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Step 1 - N° 5

The Low Frequency – The enemy of Awakening (Part 1)


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To start recognizing the presence of Low Frequency in our lives, we must first understand how the Matrix works, which I have already discussed in a previous article. The Matrix is the video game in which we spend most of our lives, believing it to be real. The Low Frequency is the mechanism that makes us believe this, allowing us to live inside the video game and forget our true purpose. It is the low vibration in which we habitually live, filled with thousands of thoughts, tasks, setbacks, and unforeseen events that serve no other purpose than to fill every minute of our day, preventing us from pausing to recognize who we really are. The Low Frequency keeps us tied to a frenetic life, even on our days off, which we fill with activities instead of using them to reflect on our purpose in life. However, the Low Frequency is much more than a simple base vibration: it is a function, a form of consciousness of this planet that keeps us tied to prevent us from recognizing our true identity and ascending beyond the low frequency to find Awakening.

The planet we inhabit has a mind, a truly intelligent mind that makes it fully alive. Its mind, like ours, has various faculties, and is capable of moving life within it. The planet's mind has two particularly important functions, which are very different from each other but equally important to understand: one is Nature, the other is Low Frequency. Although both are part of the same coin, the mind of the planet, they are distinct functions and in some ways, very different from each other. Nature is, in fact, the most positive thing that exists in this world, while paradoxically, Low Frequency is the lowest vibration of this planet. In this article, we will explore the difference between Nature and Low Frequency, as they are both part of the planet's mind but represent two very different functions. We will recognize Nature as the highest vibration that can be found on this planet and Low Frequency as the lowest vibration. In this journey, our focus will be on analyzing Low Frequency and understanding it calmly, as it is a very deep topic that is complex to understand if approached superficially. Let's begin by understanding Nature.

What we have always referred to as Nature is actually part of the mind of the Planet. However, we have not realized how much it influences our lives. Nature is the consciousness that guides every living being on this planet, including insects, plants, and all organisms, whether on land or in the sea. It is Nature that causes flowers to bloom at the right time, drives bees to pollinate specific flowers, and organizes the hierarchy in the families of insects and animals. Everything that functions in this world is a result of Nature, born from the mind of the planet we inhabit. Nature is not random; on the contrary, it is precise because it knows how to organize itself to maintain the necessary harmony to sustain life on Earth in a linear and uninterrupted manner.  Therefore, we use the term Nature to describe the ability of the planet's mind, but often forget its true meaning. In fact, we often talk about Nature dismissively, disregarding the fact that everything on this planet has been organized perfectly. No one in the world could have designed mechanisms as precise and perfect as those that fit together so seamlessly. When we talk about Nature, we diminish its importance, thinking that everything happens without any intervention, without realizing that, in reality, everything works because the mind of the planet is at the forefront, guiding the lives of plants, animals, and insects. In essence, Nature directs the life of every living being on Earth, including our own.

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The faculty of the Planet's mind, which we call Nature, is exceptional because it manages to sustain life even during difficult times by devising new mechanisms, such as the birth of a new plant, which will solve a specific problem that occurred on the Planet. However, the other side of the coin, the Low Frequency, takes advantage of this mechanism to control our lives and prevent us from breaking out of the mold to find our own identity. Essentially, while Nature directs our lives, the Low Frequency takes control. What we have ignored throughout our lives is that the Nature of this planet not only directs the events of plants, insects, and animals by creating situations to ensure the continuity of nature even when a part of its mechanism is missing, but it also directs human lives. We have ignored that Nature is not just grass, flowers, and insects, but everything that surrounds us. Its consciousness directs humans as it does insects. The only difference is that insects create burrows, while humans create buildings. We have always ignored that the mind of the planet we live on decides our destiny and imposes it on us, even though we deceive ourselves into thinking that we are the only creators of our fate.

If you pause for a moment to reflect, you will realize that you have had little control over your destiny, from the moment you were born until now. The people you've met and interacted with over the years were not chosen by you, but instead by “chance”, as were all the situations and events that have occurred in your life. While we don't choose every single event that happens to us on a daily basis, we often fail to realize that something else may be responsible for filling our days with "adventures" that distract us and give us something to think about, preventing us from stopping and focusing on ourselves.

When you start thinking this way, you realize that if the mind of the planet can so easily organize every single event in nature to make it fit and continue life, sometimes even performing real "miracles of nature", then it must be just as easy for the planet to organize every single event in our lives and make it go the way it has decided for us. While the planet has the ability to give birth to life using nature, it also has the ability to bind all minds (human, animal, plant) born on this planet to it through Low frequency. When we think of Nature only as insects and flowers, everything seems too simple, beautiful, and peaceful. Certamente, if it were not for nature directing the lives of all living beings, there would be no life at all: Nature chooses how spiders should behave and continue their lives, pushing them until they die. This mechanism works for every single living being, including humans. Nature determines how we should be born and how we should die, regardless of our preferences. This would be perfect if we were spiders. However, we are human beings endowed with Consciousness and we deserve to awaken and recognize our true selves. In fact, the planet's mind beyond nature possesses another consciousness, which is nothing but the other side of the coin, which uses its power to bind us to this life and prevent us from choosing how our life should go according to our will. This blockage is Low frequency.

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Nature determines the course of our lives, introducing events and details that shape our future in the direction it chooses; meanwhile, Low frequency exploits Nature to add distractions and setbacks to our lives with the goal of making us focus on these unexpected events and preventing us from discovering our true identity. The Low Frequency reduces us to the level of insects, but we are not insects. Insects follow a life cycle focused solely on procreation, after which they die. We are not born solely to procreate and dedicate our lives to this. We have something much more evolved than insects, namely an ancient and developed Consciousness that persists from life to life. While we can procreate and love our children more than ourselves, this is not the sole purpose of our existence. In the meantime, we can also choose to discover who we really are. While Nature urges us to take steps that ultimately lead us in the direction it has chosen, the Low Frequency prevents us from embarking on a path of awakening that would help us remember who we really are and why we are here; above all, it prevents us from discovering that we were not born here to live like puppets controlled by someone at the top: the Low Frequency. We are much more than insects. Therefore, it is important to understand that the problem is not with nature, but with the Low Frequency that confuses us and makes us believe that it is "natural". If we were to discover our true identity, we would realize that we are not here to submit to the Low Frequency, but to pursue much more important goals.

This is precisely why the Low does everything to keep us from Awakening. It fills our days with things to do, anything to prevent us from thinking about ourselves and discovering who we really areIt wants us to believe that we should live like everyone else, asleep, with no other life goals except those imposed by the Low Frequency. The Low knows much better than us that if we awaken, the situation would change drastically and we would no longer be under its control, but we would be free. Therefore, if it is so important for the Low to make us sleep in a state of unconsciousness, the goal is not only to make us follow nature but also to make us forget completely who we are and who we have been, thus preventing us from accomplishing what we came here to do in this life. The Low Frequency aims to keep us in a state of low vibration, where we remain unaware and asleep, despite our belief that we are awake. The only way to escape the Low, understand its workings, and learn to overcome it is by raising our vibration to a higher level than where we currently exist every day. By raising our vibration, and thus our tonale, we can perceive the mechanisms that the Low employs to keep us down, and learn to navigate them so that they no longer affect us. The only way to truly raise your tonale is to practice Meditation. This allows you to evolve your Consciousness, remember who you are, develop your psychic abilities, and recognize that everything you don't like about your life can be changed. The Low Frequency has decided our reality before, but through meditation, you can take control and decide how your life should go. It's like living in the Matrix without realizing it - the Low Frequency wants to keep us trapped in this virtual reality and forget who we really are.

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The reason I am discussing Nature with you is to help you understand how the Low exploits it to "hide" itself and prevent you from discovering its presence. By doing so, you remain unaware of its influence in your daily life and continue to sleep through your whole life. While understanding the Low may seem simple, it actually requires time and patience, as it is a much broader topic than it appears. Furthermore, breaking free from its mechanisms and liberating yourself from its oppression, which tries to keep you asleep, will take time, patience, and concentration. This is because the Low will use your own mind to question your evolution and, if that is not enough, it will use the people around you to distract you and prevent you from practicing and raising your vibration. However, if you practice seriously, you will become more aware of your life and free yourself from the Low. In the next lesson on the Low Frequency, I will explain how it works and how it manages to exploit your mind and the people around you to prevent you from finding your Awakening. In the meantime, I recommend that you continue with the articles of Step 1 and start practicing the first Meditation session. Until you experience what it feels like to be free from the Low, you will not be able to recognize the great power that being free from its chains offers you. However, by starting to practice Meditation and raising your vibration, you will realize it and wonder why you did not start earlier. Be patient and take the time to digest this concept, as it will be very useful throughout your journey.

If you want to read the questions and answers on this first lesson, you can find them Here. Don't forget to leave a comment on this article before changing pages.

End of page 4 of 4. If you liked the article, comment below to describe your feelings while reading or practicing the proposed technique.

This document is the translation of the original article on the Accademia di Coscienza Dimensionale website.

  • Filippo - 20:40 25/11/14

    Non avevo ancora letto il commento simile al mio scusate al quale accenni al Dark Side , ho provato a cercare ma non trovo riferimenti dove posso trovarli se posso ..grazie a questa strada ho migliorato le meditazioni c erano cose o tecniche ancora non sperimentate .. continuo un altro po con voi :-)

  • manolo - 16:15 22/11/14

    Ciao angel :) vorrei chiederti se il Low può disturbarti anche se cerchi di distaccarti da qualcosa di negativo!nel senso, non voglio più ripetere certi errori ma quelle poche volte che riesco a non cadere ecco che spunta qualcosa o qualcuno che in qualche modo mi porta a rifare gli stessi errori! É sempre il Low?

  • Anna - 22:11 19/11/14

    Sai a proprosito del meteo io quando andavo al lavorare con il motorino tutte le mattine sebbene le previsioni davano pioggia pensavo: "tanto inizia a piovere quando arrivo è impossibile che l'universo mi faccia bagnare" e per due anni interi non ho mai preso la pioggia ne quando entravo ne quando uscivo dall'ufficio... cercavo di spiegarlo alle colleghe ma queste pensavono che era solo fortuna...

  • Cristiano - 16:31 13/11/14

    Ciao a tutti,ho scoperto da pochissimo il corso ma mi ha travolto da subito,non ho mai letto niente del genere in nessun libro,complimenti Angel. Dopo aver recepito solamente la prima parte relativa all'Energia il sito è andato in manutenzione per 2 giorni,tanto da scoraggiare l'avanzamento della lettura.Mi son ripetuto e mi han anche detto che evidentemente la cosa non fa per me ma poi leggo del Low e di come agisce e tutto diventa più chiaro.Grazie infinite.Con Amore vi saluto e vi abbraccio nella Luce.

  • Marco - 16:41 12/11/14

    2 giorni fa avevo molto tempo a disposizione ed ero intenzionato a leggere tutti gli step che mi per tutto il giorno il sito era inaccessibile causa manutenzione. Che c'entri il low???

    • Angel - 08:21 13/11/14

      Avevamo avvisato sul gruppo fb, che l'11 e il 12 il sito sarebbe stato offline per manutenzione :)

    • GayaLove66 - 13:58 14/11/14

      Ciao Marco, io non sono esperta come ti posso assicurare che non si conosce mai abbastanza del Low....ti può attaccare su vari aspetti, conosce i tuoi punti deboli e quindi ti attacca appena abbassi la guardia pensando magari di averlo imbrogliato :-( ne sto avendo esperienza io personalmente nell'ultimo mese ...Buona battaglia e un GRANDE abbraccio (^_^) <3

  • minnie - 18:58 04/11/14

    E' stato interessante analizzare gli avvenimenti in questa prospettiva. Direi che ho deresponsabilizzato molte persone dall'avermi sottratto la voglia di raggiungere degli obbiettivi e penso che alla fine la responsabilità sta da un'altra parte.Illuminante davvero, grazie.

  • Simonetta Andrighetti - 20:51 26/10/14

    forse il low non ha paura di me... passo delle ore a leggere i doc e niente e nessuno mi disturba.. (con impianto cocleare o senza) la med però la faccio- con- altrimenti troppi pensieri...con un sottofondo musicale mi scivolano via come gocce d'acqua sulle piante in primavera

    • Angel - 18:03 27/10/14

      Non sottovalutarlo...

  • Phoenix - 00:46 23/10/14

    Ops!!! Rileggendo il documento mi sono accorto che mi dimentico del regolatore. Devo fare più attenzione in futuro.

  • Heilyn - 15:57 15/10/14

    Questo documento andrebbe letto e riletto più volte! Il fatto che il chiacchiericcio mentale all'interno della nostra testa sia in realtà il pensiero di Gaia e non il nostro, è un concetto che ha avuto un'importanza fondamentale per me ed ogni volta che lo rileggo mi sento sempre più sveglia :) Grazie Angel!

  • Rosa - 00:41 14/10/14

    ohhhhhhhhhhh... ora capisco perchè la voglia di approfondire questi argomenti sia tanta, ma la forza di farlo è pari a 0.03.... :D scherzi a parte, penso che la mia vita sia un continuo low.... non trovo il momento, o la forza o la voglia di leggere i documenti.... se invece comincio a farlo vengo subito distratta o interrotta da altro o altri..... mi viene sonno, cosa che soprattutto di sera è una cosa strana per me, in genere vado a letto molto tardi proprio per mancanza di sonno.... :D Ho cominciato le lezioni via skype, ma dopo la prima, per un motivo o per un altro, non sono riuscita a partecipare alle altre. Ok, deciso. Lotterò contro il Low... voglio crescere, voglio tirare fuori la vera me. E' un po' che ne sento il bisogno, e fino ad ora questa necessità mi porta solo a sentirmi infelice, perchè non riesco a reagire. In compenso da un po' di tempo a questa parte mi capita di incontrare persone che meditano e che cercano di introdurmi a questa pratica, leggo frasi particolari che parlano di bellezza interiore e di accettarsi e volersi bene così come si è, e trovo pagine e siti che parlano di questo.... come ACD :D Mi sembra che tutto ciò voglia dire che è arrivato il mio momento di crescere.... forse... o no?

  • Sonia - 07:44 13/10/14

    Il Low esiste e cerca la soluzione per riportarti giù, una volta letto il documento, ti rendi conto che tutto è vero a me viene quasi da sorridere quando vedi come sposta gli eventi per farti richiudere in te stesso. Vi faccio un esempio, appena ho iniziato a leggere il primo step sono iniziati tanti episodi che ti riempiono il cervello di pensieri parole e altro, alla fine del primo step il vicino di casa è impazzito e ci voleva sparare con un fucile, per carità non ha sparato ma provate ad immaginare cosa girasse nella mia testa in quel momento e nelle due settimane dopo. Tra carabinieri e tutti i casini che ne susseguono. SE questo fosse accaduto ora quindi a distanza già di due settimane sarebbe stato diverso perché avrei visto l'accaduto con un altro punto di vista e quindi non mi sarei uccisa di pensieri o altro. Comunque sia il vicino non è in galera ma sta ancora li a romperci le Balle e questo è un altro esempio di come il low continua a provare e riprovare.

    • Angel - 00:24 14/10/14

      Questa è comica XD, non sa più che pesci pigliare per distrarre.

  • Zeno - 15:29 10/10/14

    Se prima avessi avuto qualche idea su come le cose funzionassero adesso grazie a questo documento ho le idee più chiare. Siete un incredibile fonte per tutti noi. Grazie

  • dani - 22:21 06/10/14

    Semplicemente la realtà! Voglio meditare e mi prende sonno, voglio leggere un documento e arriva la suocera a chiacchiera, incredibile... Ma non mollo! Anzi, la rilettura di tutti i documenti mi sta ricaricando, e dopo un mese di meditazione tutti i giorni sento che la strada è quella giusta. Mai fermarsi e rimandare...

  • letizia - 21:05 05/10/14

    Che la preveggenza è del diavolo è una scemenza immane , nell'antico tostamene della bibbia ci sono episodi di preveggenza, nel nuovo testamento Gesù disse che chi avesse avuto fede avrebbe potuto spostare le montagne quindi era un incitamento a risvegliarsi e a diventare un risvegliato come lui! Sto rileggendo tutti i documenti ed è come se non li avessi mai letti ma li vedo sotto un ottica diversa, un po più consapevole. Grazie Angel per tutti questi splendidi documenti!

  • Phoenix - 17:47 05/10/14

    Ciao, ho riletto questo documento con la consapevolezza maturata in 2 mesi circa e vi assicuro che non è la stessa cosa. Nel frattempo ho letto altri documenti ho fatto qualche esperienza ho meditato tutti i giorni tranne 1 settimana che ho avuto gravi disaggi, quindi il suo contenuto lo leggi con chiave diversa comprendendo molto ma molto più di quando l'ho letto la prima volta. E' vero ogni tanto bisogna ripassare perché impari sempre qualcosa o comunque comprendi meglio qualche passo che ti è scappato. P.S. Un vero campione non smette mai di allenarsi. Un saluto :)