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Thinking – Thought and the Sixth Sense: how to recognize deceit (part 5)

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Previously, I talked about thought as the number one enemy of Spiritual Awakening. Thought is the hook that Low uses to keep us low, manipulated and preset so that we decide to follow the choices preferred by its system. Through thought it tells us what to do or what not to do, and we listen to it, because we have always been used to it.

We believe that our sixth sense communicates in words, through a well-phrased and articulated sentence spoken in our minds. Instead, it communicates in a very different way, which can be a strong intuition, a feeling or sometimes a flash, depending on the case and the situation you are in. However, the sixth sense has not evolved to the highest level because it has never been exercised to be so; so, its current level is very low, and you do not have to take it badly. If you think you have a strong sixth sense, think about the fact that you could make it much more evolved than it is now, so you must be happy about it. The sixth sense is much more than a thought that is realized: it can go far beyond prescience or telepathy. On the other hand, we also believe that our Soul communicates in words directly in our minds, composing daily phrases that direct us in the most mundane actions. Unfortunately, communication with the Soul is also not so simple, because her language is translated by our sixth sense, which, if not well developed, cannot be able to perfectly translate what the Soul must “say.”

The sixth sense is like the translator that allows the Soul-which is not human, but much more evolved-to communicate a direct message to us who, instead, are human. The Soul is not something human, it is much more evolved and conscious: Between her and you there are light years of evolution separating you. In a sense you have just been born, whereas she has been living for who knows how many hundreds or thousands of years. As a result, its language is not as “primitive” as ours, but much more evolved, so understanding it requires a translator we call a “sixth sense.” Through this, we can understand exactly what she wants to communicate or point out to us, but without a well-trained sixth sense we cannot perfectly conceive of what she wants from us, the path she is pointing out to us, or what she would like us to do, but we choose with our thoughts and delude ourselves that it was she who pointed us that way. A well-trained sixth sense makes sure that we translate the language of the Soul to such an extent that we perfectly and quickly understand what she wants from us; it takes little, however, to confuse the true desire of the Soul with the word of our thought. This is because if we have not practiced mental silence for years, our mind is overflowing with continuous and insistent thoughts, which obscure true communication with our higher ourselves. Unfortunately, we have been accustomed to believing since childhood that all our thoughts belong to the Soul, so if we think about something, it is the Soul that is thinking. Instead, the vast majority of all our daily thoughts belong solely to the induced thinking of Low, who has created our place in the world, organized our lives and our future, causing us to choose what he wants us to choose; the Soul, unfortunately, has spoken very few times in your life. With absolute certainty you will think that it is different for you, that you hear Soul every day and have been talking to her about this and that for your whole life, so that you are outside this circle and that is why you do not identify with this text. Unfortunately, my role is very difficult, because to help you evolve I have to go against your beliefs and put your feet back on the ground; only in this way can I make you achieve true Awakening instead of making you keep imagining everything and deluding yourself that it is enough to think, to develop your faculties.

On some occasions in your life, you may have felt something much larger and more powerful that “communicated” something to you, or even saved your life from an event that only today you realized would ruin you forever, or even worse, that even today you do not yet know what it could have been about; And yet you know that, on that occasion, She intervened.

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On very rare occasions in your life, your sixth sense has “switched on” to such an extent that for a few minutes or for a few days you have been able to receive strong communications from Soul to the extent that you have translated them, almost perfectly, into short concise sentences with great precision: as an edgy response that gave you no way to ignore it. It probably happened as you were about to make a wrong choice and She, with blatant intensity, communicated a strong “NO! Do not do it!” and you realized, though still doubtful, that you should listen to that choice rather than your brain or heart. Why does it seem in that case that the Soul communicated in words? Because Her intent was so strong and fulminating that your sixth sense translated the insight, She sent you by turning them directly into words so that you could fully understand them. Just as it happens with entities: they do not have a voice to speak, they cannot converse freely in articulate and detailed sentences that you might hear; and yet, at times, it may have happened to you to perceive someone saying your name, to hear a cry, a sigh, a scream that belonged to an entity. Why did you hear her speak, even though she does not have physical vocal cords for shouting or conversation? Because your sixth sense translated his intent and desire to communicate, into what you would have understood for certain: into words.

The big problem is that words are absolutely unreliable. This is because most of the spoken thoughts you hear in your mind are dictated or sabotaged by Low to make you understand anything else than what, instead, has been communicated. The way to communicate with the Soul is the sixth sense through the absence of thought. By silencing thoughts, you allow the sixth sense to communicate, or translate what the Soul has to say; to do so, however, there is a need for the sixth sense to be quite evolved as well, otherwise it would end up mistranslating. When I talk about translating, do not immediately think of a professional translator; think, instead, of a beginner. We all have a sixth sense, some more and some less developed, but unfortunately no one grows up with their sixth sense awakened to the highest level, even though so many people want to believe it to feel a little special. The fact of feeling different, out of the ordinary, deciding to go against the grain, is something that many of us spirituals feel and is a factor that unites us. However, when you want to believe that you are much more evolved than you really are, so much so that you delude yourself into thinking that your sixth sense is already awakened enough that you do not need to train it with the proper practices, you risk limiting yourself, and that is really a pity. Believing in yourself is fine, indeed, it is a great thing that not everyone has, however, believing that you are already fully awakened without even having ever trained your psyche, is very risky because it leads you to believe that there is nothing more you can do than what you already know how to do, so it limits your views and prevents you from going further.

So, you can continue to believe that you are already perfectly awakened, that your thinking is the pure word of the Soul and that you are, all along, out of Low because you are special; okay, I do not want to convince you otherwise. Or you can accept that, like everyone else, you live in this world and, as such, submit to the rules and induced thoughts of the Low. On some very rare occasions during your lifetime, the Soul can communicate such a precise and direct intent that your sixth sense, if only for a moment, uses all its strength to translate its message and make you perceive it through a quick thought that says, “Do this” or “Do not do this.” Since you have not spent your life training your sixth sense, even though Soul has communicated this to you, you may still have doubts and not know what to choose, because immediately afterwards Low-induced thoughts intervene telling you to do the exact opposite. Of course, sometimes the two thoughts are in line, so there are situations where both Soul and Low agree on something. A very simple example of this is to hurt yourself: neither Soul nor Low would want you to harm yourself, so neither would push you to harm yourself by committing violence or physically painful actions, because both would want you to stay alive and healthy.

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Low wants to prevent Spiritual Awakening, so it is a great obstacle to overcome: however, it is not dark, nor would it cause you to physically harm yourself. All that is dark is Darkness, and we will talk about this in other lectures. So there are obviously thoughts that both Soul and Low agree on, such as the example that you stay alive and healthy; however, this does not mean that Low struggles to keep you healthy or that Soul succeeds in keeping you alive forever, especially because you do not have strong communication with Her that allows you to understand what She thinks about you and what will happen to you, what about your future and what Her plans are for you. In other words, you do not know what She wants for you because you do not know how to communicate so openly.

Thought is unreliable, because even if the Soul made an effort to explain to you in words what She would want for you, immediately the Low-induced thoughts would also come forward, struggling in your mind to prevent you from understanding what you should do and what not. Here then comes the Doubt: multiple contemporary thoughts push you in different directions and choices. How could you tell which thought is dictated by your Soul from those instead derived from Low? Because, as if that were not enough, Low uses many thoughts, and not just one, thus making sure to confuse you further. The only way to understand the language of the Soul is to evolve the sixth sense through practical techniques, as well as lowering mental thoughts to enter a state of silence. Of course, we cannot completely eliminate thinking of a sudden for the duration of the day and our lives; however, we can greatly lower the thoughts of Low, as well as all those manipulated by third parties, which can be entities, people around us, and so on. This happens because thinking can also be influenced by external sources and not only by Low. The Soul communicates mostly through intuitions, sensations in which -if you learn to distinguish them with the special practices, I am teaching you- you can be able to recognize, almost immediately, what the Soul’s intent is from the traitorous thoughts of the Low. It is always said that one must listen to the heart, but this must be explained. Feelings can be manipulated just like thoughts, so it is possible to make you agitated although you have no reason to be agitated, making you believe that something bad is going to happen, even though in truth nothing should happen; or it is possible to manipulate falling in love by making one person infatuated with another, even though that was not their initial feeling. Ever heard of love spells? You may not even believe in that, yet love can be manipulated and you can make someone fall in love through practices. The concept of right and wrong is another matter, because the fact that manipulating someone else’s falling in love is wrong is a moral matter, but that does not prevent the practices from existing; so, it is possible to do it, regardless of whether it is right or wrong, good or evil. Surely there are many things you do not know, including many things that will leave you dumbfounded when you learn about them, as most people who know, do everything they can to hide them and not let others, like you, know. This is because if you do not know, you are much more manipulable and vulnerable to those who choose to manipulate you. On the contrary, my strong intent is to acquaint you with what is possible, precisely so that you can finally be free to choose and protect yourself from what you do not like to suffer.

My task is not easy, because I must open your eyes to concepts that the vast majority of people in the know try very hard to keep hidden from you and make you believe that they do not exist; so, it will be easier for them to manipulate you. If you already knew, everything would be easier; however, you have been offered half-truths, often aimed at getting you off track, just to confuse you all these years. In this way you ended up following theories that indoctrinated you without knowing that, more often than not, the truth was quite different. So certain topics, such as forced falling in love through practical techniques, may frighten you into thinking that it is better to stay away from these topics because, naively, you think that then no one can practice them on you.

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Unfortunately, the truth is another. Ignorance has never set anyone free; knowledge has. Knowing does not mean being obscure, as religion has taught us, because knowing the truth does not necessarily mean having to put every side of it into practice. One example is knowing the history: studying a war that happened does not mean having participated in it; on the contrary, we study history precisely to avoid falling into the same mistakes that others in the past have made. By the same token, knowing that some people practice techniques to manipulate the thoughts of others does not make you a manipulator, but it does make you able to recognize those who would like to manipulate you and makes you able to free yourself from their shackles through the right tools to counter them. Consequently, it is wrong to believe that it is enough not to read about these topics in order not to be affected by them, in the belief that not knowing equals not being affected by them. All to the contrary, not knowing means being completely defenseless, while knowing the truth and knowing what exists and what is possible allows you to protect yourself and win your battle. For this reason, so many people prefer not to inquire and avoid talking about it in any way:  they would not be able to accept that someone external, or a higher force like Low, is able to enter their mind and decide for them what they should think. All this would drive them crazy. However, there are also many other people ready to face the truth, without necessarily obsessing over it. Sometimes the fear that someone is manipulating our thoughts can come forward, making us question whether it is right to inquire, thinking about the possibility that, not knowing, makes one happier. This is because if you do not know, you are not afraid of what is happening, but you suffer it in silence; kind of like dying in your sleep. However, there are other people who do not think so, including myself: I want to know what happens, why it happens, and how it happens, because that is the only way I can try to counteract it.

Thought is completely unreliable because it is induced by Low and can be manipulated, at any time, by external presences attempting to push us toward a wrong choice that would lead to the cancellation of our personal awakening. It does not matter if right now you are unable to recognize who or what is doing it: what is important is to know that thoughts and feelings can lie and make you wrong way. There is something that is true and that you can trust blindly: your sixth sense; but first you must learn to evolve it and recognize it. To avoid mistakes, practice meditation and learn non-thinking: in this way you will lower the level of Low in your mind and hear much stronger intuition, which, although it does not speak in words, is the voice of the Soul communicating by means of the sixth sense. I believe that you cannot blindly trust the sixth sense unless you are perfectly capable of using it, recognizing it among other voices, and understanding its way of communicating; so how could you trust something that you do not even know what it is? Sometimes it is obvious: gives you concise and focused answers; But most of the other times it is very light, like a gentle breath, which unfortunately is not enough to understand perfectly what the Soul wants to say. So, it is not a question of having or not having a sixth sense: we all have it, although many people ignore it. Therefore, we need to understand that it is like a muscle that has never been trained, so it is there, it exists, it works, but it is not able to get us what we want because it has not been trained to do so. I can give the example of the aura. If you can see the first layer of the aura, that is, that little white strip around people, it means that you have become aware that the aura exists and can be seen; but that does not really make you able to see it in the full. Are you able to see the full extent of the aura for the integrity of the 15 meters of every single person you meet on the street? Can you see all the colors, all the facets, everything that makes up the aura of every single person for all those meters? Or do you only see the white outline for about 10-20 centimeters around them? that does not mean that you do not know how to do anything; but it means that you could do a lot more than you think you can! If you would just for a moment stop limiting yourself with the usual belief that you already know everything, you might finally open up and realize that there is so much more just waiting to be discovered.

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Just as in the aura example, you may have a sixth sense that is a little more developed than others, that you feel and understand better than many other people around you; for this reason, you believe you have completely evolved it.

Just like the aura, however, you must realize that being able to see the white halo surrounding others, unlike other people who cannot see even that, does not mean that you can see the whole aura in its full extent. You can see the white layer, and that is great because not everyone can do that, however, you can go much further and find that you can go far beyond the first layer. The same thing works for the sixth sense. If you have had strong experiences during your life that have shown you that the sixth sense is there, exists and works, it does not have to mean that you must limit yourself to that; you could do so much more. That is why I am explaining to you the proper techniques to evolve it and allow you, finally, to open up a strong and direct communication that will make sure you understand well the real message being communicated to you, instead of misunderstanding it or confusing it with the other thoughts dictated by the Low.

Daily practice of Meditation enables you to evolve the sixth sense and increase the volume of its voice so that it can communicate to you all it needs to, without interruption and without misunderstanding; this is because the energy taken during meditation recharges him and makes him much stronger. In addition, practicing mental silence during meditation, as well as during the day, prevents Low from intervening and questioning what the sixth sense has previously communicated to you through intents, sensations, and intuitions. It is much easier to believe a thought than a hunch, so it is very easy to get lost in the doubt intended by Low and stop following the sixth sense; however, if you really want it, you can learn to recognize it among a thousand thoughts, thus learning to follow it wherever it tells you to go. Low can manipulate your thoughts and feelings, but with practice you will learn to recognize the difference between sixth sense intuition and Low’s feeling. For this reason, it is important that you practice non-thinking during meditative sessions, but also try to incorporate it throughout the day. Of course, you would not be able to remain in absolute non-thought for 24 hours, however, you can avoid falling for the thoughts of Low that want to try to pull you away from spirituality, practice and the evolution of your sixth sense. No one said it will be easy, however, as so many are making it every day, you too can make it if you put your mind to it. Meditate, listen to your instincts and ignore the thoughts of the Low: you may not be able to eliminate them in a jiffy, but you can ignore them and prevent them from rooting Doubt in you. This will already be a good step toward victory; you will, however, must keep up the pace and not let yourself be fooled by the various kinds of thoughts that Low, very cleverly, will design to break you down and make you worried. Stay calm, reflect whenever you want, but do not let Low pervade you and let Doubt enter you.

End of page 5 of 5. If you liked the article, comment below to describe your feelings when reading or practicing the proposed technique.

This document is the translation of the original article ( on the Dimensional Consciousness Academy website.

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    09:35 15/11/22

    lo so bene che non è facile capire quando è il sesto senso a guidarmi. Spesso in passato mi affidavo a lui perché ero giovane e avevo mille dubbi. Il più delle volte mi ha salvato la situazione. Ma Spesso mi indicava vie contro la logica e quindi era difficile fidarsi. Anche adesso ho preso una decisione che a logica è sbagliata ma questa sensazione dentro di me mi dice che devo fare così. Il tempo mi darà le risposte. Intanto medito per rinforzare il mio sesto senso sperando di riuscire a capire meglio e più chiaramente i messaggi dell anima.

  • Anto
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    23:52 14/11/22

    L'intuizione è un qualcosa che mi accompagna da sempre. Spesso l'ho utilizzata nel mio lavoro ottenendo ottimi risultati, ma sempre e soltanto quando riuscivo a staccarmi da tutti i pensieri per concentrarmi nella mia attività da svolgere. Eppure, addormentato e meccanico nella mia consapevolezza, l'ho ignorata in momenti importanti in cui mi avrebbe guidato verso la giusta direzione. Solo con il tempo, l'ascolto e la respirazione sul cuore, ho appreso a sentire il canto della mia anima. Un canto senza parole, ma fatto di emozioni chiare e cristalline, per chi sa ascoltare. La coscienza superiore che risiede nel prana stesso, è una parte interna a tutti noi. Ma siamo immersi nell'illusione del Low che diventa come un Velo posto su tale consapevolezza. Tutto cambia man mano che si solleva quel velo, e si inizia a comunicare con il battito forte e costante che abbiamo dentro di noi ... un battito che ascoltiamo fin dal grembo materno, ma che la nostra mente tende a farci ignorare. So bene che la nostra mente, per poter fuzionare tende ad escludere molte delle sensazioni e percezioni che riceve dall'esterno e dal nostro interno del corpo fisico. Ma questo meccanisco di sicurezza, viene a cadere una volta che con coraggio saltiamo verso l'ignoto di quello che l'Universo e l'Anima hanno da offrirci.

  • Francesco
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    10:17 11/11/22

    Il nostro pensiero viene influenzato da numerose fonti esterne, come il Low o quello delle altre persone che ci riempiono di idee che non appartengono a noi. Praticando la meditazione, la protezione psichica ed allenandomi nel silenzio mentale mi sono proprio reso conto che molti dei pensieri che prima mi preoccupavano ed abbassavano di Coscienza erano provenienti da altre persone, le quali inviavano su di me le loro emozioni. Riuscire a distinguere le indicazioni della nostra Anima da un pensiero generato dalle nostre maschere o da influenze esterne richiede tanto allenamento, spero di migliorare e di riuscire a comunicare meglio con la mia Anima, in modo da farmi guidare nelle direzione giusta sia per aumentare la mia evoluzione che per compiere le scelte corrette nella vita quotidiana

  • Orietta Boccalini

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    16:44 05/11/22

    Il sesto senso...spesso nella mia vita ho avuto la sensazione che qualcosa o qualcuno mi spingesse a fare questo che poi si rivelava essere giusto. Alcune volte ho seguito l'istinto altre no. Credo che come ho capito dalla lezione per parlare di sesto senso evoluto devo lavorare ed imparare ancora tantissimo

  • Fedele

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    19:24 27/10/22

    In teoria non è difficile distinguere tra pensiero come arma del low e sesto senso dato che il primo ci parla con frasi ragionamenti ed argomentazioni mentre il secondo con intuizioni sensazioni e vero problema è capire di fronte ad un argomento o ragionamento apparentemente convincente che occorre di più dar retta alla sensazione magari fastidiosa che quel ragionamento ci provoca piuttosto che alla magari convincente logica che lo sottende.

  • Chiara299

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    15:54 25/10/22

    Sarà difficile distinguere il non pensiero dal sesto senso ma è fattibile,la base è sempre la stessa:meditazione e non pensiero. Già da un po' sto cercando di mantenere il non pensiero durante la giornata e sto notando che spesso si ripresentano sempre gli stessi problemi/situazioni o litigi che mi fanno ricadere in un circolo vizioso di pensieri...che fatica.

  • lidiag
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    17:01 15/10/22

    Il pensiero non è altro che quel logorio di parole interno alla nostra mente che in certe occasioni ci stanca la mente stessa portando a consumare la nostra stessa energia che se non si pratica per accumularla tramite la meditazione sui chakra riduce di presenza e potenza manifestandosi in malattia e fastidi, mentre in non pensiero a cui si arriva proprio tramite l'allenamento e la meditazione evolve il nostro sesto senso che non si manifesta a parole ma in intuizioni, flash e percezioni a secondo del caso, più pratichiamo più è possibile raggiungere livelli superiori.

  • stewild86

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    14:59 14/10/22

    Interessante articolo , molto importante prendere seriamente in considerazione ogni volta di poter fare sempre di più e di non essere “arrivati” o meglio non sentirsi “speciali” permettendo al low di interrompere il Ns percorso spirituale con la falsa consapevolezza di sapere già fare “qualcosa” e di essere a posto così…. Parlando per qualsiasi pratica psichica compresa quella del sesto senso sviluppato e di saperlo leggere… Spesso mi è capitato di conoscere persone “spirituali secondo loro punto di vista” che vantavano svariate capacità psichiche senza neppur aver mai praticato… ma leggendo libri e guardando video su youtube… inutile dire che negli ultimi tempi ho preso le distanze da queste…. Ad ogni modo tornando sull’argomento e per esperienza personale nell’ultimo periodo di pratiche meditative (visualizzazione piuttosto che chakra) mi rendo mooooolto conto di come la pratica intensiva sia fondamentale per allenare il non pensiero…rispetto ai primi mesi noto sempre più la capacità di rimanere in non pensiero più dilungata in termini di minuti rispetto agli inizi…e questo fa molto la differenza tra una meditazione di qualità e una meno lineare , purtroppo però rimanere in non pensiero durante la giornata è molto più difficile personalmente…ma con la pratica e soprattutto la costanza+giusto intento nulla è impossibile! Molto interessante quelle volte in cui l’attimo di lucidità fulminio arriva dritto come un pugno in pancia e la voce dell’anima si fa sentire dandoti l’intuizione , la scia per intraprendere la scelta giusta…. Succede ed è una manna dal cielo , soprattutto in situazioni difficili da gestire con lucidità. GRAZIE PER GLI IMPORTANTI INSEGNAMENTI ! UN FORTE ABBRACCIO Ste

  • xeno
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    23:15 11/10/22

    Il sesto senso comunica in una forma non verbale, diversamente da noi, infatti silenziare la mente e meditare sui chakra permette di potenziarlo e riuscire a capire quella che è la traduzione fatta dal sesto senso per indirizzarci verso la strada migliore. Ma ammetto che non è facile, anzi ho provato e provo tutt’ora di silenziare la mente, ma il low sa farsi sentire, i pensieri ci sono purtroppo, ma non ci scoraggiamo, è una vita che pensiamo, come possiamo pretendere che in così poco tempo rispetto al vissuto pensiamo di chiudere il rubinetto dei pensieri.

  • Claudia

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    15:28 29/09/22

    La vedo molto dura riuscire a riconoscere i messaggi che ci manda il nostro sesto senso dai pensieri low. Sicuramente ci vorrà allenamento e costanza come per tutte le altre tecniche.

  • Nick
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    21:31 09/09/22

    Non è facile dopo una vita in cui il pensiero l'ha fatta da padrone in ogni istante, riuscire a farlo smettere; di conseguenza anche la comunicazione con l'Anima risulta difficile. Non ricordo episodi in cui io abbia avuto queste forti intuizioni da sembrare delle indicazioni così perentorie. Invece ricordo che da piccolo avevo de momenti anche di mezzora, in cui riuscivo a stare in non pensiero ed era una cosa che mi sorprendeva. Purtroppo non sapevo l'importanza di coltivare tale abilità e con il tempo l'ho perduta. Ora sto cercando di ritrovarla, impegnandomi anche al di fuori della meditazione. Leggendo questo documento mi sono reso conto che per riuscire a sentire la propria Anima, bisogna anche imparare a saper ascoltare e in questo devo migliorare ancora di più che sul non pensiero. Grazie.

  • tammy
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    01:06 06/09/22

    Questo documento è meraviglioso. Il pensiero è l'aggancio del Low per tenerci bassi, per manipolarci. Di certo il Low è nato con l'intento di garantire il prosieguo della vita di Gaia, non è sua intenzione farci del male, tuttavia un canale tanto potente manipolato dall'oscurità è un'arma incredibilmente potente. Credo che ciascuno di noi, per ragioni diverse, possa essersi trovato, si trova o potrà trovarsi, in un momento in cui preferirebbe non sapere, perché la consapevolezza può portare sgomento, confusione, mette in discussione quelle che credevamo essere le nostre sicurezze, e tuttavia ci dona nuova forza, ci fa aprire gli occhi e comprendere invece che non siamo impotenti, che a crearci problemi ed ostacoli non sono sfortunate coincidenze su cui poco o niente possiamo, ci fa capire che noi possiamo reagire, oppure agire prima, insomma che esiste la possibilità di prenderci la reale responsabilità della nostra vita ed anche, per certi versi, sentire di poterci prendere anche la responsabilità di poter aiutare e proteggere i nostri cari ed altri esseri viventi in generale. Il non pensiero, il distacco, sono fondamentali e dobbiamo esercitarli con costanza e cura. Grazie, di cuore 🙏💫🤍🤍

  • Dolores
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    11:34 05/09/22

    Veramente molto bella questa spiegazione! Purtroppo il low frequency lavora sul nostro Non pensiero per non farci svegliare. Il sesto senso è molto utile alla nostra evoluzione ma è molto difficile riuscire a combattere per ottenere il non pensiero fermo. Nella meditazione cerco sempre di combattere il low frequency per avere una buona concentrazione e spero sempre di migliorare proprio per poter sviluppare il sesto senso. Grazie per le tue preziose spiegazioni che ci aiutano a migliorare in ogni settore. Grazie mille!

  • DarkHunter

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    14:06 04/09/22

    Per fortuna non ho mai avuto la convinzione di avere il sesto senso sviluppato, anzi credo proprio all'opposto,ho ancora moltissima strada da fare. Per ora non ho ricordo di un evento dove l'anima mi ha comunicato attraverso il sesto senso ma è probabile che sia successo. Ora so che l'anima non ci comunica a parole attraverso pensieri come il low ma attraverso un intuito, sensazione o un flash. Grazie per questa

  • sweetsoulberry
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    11:47 03/09/22

    Il discorso del low lo sto scoprendo giorno dopo giorno, molte volte ho il desiderio di comunicare, contattare il mondo spirituale e capisco che non ho né accumulato abbastanza energia per farlo tramite meditazione, né lavorato sul sesto senso, ne allenato a lungo la tecnica del non pensiero. Non riesco in sostanza ad ascoltarmi eppure credevo di essere brava a farlo. Miglioramenti però li sto notando per questo sono anche molto fiduciosa. Dentro me una voce dice che posso farcela, non so se sia la voce dell'anima ma l'avverto fin da piccola ed è più una forte sensazione mista a gioia e forza di volontà. Il cammino è lungo e ci richiede anche di credere, aprire gli occhi verso tutto ciò che al momento non riusciamo a spiegare attraverso la logica. Ho lavorato molto sul far cadere la mente condizionata per cui credo di essermi già liberata di una buona parte di pensieri che non erano i miei. Ho capito che se riesco a silenziare il pensiero (cosa che non ho mai fatto anzi, credevo fosse cosa buona e giusta 😄) riuscirò a centrarmi ed ascoltare di più me stessa. L'empatia, il buon senso e la forte sensibilità credevo fossero tutto, invece solo queste cose non bastano ad avere una forza centripeta in grado di farci avere una comunicazione chiara e reale con il mondo spirituale e la nostra anima...devo migliorarmi nell'ascolto non solo all' esterno ma verso l' interno... verso la mia anima. Non so esattamente come fare ma so che affidandomi alle tecniche che spieghi qui passo dopo passo posso riuscire nel mio intento. Grazie di cuore