Introduzione (1 parte)

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This book was written with a very specific intent: to enable anyone to recognize the alien presence in their life whenever it’s creating damage, despite its invisibly to our eyes. Many people are victims of alien influences and are unaware that their health and life problems have arisen because of them, that’s because it’s difficult to accept such a revelation; it’s much easier to think that our problems arise on their own, out of nowhere. Acknowledging the negative influence that some presences bring to our lives means that we have a chance to push them away and make sure that they will no longer affect us. For some people the subject of Aliens is still very distant, but for many others it has become routine because they have realized that although aliens are not seen, they are present, they affect us, and they manipulate our lives much more than we imagine. Through these pages you will learn useful information on how to distinguish an alien influence from what your real thoughts are, how to find the alien chips that have been inserted in your body, as well as how to prevent the insertion of further chips inside yourself and the people you love. You will learn the methods to eliminate the alien manipulations that have ruined many events and years of your life, even when you never thought it could be their doing. The chapters that follow will be filled with real-life experiences which I had when I was wide awake, often under the eyes of other people. As an evidence of this, within this book there are photos of actual alien chips I personally expelled from my body during the practice of Energy Healing on myself. In addition there will be photos, also personally taken by me, of Dimensional Beings who have shown themselves during my practice. Whether by accident or by decision of a higher Entity, the excessive experiences I have undergone throughout my whole life finally pushed me to react, and thus I understood how to free myself from alien subjugation; which is what I intend to teach you through these writings. I have studied through firsthand experience, the only source of truth that exists, and I understood how chips work, I discovered the various differences between the several types of chips, what their weaknesses are and how to deactivate them. This is not just a biography or a collection of extrasensory experiences; this is a real guide to allow you to free yourself and your family from alien influences. I will explain how to fight, how to stop being afraid, how to control unwanted actions. I will offer you the means to find out if you have alien chips inside your body, how to eliminate the ones you already have and how to prevent them from being reinserted. Through the many experiences I’ve had I learned to study the real facts and avoid interpretations. For this reason I decided to write down all the events that happened to me, to allow you to know the methods of defense, before you get to the bottom of the well, as it already happened to too many victims of these negative influences. Knowledge is Freedom, which is why I have decided to share my knowledge and teach others to take action instead of feeling sorry for themselves and complaining about their life problems: aliens do not take pity on human tears. To this day, I have found too many deluded people who are convinced that ignoring alien experiments is enough to stop them. Many live in the belief that, if left free to act, aliens will go away spontaneously, so they are allowing them to take whatever they want in the mere hope that one day they will lose interest and let go. Unfortunately, this will not be the case. Alien experiments, abductions and chip insertion can last a lifetime and involve also our loved ones, especially the lives of the little ones. Aliens have no mercy for anyone: they want to achieve a goal and if we continue to leave them free to do what they want, without preventing them from entering and ruining our lives, they will succeed. The truth is: if ignoring them was enough to make them go away, we would all have been freed long ago and would not be living such problematic lives. The real problem is that most people don't know what aliens want, so they don't know the reasons why they decide to influence our thoughts and manipulate the events in our lives so that bad experiences happen to us. But omitting the subject is not the solution to our suffering, because by pretending that they do not exist we continue to allow them to work on us undisturbed, both as human species and as individuals.
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Too many times we let them hurt others, even people who are dear to us, just because the fear of getting involved prevented us from doing anything to help, and we preferred to think that just ignoring them was enough to stop them from attacking us. Today, however, many people are still their victims, because as humans we have not been good at cooperating among ourselves and preventing aliens from enhancing their power in the meantime. For the same reason, there are still some people who ask for help but who are not believed, or are left to their fate even by those who know that they are telling the truth, for fear of undergoing the same treatment. Too many people act like cowards until it’s their turn, or worse, their family members’ turn. At that point, no one will offer them their help. Before it's too late, I will explain why you need to fight back and how you can do it. Aliens are like burglars. If a burglar entered your house and you pretended they were not there, would they perhaps stop stealing? Obviously, they would quietly steal everything they could find, undisturbed,. If you showed them your gun instead, would they continue stealing? It is fair to think that they would run away at the drop of a hat, and you can be sure that they would never return. This is why you need to fight back. Within these pages I will teach you how to defend yourself against intruders and stop suffering from their presence, even though many times it’s not so obvious. Regardless of whether you want to understand the truth or ignore it, it does not change the fact that they exist and that they have likely been having their eyes on you for many years already. You will also find descriptions of the aliens that I have personally seen and studied, which will be different from the usual information that can be found on the Internet or in works of various writers who recount other people's experiences – because they never had firsthand experience – and often talk about regressive hypnosis or dreams in which aliens were featured. The experiences recounted in this book were lived in first person, while I was awake, in the day time and in the nigh time; and some were beautiful, while some were much less exciting. They are not tales from other people and they are not based on dreams or hypnosis but on real, concrete memories. It is remarkable to point out that I have never taken drugs, psychiatric drugs or anti-depressants, I do not drink alcohol, and I do not smoke. Even though to the untrained eye this might seem like a trivial premise, you will discover how important it is to completely avoid the use of certain substances, especially when coming into contact with dark aliens. I decided to start writing this book because, after all the experiences that happened during my lifetime, the main question I was asking myself was: "How did I come to have so many experiences with aliens? Is there perhaps a more important purpose that I should follow?" Even if we want to ignore each other and rather pretend otherwise, we are all connected in this world. Perhaps the reason why I have experienced such heavy alien experiments and abductions is so that I can offer a way out to other people, who will be able to win their own battles more quickly through my experience. Regardless of what the reason is behind this, what really matters is that I explain to you how to come out of what I deem a bad cycle. That’s because through the influences I have undergone, the abductions, the chips I have had to deactivate through my own strength only, I have learned to handle such experiences with skill, a mandatory choice in order to live a peaceful life. Today I’m ready to explain to you how to succeed in doing the same. Later in this book you will find abundant practical techniques that will help you step by step, in order to protect yourself from the mental and physical influences that the overlords of the sky have on us. I intend to reveal to you information about aliens that you won't be able to find anywhere else, as these are firsthand experiences and not tales that get spread by hearsay. In this book I will devote myself to the explanation of the subject of Aliens by starting from the absolute basics, in order to ease the understanding of all those people who have never heard of aliens or have never inquired about this topic because of fear, little interest, distrust or scepticism. Immediately after I will have concluded with the basics, we will move on to the following explanations, which will fulfil any doubt of all the people who have spent their lives studying and searching for answers about the alien presence and their method of operation, but have never found anyone who has had real experiences that could confirm their hypotheses. With this book I will offer a foundation to those who are approaching the subject for the first time, and provide solid knowledge to those who have been looking into it for many years. I can assure you that I am not the typical person who is under the illusion that aliens are all good and will save us from a certain end to take us to a paradisiacal world made just for us; nor I am the typical paranoid person, convinced that all existing aliens are evil, that they will kill us all, and that there is no hope for us anymore.
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My memories comprise many experiences with dark aliens, but also direct experiences with good aliens. This has allowed me to know both sides of spiritual life and ignited in me the desire to continue to gather as much information as possible. You will understand why I am happy to have been able to get to know both good aliens, among whom there have been some more generous than others, but also the dark ones, some of whom definitely more cruel than others. Nevertheless, all these experiences have increased in me the desire of wanting to free human minds from alien manipulation. This is why I have dedicated myself to these books day and night, to teach as many people as possible how to get out of the tunnel. In this book I have poured all my passion and interest to free us from these dark presences; we could say that these pages are part of my Soul. I dedicate this work to all those who are unfamiliar with the world of aliens, and I guarantee that this topic will be deepened to such an extent that you will understand more than you have never dared to ask. At the same time, I dedicate these pages to those who feel they are already informed enough, so that they can learn through my firsthand experience and expand their point of view. I assure you that this book will be within everyone's reach, as it will be written using terms that are public and easy to understand, I will avoid complicated words that would prevent most readers from learning its contents. My aim, in fact, is to make this information accessible to anyone, even to the "laymen" of the subject and not just to the "elected ones”- as many people like to call themselves today - sure of the usefulness of these pages for both categories of people. In addition, I will explain how I came to gather certain information about aliens and the methods I used to protect myself from them.
This is a true Psychic Handbook, written to be within the reach of all those who are serious about defending their freedom, their privacy, their personal decisions and their lives. This is a practical book, not a theoretical one! You will learn mental and psychic defense techniques, which no one has ever taught you before, in order to face any dangerous situation without the slightest fear. With the absolute certainty that this book will be most useful in every aspect, I invite you to read very carefully every single word in these pages: this will be essential to understand the true message I wish to convey. Before we begin, I ask you to read all the chapter titles listed in the table of contents, so that you understand what subjects will be covered. As you have done this you can begin reading the first chapter. Take care not to jump from one chapter to the next before you have even finished the previous one, as this book has been formulated with a careful criteria to make sure that you understand the information presented in the best way possible. Skipping chapters, avoiding to read some of them, or reading them in disarray could alter your understanding of the information and thus confuse you. Having said that, let’s begin this journey to the understanding of Aliens.
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