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The first step is to Sign up – it’s Free!

What is the first step to learn the teachings of the Academy of Dimensional Consciousness?

The first step is to register on the A.C.D. website to gain access to the materials and interact with the Staff, who will support you with any needs. Registration is quick, easy, and completely free - just enter your name, email, and password. We do not ask for sensitive data, and the process is non-invasive. We highly value user privacy, which is why registration requires only three simple pieces of information. Additionally, signing up for A.C.D. will not flood your inbox with newsletters, ads, or any unnecessary emails.

Your new profile will be approved within a few hours; in the meantime, you can start reading the 1st Step even without logging in. After a few hours, you can attempt to log in by entering your nickname and password. If you receive an "error" message, don’t worry, it simply means your profile has not yet been approved but will be accepted soon. Just wait and try again later. If you have any doubts, you can always contact us via email and request information at:

As soon as you are approved, log in to the A.C.D. website and go to your messages section, located in the top right corner. Click on the mail icon to access your messages.

On your A.C.D. profile, you will receive a notification - a message from your A.C.D. Tutor inviting you to join a lesson group. This group chat will help you integrate with other students. Inside the chat, you will find all newly registered users like yourself, allowing you to interact and connect with them.

The group chat, called Classroom, will serve multiple purposes. Within it, your A.C.D. Tutor will answer all your questions related to the spiritual topics taught in the Academy. Additionally, in the same Classroom, you will receive updates on news related to the Academy, stay informed about important developments, and gain access to new opportunities.

In the group chat called Classroom, lessons will be conducted by the Tutor, all for free, and you can choose to participate. If you do, you will have access to dedicated lessons, read questions from other users, and actively participate in conversations, or reflect on the contributions of fellow students. You can also ask your own questions and receive answers at any time! Participating in lessons will help you feel more connected to the journey and learn much faster because you’ll be supported not only by your Tutor but also by new travel companions. So, open your messages area and carefully read the notice from your Tutor, who will explain how the Classroom works and where all future lessons will take place.

Everything is ready: all you need to do is start your journey by reading the 1° Step, going through each article, and leaving a comment to express your appreciation for our immense and ongoing work dedicated to students for free. This will let us know that you are progressing with the reading, and in return, we will give you access to even more interesting articles.

  • luce

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    12:23 16/09/14

    Grazie per questa opportunità di crescita e comprensione, forse riscoprirò chi sono. MI eccita e spaventa allo stesso tempo, spaventa più che altro il cambiamento che avverrà intorno a me,come già sta accadendo.

  • Eleonora Corrado

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    17:46 24/08/14

    Tutto quello che è segnato in nero non è certo.. bene.. mi piacerebbe assistere alla lezione sulla telepatia e alieni! ;)

  • Elisabetta

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    23:42 07/08/14

    Purtroppo salterò la lez di domani 8, sulla telecinesi. Proverò a collegarmi dal lavoro se mi sarà possibile. Comunque non vi mollo! Grazie ad Angel e un saluto a Tutti Voi

  • Debora

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    21:21 06/08/14

    Ho messo la sveglia per venerdì! Non vedo l'ora :) Grazie

  • Gabriela

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    13:58 27/07/14

    alcuni giorni e' facile,alcuni tropo difficile. alcuni giorni ci sono tantissime sensanioni invece alcuni giorni e' buio.......importante e' che non ti rendi mai...!!!

  • Pierrotto -Pier Luigi -

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    19:50 09/07/14

    "Dulcis in fundo" dopo trent'anni di ricerche il Signore Dio del Mio Essere mi ha dato l'opportunità di conoscere ACD. Grazie di avermi accettato e poter trovare con i vostri insegnamenti la missione che dovrò svolgere in questa incarnazione, il mio pallino che più fisso non si può. E' solo un mese che sono iscritto, mi sembra di essere sempre stato studente di questa scuola. Auguro a tutti di raggiungere i propri scopi del divino. un abbraccio a tutti e Luce Luce Luce

  • Jennarina

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    09:33 08/07/14

    Grazie 1000 x le lezioni! Invece in cosa consistono le sfide? Grazie ancora ;)

  • Tara

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    00:56 25/06/14

    wow! spiegazioni chiarissime... Grazie!


    Sei sicuro?

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    22:13 23/06/14


  • Auror

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    22:13 23/06/14


  • sogno

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    22:37 21/06/14

    grazie mille Angel :)

  • Aurora

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    10:53 20/06/14

    ok, io sono riv 8. Occorre prenotarsi?

  • antonella del piano

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    13:37 19/06/14

    Grazie purtroppo salterò le lezioni delle ore 12,00 per impegni di lavoro

  • Romina

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    22:18 10/04/14

    Perdonatemi, sono nuova, e ancora un po' spaesata. Credo di aver compreso bene come funziona il sito, ma non ho capito come fare per essere inserita in un gruppo di studenti per seguire le lezioni su skype. Devo farne richiesta? E a chi? Grazie infinite per l'attenzione e per la vostra Accoglienza.

  • Love&Light

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    15:03 04/04/14
