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What Meditation is – The first steps (Part 1)

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Meditation is a moment of realizing that you are alive while everyone else around you is suffocated by work and problems. Even though we are all here writing, reading, or listening, we have a weak awareness of being alive because we do not respect ourselves and our lives as much as we should.
We only realize that we want to live or feel alive when we face an obstacle that makes us afraid or when we believe we are about to die, even if there is no gun pointed at our head.
Anything that causes fear prompts us to reflect on how much we value our lives.
This happens because we choose to suffocate ourselves with routine during the day. So, just when we should be enjoying life and appreciating who we are and what we have, we waste our time thinking about problems, failures, and things that make us feel worse.
We waste our precious time dying inside even though our body is still alive. Isn't that strange? We are alive yet we kill ourselves inside. Meditation is deciding to feel alive in every moment.
Feeling alive is a beautiful sensation because it makes you realize that you are in the right place at the right time. It doesn't overwhelm you or make you feel out of place, nor does it make you feel like you were born by mistake or with a cruel destiny. 

Feeling alive helps you realize that you are here for a reason and finally you can feel at peace with yourself. No gossip or other people's words can make you feel as bad as your own negative self-judgment. The problem is that we're taught from a young age to value life only when it's about to end. We see this in the people around us - we don't realize we want to spend more time with someone until they are dying - and in our own lives, because we often only appreciate our lives when they're threatened by an obstacle or someone who wants to take it away. This is a terrible way to live, as we waste every moment of our lives by focusing on the negative and only when we're on the brink of losing what we cherish do we recognize how much we would have wanted to enjoy our time more.

Before considering meditation as a technique where you sit and relax, understand that true Meditation is the conscious decision to feel alive in the present moment, when you have all the time in the world.

Not all people are conscious of their own existence. Many of those who surround us behave like robots, enslaved by routine: they work, come home, watch TV, eat, and sleep. They do not have control over their lives. Instead, they follow a program imposed on them by others. It is difficult to understand this if you do not observe those around you and continue to look down at your feet, because you may not realize how everyone is driven by a will that is no longer theirs. If you look around, you will see people who move and perform actions, even though they are asleep inside. 

It is akin to observing a worker who, exhausted from fatigue, falls asleep in the factory, yet their hands continue to work despite their unconsciousness because the body can move and perform pre-imposed actions even without the need to stay awake.

In the past, this was due to excessive working hours; today, it is due to excessive hours of unconsciousness.

Meditation is a practice that has always been a part of us, even if its name might be unfamiliar nowadays because we've let excessive modern stress suffocate us.

Meditation is, first of all, a mental state, and then a technique. It is essential to practice it as theory alone cannot provide us with its benefits.

To effectively put a good session into practice, you must first make the internal decision to practice it, as it offers a state of mental Freedom from the programs and weights that burden us every day, a sensation that may not be easy to recognize and understand immediately.

Meditation reminds us that we are alive in living bodies, because that’s what we are, although we often forget this fact.

If you have practiced meditation before, you will find it easier to read the following pages. If you have never experienced or learned about this state of mental and physical relaxation, it's time to become familiar with it.

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Today relaxation is often taken lightly, almost thinking that well-being is something that should not belong to us, because it is boring or useless, just like a waste of time. I will be happy to prove the opposite.

Feeling good does not mean wasting time, feeling bad instead does: it really makes us waste a lot of opportunities by throwing them straight into the trash.

I want to help you understand what Meditation really is, and not see it as something only for a select few, the elect, or those who have nothing to do.

Discovering meditation in the right way will increase your desire to practice it and incorporate it into your life. Don't rush to achieve everything immediately if you're not even sure what you want to achieve. So relax, take your time, and step by step you can improve your life and the way you live it. I invite you to try the first taste of true meditation, which I am ready to teach you. It is probably the first time for you, so we will start from the most basic level and work our way up to more in-depth techniques. The purpose of this Meditation is mental well-being, and relaxation is the first objective that must be achieved. Without relaxation, Meditation will not be as effective, and it may appear almost useless. Learning to relax is both the most difficult and the most important step; once you have mastered this skill, the rest will be a walk in the park. We are about to begin a 10-minute meditation session. I will guide you through the steps to have a magnificent Meditation experience. I recommend listening to the audio version with headphones. Alternatively, you can continue reading this page and follow the same instructions in written form. In this case, spend at least one minute practicing each command.

Get comfortable and relax.


Focus solely on my words...


Do not think about anything, remove any thoughts that you do not need at this moment.

Focus solely on relaxation.


Breathe... and focus on the depth of your breath.

Worth your attention with every single breath...


Start breathing deeply and calmly... breathe with your stomach.


Do not think about anything...


Feel the muscles in your neck loosen up... and relax it.


Relax your shoulders...


Relax the muscles in your face..


Focus only on the beating of your heart and relax...


Feel your heart beating... 


Feel it like never before...


Breathe... and feel yourself relax...


Relax your neck...

Your shoulders...

Your face...


Now relax your back...




Relax your mind...

Feel the lightness that is created in your mind...



Feel how beautiful it is to relax... and not think about anything...



It makes you feel... for a moment... alive...



Take a moment longer... just a moment... feel happy to be here... in the present…



Give yourself just a moment... do not leave immediately... 

It's so nice to be by yourself...


Relax... Your body is asking you to... Your mind is begging you to…


Do not be shy... after all... it's just you with yourself...


Relax a little more... breathe deeply...


Thank you… for allowing me to help you relax…


You are now ready to open your eyes… in every sense.



This was just a taste of Meditation, and I hope it has sparked a small desire in you to want to relax more often. As you have seen, there is no reason why you should not. If you wish, practice this relaxation session again until you feel ready to move on to the next step. I am waiting for you.

End of page 4 of 4. If you liked this article you can comment below describing your feelings during the reading or the practice of the technique.

This document is the translation of the original article ( on the Dimensional Consciousness Academy website.

  • tttom

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    10:45 15/12/24

    For me meditation is hard, everything seems just to get in away to make experience less good. Mental noise gets in a away too. After a lots of meditation it got better.

  • pankaj

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    12:02 29/11/24

    In this topic i learned about necessity of mediation and a basic step towards meditation. I also followed the relaxation audio of today meditation topic. And it was very amazing. Thanks

  • rpal

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    19:10 13/11/24

    Wow. That taste of meditation was lingering all over me. That felt so amazing, it felt alive and well. I did the guided one and the song was so good to the point i actually felt it inside me.

  • sheri

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    00:09 11/11/24

    Although I tried meditations in past and it was normal for me to do this but this is incredible. I loved that when I tried this. Calm and relaxing. Thank you!

  • lennaert

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    22:09 30/09/24

    I’m already familiar with meditation and how it helps to relax. I know it’s essence to find yourself.

  • jamie

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    12:49 29/07/24

    Loved the opportunity to be quiet, still, and peaceful this morning...thank you for this gift.

  • tihomir

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    21:41 25/07/24

    Good relaxation technique in fact. Personally I like to start relaxation from feet to the top of the head.

  • devang

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    17:41 17/06/24

    i don't feel anything specific, it feel very basic for me. i am actually used to these meditation.

  • lunarian
    Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Volume 9

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    12:58 09/06/24

    Normaly I meditate using selfmade mantras. This meditation brought forth simular sensations. My navel and heart area got warm. In the beginning I felt like my conscioussness getting pulled away from my body a bit up to my head. During the meditation I got my usual face, in between eyebrow region and head tingles - tho I found myself analyzing again, trying to draw clues and connections. A learning is to just be during meditation, bc before that I used that state for connection attempts - a very good practise and way of envoking further training - thankyou so much !

  • Ziggy

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    23:06 27/04/24

    I’ve been meditating on and off for some time, and just like the heart beats by itself without control or interference by me so does the breathing if I’m not consciously concentrating on it. When I do breathing work, it always strikes me how much calmness and peace it brings to me. I look forward to start reminding myself of this outside these sessions, to cope better with stressful situations in my day to day life.

  • Garret

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    22:25 17/10/23

    It seems everything is tied to meditation. Everything I've been reading and researching always circles back to meditation. Seems I need to be more disciplined in my practice. Thanks!

  • Angelia

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    21:38 16/09/23

    I can't wait to do the meditation. Hopefully tomorrow as the house if full of my grandkids. I tend to meditate and when its over, the feeling is amazing. Happy and carefree...I usually breathe from both my stomach and my heart. I have learned from a yogi that you to exhale through your mouth but through your nose...once I did it this way I felt more comfortable. I know there is a specific way to breathe and I have yet to get that down...hopefully soon. Thank you.

  • James The Seeker

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    18:38 21/01/23

    Being present, feeling alive, is a wonderful sensation... It's quite hard to reach and keep mental silence all along the meditation, but when I succeed, I ask myself: how could I live all my life without this peaceful feeling?? I know that just reading an article won't make my awakening, but now that I found the right path I want to follow it, practicing meditation with consistency every day. Evolution has no limit, and I want to see the goals I can reach!!!

  • Zenda03

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    15:04 29/05/22

    I've never felt such deep peace and relaxation... Thank you for letting me feel that! Now I understand why so many people state that real meditation is so important in their life, this sensation is so powerful!

  • James

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    22:11 12/12/21

    I'm so glad I found your website on such a special day. I found out the link this morning, read a few articles today, tried your meditation and loved it!! You have a new student, I can't wait to learn as much as possible from you 🙏