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We cannot even imagine how many people have been silenced and mocked, taken for fools and mercilessly killed when they spoke of technologies that could make people fly. In the modern era we still behave in the same way: if something does not physically exist today because it has not yet been created (or made public) we point the finger at those who have thought or spoke about it: we tell them that it is insane to think that something like that could ever exist and that only a madman could believe it. So if someone today talks to you about UFOs you may think that it’s impossible that they exist and that they visit this planet, because no one has 'proved it'. Yet, so much proof is given to us every day, but you certainly shouldn't expect any from who wants to keep you ignorant for its own interests: the government. What is really strange is that if the government was to absurdly reveal the reality of the alien presence in the world, out of the blue, people would suddenly believe it in a single day without having any doubts or questions, without being sceptical. In the meantime they would completely forget about all those people who, for centuries, have been trying to warn others of the UFO presence. There are important Souls who have been mocked and deemed insane throughout their lives by crowds of ignorants for revealing information that seemed 'crazy' to the masses. These people would suddenly be forgotten, ignored, and the sacrifices that they made to make the truth known to humans today would be spat on. In fact, everyone would forget about the lives of those people while repeating the usual phrase: "these things were already known!" as if the sacrifices of such individuals had served no purpose because ‘the presence of aliens has been known ever since’: another way of saying that these people had not discovered anything new. Let’s remember, however, that this mechanism is only activated after the Government (or the public science governed by it) is cornered and admits the existence of a certain subject or the possibility of creating a certain machine. Why do we react this way? Why is it that we’re skeptical to begin with and two seconds later we forget what our own original thoughts were? How can a person change their convictions, even the most absolute and immovable ones, in a few moments? Why is it that when a few people claim to have experienced something out of the ordinary or to have seen machines that do not yet exist in the public eye (for example the time machine), everyone turns against them while they are are only trying to make the truth known to the world? And why, after spending a lifetime mocking and scoffing at these people, if the government/science admits that this things really exist, do we suddenly forget about our skepticism towards the subject and convince ourselves that we knew and supported it all along? Also, why do we forget about those people who spent years or entire lifetimes to warn us, instead of realising that what they were saying was true all along while the government put so much effort into silencing and humiliating them through social manipulation? This is not skepticism, but mental manipulation, which we are all subject to.
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However, there are people who understand that this strange mental program is not normal, and therefore they try to react and rebel against the ignorance imposed on the masses in order to seek answers to their questions. On the other hand there’s the average person who decides to be skeptical just because it’s easier, but then from one day to the next, when science confesses that certain events are possible, even the most sceptical person in the world becomes the most convinced one, and indeed had already understood it all years before! All of this within the space of half a day. Just like with the creation of the aeroplane, which happened only a century ago – 'yesterday' basically – nobody believed it was possible apart from a few 'crazy' people, so crazy that they decided to go against the masses. Today, since the government admits the existence of the plane, it’s all normal for us. Yet, we don't believe that other non-human living beings have managed to build the same or more developed aircraft technology that we have created, because it seems impossible to us. We trust the government blindly, without even knowing what it really is and who it is really led by. So we delude ourselves with the idea that if the government knew the truth about aliens they would tell us right away, maybe even by contacting us one by one to make sure that everyone in the world knows the truth right away... just in case someone missed the news. Sure, why not! Unfortunately, however, we have to put our feet back on the ground and truly realise that there is no law that requires the Rulers to disclose and make accessible to the public all the information it has in its possession as it did with the aeroplane. The government is above the Laws: they have no duty to respect them as they require us to do, because we are just 'inferior citizens' and we have to reveal everything about ourselves if we are asked to and even if we are not asked to, from the smallest information to the most intimate one about ourselves. On the other hand they can keep everything from us because no law requires them to make their data accessible, and even if they did, all they would have to do is to corrupt those in charge of monitoring, so that they will lie as they have always done. Think of the fact that we can visit many parts of the world by plane, except for the very many areas that are forbidden to us without letting us know. Yet, we don’t even ask ourselves why there are so many parts of the world that are still 'unexplored', or more simply forbidden to the ordinary citizen. Maybe the science that’s under the control of the government is incapable of exploring them and letting us know about them? Also, why do aircraft routes have to be respected to the utmost precision? Why does a flying vehicle (plane, helicopter, etc.) not have the right to fly everywhere, but must necessarily respect precise routes decided by the Rulers? There are many 'areas in the sky' that we do not have the right to access. Why? You would not be invading someone's home or territory, you would simply be flying in the sky. Why all these prohibitions and impediments? The problem is that we don't ask enough questions and let superficial answers fulfill our curiosity. That's just the way it is! And our life goes on, without further considerations. We do not know how long it took for aliens to invent such vehicles superior to ours. Perhaps they have been studying them for 100 years longer than we have? Perhaps in a 100 years' time we will also possess advanced UFOs rather than using primitive aircrafts? What if 20 years will be enough? What if the government’s military is already using very similar vehicles copied from alien UFOs, but it also keeps hiding the truth from us? There are already answers to these questions.
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The ‘original’ UFOs are the alien ones, because UFO technology was first created and brought on this planet by aliens and only later the government received and created similar ones. Those, however, have far inferior technology compared to the alien ones, as they are just an attempt to imitate them. So, it’s true that alien ufos exist and it’s also true that today’s Government has its own 'personal' UFOs (i.e. made by humans) but they are different from alien ones. In fact, the UFO is not just a plane that flies faster, it is a much more advanced technology of which I will explain more in later chapters. Within the most covert Government there are humans working for aliens and they do not collaborate on an equal level as they think they do: they work under them. Some of the technology that the Government possesses has been conceived by humans who have discovered - through their own efforts - technologies that are very close to alien ones. Other technologies, however, have been given to them directly by aliens, in exchange of something that will be explained later, which the Government now uses to keep us all under control. The UFOs that we have known about since ancient times are all alien, but today humans are trying to imitate them and reach those same levels of technology. As humans we are evolving and coming to the understanding of their technologies even though the Government is trying to stop us, so the public and official pursuit of technological and scientific discovery is advancing very slowly. Certainly, the Government is not pleased to know that we, the citizens, are evolving and managing to discover technologies that they have been hiding from us for centuries. When we see reports of a new discovery, such as the creation of a new machine or a more advanced car, we should not rejoice too much at the thought that we have taken a step forward. That’s because the reality is that the technologies they make public today are already obsolete in the eyes of the government, which was already using them over 40 years ago, others even earlier than two centuries ago. What is new to us, such as the latest smartphone, or the car that parks itself, are very old technologies compared to what the government owns today. In other words, it’s like giving a floppy to a child and make them believe that that’s the best of computer evolution, while hiding from them how many systems have changed since then, reaching higher and higher levels. So, some aliens have shared with private science only some of their technologies – not all of them – but the government keeps them hidden from us and does not even reveal its most inferior secret technologies. This means that if we take their word for it, we can still believe that UFOs don’t exist. There are thousands of pieces of information that the rulers of the human race don’t want us to know, but we are here to uncover them and reveal them to the whole world, every one of us doing our part; but we have to break down certain barriers of ignorance according to which us humans are not ready to know the truth or are too stupid to know it. Who made us believe that we are too stupid? The human beings of the government. If it’s true that all human beings are so stupid that we do not deserve the truth, how can the human beings who work for the government (who manipulate us and push us to do whatever they want with this excuse) say that? Who are they supposed to be? Human beings more intelligent than the others? Who was the world leader elected by? The problem is not who they think they are, but what they are doing: the government, and therefore those who are in it, are keeping the truths of the world hidden from the entire human population, under the pretext that we are not ready to know. The truth is that they treat us, the people, as if we were a bunch of fools, while preventing us from reflecting on seriously important topics so that we do not realise the truth for ourselves: the alien presence has been here ever since, to the point that they are almost more present than we are.
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We must let go of our fear of asking questions because this is making us totally ignorant and increasingly apathetic. We must not allow this to happen. For instance, many people have discovered firsthand that that there are time gaps on this planet, such as the now well-known and not only portal called the 'Bermuda Triangle'. These are portals that make it possible to move from one place to another with extreme speed, without following the rules of time and space. Despite these sensational discoveries, the Government does anything it can to keep them from us, as they believe that 'we are not ready to know', while they are. Also, they feel they have the right to manipulate other people’s information, so that the rest of the population stays ignorant while they proclaim themselves the superior humans of this world. Despite thousands of testimonies recounting real dimensional experiences, today we still believe that portals do not exist and that the Bermuda Triangle’s one is just a legend. Instead, let’s think of how many testimonies have not been told for fear of the witnesses to be taken for fools, just because of ignorant people who don’t want to listen and prefer to believe that whatever they don’t see themselves doesn’t exist. The real problem is that the truth is first of all hidden from us by those same people (who are manipulated themselves, although they are convinced to be the bosses) who collaborate with dark aliens to keep us ignorant and control us until the end of time. Every day we live our lives as if they were really ours, but everything we experience and suffer for has already been decided by those who control the masses. This is not acceptable, we must change this system! Think about Area 51: it is obviously not an invention either, it really exists and it hides many secrets. Despite the fact that it is a military base famous all over the world for hiding 'dead alien bodies' – among which there was actually a very important living alien – it doesn't occur to us to think about how many live ones there were in there, and how many other presences they kept hidden from us. Times have changed and a lot more has happened in Area 51 than we can imagine, even though we are still stuck on the idea that the most that happened was that an alien corpse was found and brought to Area 51 to be hid, more than half a century ago. As if that wasn’t enough, despite its worldwide fame, even today many ignorant people do not even know what Area 51 is and think that it’s a publicity stunt or the plot of a film. Luckily, there are those who understand that this situation is real and current, so you should listen to the voices of those who continue to reveal information about it and realise that the only one who’s lying is the government. In fact, those who revealed the existence of Area 51 to the world were some of the former military staff who worked there and could not accept spending their lives lying and hiding the truth from the rest of the world. Today the government is still trying to hide and denigrate these witnesses, although it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to silence this information. Unfortunately, however, many have been silenced forever. Several militaries, doctors and scientists who worked inside the bases under Government control sacrificed their safety to let the public know the truth about what they had seen and done during their service.
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Many of them were immediately killed to be silenced, others at least managed to tell their stories, although the Government tried to censor them and hide the evidence. Ex-militaries have provided endless evidence and demonstration of the veracity of the alien presence and of the collaboration with the humans who rule us from behind our backs. Because of the tangible evidence, the official documents, and all the material handed over, the lives of these ex-militaries have been put in serious trouble and they suffered severe threats that have marked their lives. Many of them have since disappeared into thin air because they were inconvenient for the Rulers. Compared to all those who worked within the government, there were a few who decided not to betray the human people in exchange of money, so they preferred to let the citizens know about the truths of Area 51 at the price of their lives. Unfortunately, without us knowing, dark aliens accustom us humans to betray each other among ourselves. So, those who work for the Government feel special, above everyone else, and do not realise that they are hiding information from the world that we as citizens need to know in order to survive, not just to satisfy simple curiosity. The alien presence on this planet is not irrelevant because it influences and manipulates our lives far more than we can imagine. Therefore, many of the former militaries, doctors, engineers, scientists, and others, who revealed information about the alien presence, have been exterminated. Today, in order to prevent doctors and military staff from blowing the wistle, the Government closely monitors its 'employees' and makes sure that they are all much more obedient than the previous cases, through very advanced means of mental manipulation. It’s easy for us to think that if someone knows the truth they would reveal it to the world without thinking twice, but we have to put ourselves in their shoes and realise that it’s not so easy to take it lightly and give our lives to reveal to the whole world information which we don't even know will be believed. The thought of dying or seeing your loved ones die while not being believed – or worse, laughed at by the people – is much more than a little disturbing. The rulers who govern us have buried the secrets of many of their employees by making them disappear forever. They are the same ones who pay off the public medias to spread disinformation and false truths, as well as mocking the real testimonies of former military staff who have told about the events that took place in Area 51, so that the people end up believing that these former employees are liars and fools. Today, although several witnesses have spoken up over time, we know relatively little about Area 51. We do know that it was an area where military technologies and weapons were developed and kept hidden from the public, and that alien encounters and studies of aliens took place there, but this is only a fraction of the truth about what was actually happening, and is still happening, to some extent in that area today. There were more advanced technologies being developed there than we are publicly aware of, and if we still struggle to understand how advanced they were half a century ago, it’s even harder to imagine how far they have come to this day. We should think about how many government employees have been killed before they could even leave the base and reveal information to a single person. Naively, we think that those who work inside Area 51 have also a private life, and that in between beers at the bar with friends they might slip in a little bit of information about what they see during their hours at work.
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