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The Matrix – What the Matrix is (Part 1)

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You have always known about its existence, but you didn’t know its name.

The Matrix is everything you see, everything you hear, and everything you touch. Whatever you can see, hear, and smell is part of the Matrix. You are also part of the Matrix.

The Matrix is everything that surrounds you, it's the routine that continues, it's the city, it's your busy life. Life in this world is Matrix. The society we live in is a Matrix - the earth, the sky, the sea, the school, work, and other people - all of it is part of the Matrix. It has a physical appearance and an intelligent mind that creates and directs everyone's life. It is a material dimension, so everything that exists can be touched, seen, smelled, heard, and perceived. The Matrix is like an Intelligent Consciousness, an advanced artificial reality made of energy that can shape energy within it.

In the previous article, I explained some differences between various types of energy, implying that material energy is part of the Matrix. Imagine for a moment that you could associate the entire existence of the planet we live on with a person; they would have a body and a mind.

The body is made of matter, so it is not abstract but something that can be seen and touched, unlike the mind which seems invisible but is present. Inside the body, there are many other small organisms that carry out their actions every day and sustain the life of the large organism (the physical body) that encompasses them all.

Meanwhile, there is the mind of this planet that cannot be seen or touched. It is invisible, yet it activates all these organisms and enables them to perform their daily tasks. We refer to this mind as the Low Frequency, or simply Low. The mind possesses incredible intelligence because, in addition to activating the physical body and all its internal organisms to keep them alive, it can also create, think, evolve, and therefore expand its knowledge.

We refer to the body as Matrix and the mind as Low. For simplicity, we will discuss Matrix and Low as if they were one entity. However, in the next article, we will explain the differences between the two aspects

Clearly, the Matrix is not like a person. In fact, it is very different from the humanized idea that comes to mind. However, within our physical body, there is a small Matrix that fills the life of every single organism that composes us. By living and carrying out its "daily tasks," this matrix allows us to live and experience our life.

Therefore, the Matrix/Low is not directly comparable to us, but rather to the consciousness that fills and manages the internal life of our physical body. The great Matrix is the dimension in which we find ourselves and manages the physical life of planet Earth. If you think about it, it's similar to a set of Russian dolls, where planet Earth contains its own Matrix, and we exist within it. Additionally, there is another smaller Matrix inside us where our cells are located.

Don't be afraid of this topic, because if it still seems too complicated to understand, There will be many opportunities and more documents where I will explain it better and clearer. For now, let me explain the basics from which everything starts. This will help you manage your life autonomously and recognize it from all of this.

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Currently, we exist within the Matrix dimension, a material world that we can touch and see. Everything around us is part of Matrix, but the truth is that Matrix is a massive, huge illusion. Everything we perceive - all that we see, touch, or feel - is part of this grand illusion known as the Matrix. In truth, the ultimate reality is that everything is energy, and nothing is more real than this.

When we touch something, we believe we are feeling its texture, hardness, and material, but in reality, we are touching an elaborated energy that allows us to feel physical sensations. However, this energy exists only in this illusory dimension. The Matrix is like a big video game in which we are born with VR Visors already on, and we forget - or we may never know - that what we experience is just a role-playing game that seems so real because of the Virtual Reality glasses we wear.

No one has ever warned us, because everyone we know was born with this VR helmet already on, just like us. If we were to take off these virtual glasses, we would realize that reality is very different from the world we live in. But we were born with the helmet already on, and we don't know how to remove it, nor do we know that it should be removed.

Meditation is the key to unlocking the helmet and allowing us to remove it whenever we want. However, the gear is stuck, and we must patiently find the right lever to remove this helmet that deludes us. The Matrix is not inherently negative, but we have been deceived by it into believing that everything we see is real. We are convinced that it is worth living for this game, and even dying for it, just to finish the game. We were born and raised to believe that we must serve this video game, unaware that everyone around us is wearing the same helmet and preventing us from knowing the right lever to unfasten it.

But let's start from the beginning.

Matrix is a program that manages life inside an organism, coordinating all the other small organisms that make it up. The galaxy has a great Matrix, so what we see or know about the galaxy is actually what the Matrix presents to us. Inside the galaxy, there are planets, stars, satellites, and other celestial bodies, including our planet. Earth is inhabited by many different living beings: there are insects, animals, plants, and humans, and each of them must respect Nature, which refers to the pre-set programs that we all have inside us since birth and follow without realizing it, because it was chosen that way. Nature is the term we use to describe the choices of the planet through its Matrix.

Just as the galaxy has its own Matrix, the planet Earth within it also has its own personal Matrix. There are many Matrixes throughout the universe, each different but together making up the universe's huge Matrix. Although each Matrix is unique, there are many similarities. Inside the planet Earth, there is a Matrix that we all respect every day by following the call of nature. Similarly, the cells inside us respect the directions sent by the Matrix of our physical body to ensure that all living beings inside us follow and execute, allowing our life to continue. Therefore, the Matrix is of fundamental importance for the continuation of life.

Every planet and every dimension has a Matrix, just as every living being does. You have an internal Matrix that directs your cells and tells them what to do, just as you live in the Matrix of planet Earth that directs and tells you what to do. For this reason, you grow, study, evolve, mate, start a family, and eventually die. This is the process of life that the Matrix has chosen for the inhabitants of this planet.

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However, not everyone is obligated to wear the helmet forever and accept to see the reality as imposed by the Matrix. It is possible to take off the helmet and realize that the reality imposed on us since birth is nothing but a very realistic video game to which we have pledged excessive loyalty.

What we see and believe to be real every day is actually a virtual game in which we have chosen to participate as a human character, in which we have identified too much. Unfortunately, most people around us have forgotten the choice they made before they were born, so they cover their character convincing themselves that it is their true self, deeply believing it in their hearts.They reason as if they were the chosen character, following the decisions he must make, carrying out main and occasional missions that arise during the game, and respecting the personality that the game has pre-set for them. They don't realize that they are much more than the character they are playing, but they are so immersed in the role that they can no longer recognize who they really are. Few people today ask themselves the right questions: "Who am I? Is my life real? Why is all this happening to me?” and there are even less people who decide to seek answers, and our virtual reality makes us believe that everything around us is real. We've been surrounded by this reality for so long that we often believe it should be enough for us.

So we believe that our life is real, that our work is real, that our routine is real, that our life choices are real, forgetting that we are merely playing a game within a highly advanced video game. The truth is that everything we see, touch, and feel are holograms designed by a highly skilled graphic designer. But who could be so talented as to create the Matrix of the entire universe?

Someone or something that exists beyond the video game in which we are immersed: the Universe and planet Earth really exist, but the way we see them and the way we experience them are illusory. There are multiple dimensions parallel to ours, and we are only living in one of many, not the only existing one. The reality is that everything, and I mean everything, is composed of energy. We perceive it as physical form because the hologram is made up of finely crafted pixels that appear real. But literally everything around us is composed of energy. The appearance of anything, whether stationary or moving, is part of the Matrix and therefore illusory because it is part of the video game we are playing.

Some characters are real, because just like you they have put on a helmet and immersed themselves in the role. Others, however, are entirely illusory figures - just like when you play against or with computer characters. In video games, they are called bots, and we call them more generally as Gaia’s Low. The holographic projection we see and believe is reality is actually energy that, in this dimension, we recognize as physical. In truth, everything around us is a set of codes that make up that precise projection.

You may have watched "The Matrix" in the past and found it either boring or fascinating. Regardless of your personal taste, the movie attempted to convey significant information, including the truth about the Matrix, albeit through cinematic scenarios. When we refer to "the codes of Matrix," we often think of the scenes in the movie, where the green codes represent the virtual reality in which we live; but this is a mistake, because the film - portraying scenes of the grid replete with numerical codes - aimed to make us immediately reflect on the reality of the Matrix, 

In fact, the Matrix is not a theory inspired by the eponymous film, but rather the film was inspired by the real Matrix that has existed forever. Millennia of experience have allowed many spiritual people to become aware of its existence. This is why many films with virtual themes have been made, likely with the intent of showing everyone the truth about the world we live in and making us understand that our reality is illusory, while the truth lies outside the Matrix.

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Everything you touch, eat, drink, and see with your eyes is a projection that the Matrix has chosen to show you in this vast video game. In reality, the walls, objects, and table in your kitchen are nothing but a set of codes that your brain, and those of all other physical inhabitants of this planet, decode through the helmet they wear. This allows them to associate those codes with an image, recognizing it, for example, as a piece of furniture rather than a virtual structure. This helmet is a regulator within your brain that makes you perfectly suited to the Matrix dimension you inhabit.

The Matrix, like the Low Frequency, is what you have always referred to as Nature. It is what causes you to conform to life in this dimension. This is not negative because your physical body is perfectly balanced to the place where it was born, planet Earth. Everything you see around you is an energy projection: codes composed of energy that your brain - perfectly programmed and tuned to the large computer called Matrix - decodes, translates, and interprets into the vision of a piece of furniture or a material body. In other words, everything around you is made of energy, but you see it as physical and material because you are tuned to that setting of the large Program that belongs to this computer.

We know about the Matrix codes because if you find the right lever to remove your helmet, you can actually see the Matrix codes with your own eyes. However, seeing the codes is a difficult task. Few have chosen and continue to train to see the true reality, while many prefer to be lulled to sleep by the video games they play, making it their sole reason for living.

The Matrix is the video game in which we were supposed to experience this dimension, but something went wrong, because we kept our helmet on for too long and forgot to take it off. In fact, Our excessive attachment to our characters in the game comes from our helmet: the Regulator, the means by which the Low Frequency manages to keep us tightly bound to our virtual life, causing us to nearly forget about reality. In upcoming articles, I will explain what the Low Frequency is and how it works.

Perhaps this is the first time you have heard of the Matrix, so all this knowledge explained to you so quickly might have felt like a punch to the stomach. However, despite the rational absurdity that would make you stop thinking about it, you may have felt something inside you: a sensation that translates into words, saying "All of this is real. I already knew it, but I didn't want to believe it."

The Regulator wants to keep you “low”, in a state of delusion, making you believe that there is no truth left to discover and that everything that exists is already well-exposed in front of your eyes. However, a strong feeling arises within you, pricking at your consciousness, because it continues to say, "This is exactly what I wanted to know, because I sensed that something around me wasn't as real as I had been made to believe." You haven't been interested in these topics by chance or because you didn't know how to pass the time; you have been interested because something invisible, but very deep inside you, has insisted that you seek answers that no one had ever given you before. Perhaps it's time to discover who you are and why you're here.

End of page 4 of 4. If you enjoyed the article, leave a comment below describing your feelings while reading or practicing of the proposed technique.

This document is the translation of the original article on the Accademia di Coscienza Dimensionale website.

  • 01

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    07:32 07/08/21

    Una spiegazione chiarissima di un concetto molto complesso. Più continuo in questo percorso Più comprendo meglio come funziona questo gioco e prendo sempre più coscienza del Regolatore e di come cerca di condizionare la nostra vita.

  • MAX

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    23:55 06/08/21

    Documento che definire interessante è riduttivo. La frase iniziale di questo dicumento mi ha fatto venire i brividi! "Il Matrix è tutto ciò che vedi, tutto ciò che senti e tutto ciò che tocchi. Qualunque cosa tu possa guardare, udire e odorare fa parte del Matrix. Anche tu fai parte del Matrix. " Ho iniziato a relazionarmi in modo diverso con tutto quello che avevo intorno a me. Toccando e toccando ancora più e più volte praticamente tutto. Sinceramente avevo visto il primo Matrix al cinema ma lo avevo dimenticato dopo poco tempo. Ricordo però seppur vagamente che mi chiesi quanto il film fosse "reale" o quanto comunque aveva preso spunto da qualche teoria più strutturata e strutturale. Me lo chiesi per poi dimenticarmi di tutto travolto dalla quotidianità. Il Matrix è l'energia materiale diretta dal Low Frequency. Il Low è la mente.. viva, super intelligente, in continua evoluzione. Il Matrix è un programma, che noi vediamo così tramite un Visore nella nostra testa che non sappiamo più togliere. La sorpresa, ma per me poi neppure poi troppo, sta nel fatto che solo tramite la meditazione ci possiamo togliere il Visore VR . Meditazione che non ho mai pratico pur trovando in essa un certo fascino, meditazione che non ho mai praticato dicevo sia per mancato coraggio sia perchè convinto fosse un qualcosa di estremamente complesso e solo per pochi.... Ma tornando in tema, il pensare, il fermarsi a riflettere che tutto il nostro percorso di vita è statto scelto dal Matrix.. a me ha molto impressionato! Ho invece spesse volte pensato a mondi o realtà parallele per scelte importanti fatte dopo riflessioni infinite, dove ai miei occhi non esisteva una scelta giusta e una sbagliata in maniera netta e che quindi quello che sceglievo era frutto anche di piccoli fattori ma altrove avrei potuto scegliere tranquillamente in modo diverso... ma forse sto divagando! Personaggi reali mescolati con i BOT/ Gaia’s Low! Come fai dopo a non guardare gli altri in modo diverse?! E' impossibile... Forse questo ho letto troppo questo articolo Forse ho letto troppe volte queste articolo, ma rimane il fatto che io l'ho trovato straordinario, che ti martella il cervello senza sosta.. Ringrazio, sinceramente ringrazio chi mi ha scritto questo articolo e chi mi ha dato la possibilità di leggerlo. Pronto a proseguire la lettura/ascolto di questa Accademia.

  • Giuliai91

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    17:47 06/08/21

    Comprendere il Matrix ma prima ancora comprendere e accettare la sua Esistenza è un passo fondamentale per chi vuole imparare a togierle il suo "casco". Non ne dobbiamo essere spaventati, non ce n'è motivo, ma dobbiamo solo renderci conto che non è altro che una realtà codificata a cui non per forza dobbiamo sottostare.

  • Sarah

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    17:00 06/08/21

    Credo che questo sia uno degli argomenti base per affrontare un risveglio.

  • Alice
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    16:53 06/08/21

    Trovo sempre qualcosa di nuovo da aprendere. Mi ricorda di dare il giusto peso al matrix altrimenti rischio di immedesimarmi in una realtà fittizzia, siamo qui per avere un esperienza, ma soprattutto per evolvere e solo riuscendo a togliere il "casco" diventerà possibile.

  • Amarok

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    15:38 06/08/21

    Nonostante sono consapevole di vivere in un Matrix, tendo spesso a dimenticarlo e a rimanere bloccato nell'illusione. Voglio slacciare il casco e vederci chiaro

  • Mmcd

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    12:45 06/08/21

    è un argomento molto interessante devo dire, mi sono sempre chiesto se tutto ciò fosse realmente vero, diciamo che non so come prendere tutte queste informazioni, se esserne rilassato o meno, anche perche è una versione del mondo totalmente diversa da quella a cui siamo abituati a credere.

  • RobyOne
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    12:37 06/08/21

    Comunque il film Matrix credo che abbia preso dei riferimenti dalla realtà e credo che a Hollywood in tanti abbiano tratto ispirazione da questi argomenti!!

  • Evan
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    10:28 06/08/21

    Questo argomento è fondamentale da capire per iniziare questo percorso. Non è stato subito semplice da comprendere ma tutto parte dal Matrix. Tutto ciò che vediamo e viviamo fa parte di questo matrix e quando cominci a comprendere questo meccanismo ti accorgi di vivere in un'illusione che non è di fondamentale importanza per noi. E nel momento in cui riesci a capire veramente questo cominci ad essere più libero da questo programma, ricercando la veritá e cominciando a trovare un senso a tutto questo. Il film matrix credo o si ignora o entusiasma. Io non mi sono mai interessata di vederlo fino a quando non ho iniziato questo percorso e dopo l'ho trovato molto interessante perchè mi ha fatto comprendere molte cose. A volte sembra che mi sfugga qualcosa su cosa sia matrix o cosa include quindi rileggere questi documenti è sempre utilissimo, grazie!!

  • Matia

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    10:13 06/08/21

    il Matrix.. che argomento ampio e interessante, tutto è fatto di codici e qiesti si possono modificare a proprio piacimento e per fare del bene al prossimo. Noi abbiamk in potenziale enorme, che neanche sappiamo.

  • Lunargentata
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    00:07 06/08/21

    Questo documento penso sia una delle tante basi per poter avere effetto su ogni pratica che si impara qui in ACD, importante per poter fare effetto su questo Matrix appunto! È importante capire questo argomento e ragionarci su! Leggendo sui Bot/Gaia's Low mi sono venuti i brividi ma mi sono venute in mente diverse scene in cui ne ho viste davvero tante...🥶 È bellissimo poter slacciare il casco, uscire dal Matrix quando si vuole e prendere le redini in mano e prendere a pugni il Regolatore!! I miglioramenti si vedono solo con la pratica e solo così si può togliere questo casco a piacimento! Sono cosciente che ho ancora moltissima strada da fare ma sono sempre felicissima di ogni passo in avanti che faccio! Per me anche rileggere/ripassare questi documenti sono sempre passi in avanti 🥰 e sono sempre grata della possibilità che ci dà Angel con l'accademia di poter studiare e ripassare tutte le volte di cui ne abbiamo bisogno!😍🥰♥️

  • Nykole
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    16:49 05/08/21

    Non è sempre facile ricordarsi di vivere in una grande illusione,che tutto è solo energia,un energia elaborata che ci fa avvertire delle sensazioni mentre stiamo toccando qualcosa,che stiamo in un grande videogioco interpretando un personaggio, convinti per davvero che vale la pena vivere per il gioco ed anche morire ler lui! Prima di entrare in ACD avevo letto diverse volte della realtà virtuale ,che nulla è reale non sono mai riuscita a comprendere più di tanto,prima di tutto perchè da nessuna parte viene spiegato così dettagliato,poi, senza la pratica della meditazione peggio ancora. Credo che sia importante quando si intraprende un percorso come questo, capire come funziona il Matrix! Non avrei mai potuto immaginare che fossero tantissimi Matrix nel Universo e tutti loro compongono il grande Matrix. Ho capito che la sua importanza è fondamentale per per poter portare avanti la vita,che di per se non è cattivo,ma purtroppo ci lasciamo ingannare , dimenticando la scelta fatta prima ancora di nascere,interpretando il personaggio convinti di esserlo realmente. È veramente spettacolare come il nostro cervello decodifica attraverso il casco l'insieme dei codici di tutto ciò che ci circonda per poi permettere di associare ad essi un immagine,come il nostro corpo è così equilibrato al luogo in cui è nato. Spero che in un futuro, non molto lontano, riuscirò a togliermi completamente il casco; quando si diventa consapevoli della sua esistenza e come il Low attraverso di esso riesce a tenerti legata a questa vita virtuale , non è per niente piacevole. Allora bisogna andare avanti sempre con grinta, praticando,con il profondo desiderio di scoprire finalmente la vera realtà, chi sono e perché sono venuto qui! Grazie.

  • ilary
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    16:16 05/08/21

    La prima volta che ho letto questo documento credo di non averci capito molto, ho dovuto rileggerlo varie volte perchè alcuni concetti mi sembravano del tutto nuovi. Nuovi ma allo stesso tempo alquanto familiari, forse proprio perchè ho visto un sacco di volte il film "Matrix" e quindi avevo già una minima base di partenza sul concetto che tutto è energia. Ma sapere che tutto ciò che ci circonda è un ologramma... beh, diciamo che ancora è strano da accettare. Grazie ai vari documenti scritti da Angel, però, si può comprendere meglio questo argomento, e finalmente riuscire a comprendere che l'energia si può modificare a nostro piacimento, grazie alle tecniche donateci da Angel.

  • Azzurra1111

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    15:18 05/08/21

    Sto facendo il ripasso degli articoli letti e questo lo rileggo con molta attenzione ...capire il Matrix non è facile anche perché il mio regolatore lavora x farmi venire dubbi...e cancellare le mie esperienze...Quindi cerco di stare sempre alta di tonale con la meditazione e le varie tecniche! Grazie infinite

  • Anna74
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    14:36 05/08/21

    Un pugno allo stomaco...è stato proprio così! Non potevo credere, accettare che tutto quello che avevo visto, toccato, vissuto fino ad allora fosse solo un'illusione, un inganno. Ci ho messo un po' ad elaborarlo e, giorno dopo giorno, pratica su pratica sperimentando la vera realtà, quella Spirituale ho compreso e sto lottando per uscire completamente da questa Matrix che ci in gabbia, ci tiene legati, prigionieri. È bellissimo rileggere questi primissimi documenti.