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Energy – What energy is (Part 1)

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Energy is the foundation of everything that exists. From the smallest form of life to the universe itself, everything is made of energy. 

Throughout this journey, you will learn about the different types of energy, their correct terms, and how to recognize everything related to energy through experience.

First, it's important to understand exactly what is meant by "energy". While electrical energy may be the first thing that comes to mind, it is just one type of energy. There are many other forms, such as material energy, which is quite different from pranic energy.

Matter is energy. That means the wall, the bed, your computer, and all the objects that make up your room are made of energy. Your room itself is made of energy. However, there is a third type of energy called Prana. Prana or pranic energy is initially invisible, unlike the material energy just described, which you see and touch every day. As you pick up your phone, put on your clothes, and choose which shoes to wear, you are interacting with materialized energy Since you see and touch this type of energy every day, you may think it's the only kind that exists. However, there is another form of energy that surrounds you and fills every closed and open space as it’s everywhere. For simplicity, you can think of pranic energy as being similar to air, which is all around you, in every hidden corner and in the middle of the room.. For you to fully comprehend the concept of energy, we will simplify the terms by dividing them into two different topic. We will discuss material energy in the next article called Matrix. In this space, we will instead explore and deepen your understanding of Prana energy. When we talk about energy, we are usually referring to Prana. This energy exists all around us and can be used for healing, practicing spiritual techniques, and making us stronger and more aware. Prana energy is the force that activates and moves the mechanisms of the world and the entire universe. Without it, there would be no movement or evolution, and therefore no life. Energy is present everywhere, and there is no place in the entire universe where it is absent.

Energy exists everywhere, although there are places where it is heavier and more negative, and others where it is purer and more abundant. Nevertheless, there is no place where energy is absent. Without energy, a place cannot exist, ceases to exist, or, simply, never existed in the first place. Even now, energy surrounds you. Imagine energy as if it were air, and consider all the air present in your room at this moment. Wherever you go, it is present. You cannot see it, but it constantly surrounds you and brushes against you. As you know, oxygen and air are not the same thing. 

In fact, we can imagine a place without oxygen, but where air is still present. Think of enclosed spaces, such as being under covers or inside a closet, where oxygen is scarce and it may be difficult to breathe. In such cases, oxygen is missing, but air is still present. Therefore, even in places where oxygen is scarce or absent, energy is still present because these are two distinct substances. Energy is present everywhere, even in places where there is no oxygen, such as space. Even there, energy is still present. High mountains are another example, where air is present but there is much less oxygen. Therefore, don't associate energy with oxygen, as oxygen is limited while energy is infinite, abundant, and constantly increasing. Until now, you may have completely ignored the energy that surrounds and permeates your life because you cannot see it. You may have thought that, like air, it is invisible.

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So you go about your day without thinking about the energy that surrounds you, and inside the room you are in, you see nothing but the furniture around you, without realizing the amount of energy present beside and around you. You may be surprised to know that it's possible to learn how to see energy, although it takes practice. It's important to recognize that this ability is not strange or unthinkable, as many people can develop it by following the appropriate visual exercises.

Just think about how many people are able to see the Aura and its layers of colorful energy. The Aura is the energy field surrounding every person, living being, object, furniture, or car. It is the energy that everything that exists has always had. 

There are many types of energy, and each one has a specific term to accurately indicate its existence. For example, the Aura is energy, as are Prana and Consciousness, yet these are three different types of energy. To avoid confusion, I have created this course with great precision to guide you through each term and definition, step by step. This way, you can learn everything you need to know without fear of making mistakes or rushing too much.

From now on, to avoid confusion, when we refer to energy, we specifically mean the energy that fills the space of every place, so the energy that, like air, is present in every room, as well as in open spaces.

In fact, you can learn to see this type of energy and you will have the opportunity to understand and explore it in greater depth, as you progress through this journey.

Pranic energy is an extremely pure and high-level form of energy, and it is used by those who are capable of harnessing it to heal health problems. This is where the term "Pranotherapy" comes from, which I teach as "Energetic Healing" using Prana to achieve magnificent effects.

However, Pranic energy is not only used for Energetic Healing, but it is also the origin of all spiritual activities and can have very powerful effects. To perform any spiritual technique, such as an Astral Projection, creating a Psychic Protection, or learning to use Telepathy, it is necessary to increase one's own energy.

Pranic energy is a fundamental part of increasing our sensory functions, enabling us to use our abilities and greatly improving our physical and emotional health. In fact, it is an excellent ally for mental and psychophysical well-being. Many people confuse pranic energy with physical energy. If you look around, you can recognize those who are always energetic and active, with a desire to do, act, move, go out, and travel, and those who are much more sedentary, lazy, and often apathetic, with no desire to do anything. In jargon, we refer to the former as people with a lot of energy, and the latter as those with less. However, pranic energy is not physical energy, but a much more complex and spiritually elevated form of energy. A sunny person who likes to go out, travel, and always be on the move is certainly mentally charged, but has nothing to do with pranic energy, which instead allows you to develop your extrasensory abilities.

Pranic energy is all around us, but many people are unaware of its qualities and continue to ignore its usefulness. In order to use pranic energy, it is necessary to absorb it through conscious and well-practiced breathing. We breathe thousands of times every day, but we are not aware of Prana, and therefore, we are not breathing it. To absorb pranic energy, it is necessary to practice a precise meditation technique that teaches how to take and use it. Prana is all around us and can be absorbed, called upon, and breathed in at any time and place because there is no place where pranic energy is not present or cannot be reached in large quantities.

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Wherever you are, you can breathe in prana and use it to improve your health, strengthen your defenses, and change the atmosphere of your surroundings. Prana is everything that activates your spiritual engine and will remain active as long as you nourish it. However, Prana is not the only level of energy; everything around us is made of energy and has different layers of energy. If you're worried about not being able to keep up, don't worry. We'll review the same concepts often and increase our knowledge for each one, making it impossible not to understand how energy works.

Let's begin by categorizing the different types of energy we encounter. First, there is physical or material energy, which includes furniture, objects, furnishings, and our own physical bodies. This type of energy belongs to the Matrix and will be described in more detail in the next article. However, every object also has a layer of astral energy that surrounds it and belongs only to it. This energy field is called the Aura, and every object or living being has one, including you. In addition, objects and places can contain energy Programs, which are a type of positive or negative energy that has been programmed in a specific way. For example, a location where serious violence has occurred may have a negative energy program that affects the entire area due to the dark events that took place there. This is not the Aura, but rather an energy program that attaches to it and continues to exist for a while. You may have noticed how entering certain buildings or houses where people have died brutally, or in places where very negative events have occurred, still gives a bad feeling even if they have been recently renovated and modernized. This is because the energy program continues to exist until it is eliminated or replaced with a more positive one.

So far, we have discussed various types of energy and differentiated material energy (which includes objects and everything made up of matter) from Auric energy (the energy field of every living or inanimate thing around us) and Energy Programs (the energy imprints left by an event that occurred in a specific location). We have also touched on the energy that fills an entire room, which we will refer to as Static Energy. Similar to air, Static Energy can be found anywhere on the planet. Pranic energy is also present within Static Energy. To understand the difference between Static Energy and Pranic Energy, consider air once again: it is everywhere, regardless of whether the place is positive or negative. Pranic Energy is also present everywhere, but in very positive places, it is present in large quantities, while in negative places, it is present in smaller amounts. Static Energy is present everywhere, like Prana, but the latter is less present in very negative places, such as dark dimensions. Prana is ubiquitous, and even in the darkest dimensions, there is still a minimal percentage of it present, albeit at a much lower level. In positive places, its presence is much greater.

Prana can be summoned and brought into even the most negative dimensions. Despite the difficulty, negative places can be cleansed and reprogrammed with positive energy. The presence of pranic energy determines the level of positivity, not the other way around. Thus, a place with a lot of Prana becomes positive, while it becomes negative when it is absent.

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Prana is the ultimate positive energy: its presence improves events and the health of living beings in a certain area. For instance, war zones are very negative because there is little Prana. By sending Pranic energy to those places, the desire for war can be reduced. In other words, Pranic energy is fundamental for life and spiritual evolution.However, don't be afraid of the idea that energy can be divided into different terms, each related to a broad topic. In this journey, you will learn everything you need to know at a necessary pace and satisfy every intimate curiosity. Don't worry if you didn't grasp everything you read today on these pages; it takes time to assimilate concepts, reflect on them, and fully understand them. Take comfort in knowing that the topic of "energy" will be revisited many times because it is of vital importance. So, you will discover more and more information and increase the connections that will allow you to expand your knowledge and perspective. Give yourself time to digest the subject because, while it may seem simple on the surface, many spiritual individuals have not yet understood how important the presence of energy in their lives is and what it is capable of. Therefore, don't be in a hurry and enjoy learning. In the next article, I will explain what material energy is and how the Matrix works.

This document provides an introductory lesson on what energy really is. If you want to delve deeper and learn more information, please continue reading the next articles. Before that, we invite you to leave a comment below to let us know if this document was helpful to you, if you easily understood the explanation of energy, and if you found it useful.

End of page 4 of 4. If you enjoyed the article, leave a comment below describing your feelings while reading or practicing of the proposed technique.

This document is the translation of the original article on the Accademia di Coscienza Dimensionale website.

  • mona

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    09:30 03/05/23

    Ho già letto quest’articolo e mi affascina rileggerlo perché ci sono tanti tipi di energia, e ogni cosa che ci circonda è energia, noi siamo energia, siamo tutti connessi.

  • irenea

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    12:45 02/05/23

    Grazie per questo documento molto chiaro che mi aiuta a capire bene questo argomento. L'energia è secondo me uno degli argomenti più importanti, da non trascurare assolutamente poiché è la base di tutto. Prima non avevo idea che tutto intorno a noi è energia, è stata una bellissima scoperta. Se usata nel modo giusto ci può portare grandi benefici, non lo sapevo e sono sempre più curiosa e felice di imparare.

  • maria.kekko

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    09:44 02/05/23

    Vorrei partire con un grande GRAZIE, perché questo percorso mi aiuta a capire meglio quello che c'è in torno a me, ho imparato come proteggere le persone che amo, e quanto l'energia prana mi aiuta nel quotidiano mettendo in atto le pratiche apprese. Grazie mille del tempo dedicato e di tutti gli insegnamenti mi hanno migliorato la vita

  • atys
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    12:11 01/05/23

    Tutto è composto di energia, l'universo è energia, senza nemmeno uno spazio vuoto. Riflettendo su questo concetto si può facilmente capire che tutto è connesso, perché non vi è separazione, abbiamo l'illusione che una persona distante migliaia di chilometri sia lontanissima e irraggiungibile, ma in realtà se esaminiamo il tutto dal punto di vista energetico tutto cambia: basta già solo pensarla che già ci siamo connessi a lei istantaneamente, e lo spazio e la distanza cessano di esistere! Questo accade ad ognuno di noi a livello incosciente e non è sempre un bene, ma con le varie tecniche è possibile lavorare sui diversi tipi di energia per diventare coscienti e padroni di esse.

  • Anna Luisa

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    16:09 30/04/23

    Sto leggendo con molto interesse quanto spiegato in questo articolo, e devo dire che mi lascia molto incuriosire la possibilità di riconoscere i diversi tipi di energia qui esplicati. Quello che più mi attira è sicuramente l'aura e non sapevo che potesse esistere anche per gli oggetti materiali. Sarebbe bellissimo riuscire a vederla, anche se devo dire, invece, che riuscire a percepire che in certi luoghi siano avvenuti eventi negativi mi fa un po' impressione... sono una persona molto sensibile a queste cose...

  • Toti

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    13:30 30/04/23

    Penso che si possa paragonare la Prana all'energia vitale. Il fatto poi che venga assorbita attraverso il respiro durante la meditazione ci fa capire quanto sia importante appunto respirare. Possiamo infatti resistere qualche settimana senza mangiare, qualche giorno senza bere, ma soltanto pochi minuti senza respirare ... da qui si comprende quanto il respiro sia strettamente legato alla vita stessa.

  • Galanasoul
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    18:12 29/04/23

    Tutto e' energia, noi siamo energia. Il nostri corpo e' energia materiale, ma non la nostra coscienza. La nostra aura e' il nostro campo energetico. Gli oggetti posseggono anch' essi un campo energetico e..Ricordo di aver provato impressione e una sorta di ansia nel leggere dei programmi energetici negativi e poi sollievo nell' apprendere che si possano " pulire" attraverso il richiamo o, addirittura, l' invio della Prana, l' energia piu' pura e positiva che esista. Essa ci apporta grandi benefici. La meditazione e' fondamentale per richiamare e assorbite la Prana .

  • setiran790

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    15:07 29/04/23

    Fantastico tutto è energia credo sia anche una teoria scientifica oltre che spirituale cosa che rende tutto ciò reale interessanti tutti i vari tipi di energia per me in particolar modo l'aura e i programmi energetici come molto interessante la prana che vorrei capire com'è fatta come si crea ecc anche il Matrix non vedo l'ora di scoprirlo

  • Fedina
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    14:30 29/04/23

    Mi sono dovuta segnare tutti i tipi di energia descritti per capire meglio il funzionamento di ognuno e le differenze. Non riesco ad immaginare quante altre energie ancora mi sono oscure. Ero convinta che si dividessero semplicemente in energie positive e negative, senza pensare che sono nominate in altri modi, possono anche essere neutre e si possono trovare sia in luoghi positivi, che negativi. E' affascinante sapere che anche ogni oggetto in sto pianeta sia fatto di energia.

  • miry_miry
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    Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Volume 7

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    18:51 28/04/23

    Rileggere questo articolo dopo tanto tempo, anni direi mi fa ricordare da dove sono partita. Ricordo la sete di conoscenza che tutti questi articoli mi davano. Più leggevo e più volevo saperne di più. Ora leggere i termini dell'energia mi fa pensare "massi dai, cose semplici", ma comprendo che all'inizio tante informazioni ti fanno un po' confondere. Però devo dire che la cosa che ho notato da subito dell'Accademia, già da questi primi steps è l'organizzazione mentale e la strutturazione perfetta degli argomenti. Secondo me impeccabile. Sono contenta di rileggere questi articoli perché mi fanno capire quanto sono migliorata e quante conoscenze ho appreso in questi anni.

  • Fedina
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    12:19 27/04/23

    Conoscevo la pranoterapia, perché anni fa mi è capitato di assistere a una seduta. Non so, poi, se se si tratta della stessa pratica o verrà fatta in modo diverso, ma mi ha fatto riflettere su cose del passato che avevo dimenticato. Non avevo mai collegato la Prana con la pranoterapia, né pensavo fosse possibile manipolarla. Mi sono anche resa conto che ci sono molti tipi di energia ovunque.

  • dibiros

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    12:00 27/04/23

    Una chiara introduzio e al concetto di energia intesa nelle diverse tipologie ..ottima chiave di lettura per comprendere sensazioni inconsce avverite inspiegabilmente allorquando ci sarà capitato di avere accesso a luoghi che ,senza apparente motivo ci hanno trasmesso angoscia e senso di oppressione ..tra l'altro la chiave di lettura è associabile anche a circostanze che abbiamo sempre associato erroneamente alla scaramanzia .. sarà capitato a noi tutti di subire negatività ascoltando , ad esempio , una determinata canzone o indossando uno specifico tutto probabilmente e spiegabile con il programma energetico che è stato creato sull'oggetto...davvero affascinante

  • buby

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    02:38 25/04/23

    Primo articolo molto vasto di informazioni ma spiegate tutte con termini semplici adatti anche a chi inizia come prima esperienza grazie! Del Prana avevo già sentito parlare e lo richiamavo sempre quando non mi sentivo a mio agio o in ansia ho sempre pensato che era presente per aiutarmi! Adesso ne ho la conferma grazie per la spiegazione semplice ma accurata.

  • joy14

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    01:49 24/04/23

    Interessante lezione introduttiva sull'energia, che non vedo l'ora di approfondire in seguito. Mi è molto utile la distinzione tra la prana e le altre tipologie emergetiche, in quando mi permette di essere più consapevole di quella con cui entro in contatto in un dato momento e non rischiare di confonderle

  • Alex

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    12:32 23/04/23

    Zu verstehen, dass ALLES, was wir sehen, was wir berühren, was wir fühlen, Energie ist, mag anfangs ein wenig schwierig sein. Aber Schritt für Schritt, Erfahrung für Erfahrung, versteht man, dass Energie wirklich überall ist, sogar in uns selbst. In diesem Artikel werden die wichtigsten Unterschiede zwischen den verschiedenen Energien sehr gut und anschaulich erklärt, so dass wir eine gute Grundlage für dieses Thema haben. Danke!