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Astral Travel – What is an O.B.E.? (Part 1)

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The term “astral travel” is well known, but its definition is often ignored or misunderstood. Ideas on astral travel are among the most contradictory because people tend to explain this dimensional experience from either one or the other extreme: from identifying it as a simple dream, to seeing it as a near-death experience. Real astral travel is none of that. Knowing the real meaning of astral travel is very important. It is an event that can occur more than once in anyone’s life, spontaneously, without necessarily needing the person to have ever heard of it. Understanding what it is allows you not to have fear of this kind of situation because you’re already aware of its function and characteristics. Astral travel is also commonly known as “out of body experience” (O.B.E.). In brief, it is an experience in which a person goes out of their physical body to briefly explore the astral dimension, i.e one goes there without their material body. That’s what theory says. Practice, on the other hand, is much more interesting.

One premise to start with though: astral travel is not dangerous, but the first experiences could seem scary. For this reason many people are not brave enough to practice and to understand out of body experiences. They fixate themselves on the negative picture that they have about O.B.Es, both if they actually had one or didn’t have one. Fear regarding astral travel makes people flinch instead of facing and recognizing the experience for what it is: a beautiful journey. Unfortunately he who fears is not brave enough to admit their cowardice, therefore this person uses all of their strength to convince other people not to discover the truth either, or they would be seen as the only fearful one. Astral travel can be compared to the first time one enters water. When you were a child, and you didn’t know how to swim, the simple thought of going into the water terrified you. Then, when you found out that the swimming pool was not hiding evil monsters, and that to float you had to relax, so that – instead of being agitated and crying – you realized that there was nothing to be scared about. All adults told you not to fear, but you were scared to death! So scared that you thought you could drown and die for real, even though the water was shallow. Your friends were more scared than you and they made you believe that their fear was justified by telling you that you could encounter sea monsters just by going to the swimming pool. And yet when you learned how to swim, all your fears vanished in a flash, as if you never had them to begin with. Astral travel is the same thing. The fact that people talk about astral travel as if it were a nightmare is because of their inability to swim, so they try to scare all the others to keep them at their same level; unable to bear the situation. Those who can’t swim will only express their fear with groundless exaggerations, opposed to those who learned how to relax in the water and become one with it. In fact, those who can swim very well can decide to go beyond the common person. For example, by becoming a scuba diver, they can go to the bottom of the sea and tell how fabulous it is to swim with the fishes, seeing the marine world up closely and so on, describing it as a wonderful experience. Those who can’t swim can never understand the magnificence of this moment and will discredit it as nothing important, trivial, just because they wouldn’t have the guts to try it. In brief, this is the reason why many people are fearful of astral travel: because they don’t know it and they are fearful of diving in, thinking that as soon as they put their toes in the water, a shark will come to eat them. But this is not true. There are no sharks in swimming pools.

Astral travel is an experience that can also occur spontaneously, without the person consciously deciding to do it. Sometimes it just happens, like it or not.  We could say that it’s a bit like rain: you could try not to get wet, but sooner or later in your life you will be in a rain storm and the rain will get you wet. It’s inevitable.

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You can choose to run away your whole life or recognize the existence of the rain and stop fearing it. This doesn’t mean that knowing what rain is will oblige you to go out of your house to get wet. Today you will learn what astral travel is, but this won’t force you to practice it but at least it will make you understand exactly what happens – or what happened if it already did before – when your body pushes you into a spontaneous O.B.E so that you won’t fear it but enjoy the experience. Not everybody likes rain, but you can exploit the occasion to do something new. You can’t escape astral travel: everyone had or will have at least one astral experience (even if only once in their life) and you can choose to suffer it or to take the chance and have fun. Also, because it’s all totally natural, you can willingly make it happen whenever and however you want with certain techniques. To learn to swim one has to train, especially if you want to be a scuba diver. Today I will tell you what it is, why knowing its meaning will not force you to practice it, but you will be perfectly prepared in case of its happening spontaneously.

Astral travel is a completely natural spiritual experience, that allows you to visit a place without going there physically. But that’s not everything. There are many rumours on astral travel, mostly spread by people who have never had this kind of experience. Personally I had this experience many times and I’ve learned when it’s the right time to have one, and when to stop it when it’s not the right moment. Therefore I can talk from personal experience I’ve gathered over the years and which I keep expanding, since I think it’s an engaging technique. An O.B.E lasts a short amount of time, even though in the moment it might seem much longer. It’s a bit like a dream that seems hours long, as it happens in sleep paralysis, which actually doesn’t last more than a few minutes. Time perception changes because during astral travel one is in a different dimensional layer from the physical one we’re used to. Even if we visit the same city we live in, we would be doing it from another stratum, in fact we might not perceive the passing of time, or sense of effort, because our body is comfortably lying in bed and is not doing any work. Astral travel is a very interesting event because it allows you to send a probe of your energy to check out a known or unknown place, in this dimension or ones far away. It’s much easier to have an O.B.E when your body is falling asleep, instead of when it’s involved in some daily activity. Still, we need to be able to recognize real astral travel from dreams, because astral travel is real and it can be identified from many elements. During astral travel your body is asleep but your mind is wide awake, in fact it is carrying out an activity without using the physical body. Having an O.B.E doesn’t only mean going out of the body, visiting your own house and going back inside as if nothing happened. The astral plane is much more fascinating and pleasurable than it might seem in the beginning. Describing the astral plane to someone who doesn’t know it needs patience, because it would be like describing colours to a blind person. Would you be able to?

You could surely tell them how beautiful and useful the colours are, because in our everyday life we also use different colours in different social situations. For example, thanks to the colours of traffic lights we know how to respect the time at which others are driving, we can represent a story by painting it with specific colours and so on. Can we live without them? Sure, we could replace them with symbols or words, but life wouldn’t be the same. Colours give us emotions and beauty, they give us life.

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We can forget about the astral and replace it with our everyday routine, but we would be renouncing a great part of our happiness and emotions that, just like colours, can be offered only by it. Being born blind is a disgrace, but deciding to become blind by your own hands is a terrifying choice. Therefore, describing in a few words everything you can do in the astral plane is definitely impossible. But generally, as the term itself says, it is a journey without the means of the physical body.

During the astral experience a part of you will visit a place – which you will remember when you wake up – while your physical body will stay comfy on the bed, in the same position, without the risk of moving and being hurt in any way. The body will be fine, it won’t be in danger, because its condition will be exactly as when it is dreaming: if in the dream you run, eat or drown in a river, there’s no risk for your body of getting tired, fat or choked by water. The body will be perfectly fine. The difference between dreams and astral travel is in the truthfulness of the experience. In fact, if in a dream you break an object it won’t be broken for real. If during an astral journey you make an object fall on purpose to make it break, when you wake up you will find the object broken. If the object isn’t broken when you wake up from the O.B.E the answer is that it was not an O.B.E but just a dream! That’s easy to say, but many people portray their dreams as if they were real astral travel experiences. This happens because you can find a lot of disinformation around, sometimes intentional. The reason why people say things in this way is because they don’t have enough experience. So people talk about the topic without really knowing what they’re saying and, even worse, people don’t want to know what the thing really is, they just want to talk, with no interest in discovering the truth because that needs time and effort. People don’t have time to find out the truth, they just have time to watch lots of TV.

Astral travel is as dangerous as a dream. That means that in the morning you will wake up and start your daily activities without having anything weird happen to you. You have nothing to fear. And yet, astral travel is not a dream, it is a real experience and – for this reason – in the beginning you could have a sensation of closure towards it because it’s something you don’t know. In fact, during an O.B.E you experience real sensations, physical we could say – even though they’re not sensed by the body – and the actions done during it are done for real. The first step to recognize a real experience from a dream is to experiment with objects. If during a dream you look at the clock and then you look at it again a moment after, you will notice that the time will change immediately and the numbers of the clock will be very difficult to read. During an O.B.E you can read the real numbers, and these won’t change, because it will really be that time. Another example could be the one of picking up a book to read a random page: everybody says that if it is a dream you won’t be able to read the lines because the words will shift quickly, whereas if it is an O.B.E you can read every line well. I have to correct this example though. Because if you were astral travelling you would first of all have to pick up the book from the bookshelf (so you would need to use strong telekinesis), then you would have to open the book, leaf through it (keep on using telekinesis to do this) read the words carefully – these have to match with the reality – and then put the book in a different place from where it was before to prove to yourself, when you will have woken up, that you really moved that book. That’s where people fool themselves: they’d rather live in the illusion of having had a real O.B.E rather than recognizing the truth from dreams. Picking up a book and reading it without the use of the physical body requires a psychic strength not easy to obtain, called – in this case – Telekinesis. Telekinesis is the ability to move an object with the mind, without having to touch it with the body. At this point you could think it’s impossible, but actually it’s exactly what entities do. In fact, when an entity moves an object, it is using the power of energy mixed with a mental intent. In other words, telekinesis.

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When we speak of entities, though, we mostly use the term “poltergeist”, which indicates an entity able to physically move an object, even though they don’t have physical hands to do it. You understand then that it’s not that simple, because it requires a lot of mental strength and energy; but it’s entirely possible, and it happens very often that an entity makes something move or drop. In fact some entities can move objects and act within this physical dimension, even though they don’t have a physical body, because they have a high psychic capacity. The same rule applies to us: the stronger our psychic abilities, the more we are able to have an effect on the physical dimension when we are not in the material vehicle which is our physical body. I don’t want to confuse you with too much information all at once, just to make you understand how it works.

The reason why people sell so many fantasies as astral travel is because they would rather boast of something that didn’t happen instead of admit their errors and learn that, to have a good O.B.E, you have to work. Going out in the astral is something that can happen spontaneously, but being able to move perfectly and having an effect on the material dimension is a totally different thing. Pushing an object with all your strength to make it fall is definitely different from picking up a book, holding it in mid-air, opening it, reading it comfortably by leafing through it, and then putting it back in the library while making sure it is in the right place and position. Therefore, in a house haunted by entities, it is much more likely to see objects fall to the ground, doors that open, pictures that fall, rather than a book floating in the air for several minutes while being browsed in tranquillity. Making an object fall takes much less effort and allows one to give proof of one’s presence, even though this action is not simple either. That’s why an easy way to recognize if you’re having an O.B.E or if you’re dreaming is picking up a book and thumbing through it: if you can do it easily it’s probably a dream, so I suggest you make it fall to the ground and when you awake you will understand whether it was a dream or reality. If you can’t make the book fall because it is too heavy for you – the most probable option – try to look at the time on your phone, try to call your mother, or go and talk to her. If the phone turns on it is possible that this is a dream too because pressing a button could not be as easy as doing it with physical hands. If you go to your mother and she answers when you talk to her, then it is a dream as well. In fact, when you wake up you can go to your mother and ask her if you had talked: she will obviously say no. That’s because you dreamt about it. During astral travel, other people – non-psychic – can’t see you and least of all talk to you, so you can act undisturbed, without having others knowing what you’re doing. If during this experience you happen to talk to someone and, once awake, you repeat what you have said and the other person denies everything, you have to accept it was only a dream, instead of insisting on your conviction that it really happened. Often the strong desire to have an O.B.E can make us dream of it in a very realistic way also, but it remains a dream. Despite your wish to speak of this experience, put your ego aside and learn to recognize when a real O.B.E occurs instead of when it happens in a dream. Astral travel is a real experience, so don’t mistake it with night time fantasies.

During astral travel you can have interesting experiences, for example you can visit a friend’s or a relative’s house, or the house of someone you know but who never invited you. In the astral you can do it, because you don’t need them to open the door. You could ask yourself if that’s fair, but be aware that other people don’t stop and wonder, because you wouldn’t see them and they could do whatever they want anyway. In the astral plane that’s how it works. Unfortunately most people put their toes in the water and say they’ve seen or had a fight with a shark, being aware of the fact that other people couldn’t deny it because they don’t have enough experience to be able to speak.

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Therefore, one could believe the first person speaking about a topic and not only that, they could take them as an example for the following things they’re going to hear. Many people that talk about astral travel make terrible mistakes because they never performed it, but only suffered it. Many other people don’t have a clue of what it is and think it is the equivalent of a dream. To undergo an O.B.E and to practice it are two completely different experiences. Whoever says they have O.B.Es every day is most certainly dreaming of having them.

As it’s already been said, O.B.Es can happen spontaneously, without you deciding to have one and in this case you would undergo it. On the other hand, if you know how to practice it – so you know how to have one and how to stop it if necessary – then the experience has a completely different taste. In a way it is like dreaming: when fantasy takes over you could have a nightmare and become victim of your own fanciful creations; but when you learn to be more aware in your dreams and you make them lucid you can control the events inside them and make them much more fun and exciting. The astral journey isn’t dangerous, but it is a new experience that doesn’t happen often. So when it happens it can feel scary, especially to someone who isn’t aware that it happens to everybody. When an O.B.E takes place and the person doesn’t know what’s happening, they become frightened and “suffer” the experience because they can’t control it. Being prepared and knowing how to deal with it is very different, so that you recognize the O.B.E as a delightful natural experience, of which there’s no need to be afraid. There is some basic information that you have to learn to overcome your fear of astral travel, recognizing that there’s no reason to be afraid. The first one is understanding the experience itself.

During astral travel, or it’s better to say when you’re exiting the body, you will be stopped first of all by the sensation concerning fear of death. You can relax because it won’t happen. People fear death because they feel something exiting the body and naively think that that’s the soul. The people that didn’t practice O.B.Es and underwent them give strength to this wrong conception. They often tell a version totally different from reality and let themselves be conditioned by their fears, which changes the realistic vision of it. For this reason you read everywhere that the soul leaves the body and that the body remains empty until it comes back at the end of the journey. The idea that the soul leaves the body is wrong and difficult to believe because it’s possible to have an O.B.E and at the same time to open the physical eyes. So you can have the experience outside of the body and at the same time see with the physical eyes, since the soul is still inside it. If the soul was outside of the body it wouldn’t be possible to open the physical eyes and see with them, but you would need to wait to go back in to manage it. On the other hand, with the right training – or sometimes by pure luck – you can have an O.B.E and at the same time open your physical eyes and recognize that you’re in the body. The soul doesn’t leave the body, but stays inside it for the whole length of your life. What is it then that leaves the body in an O.B.E? A tiny probe of energy that you’re aware of and that will behave as another pair of eyes. In fact, during astral travel, what leaves is a small feeler of energy, therefore a small part of your intelligent energy, that leaves the body to allow you to see your house, a city, the other side of the world, without you having to go there physically. During astral travel you’re sending a camera that communicates directly with you, that records what it sees and allows you to look at the surroundings so well and in high definition that you will feel like you’re there. Imagine using a Drone with VR (Virtual Reality). This is an example of astral travel.

Even though the drone might seem a fantastical technology, it will never compete with astral travel itself.

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It’s still the best example because, like astral travel, it allows you to see a place without you having to go there physically. So, during astral travel the soul doesn’t leave because the body wouldn’t allow it to. Even though near-death experiences are talked about as fairly common events, I assure you that dying is not that easy because the body has many natural defence mechanisms. If a person is victim of a car accident they will surely risk death, but if they’re comfortably lying in bed, ready to sleep, they won’t risk death just for a natural experience in the astral dimension. There’s no reason to fear that. It’s more plausible to die in front of the TV because you watched too many programmes and turned your brain off. Because the soul stays in the body you don’t have to fear it being abandoned and left empty during the time of the O.B.E. It will be in the same condition as when we sleep or dream. No difference. During astral travel our body sends out a small probe of awareness that allows us to visit a place and make us feel as we’re really there while we, the soul, will still be in the body. This probe is like a small drone: when it concludes its task (or to be more specific, its journey) it will go back to base – in the body – without any problem. The soul doesn’t leave the body and won’t leave it until our time is up, either because of old age or because of disease, so this is nothing to do with astral travel. Because the soul doesn’t leave the body, the problem of re-entering doesn’t exist either: the soul, in fact, has always been inside the body.

What frightens people that undergo astral experience instead of living it consciously, is that they find themselves projected outside of the body without knowing what is happening, and that can seem frightening. This is understandable, because during astral travel you feel something exiting the body. Then, without knowing the reason and how, you find yourself above or next to your physical body and you observe it while it’s sleeping, recognizing yourself as external to it, outside. Everything will make you think (if you don’t have the minimum conception of energy) that you’re really outside of the body and that you’re dead, or that you’re dying. Luckily death is not a simple thing, because otherwise the human population would already have been extinct thousands of years ago, all for a simple O.B.E… very sad. So during astral travel a small energetic probe that belongs to you will leave the body while your soul will stay in. In fact, the probe will allow you to visit the place and make you see exactly as if you were there, but if your physical body wakes up during the O.B.E for any reason (for example because your alarm goes off!) you will open your eyes and you will realize that you’re in the body. What happens to the probe? It will re-enter the body at the speed of light, sucked back in from your consciousness that has to prepare for waking up. Even if you believe it would need hours, it actually happens in a split second, but it will still need some time regardless of how short it is. Unexperienced people complain of having had difficulties in re-entering the body, yet all of them can say they lived to tell of the experience. Unfortunately we always have to pay attention to how the facts are told, because sometimes fear can exaggerate the details. Sometimes even too much!

During an O.B.E, the physical body needs some preparation to let the probe out. This could last several instants (considering that time in the astral dimension is very different from time in the physical dimension) and, in the same way it needs time to leave It needs to prepare for the return. Believing that you could end up stuck outside of the body is absurd because when your alarm will go off, or the morning sun will hit your eyes, you will wake up exactly as you do every day when you were dreaming. Some dreams seem very long and interminable, but you’re sure that every morning you will wake up and that they will come to an end. Also, if you sleep lightly and anything wakes you up, this will happen during astral travel as well.

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On the contrary, when you understand the value of astral travel, your worst fear would be waking up too early because it will ruin your experience and throw you immediately back in the body while you wanted to stay outside! Because the soul will always be in the body, if your mother knocks at the door, if the dog barks, or if, for any other reason that will wake your body wake up, the astral experience will end in a split second. The fact that during an O.B.E some people feel some resistance in re-entering the body comes from its need to let the energy back in. The energetic probe is a piece of energy that leaves in exploration and then re-enters, so it moves from inside the body in order to travel on other dimensional planes. Moving energy is not easy, that’s why it’s not easy to have a voluntary O.B.E, but one needs to train. The O.B.E can still happen spontaneously, thus without the need for training. Sometimes during one’s life this experience happens. To some people it happens only once, to others it can happen much more often, without them being able to decide when, how, and for how long, they’re going to last. The negative side of the spontaneous O.B.E is that you can’t choose to do it, but you have to wait until it will happen on its own and, if you want to know, you may have to wait several years or decades before it will happen again. When you find out the incredible majesty of the astral world you recognize that waiting for a spontaneous O.B.E is anguishing because you don’t know if it will happen again, so you’ll begin wanting to learn how to induce it, so as to be able to have one whenever you want. Through training you will also learn how to stop a spontaneous O.B.E which, in that moment, you don’t want to happen. On the other hand, if you don’t have any familiarity you will undergo a spontaneous O.B.E and will not be able to decide when to finish it and you will have to respect its duration. Even though it’s nothing dangerous, it could still be scary because it’s a period of time when you don’t have minimum control of things happening to you. Just like leaving the body needs a movement of energy that can be well felt, also the return needs its own preparation, because the energy needs to re-adapt to the body so as not to “scare” it. The body is very sensitive and enters into a defence state whenever it perceives some strange movement, this is the reason why the energy coming back wants to be re-absorbed gently by the body instead of shooting into it with the risk of scaring it. In any case, nothing dangerous would happen, but it’s better to come back gently or you could wake up from sleep with a jolt. No physical damage, but the sudden scare is guaranteed.

The annoying side of spontaneous O.B.Es – those that happen without you having trained to control them – is that you don’t have power over them. So if you wanted to go around the city for example, you might not succeed and be stuck in your house going from one room to another. This is discomforting. To obtain a great experience that will completely satisfy you training is needed. If you let luck decide you could sometimes have an O.B.E and travel to a place far away and enjoy the experience, other times you will be stuck in your bedroom and will not even be able to go through one wall. Consider this, and the fact that you could have an O.B.E every ten years, you will not have the time to enjoy the experience. Fear could make you think that it’s better this way, that you don’t want to have anything to do with O.B.Es, that it’s something that doesn’t interest you. But I’m here to tell things as they are: astral travels happen and, want them or not, they can happen to you as well, but you don’t have to fear them because they will last a small amount of time in which nothing bad will happen to you. You will be the one deciding if you want to spend time fidgeting or letting yourself go. Relax and float. Don’t worry because real astral travel is much more beautiful and calm than ignorant people want to make you believe. Because the soul doesn’t leave the body there’s no way that – as it happens in horror movies – the body will be targeted by entities or something that will try to steal it off you, or similar nonsense. If that were true they would be able to steal it every time you enter a dream, therefore every night.

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For the same reason, it’s absurd that the soul leaves the body and that it’s connected to it by a silver rope (some even define it as golden) to which you also have to pay attention because if you go too far away from the body there’s the risk you break it. In all these years in which I’ve practiced astral travel I’ve never – and I say never! – seen the fanciful silver cord attached to me, or anyone else. Also, even though I went very far from the physical body, I never got lost or stuck in other dimensions from which I never came back. You can visit an unknown place far away, but you can’t get lost and, least of all, get stuck in a place where you risk not coming back for the simple reason that you never left! The soul never left the body! What leaves is a small probe that for that moment will function as another pair of eyes, so you will see locations around you as if you were visiting them physically in first person. And yet, you will be comfortable in your bed – inside your body – and the energetic camera (that is your probe) will see and report back the data directly into your mind, immediately. It works just like a livestream.

During astral travel you don’t risk anything because it’s a completely natural experience. But it’s normal to fear it at first because it’s an event we’re not used to and of which we’ve not been informed of. The people around us haven’t had O.B.Es yet, or just like you, they don’t remember them, or they pretend they imagined them so as not to admit that they actually exist. The fact that other people say totally different things, describing it as a very dangerous moment, happens because they never had a real astral travel experience, but such is the desire of telling such a story that they don’t realize what they’re saying. Some people don’t believe in the existence of ghosts but, in the moment of astral travel, some of them happen to convince themselves that they could be possessed by them, and lose their body forever. This is absolute nonsense. Unfortunately I know that astral travel is not easy to understand. Also, it’s difficult to stop fearing it when so many people – totally ignorant about it – spread negative information, or when some people do it on purpose to confuse and scare others, so as to make sure nobody will train to live the experience. What is there to find out in the astral? What is it that’s so important to hide? Basically everything. If you had a lot of familiarity with astral travel you could go anywhere and observe closely what happens without ever having physical limits. You can’t go through walls with your human body, or even a simple door because anyone could stop you from entering their property and keep you outside. If you could travel with energy (without letting others see you and find you) you could enter any place you want; even the most hidden and secret locations. Nobody could stop you. That’s why they care so much about keeping you away from developing this ability… by pushing the typical, and most functional, button that hits everyone: fear. In this way they guarantee that most of the population will not find out what’s hidden behind those walls.

There are many other things I would like to tell you about astral travel, but maybe for now you would rather take your time to understand the information given. If you feel ready to go further, you can read the second piece on Astral Travel. What is important for now is that you’ve understood that there’s nothing to fear. I’ll be happy to unveil much more in the next article and teach you one technique to have a voluntary and controlled astral journey, or how to stop a spontaneous one when you don’t want it to happen without your decision.

End of page 8 of 8. If you enjoyed the article, leave a comment below describing your feelings while reading or practicing of the proposed technique.

This document is the translation of the original article ( on the Dimensional Consciousness Academy website.  

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  • sony
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    10:40 20/08/22

    Il Viaggio Astrale mi ha sempre incuriosita moltissimo, un qualcosa di magico e misterioso tutto da scoprire e sperimentare! Penso sia affascinante e speciale poter vivere un'esperienza del genere e spero prima o poi di riuscire a viverla. Facendo qualche ricerca su internet e YouTube, avevo letto cose un po' strane, come il filo d'argento, il pericolo di non riuscire più a tornare nel proprio corpo, la possibilità di perdersi in qualche dimensione oscura... Quindi non è la nostra anima ad uscire completamente dal corpo ma una sonda di energia... Mi spaventava un po' l'idea che fosse completamente l'anima ad uscire dal corpo e che potesse esserci qualche intoppo da non riuscire più a rientrare. Leggere che dal Viaggio Astrale non si sfugge, in un certo senso mi fa sentire in trappola, senza via di scampo😅, in ogni caso mi piacerebbe tantissimo riuscire a rendermene conto o magari di averlo già provato, essendo anche spontaneo! Sarebbe meraviglioso imparare a farlo ogni qualvolta si desidera farne uno, peccato che dura soltanto pochi, ma che a differenza dei sogni, è un'esperienza reale, è grandioso!! Ho l'impressione di avere vissuto questa esperienza qualche settimana fa, durante una meditazione libera, ma non ne sono sicura. Posso solo dire che è durata pochi minuti ed è stato a dir poco bellissimo, tra sensazioni, emozioni e visualizzazione, mi ha lasciato un ricordo magico e pieno d'amore, è stata un'esperienza travolgente.

  • Claudia

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    21:58 18/08/22

    Il viaggio astrale mi mette un po' di paura ma allo stesso tempo curiosità. Appena ho un po' di tempo voglio provarci seguendo l'audio. Avevo letto anch'io la storia che la nostra anima è legata con un filo al corpo fisico e se ti allontani troppo rischi che si stacchi e puoi perderti..

  • debiddo

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    20:31 18/08/22

    Nonostante la spiegazione ottima di questo articolo, rimane comunque il timore nel fare il viaggio astrale. ottimo articolo come sempre mi ha chiarito alcune cose.

  • White Wolf
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    18:57 18/08/22

    Ricordo delle prime volte che ho sentito parlare del viaggio astrale, nel mio caso non ho trovato testimonianze spaventose ma di gente che un giorno si addormentava e puff, improvvisamente diventava in grado di entrare e uscire quando voleva, visitava pianeti lontani dove incontrava alieni di luce, o in alternativa, gesù, la madonna, o angeli vari che gli davano messaggi da portare all'umanità. Tutti, senza esclusione, quando uscivano dal corpo erano legati dalla famosa corda 😆 a ripensarci ora mi viene da ridere ma quando ero piccola queste storie mi piacevano e allo stesso tempo le abbandonavo quasi subito perché non ci credevo (e per fortuna, visto che poi grazie a te ho avuto la possibilità di conoscere il vero viaggio astrale). Non mi fanno paura ma ho difficoltà a svolgerli perché sono troppo eccitata... so che dovrei allenarmi di più con i movimenti di energia dato che rimango incastrata con la testa ma questo è abbastanza ovvio dato che mi sono concentrata su altre tecniche trascurando gli oobe. Il viaggio astrale però è una tecnica che voglio assolutamente sviluppare, le poche volte che sono riuscita ad uscire è stato bellissimo.

  • Faby7770
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    09:50 17/08/22

    Confermo che quando mi è capitato di fare un oobe, sapendo cosa fosse poiché ero già in ACD , mi sono risvegliata troppo presto mentre io volevo sperimentarlo più a lungo! Era bellissimo volare e attraversare i muri e volevo afferrare un soprammobile per spostarlo in modo da avere una prova poi al risveglio ma non riuscivo, non avevo forza sufficiente.... Grazie a questo meraviglioso percorso spirituale ho perso molti timori con i quali sono cresciuta e la voglia di sperimentare cresce ogni giorno di più. Inoltre queste conoscenze mi hanno dato un coraggio e una sicurezza mai sperimentate prima. Fantastico scoprire questi particolari del mondo invisibile. Grazie Angel per condividere con noi tutti le tue esperienze dandoci curiosità a voler scoprire noi stessi.

  • ems

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    12:48 16/08/22

    Sono meravigliata, ho sempre desiderato fare un viaggio astrale ma per le cose negative che si dicevano in giro avevo un po' di timore. Invece si tratta di tutt'altra cosa, questo articolo è così dettagliato e fatto bene che si ha l'impressione di essere guidati in questo viaggio grazie!!

  • rosy79
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    09:33 16/08/22

    Non ricordo di aver mai fatto un viaggio astrale, però ho avuto alcune esperienze confuse e leggendo questo argomento mi sorgono un pò di dubbi e forse non ne ero cosciente. Mi piacerebbe molto imparare ad indurlo o comunque saperlo gestire e riconoscere. Ne avevo sentito parlare qualche anno fa e le informazioni trovate a riguardo spiegavano che è l'anima ad uscire dal corpo e un cordone d'argento attaccato esclude il rischio di perdersi, non riusciendo poi a ritornare nel proprio corpo fisico, ma c'è però il pericolo che qualche entità se ne potrebbe impossessare. Nonostante mi sembrava strana questa cosa e un pò mi ha allarmata, non nego di aver comunque provato le tecniche trovate, ma dopo molti tentativi e senza risultati ho rinunciato. Sono felice di aver trovato qui un altro  argomento spiegato in modo dettagliato e veritiero. Sapere che è una parte di energia che esce in esplorazione e che quindi il corpo fisico non rimane vuoto, senza pericoli ecc mi tranquillizza moltissimo.

  • Sunshine
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    16:35 15/08/22

    Si tratta di un tema veramente affascinante, del quale in realtà sono venuta a conoscenza pochissimo tempo fa, circa due anni or sono, ovvero quando entrai in ACD! Fu strano, perché proprio qualche giorno prima mi era stato raccontato da un’amica che il suo ex fidanzato (entrambi non praticanti) le aveva detto di aver vissuto una stranissima esperienza, ovvero di aver osservato il suo corpo dall’alto mentre dormiva nel letto e di essersi terrorizzato perché credeva di essere morto. Ricordo che quando lei me ne aveva parlato, non avevo dato molto peso al racconto… Poi, pochi giorni dopo, mi ero imbattuta nel 1 Step di ACD e avevo letto questo articolo!! Personalmente, che io ricordi in modo “cosciente”, non rammento di averne mai compiuto uno. Posso o averlo dimenticato oppure averlo bloccato, in quanto la prima volta che provai ad effettuarne uno seguendo la tecnica guidata, andando in paralisi notturna ricordai immediatamente di aver già provato diverse altre volte quella sensazione!!! Nonostante, alla sola lettura degli articoli, non lo ricordavo assolutamente. Inoltre, qualche tempo fa, quando praticavo ormai già da un po’ con ACD, ricordo di aver visto in sogno la casa di una persona che avrei voluto visitare. Ero convintissima che si trattasse soltanto di un sogno, seppure assomigliasse moltissimo ad un oobe in quanto ero lì invisibile a tutti i presenti, che mi ero ritrovata catapultata in quella casa senza proprio entrarci fisicamente, e osservavo ciò che facevano e dicevano, senza che nessuno potesse rendersi conto della mia presenza. Tuttavia, qualche tempo dopo, trovai una foto della casa di quella persona e rimasi basita: aveva proprio le sembianze della casa che avevo visto in quel sogno! Per cui ad oggi mi rimane il dubbio se fosse un oobe oppure se mi fossi semplicemente connessa alla Frequenza di quella casa e pertanto l’avessi vista in sogno… Non vedo l’ora di acquisire maggiore dimestichezza con questa Pratica!!!! Grazie mille

  • BlueRose
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    14:57 15/08/22

    Il viaggio astrale è un'esperienza che ha tantissimo da insegnarci! Inoltre è un'azione totalmente naturale, se permettiamo al nostro corpo di assorbire l'energia di cui ha bisogno per svolgerli attraverso la Meditazione. Da piccola ho avuto delle brevi esperienze spontanee, ma purtroppo avevo smesso velocemente di ricercare a causa della valanga di pessima informazione che si trova in giro. Tra chi mette il terrore su questa "pericolosissima esperienza di pre-morte", a chi è convinto che qualsiasi sogno faccia di notte sia un viaggio astrale, oltre a tutti quelli che ne parlano male perché non ci riescono e per ripicca vogliono allontanare anche tutti gli altri da questa esperienza meravigliosa, tutte queste voci che mi sapevano di falsità mi avevano allontanato totalmente dall'argomento facendomi perdere ogni interesse. Poi ho trovato il tuo sito, adorando tutti i tuoi altri documenti e insegnamenti. Allora ho dato un'altra chance all'argomento Viaggi Astrali, e spiegato da te è tutta un'altra cosa!! Ci spieghi cos'è davvero il viaggio astrale, come funziona, perché è un'azione totalmente naturale, tutte le esperienze positive e utili che ci può portare, e tutti i passaggi necessari e funzionanti per arrivare a compierne volontariamente! Non è giusto lasciarsi allontanare dalla spiritualità e dalla verità per colpa della gente che sparge informazioni errate sul web. Allenando le diverse facoltà del Sesto Senso possiamo iniziare a vivere e vedere la realtà, sarebbe stupido scegliere di farci allontanare da queste esperienze incredibili da chi non ci è riuscito e per ripicca vuole allontanare anche noi. Grazie a te abbiamo l'esempio di qualcuno che è diventato esperto grazie all'allenamento, che sa il mondo meraviglioso che si cela in questa tecnica, ed è pronta a insegnarlo gratuitamente a tutti noi. Grazie infinite Angel!

  • daenerys31

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    17:16 13/08/22

    I viaggi astrali sono uno degli argomenti che mi ha sempre affascinata, vorrei così tanto imparare a farli! Ma ammetto, ho anche paura al riguardo

  • flowers

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    14:29 12/08/22

    I viaggi astrali sono sicuramente affascinanti ma a me fanno paura percui non sono molto interessata a farne. L idea di uscire dal corpo anche solo attraverso una sonda energetica mi inquieta.

  • aradia
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    17:05 11/08/22

    Ho sempre desiderato fare un viaggio astrale sin da piccola ma sinora non ricordo di esserci mai riuscita. Certo, ho fatto molte volte sogni nei quali immagginavo di volare ma non so se si trattasse di sogni lucidi o viaggi astrali che poi ho dimenticato. Ho visto che sul web ci sono tante tecniche per indurre il viaggio astrale ma non so fino a che punto siano valide come pure ho sempre rifiutato di provare quelle nelle quali si diceva di stare attenti a non rompere il cordone dorato che ci tiene legati al nostro corpo, perchè lo trovavo ridicolo. Confesso che le poche volte nelle quali ho avuto la sensazione di stare per uscire fuori dal mio corpo, ho provato un pò di timore o al contario mi sono fatte troppe aspettative invece di rilassarmi e forse è proprio per questi motivi che ancora non ci sono riuscita. Inutile ripetere che riuscire ad avere un oobe rimane sempre un mio grande desiderio e continuerò sempre a provarci finchè ci riuscirò. Il corso di ACD mi sta rendendo sempre più cosapevole e rilassata oltre che diversa da prima e questo credo mi aiuterà molto nel realizzare il mio desiderio.

  • Lucioman
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    17:20 09/08/22

    Che bello leggere questo documento, si ha proprio la sensazione di venire guidati per mano in un viaggio meraviglioso! Primo ostacolo da superare: la paura. Hai descritto perfettamente lo stato d'animo che una persona si ritrova ad avere nel momento in cui non ha mai sperimentato questa incredibile esperienza. Ma se si riesce a guardare bene in profondità, diciamo, ci si può rendere conto di come l'esperienza del viaggio astrale sia assolutamente qualcosa che ti arricchisce sotto molti aspetti. E tutto questo lo sto evincendo solo avendo letto il documento. Molto probabilmente, credo di aver vissuto una brevissima esperienza di O.O.B.E. durante una lezione di yoga diversi anni fa; in breve, mentre ero ad occhi chiusi e stavo praticando la consegna dell'insegnante, ad un certo punto, vedo il mio corpo dall'esterno, come se mi trovassi a mezz'aria in alto a destra del mio corpo fisico; cioè, mi stavo fissando da quella posizione e mi vedevo praticare! Inutile dire che mi sono impressionato, e anche stupito, non poco. Raccontata l'esperienza all'insegnante, mi suggerì caldamente di continuare a frequentare il corso di yoga (era la mia prima lezione di prova!); purtroppo, data l'ignoranza e la paura di "chissà cosa mi sarebbe successo", non ho più proseguito. L'esperienza del viaggio astrale rappresenta sicuramente una grande opportunità di crescita evolutiva e non nascondo di provare anche una forte curiosità; ma non ancora abbastanza forte da spingermi ad allenarmi seriamente. Grazie infinite Angel per averci donato la Conoscenza di questa innata capacità che dobbiamo solo riscoprire e portare a livelli sempre più alti.

  • Nick
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    23:34 07/08/22

    Quando sentii parlare dei viaggi astrali la primavera volta, divenni subito molto curioso e ricordo che cominciai immediatamente ad informarmi. Purtroppo come scritto qui, avevo trovato molte dicerie sbagliate e negative, primavera fra tutte qualla che ad uscire dal corpo fossero l'Anima e che c'era il rischio che il corpo ti fossero rubato da qualche entità o simile. Tuttavia la mia curiosità e la possibilità di riuscire a compiere certe esperienze, mi spinse a praticare assiduamente per riuscirci. Nonostante il mio impegno costante non posso dire di aver fatto molta esperienza e le uscite sono state sempre troppo difficili da realizzare, non riuscendo mai a farla diventare una facile abitudine. Comunque per quello che è stata la mia esperienza, posso confermare che si prova una vera sensazione fisica nell'uscire ed è pure bello muoversi con il solo intento, sentendosi come una forma energetica senza corpo, che attraversa anche i muri. Il famoso cordone d'argento non l'ho mai visto e sinceramente non mi interessava nemmeno molto; quello che volevo era esplorare, tuttavia non meditando, non avevo energia per rimanere in astrale a lungo e rientravo nel corpo sempre troppo presto. Ora qualche voltar provo ancora a praticare, ma dovrei essere molto più assiduo. Grazie.

  • sweetsoulberry
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    13:46 04/08/22

    Ho avuto esperienze fuori dal corpo che sono avvenute in maniera spontanea. Di solito le evito quando mi partono le vibrazioni fortissime, ma altre volte la curiosità mi spinge ad uscire ed una volta che sono nella mia camera consapevole di ciò che sto facendo però rientro. Diciamo che più fuori della mia casa non sono mai voluta andare, questo perché non conoscendo tutto preferisco essere prudente e non osare. La visione ho sempre notato che non è troppo e sempre nitida, credo sia una cosa non semplice per me in quel momento, sicuramente qualora volessi esperienze più emozionanti dovrei lavorarci su ma proprio perché sono cose che mi accadono spontaneamente non ho la giusta conoscenza a riguardo.