I Programmi Alieni (1 parte)
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Alien programs are all those programs that were inserted in us when we were children, in order to control our way of thinking. Our way of thinking results in 'our' life decisions, which will not be ours at all, but decided by those who manipulate us. Those who have been following my Academy for many years have already understood what I’m talking about, but those who are knowing me for the first time may not immediately grasp this and that’s why I will explain it in detail. Aliens work primarily on the masses, so they first carry out programs to invade the human mind in general. In this way each person projects these programs on the others, and people will manipulate each other without realising it. I have already mentioned, in the previous pages, the reason for that strange fear of asking for explanations when something doesn’t seem right, for instance when we are realising that someone is cheating us, but a mental program intervenes to make us feel guilty, so we don’t ask for clarifications because we are afraid of appearing mean and rude. This is an example of a dark program which tries to make us feel guilty in order to block us! It’s a mechanism triggered within our thought process, which makes us take certain decisions. It’s not just a manipulated thought, but our entire thinking pattern. Another example of what today seems to be normal (because we are used to seeing it since childhood) is the subliminal messages that every day direct our thoughts towards sexual desire. You may not believe that these are manipulated thoughts, and convince yourself that they are entirely your own, but behind these thoughts there is an alien program embedded in the masses, that works to keep you stuck in those thoughts and distract you from other much more important matters. The obstacle that prevents you from becoming aware of these programs is habit: you were born and raised in a society that was already manipulated in order to push you to think according to certain rules. You are not aware of their manipulation because you have lived with them your whole life, therefore you believe they are normal. But many of the things that seem normal to us are actually not normal at all, even though we want to believe they are, because we see and hear people talking and thinking in those patterns every day. A program works like this: every time you want to do something that in any way would lead you towards evolution, the program activates itself in order to distract you and make you do something outside of your awareness. Consider the example of the typical nervous tics, which nowadays more and more people suffer from: nothing more than gestures you make unconsciously especially when you are stressed, anxious and distracted. You will also soon discover their true origin. Although it’s a different form of program – as it affects the body and not just the mind – we can observe it as an example of a program that is activated at certain times. Many more people than we imagine have nervous tics, but we are so used to seeing them that we consider them normal, and we don’t even notice them. A very common nervous tic, especially among young people, is to pick up their mobile phone and pretend to look at the time, even though they don't actually look at it or don't really care to know. This is a twitch, a program that we carry out unconsciously. Another one is to repeatedly tap the pen on the table or to 'press it' on it, causing an annoying and stressful noise. Another nervous tic is to frequently touch our hair, arrange it or curl it with our fingers insistently, as well as constantly looking at our nails, biting them or eating them. All these little repetitive gestures are signs of an internal imbalance that we mistakenly consider normal because we see people do these gestures on a daily basis, so we think it’s normal if we do them too. Regardless of the form in which they present themselves, all twitches (which are a repeated action, a program that you undergo without even realising it) are signs that we should work on, because internally they cause damage. If everyone started eating cockroaches, worms and various insects, sooner or later it would be normal for us to see someone doing it, and for many perhaps even to do it... So, we would no longer judge negatively those who eat them, even though now, while thinking about it, it seems absurd and disgusting. But that doesn’t mean that it’s a good thing, because to go as far as eating insects would be a bad start towards the degradation of humanity.
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Twitches are a symptom of psychological imbalance, and the more numerous and deep-rooted they are, the more it’s assumed that the person who is suffering from them is not doing very well. It will probably be because he or she is over-stressed, which is something we tend to underestimate too much, and they are also a sign of 'internal faults' caused if the person has been taking drugs. in fact, drug users have numerous nervous tics, even very obvious ones, and yet we continue to ignore them as if they were normal. We believe that these repetitive actions are normal because we have accepted them into our lives. So far, I have explained a form of program internal to the physical body such as Twitches, but alien programs are much more extensive and can also be activated externally to us. For example, every time we decide to do something important for ourselves, for our future, or for our happiness, someone always pops up to distract us. Be it a friend or a colleague, they will ask us to do something that will distract us from what we were about to do, in order to fill that little bit of free time we wanted to dedicate to ourselves with tasks forced on us by others, who will make us believe they are much more important than our own; and in the end we will let them persuade us. But are they really that important? And above all, if they are important for those people, why must they immediately become so important to us as well, at the cost of replacing what was really meaningful? In another moment we would have definitely said no, but in that instant, anything will seem more relevant to us, as if our head considers the little time we have available to ourselves so infinite that we would prefer to devote it to the other person. Time, on the other hand, will flow and run out too quickly, and we will no longer have enough time to take care of the things that are really important to us. A program is like a key that plays a specific note: if you press another key, it will play another note. Think of important chores as if they were many keys, each one with a program attached to it, and every time you want to engage in an important task, the program will be activated as if someone had pressed that key at the same time as you did. The program will not appear identical every time, in fact it’s very likely that it will vary by using different fronts each time, but in essence the purpose will always be the same: to distract you from your real goal. An alien program can involve people as if they were puppets who don’t realise what they are doing. They can make them perform actions that are harmful to others, or express very precise, particularly offensive, and destructive words towards another person, always at the least appropriate moment – or rather, the perfect moment to hurt that person. The manipulated one will not be aware of the harm they have done to the other person and therefore will not bother to apologise for hurting their feelings. They will be like perfect puppets. You have probably already become aware of certain programs that were activated when you started to inform yourself about aliens, like various situations that happened around you at that time, in order to de-motivate you in your search and make you focus on something else, just to make you stop looking for answers. They will not always be openly connected but, if you understand their existence, you will notice that they follow a logic. For example, it’s normal that if you don’t study you won’t pass your exams at university: it may have happened to you several times that, even though you thought you had a chance, you ended up with a low score. From the moment you start to make researches about aliens the situation at university won't change at all, but if you do happen to get a bad score you will not think "It happened again because I didn't study enough, I should have tried harder"... rather, with strange pessimistic turns of thought, you might think that if you hadn't been interested in discovering more about aliens, you would have passed the exam. There is apparently no logic in this, and indeed right now you might honestly think that it’s impossible to go through a spiral of such thoughts, and that you would never think such a thing. Yet, if such excuse works in order to draw you away from your research, then it will be proved to be a great program for the aliens to exploit against you. To stick with this example, you may be fearful of informing yourself, you may think that you would just be wasting your time and that it would be better to study for the exam, but in the end, you wouldn’t study but waste your time in another way.
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So, how does a program work? It’s actually very simple. To stick with the example of the university exam, it will work more or less like this: throughout the days you will be pushed to waste time in apathy, lying on the couch wanting to do nothing or wasting time on games or social networking rather than studying or doing activities that could somehow make you achieve your goals. Then, when you finally decide to get down to studying, it will activate another function which will make you get quickly bored and not able to understand nor memorise what you are reading, therefore you will waste hours in front of a single page. This will continue for several days, whereby you will prefer to waste your time in front of the TV rather than studying. And then? What happens? The day of the exam will come and you will fail it. At that point, however, you won’t blame yourself for not having studied enough in all the months you had available, which you spent lazily and carelessly in front of the TV, out with your friends every day, instead of being engaged with your books. You will actually blame yourself for having "wasted too much time researching useless things" such as meditation or answers about aliens, even though you had spent only a few minutes reading on these topics; the one single time that such idea crossed your mind. Therefore, the program not only works externally to prevent you as much as possible from carrying out actions that could bring evolution to your consciousness (such as seeking the truth about these increasingly censored topics), but it also works internally to make you think the way it wants you to think, in every single event of your life, pushing you to blame the one situation that is not to blame! Here’s another example: if you know that a certain square in your town is always full of people with negative influences, like drug addicts, drunks, brawlers, etc. you simply avoid walking across it because you know they would annoy you. But if one day you had to go through there for whatever reason, and these people walked up to you and bothered you, you wouldn’t think as you always did: “They are bothering me because they are bad people”, but you would instead think: “Maybe I shouldn't have read too much about aliens, it brings me bad luck and now I attract negative people to me”. This is a program: a mechanism that is activated to make you think in a certain way. You will not think clearly as you should, but you will think as the program has decided you should. Any excuse will be good to get away from spirituality and information that could be very useful to you. All around us there are many programs that snap like mousetraps as soon as we set our foot on them. We are so surrounded by them that we don't even realise it, and if someone points them out to us, not only we don’t understand them, but we even think that they are crazy, obsessed, that they are exaggerating, and we avoid listening to them. In reality aliens have created countless programs, in fact there are also programs against healthy food, sports, against clean and serene romantic relationships… and on so many daily actions that we perform without noticing. We will keep reflecting on them through the next few pages. Fear is also a program, which is obviously not only exploited by aliens – although we will deal with them in this book – but also by entities, negative people, and anyone who wants to subjugate us. What is certain is that aliens are a step ahead in terms of how to manipulate us, as they know well that if they make us fearful, they have the power to decide over our lives, because with fear they can get whatever they want from us. It’s complicated to understand what an alien program is at first, but the deeper you go the more you will realise that you have encountered situations similar to those described before, and you will understand that there is nothing normal about them. Many of those who consider themselves well-informed on the subject of aliens are convinced that the worst that aliens do to us is to abduct us and perform physical experiments on us, but many have no idea that the worst ones are precisely the mental and psychological experiments! Therefore, I want to invite you to pay more attention to every thought and decision you will make in the days to come. If you decide to waste hours in front of the TV instead of studying, wouldn't you think it might be a program to keep you from fulfilling yourself? Let's be clear that I’m not only referring to studying as the only important thing in life, it could also be a simple task such as cleaning the house, but if you keep procrastinating and delaying it, it will cause you to waste a lot of time. This is also a program even if it seems smaller.
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You could get the job done right away so that you won't have to do it later, and you can have a free evening to relax instead, perhaps with your partner. But if you waste your time in front of the TV, you will have to clean the house tonight because you didn’t do it before, wasting the chance to rest and enjoy the time with your partner. The programs don’t want you to achieve your goals, so they make you waste time on distractions and useless things. It could even be a wrong course of study, which will make you waste time on something that will actually be of no use to you in life and which you don’t even like, instead of spending time on your real passions, hobbies, and on the interests that would make you truly happy and satisfied. The programs are created in order to inhibit you from fulfilling yourself, to make you feel neither satisfied nor content, while making you waste time on distractions and useless pastimes so that you will have no time to do useful and perhaps even enjoyable tasks. These programs are especially activated when you want to do something that will make you feel complete and a free person. If you were working on a project that in the future would allow you to earn so much money that you would be able to work less because of the initial sacrifice, that’s when the program would try to prevent you from working on it with any possible distraction, because it wants to keep you tied to the system. Work is a program that fucks up your life. Just notice how much time we waste at work, but also how much time we waste travelling to and from there, plus the breaks, queues on the road and everything. A job that should take you eight hours a day will take up more, with the round trip sometimes done several times during the day, compulsory breaks, various unforeseen events and so on. If the system wanted to set us free, it could do so by starting to organise better working hours, so that everyone can work while also finding time to devote to their families and passions, instead of just going to work. We don’t ask ourselves this question because we have been living in this 'normality' our whole lives. Yet, the politicians enjoy their lives while we spend hours working and not even having time to breathe. This is not normal, because if this was the only way to get by, even politicians would have to work, but instead they can go about their lives peacefully while those below them (the citizens!) work too many hours a day as if they had no right to live. Instead, those who decide the working hours (those who are above the corporations, those who decide of the lives of all humans!) deliberately choose to lock up workers in working facilities for a large part of the day, so that nothing else develops in their minds as they don’t have the time, locked up all day working like machines. So, when you get home you will use your time only to cook and clean the house, watch TV programs (maybe the news, where they talk about rapes and murders just as you are eating) and on and on with TV series, giving neither your body nor your mind any rest. In fact, there would be absolutely no need to work eight hours a day, because nowadays machines can do almost anything and humans could earn money almost without working – if not working the bare minimum, which would still be more than politicians work – allowing for extremely high production of food and other things. In fact, we don’t recognise that the work we do every day is almost useless, it’s a program to keep us busy for no reason. We will go back to this later, but in this regard, I absolutely recommend going to the official website of World Statistics, which is always up-to-date, to find out how many people suffer from obesity and spend their money on large quantities of food first, then they buy drugs that will serve to contain the health problems caused by obesity, without forgetting about all the money spent on diet prescriptions in order to cure themselves and lose weight. At the same time how many people starve to death in other territories because there is food deprivation? Why are people at risk of dying from overeating on the one hand, and from lack of food on the other? It must be made clear once and for all that the cause is not real poverty in those territories, but it’s the Government that has decided – through dark contracts – that a part of the world should starve to death. It doesn’t matter how much money we donate each year to prevent this, because we are sending our money to the same Government that has decided that those people should die.
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We are wasting money because it will never reach the poor people! We have been in the same situation for an infinite amount of time. If in the same amount of time the Government had really wanted to change things, there would be no poverty today, just as there would no longer be any Dictatorship in any country, and there would be no unemployment problems. But all these are false problems, in the sense that it’s the Government that has created them in order to make us suffer. They are not real problems of the population, they are burdens that those who Rule us have decided we must carry, while making each one of us believe they are real events. From poverty, to unemployment, to obesity diseases, to people working too many hours a day, these are all problems decided by the government on purpose, to keep us distracted, to keep our minds in pessimism and our lives on edge. All of this in order to prevent us from having time to reflect, inform ourselves, and find out the truth about it all. In Italy, we are required to work at least eight hours a day if we want to earn the minimum necessary to survive a single month, despite the fact that in other countries, even a job that does not require a degree – such as working as a shop assistant – offers a salary three times higher than in Italy, even if we perform the exact same tasks. As if that was not enough, in Italy, in addition to receiving lower salaries, we are also penalised by taxes that are severely higher than in any other European country, not to mention other nations. It’s quite understandable, then, that there is an underlying problem, but no one is willing to solve it. I’m not here to talk about politics, of how humanly wrong the Laws are, and of how corrupt and manipulated the politicians are, but I am here to explain to you that politics is not run by humans because the corrupt politicians are paid by other individuals who decide precisely how they should behave. And above those individuals, who are also human but very well hidden, there are other leaders who are ultimately the ones who really run everything and decide from the Top. Consequently, we must open our eyes and realise that if politicians are puppets, it’s obvious that there is a puppet master in charge of them, someone who directs the game from above and who uses the faces of politicians to deceive people while hiding his own. So, people are convinced that they know the truth, without realising that the politicians are actors paid to fool everyone, all the time. In Italy, like in the rest of the world, there is a huge alien presence. We’re living an agenda that we consider normal only because it has been instilled in us throughout our whole lives, without allowing us to reflect on what strange mechanism they are using to take our lives away. And if we dare to ask why we are in such a situation and why nobody is changing things, it will be the very people around us to mock us and come at us, because they are too submissive to the system. We all complain about the same problems, yet if you try to talk about them, the same people who complain will turn against you! If you point it out to someone that we are going through life chasing our tail, without really accomplishing anything while those above us enjoy it in our face, they will tell you that it’s normal, that they can, while we are just normal people. We spend our lives studying to find a job, but once we finish our studies, we can't even find one! And after desperate searching maybe we will find it, but work is very different from expectations: it doesn’t allow you to be creative, it doesn’t allow you to fulfil yourself, to feel truly satisfied, you just have to work to pay your taxes. Because what they didn’t tell us when we were children is that as adults, we will work to pay taxes, and if there is anything left over, we can use it to pay the bills. The real program, in reality, is to passively decide to waste the whole day behind a job that we don’t like and that doesn’t even allow us to earn money, it makes us come home tired, stressed and nervous, we have no time for the people we love and it doesn’t allow us to focus on our well-being and on our evolution, as if these things were less important because we have been accustomed to believing that life is only about work. This program prevents us from even trying to change anything about this situation, because everyone goes through the same issue, and since everyone has to go through it we have to go through it too, in silence. The point is that everyone makes this sacrifice, to find themselves with at least twelve hours ripped off every day, and in the end, life is reduced to just a circle where you work and sleep, sleep and work.
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