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How do I take part to the live lessons with Angel Jeanne?

How do I take part to the live lessons with Angel Jeanne?

In order to take part to Angel Jeanne’s live lessons it’s crucial to be active and present during the lessons with the Tutors and to comment under the articles you have read. Angel will give lessons to the students who have already learned the fundamentals of the Academy and who have overcome the initial obstacles regarding both theory and practice. Those who show themselves to be active, present, and therefore demonstrate interest in continuing this Path will be promoted from a Classroom to an Advanced Classroom, allowing them to follow Angel’s lessons directly. In order for this school to be able to offer teachings to everyone and conduct lessons for multiple groups of students, it has been decided that Angel will take care of the already trained students, guiding them to higher levels. Meanwhile, it will be up to the Tutors to train newly enrolled students and prepare them so that they will be able to understand Angel’s teachings when the time comes for them to move into the Advanced Classroom.

Students will need to set aside their expectations and the desire to “finish everything immediately” as well as the rush to read through all the Steps, thinking that this will speed up their learning. The path of Awakening does not come to an end; it expands. Students will be guided forward at the right pace to allow them to practice, not just read, because reading alone cannot replace the practice that everyone should apply. Therefore, the articles will be unlocked and made accessible periodically to allow students to practice what is already available. It is important that students comment on each article they have access to, demonstrating that they have read and understood it. This way, the Staff will be able to track who is progressing and who is not, and accordingly decide who can be promoted. This is a real Path. The students of a Classroom will not be able to attend Lessons with Angel until they are accepted and moved by Angel herself into a new Advanced Classroom. This decision will be made by the Founder according to the organization explained above, and no exceptions will be made. No one will be able to move directly into the Advanced Classroom without first completing the Classroom phase, demonstrating genuine interest in the Path by being active, engaged in progressing, and commenting on the articles accessible to them. Promotion to the Advanced Classroom will depend on the user’s presence and the quality of the comments left under the articles. Through these comments, the Tutors will be able to determine whether the student is following the path with genuine interest or with superficiality.

Inside the Classroom, students will learn how to approach the Academy and will receive direct guidance from the Tutor, who will help them progress through the articles of the Steps. The Classrooms will mainly focus on reading the teachings already available and published within the Steps, helping students build a solid foundation for learning more advanced concepts later on. In the Advanced Classroom, however, many lessons will be based on new topics that are not yet included in the Steps.

Remember that:
By commenting on the articles that are made available to you, you will allow your Tutor to see that you are progressing on the path and that they can proceed with further teachings. Additionally, each article you read and comment on will grant you a “virtual book” linked to the article you commented on. Once you have achieved the entire series of virtual books, medals will appear, offering greater benefits and rewards for the most active users. So remember to comment on every article you read without skipping any, leaving detailed comments (not just a few words) in which you share your thoughts or experiences related to the topic. Superficial comments will not make a good impression and, therefore, will not be considered. In the Advanced Classrooms, lessons will cover much more in-depth topics, so it is essential to come prepared by demonstrating your interest through active participation on our platform. We recommend to be also active on Hathor. All the lessons will take place on the platform Hathor Network, the website associated to A.C.D. where you will find chats, groups to share experiences with, appointments of practice and much more; destined to the students of A.C.D. only.

It often happens that students do not follow the assigned path and still expect access to later documents without even completing the previous ones. The Academy has thousands of students so, in order to understand who genuinely wants to learn from our teachings, it is essential to actively participate to the lessons. This means commenting on the articles that are accessible to you in order to show us that you are following the path and understanding each topic. If you do not comment on the articles, we have no way of knowing that you have read them! Only by reading and commenting on the articles you will be able to move forward and gain access to new ones. If this doesn’t happen, recognize that you need to read or reread the available articles to continue progressing. Your active participation will only bring you benefits, so take advantage of it. Let the Staff know how your journey in the Academy is going, how you are finding the experience, and update your progress regularly. We believe that if a student is not interested in following the Lessons and engaging with the articles, they are unlikely to be truly interested in discovering the content of the higher Steps.

What are Advanced Classrooms and how do they work? 

When the time is right, Angel Jeanne will create a new instant chat called Advanced Classroom, where the more advanced Lessons will take place. The main difference will be the teaching method: Classrooms study articles that have already been written and published by Angel within the Steps. Advanced Classrooms, on the other hand, will have the opportunity to follow Angel's Lessons live and actively participate in entirely new topics. Students will even be able to choose the subject Angel will cover, ask questions, and share their reflections directly with the Founder. All Classrooms will have the opportunity to become Advanced Classrooms, but this will not be a fixed rule—it will depend entirely on the dedication of each student. This process will take the necessary time. Students who have not properly partaken during their time in a Classroom and have not commented on all the required articles will not be able to participate in Advanced Classroom Lessons and will remain in their Classroom. The Academy’s path is designed for students to start in a Classroom and move to an Advanced classroom only when the time is right. However, the timing will not be the same for everyone, as it will depend on how actively each student engages and demonstrates their commitment to this journey. The lessons in both Classrooms and Advanced Classrooms will take place on Hathor.

How do Lessons work in the Advanced Classrooms?

Every single Lesson conducted by Angel Jeanne in the Classrooms will later be published within the Steps as a written document. In fact, the articles in the Steps were originally Lessons that have been transcribed, revised, and published within the Steps. The Lessons may vary and be divided into Q&A sessions, in-depth explanations of topics that Angel will cover until the subject is fully explored, or sometimes even conversations between students. All of this will be decided in advance, on a case-by-case basis. Each Lesson will take place via chat, after the Founder has announced the date and time when it will begin. Students must be prepared by having read and practiced the articles preceding those covered in the lesson, so that they can fully understand the new teachings the Founder has to offer. The Steps are constantly growing because Angel Jeanne has not finished writing and publishing her knowledge, which, in any case, we believe will never truly come to an end. The Steps will continue to expand, just as each of us will continue to grow. We are therefore happy about the Academy’s continuous evolution and the vast amount of material that can only be found in this Psychic School. In fact, the material found within the Steps cannot be found on any other websites outside of A.C.D. unless it has been copied and published elsewhere under false claims of ownership! In such cases, it will be necessary to investigate and uncover the truth: it is essential to notify the Staff of any suspicions so they can verify the situation.

All these teachings come from the direct experience and firsthand Practice of the Founder Angel Jeanne. Many may talk about the same topics, but only those with true psychic experience can explain them perfectly, allowing others to gain real, personal experience. Practicing students will not need to seek knowledge elsewhere because they will recognize the unparalleled quality of the teachings presented and shared within the Academy of Dimensional Consciousness.

Each Lesson will introduce new topics, updates, or Q&A sessions on previously covered subjects. Lessons will be conducted via chat, and there will be no need for a webcam or microphone, except in rare cases of audio Lessons. However, these are less frequent because transcribing them would take too long, delaying their publication in the Steps. For this reason, written lessons will always be preferred. Each Lesson will be scheduled for a predetermined date and noted in the relevant chat. During the Lessons, students may ask any questions they wish, as long as they remain within the designated topic. We encourage you to attend as many Lessons as possible to take advantage of the opportunity to engage directly with Angel. By participating in all online Lessons, you may also receive an invitation to live Tours, where Angel Jeanne will personally lead the event.

  • paolo2018

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    16:54 13/03/25

    Buongiorno, mi ritengo una persona fortunata in discreta salute, con una bellissima famiglia ed un ottimo lavoro. Ho avuto due meravigliosi genitori ed una vita serena ed interessante fino ad oggi. Posso dire che mi manca ben poco nella quotidianita'. Cio' nonostante ho sempre avvertito negli anni che mi mancava la cosa piu' importante e cioe' il contatto con il vero me stesso. Su youtube mi sono imbattuto in un video dell'accademia e mi sono quindi appena iscritto. Grazie a tutti

  • selly

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    17:55 05/02/25

    onorata di farne parte, macrolibrarsi mi ha messo a conoscenza di questa meravigliosa accademia, Grazie!

  • Simonetta

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    11:10 05/02/25

    Buongiorno a tutti. Sono venuta a conoscenza dell'Accademia da una cara amica. Sono entrata nel sito e ho iniziato a curiosare. Mi è piaciuto il percorso proposto, e sono desiderosa di approfondire le mie conoscenze e lavorare ulteriormente su me stessa. Grazie per questa opportunità

  • Elena

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    08:58 05/02/25

    Sono entrata perchè vorrei capire molte delle domande che mi pongo negli ultimi tenpi e soprattutto perchè mi sento molto annebbiata e confusa, non sono convinta dipenda tutto da come vivo o da come mi nutro, vorrei poter aprire la mente molto di più di quello che ho sempre fatto, non solo per un miglioramento fsico e psichico ma per capire se alcuni pensieri recenti sono in realtà cose fondate ma che non posso dimostrare piu' che a me stessa a coloro che mi vogliono bene

  • taty

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    15:53 02/02/25

    Sono cascata dalle nuvole, sono arrivata alla 64ª lezione (step tre). Mi sono svegliata questa mattina dicendomi di dover ricominciare da capo. E ho fatto bene! In quanto la prima volta sono entrata, non capendo bene come utilizzare il VoiceOver e dove cliccare, appena ho visto un audio, ho pensato che fosse da lì che dovevo partire. E invece eccomi qui sono onoratissima, e farò di tutto per mettere in pratica queste bellissime elezioni, e avanzare di livello. Grazie a tutti voi per l’impegno!

  • stefyda3

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    14:47 01/02/25

    Questa mattina , appena mi sono svegliata, ho sentito il bisogno di rispolverare vecchi libri sul risveglio spirituale, e il caso ha voluto che abbia trovato sulla poltrona della mia camera un volantino dell'accademia. Un sincronismo che non ho voluto ignorare....ed eccomi qui, emozionata di intraprendere questo nuovo percorso. Grazie di cuore per tutto ciò che fate

  • Stefyda3

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    07:07 01/02/25

    Sono profondamente grata all'universo per avervi trovato. Ho sentito ultimamente il bisogno di un risveglio spirituale, dopo un periodo molto difficile. Avevo intenzione di rispolverare vecchie letture sulla spiritualità ma questa mattina, con grande stupore, ho trovato l'opuscolo della scuola, e ho capito che questo evento non era casuale. Da anni avrei voluto frequentare una scuola come la vostra, e non pensavo potesse esistere. State facendo un lavoro eccezionale ed incomiabile, e vi ringrazio di cuore

  • rocco7

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    22:26 29/01/25

    grazie telegram e a chi a postato l ACD, ho effettuato la registrazione al sito l 11 di gennaio, ho fatto un prima lettura del 1 step e le mie prime meditazioni tutte di un fiato. Sono rimasto entusiasta e oggi che è il 29 di gennaio voglio rincominciare il percorso dall'inizio, ci vogliono più Angel e Alexander nel mondo per ora teniamoci di conto loro grazie per quello che fate.

  • tadolce

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    23:28 28/01/25

    Ho conosciuto ACD grazie a Macrolibrarsi. Dentro al pacco consegnatomi a casa, contenente dei libri, ho trovato un piccolo opuscolo pubblicitario. Per curiosità ho letto i primi articoli, entusiasta, mi sono registrata per seguire questo percorso in maniera più approfondita. Grazie per il vostro immenso lavoro.

  • electra

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    12:54 28/01/25

    Sono venuta a conoscenza del percorso qualche anno fa da parte di un mio amico, ma soltanto oggi ho deciso di iscrivermi per cominciare. Penso che ognuno di noi abbia un vuoto potenziale dentro di sé spesso sconosciuto e per questo pauroso, che spero, però, sia la porta verso un'espansione più vera e cruda del reale.

  • Cloe

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    08:55 27/01/25

    Ho letto alcuni stralci dei libri della fondatrice dal canale telegram e li ho molto apprezzati, mi é sembrato naturale proseguire l approfondimento, ma ho apprezzato ancora di piú la coraggiosa scelta del modo in cui condividere tutto ció. Vi fa molto onore.

  • margot94

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    23:06 26/01/25

    Come ho già detto anche in altri articoli , sONO FELICISSIMA di avervi trovato, e sopratutto di darci l'opportunità di frequentare l'accademia senza avere nulla in cambio e mettendoci anima e corpo in tutto ciò che fate, siete la salvezza per tutti noi , è solo UN 'ONORE far parte di questa grande famiglia!

  • Nicolehikari

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    10:39 26/01/25

    Spero di trovare le risposte che cerco tramite questo percorso. Da sempre mi sono fatta domande sulla vita e sull

  • silva

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    21:51 24/01/25

    Sono una ricercatrice spirituale e la vostra presentazione mi ha incuriosito e stimolato a rimettermi in gioco, pur non avendo tempo da perdere. Grazie per il vostro impegno

  • corinna

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    09:50 24/01/25

    spero che questo percorso possa aiutarmi a trovare lo scopo della mia vita, sicuramente male non fa approfondire argomenti meno noti alle masse.