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Questions about the Sixth Sense – The importance of all senses (Part 1)

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Angel: Welcome back! Today I am going to answer all your questions about the previous lesson on the Sixth Sense. Let’s start with the first question.

Student: I sincerely thank you for this lesson, because it presents some food for thought that I honestly did not expect. The part where you give the example of glasses and vision inspired me for this question. The sixth sense is not only the set of all spiritual faculties, but it is something that improves the other 5 senses, together with the techniques. For example, the management of the sense of sight seems to me a very good starting point in this path; but from what I have noticed, thanks to your previous example, it is not too important to have less diopters (I have 5 less in one eye and 5.25 less in the other and some astigmatism) but more important is the fact that I use my eyesight well. So, the important thing is to use it well with consciousness (decreasing the closure of the eyelids, seeing details, paying attention to what surrounds us also training the peripheral vision), considering that the removal of the glasses does not bring problems in the techniques in which we see something energetic (for example the aura or energy); in fact, from that point of view, we should not have any problems. However, I wanted to ask you: is it possible to get stuck at some point along this path because we have neglected certain senses, if we do not improve them through the development of the sixth sense and consciousness? Is it therefore important to treat not only the sixth sense, but also our “normal” senses, through consciousness and other methods?

Angel: Hi! Well, certainly through the path to develop the sixth sense you feel pushed to develop also the other senses, not only hearing or sight but all of them. In fact, with each of them (with the use of the 5 senses combined with the sixth) you can play more intense and much more interesting techniques than you would expect. Through the practice on the sixth sense, attention to the 5 senses will also have to increase, because it will be of great help. That does not mean that if you cannot get your 10/10 vision back, then you will be stuck forever. It is rather meant that you will certainly remain tied, if you decide to remain “blind” in terms of your sense of observation, the ability to see regardless of your graduation. I give an example: many people meditate and practice techniques, but then outside of the practice (so outside of that hour in which they are practicing), they go back to being “Low people” in the sense that they do not see or hear anything, both in the “normal” and in the “spiritual” sense. Seeing and feeling is a choice, so that you can decide to be a spiritual person even outside of your daily practice time. To be spiritual during the day you must get into the mindset of wanting to hear, see, observe and understand what is around you but especially what is happening to you, even while you are in everyday contexts and not just in that half hour when you are meditating and have your “antennae on”.

Student: Thanks to this course I am taking an interest in developing my other senses as well, and this is helpful, especially for my eyesight. In addition to meditation, I practice some techniques while I am busy and am doing other things; however, I really should focus more on wanting to understand everything surrounds me, and not just when I need to.

Angel: That is right. Very good.

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Student: Hello Angel and hello everyone. We made it clear in the previous lesson that difficulties experienced as a child might lead to more development of the sixth sense, but I was wondering: regardless of greater or lesser difficulties in life, is it indicative of greater evolution of the soul to have some sixth sense faculties more developed as children than other people? In the sense that, despite the blocks we all experience and despite Low, soul is so strong that the child has more psychic experiences just to be able to wake up sooner? Thank you.

Angel: Hi! Yes, certainly a person who possesses a very strong Soul is much more likely to exhibit psychic faculties as a child than someone who might possess a younger Consciousness. But the fact remains that everyone has a sixth sense, as it is truly like an organ that belongs to you even if you do not know it. In fact, even though he has the Soul, if a person does not practice psychic techniques to evolve, his sixth sense will not rise any higher, so it will remain stationary throughout his life and, worse of all, it will drop from the level it had when he was a child.

Student: A few times I had a feeling about someone, and I could tell if they were a bad person or if they were beautiful inside. One day, when I was 18 years old, my brother brought home a 15/16-year-old friend of his; I do not know if it was his manner or speech, but without any hesitation I told my brother, privately, that I did not like that guy at all. I could clearly sense that he was devious and opportunistic. Years later, this person double-crossed my brother (and what a double-cross!) and he resented it so much that they had a fight. At that moment I reminded my brother of what I had told him years before. Did I subconsciously sense the real intention of that person?

Angel: Yes, you certainly recognized what was wrong with him, through your sixth sense perception. Also, when someone is your friend, you find it harder to see their flaws or bad intentions: therefore, you need your sixth sense awake. Just as I explained in the previous lesson, certain abilities are so natural to us that we do not recognize them as a Sixth Sense, precisely because it is a sense that belongs to us just like all the others. The Sixth sense, though, can become much more evolved than that, with the right training.

Student: I would like to understand if there are any gifts that can be developed and how, for example mediumship; or are certain things precluded because they are exclusively natural gifts?

Angel: Everything can be totally developed, any gift, because they are all part of the sixth sense and therefore all can be developed through the right practice.

Student: Through the evolution of the sixth sense is it possible to achieve hydrokinesis? Pyrokinesis, cryokinesis, telekinesis?

Angel: Of course, it is possible: it is more complicated to understand that it is but practicing the techniques seriously you realize that it is possible. You can go the distance with your sixth sense. To carry out any action you need energy, and this is taken through meditation; When you have accumulated enough energy, we can then talk about how to use it. The basis of everything is energy: by taking energy (through meditation) you will begin to awaken your sixth sense and of course, to achieve concrete effects, I teach you even more targeted techniques to achieve what you want. But meditation is the basis of everything, without it you cannot move forward.

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Student: So, meditation and concentration?

Angel: Exactly.

Student: Can you also do good through the sixth sense, such as healing someone?

Angel: Yes of course!

Student: Hello Angel, hello to everyone. Thank you for this opportunity, I am very pleased and excited to participate in this class. I had prepared a reflection, sorry for being so long-winded but I wrote right away. The sixth sense is a sense different from the others: I should not give weight to the words, but I was reflecting that the word “sense” makes me think of something earthly (even if it is not only earthly that we mean) and we know that it is the head of the senses, as the most intelligent or awakened sense compared to the others. The 5 senses are means to experience this human life, the sixth sense is like a specialization of the other senses and makes them evolve as well; but they still remain all 6 means to make experience in this life, to make even miraculous experiences. What might have been absurd centuries ago is now normal: e.g., air travel, talking instantly to a person on the other side of the world, space travel, industrialization etc. Centuries have passed before we see these things in our reality, before that they were not even imaginable in the mind and if an airplane went in the prehistoric period would result as something miraculous. We are now reaching an age where I believe miracles could be the order of the day, so everyone could create or do miraculous things through awakening. There are things that we may consider impossible and miraculous today, such as time travel, curing tumors, making objects appear, but that one day will be considered normal if, and only if, people wake up (I think). There was a time when there was no medical university that taught you how to transplant an organ, but now you can, and it is a normal thing. I mean, centuries ago it was considered hallucinating, inhuman and miraculous if you said that there are schools where they teach you everything about medicine, where you learn how to put people to sleep, transplant organs and then cure diseases incurable at the time. Not now, this is normal now. So, I think this will happen with psychic abilities as well. A man from the future could come here in our time and tell us that there are universities of psychic arts and that everything is normal for them, it is normal to study what for example we study in ACD, and it is normal to cure tumors with energy. I mean that what for us today is normal, centuries ago was considered a miracle, a dream. Today we live surrounded by miracles, without realizing it just because we take them for granted (of course I do not want to compare those who use their mind to make miracles with those who do not), because every positive thing for man has been dictated by some intuition that comes “from above”. So, we could say that we have the possibility now to create something new, to put together earthly abilities with psychic abilities and everything would be enhanced and improved, because I think psychic abilities serve primarily as a mean to improve life. Kind of like how the car served to improve our lives and not as an end, the car is not for showing off our driving skills, but to improve our routine; that is why psychic abilities are not used to show how good we are, but for a higher purpose, which will always be to give ourselves to others, allowing God to experience (if we are on the good side).

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Angel: Yes, this is true!

Student: Hello Angel! In the previous lesson you mentioned the senses that are most typically associated with the Sixth, namely Sight and Hearing (which, when developed, bring dimensional sounds, visions of auras, energies, entities etc…). But what about one of the senses that the collective imagination less commonly associates to the Sixth Sense, namely Smell? If we developed this sense more, what would it entail in terms of perceptions and experiences? I know we might be able to remotely perceive smells and scents from places where we are not present, or perhaps smells from other dimensions, but could it lead to much more, proving to be a more “active” and predominant ability?

Angel: Yes, absolutely, just like the sense of taste! Although now you only know the sense of Smell to smell a good perfume or a stink, or you know the Taste only to recognize if you like a food or not, they are much more intense senses and, if you pay more attention and practice, you can discover much more interesting effects. To give you an example, you might recognize if a dish can hurt you even before you taste it, because your developed sense of taste allows you to know the smell of the dish even before you taste it; it also allows you to understand if there is something in that dish, whether it is a harmful substance for everyone or an ingredient to which only you are allergic, thus preventing you from getting sick. You know that if you are highly allergic to something, you would only have to taste it to get very sick; there would not even need a big bite. This is just one example, but we can go much deeper than that. Just recently, a situation related to the sense of Taste happened to me. A few months ago, I was at a restaurant with friends, they poured water in my glass and while we were chatting, I put it close to my mouth to drink. I had only taken the glass in my hand, I had neither looked at the inside of the glass (and I was wrong, I should have looked at it right away) nor did I have time to drink, because as soon as I took the glass in my hand, I had a very strong feeling that I absolutely should not drink that water. I did not understand why, since it was only water! I stopped to look, to see if there was anything inside that might not be right and realized there were pieces of glass. I then realized the bottle was broken and it had lost many fragments of glass that had fallen right into my glass, they were 4-5 fragments. I was thirsty and I was about to drink it all in one gulp, but something alerted me and luckily, I did not swallow the glass. This is just one example of the most developed sense of taste; however, you can already realize that it is much more important than it usually seems to us: it is not just recognizing a flavor.

Student: Hello Angel, hello everyone. It was an inspiring lecture; it was interesting to think about how the Sixth Sense is the basis of all other senses. It has been that way since we were little, but we do not realize it because we take it for granted, being a natural sense just like the other five. It is very significant, as you explained, that the sixth sense is structured in multiple levels, which only with practice can we reach. As, for example, with hearing, for which there are different levels of sounds. The main thing to do is to recognize that we can all develop the sixth sense, as it is not something external and extraneous to us but rather, we have it from birth. Sometimes, when I know I’m practicing well, I get a clean smell with my sense of smell and this happens suddenly, while I am still finishing practicing. Last time it happened to me during protection practice. Is this a way for the Sixth Sense to let us know, working together with another sense, that the technique has succeeded or is going well anyway? It is interesting to make the same argument for the negative side as well. For example, the whistle we hear if a negative influence has reached us. It is again the Sixth Sense and another sense, Hearing, working together instantaneously to make us aware of what is going on around us and this is critical. Thank you for the opportunity you have given us, it is an honor.

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Angel: Hi! Yes, it happens because when you meditate or practice well you are raising yourself to a tonal that allows you to perceive the other dimensions as well. So, it can happen, sometimes, to smell good scents, or nice sounds, while instead when negative dimensions approach you feel stinks and annoying sounds. For example, when you meditate you smell good scents, but you know that many people, even Gaia’s, smell burnt or other stinks, when a negative entity approaches them. This comes from the fact that that entity, by getting very close to you, has like induced its dimension on you, so you smell it. Surely this does not happen to you while you are meditating, but only when (and if) very negative entities approach and want you to feel that sensation. In fact, it happened to me too that I smelled a burning smell on some occasions, while on so many other occasions, even though I had negative entities next to me, I did not smell any smell/stink. So, it is not a rule at all. while I practice well, Instead, it happens many times to smell different scents. It is hard to explain what it is, sometimes it smells like flowers, however I would absolutely not associate those scents with a flower I know, so it is a good scent, but it is not from here. But this should not make you fixate and believe that the quality of meditation depends on the scents you smell; you don’t have to be distracted by these things.

Student: Very interesting, I also had not thought about the burning smell that you get just when you feel observed or uncomfortable. I used to hear it in the past. Thanks for today’s lesson, it is crazy about your experience with the broken glass. You have extensive experience with Sixth Sense.

Student: I would like to ask another question, if it is possible, I am thinking about Remote Vision: maybe I am wrong, but I am reconnecting the technique to the sense of sight, despite not using human sight to perform it. Is it possible, then, to use olfaction in a technique, or techniques, to remember or to reconnect a memory in a more evolved way? To unlock it or figure out where and/or who an odor is coming from? It often happens to anyone to reconnect a scent to a past event or person. Certainly, there are multiple levels of understanding for each sense, as you mentioned in the lesson, but is there a way to evolve that sense? I particularly like the sense of smell. Could this relate to the Frequency topic as well? That is, in addition to the feeling of recognizing someone’s frequency as alien or human, you can connect a color, feel sweetness, and even reconnect a scent to someone or a place?

Angel: Yes, absolutely. Just as a perfume can remind you of a childhood memory, it can also remind you of a past life memory, but it needs to be a very intense perfume or one that has meaning to your past life; but it is not certain that, if it happens, you will realize that it is a sensation from the past accompanied by flashes, because it could also be limited to a sort of déjà-vu that you could then end up ignoring. For the rest, it depends, only with the sense of smell no, but if combined with the sixth sense and then its other capabilities at high levels, you can succeed.

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Student: Good evening Angel and all of you! What a pleasure to take my first class with you! My question is: Seeing flashes of past life can be traced back to the sixth sense? For remote viewing, then, better with eyes open or closed? How do you make it? Thank you.

Angel: Hi! Yes, it can be traced back to the sixth sense, because only by that mean can your Soul introduce you to memories of past lives. For remote viewing, I’ve been used to it for years now and do it with my eyes open, however, in the early days I trained with my eyes closed, so I recommend doing it with your eyes closed.

Student: Hi Angel, thank you so much for the lessons and for this opportunity, not forgetting for a moment all that you do for us every day! I wanted to kindly ask you this question: is the level of evolution of the sixth sense maintained from life to life, as it is part of consciousness, or can some abilities be lost in the transition from one life to another? At the beginning of a new life, does the level remain the same as it was at the end of the previous life, or can some abilities be lost for reasons unknown to me? I mean at the beginning of life, because if during that life you practice well it is normal that then the level will increase or decrease if vice versa you live completely in the Low. I hope I explained myself well enough. Thank you very much Angel!

Angel: Evolved faculties are not lost; they remain imprinted in your Soul. The point is that when you reincarnate you forget everything you experienced in your previous life, so you must “wake up” and take energy within your new body, your new chakras, and remember how to get out of Low. However, I have talked a lot about it in the books “The Seal of Past Lives”, so reading those you will clear all your doubts. Having said that, at the beginning of each life you start the awakening journey all over again, but when you then start training, as you are doing here at the Academy, your sixth sense becomes much stronger and faster, thanks to the evolution learned in previous lives. A person who has many past lives will evolve their sixth sense (if they practice!) much faster than someone who is in their first life, such as a hypothetical Gaia’s Low starting to practice.

Student: I thought about the saying that we keep feeling everywhere. The one that states that women’s sixth sense is never wrong, almost as if this sense only women, and not men, have it. I wanted to know if this is an energy program that has been instilled in us to convince women that they have it naturally, and therefore they do not have to do anything to develop it; and in the meantime, to convince men to believe they do not have it and consequently do not seek it out because they are convinced it is not part of them. Is this the case?

Angel: Well, women’s “sixth sense” is never wrong, only if women are listening to their true sixth sense and not their own thinking, like an obsession, or a belief of their own. The sixth sense is never wrong, neither in women nor in men: the problem is that it is not listened to properly, because we let ourselves be deceived by our thoughts and therefore by our beliefs. On the other hand, as already mentioned, the sixth sense is not only an intuition, but is much more evolved: is the set of all psychic abilities existing in this world. Therefore, thinking that women have an “evolved sixth sense” should mean that they have all their faculties developed, but we know that is not the case. This saying refers much more to a connection between mother and child, whereby much more often it is the mother who has more telepathy with her child than the father does; is normal because the child has been 9 months inside the mother’s belly, 9 months in which a great bond was born. However, that does not mean that women are highly telepathic to everyone (even outside of their own children). I am a woman, and it would probably be easier if I told you “Yes, we women have better sixth sense than men!” but I personally do not think that it is true. It all depends on the person. This is not meant to discredit women, as I am one myself; However, I am explaining that everyone has a sixth sense, but there are those who evolve it and those who prefer to ignore it.

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Student: First, I wanted to thank you for the wonderful lesson, it was really exciting to follow your lesson, I could feel my heart beating very fast. Your words were incredible, you explained the concept of sixth sense in a simple way but with clear examples within everyone’s reach, pointing out things that I would have never thought of, such as the difficulties that led us to evolve certain characteristics of our sixth sense as children! During the lesson you said that the sixth sense belongs to our Consciousness, so we can say that it is a way that our Consciousness uses to communicate with us, to tell us if something is going to happen, if that person is negative, if that purchase is fruitful, it makes us “feel” what we must do to reach a certain goal etc.… So, can we say that the sixth sense is a tool by which our consciousness can live through us, a way by which she can move in this reality, in this life? Is this why committing to developing our sixth sense helps us evolve and achieve Awakening? Does it cause one to live more as “Consciousness” and less as the human self?

Angel: Yes, it is exactly like that. In fact, by evolving your sixth sense you are allowing your Consciousness or Soul to have power over this dimension. Thus, you are much more “yourself” and much less the human self, which is manipulated and enclosed within its human and therefore fictitious and illusory masks. In this way you begin to live a real life, instead of living behind thoughts and mental manipulations, which make you not only lose time to chase paths that do not really interest you, but also make you lose your goal in life. So, by evolving the sixth sense you become for all intents and purposes “more alive”.

Student: Angel, I would like to understand the connection that exists between the sixth sense and God, that is, what coexists between them and therefore between God and our souls deep inside.

Angel: The sixth sense is the tool that allows you to understand God. With the other 5 senses it seems complex to understand if God exists, if he is really next to us, but above all what is his true identity and if he is really as religion describes to us. The sixth sense allows you to understand God and increase your other senses so that you go from not seeing and not hearing God, to always seeing and hearing Him. The sixth sense is, in other words, the translator that allows you to access the knowledge of God, to which with only the other 5 senses you could not access. The Sixth sense amplifies you and opens doors to wonderful knowledge.

Student: Hello Angel and hello to all, more than a real question I would like an opinion on a reflection that in part has already been exposed during these lessons. The sixth sense, as a faculty of Consciousness, adapts to the context in which Consciousness decides to experience: it combines with the capabilities, for example, of our physical body in this dimension (the five senses) and amplifying them to allow us to have more and more evolutionary experiences, evolving in turn. The evolution of a Consciousness is possible thanks to this faculty that allows to go beyond the “reality” in which it lives until it can become a Soul. It can be said that the sixth sense is a divine sense since it can be expressed in all dimensions and is a necessary means for approaching God, is this correct? Thank you so much for your willingness to attend these classes!

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Angel: Yes, we could say so.

Student: Hello Angel and thanks for giving us your time. I guess the sixth sense has its own specific frequency. If so, I wanted to ask if this is a single frequency that encompasses all 5 senses, so well defined and recognizable, or are they all separate and distinct frequencies? Thank you!

Angel: Hi! Each of the six senses is a sense unto itself, so it possesses a separate frequency. The sixth sense is not the union of the 5 but it is a sense that can amplify them greatly, making them stronger and more interesting. So, the sixth sense is a sense unto itself, but it complements all the others.

Student: Ever since I was a child, I have had strange dreams: I dream that my father dies of cancer and then it happens in reality; the same with my mother; in the dream I manage to save my brother and then it happens. Then this: my mom was already dead… I dream that I am at home. The phone rings and she, from behind, hands me the receiver saying: it is your mother. I answer and my mom says: “How are you? I was worried because there was an attack at the airport of Bergamo/Orio al Serio”. Then the line went dead and there (still in the dream) I realized I had been talking to my dead mother. Three days after that dream, the news says that an Arab has been arrested for an attempted attack at Orio al Serio Airport. I wanted to understand if this is all part of a sixth sense manifested through dreaming, premonition, or what else? Thank you so much, a hug.

Angel: Yes, it falls under the sixth sense, because it could be that it is a real communication with your mother’s entity. Or it could be your sixth sense that communicated this information to you, using the figure of your mother, because then you would have listened more to that information said in the dream.

Student: Hi Angel, thank you very much for these illuminating lessons. Thank you for your time! I wanted to ask a question about the sixth sense, more precisely about the vision of the future. About 2 months ago I happened to dream about a friend of mine whom I love very much. In the dream, this friend of mine was transformed into another girl, unknown to me but with the same name. I felt a certain “revulsion” for this girl, I did not know why, I felt she was deceiving. In fact, to give an example, in the dream she pretended to be this friend of mine. About a month after the dream, I met this girl, same exact face and same name from the dream: I knew right away that I was going to trust that girl very little, or at least be careful with her. Why did my sixth sense, my Soul, give me this information so much earlier? I knew right away that I should not trust this person, however since she was a “normal” person in my eyes I did not see the point. Could it also be because of past lives or because maybe the soul already knew that it could bring me big trouble and so it showed it to me right away? Thank you so much in advance for your response and for this great lesson!

Angel: Hi! I too have had many times that I dreamed beforehand of the arrival of someone who would bring me trouble, so that I would not trust them and therefore not fall for it. On the surface they were “beautiful people”, because they were very kind, they seemed very helpful, but the reality was quite different and thanks to premonitory dreams I was able to avoid opening up to them, giving them access to my life in various situations and different contexts (not only affective, but also at work). Sometimes it was your Soul that wanted to communicate this to you much earlier, so that you had time to understand that warning and then trust it, instead of putting it aside and then risking everything, trusting that person with great naivety. Other times, instead, you will be surprised, but it was precisely a communication from the “you of the future”, who has already suffered that serious problem, that warned you in the past – through the Temporal Connection – not to make that mistake, so that you would not make the same mistake. But right now, it is likely difficult to understand this, so we will talk about it in the future. The only thing that matters now is that you always listen to your premonitions: they will save your life! We have concluded for today; let us continue in the next lesson!

Student: Hi everyone!!! Hi Angel and thank you for all that you do and give us with love every day, it is truly a blessing to be able to participate in these classes.

End of page 8 of 8. If you liked the article, comment below to describe your feelings while reading or practicing the proposed technique.

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    16:33 25/05/23

    E' molto bella la frase, in mezzo a tutte le altre di uguale bellezza, nella quale Angel dice che per essere spirituali durante il giorno dobbiamo decidere di voler entrare nella mentalità di voler sentire, vedere, osservare e capire ciò che ci circonda e non soltanto in quel tempo che si trascorre mentre si praticano le tecniche, o la meditazione. E' un insegnamento che sto cercando di portare nella mia quotidianità a partire dall'essere più presente nel contesto in cui mi trovo e cercando di coglierne il più possibile ogni aspetto sia visivo, che uditivo, percettivo, gli odori, proprio per cercare di andare oltre quell'insana abitudine di dare per scontata la vita , tutto ciò che vuol farci credere che siamo vivi e che stiamo vivendo, anche così, quando in realtà ci troviamo nella bassa frequenza. Sto anche lavorando in modo diverso, sull'ascolto delle sensazioni che provengono dal mio interno siano esse positive che negative, trovando per quest'ultime un modo diverso di reagire ed agire, e cioè facendo in modo di rompere quelle abitudini, quegli schemi e programmi mentali che mi portavano a commettere quasi sempre gli stessi errori. Ciò che mi conduce verso questo percorso positivo si attua attraverso un maggior('' maggiore'' inteso come l'aver salito uno scalino in più, quindi per arrivare in cima ce ne vuole ancora un bel po'..) controllo della mia mente, del non pensiero, la calma, il respiro il rilassamento, la fiducia in Dio, che passo dopo passo, mi stanno anche portando a migliorare anche sotto vari aspetti sia del mio carattere, che dei miei comportamenti, e tutto ciò sta favorendo un diverso approccio, più sentito, verso le tecniche, la meditazione. Ciò che sto constatando in me sono dei piccoli cambiamenti, che però mi fanno notare che sto rompendo certi vecchi schemi che mi facevano rimanere ferma allo stesso punto. Devo continuare a migliorare. Grazie mille Angel!

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    18:02 22/05/23

    Articolo pieno di spunti interessanti, il modo in cui Angel risponde mi fa capire quanto sia preparata e soprattutto oggettiva nell'affrontare certi argomenti

  • MJ
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    14:35 18/05/23

    Non sapevo assolutamente niente di tutto quello che é descritto in questo articolo, quindi sono contenta di averlo letto. Allora il sesto senso ci appartiene da sempre e vieni allenato insieme agli altri 5. Il sesto senso é un senso a sé che sviluppato aiuta a sviluppare anche tutti gli altri. Sviluppare il sesto senso é di fondamentale importanza per evolvere le nostre capacità psichiche e di conseguenza migliorare la conessione a Dio, percepirlo e capirlo. Evolvendo il sesto senso permetto alla mia Anima di avere potere su questa dimensione e di conseguenza capire quando vuole dirmi o avvertirmi di qualcosa. La base di tutto é l'Energia che assorbiamo in Meditazione senza di essa non riusciamo ad Evolvere il Sesto Senso e a Risvegliarci. L'obiettivo finale é quello di darci agli altri e aiutare Dio ad entrare meglio in questa dimensione. Un futuro dove poter imparare e sviluppare il Sesto Senso a scuola é un sogno che vorrei fosse realtà. Grazie mille ACD per un marchio in più di conoscenza e di meno ignoranza verso il sesto senso e le capacità psichiche 🙏

  • Fedina
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    10:57 14/05/23

    Mi ha fatto sognare la parte dove si presume che in futuro potrebbero esistere università psichiche e, praticamente tutti i poteri paranormali, che si sono sempre visti nei film, esisteranno davvero. Tutto sto percorso graduale di secoli di scoperte, ha avuto lo scopo di farci arrivare sempre più in alto con l'evoluzione. Abbiamo, anche, abbattuto un sacco di limiti, tanto che pure quello spirituale verrà riconosciuto sempre da più persone, finendo per arrendersi tutti all'evidenza e andare avanti con il progresso.

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    22:32 11/05/23

    In questa lezione ho trovato molti spunti di riflessione. È vero che spesso sottovalutiamo il senso del gusto e dell'olfatto, ma l'esperienza che ci hai raccontato ci permette di comprendere quanto tutti i sensi sono estremamente importanti, anche quelli che diamo per scontati. Ho apprezzato molto anche la riflessione riguardante la pratica che permette alla coscienza/Anima di agire su questo piano e di concretizzare il suo volere. In effetti bisogna ricordarsi che noi non siamo davvero l'io umano che vediamo riflesso allo specchio, ma siamo ciò che di più evoluto è racchiuso all'interno. Poter essere davvero noi stessi e non le maschere che ci vengono appiccicate al volto sarebbe davvero un sogno. Bisogna praticare molto per essere il più possibile ciò che siamo davvero. Grazie per queste lezioni e per tutto il tempo che ci dedichi per darci la possibilità di evolverci molto più rapidamente

  • Energy
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    16:08 11/05/23

    Le esperienze degli altri studenti sono sempre molto interessanti, e soprattutto lo è sentire la tua spiegazione e interpretazioni di queste. Bellissima la tua esperienza in cui ti sei resa conto che non dovevi bere perché c'era del vetro nel bicchiere! Avere quell'abilità sviluppata ti ha salvato la vita, e chissà in quante altre occasioni! Questo ci fa capire come il sesto senso vada ad ampliare le facoltà dei 5 sensi e come, mettendoli insieme, si possa raggiungere livelli impensabili, come gli esempi che ci hai fatto. Mi ricordo inoltre delle esperienze di puzze sentite in alcuni momenti nel passato, quando ero solo in stanza e non c'era niente che potesse influenzare l'aria.. sicuramente si dev'essere trattato di entità negative e infatti, siccome avevo letto questo articolo, avevo praticato rinforzando la bolla e richiamando prana. In questo modo dopo poco quelle puzze sparivano. Grazie davvero per questa bellissima lezione. Il sesto senso è un argomento davvero importante e se ci pratichiamo sopra può portarci esperienze meravigliose e alla vera evoluzione. Grazie Maestra.

  • White Wolf
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    16:57 10/05/23

    Con la pratica mi sono accorta di quanto l'evoluzione del sesto senso abbia influito anche sugli altri sensi. Innanzitutto per la questione della vista, dovrei portare gli occhiali ma già da due anni non li indosso più, la vista non è guarita ma riesco a vivere normalmente anche senza occhiali e anzi, i momenti in cui sono più alta di tonale vedo benissimo mentre ho notato che quando sono più bassa tendo a vedere peggio. Oltre alla vista mi si è potenziato anche il senso del gusto, mi viene quasi automatico cercare cibi che mi fanno bene e se guardo una cosa so che effetto avrà sul mio corpo, allo stesso modo mi viene automatico abbinare cibi diversi e sapere come sarà l'effetto finale senza assaggiare.

  • Tali
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    12:55 10/05/23

    Questa lezione è stupenda, fa rendere conto quanto sia meraviglioso, articolato e potente il sesto senso. E' proprio vero che sviluppando il sesto senso, migliorano anche gli altri 5! Fin da subito si possono notare miglioramenti. Grazie alla meditazione mi sono resa conto come i colori risultano tutti più vividi e accesi, non dimenticherò mai un giorno, dopo tante belle pratiche, sono uscita fuori a fare una passeggiata e come vidi il tramonto, per quanto fossero belli i colori, mi emozionai fortissimo e sentìì bellissime sensazioni al cuore. Tralaltro in questa esperienza non era solo questione di vista, ma anche di emozione evolvendo il chakra del cuore. E' stato poi bellissimo avere conferma a lezione che questi miglioramenti accadono davvero. Oppure mi sono resa conto come allenarsi anche nella vista energetica porti ad aguzzare la vista, a rendersi più conto dei dettagli e ad allenare la vista periferca, dato che le prime energie si vedono soprattutto con la vista periferica piuttosto che quella centrale. Ho trovato molto bella la riflessione dello studente che riflette sulle scoperte e ciò che oggi sembra normale, rispetto al passato in cui si credeva fosse impossibile o assurdo rapportandole con le capacità del sesto senso. Interessantissima anche la parte in cui si parla del gusto e dell'olfatto sviluppati, ma soprattutto cosa si può fare con un gusto sviluppato. Mi ha fatto pensare a questo periodo, in cui i cibi sono sempre più velenosi e pieni di sostanze nocive, e mi sono resa conto come il sesto senso ora mi avvisa di più sul cibo che ho davanti visto che ne ho bisogno. Mi fa pensare anche a come tu hai scoperto da sola per le prime volte cosa c'è davvero nascosto nei cibi. L'esperienza dei pezzi di vetro nel bicchiere mi è rimasta da sempre impressa, poteva essere una situazione che poteva diventare davvero molto pericolosa, ma il sesto senso ti ha salvata! E' stato molto interessante anche il sogno premonitore raccontato dello studente, oltre al fatto che non è detto che sia stata una vera e propria comunicazione con l'entità della madre, ma può essere stato anche un modo per il sesto senso di farsi ascoltare dallo studente utilizzando la sua figura! Mi ha colpita molto anche la risposta finale sul sogno premonitore, e che non è detto che sia stato solo un sogno, ma che potrebbe anche essere l'io del futuro che ha avvisato in connessione temporale, oltre ad aprire la mente è anche un bel spunto di pratica. Grazie infinte!

  • Ramona

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    05:51 10/05/23

    Leggendo questa lezione mi sono ricordata che tante volte lascio la casa alla mattina con un certo tipo di odore, e alla rientrando sento un odore di legna molto bouno nella stanza dove medito di solito, in vece nelle altre stanze l'odore lo sento "amaro" soffocante, anche se tutte le mattine apro tutte le finestre. Grazie per l'argomento ci farò piu attenzione.

  • mandarino71
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    13:45 09/05/23

    Ho compreso da questa lezione che il nostro Sesto Senso appartiene alla Coscienza o Anima e quindi, come è stato detto, queste ultime utilizzano il Sesto Senso per interfarcciarsi con il nostro Io, cioè con i nostri cinque sensi, che a loro volta ne possono beneficiare ed evolversi anche loro. Ci sono moltissime capacità psichiche che si possono realizzare evolvendo il nostro Sesto Senso e solo intraprendendo questo percoso spirituale e quindi meditando costantemente, riusciamo a capire un po alla volta, l'enorme potenziale di capacità psichiche che potremmo davvero riuscire ad utilizzare.

  • Spartacus
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    15:56 08/05/23

    C'è una grande interconnessione tra il sesto sesto e gli altri cinque, è davvero bello come siano così diversi (nelle funzioni a cui sono adibiti) ma allo stesso tempo così identici per come trovano giovamento da un lavoro sincronizzato che evolve tutti contemporaneamente. C'è bisogno di essere molto coscienti in questo percorso, ho molto riflettuto su come si rischi di bloccarsi per tanto tempo sullo stesso livello se non si comincia a migliorare innanzitutto nella vita low; gli esempi proposti mi fanno capire che sono enormemente squilibrato in questa proporzione, a tavola devo leggere sempre qualcosa e non guardo il piatto che mangio, quando cammino per strada sono sempre tentato di aprire il telefono anche se non mi serve usarlo, ecc. Scelgo (condizionato, ma comunque scelgo io) di non essere attento e devo porre rimedio, la pratica mi sta dando tanto a livello di benessere e sto avendo riscontri straordinari in merito al risolvimento della mia ansia, ma devo portare attenzione anche fuori dalle sessioni perché altrimenti mi pare improbabile fare chissà cosa; cominciare ad usare i primi 5 sensi con più cognizione e meno meccanicamente potrebbe essere già un buon inizio, altrimenti tutto rimarrebbe circoscritto solo alle sessioni e mai si porterebbe i progressi conseguiti nella quotidianità.

  • Nykole
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    04:03 08/05/23

    Leggendo questa lezione mi è venuto in mente un particolare che mi è accaduto qualche tempo fa: dopo una discussione con una persona che conoscevo appena ma che a pelle non mi è mai piaciuta dal primo momento in cui abbiamo parlato, solo telefonicamente, chiudo il telefono e dopo qualche istante inizio a sentire un forte puzza che non so descrivere perché non era una puzza mai sentita in questa dimensione, un misto tra acetone e benzina, come se avessi sotto il naso una pezza imbevuta di questo liquido. La cosa interessante è che parlando con una conoscente di questa persona gli avevo espresso la mia diffidenza nei suoi confronti, tant'è che lei sembrava abbastanza sconcertante dicendomi che fosse una brava persona e che si trattava solo di un carattere forte. Ma nel tempo, ho capito che il mio sesto senso mi aveva in qualche modo avertito che non dovevo fidarmi visto che per la seconda volta, sempre dopo una mezza discussione con lei, chiudo il telefono, mi siedo a meditare e mi arriva un colpo fortissimo al Plesso con dei dolori non indifferenti! Nel tempo,anche la sua conoscente mi ha raccontato che in qualche modo avevo ragione visto che questa donna si è mostrata per quello che era realmente! Le domande e le risposte così perfette e soprattutto facili da comprendere presenti in questa lezione mi hanno aiutato molto a comprendere cosa sia realmente il sesto senso e non le solite dicerie sul suo conto che ci sono state inculcate sin da piccoli. Solo attraverso la Pratica possiamo capire appieno la sua immensa potenza e il grande aiuto che potrebbe darci in questa vita e non solo. Mi piace tantissimo come ci spingi ad aprire la mente ad andare sempre oltre, come ci hai spiegato come si può evolvere il sesto senso, come possiamo uttilizarlo tutti i giorni per trarre dei grossi benefici, come dobbiamo essere sempre coscienti, come anche i 5 sensi si possono sviluppare a livelli sempre più alti e non darli sempre per scontati. Ricordavo la tua esperienza con i frammenti di vetro nell'acqua e non mi sembra affatto un esperienza da poco, anzi, ti ha salvata, meraviglioso! È bellissimo come il Sesto Senso crea una conessione tra noi e Dio aiutandoci a comprenderlo meglio, a sentirlo sempre accanto a noi, tra noi è la nostra Anima. Grazie mille Angel per queste magnifiche lezioni!

  • RiccardoB
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    02:32 06/05/23

    E' stato molto interessante leggere di tutte le correlazioni tra Sesto Senso e gli altri sensi, un po' ricordavo l'esperienza che racconti sul gusto, anche se non ricordavo la rivelazione finale. Ritengo che tutti questi siano anche ottimi suggerimenti di pratica nel Low, in particolare l'unione tra Gusto e Sesto Senso. Tra l'altro questo è proprio un abbinamento davvero importante, quasi salvifico, in questa epoca in cui stanno avvelenando sempre più il cibo. In ogni caso mentre leggevo riflettevo proprio su quanto sia sconfinato il Sesto Senso, e che solo in ACD viene insegnato in tutta la sua Sublime varietà e splendore creativo. E' sconcertante la nostra fortuna ad averti incontrato, ed è sconcertante, Divino per davvero, tutto ciò che hai creato con le Tue sole Forze! Leggere i Tuoi libri per esempio è un concentrato pazzesco di esperienze psichciche, in cui parli in maniera enciclopedica di una miriade di tecniche, mostrando esempi del loro utilizzo sul campo. Leggere i libri sugli Alieni infatti è straordinario proprio per questo, oltre ovviamente a tutta la conoscenza profusa e dal quale trarre enorme insegnamento nel quotidiano. Il Sesto Senso è la chiave che ci apre all'Universo, che ci rende sia Umani che Divini, nel senso di Connessi profondamente a Dio. Svilupparlo nella sua interezza è un sogno enorme, che grazie a Te e all'Accademia so di poter rendere reale. Ovviamente dipende solo dal mio impegno, perchè niente in questo Universo è dovuto, men che meno l'Evoluzione Spirituale. Un'enorme grazie, Fantastica Maestra!!

  • Marica
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    16:32 03/05/23

    Sono molto belle le esperienze dei compagni avute grazie al sesto senso, quindi con sogni premonitori etc. A me non sembra di averne avute prima di questo percorso... ultimamente sento spesso fischi fastidiosi nelle orecchie, che ovviamente non ha nulla di positivo. È importante sapere che il sesto senso appartiene a tutti noi, che non si nasce con un sesto senso già sviluppato, ma che con la meditazione e la pratica si può fortificare, come un muscolo che poi avrà delle prestazioni migliori. Solo qui si trovano queste informazioni, nel resto della società vengono diffuse informazioni sbagliate di proposito, per impedirci di vedere la realtà con i nostri occhi e poterci quindi sottomettere. Attraverso lo sviluppo del sesto senso si percorre la via che porta al risveglio, grazie Angel per offrirci tutte queste conoscenze!

  • P. Sandra
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    18:58 29/04/23

    Anch'io sono rimasta molto colpita dall'asserzione"vedere e sentire è una scelta"e che decidere di essere spirituali dovrebbe includere l'esserlo sempre, durante tutta la giornata e non solo nella pratica! Altro punto che ho sottolineato è che bisogna osservare e capire ciò che ci circonda sempre, in ogni momento e che dobbiamo cercare di sviluppare i nostri sensi in modo da poterli usare in ogni momento! Mi ha dato gran gioia l'apprendere che si può sviluppare qualunque dote con la giusta pratica, questo va a depotenziare credenze limitanti che credo di avere!