What are Classrooms and how do they work?
What are Classrooms and how do they work?
To enhance the Academy’s learning path and allow new students to progress at their own pace while ensuring more experienced students can continue their journey without delays, the Founder has decided to divide the teachings into two levels: Classrooms and Advanced Classrooms. To tackle increasingly advanced topics and raise the level of difficulty, Angel Jeanne will conduct her lessons exclusively in the Advanced Classrooms, personally overseeing them. Meanwhile, the role of guiding new students in the Classrooms will be entrusted to the Tutors.
All newly enrolled students in A.C.D. will be placed in the Classes and guided by Tutors, who will help them understand increasingly important and advanced topics so that they become capable of following future live lessons with Angel Jeanne. The Classes will serve as a preparation phase, ensuring that students are ready and qualified for the learning Paths later conducted by the Founder herself.
The Tutors are members of Angel Jeanne’s Staff as well as senior students of A.C.D. who have received official approval from the Founder Angel to take on secondary roles within the Academy. This includes preparing and training newly enrolled students. Tutors will guide you throughout this incredible journey called the Academy. Students who actively follow the lessons - by commenting on the Steps articles as required in each session and participating in the Class lessons via the “Hathor” platform - will, over time, be promoted and granted access to in-person Paths with Angel Jeanne. Until then, newly enrolled students will be supported by the Staff, specifically by their assigned Tutors, through the Classroom, where they will cover the foundational knowledge of the first Steps.
To be more specific, Classrooms are written chat groups (where neither a microphone nor a webcam is required) in which Tutors conduct lessons by answering students' questions about the topics covered in the Steps. The role of the Tutors is strictly to respond to the questions of newly enrolled students; they will not provide additional teachings beyond what is already available in the Steps, as those are based on Angel Jeanne’s direct experience. Once students are promoted to the Advanced Classroom, they will be able to participate in Angel Jeanne’s lessons, where she will introduce new topics and conduct both theoretical and practical sessions every day.
Newly enrolled students are welcomed into a Classroom (a chat within Hathor, A.C.D.’s community), where they will be guided by their assigned Tutor. The Tutor will support them until they are ready to move on to an Advanced Classroom. At that point, students will be promoted and transferred from the Class to an Advanced Classroom, where they will be directly guided by the Founder.
Each registered user can be part of only one Classroom at a time. Over time, users may be moved to a more advanced Classroom before reaching the Advanced Classroom, based on decisions made by the Tutor or the Founder, depending on the student's level of participation and activity. The Tutor will guide new members, notify them of updates, inform them of any changes or important details, unlock Steps articles gradually to make them accessible, and answer relevant questions. Accessing all these free services is simple: just register with ACD and respond to the Staff’s message to join the chat group called Class.