I Programmi Alieni (3 parte)
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In doing so, we take every single thing for granted, from our mother's gestures of love, which we think she does simply because we are her children - and that it’s taken for granted that she does them - to our brother's defending us during a bad situation - thinking that it’s his duty to do so - to our best friend's words of courage - again taking them for granted, expected - locking ourselves in the usual belief that everything is owed to us and that other people should be nice to us as if it was a duty. These are programs that little by little are inserted more and more into our heads to set us against each other, partner against partner, child against parent. There are also other ways of setting us against each other, so we must pay close attention to these manipulations. Among the manipulations of the Rulers on the masses, we find many methods including fashions and subliminal messages that target children and young people, different from those precisely designed towards each adult age group and far more numerous than we can imagine. By fashions I mean all those ways of behaving, speaking, acting, thinking and even dressing, which go to manipulate people's minds and make them slaves of the system. One fashion towards young people is to push them to start smoking when they are young, despite the fact that it’s obvious that at the age of eleven one has no interest in cigarettes, one does not start smoking out of stress but only because grown-ups do it and kids want to imitate them, many times to group up with other peers who already smoke - influenced in turn by someone else they are inspired by - as a result, one will start smoking to feel older and the others will start to feel as big as him. Characters in current TV series for young girls do nothing but constantly give wrong messages that young girls will want to imitate, such as the example of being with one boy but 'loving' another, going out and sleeping with several boys at the same time without any conscience, even though they are 'little girls'; passing on the message that it’s OK to sleep with everyone because 'you have to experience and try as many things as possible'. Yeah, except that they are pushing themselves towards the wrong experiences! In films for girls, more and more messages are being inserted specifically to make them more and more likely to 'fall in love' with men much older than them, even elderly men. Many mothers do not teach their daughters true principles, as they lack conscience and keep repeating that men are 'stupid' and that a woman needs an older man; young girls will take these words literally, agreeing to go out with men much older than them. Mothers should teach their daughters to respect themselves, especially since, being so young, they do not respect their own bodies. Teenage TV shows, new singers specially 'created' for young people, serve to win their attention and then make the boys follow in the footsteps of these singers' 'private lives'. It’s a pity that these singers do not have a private life, but everything they do has been decided from above to make young people follow every 'life mistake' of their favourite artists step by step. But young people do not get to choose their favourite artists because everyone has already been decided: every single actor and artist that young people like is put there on purpose to appeal to their minds and make sure that they will follow their idol as an example, an inspiration, in everything they do. If their idol smokes, the youngsters will smoke; if their idol has sex with anyone, the youngsters will take it as an example. If their idol gets drunk, the kids will do the same. The point is: why does gossip care so much about all this information about that particular artist? Why promote the artist's private life with their 'followers' and not simply their music? Because music is just a method of attracting young people and accompanying them step by step to every single mistake the Rulers want young people to make. That is why the Rulers are so committed to pushing young people to do drugs. If not, they would prevent young singers from promoting the example that 'doing drugs is cool' and influencing even younger fans to follow the same example. Instead, it’s very important for those who Govern us that kids start taking drugs. Because of these bad examples, teenagers grow up with the conviction that becoming an adult only means being able to sleep with as many people as possible and smoke hard drugs or have behaviours that they think adults have, i.e. those shown by the celebrities they follow: eternal children enjoying the world as if it was a playground, made of drugs, alcohol and sex.
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These figures are not real people who set an example of their way of life, but are totally exploited as puppets, they are just people sold and sometimes forced, to use their image to send certain messages to their listeners. As if it was not obvious enough, these 'idols' as well as singers and actors who became famous in their teenage years, tell in all interviews that they sold their souls to the devil, and this is the only way they succeeded. These phrases are never coincidental but said while reading a script that serves to make young people believe that following certain fashions - such as the clear reference to Satanism - can lead them to succeed and become as famous as the celebrities they follow. It's only natural that these singers, who know nothing, who do not even know where their feet are, are reading a script written specifically to influence children and young people, so that they are convinced that in order to make a career and be loved by people they must 'sell their soul to the devil'. In many cases this 'devil' is a pure reference to the 'Almighty Dollar', since actors and singers, in order to become famous, must necessarily sell themselves 'in body and soul', in other words, do whatever the record companies, or whoever the people who pay them are, tell them to do. It’s normal: this is their job! Otherwise, they would not get paid. And these 'stars' do not bother themselves that they are negatively influencing young people, in exchange for money; on the contrary, in order to increase their income, it will be fine if the younger generations believe that in order to make a career they must become just like their idols: prostitutes, in body and mind. On the other hand, it must be said that certain actors and singers have done far worse than that, literally participating in obscure rituals, but more on that later. This, too, is a program chosen by the Rulers that pushes young girls to believe that in order to be successful they need to imitate their favourite singers, and if they have chosen to prostitute themselves, then it is only fair if they - the young girls - do likewise. In other words, they will think that it’s not a really bad thing, because 'if she did it, so can I'. And these poor young singers, eager to become famous at any cost, will accept anything to feel appreciated by their fans. They therefore accept to sell themselves to a production company that has imposed rules including offering a higher salary if one does whatever it wants, so that the poor singer, eager to become famous at any cost, sells herself for appearances. This is why it is said to sell one's soul to the devil: to sell one's life by exchanging it for money, a material considered to be closely connected to Satan. This means that sell-outs will not only act during film scenes, but also throughout their lives, which will be kept in the spotlight every day: the gossip papers will not tell their real lives, but what they have been paid to tell. Everything these artists sing, the music videos in which they dance, etc. are creations of the production company they work for. All that these singers/actors say during interviews, or at the end of concerts during tours, are phrases that they have previously studied with their employers to make them sound spontaneous and real, but are in fact scripts that they have had to study well in order to perform live. Therefore, of all the statements they make in front of the cameras, even at times when one is convinced that these characters are spontaneous and sincere, one should not listen to a single word, because there is no truth in what they say or what they do. And if any of them should repent and try to back out in the hope of returning to their former life, they will immediately be threatened with bankruptcy, as well as being hindered from becoming famous: there will be real blackmail and many characters - who refused to continue manipulating young people through these recited scripts - have been sent to psychiatric treatment by pretending they were crazy. The truth is that in such cases they send the uncomfortable people to psychiatry, those who could reveal the truth of what is really going on behind the screens. Through prolonged hospitalisations, these actors and singers, who wished to end their work contract and stop being the prostitutes of the Rulers, are unable to escape and through torture and heavy medication are forced to continue their work. Behind the celebrity business there is so much darkness that one has no idea. Therefore, once you have entered this circle, you cannot get out. People often talk about satanic sects, but they do not realise that the first and most powerful sect is precisely the one behind television programs, where the most famous actors and singers are only those who sell themselves to certain Leaders.
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These characters are not only selling their voice, but also their image and their whole life, because on this will depend the example that young people will take, convinced that these actors are sincere and behave as they say they do in real life. Basically, they will grow up and become adults convinced that the tabloid newspapers tell the truth about the daily lives of the performers, just as they will grow up convinced that the newspapers and the television news tell the whole truth every day. In the meantime, these celebrities, sold to the bone, will stage a marriage, a divorce, an illness, just to make the news. But it’s all false. Many times, even deaths have been faked, and not always for the actor's sake... Every single piece of news has previously been designed to get people talking, so that people's attention is drawn to the divorce of a famous couple, paying less attention to the taxes that the politician of the day is introducing and increasing in the meantime. Actors will give birth to a child and their fans will all be focused on that child; but that child will be used to spread new fashions, using the child's image to convince other parents to behave in the same way. Whether it’s buying a certain product for their children, to the point of making much more serious decisions for the child's life, these actors script the birth of their child solely to exploit its image to manipulate the minds of all their fans. These are simply tactics to distract our attention while something really serious is happening in politics. But we will all be too distracted by the birth of that already famous baby to even find time to focus on the really important issues that are happening at the very same time. We have to understand that these influencers, singers, actors, or whatever they are as long as they are followed by millions of people, are being paid to give birth to a child whose image they will use to manipulate people's thinking. The actors will use the child's image to attract attention, make the public love him, and through him push a collective thought or a new fashion that will go viral. But this was already decided by those who pay the salaries of these actors. It has to be understood that from the moment someone appears on TV, even if only in a small part, he is already sold to someone, and has to respect the script they have given him. But to us viewers they only show what it suits them that we know, which is a continuous play; they do not tell us the truth of the facts! Television is in fact a military tool used to manipulate millions of minds: actors, presenters, singers, etc. have to say and do exactly what they are told to do whether they want to or not; because the pacts are clear, and they cannot choose when to refuse or go ahead. They have to do whatever they are told to do, including how they dress, their partners, how they behave with their children and how many they must have, many times passing them off as natural children even though they have been 'adopted' in order not to undergo childbirth; there is nothing wrong with that, but what is strange is why they have to keep it hidden and stage a birth that never took place, and then 'boast' about their beautiful young bodies even though they have 'given birth to many children'. The baby bump they show in the photos and videos are, of course, just as fake as the bellies of the actresses who play the pregnancy scene in the films: it seems obvious to me to say that they are not really pregnant but that it’s a fake silicone belly. If their goals were positive, such as adopting children in need, they would certainly boast about it; instead, they keep these children hidden by pretending that they are natural births, even though these children were born to other women. We should reflect on why so many actresses and celebrities fake a pregnancy rather than give birth to a natural child. We should also ask ourselves whether that child was really a poor orphan picked up by hunger, as we would instinctively think, or whether it’s a 'birth for hire', i.e. paying another woman to give birth to a certain child that will then be bought by celebrities; but again we should ask ourselves whether it’s true that that woman really agreed to offer their child in exchange for money, or whether it was taken from their hands without allowing them to report it, shutting them up first. The reasons are worse than you might think, and we will retract this argument later.
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So, if they can take the courage to stage a birth - or several births - acting out the script for almost a year and then pretend that their bodies are perfect despite their pregnancies, how could we believe that what we see on TV or in the newspapers are truths? How could we believe even a word they say? TV commentators, journalists, TV program presenters... all of them are paid to lie. Many of them do not even know the real truth, otherwise they might miss some information; that is why most of them are kept ignorant of the real events and are made to believe that certain news they share on TV is real. Many more of them, on the other hand, know perfectly well what the truth is but can act so well that they manage to deceive the population even though they know they are lying. They are paid to spread wrong, false and fabricated information to the world, hiding the real and really important information. So, first the editors, i.e. those who write the scripts to be acted out, are manipulated and bribed, after which we move on to the commentators, who will give false news on the news and will not rebel against this, until we arrive at the point where we, manipulated, will believe everything we are told on TV and react accordingly. What I am about to give you is a hallucinating example of how the program works on several people by touching the weak points of each of them. Think of all those women, but often also men, who, seeing perfect bodies on television, ruin their lives and their health in order to imitate them. These programs in fact touch both sexes: on women the sense of guilt will increase with every single bite they take, they will have to feel ugly and inferior and convince themselves that in order to be considered beautiful women and perhaps even become famous, they will have to become thin and remodelled like the ones that appear on TV. Men, convinced moreover that they are not influenced in the least by these programs - but are instead influenced as much as women - will look for a face and body in a partner that resembles their favourite actresses/idols with perfect bodies, and they will be driven to exaggeratedly criticise the natural bodies of the women they meet in their daily lives, judging them by the kilos, cellulite and the rest, stuck in the conviction that the women who appear on TV are really thin, toned and without the slightest hint of cellulite and stretch marks, as they make us believe from the screen. A lie, too, that it would be enough to leaf through the less famous magazines in which photos of the most beautiful women are published, taken when they least expect it, at the seaside, in costume... in which their real looks can be seen and realise how different they are from what they show on TV. Sometimes the program also works the other way round: women are looking for 'the perfect man', like the ones they see on TV, who in the programs always show themselves to be kind and helpful, with a super gymnastic, super pumped up, super six-pack, super everything, but, in reality, do these men really exist? No, but not because the best men in the world are all on TV, or because there are no men with a six-pack; but because the best men in the world spend all day working to support their families, and certainly not ten hours a day in the gym admiring their own muscles. Nice men exist, and they are the ones who spend time living a real life, not an act on TV where they show themselves to be good and nice, and then in reality cheat on their wives with young girls the age of their daughters. On the other hand, just as women may not have perfect bodies, men may not have perfect bodies either, and just as we women would like to be loved for who we are, we should do the same towards men. Not only the physical body of those famous people is a deception, therefore, but also the character is: in fact, the way men with perfect physiques behave on television programs are just recited phrases imposed on them in order to please the female viewers. If we were to observe them in their real lives, we would realise that they are just super-assembled narcissists who would not care about the woman but would only be interested in their own purposes and their own entertainment, they certainly do not know the word fidelity. This is a program! They are paid to be actors and they ruin their lives because they do everything that is imposed on them, purely and exclusively for money; they will certainly have millions of euros in the bank and this may seem exciting to us, but their life is one of constant following of orders and the impositions are not always as exciting as we think; quite the contrary. We have no idea what they do for money, and we are talking about truly disgusting actions.
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Therefore, through these people who are totally manipulated (in the belief that in order to make money, one can also sell their dignity), the message reaches us, convincing us that perhaps it would be better to imitate them in every way: it’s the program that wants us to take them as an example to imitate. Between fashions and subliminal messages, they harass us with programs that, by entering our subconscious, increase the possibility of us programming ourselves in the same way. The aliens also want us to be spoiled by sex, making it perverse. We observe how they insist on continually showing us in magazines, TV programs, advertisements, picture books, comics and more explicitly sexual nudity, to get us used to it. In fact, by now, no one is surprised to see a girl in a bikini in a television program in summer or winter, so much so that we can see the showgirls on TV in panties and bra even though they are shown at times accessible to children, and yet we are not disturbed by it, we do not realise the effect it has on the minds of children, who are the first victims of all this manipulation. Fashions, both for men and women, are pushing us to wear fewer and fewer clothes and to show as much of our body parts uncovered as possible, even in cold weather, in the belief that this will attract other people more. In reality I see it as an alcohol-fuelled flare-up, which is to say that at first you may be attracted but, after the initial enthusiasm, it all ends and the flame goes out. Certainly not everyone will agree with me, but I believe that in some ways we are undressing ourselves too much, forgetting that one should attract other people through their charisma, making people interested in the real identity of the person in front of them and not only in the outward appearance of the body in which that Consciousness resides. The program wants to make us more and more superficial, so that we ignore the Soul and only think about the appearance of the avatar being used. But if we realise that we are what is inside the body - what is called Consciousness or Soul - we could value it and begin to evolve by going deeper. But if we let our identity be all that is seen on the surface, it means that there will be no life inside. We must remember that we are what is inside, while the body is merely the machine we are driving in this life. Perhaps then you will understand why the aliens are so keen on making us superficial people: to make us completely forget Who We Really Are. And by dint of forgetting, we will cease to Be. Some people are firmly convinced that the alien programs work solely and exclusively on wanting to block the spiritual evolution of the individual person, but the truth is that they are committed to completely ruining the lives of the entire population; especially those who are not just physical bodies but Souls. They are conditioning us more and more in everything, changing our choices and habits. To begin to understand how it works, we must distrust everything that television wants to inculcate in us, and stop wasting time watching it and believing what we are told. We pay attention to the fashions, mental and physical, that they want to force us to follow. These are just some of the programs that are conditioning our lives. As you will discover in the following chapters, some alien influences can be individual, that is, they will manipulate the thinking of one person, so that through them they can then manipulate the thinking of others. Some programs, in fact, find it very difficult to be inserted into all human minds and for this they need an individual prone to temptation in order to exploit him as the main link in a long chain, so that once he has collapsed, they will be able to bring down the whole. Through this person, who is more manipulable than the others because of his weak mind, they will then be able to communicate directly with the other humans (without their knowledge) and get extremely pessimistic and depressive obsessions and thoughts into them, so that their mental state also collapses and they too become perfectly manipulable. In this way, it’s extremely easier for the aliens to insert programs on humans. This is just a smattering of what the programs are, but before we return to the subject, let us begin by becoming more aware of how this planet works. Later we will come to talk about alien abductions, subcutaneous chips, and analysing one by one all the alien races present at this time in history.
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