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Thinking – Mental Silence (Part 1)

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The key to Spiritual Awakening is mental silence, also called non-thought or absence of thought. Meditation allows you to learn non-thought and improve your senses, therefore your psychic and extra-sensory abilities. But thought is not something you only come across during Meditation, it’s something you experience all the time, every single day. Thought is what makes us more evolved than animals but distant from our spiritual evolution, it is both our strength and our condemnation. This is because we don’t always choose what to think, but often our thought is influenced by our surroundings. Through our thoughts we can reflect on what’s good for us and what makes us wrong, but what happens when the thoughts crossing our minds are not entirely ours? Doubts show up: you don’t know which is the right choice because two opposite voices are telling you what to do, covering the truth. This is the aim of mental silence: preventing those voices from confusing you, thus allowing the truthful solution to emerge, and this will lead you to make the rightest, most complete choice, without letting yourself run into a half-truth.

If your thought was entirely yours, without any influence from the outside nor variation due to other people’s will, you would have a complete connection with your higher Self. Each time It would tell you which choice would be the best for your upcoming future and what you should doubtlessly discard. Instead, you find yourself in doubt very often, or even worse, you make choices you are absolutely sure about, only to find out later – even after many years – that those decisions were wrong. Who knows how many times you said “… If only I knew!” Or “I had a feeling, I knew it was the wrong choice … Why did I make it anyway?” But you cannot blame yourself, since your thoughts were too many and you were unable to understand which ones were right and which instead were taking you on a wrong path. Practicing mental silence is not meant to make you become a person incapable of thinking, actually it’s quite the opposite: it allows you to eliminate unnecessary thoughts and recognize which ones originate from your Higher Consciousness, that would never do you wrong. How could you ever recognize your right thoughts from the wrong ones, if not through Meditation in absence of thought? The practice of mental silence is not easy, but it makes you capable of distinguishing your will from what other people surrounding you are imposing on you; it makes you understand who you really are, instead of what the others want you to be. It lets you know who or what is trying to push you down a path while you would rather follow another one, breaking the chains in your mind.

Mental Silence is a real technique, through which you evolve your psychic skills and the connection with your Soul, learning how to feel it, recognize it and understand it. We can delude ourselves into thinking that we do not need mental silence, that we already have a deep communication with our Soul and God, that we already have all the answers and we always know the truth. Yet, we keep on making mistakes and regret our actions from the past. It is normal to make mistakes when a thousand conflicting voices speak to each other, preventing you from understanding what is the right thing to do. Your thoughts tell you something while your feelings are telling you a whole different thing, and whether you listen to your brain or your heart you will end up taking actions you will later feel guilty about. Let your superior Consciousness tell you which is the right way, it’s the only one that knows the future and can distinguish what will make you happy from what you will regret.

Along this path I will teach you better how our Thought works, you will learn how to make it your ally rather than your permanent enemy, how to think rather than obsess, and how to think positive rather than being overwhelmed by negative thinking. Even if we believe we can recognize feelings from thoughts very well, actually they often get confused, and we are deceived by thoughts or emotions that do not belong to us.

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Often it is indeed because of our quick emotions that we make the worst mistakes, allowing ourselves to get carried away by a feeling that is apparently very strong, but which lasts very little; long enough to make us do something wrong which we will later regret. This is what makes the “always-follow-your-heart” advice unreliable, until one learns how to recognize the language that our Soul uses to communicate the truth to us, from all those thoughts and feelings clouding our minds. Practicing non-thought, you will be able to distinguish a true and right feeling from what is only pushing you to hurt yourself and take the wrong way. For the same reason we will work to improve our ability to think, so that our thoughts become completely ours, no longer influenced from the outside. It may sound very complicated because you have always lived with the thoughts of others in your mind, so it all seems normal to you; but when you begin to open your eyes, you realize how many mistakes you have made which were not your fault, finally breathing a sigh of relief: you will feel like you’re starting to live again.

Fighting against one’s thoughts would be useless: they would win. But you can learn to train your ability to think instead, so that only useful thoughts come to the surface, whereas those unnecessary and even harmful thoughts get immediately dismissed. This does not mean becoming irrational and living with your head up in the clouds, forgetting about reality: it means being realistic and understanding that negative thinking destroys you from within, leading you to throw away the whole world you had built up. To make a concrete example, it’s useful to think that if you truly get committed you already gained part of your success. It’s irrational to think you can realize your dreams without making the slightest effort to succeed. And it’s negative to believe that, even if you engaged yourself, you wouldn’t succeed just because you are not capable, good or strong enough to reach that goal. The practice of non-thought will allow you to act without being distracted by the countless thoughts that will try to hinder you in a thousand ways, in any kind of practice or field you would like to succeed. You will not understand the mental wellness of those who can only hear the right answers, until you seriously start practicing non-thought. We are used to constantly racking our brains, especially to find a solution to our biggest problems. But we should just listen to that voice that sees much further than us, already knowing which is the best way to go and which instead, despite what it looks like, would only lead us to a great fiasco. Then, between feeling and taking the right path there is a great space for evaluation, which only through experience you will learn how to do without choosing what you’re going to regret later, as you know very well. Sometimes making mistakes is what attracts us the most, putting a little bit of adrenaline into our lives; but by learning to recognize which thoughts are right and which may do you harm, you will understand that it is always better to follow the right path, without hamstringing yourself.

Mental silence is not just about making a decision doubtlessly, because – as I already explained – it’s not necessarily the best decision; you could end up regretting it after a few months, or even after a few years. Mental silence will be much more. It will protect you from the influence of Low Frequency, from the influence of other people’s thoughts, from the Energy Programs that were imposed on you or that you’d created for yourself; it will allow you to understand what your Soul thinks instead of reasoning like a common human being: your Soul is out of this world, It doesn’t live to gain money, It lives to experience, It lives on experience! Your Soul knows the future, or better still, It already knows the consequences of your actions, unlike you, living them from within and constantly having to endure them, without realizing what your future will be like, as a result of the actions you take. Your Soul is much simpler and more direct, whereas you beat around the bush and get easily distracted: you live in the Low, your Soul doesn’t. But you can not figure out what kind of experience It would choose if you keep thinking with the Low Regulator on, which is why most of the time you say “it’s your Soul that wants it”, but it’s just another attempt to deny that you let yourself be influenced by an impulse without realizing where it’s going to lead you. Your Soul is not shallow and doesn’t waste time with worthless matters; It only thinks of one single thing: Its own spiritual evolution.

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This is why we must learn how to recognize and understand its language, instead of listening to our mental thoughts, convincing ourselves that those are Its words, as if your Soul could really be so confused about the best choice to make. In order to understand the language of our higher Consciousness, we must learn how to practice non-thought; this is the only way we can be sure we’re following Its directions without confusing them with our thoughts and feelings, which are often influencing us on purpose, to keep us far from Its truth.

The first step is to learn mental Silence while practicing Meditation, like I’ve been teaching you: thus, you will begin to understand how much your thought is trying to influence your life, even when you’d like it to be quiet just for a moment. Why does it have to be so oppressive when you wish for a minute of silence? What pushes it to be so pounding, especially when you’re trying to Meditate? Through meditation you realize something you had never noticed before: you are not the one who’s choosing what and how much to think. The second step is to learn how to think much more positive during the day, instead of falling into negative thoughts just like everyone else: positive thinking is much more complicated than you think. The third step will be learning to understand when it’s necessary to silence your thought and when it’s important to ponder before acting, instead: this will be the most complicated step ever, because you will often be deceived by useless thoughts, believing that you need them to make the best choice, while they will be actually distancing you from the right path. You’re probably wondering why shouldn’t you simply fight your thought and get it over with, removing it altogether, rather than going through the positive-thinking step, and so on; simply because we have a brain and we must use it, but this doesn’t mean we have to allow everything around us to influence our thinking and decide for our lives. The Low Frequency is totally against our spiritual evolution, and Low is everything around us, everything our daily life is made of. Recognizing it in every single shape and aspect is not easy at all, but step by step we can manage to see it with different eyes and go beyond, without being deceived anymore. So, we can learn how to keep a cast-iron non-thought, which is firm and perfectly balanced, but before you understand the difference between thinking and pondering, you need to learn how to keep your non-thought while Meditating. With the next lessons, I will explain the different types of Thought and how to recognize them.

End of page 3 out of 3. If you liked the article, comment below describing your feelings when reading or practicing the proposed technique.


This document is the translation of the original article on the Accademia di Coscienza Dimensionale website.

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  • SpiritualGrowth - 20:45 21/04/24

    È molto difficile mantenere il non pensiero, ma con la pratica e costanza si può padroneggiare. Da quello che ho capito il non pensiero è cruciale per migliorare la nostra salute e anche sviluppare le doti psichiche grazie alla meditazione che permette di assorbire energia Prana. Non è facile nemmeno il pensiero positivo soprattutto dopo una giornata di lavoro insieme a certi personaggi, tuttavia quando oggi ho fatto la mia prima meditazione in non pensiero (ne ho fatte due) mi sono sentito avvolto da un certo benessere e ottimismo. Decisamente in questo periodo mi concentrerò principalmente nella meditazione in non pensiero con l’obiettivo di eliminare non solo i pensieri superflui ma soprattutto i pensieri i pensieri negativi assillanti.

  • srmaco - 15:45 21/04/24

    "Cogito ergo sum" "Penso dunque sono" ma anche "sono in quanto penso". La nostra realtà dipende d quello che creiamo con il pensiero, la nostra realtà dipende dal nostro pensiero. Comunque, il lavoro avviene in assenza di pensieri, che equivale alla pausa tra due note, alla pausa tra due respiri.

  • valemix - 19:12 13/04/24

    È molto difficile infatti distinguere i tipi di pensiero , a me accade a volte che i pensieri mentali si spaccino per pensieri dell'Anima ... diciamo che mi danno una sensazione strana come se non li sentissi al 100% metto da parte e ci ripenso l'indomani dopo averci dormito su

  • tyler_durden Medaglia per aver completato lo Step 1 Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Vol. 1 Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Vol. 4 Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Vol. 5 Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Vol. 6 Medaglia per aver completato il libro Il Sigillo delle Vite Passate - Vol. 1 - 13:31 11/04/24

    Bello rileggere questi documenti a distanza di tempo, li apprezzi meglio e con una consapevolezza maggiore. Il silenzio mentale è fondamentale e la meditazione aiuta molto nel raggiungerlo in particolare quando se ne fanno più di seguito. Comunicare con l'Anima sembra una frase fatta ma lei non parla a parole e il silenzio è la chiave per ascoltarla. Il pensiero è manipolato dal low a sua volta manipolato dagli alieni e se lo si ascolta viene il dubbio ovvero non si sa quale decisione prendere dato che non tutti i pensieri sono propri ma vengono influenzati dall'esterno.

  • Kafka - 11:24 08/04/24

    Che bello il tema del pensiero, della coscienza e tutto. Non vedo l’ora di proseguire nella lettura dei prossimi capitoli

  • nancy. - 15:32 06/04/24

    Non riesco a non pensare, a volte sembro persino assente, guardo ma non vedo, non riesco sempre a controllare il pensiero.

  • julio-caesar - 14:07 06/04/24

    Articolo un poco lungo ma molto chiarificatore. Personalmente sapevo già di molte cose scritte, ma questo step mi ha chiarito ulteriormente le idee e sopratutto mi h la fatto ricordare ciò di cui tratta. Questa è una cosa molto importante se non fondamentale xché non è sufficiente sapere le cose, xché se non le applichiamo praticamente rischiamo di dimenticarcene, ed in questo modo non le applicheremo mai. Di conseguenza non evolveremo. Quindi grazie x questo step.

  • Illy - 18:02 03/04/24

    Considero la mia mente pensante la mia peggior nemica. I pensieri mi sfiancano e mi generano ansia, il sentire, invece ,mi ricarica e mi rigenera le mie energie. Il problema è capire quando sto attingendo le risposte dai pensieri piuttosto che dalla mia anima . L'idea di poter imparare a distinguere il linguaggio della mia anima innalzando le mie frequenze, mi entusiasma moltissimo.

  • silviata - 09:25 31/03/24

    Il Non Pensiero è una delle cose più difficili da mettere in atto, però con la meditazione ogni giorno riesco sempre di più a stare nel silenzio. Nonostante siano piccoli passi, mi sento poi più lucida e più connessa con me

  • Damaride Medaglia per aver completato lo Step 1 Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Vol. 1 - 06:07 31/03/24

    Avevo davvero bisogno di rileggere questo articolo e ripassare per bene le basi. Bisogna comprenderle e prestare loro la giusta attenzione durante le giornate senza mai sottovalutarle. Il non pensiero è la nostra arma migliore che ci permette di essere coscienti di quello che ci circonda, ci permette di essere padroni dei nostri stessi pensieri, e grazie ad esso possiamo sviluppare le nostre capacità psichiche e migliorare anche quelle mentali. In poche parole la Meditazione in non-pensiero, è il pilastro principale del nostro Percorso se vogliamo evolverci. Innumerevoli volte mi sono ritrovata nel Dubbio,ma così non si può proprio vivere. La stabilità e l'equilibrio, l'essere capace di poter gestire la mia vita e di farla andare nella direzione più positiva per me è quello che da sempre ho cercato e in Accademia mi rendo conto che oltre questo c'è molto di più da scoprire! Grazie mille Angel!

  • Galanasoul - 13:47 29/03/24

    Per me è ancora difficile tenere il silenzio mentale durante le mie giornate, ma sono cosciente dei pensieri che appaiono sullo "schermo" della mia mente :) Quando si presentano quelli negativi, li mando via oppure li sostituisco o provo a riformularli in positivo, se proprio non riesco a svuotare la mente. Ma durante la meditazione è sempre più semplice e se dovessero presentarsi immagini mentali, vado avanti, respiro Prana e mi concentro di più sul Chakra.

  • Betty - 08:24 24/03/24

    Mi rendo conto di quanto sia lunga la mia strada ancora sono agli albori di questo percorso ma felicissima e grata nel provare tutto questo benessere interiore....mi rendo snche conto di quanto sia disturbata ogni giorno da tutti questi pensieri e da cio che devi o non devi fare casa famiglia lavoro problemi ogni singolo step ti aiuta a capire come fare a migliorare il proprio benessere mentale gestire lo stress e ascoltare di piu il proprio io la propria coscienza grazie

  • Ilary - 22:30 22/03/24

    grazie per questo modulo...migliorare e discernere i nostri pensieri è un grande passo...soprattutto individuare cosa proviene dalla tua anima e cosa no... ancora non sono in grado di momento sto vivendo un periodo delicato , perchè mi sto impegnando nella mia evoluzione, tuttavia sto inciampando nelle difficoltà, nei malesseri fisici che non so come mai mi vengono, perchè non li ho mai avuti...una volta una persona saggia mi disse: "proverai a cercare dei maestri diverse volte, ma ti scontrerai poi col capire che sei tu la guida di te stessa e quando lo riconoscerai le risposte ti verranno, attraverso la meditazione". Aveva ragione, al tempo avevo cercato maestri e lo stavo ancora facendo, tuttavia non ne avevo mai trovati di veri per me...ora sto comprendendo che mi devo ascoltare veramente per guidarmi poi veramente dopo.

  • ooguway - 21:56 20/03/24

    Credo che la mente sia la cosa più energetica che c'è... nel senso che produce migliaia di pensieri (e forse sono pochi) al secondo... altro che computer! E no! Io voglio ascoltare la mia anima che vuole solo la sua (quindi mia?) evoluzione spirituale e conosce la strada per arrivarci! Grazie!

  • roberta14 - 10:29 20/03/24

    Il non pensiero per me è una pratica alquanto complicata. Sono una persona molto indecisa quando devo faredellescelte, anche l più semplici. Riuscire in questa pratica sarà il mio primo obbiettivo.