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Let’s begin with a quick introduction to Aliens, and then we’ll delve into every point we touched between these lines in order to discern as much information as possible and allow you to have a complete overview. 

The term Aliens refers to everything that, as a living form, is neither born nor known on the face of the Earth. As the word 'extraterrestrial' implies, aliens are living beings that were not physically born on Earth, but who have come to life elsewhere in the universe, therefore on another planet or in another physical dimension distant from our own. The term Alien only identifies the physical body of the living being that we perceive as being 'foreign' to the Earth, but this does not always coincide with its true essence, i.e. its Consciousness or also called Soul. We can indeed speak of an alien physical body - which is born on another planet distant from the Earth - but we cannot define its Soul as equally alien, because the truth is that it may have lived so many incarnations in different forms of life that its Essence belongs to no planet and no dimension in particular, as it may have inhabited them all. For us humans, reincarnation is still a very difficult subject to accept, but for aliens it is not at all, as they are much more culturally advanced: they know that reincarnation exists and happens in the most natural way. Therefore, a Soul that lives inside a physical human body today, in a distant life may have lived on another planet, inside another alien race, and recognized itself in it for as long as it inhabited that body. Many people still confuse the physical body with the Soul and believe that a person's identity is the body in which they reside. This is why there is difficulty in the understanding that we also may have been "aliens" in some past lives. An alien is simply a living being that was not born on Earth: it does not have a human body similar to ours because it was not born from human parents. The Soul, however, is not necessarily terrestrial, for there are plenty of other worlds where one can be born and originate a Soul. In fact, there are countless Consciences who were born in distant dimensions and only later reincarnated on this planet within human bodies. Would this lead to making us call these people "aliens"? No, because the Soul cannot be seen by the eyes, while the physical body can; therefore from the moment that a Conscience is incarnated in a human body, that presence belongs to all intents and purposes to the human race. There are people who call themselves "aliens" because they remember experiences in other bodies that belong to non-human races. Having memories of incarnations lived in other worlds, within non-human physical bodies, is much more common than it seems because there are many Souls who choose to reincarnate in different dimensions, time after time. Even if you were born inside a human body in this life, it does not mean that you have always been a human, because in the distant or recent past you may have experienced an incarnation inside an "alien" body. The obstacle that can make you doubt about the existence of previous lives - and therefore reincarnation - lies precisely in the difficulty to remember, which is why people prefer to think that these experiences do not exist and that they are all fantasies. Instead, you should ask yourself why you don’t remember and whether this amnesia is natural or imposed on you for the benefit of a third party.

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Who needs a society of people who don’t remember who they are? You will soon understand. In this book I will explain what Reincarnation is, how it works, and how to remember your past lives so that you will have the means to understand. Those who feel like they are "aliens" are not entirely wrong, because it may be true that in the past they have experienced incarnations in physical bodies that today – because we are humans – we call alien. On the other hand, it is necessary to explain this concept properly, because we should not stop at appearances. The term alien indicates a living being with a physical body that was not born on Earth, therefore all of us who are born on planet Earth in this life and have a terrestrial body are definable as human. What distinguishes us from other humans and makes us different is our Soul, which can be quite young or very mature. We could not define a Soul as "alien," because a Soul has lived so many lives in so many different dimensions that it is a foregone conclusion to say that it is alien and not uniquely human. Yet, there are so may Consciences in existance, which are so well hidden that they are not easily recognized, in fact they often do not even recognize each other. So we are human as far as the body is concerned, while the Soul may come from other dimensions and is therefore definable as "universal." The feeling of being alien to this day, even though we visually possess a human body, surely stems from the internal awareness of having lived past lives in which we were aliens, or better said, we were not human. In fact in the past we were individuals of another race and we lived on another world, therefore when observing from those eyes it was the humans who were "aliens", as they lived on another planet distant from ours. It is not so strange to think that we also have experienced alien incarnations because just like a Soul can leave a human body and reincarnate in another human body - which could be in a very distant part of the planet - the same Consciousness could decide to reincarnate in a more distant body, even in a whole other part of the universe. Therefore it’s true: aliens exist. It would be ridiculous to think that in the whole universe only humans exist. More than ridiculous it would be terrifying... but knowing that aliens exist is not enough to know everything about them. On the contrary, what is there to know is much more complex than it seems. We must start by acknowledging that there are many alien "races" of different forms and different levels of evolution. Some of them are defined as humanoid because they have human features in so far as they possess two arms, two legs, a nose, and two eyes. So they roughly look similar to us and at a distance they are easily confused for humans. Other alien species, on the other hand, have much more resemblance with animals, but they are not identical in their physiognomic structure, their DNA and their mental evolution because, for example, these aliens might walk upright while the terrestrial animals they resemble walk on four legs. Moreover, there are races which vaguely resemble the physiognomy of insects. Also, there are alien races whose bodies are geometrical shapes (so they do not possess arms or legs); and others who possess a body so small or so large that they cannot be given a shape for how difficult it is to see and analyze them from a human eye. Thus, there are thousands of thousands of different races and although we want to believe that as humans we are the most knowledgeable in the universe, the truth is that we don’t even know the smallest percentage of the living beings that inhabit this galaxy.

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Just like humans are all different from each other, both in mind and Consciousness, there are of course diversities of interest and intention also in alien populations. We will very vulgarly distinguish them as good aliens and evil aliens, although later on you will understand that each race is made of individuals who can be very different from each other - just like humans - even though we’re part of the same species. There are races which were born and raised in very positive places, through which they have learned the value of life and spiritual evolution. These aliens use part of their time to help the evolution of other individuals, but have nothing to do with the expectations that humans have on them. On the other hand we have other races, very different from these first ones, who grew up in dark dimensions which made them evil. I talk about good alien races and dark alien races just to give a general idea, but it is important to understand from the beginning that we cannot lump all individuals together. If we were to talk about the human race in general, would it perhaps be said to be a dark race? It would be excessive to call it such because if not for a significantly smaller percentage of uncaring and brainless people, there are lots of people who are actually good and respectful towards others and towards life. Mindless humans consider the whole human race - of which they are part of as well - as being "the problem" of this world, the evil of the Earth, in the conviction (and they try to convince others of the same thesis) that our race is just a burden on this planet, as if all humans were a virus that brings harm to the life of the planet. There are people who have made many mistakes on this planet, this is undeniable, although we would have to understand whether they were really human or not, and we will talk about that in a little while. Still, we must realize that all humans are different from each other, as there are individuals who wish to help the planet and the population by pushing it towards growth, and there are individuals who would not even deserve to be called humans, because they are only here to bring trouble. But without that positive part of the human race, the Earth would not have evolved because we are part of its life and we are the ones who bring scientific, medical, technological, and of course, Spiritual evolution to this world, while other 'people' engage in muddying the waters and leading the population towards very dark and wrong choices, regarding all the issues just mentioned. We are essential to the evolution of this planet. There are alien races, or better said, positive groups of certain races, who are very secretly helping us in our evolution because although they are much older and wiser than the human race, they believe that our population has some goodness, as well as potential. So, overall, humans are not as bad as some people want to believe and make others believe. This is because aliens can recognise which humans are really human, and which 'humans' live on this planet to confuse other humans. For the same reasons some other groups of alien races would like to wipe us out as soon as possible, as they consider us to be an obstacle to the achievement of their goals. But if we are still here it’s clear that we still have a chance to recover and overcome this enormous obstacle. It must be made clear altogether that our race is not the first to have been born in this universe, neither it is the last.

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Unfortunately, there is still a lot of ignorance about this and there is a strange idea among people  that all planets came into being at the same time and therefore that only on the Earth there are living beings, or that life on planets developed at exactly the same time. As this was not enough, they believe that humans are the most evolved and ancient race in the universe. How can we trust these extreme contradictions? There are planets in this universe that were created billions of years after others, so life on them blossomed long after. This universe is too big for us to be convinced that the only planets that exist are the eight ones in our solar system which we studied in primary school, as if in the whole universe there were no others, and as if nothing has changed scientifically since we studied this in school decades ago. Moreover, it is unrealistic to think that there is no life on these eight planets, as if the Earth was the only habitable one. It is obvious that the Earth is the only one habitable by Terrestrials, therefore by humans who were born on the Earth, because our bodies are perfectly suited for living on this planet and we are not necessarily able to live on other planets; so this means that on other planets, for example on Jupiter, its habitants won’t have to be just like human beings! Even a child would understand that on a different planet there will be living beings suited for that kind of environment, and certainly they won’t be living on planet Earth. How could we expect the population of Jupiter to be born identical to humans? Or its animals to be born identical to terrestrial animals? Obviously that’s not the case, because humans are not the universal icon of life: the Universe does not ask humans for the permission to expand and give birth to new species! Let’s get this straight in our heads. Nobody asks for our permission to do anything, because humans are neither the leaders nor the example for the other living beings in the universe to follow. The other races do what they want and it’s only up to humans to inform themselves and study these situations and developments, rather than staying ignorant; but without being deluded to have a say because aliens do not ask humans for the permission to do what they want on their planet, and unfortunately not even on ours. Around our planet there are many other living species that have nothing to do with humans. The universe does not revolve around the Earth, so let’s get it out of our heads that other living beings must be in the image and likeness of humans, and also that if that’s not the case it would mean that they do not exist. All this is a serious mistake. It also needs to be said that life on a planet does not evolve in the same time frame for everyone, as it depends on the conditions of the planet and the various circumstances. Living beings could be born immediately, just as they could be born after hundreds of thousands of years, even though the planet has existed for much longer. "The world is beautiful because it is varied" and I would add that the universe is beautiful because it’s mixed, parts of it were created earlier, some much later, and some will be created in the future. This is why there are alien races that are far more technologically advanced than us and others that still don’t even know the simplest method of communication at a distance, which is what a telephone is for us. If we could look into the future of this planet, perhaps at two thousand years from now, we would discover that even humans will have invented machines capable of getting us out of our atmosphere and into other worlds, quickly and without risk. We’re talking about technologies so advanced that we could get from one point in the universe to another in no time at all; developments that now - two thousand years before - we cannot imagine, and even less accept.

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For the same reason, there are alien races which are so highly evolved that they possess technologies which we cannot understand as humans, or at least not quickly. Of course, also the evolution of each planet is different from the evolution of ours. For instance, there could be intelligent races that evolve much faster than others, or less active races that despite the years and centuries passing by, remain almost stagnant in their ideas and beliefs, as they don’t dare to open their minds and to push themselves to discover more, so they stay stuck in an evolutionary stalemate without making any progress. In fact, there may be alien races that are older than us, but less technologically advanced than our race; the same is true in reverse. It is important to understand that every planet is different and the steps taken in the direction of evolution are never the same on every planet. For example here on Earth we have gone from reading a paper book to reading e-books online directly from the web, but on other planets there may never be spoken and written languages like on ours. Therefore their habitants might evolve other abilities, for example fast physical movement from one planet to another, but they will never know the transition from learning to speak to being able to write and conjugate verbs or even speak in other languages, because these are not notions that belong to their planet, while they are characteristics of ours. We may focus on the perfect conjugation of verbs and not be interested in studying the kind of machine that can perform such movements. This means that we should not base the evolution of an alien race on the same steps that humans had to go through, because other races may have never created a written form of their own language and yet they can fly and travel through space faster than we can. Consequently, it is important to realise that the levels of maturity that characterise our culture, such as learning to read and write - which are of fundamental importance for living in our society - may never exist on other planets, on which  people’s evolution is based on quite different standards. On other planets, however, verbal and written language may be as important as on ours, or even more so, to the point that they do not stop at studying the different languages of their own planet (in case there are any, since it is not said that they possess several languages like us) but they may also be interested in studying the languages of other planets and dimensions, even though they do not belong to them. By language we do not only mean spoken language, but also body language, artistic language (such as paintings) which is not so obvious and easy to understand. Although some people are so closed-minded that they are not even interested in discovering other human cultures – and even less those of other living beings – on the other hand, there ar alien cultures who are much more 'studious' and curious than we are, so they are very interested in understanding how humans communicate, through the various means we habitually use. We communicate in many ways: in the way we dress, in the way we behave, in the way we move and walk, in the way we dye our hair, in the way we approach our fellow humans, as well as, of course, in the way we speak and give life to the most various forms of art.

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  • Iris

    Sei sicuro?

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    11:51 23/03/25

    Eh sì, per secoli abbiamo dato per scontato che gli alieni eventuali fossero ominidi verdi con una lingua differente dalla nostra emessa comunque vocalmente.. ma potrebbero essere inconsistenti fatti di un gas e prendere forme diverse o comunicare con onde o spostarsi come il vento, essere di colori cangianti che il nostro cristallino non distingue, ecc evolversi con fasi differenti dalle nostre e mille altre caratteristiche che non immaginiamo neanche ..

  • niko77

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    01:23 21/02/25

    La nostra idea sugli alieni deriva principalmente dall'arroganza tipica dell'essere umano che si crede superiore a ogni essere vivente, più intelligente sotto ogni punto di vista e possibilmente unico essere perfetto a essere stato creato nell'unico mondo possibile...forse quest'ultima cosa è la più giusta. Noi esseri umani siamo giusti per questa Terra. La nostra forma fisica e il nostro modo di pensare e comunicare deriva dal fatto di essere qui... Le razze che definiamo aliene sono semplicemente razze che abitano altri pianeti e che si trovano distanti da noi milioni di anni luce o anche su altre dimensioni. La loro forma corporea e tutte le strutture viventi sono molto diverse dalla nostra proprio per la conformazione e le caratteristiche del loro abitat naturale. Così come esistono esseri umani buoni e cattivi - se vogliamo dare categorie così ristrette - allo stesso modo ci sono Alieni buoni e cattivi. Alieni spirituali che portano avanti la conoscenza e la prosperità dello spirito e invece altre specie che, abitando le dimensioni oscure ne hanno preso tutte le caratteristiche. Nell'affrontare la nostra evoluzione e memoria delle vite passate ci potrebbe capitare di ricordare che siamo stati abitanti di altri pianeti, quindi alieni a nostra volta... Questo modo di rivedere la nostra evoluzione è molto interessante oltrechè più logica di molte teorie sulla creazione che parte nello stesso momento. Noi siamo stati creati in un determinato tempo così come la nostra Terra, ma altre razze aliene possono essere state create prima oppure anche dopo di noi e tutta l'evoluzione delle razze si è evoluta secondo varie dinamiche... Il discorso inizia a farsi molto interessante...non vedo l'ora di leggere il resto...👍👍👍