I Programmi Alieni (2 parte)
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If you try to entertain the idea that employment should change, so that every citizen can benefit from work while also having a life, people will reply that you are just a slacker who finds excuses not to work. The point is that you are working, perhaps without even being paid – given today’s crisis! – but in addition to being a good worker, you are also reflecting on how something is wrong with this program. Yet, people will tell you that you are crazy and that you have to thank God if you have a job, even if you are not getting paid because at least you are working! Think of all the people who are not working! You have to be thankful because not only they don’t pay you, but you also have to work! You can’t ask for explanations, and you can’t ask questions within yourself either, because even that is forbidden now. That’s one of those programs that you cannot change, a bit like world hunger, which you can’t even think of eradicating because you are nobody to think of changing things in the world! That’s what they make you believe. Everyone weeps crocodile tears for the hunger of poor children, but no one does anything to abate this problem because “it has always existed, there is nothing we can do about it”. And among other fake answers they say that it’s all our fault, although the reality is very different. The people have little to be blamed for while they keep spending money in donations that will never reach the destination, because the government has chosen that the poor countries will have to keep starving. In the meantime, in America they become more and more obese, to such an extent that they will start to float – and not because of highly evolved psychic gifts, but just because of how much food they ingest – and if they don't stop, they will end up flying away. Irony set aside, I'm explaining to you that world hunger is completely intentional and it’s not an issue that arised due to natural causes; because if it was, there wouldn't be so many people dying from obesity-related illnesses. There are hundreds of methods (and it’s not just a figure of speech) to save the poor countries and to improve those that don't look poor (but they are, like ours). Yet, they are not put into practice, precisely because the death of millions of people is very useful for the government and for the dark aliens who manipulate our minds with programs to prevent us from changing the situation, making us put off any useful action while only giving space to what wastes our time. We accept that it will be like this forever. Just think of all the inventions that we could have used to improve our economy – like free energy – and the inventions we could have used to protect ourselves from the artificially modified atmospheric phenomena that the Rulers use against us, and much more. Look at Nikola Tesla and Pier Luigi Ighina, who created ingenious technologies to benefit the citizens, but they were disapproved by the government which wanted to keep us bound and subjugated. Let’s take as an example the now-famous chemtrails, which the government has been trying to hide from us the whole time, even though we see them every day with our very eyes. Politicians tell us that they are not real, that they are simply condensation trails. At the same time in the books currently being studied by children in primary school, they are teaching that there are 'special planes' capable of changing the climate and creating rainstorms thanks to the chemicals they release during their passage. Why do they deny the existence of the clearly visible chemtrails to adults, while children are taught that chemtrails exist and that they will be the new normal? This program serves to prevent today’s mature adults from doing anything about it, while children will grow up in the belief that chemtrails are normal, and that “it’s always been that way”. Even though there are still quite a few adults today who are unable to look at the sky – because they keep looking at their feet instead! – and realise the existence of chemtrails, it’s impossible not to immediately notice how the passage of the plane is first transformed into a streaked cloud, which then expands into more clouds, which a few hours later become haunting clouds followed by rain. The normal trail of condensation that those born before the end of the 1990s really knew, was a very simple trail released by the aeroplane that in a few moments disappeared without leaving any trace in the sky. That happened within seconds, not hours! Today, on the other hand, planes release trails that not only don’t disappear immediately, but stay there and expand, creating stripes that will continue to widen over the hours and totally cover the sky with fake elongated clouds.
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The problem in itself is not that the rain comes from chemical trails, but that the rain is chemical. In fact, if they were spreading trails to simply make it rain in times of drought, the government itself would have no reason to conceal and deny their existence, they would rather vaunt the help they are offering to mankind through technology! Instead, they keep denying the existence of chemtrails and treat us as we were stupid and blind, not capable of looking at the sky and see them every single day. Well, it looks like not everyone is capable of that. The government denies the evidence in the hope that by dint of repeating its lies people will believe them. Chemtrails exist and are made of substances that are harmful to our health, that make us get ill faster and lower our consciousness. Through the heavy metals that they release in the trails (which humans, animals and plants absorb while breathing and also from the skin) they cause us physical and mental damage, such as memory loss, which is increasingly evident in everyone. The substances released through chemtrails have no positive purpose for our health or for our land, otherwise they wouldn’t deny the evidence that we can all observe with our own eyes! They deny it because they are trying to carry out their project without a citizens’ rebellion. Through chemtrails they aim to lower our psychic faculties, our consciousness, and to prevent us from Awakening. Those who meditate manage to keep their psychic faculties active in spite of everything, but those who don’t meditate will be annihilated to the point where we will be talking to empty heads, because there will be an absence of Consciousness in the people around us. When we will speak and confront each other, even on the simplest subject that anyone can understand, people won’t be able to have a discussion; and as if they had been lobotomised, they will come at us at any opportunity in order to defend the Rulers that have killed them inside. Just think of how everyone is talking about Africa today, everyone is super-informed thanks to non-information. People are proud of how many migrants arrive to Italy every day (and only to Italy, because other European countries refuse to let them in, so it’s up to Italy to contain the entire African population) but it’s forbidden to reflect on how to help Africa without emptying it of its inhabitants. Yes, because the Government doesn't give a damn about African people’s health, it doesn't give a damn about all the people who are dying. The Rulers need Africa, and in order to have it they need to empty it of its inhabitants and put them anywhere else. They don't care about humans: they need the land. And what do you think will happen to Italy if we let this program continue undisturbed and, even worse, defend it? We are being deceived on all fronts. They are leading us to believe that there is poverty in the world because of overpopulation, while they have incredible wealth and decide which humans to kill and how many peoples to exterminate. The wealth of one of these charlatans would be enough to feed an entire continent, and that’s also not just a figure of speech. It’s time we understand that this is all intentional. We are being made to believe that there are no solutions, but it would take just a little bit of logical thinking to realise that there are millions of solutions that the government decides not to use. Solar panels would be enough to provide free energy to all the territories of the planet, while saving money and optimising benefits. They make us believe that in other countries food is scarce, but just think of all the extra food that in other places is thrown away in large quantities, which could be used to feed the poor ones. But all this imbalance is intentional, it’s chosen on purpose to make people die! All it would take is for that good samaritan Pope to stop talking and bullshitting the faithful people, and really dedicate himself to helping the poor immigrants by giving them all of his wealth; not ours! Because the Pope's wealth alone would be enough to feed the entire population. But we are too submissive and blind to understand that all that wealth should not be in the hands of a single person while millions of people are dying of poverty in the rest of the planet. We have to understand that the pennies we donate don’t change the lives of the poor, but the riches of these scoundrels on the other hand are changing it, because they have been stolen from the people who are starving today! We must open our eyes and understand that it’s not our fault, like they tell us every day: it’s their fault. They are stealing the wealth of entire populations to share it among a circle of filthy rich people.
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There are dark humans among the Rulers who decide how to torture and mock us, but they couldn’t have reached this level of evil if there wasn’t someone above them, who aims at goals worse than we understand. So, I spoke about some of the programs that the dark aliens have created in society and on the masses, so that each human will tie other humans, doing their part to keep everyone in ignorance. The belief that world hunger is our fault is a serious dark program which we must stop falling for, because it’s the Government who enjoys emptying a continent and keeping the riches to themselves, while not giving a damn about the humans who live there. You will have to learn that every time the government blames the citizens for any problem in the world, saying that it’s our fault, it’s merely a strategy to turn us against each other so that we’re all distracted from the real and very serious damage they are creating on the planet. Every time they blame us for a problem the aim is to hide a plan that they are carrying out at this very moment: ‘divide and rule’. If the people are divided, they will never be able to rebel against the government and its dark plans. Because we always only talk about the countries that suffer hunger, we don’t realise that there are countries that suffer Dictatorship. There are places where if citizens don’t think exactly as their Dictators order them to think and allow themselves to have even the slightest thought of freedom, they are killed in front of everyone else’s eyes, to show what happens to those who are not submissive in body and soul. Modern Dictatorship is not satisfied with citizens who behave themselves and obey the Laws: today's Dictators demand servants who are subjugated in the depths of their minds and kneel in their Souls as well. If there was the will to help those people and free them from Dictatorship it could be done, but we must understand that if they really wanted to, the WHO, the UN and the World Government would have already solved every single issue in this world immediately. If today there are still countries on the planet that are under Dictatorship, it’s not because nobody can save them, but it’s because through them they intend to expand the Dictatorship in the rest of the world as well. They just need to find the most acceptable excuse to trap us in a political and sanitary Dictatorship, which it won’t be easy to get out of. Just think of how many thousands of 'associations' have been opened to collect money to send to Africa for aid. And then what? After 30 years we are still at the same starting point. There were associations set up by people who had good intentions, but they were not aware that it’s exactly those who Govern us who are evil and intend to preserve poverty, which is so comfortable to them. So many people donate their money and yet there is never enough money to do anything concrete, it’s a story that has been going on forever. The truth is that funds do come in, because people are generous; but these funds are then blocked and used by the Government, and the poor countries stay poor! And how do we think these 'poor people' are programmed to think towards us, the slightly less unlucky citizens? Of course they are taught to hate us because it’s ‘our fault' that they are poor, it’s 'our fault' because we don’t give them enough. They don’t know that those who make them poor are the evil ones who govern us, and who govern them as well! They are taught that the other populations don’t care about their suffering, that other populations enjoy themselves while they suffer. The Government divides people and makes us distrust each other, ensuring that we will be disunited in the face of any global scenario. Every single population is manipulated by the lies that the Rulers study with high precision. They kill millions of people by letting them starve to death and depriving them of medical care, and then they blame us, ordinary citizens, for not doing enough to save them. The only thing they urge us to do is to donate to charity associations that will be blocked and robbed. The money collected doesn’t reach the poor people because it will get magically lost and will be literally scattered among the rich. The poor will get the scraps, too little to really change anything, and that’s exactly what those who govern us want!
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We have to stop thinking that we can’t do anything for them and seriously decide to act, because these people deserve our help, but in the right way and not by following the deceiving lies of the Rulers. Aliens have created these programs in human society so that we are all bound by fear, ignorance, indecision and procrastination, and above all by the idea that we can do nothing to change things. This is false, just as it’s untrue that someone else will do the work for us. It’s the perfect agenda that keeps us still and obedient, thinking that if we don't act on something there will be someone else in the world who will do it instead of us. The time has come to take serious action, no more procrastination, no more fears, no more alien agendas that turn us against our terrestrial companions. Reflect on it. In addition to these huge mass programs, there are many others that are smaller in appearance but that totally ruin our existence on a daily basis. They divide us from one another to make the human people always competing and quarrelling with each other, while the aliens enjoy dividing up the planet. We don’t realise it but this planet is manipulated on every front by those who govern us: all the fashions that appear overnight among the young – and also among those who should be more mature but sometimes behave worse than the kids – have been chosen by those who govern us. We have to realise how all manners, costumes, new trends, have been pushed by the government for precise reasons. They already have a goal in mind, but they know that they can’t achieve it all at once, so they must accustom the population little by little, until their goal becomes the norm. Just like paedophilia, which the Rulers intend to declare to be a sexual orientation as if there was nothing wrong with it! They basically start by spreading the idea that it’s no longer an illegal act, but something that will become legal and even something to publicise and be proud of. We will get to the point of seeing paedophile-pride demonstrations for paedophile rights. Do you understand the seriousness of this? They will do anything to get us used to the idea that a man who desires a girl, or a boy, is simply in love... love, a word that is increasingly used to hide the darkness behind it. Just like the word peace, which both the Rulers and the Church have always used throughout history and continue to use in order to hide their real goal: war. We have to realise that when politicians and mass media keep insistently repeating a seemingly positive word, they do it to manipulate us into the belief of being right while they are making us commit the worst actions. The Rulers intend to have sex with children legal in order to give vent to their disgusting paedophile instincts, and it’s not acceptable to think that children have the ability to choose to have sex with an old man. But if they make it 'legal', no one will have the right to say anything about that anymore. But to get to that level they must first work our minds step by step to get us more and more used to this system, until we will no longer rebel against their dirty decisions. They manipulate us by pushing new trends and fashions to follow, they make us delude ourselves that it’s our spontaneous decision to follow them, that we have chosen what we like and what we don’t like. But the truth is that we have no choice! They create a new fashion for the masses and everyone will start following it very quickly, so everyone around us will go along with it and even influence the way we think and see it. So what we didn't like before suddenly starts to please us. Fashion has started to make boys and girls dress in more and more seductive clothes, and their parents will be happy to buy these clothes for their children because they will be fashionable. Parents, however, do not realise that they are undressing their children more and more every month, making them wear clothes that are increasingly sexy and not at all suitable for minors. The children are not to blame and cannot be aware of the design behind this, as it’s their parents who are dressing them that way. Parents are only interested in making a good impression on people and boasting how beautiful their child is, convinced that the worst problem is the 'envy' of other mothers who think their children are 'less beautiful'. Therefore, with the excuse that 'malice is in the eye of the beholder', these parents do not realise that the problem will not be another child looking at their child, or another mum jealous that her daughter is not that beautiful, but it will be an old sick man who will watch the child and keep an eye on her for longer and longer, until he thinks it is time to act.
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Parents should stop smoking pot and start to seriously protect their children, because the children are not to blame for wanting those clothes if they are programmed by those fashions from an early age. Adults forget that children are 'new lives' and know nothing about the past, nothing about how the world works, nothing about the cruelty of certain people. If the adults don’t protect their children, these children are at great risk of falling into dangerous ways. The dark aliens target children more than adults, and it’s crucial to understand that if they have been able to manipulate the masses of adults and old people, it will be very easy for them to program the children and push them to do anything that they – born and bred into the new normal – will believe is right to do and has always been right to them. These listed so far, are just a few of the countless programs that we are forcefully subject to every day, and which have been made collectively accepted. Although each one of them leads to other small mechanisms, broadly speaking, there are anti-help programs that are triggered in all of us to block altruism and prevent us from helping others. They are activated as soon as we have the opportunity to help someone, pushing us to decide to not help them due to lack of time, laziness and even strange jealousies we may have towards others. Our help could even just consist in a simple sentence said in a moment of weakness for the other person, and even if for us it’s a simple encouragement, it will be a fundamental push for them to get back up and take command of their life. We take it for granted that other people know how we feel about them and that we don’t need to tell them explicitly. Yet people are not mind-readers and are not necessarily aware of how we feel about them! Another alien program is based precisely on preventing any healthy communication between people. Everyone talks, and talks a lot, but among the thousands of conversations there is not a single productive one. Every day we talk to people, telling them what has happened during our day or listening to their gossip; but at the end of the day nothing useful is left out of it, but the heaviness and negativity collected throughout the day. Of all the conversations we have with different people on a daily basis, not a single one would be worth saving. Aliens want to prevent humans from communicating important concepts to each other, and taking the time to reflect together on topics that would allow them to evolve. Thats why they fill our days with low-level conversations, in other words, a waste of time. But at the end of it all, these conversations that make us talk about everything and nothing, neither allow us to get to know the person in front of us – and to know his or her real feelings and thoughts – nor do they allow us to communicate anything really important. They are all useless conversations. The solution would not be to stop talking to others and shut ourselves away: because that is also part of the alien goal. Instead, it would be good to start making our conversations with other people more productive, more elevated, more reflective. In other words, we should stop thinking only about gossip and start communicating the evolved thoughts and emotions that we have inside. We also have a mental blockage that prevents us from complimenting others: as long as there is space for criticism, we’re all ready to talk (behind each other’s back or face to face, either way we’re always ready to do so), but when we could give a positive observation we are inhibited. Under the pretext that we don't want to be flattery, we forbid ourselves from complimenting others and sharing positivity in their lives. We are ready for negative comments, but for positive ones we stupidly let ourselves be blocked. This is also a program to disunite people because as long as we can make them suffer we are ready to do so, but when we can make them happy we struggle to say something good, and we reluctantly let any compliments slip out. Sometimes even a sentence, a compliment, a nice word would be enough to change another person's day, if not their life itself. We always take everything for granted and this is also a bad program that ruins our existence. We take it for granted that we don't need to say 'I love you' to our partner because we think that they already know. We take it for granted that we don't need to give them a present every now and then (not only on their birthday, but also on any other day!) because we consider it superfluous – and perhaps we are told by them that there is no need – but receiving a surprise on a random day would make them pleasantly impressed and they will be happy about it for a long time.
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