great suffering for me, I find it more difficult. Only by isolating myself from the outside can I do this, always with great difficulty.

Angel: Welcome! Reading spiritual books is very inspiring and helps you realize that what you see around you is not the pure truth, but a wall of fictions. Reading books, however, does not allow you to detach yourself from the illusion that is imposed on us from birth, because otherwise it would take very little to awaken. Unfortunately, only reading does not allow us to improve our life and get out of the gears that Low and external energetic influences bind us to life’s distractions, obstacles and suffering. Even if it is a new way for you to approach spirituality, used to reading only, it is time to take the reins in your hands and choose to practice feeling better. Instead of tying yourself down and depending on reading books, it is time to start practicing changing the situations that bother you. Then again, you might continue your way and think that going from one book to another is the solution but reading books cannot change your life unless you put into action what you have been taught. Choosing to isolate ourselves is always the worst choice we can make, because that is precisely what darkness wants, so that every spiritual becomes alone and thus easier to weaken. My advice is to insist on working on yourself by practicing to feel better, not just reading. No one is stopping you from looking for someone, perhaps a spiritual companion of yours, with whom you could confide and perhaps discover, to your surprise, that he or she might have overcome problems very similar to yours and give you some advice to do the same. The important thing is not to close in on yourself, because that makes you feel worse.

Student: Thank you Angel for all the lessons you share with us. I realized that we should not get caught up in negative thoughts but cultivate positive ones. Do you have a suggestion to help me replace negative thoughts with positive ones?

Angel: When you have a negative thought, work on yourself to feel positive about it, sometimes “forcing” yourself to have a mind set on the positive path as if the negative possibility should no longer exist for you. Will tomorrow be a hard day at work? It will not be, it does not have to be, force yourself not to make it a hard day. Are you arguing with a person? Force yourself to think that it will be okay no matter what happens, it will not go wrong in any way. This does not mean that you will necessarily make up; sometimes it is just better for two people to separate. This is just an example, but if you understand that certain events are far more positive than negative, even if they seem the opposite on the surface, you will realize how true and right it is to remain positive always.

Student: You talk about thinking as if everything revolves around it, as if our negative thinking can create the problems in our life or undo them in case we think positive. But is it really so important to think positive?

Angel: Yes, it is much more important than you think. Constant negative thinking creates many more problems in your life than other people do. Thought creates the reality around you, even if for the moment you believe that thought lives only inside your head.

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Thought is much stronger than you think, though, so you must learn not to put a spoke in your wheel, but to make you stronger time by time, improving your own thinking and making it more positive for you and for everyone.

Student: In recent weeks I have been faced with a series of the usual events that want to knock me down and I promptly detached without letting them touch me. I maintained the same attitude with some people (including spiritual ones) who would get knocked down by their things, later being told to be icy and causing them sadness and strange reactions. Before I came to that, there was a lot of prodding behind it that I saw did not help as they did not listen to me as much as they should have. However, believing I was going too far with the detachment I then loosened my grip, just to test whether I was wrong. But those negative feelings of that people then clearly passed on to me, in turn creating thoughts within me that were trying to bring me down. The question is: how do we find the right way between being detached and sharing feelings of friendship (or other) with the other party?

Angel: It must be said that calling themselves spiritual does not take for granted that they are also practicing people and therefore aware of Low and how their thoughts are influenced, even though they self-define themselves by these terms. Consequently, calling themselves spiritual does not mean that all their thoughts are completely controlled by their awareness, because it takes a lot of hard work to be able to have good control of them, and it is still too early now to think they have succeeded. Moreover, it is always easy to think that others do not realize the truth and that we are the more evolved ones who must open their eyes; but what if instead we were the ones who were wrong and they just tried to make us understand our mental limitations? That said, it is okay to detach what makes you feel bad, but it is not necessary to tell others that you have detached them: Because this would only be a way to make them suffer. When there is something that you want to detach, do it without saying it too much around: are you doing it to make yourself feel better or to brag to others? So, practice to make yourself feel better: detach other people’s thoughts, their influences and so on, without necessarily making them suffer for it. If you practiced well, others would also feel better; suffering comes when you tell them with the hidden intent to make them feel bad or make them feel guilty. If they have sent negative thoughts or influences to you, cut them off and move them away from you, without necessarily making other people feel worse. I suggest you overhaul your way of wanting to teach them how to think and how to act with their thoughts: while you have good intentions, they probably do not wish to have an additional teacher tell them what to do, since you are level-mates and they are right in thinking that they should not listen to you verbatim; they already have a qualified master.

Student: Hello Angel. Since I have been in ACD I am able to be much more positive but mostly think less (and I still think a lot anyway, the difference now is that I am aware of it). Sometimes, however, I happen to think of something negative when I want to prepare myself to accept it in case it happens (because I did not use the techniques well and therefore did not get what I wanted) or when I think that that something negative may correspond to a test that I myself chose before reincarnating and therefore I will have to accept it and face it. Although the motivation may seem “positive,” are these negative thoughts caused by fear? The example I can give you is very recent: for about a month now I have known that I am expecting a child, I have no certainty that it will go ahead because there are complications; I am not giving up and I am striving to think positive in the confidence that what will happen will be the best for me. Sometimes, however, I get negative thoughts that I try to detach because I do not want them to be realized, even though I think their realization can be my mission.

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Angel: Yes, these negative thoughts are caused by your fear, you need to detach it and let it go. Do not think about anything, don’t think about whether it is right or wrong, you just fill yourself with Prana and let yourself go to God, He will know how to help you make the best choice, without necessarily knowing as of now which ones are the right ones. Trust in Him and everything will turn out as it is best for you, even when at first it might seem otherwise; then you will realize that you were wrong.

Student: Thanks Angel. Sometimes when I think, I end up immersing myself in fantasies. A few hours later I notice that the scene I imagined then becomes reality, not only on me but especially on others, even the words created in imagination are said. Am I predicting the future, creating it, or what?

Angel: You probably created it, as thinking can be much stronger than you think. That is why we need to learn how to harness our psychic abilities to create much stronger and more positive events for ourselves and for the people we want to help. We must not be fooled by negative thoughts or our limitations, which prevent us from making big changes and keep us locked in low levels where we can create very little of what we want; or most of the time just negative events.

Student: I often tend to prepare myself for the worst: I think negative so I am happy if in the end what I thought would happen in a negative way comes in a positive way. Otherwise, I was still quite prepared for the worst. But reading the paper I realized that negative thinking means approaching a negative end; instead, by thinking positive I will slowly achieve positive things. Well, now that this is clear to me, when negativity assaults me, I must stop thinking about it and think about something else, right?

Angel: Thinking negative to be prepared “for the worst” is a great way to ruin your life. I know we have been accustomed to this since childhood, but it is time to pick up new habits that will take us farther than we could go if we continue to listen to the old programs: programs that until now have kept us stuck at a low level. When negative thoughts come, chase them away immediately, because negative thinking can only hurt you and create negative events in your life. Thinking positively does not mean deluding oneself, but rather giving a ray of sunshine to one’s life, which, discovering the sight of light, will begin to want more and more of it until it becomes luminous itself. If you decide to live in the shadows, you will get so used to it that then you won’t be able to see the light even when you have it in front of you.

Student: I was wondering if the exercise I need to do during the day consists only of an effort to be calmer and more positive as I go about my day, or if I need to practice a kind of meditation that I did not see among the articles mentioned and that I missed.

Angel: The positive thinking exercise is to try to respond positively to every thought that comes your way, every situation that arises during the day, and every attempt by other people to hurt you. This is not a meditation, as I have already taught you the Meditation and it is the one on the 5 chakras in non-thought.

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Instead, it is a thinking style that you must adopt during the day, to make the techniques, such as meditation, have more effect on you, so that you do not lower their power by negatively thinking every day. So, the exercise of positive thinking is about responding positively to whatever happens to you during the day so that inside you do not get hurt and outside everything starts to get better.

Student: Each one of us obviously has a desire to see certain events in our lives come true, and as is natural, we tend to think a lot about these events. Ever since I met ACD, whenever I happen to think of an event that I would like to see come to fruition, I try to think of it exclusively in a positive way, and I must say that I am quite successful at it. I would like some advice, though: in these cases, is it better to continue like this, that is, thinking positively and convincing myself that that event will happen, or is it better to try not to think about it at all by detaching that thought every time it arises? I would also like to share a little reflection on how positive thinking can actually bring about positive events: I started my spiritual journey alone, before I met ACD; let me preface this by saying that before I started it I was a fairly pessimistic person, and I remember that the main point of my journey was to take a few minutes every night to think about something that had made me happy during the day. This led me to look at everything with a smile, and, after a few months, I met ACD. I like to think that it happened partly because of this change in perspective.

Angel: Well, it depends on how you think about it. If your thought has a very positive energy, it basically becomes a manifestation of what you are thinking and you are making it real, so the thought you are talking to me about is very much related to the intent: so, it is not the thought that accomplishes but the intent behind it that makes it happen. Positive thinking helps you understand the manifestation of this, so in the beginning it is most useful (not for nothing do I teach positive thinking first) but then with time you will learn to accomplish a much stronger effect. Without having to think about it in words and pictures, but by practicing focused techniques. I am glad that you realized how important it is to think positively, and yes, I also believe that was what led you down this path: because the same vibrations attract each other.

Student: So, should I continue to think positively about it instead of detaching it?

Angel: I recommend learning to send positivity to that event, increasingly eliminating thinking in words. So, for now you can think about it positively and only positively, but slowly you will learn how to make the future you desire come true through techniques and non-thinking, rather than spending the day thinking about it. You will see that it will be a big change.

Student: Reading your lecture on positive thinking, I saw that many reflections were made on the individual overwhelmed by work stress, and since an unfortunate situation happened to me at work yesterday, I would kindly like to know how I should have handled the stress according to you. How do I have a positive attitude with a person who shouts and shows aggression toward me, banging things on my desk and threatening to fire me? All because of a failure not mine but that of a privileged colleague of mine. At that time, I tried to have my say, honestly, I did not respond calmly, but neither did I respond rudely. True, I let her influence permeate me but at certain times, where there is very little that is positive, how should I behave? I felt violated by that behavior.

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I tried to gather my energy and finished the working afternoon like the proper person I consider myself to be, but last night I did not sleep a wink and this morning I could not go to work, a part of me wanted to, probably. I do not agree with mental abuse that occurs in the workplace to stimulate a person to work better. I will definitely go to work on Monday, but what I wonder is whether just our goodwill can be enough or whether these kinds of relationships should simply be cut; even though there is a need to bring home wages, especially when there are responsibilities. I premise that I am sorry for the outburst, I am not seeking psychological counseling, I would just like to understand how to improve myself in the aspect of positivity. Thank you.

Angel: You see, the problem that rubs many people the wrong way is to believe that thinking positively serves solely to delude themselves that everything is fine, even when everyone else treats you badly or hurts you in any way. However, I do not teach delusion or self-delusion that everything is fine even when evidence shows the opposite. Here in the Academy, I am teaching numerous techniques and methods to improve one’s life: techniques you can practice to change your future and improve your health, your relationship with other people, your personal fortune, and so much more, including of course time spent at work. The fact that you believed that, in a situation like that, the only thing to do is to stay positive, shows that you have not yet realized that to improve one’s life one must practice and not just think. It would be unthinkable that you only need to think positively to improve your life and get everything you want, because if that were the case, I would not waste my time practicing and then teaching you all these techniques, but I would dedicate myself solely to thinking positive all day long. If only! Instead, there is a need for more than that, which is to practice. The concept of positive thinking is very important, because how could you practice well if you had constant negative thinking? Of course, positive thinking is essential to practice well and thus achieve improvements; but thinking positive is not everything! Improving your life requires practicing the techniques I have taught you and will teach you step by step. So, to answer your question: in your place first of all I would have defended myself through psychic protection, to prevent the other person from attacking me unjustly; after which I would cut the wires between me and her, to distract her and get her to go elsewhere, rather than allowing her to stay there and disturb me while I work. Also, back home, I would practice advanced techniques to improve the work situation for the next few days: for example, the E-L or the Thrust. Instead of being stuck in the house for fear of what would happen the next day. But rightly you do not know these last two techniques yet, so I recommend that you practice what I have taught you so far to get to the right level where I can then teach you these techniques that will allow you to change your life greatly, and do not think that is an exaggeration. You will see it in the future and understand what the truth is.

Student: These past two weeks have been lived spiritually very intensely. The events that followed have given me an opportunity to experience every step of the importance (of the basis in my opinion) that thinking has. The Non-thought. It is as if at each step that dealt with the topic we are now talking about, I was ”offered” a kind of exam, and if I passed it, I would move on to the next step. I understood the importance of detaching in this present the pain I had been carrying around for some time, which by resonance had manifested itself in the presence of a similar event. I pushed away the feelings that were invading me: anger, sadness and the darkness that made painful memories resurface in me. These feelings were there in an attempt to make me believe that I was in the same situation in the past, in which a person whom I thought incorruptible spiritually had deeply hurt me. By reprogramming that negative feeling through a new awareness, that pain turned into joy, satisfaction, self-satisfaction, because I succeeded in chasing away the darkness. Now it is on to the next step.

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Angel: Very good, I am glad of this improvement of yours.

Student: I have met people who belong to the category of Do-goodism. Everything that is negation disappears in their thoughts and language. The words “no,” “never,” do not exist for them. Is it to be followed as an example? In the sense of adopting a real do-gooder lifestyle to avoid, both in thoughts and in everyday language, negative forms. By becoming a do-gooder, does darkness forget about us in the sense that we become invisible in its eyes?

Angel: No because you would only end up taking an endless beating. Eliminating denial and believing that evil does not exist, deluding yourself that all is well even when it goes wrong, would make you believe that it is wrong to defend yourself (since “evil does not exist”) and to practice improving your life (since “only good” exists). This is just one of many methods being used to wipe out practicing spiritualists, reducing them into people who talk and talk, but have solved nothing in their lives. Being a do-gooder is not a good term at all, even if it seems to be. We need to keep our eyes open and realize what is going on around us, becoming objectively positive, rather than a priori pessimists or exalted and pretending to be sunny, because there are far too many people pretending to be sunny!

Student: Every thought has a vibration and calls to itself a situation that vibrates at the same frequency, right? And this applies both to us and to others, in the sense that we can influence, given the interaction of auras, other people as well. In this regard, I have been experimenting for a while: in the morning, when I get up, I try to start the day with positive thoughts trying to recall to me many good things. I tell myself: “Today will be a beautiful day, the Force is cuddling me, staying with me and protecting me” and, in the process, I try to breathe it constantly to enlighten myself, cut the wires and reinforce my protection. But I realize that sometimes, especially due to external factors, my day is not always the best, although I try to detach negative situations. This may be due to what? From not being conscious? From low protection? Or from a mix of both?

Angel: You probably meditate little, in that it is meditation that makes the greatest change, while everything else serves to reinforce, not undo, the power of meditation. In other words, try starting your morning by practicing a meditation instead of devoting yourself to positive thinking. You can think positively during the day when you do not have time to practice but in the morning start your day by practicing. Only then can you realize that positive thinking is useless without a foundation of meditative practice; if, on the other hand, you meditate from the morning and then during the day think positively, the strength of both techniques will reinforce each other, causing the course of your day to change and driving negative events away from you.

Student: I have always wallowed in my pains, thoughts and dreams. So, I was letting the time go by, but I wonder: excuse my ignorance, since we still must live here on Gaia and in the Low how can we live in the present without thinking about yesterday or tomorrow? If I just think about what I am doing now, how do I get organized and know what I need to do next? Aren’t we in danger of being too distracted by our own life, work and family commitments? I, on top of that, am already a lifelong distracted person and often forget things. You have said on a few occasions that the ideal would be to be in non-thought, even without meditation. But what do you mean by not thinking? I cannot imagine the full-time non-thinking or, rather, a non-thinking whereby we do not have stagnant thoughts of the past, future or fears or whatever and we must live with a clean mind empty of cumbersome thoughts. I am sure I did not fully understand your message.

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Angel: In fact, I do not teach to turn off the brain, but to practice non-thinking. It is normal that you cannot completely eliminate the thoughts of the whole day, because during the day you must get organized and it is useful to think about what you will do tomorrow or next month. But is it really necessary to think about it a thousand times? The practice of non-thinking is to reduce thinking, not to turn off the brain. By practicing mental silence, you learn to recognize which thoughts are completely detrimental to your life from those that are a bit of a waste of your time, and from those that are a bit more helpful. The practice of non-thinking does not serve to unlearn the faculty of reflection, as it is what differentiates us from animals and makes us more evolved; but it allows us to take much more action instead of sitting still and thinking and obsessing. Our psyche can create the reality around us, while instead we waste time thinking and obsessing about how it should be. We are wasting time! We could achieve, but instead we stop and think. Because we are used to this, we do not realize that before we act, it is our habit to think a thousand times, even for months at a time and sometimes for years before taking the first step: we thus waste our time, which if we had used to act, we would have already concluded and accomplished our goal, still advancing many free years to do more. It would only take one minute of thought to organize our day tomorrow and firmly decide what to do and what not to do, instead we are left thinking about it twenty times at least: because we decide something, then we change our minds, then we reconsider, then we are unsure and change again convinced that it is okay, that reconsidering a thousand times is a great way to not forget anything; instead it is worse. It is normal that now you would not need only one thought to decide everything that has to happen tomorrow, this is because you do not have the capacity of trained thinking. For this reason, while you are organizing you forget what you were doing, you get doubts about previous ideas, you get a thousand thoughts to distract you from the original purpose. Because you are not used to keeping the goal fixed as you have too many thoughts in your head. Mental silence during the day serves you to reduce all these thoughts that are absolutely anti-awakening. So, it serves you to be much more conscious and have your sensoria more “active,” so that the solution to the problems comes to you in the immediate, rather than staying and thinking about it a thousand times. But how can you be able to get the solution to you right away, without thinking about it too many times? Meditating in non-thinking and trying to greatly reduce thinking during the day, so that the Sixth Sense has more “voice” and can give you solutions while your thinking is silent. I have told you many times: when you turn down the volume of thoughts, it will turn up the volume of the Sixth Sense. From there it is done, you just need to understand this mechanism. You will notice how by practicing meditation and trying to reduce your thoughts even during the day (so thinking less about people, things to do or people who have hurt you) there will also be an improvement in your attention and memory.

Student: Non-thinking actually is my handicap; I always feel too much pressure. I can never empty my mind, I think too much and this leads me to somatize a lot, I am full of aches and pains and I am convinced that, these, are produced by my less than pleasant experience and how I “endure” this.

Angel: Of course, it is very normal, it is everyone’s problem, but you will learn how to detach them. It is normal that outside of meditation you will not be able to totally stay 24 hours a day in absolute non-thought, but I guarantee that with constant practice in which you will strive to reduce futile thoughts, you can decide to be for many hours even in almost total silence if you wish.

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We do not need to think every day about the thousand problems, we have already thought about them many times! Can we indulge in periods of mental relaxation? The first step is to understand that you must live here and now, so in the present. Without thinking about past, alleged present, let alone future problems; without thinking about negative ifs or buts but always being positive. Be positive all the time so that you can change your present and thus also your future in the best way possible. So, it will be important that you first learn to reduce your thinking during the day, and when you feel that a negative thought you just cannot get out of your head, focus on your Heart chakra and breathe prana, causing the energy within you to act, which will help reduce that suffering.

Student: I would like to write about Low and the mental void. The first time I experienced mental emptiness was when I was 15 or 16 years old. I remember everything about that moment well. I was walking quietly and felt a “strange” (at that moment it was very strange to me) calmness. As I walked, I decided to think of a car: but I could not visualize it as I did all the other times. I tried again, almost straining to picture it red and whatnot, but nothing. In my mind there was absolutely nothing. How was that possible? I was always fantasizing; I was observing my thoughts. At that moment, however, there was nothing but that “strange” calmness. I tried to think of a thousand other things, but I assure you that inside my head I could see absolutely nothing. I tried then to mentally talk to me, but even then, everything vanished. It was as if I was in a kind of black hole. At that age I knew nothing about either meditation or mental emptiness, and I think it was normal that I felt a little scared at that time. This experience really lasted 10 minutes, I am not kidding. As soon as I saw the couch at home, I sat down and began to wonder where all my imagination or all my thoughts had gone. I stayed for 3 more minutes in that state observing everything around me and noticed that everything was brighter in that state. Well, I must say that after that “unexpected” experience, I began to enter the void many times, as if I were bewitched. Even now I can decide to enter it or not; I say to myself, “whatever, now stop thinking,” and in that instant the thoughts and images go who knows where and leave me in a kind of calm where I see, without looking (e.g., I see the plant in front of me, but I do not pause to look at what it looks like and think it in words). The mental vacuum is particularly interesting, but here is what I would like to ask you: is it possible that at the time I am in this state, sometimes or perhaps always (depending on concentration), I feel a slight “pressure” on my forehead? Like the head was a little bit heavier? It is not a bad thing, sometimes it happens to me, I am very focused and this feeling is almost pleasant, but I would like to know why I feel this. Does it have to do with the Mind chakra or the Crown chakra? As for Low, I did your meditation for the first time, and holy smokes! My kitten would not stop clinging to my arm (which she never does), I fortunately managed to keep my concentration and gently pushed her away, without opening my eyes (I could see her through closed eyes).

Angel: Definitely yes! That pressure on your head was the Mind chakra, which was “activated” while you were keeping mental silence. Just as I always say, if you lower the volume of thoughts, you raise the volume of the Sixth Sense and it must be nurtured through the chakras. So, your Mind chakra wanted to say, “Good, stop and listen,” but the Sixth Sense does not speak in words, but in sensations and intuitions.

We have concluded for today. I am sure you still have many more questions, so I am waiting for them on this Page, because I will be able to answer them in a future article. Reflect on the above and improve your mental silence! Have a great evening and see you soon!

Students: Thank you for everything Angel! It was a wonderful lesson, have a great evening too.

End of page 8 of 8. If you liked the article, comment below to describe your feelings while reading or practicing the proposed technique.

This document is the translation of the original article ( on the Dimensional Consciousness Academy website.

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    13:20 11/05/23

    Lezione molto interessante, è un lavoro continuo quello di riuscire a mantenere la positività sui pensieri… Ma è un lavoro decisamente importante. I pensieri, ho capito nel tempo, creano proprio una strada che ti si prospetta davanti. Se sei tu con i pensieri a creare una strada negativa, gli eventi continuano ad essere sempre più negativi e pesanti, è quindi importante usare la mente in modo assolutamente propositivo. Se i pensieri poi sono positivi creiamo le basi per ciò che di positivo può avvenire. È importante per me leggere questo articolo, come gli altri che riguardano il pensiero, in questo momento, in quanto non riesco a trovare una casa per me e la mia famiglia, e quindi i pensieri diventano spesso negativi. Ho notato che se mi lascio trasportare dal loop di pensieri negativi non ne esco più. Quindi devo tenere a mente quello che ci dici sempre, e cercare di mantenere tutto il più possibile positivo possibile. In più mi ricordi che posso usar ed elle tecniche, e ti ringrazio!!!!

  • Chiara Calien
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    23:01 09/05/23

    Bellissima lezione, l'insegnamento che hai dato è importantissimo! Per quanto possiamo non crederlo o ritenerla quasi una frase fatta (per colpa di chi specula attraverso falsi insegnamenti) il pensiero crea, ed è importantissimo mantenere una mente il più possibile pulita da pensieri inutili e positiva. La Meditazione prima di tutto è una grande medicina naturale che aiuta la mente a rilassarsi e a sciogliere le negatività, infatti, se mi guardo indietro, molti pensieri si sono ridotti parecchio, ma questo solo con la costante meditazione. Se solo questa viene a mancare di qualità e/o di quantità ecco che si tende a retrocedere e i pensieri si fanno sentire maggiormente, mentre il Sesto Senso si abbassa di volume, facendo assalire in noi dubbi e negatività. È troppo importante imparare questo affinché nella nostra vita si possano concretizzare eventi favorevoli! Grazie Angel!

  • Massimo
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    12:33 08/05/23

    Penso sia molto importante l'aver specificato che tu insegni a pensare positivo, che è ben diverso dall'autoconvincersi che non ci sia nulla di male o che il male non esista affatto. Questo è proprio il modo ideale per subire le peggiori atrocità, accettando di fatto che possano succedere come se non ci fosse nulla di sbagliato. Pensare positivo non significa questo ma significa evitare di danneggiarci con le nostre stesse mani, attirando eventi e situazioni negative che hanno la stessa vibrazione dei nostri pensieri negativi. Significa imparare ad avere una mentalità positiva e non sempre e solo improntata al peggiore degli scenari, come ci abituano da tutta la vita. Come se la sofferenza dovesse essere la norma! Il pensiero positivo è il primo passo per concretizzare nella realtà eventi a noi favorevoli, imparando a ignorare tutti quei dubbi, quelle incertezze e quelle preoccupazioni che ci fanno tentennare, che ci limitano e ci logorano dall'interno. Grazie Angel per questa bellissima lezione!

  • Nebula
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    23:25 07/05/23

    Bellissima lezione! Il pensiero positivo è importantissimo da mantenere durante la giornata, ci permette di non far crollare la pratica fatta e di non sporcarci l'energia e il futuro. Prima di conoscere il pensiero positivo ero abbastanza negativa, perché mi era stato insegnato di non essere ottimista, altrimenti se le cose fossero andate male ci sarei rimasta peggio, meglio quindi pensare negativo così si è preparati, ed è una cosa che in tantissimi fanno ed è assurdo come abbiano impresso questo programma nelle persone! Ma che si vive a fare se siamo tutti negativi? bisogna vivere non sopravvivere, e pensare negativo non è nemmeno nessuno dei due. Ho trovato davvero molto interessanti le tue risposte che hanno dato tantissimi consigli utili che non ricordavo o che non avevo notato. in particolare mi è stato utile leggere di come trasformare i pensieri in positivi e di come il pensiero crea e la frase che hai detto riguardo il nostro basso livello che ci porta a creare solo eventi negativi mi ha fatto riflettere molto. Inoltre mi ha fatto molto riflettere ciò che hai detto sul pensiero positivo con un intento molto forte dietro che plasma la realtà. è ciò che dobbiamo fare!

  • Sunshine
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    21:12 06/05/23

    Domande utilissime che mi hanno aiutata a riflettere su punti davvero fondamentali. Innanzitutto quando dici che scegliere di isolarsi è sempre la peggior scelta che si possa fare perché è proprio ciò che vuole l’oscurità, affinché ogni spirituale diventi solo e quindi più facile da indebolire… Mi rendo conto che spesso anche io stessa vengo spinta ad isolarmi, ma è il modo in cui in realtà poi mi sento indebolire ed opprimere. E vedo che sta accadendo sempre di più in tutte le famiglie, non solo nel mio caso, ed anche altre persone non spirituali mi ribadiscono spesso di aver notato questa tendenza all’individualismo nella società, che è il mezzo attraverso cui distruggono il concetto di “famiglia”, rendendoci tutti più deboli e manipolabili attraverso la paura. Inoltre quando dici che se abbassi il volume dei pensieri, si alza quello del Sesto Senso, che non comunica a parole, ma a sensazioni e intuizioni… Mi viene in mente la prima volta in cui sono riuscita a liberarmi di tutti quei pensieri che mi impedivano di capire più chi fossi e cosa volessi… ci sono riuscita attraverso lo sforzo fisico, correndo, e ho sentito che subentrava un pensiero diverso in me, che non erano quei pensieri pesanti e opprimenti, ma sensazioni di conforto, tranquillizzanti ed incredibilmente sagge che mi aiutavano a fare chiarezza su ciò che prima mi sembrava un vicolo cieco senza via d’uscita dalla sofferenza!! Grazie per queste riflessioni 💖

  • Davide (Dan)
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    18:19 06/05/23

    Durante la lettura mi sono soffermato su alcune frasi rendendomi conto che ci sono scritte delle cose molto forti dentro, è praticamente la descrizione di una tecnica e sono rimasto molto stupito del fatto che sia sempre stata lì e non me n'ero accorto! Rifletterò su questa parte riguardante la manifestazione degli eventi per prenderne spunto. Mi sono segnato questa cosa perché mi ha ispirato a provare a fare una tecnica, che devo assolutamente provare a fare!!! Interessantissimo!!!! Ho colto questo insegnamento molto importante su cui voglio approfondire. Grazie! In effetti fin da subito leggiamo la frase "il pensiero crea" e lo prendiamo con un dato di fatto ma da qui si apre il mondo, una marea di tecniche, di pratiche, di approfondimenti. Non è solo una frase: è una porta. Pensare volutamente per creare, per manifestare qualcosa da imporre nel matrix, rendendolo reale. Stupendo!! Riguardo al resto del doc, mi è chiaro il grande beneficio del pensiero positivo, a me personalmente dà molta carica, mi aiuta molto se non altro a non perdere troppo quanto sto costruendo grazie alla meditazione. Poi mi aiuta anche a spronarmi, vivere meglio, darmi obiettivi e portarli a termine. Quindi è un atteggiamento molto importante che ci migliora di tanto la vita al di fuori della pratica. Ho capito grazie a questi insegnamenti e guardando gli altri quanto il pensare sempre al peggio sia veramente deleterio, come qui è stato definito: il modo giusto per rovinarsi la vita, infatti vedo come tante persone si rovinano la vita con le loro stesse mani aspettandosi sempre il peggio e vivendo a schiena ricurva, col collo scoperto come se fossero in attesa della falce di un boia. Vivere la vita in quel modo non solo gli fa male ma non gli permette nemmeno di assaporare i momenti belli della vita, perché sono già in attesa che finiscano, che di distruggano o che arrivino altri eventi negativi. Grazie mille per questi importanti insegnamenti!!

  • jeji
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    14:43 06/05/23

    Nella lettura di questo articolo comprendo come sia importante il pensiero positivo, ma altrettanto fondamentale la pratica quotidiana; è vero quando riesco a meditare la mattina la giornata ha tutto un altro "sapore"!!

  • Alessiaa
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    14:11 01/05/23

    Non c'è orma di dubbio che il pensiero positivo sia molto importante, ma non è sempre semplice e credo che anche in questo tema ognuno parte da un gradino differente. Da quando sono in ACD sotto questo aspetto sono molto migliorata ma delle volte si ricade nelle vecchie abitudini, il periodo nero purtroppo capita costantemente a ognuno di noi, ma dobbiamo tenere bene in mente cosa abbiamo imparato sino a oggi, e soprattutto che abbiamo le tecniche per risolvere ogni problema oltre alla meditazione che mai dovrebbe mancare. Pensiero positivo, meditazione e tecniche sono un ottimo combo per affrontare il matrix e migliorarlo, e perché no? In futuro anche manipolarlo. Non ci sono limiti in tutto questo, ma la costanza di praticare non basta, e se non si lavora dentro sforzandosi di pensare positivo andremo a rovinare le tecniche dandoci la zappa ai piedi se vediamo solo catastrofi intorno a noi, d'altronde il pensiero crea. Ciò che voglio dire è proprio necessario lavorare su entrambe le cose, senza pratica il pensiero positivo non basta, ma la pratica assieme al pensiero porta grandi cambiamenti nella nostra vita, sia interni che esterni.

  • Niki
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    17:26 29/04/23

    Il pensiero positivo è importantissimo ma senza le pratiche psichiche non può da solo migliorare la vita e renderla come si vuole. Di sicuro avere pensieri negativi costanti crea molti problemi nella vita perché il pensiero crea la realtà che ci circonda e quindi bisogna imparare ad eliminarli, a sostituirli con quelli positivi e con il non pensiero. La Meditazione in non pensiero mi ha aiutato molto ad abbassare la quantità dei pensieri, a una stessa cosa ci pensavo mille volte non avevo pace.Adesso ho momenti che c'è silenzio, e riesco ad avere subito una soluzione a un problema e le cose mi sembrano meno grosse rispetto a prima come se riuscissi a darle la giusta importanza e vedere meglio la realtà. Prima a furia di pensare ai problemi e alle situazioni immaginavo molte cose che non erano accadute e le cose erano molto più gravi e inrisolvibili, continuavo a pensare e non avevo mai tregua. Adesso con la Meditazione mi sento più lucida e meno confusa. Ci abituano a pensare negativo per essere preparati al peggio e questo è davvero un modo per rovinarsi la vita. Questo percorso aiuta a migliorare il pensiero, a prendere il controllo della propria mente e riuscire così a migliorare la propria vita e renderla felice e in salute. Grazie Angel per tutti gli insegnamenti e pratiche che ci salvano la vita e ci rendono pensone migliori.

  • mari32

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    01:14 29/04/23

    Leggendo tante testimonianze, chi di frustrazione e chi di soddisfazione relative al successo del pensiero positivo, mi sono sentita inserita nel gruppo con le stesse problematiche ma anche con una speranza in più di potercela fare anch'io a migliorare la pratica e di conseguenza la mia vita! Tanto lunga è la strada ma a piccoli passi, piano piano la costanza e la perseveranza, senza lasciarsi abbattere dagli insuccessi o scarsi risultati, sono certa che daranno i loro frutti e soddisfazioni. Ogni giorno occorre incrementare i pensieri positivi che uniti alla meditazione, alzeranno le vibrazioni, attirando così molte più cose o avvenimenti positivi.

  • LauraF
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    18:04 28/04/23

    Leggere questo documento mi ha fatto riflettere su quanto sono migliorata nel pensiero positivo e nel Silenzio Mentale da quando sono in ACD. Di solito sono scontenta di quanto sono indietro, ma devo invece ammettere che ho fatto enormi miglioramenti. I pensieri inutili si sono di molto ridotti e riesco ad organizzare meglio le mie attività senza pensarci troppe volte. Questo perchè il mio pensiero è più lucido, più pulito, grazie alla Meditazione. Prima non era così, ero sopraffatta dai pensieri ed entravo spesso in un loop di pensieri da cui non riuscivo ad uscire. Quindi è vero che il mio Silenzio Mentale non è perfetto come vorrei e di strada ne ho ancora tanta davanti per ritenermi soddisfatta, ma è giusto riconoscere i grandi miglioramenti ed essere orgogliosa di me stessa. Grazie infinite Angel.

  • monica-sun

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    17:53 28/04/23

    Ho letto diversi libri che esortano a pensare sempre in positivo escludendo a priori il Low. Ma con me non hanno funzionato,anzi,non mi hanno fatta sentire meglio e non mi hanno aiutata a risolvere certe situazioni. Pensare positivo non significa fare finta che il Low non esista.

  • Julia
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    15:25 27/04/23

    Leggendo questo documento ho sentito affiorare in me un bellissimo sentimento di positività! Senza la meditazione il solo pensiero positivo non potrebbe certamente bastare a creare una realtà positiva, ma allo stesso tempo se non prestassimo attenzione ai nostri pensieri, pensando spesso negativo, staremmo annullando il potere della meditazione stessa e delle altre tecniche! Il Lasciarsi Andare mi è molto d'aiuto quando ci sono delle situazioni che non riesco a distaccare, perché sono consapevole che pensare negativo e ossessionarsi sugli eventi non può che portare ancora più negatività e tristezza nelle nostre vite. Inoltre abbiamo l'incredibile fortuna di avere le tecniche psichiche che tu ci insegni, per modificare gli eventi intorno a noi e il nostro futuro. Questa è davvero un'ottima motivazione per non crogiolarsi nei pensieri negativi e decidere di affrontare gli eventi con positività, praticando per cambiarli a nostro favore! Grazie di cuore Angel ❤️

  • Damaride
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    12:53 27/04/23

    In A.C.D. ho trovato materiale che da nessun'altra parte al mondo esiste, è unica nel suo genere perché ci viene insegnato di Praticare e come farlo. Una volta cominciato a praticare le tecniche di A.C.D. si può constatare la loro veridicità, il loro forte effetto su questa realtà. È assolutamente il Percorso che ci fa e farà conoscere la vera Realtà distinguendola dalla finzione. Sul Pensiero bisogna lavorare molto, è davvero importante cambiare "modalità", ormai la parte negativa della vita l'abbiamo conosciuta, ma com'è quella positiva? Non c'è mai fine al meglio quindi impegnandoci possiamo raggiungerlo, restare legati ai programmi negativi del passato non farà che deteriorare la nostra vita. Non bisogna mai dare per scontato ogni argomento che viene qui trattato. Il silenzio mentale ci aiuta a vivere la vita in maniera molto più semplice velocizzando di molto le scelte e facendo quelle adatte a noi. Grazie Angel!

  • Vanilla
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    17:09 26/04/23

    I pensieri che abbiamo durante il giorno influenzano la nostra vita e le nostre giornate, molto più di quanto potremmo credere. Spesso sento dire che pensare positivo è solamente un modo per illudersi che le cose andranno bene, e che la soluzione migliore sia quella di pensare negativo così da essere "preparati al peggio". Ovviamente chi dice questo non conosce il potere della propria psiche e dei propri pensieri e sicuramente non ha letto i tuoi documenti né messo in pratica i tuoi insegnamenti! Imparare a pensare positivo non significa illudersi che tutto andrà bene e rimanere fermi ad aspettare che i miracoli avvengano senza fare nulla. Come dici nel tuo libro su Dio: "Finalmente capii che il miracolo andava creato. Non era aspettandolo con le mani in mano che sarebbe avvenuto". Infatti ci hai sempre invitato ad Agire e Reagire, attraverso la pratica e a diffidare dal finto buonismo. Allo stesso tempo, pensare negativo significa darsi la zappa sui piedi da soli, e andare a concretizzare e attrarre eventi e situazioni negativi per noi. Oltre al pensiero positivo, anche il Non pensiero ovviamente è fondamentale e "abbassare il volume dei pensieri ci permette di alzare quello del nostro Sesto senso", permettendoci di evolverci e prendere potere sulla realtà e sulla nostra vita. Grazie infinite Angel per questa bellissima lezione!