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The Third Eye – The Truth about the Third Eye (part 1)

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The Third Eye is one of the psychic faculties that belong to the Sixth Sense. It is not physical, but it is a visual capacity that allows us to see beyond the material and illusory reality in which we have lived all our lives. The Third Eye is the name given to the ability to see what not everyone can perceive: for example seeing energy, seeing people’s aura, even seeing the presence of entities/phantoms. The ability to see the energy, in all its forms, has always existed, but theoretical scholars wanted to give their own interpretation, instead of opening their eyes and focus on developing this visual faculty. The Third Eye is what allows you to develop the Energetic Vision, which can then be widened in multiple ways such as the vision of the aura, very different from the vision of the entities. Every vision faculty is different and does not necessarily include the others; for example, knowing how to see people’s auras absolutely does not include knowing how to see entities, just as knowing how to see entities does not include knowing how to see the structure (or even called Codes) of the Matrix. The Third Eye contains all these visual abilities in itself, but each practitioner decides whether to develop only one of these abilities or to develop all of them, because every faculty needs a training and a different technique.

Theoretical scholars do not know how the Third Eye really works, because they have not developed it; therefore, they base their teachings on what has been said – by other theoreticians – and teach others that kind of material, as if it were the only Truth. They have no interest in finding out through practice what the truth is, because all they need is theory and to talk about what they do not know, to look smarter. But the truth about the Third Eye can be discovered much more easily by practicing on it: practice that I have done and that I intend to teach you. This path will not be based on theory but on practice, so that you can discover the truth with your own eyes. So first we need to figure out what the Third Eye is and why you do not have to fear it.

I previously taught you how to see other people’s Auras, including yours of course, so through this practice you have already started to use your Third Eye. The Third Eye is a faculty that everyone could develop but that many people fear because of wrong information, so they move away from the development of this kind of faculty. It is a big mistake to exclude from your life the ability to see reality, because knowing how to see what is beyond allows you to evolve more quickly, to discover the truths that are hidden from you, to know mysteries that so many people talk about but no one can give a concrete answer to. Even if we do not realize it, excluding the faculty of seeing what is beyond this illusory world is equal to excluding our sight. Just think how different your life would be if, from today, you decided to blindfold yourself and never open your eyes again: you would be living a life as a blind man. Now you could tell me that even blind people live a good life, that they can live even without the need to see people’s faces or the colors of everything around them, that in the end even without sight they can live well. Of course, even blind people can live a good life even if they do not have sight, but is it really the same thing? Do you really think that having sight or not having it, is almost indifferent? If that is the case, if you believe that sight does not make your life better than the life a blind person has to lead, why do not you blindfold yourself and stay with your eyes closed for the rest of your life?

Now you better understand that one thing is saying it, and another thing is doing it. Try thinking for a moment about life as a blind man: the first two seconds seem easy, it seems almost the same, but then you realize that it is not an easy life to live at all. No more being able to see the faces of people who speak to you, who love you, or who just pass you by.

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No more being able to see the colors around you, the faces of the animals, the height of the skyscrapers, not being able to see anything … it is not a simple life at all. Blind people did not spontaneously choose that kind of life: they have suffered it, since birth or due to accidents or various diseases. However, if they could decide, some of them would choose to regain their sight immediately; others, however, now accustomed to blindness, would choose to remain blind despite everything. This happens because some of the blind would be afraid to open their eyes and start seeing, because they have no idea of what they have been missing all their lives and are afraid of what they do not know. You know what there is to see, having the sense of sight: you know that those who do not have it are missing so many visual emotions. No matter if you, who have been seeing all your life, try to reassure them and try in every way to convince them that there is nothing wrong with being able to see: it would not change anything because some of them would still answer you that they do not want to know anything about it, that they want to remain blind.

You know that there is nothing dangerous about being able to see, there is nothing wrong with using your eyes, it is not something that goes against God or that should be punished because it is “a luxury” that others do not have. And yet, some blind people will tell you that it is good not to see, that it is good not to know the truth and that, on the contrary, being blind is a miracle because knowing how to see is “boring” while not seeing offers free imagination; for example, blindness allows you to imagine the face of the person in front of you instead of seeing the real one. But let’s be clear, these are just the words of those who are so afraid to face reality. Blind people are not guilty of being blind, but why should you, with perfect eyes, decide to blindfold yourself and stop seeing what is around you for the rest of your life? It would make no sense. And yet, you are doing this to your Third Eye. Those who really see energy – and everything else that can be seen with the energetic vision – know that there is nothing dangerous in being able to see, there is nothing that goes against God because he does not punish you if you use your eyes and any part of your body, including your brain and your Sixth Sense.

Many people do not accept their bodies and do not accept their faculties, they even punish and exclude them: because of religious indoctrination, all of us have been accustomed to being afraid of our own mental, intuitive and psychic abilities. The Third Eye has always belonged to you, and there is nothing wrong with it; you just have to have the courage to take the first step because, when you start to see the truth with your own eyes, you will realize that there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of. Many people fear the Third Eye because they have studied from theorists who have no idea what the real experience is, so they have only ventured and taught completely wrong theories. This does not mean that the third central eye does not exist, but that it is only information thrown out there by those who have confused everything and have in turn taught random knowledge. For example, put aside the idea that the Third Eye should be “opened”: it is not physical, it does not work like in cartoons, but it is a faculty that will develop by training your “two eyes”. In fact, the Third Eye is the name of the psychic ability that allows you to see the truth in a wide range of areas, but to do that you will have to train your two eyes in precise techniques that will develop this ability. So give yourself time to learn to recognize what is true and what is not, through real experience.

The Third Eye is not like your physical eyes, that you need to open to see “everything” around you and then close to see “nothing”. The Third Eye evolves little by little; for this reason you should not expect immediately great experiences or expect that from one day to another the Third Eye “opens” and shows you “all the truth” in an instant, traumatizing you for the excessive amount of information gathered!

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So do not worry, do not have fears caused by such beliefs, because that is absolutely not the case! After the first experiences with the energetic vision, you will probably also complain about why they do not happen immediately, because your initial fear will be completely replaced by the excitement and by the enormous curiosity of wanting to know more. The Third Eye does not “open” but it evolves, and this requires time and determination, which not everyone has.

The Third Eye is not only “seeing entities”, but it is a huge potential that first allows you to see the energy, the Matrix, the auras and also the entities, if you want to, but you are not forced. Get out of your head the idea that “Third Eye” is synonymous with seeing entities against your will, because it is absolutely not so. You can choose what to evolve and what to learn to see: do you want to see the entities? Well, then you will practice those certain techniques to learn to see them. Don’t you want to see the entities? Well, then do not practice those techniques, but practice the ones that will allow you to see the energy, the auras, and everything else. So, you understand that you do not have to do anything you do not want. The reason why others want to force us to believe that the Third Eye is equivalent to “frightening visions” is the same reason why, as children, they made us believe that if we did not eat everything on our plate, the Boogeyman would come and kidnap us or the big bad wolf would eat us. We have been led to believe that the Third Eye is fearful and dangerous only to keep us silent and obedient! If you could see the true Truth with your own eyes, you would discover firsthand all the lies that are told us every day. But until you are able to see with your own eyes, there is nothing you can do: you will be completely obedient and submissive to all those who want to lie to you, and there is nothing you can do to unmask them because you will have no proof! The Third Eye is what allows you to have proofs, because you will see them with your own eyes.

During this course I will teach you how to develop the Third Eye and all the information you need to know to practice and to learn how to use it; then it’s up to you to decide whether or not to practice, what pace to sustain, whether to go slow or fast. What I want to tell you, through my real experience with the faculties of the Third Eye developed, is that while before I was afraid of what I could see with them, today I fear ignorance, that is I fear the inability to see what really surrounds us. The more you develop your energetic vision, the more you want to evolve it further, because finding out that there is nothing to fear from keeping your eyes open will make you realize how good it is to be able to use them. We were not born blind but we have been stubbornly behaving as if we were, only for fear of seeing the truth. I assure you that there is nothing to fear but your own closed-mindedness.

If you wish to deepen your knowledge of the Third Eye, proceed along this spiritual path. Click here to find the continuation of this lesson. But first, do not forget to leave a comment under this article, to let us know your thoughts.

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This document is the translation of the original article ( on the Dimensional Consciousness Academy website.

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  • Umano

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    11:57 16/09/21

    le paure sono fatte per essere superate e non viverci dio ci ha donato queste meravigliose facolta perche non usarle....VEDERE equivale SAPERE che equivale PROTEGGERCI (da quello che vediamo) ed equivale ancora ANDARE AVANTI (perche´ vedere l´ ostacolo ci aiuta a saltarlo). :-)

  • Fly777

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    11:05 16/09/21

    Sinceramente sapevo poco e niente sull terzo occhio ..o pure qualcosa si ma poi leggendo qua mi sono reso conto che anche quel poco che conoscevo al riguardo era sbagliato ..Personalmente vorrei poter vedere tutto e da quando sono qua quell genere di paura di poter vedere le entita per esempio mi e' sparito ..Vorrei poter vedere tutta la realta ,il matrix ,l'entita ,il vero universo direi ,tutto quello che mi circonda ,voglio conoscere la realta proprio cosi come e ' ..Certo non sara' facile anche perche ci vuole tanto impegno ..La cosa che mi da fiduccia e' che l'abiamo tutti, sta la aspetta solo di essere svilupato ..quindi non e' una cosa che va aquisita ,siamo gia in posesso ..non e' solo per qualche fortunato e' a disposizione di tutti noi se vogliamo davvero ..E come quando hai 100 milioni in banca ,ma non sai di averli ,quindi rimani povero !Ecco ,siamo tutti ricchi gia ,siamo nati ricchi ,dobiamo solo prendere coscienza di questa cosa e aprire "la banca"..Lo so e' una metafora ma penso che rende bene l'idea !Grazie per l'articolo sempre!

  • Antinor

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    09:15 16/09/21

    Il chakra della mente in generale apre un mondo di possibilità. Grazie.

  • Tella

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    09:05 16/09/21

    Questo argomento mi è sempre interessato, sin da prima di conoscere ACD, ma non ho mai trovato informazioni convincenti, trovavo video e documenti in cui appunto si diceva che il terzo occhio doveva essere aperto, qui in Accademia ho capito invece veramente a cosa corrisponde il terzo occhio.

  • Deus431
    Medaglia per aver completato lo Step 1 per la 2ª volta

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    08:52 16/09/21

    Ricordo anni fa quando facevo le mie ricerche su argomenti spirituali che il terzo occhio era uno dei temi ricorrenti, mi ha sempre affascinato. Solo che come in molti altri argomenti spirituali, molta gente parla senza avere esperienza e ci sono le solite persone che diffondono terrore inutile. Ho letto molte volte di persone che sconsigliavano di interessarsi al terzo occhio, perché una volta aperto sarai costretto a vedere spiriti maligni a vita e altre idiozie simili. Ma come ben sappiamo ogni facoltà richiede allenamenti diversi, e ci vuole molta costanza e duro lavoro per ottenere queste abilità, che sono tutt'altro che permanenti! Se smetti di allenarti anche per qualche giorno le perdi molto rapidamente! Io, personalmente, sono dell'idea che queste persone diffondono questo terrore di proposito, per allontanare la gente dal suo enorme potenziale.

  • Martina
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    05:13 16/09/21

    Noto che la gente sceglie spontaneamente di non sapere, hai la possibilità eppure la rifiuti. Ho sempre pensato a quanto mi sarebbe piaciuto donare la vista ad una persona non vedente, però ancora non mi ero accorta che le persone preferiscono non sapere. Non parlo solo di spiritualità, parlo anche di altre conoscenze, che sia la storia o la cultura, la gente non ne parla mai, anzi interrompe per parlare di quel programma in cui tizio e tizia, si sono lasciati, e che era una strage... Vero da quel momento non vivo più... Se si parla addirittura di spiritualità, il tempo di dire due parole ed ecco che agisce il low, arrivano messaggi sul telefono, quindi le persone lo prendono e non parlano/ascoltano più, arriva qualcuno, in tv devono assolutamente vedere una cosa, esattamente in quel momento. Ho sempre voluto sapere la verità delle cose e giorno dopo giorno sono sempre più curiosa. Un po' mi sono sentita in colpa in questo periodo, perché ho letto poco gli articoli, però se avevo tempo facevo una med in più. Ma adesso sto cercando di migliorare, anche perché sono davvero curiosa. I libri poi... Una cosa che ho notato è che non mi pesa rileggere, prima se leggevo un libro, non mi andava poi di rileggerlo, perché era già stato letto e l'eccitazione di leggere un qualcosa di nuovo era passata. Ma con i libri no, anzi, a parte perché alcune cose le ho dimenticate e io voglio ricordare tutto, due mi fa sentire bene, tre sono talmente evoluti e scritti da un'Anima, così pura e luminosa, che apprendi sempre! L'emozione è come la prima volta che lo leggi! Anche questo percorso! Sono contentissima di averlo iniziato, di ripassare, di apprendere cose nuove e di fare le lezioni con il mio tutor. Super contenta! Per quanto riguarda questo articolo, aggiungo che il terzo occhio è davvero fondamentale, basti pensare a quanto migliorerebbe la nostra vita:ci accorgeremmo, dei fili, delle energie negative, se c'è energia rossa in casa, se la nostra aura è danneggiata o sta venendo colpita, soprattutto vedremmo chi ci attacca, chi entra nella nostra casa. Ogni facoltà psichica che ci insegni è davvero bella, anche evolvere il terzo occhio è qualcosa di magnifico! Il post di ieri mi ha dato la grinta giusta per impegnarmi ancora di più! GRAZIE!

  • tony53
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    23:33 15/09/21

    Quello che posso fare è provare a vedere sempre meglio le energie di cui l'aura e lo statico sono parzialmente visibili. Poi seguirò le nuove tecniche per evolvere il terzo occhio. Di sicuro non c'è alcunché da temere a vedere la vera realtà.

  • Vyola
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    20:29 15/09/21

    Avevo il terrore anche solo di leggere un documento sulle entità, poi quando capisci che loro ti vedono e non solo, beh allora non ho più paura, voglio vedere. Quelli che non sanno ma per quattro cose lette, pure male, si atteggiano a saputi, ma levatevi di mezzo che le cose serie vengono dette solo qui in Accademia.

  • Francis
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    19:36 15/09/21

    Questa descrizione del terzo occhio mi piace molto e anzi non mi fa paura. Mi ricorda costantemente che la capacita'visiva normale e' illusoria e quindi che si possa aprirsi ad altre facolta' e visioni che ci spiegano cosa accade davvero nella vita quotidiana. Una bella prospettiva . Grazie

  • Cosmic Feather
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    17:54 15/09/21

    Tempo al tempo, la motivazione viene proprio praticando e quando si iniziano a vedere i primi risultati. Io sono solo all’inizio, e quando vedo dei piccoli miglioramenti ciò mi basta per mettere l’ingranaggio e non demordere ma bensì proseguire seppur non sia sempre facile a causa del Low e il suo mondo delle distrazioni. La costanza in questo caso è ciò che darà a ognuno quello che si merita, niente di più, niente di meno.

  • Michele78
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    16:34 15/09/21

    Rileggere questo articolo è sempre emozionante, al momento sono riuscito a vedere l'Aura e l'energia avendo praticato solo quelle tecniche. Continuerò ad esercitarmi perché voglio riuscire a vederle ogni volta che desidero e non vedo l'ora di praticare le altre tecniche per vedere il Matrix e le Entità.

  • Jupiter
    Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Volume 9

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    16:25 15/09/21

    Se sono qui è perché ho scelto di evolvere svariate facoltà che mi appartengono da sempre ma per un motivo o per l'altro non ho mai imboccato il percorso giusto per me. Ora finalmente l'ho trovato grazie Angel

  • Maat

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    15:52 15/09/21

    Sempre molto stimolante a provare di fare pratica

  • biatris

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    15:19 15/09/21

    Passo dopo passo, un po alla volta si impara ad aprire gli occhi, il terzo occhio. Spero di riuscire a meditare di più per vedere oltre .

  • Alessandra
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    15:08 15/09/21

    Non vedo l' ora di riuscire ad evolvere la mia capacità di vedere realmente....all' inizio mi sembrava man mano che vado avanti con questo magnifico percorso e mi dedico nella pratica mi accorgo dei piccoli grandi miglioranti che avvengono alla mia vista energetica....bellissimo grazie Angel