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The Sixth Sense – It has always been a part of you, which you only need to acknowledge (Part 1)

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The Sixth Sense has always belonged to us but we never learned it at school or from our parents, therefore it seems unknown. Actually, we have always known we have it inside of us, although we used to call it with different names. Whether you call it sensation, perception, sensitivity or foresight, there is a sensor within us that sometimes warns us about an event or makes us feel as if something was wrong. You can’t describe it in words, because no one has ever explained it to you before. But still you know that when you get that particular feeling, it only means one thing.

Everyone could perceive it differently: some of us get a feeling in their chest, while others may see a kind of flash in their minds, but the fact is that when it happens you know it’s not a mistake, nor fantasy. It’s something warning you about a situation which is currently happening or that will happen shortly. It’s the Sixth Sense.

Some people already notice it during their childhood, perhaps having premonitory dreams or perceiving what someone else is going to say, long before they speak. Others realize it as teenagers or as adults.

It doesn’t matter when you realize it, because the Sixth sense has always belonged to you. You know when they talk about foresight, or premonition, meaning the ability to know about something which is about to happen or will take place in a distant future, long before it happens? Or the ability to hear what others are going to say before they say it, like a form of telepathy? Or again, being able to perceive if someone is lying to you or hiding something, even if you just chatted online and had no chance of seeing his face to observe his movements and his body language? These are only a few examples of the sixth sense.

Today we see the world divided into two parts because on one hand some do not believe in its existence and its various ramifications, while the rest claim their sixth sense has always been developed. But both sides are unaware of how incredibly advanced this sense is, being so much more than just a premonitory dream or a strange feeling warning you at night.

The Sixth Sense has always belonged to us and it’s part of our Consciousness, it was born with us. As for all the other senses, of course, we do not realize we have it. Thus, we believe that the only people who possess the sixth sense are those who live “stronger” experiences, such as seeing dreams come true after a short time with a very high precision, or sensing the presence of entities. Hence, if we have never had a premonitory dream or seen an entity, we believe we don’t have any sixth sense and that it’s nothing interesting. Actually, the sixth sense is so much more than this, it’s the combination of all our sensorial abilities. Just because some people grow up with a slightly more active sensory, we believe they have the sixth sense, while everyone else doesn’t. The truth is much more complex than this, but also positive.

Who knows how many times in your life you’ve had signs of its existence, without noticing it at all, since it belongs to you and it is completely normal to use it. For instance, your most visible ability could be getting a particular feeling about someone you just met, sensing if it’s a good person or if they could harm you. It is not about appearance, but experience: in fact, you do not judge their look, but you feel within yourself that that person, albeit beautiful and nice to everyone, is hiding something that will cause you serious trouble if you let him enter your life. You know it because every time you got that feeling you were right, and the experience of many similar situations led you to immediately understand when that feeling is right and should be immediately trusted, or when it is just a misleading sensation. This is only a taste of the sixth sense.

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Or you may have a completely different ability. You could have had a wrong feeling about someone else many times, letting awful people enter your life without realizing it, until they caused you serious damage. This may make you believe there’s not a grain of sixth sense in you – and as far as that particular ability is concerned, it’s true. Still, you may be prone to sense other events in a completely different context. For example, you may already know that when you go to a specific place, like a bar, you will meet a person with whom you had not any appointment and there was no reason to meet him there; yet, in your mind you feel like today you’ll meet that specific person, and in fact when you see him it will seem perfectly normal. Nobody told you he would be there, plus it’s not a place that he usually goes to, yet you already knew you would find him right there. Who knows how many times you happened to think of a person you hadn’t seen for a long time, and then you suddenly see him passing by, right in front of you, while you’re walking or doing the shopping. And how many times you thought of calling a person you don’t usually call, and as soon as you grab your phone, it starts ringing as in that very moment he has decided to call you. You can keep on calling them coincidences for all your life or you can realize that the sixth sense exists.

The sixth sense is an organ of your Consciousness, therefore everyone has it but not everyone finds it in the same way. Indeed, it can show up differently to each of us, but the sixth sense is so natural that there is no switch to turn it on or off, and it doesn’t warn you when it is about to send you some vision or perception, it simply does it, just like your ears don’t warn you when they are about to hear something: they simply hear it. Sometimes, the sixth sense can show up more evidently, such as in the case of premonitory dreams, thus making us suspect of possessing an additional sense besides the 5 most common senses we studied at school. As long as you plan to meet a person at the bar or anywhere else, you will not be afraid of your foresight; if anything, you’ll pretend nothing happened, you’ll deny it. Instead, when something stronger happens to you, like a premonitory dream full of details, and on the same day or the day after you experience the same situation in real life, this alerts you, as foreseeing the future scares a lot of people, making them think they are “troubled”. In fact, there are sixth sense abilities that are more pronounced or more evident than others, and this might make you think that somebody has it while others don’t. Still, everyone has it, even all the skeptics, but some notice it while others, fearing the unknown, would rather convince themselves that it is just a crazy sequence of coincidences and mass suggestions. Of course, predicting someone else’s car accident, or seeing from a distance – with absolute certainty – where the other person is and what he’s doing at the moment – confirmed by himself! – it’s all suggestion, isn’t it? It’s just fantasy; indeed, also the other person, who confirmed everything, has just imagined it all. Hasn’t he?

Let’s face it: when we want to deny the truth, we can make anything up, finding excuses that are even more absurd than the sixth-sense faculties themselves. So you can either pretend it’s all just a fantasy or you can realize that the sixth sense is the most natural thing in the world, since it has always belonged to you just like every other organ of your body. Every single extra-sensory ability is part of your sixth sense. When we talk about telepathy, premonition, or seeing from a distance, we are describing individual abilities that all lead to the same Sixth sense. We can compare the sixth sense to hearing: some are great at recognizing each sound they hear and define it as a musical note, while others only hear the mass of sounds as if it was a big noise; but the truth is although they are both using their hearing faculty, the former trained to recognize the sounds, while the latter only hears without understanding what he’s listening to, thus getting annoyed.

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Whether you hear some birds tweeting or a bus passing by, in front of your house, you are using your hearing faculties to hear both sounds, even if they are very different from each other. The sixth sense is basically the same thing: whether you foresee to meet a person, or you perceive the sentence he’s about to say, you are using the sixth sense in both cases. Taking the hearing example, not everyone has an “ear for music” and is capable of recognizing each musical note in every song they listen to. But is this due to a lack of hearing in each of us? Of course not; it just depends on training. A musician trains to learn to recognize notes, while all the others – who are not musicians – don’t train, and that’s why they can’t grasp all the musical nuances or recognize the different musical instruments, only hearing a single melody overall. The sixth sense is the same: when it’s not trained, it’s very weak and unable to realize what is going on around you; but when it’s trained, instead – like an ear for music – it starts recognizing what other people don’t see, don’t hear and don’t sense, gaining an extra gear to improve your life. Certainly, you’re not interested in having an ear for music if you don’t mean to become a musician, yet you’re interested in hearing even if you don’t like listening to music.

Just like your hearing faculty, or your sight, also your sixth sense has multiple levels of ability. Even your sight can be measured not only through various degrees, but also through your “observation ability”. For instance, you could be one of those people who wear glasses because of short-sightedness and yet, when you have your glasses on and you’re walking on the street or going somewhere, you can see a lot of details surrounding you. And if a friend or a colleague passes by, you immediately recognize him in the crowd. Or you could be one of those people with a perfect sight, but nevertheless when you walk on the street you don’t even see someone stopping a meter away from you to say hi, you look blinder than a blind man. This is because seeing is not just a matter of sight degrees, but you also need to improve your ability to look around, instead of walking as if your eyes were covered! As with the sixth sense, you might have a perfect sight, the highest degree, but still you wouldn’t see anything surrounding you, so much that a person with a very weak sight, actually sees better than you do. That’s why everyone owns the sixth sense, and yet only very few seem to really have it.

So the real question is not why some people have the sixth sense and others don’t, but why some people realize they have it from an early age, while others still don’t get it as adults. The first reason lies in habits, or the environment in which we grew up. Let’s make some simple examples. A child raised in an entity-infested house is more likely to grow up with the ability to perceive these presences, or even to see them, compared to some other child who was born and raised in a house where these so-called ”paranormal” events never occurred. Even though we all possess this ability within us, some trained it from an early age (on purpose, or finding themselves somehow forced to) while others didn’t; that’s why some adults are capable of feeling and even seeing entities while others can’t. Another example is a child raised in a very peaceful, serene and pampered environment, within a lovely and steady family: this context has never put the child on the defensive. So he grew up in his comfort zone, perhaps without even noticing his sensory abilities, as everything he needed was already there.

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A child raised in a slightly more complex situation – which isn’t necessarily a violent family – or in a tough environment which is a little bit harder to face, regardless if this hardship comes from within (family problems) or from the outside (problems at school, like being bullied, etc.), it is likely that he becomes inclined to look for solutions to his problems, even unconsciously, so much that he activates something within his subconscious, embracing one or more faculties of his sixth sense. For example, over time he has learned to foresee where problems were, like knowing that if he went a specific way, there he would meet the bullies who would bother him; thus, he’ll know he has to change direction in order to avoid them. Or he will start dreaming about the future, foreseeing in advance what will happen the next day, so that he can avoid making a mistake that would make him look like a fool in front of his classmates, or avoid a question at school. They are small signs if you think of it, but when you find yourself in such situations these sensory faculties are super useful and they protect you from lots of troubles that might seem very serious at that young age.

So discovering your sixth sense, from a young age or when you’re older, depends a lot on one’s habits and on the context in which each of us grew up. Anyway, the biggest mistake you can make is thinking that if you didn’t develop your sixth sense in your childhood, it will never develop, as if it were possible that when you grow up you lose that mental organ. Actually, your sixth sense will be with you until the last day of your life, as it belongs to your Consciousness and there’s no way you can lose it. You can always increase its faculties by giving it more attention or decrease its faculties if you keep ignoring it, but it’s something that has always belonged to you. The only difference which we could consider as a great help is that if we were raised being aware of our sixth sense since our childhood, when we become adults it would be easier to approach its different faculties, as we would realize that it is absolutely natural: it is just like a muscle that needs to be trained. Beginning when we’re adults instead could be more frightening, because you are not used to its abilities, such as predicting the future or perceiving what someone is about to tell you; so, all of this might scare you! Fear is a big block, which can prevent you from following an evolutionary path, even if you know deep down inside that your sixth sense is the most normal thing in the world. But when you grow up you become more afraid, so you limit your sixth sense a lot. It’s not different nor impossible for adults to evolve their sixth sense, even if they didn’t start when they were kids. Let’s be honest: what do you expect? Who cares if you didn’t start during your childhood? Do you really think you can’t do anything about your present and your future if you didn’t start doing it as a child?

So it’s really important for you to understand that the sixth sense is one of your muscles, which can be evolved even if you start doing it when you are already an adult; it’s not dead in the meantime! Besides, you must be aware that the sixth sense is made of many different sensory faculties and it’s not the synonym of only one faculty. A lot of people talk about themselves as if they had their whole sixth sense developed since their childhood. This happens because they don’t know what the sixth sense really is, and so they don’t even know they don’t have the whole sixth sense developed, but just a small taste of a certain ability. Try to think for a moment about the ability of seeing Auras, or the Remote Vision, or Foresight, or Telepathy: all these faculties belong to the sixth sense, yet each of them is very different from the others. Indeed, those who know nothing about the huge abilities of the sixth sense might think that all these faculties are separate while all of them are actually part of the same whole and therefore of the same muscle, which is called Sixth sense.

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So, if we want to be accurate, saying “My sixth sense was developed in my childhood” is wrong, because all these faculties didn’t evolve at the same level, and you may be particularly skilled in something, like your foresight, but not even know about the others. You could have had many foresight experiences and still never seen an Aura before finding this Academy. This doesn’t mean you have only one sixth sense ability, you have all of them! It’s just that during your life you’ve experienced only one or few of them, because your habits and the context in which you grew up led you to test only those ones, and you weren’t interested in finding out all the others.

But the sixth sense is much more, indeed you can decide to evolve those skills you already know and reach much higher levels, becoming a great master of your favorite faculty, or you can discover many other faculties, which you didn’t know anything about. For the time being, it’s normal if you only want to train your favorite faculty: you only know that ability, of course it’s your favorite one! But if you could open your mind and try to understand the usefulness of all the other existing skills, you would definitely no longer remain stuck in your comfort zone, but you would decide to test the others as well. Your sixth sense has all the skills, even those you’ve never heard before; hence it would be such a pity if you didn’t use it fully. Along this path, I will guide you to discover all the faculties belonging to your sixth sense, so that you can realize the immensity of what you can do, if only you decide to train. Thereafter, I will teach you the techniques to develop each faculty at increasingly higher levels, unknown by most people. It will be up to you to decide where and … if you really want to stop; because if you start understanding the value of what you have inside your head, I think you will never be able to ignore it anymore and you’ll keep wanting to learn more and more about it. It doesn’t matter which is your current level, or which you think it is, because I assure you that this is only the beginning of your true evolutionary path.

End of page 5 of 5. If you liked the article, comment below to describe your feelings when reading or practicing the proposed technique.


This document is the translation of the original article on the Accademia di Coscienza Dimensionale website.

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  • maura1971

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    07:05 01/04/23

    Mi riconosco molto, mi sento di avere 10 decimi ma di non vedere al di là del mio naso. Forse non sono abituata a guardare lontano. Nonostante a volte l istinto si fa 'sentire sempre e lo riconosco solo quando mi ritrovo a pensare lo sapevo che sarebbe andata storta me lo sentivo. Quindi devo imparare ad ascoltarlo prima e non dopo.

  • Eleonora

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    02:45 31/03/23

    Quindi non esistono limiti nelle tecniche e all'evoluzione. Si può salire di livello sempre più alto e all'infinito. Il Sesto Senso è un insieme di tantissime facoltà e questo articolo spiega alla perfezione di cosa si tratta e di cosa sia in grado di fare il sesto senso. Tutti ce l'hanno ma in pochi lo sviluppano e ne sfruttano le mille capacità. Mi hanno colpito molto gli esempi scritti, che come sempre fanno riflettere. Ad esempio quando si ha un'ottima vista ma non si vede comunque ciò che accade attorno, anche a un metro di distanza solo perché nonostante la buona vista si tengono chiusi gli occhi. Di conseguenza si perde la possibilità di avere interessanti esperienze. Scegliere di sviluppare il Sesto senso è la migliore cosa da fare per migliorarsi la vita e la qualità di tutte le tecniche psichiche.

  • iumano

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    20:10 29/03/23

    Mi riconosco in tutto quello che hai scritto. Nella vita tante volte mi sono capitate situazioni che ho considerato come fruttodel caso ma in realtà un caso non erano. Spesso ho avuto a che fare con persone all'apparenza simpatiche e solari ma che mi creavano stranamente un fastidio.

  • Spartacus
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    17:36 28/03/23

    Penso sia davvero molto bello scoprire che quelli che chiamiamo "doni" o che siamo soliti definire "le facoltà degli eletti" siano invece le capacità del sesto senso, un senso che però appartiene in maniera univoca a tutti (esattamente come gli altri cinque) e non solo a quelli comunemente chiamati prescelti. Il fatto che tutto si possa evolvere ed il fatto che parli molto di allenamento e di esercizio in questi articoli fanno dedurre che non si nasce con queste doti già perfette e che esse possano dunque migliorare/regredire; solitamente si pensa che un'abilità c'è o non c'è, vedere che invece non c'è nulla di "innato e di immutabile" fa capire esattamente il contrario. I (possibili) riscontri che mi vengono in mente in merito al mio sesto senso mi fanno pensare a quando qualche tempo fa pensai (di mattina) ad una persona che non vedevo da anni; non c'era motivo che giustificasse quella mole di pensieri, non avevamo nemmeno un legame così importante, eppure stranamente ci pensai e nel pomeriggio la rividi (nonostante questa persona nel frattempo si fosse trasferita altrove) e ricordammo per un po' il pezzettino di passato condiviso. Mi impressionò la cosa, ma poi ridussi tutto a casualità. Inoltre queste pagine mi fanno ripensare al liceo quando, per evitare incontri poco piacevoli, allungavo di molto la strada per giungere a scuola e pochi giorni dopo questa scelta (che allungava da 10 a 25 minuti il tragitto) ci fu un incidente spaventoso nella "via breve" proprio nell'orario mattutino in cui ero solito attraversarla. Magari erano segnali delle mie facoltà che, seppur assopite, davano sprazzi di vita. Decisamente poco rispetto ad una padronanza totale delle ramificazioni del sesto senso stesso, ma questi piccoli episodi mi infondono fiducia che qualcosa di vivo in me ancora c'è e ciò può essere un buon punto di partenza.

  • atys
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    09:05 27/03/23

    Nella mia vita ho avuto vari "assaggi" del sesto senso, non sono mai riuscita a gestirlo, ma le esperienze che ho avuto mi hanno dimostrato in maniera incontrovertibile che esso esiste ed è reale. Attraverso questa scuola ho scoperto una cosa fantastica, ovvero che il sesto senso è come un muscolo che va allenato, quindi, con pratica, impegno e costanza, chiunque può svilupparlo! Sono entusiasta di proseguire lungo questo percorso e di imparare man mano le tecniche per sviluppare le varie facoltà !

  • arca

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    13:42 18/03/23

    Il sesto senso tanto normale che sfugge alla nostra coscienza ... anche se ogni individuo credo nella sua vita abbia sperimentato, seppur erroneamente attribuito al caso, eventi riconducibile ad esso. Un senso che può essere sviluppato, come un muscolo che va allenato.

  • Alemando
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    10:53 17/03/23

    Abbiamo da sempre il sesto senso, qualcosa di fantastico che sta dentro di noi. Un campanello d'allarme! Ho visto qualche esempio fatto nella mia esperienza di vita e mi è successo. Spiegazione fantastica per il sesto senso 🧘🏻‍♂️🍀❤️. Mi capita spesso di andare in alcuni posti e incontrare persone, che saranno in quel posto. Anche l'esempio di voler chiamare qualcuno ed essere contattato o scritto nel mentre ✨ un giorno ero a scuola e ho iniziato ad avere un attacco di panico in classe piangendo come un pazzo, avevo percepito che quell'istante fosse morta una persona a me cara. Mentre piangevo entro il direttore facendo l'annuncio della morte di quella persona esatta.. ho sempre pensato che quella persona o il legame che avevo mi ha fatto percepire ciò. Quindi ora so meglio che era il mio sesto senso. (Ricordo ancora la faccia sbigottita di tutti che si domandarono come facessi a saperlo). Inoltre mi rendo conte che riesco a sentire chi mi sta guardando come se avessi un radar 👀. Credo che da bambino non avendo avuto una bella infanzia ho avuto una marcia in più, questo articolo mi sta facendo ricordare certi episodi mi sembra illuminante per ciò che sto affrontando in questa lezione ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ sono gratissimo a questo!!!!! Sto unendo i punti meravigliosi, sto capendo molto meglio. Ma io ringrazio veramente molto ciò! Grazie Angel e a tutto lo Staff di ACD che ci aiuta a comprendere meglio la nostra vita! Ora so che posso lavorare al meglio per migliorare la mia capacità di sesto senso 🧘🏻‍♂️✨ perché ora che comprendo meglio posso migliorare ancora di più ❤️❤️❤️❤️ So che dovrò lavorare! Per ottenere il sesto senso per alzare i livelli. Vorrei comprendere tutte le altre capacità del sesto senso e vedere le facoltà più alte del mio sesto senso 🍀🌱⭐ Grazie! Grazie! Grazie! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • Laura

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    21:26 16/03/23

    Sarebbe meraviglioso riuscire a sviluppare il sesto senso. Personalmente ho avuto qualche esperienza extrasensoriale diversi anni fa in seguito ad un periodo di malattia e quindi in seguito ad un periodo di solitudine che mi aveva portato a farmi molte domande, però non sono riuscita a viverla bene perché ero spaventata, solo ad oggi ripensandoci mi rendo conto di aver sbagliato. Spero di riuscire prima o poi a sviluppare di nuovo questa facoltà, sarebbe davvero un'esperienza meravigliosa. Grazie per questo interessante articolo che mi ha dato modo di capire come è possibile svilupparlo anche in età adulta.

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    15:16 14/03/23

    Il Sesto senso è qualcosa di cui mai nessuno ne ha parlato, o per lo meno nel modo corretto. Infatti riferendomi alla mia vita, tutte le persone che ho conosciuto fin da piccolo, apparte qualche raro caso, hanno sempre e solo sostenuto che tutto questo che ci circonda è reale e non c'è più nulla. E soprattutto che "bisogna stare nella realtà e non vivere nel Mondo delle favole". Bella realtà quella in cui si vive, realtà illusoria. Forse è questa la vera favola. Comunque personalmente ci sono tante tecniche che non avevo mai sentito prima di entrare in Accademia, tra cui alcune che non sapevo nemmeno di cosa si trattasse. Infatti non sapevo nemmeno cosa fosse una Coscienza, seppure ho sempre saputo di non essere vuoto e solo. Il Sesto senso è la salvezza delle vite e ti aiuta nel momento delle difficoltà. Però può essere anche allenato in modo da non dover "uscire" solo in casi estremi, ma poterlo usare tutti i giorni ed allenarlo costantemente.

  • barb

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    08:41 14/03/23

    Meraviglioso imparare a Riconoscere i segnali che l universo ci invia e affinare l abilità di "parlare" con l energia che ci circonda in ogni modo possibile 🙏

  • beatrice

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    11:59 10/03/23

    Il sesto senso appartiene ad ognuno di noi e si manifesta attraverso diverse cose, come preveggenza, premonizione, percezione, telepatia.. Ma è molto do più. È una parte della nostra coscienza, tutti ce l'hanno sviluppato in maniera più o meno forte o in maniera diversa. Questo percorso può essere un modo per aumentare e sviluppare ogni parte di esso.

  • andreius

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    20:00 09/03/23

    Ogni tanto sentivo che stavano per accadere degli eventi poco prima che si verificassero perchè riuscivo a sentire il loro suono in testa. Mi è successo in rari casi e non me li ricordo neanche tutti, ma ho sempre pensato, sono sempre stato fermamente convinto, che qualcosa del genere esistesse e che c'era anche chi sapeva farne uso, pur non avendo mai avuto una vera e propeia prova che me lo confermasse. Però se mi impegnavo certe volte (anche prima di iniziare il mio percorso) riuscivo ad' "ascoltare" le situazioni e a indovinarne i risultati con certezza.

  • apis

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    11:16 09/03/23

    Credo anche che non esista nessuno che non abbia sperimentato il Sesto Senso almeno una volta nella vita. La difficoltà sta nel fatto che molte altre impressioni sono così forti da annullare il Sesto Senso o che semplicemente si trovano ragioni per non credere alle percezioni. Per me, la capacità di vedere l'energia ad alto livello è l'obiettivo più grande al momento. Vedere è credere e non può essere ignorato con la stessa facilità di un'intuizione o di un lampo di ispirazione, che sono molto fugaci.

  • Pierpo
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    19:58 08/03/23

    Il sesto senso è come un muscolo che va allenato. Fa' parte della nostra Coscienza e ce lo abbiamo fin da quando siamo nati e ce lo porteremo fino alla fine. Esistono tantissime facoltà del sesto senso, come la capacità di vedere le aure, di percepire entità, di prevedere il futuro e quant'altro. È interessantissimo sviluppare tutte le capacità del sesto senso, perché ci aiuterà nella vita.

  • Josh B.

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    15:36 08/03/23

    The examples made it all so clear. Sixth sense is like all other senses, it's naturally part of us, but we'll never recognize it when we train ourselves to ignore it throughout our entire life. I remember some spontaneous experiences with my faculties and I'm more and more glad that I found this unique academy to learn how to evolve all of them!