La Paura degli Alieni (3 parte)
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The same can be seen in the messages inserted in movies, put there in order to keep us obedient, where the character who knows too much will be killed for this reason, so that we realise how dangerous it is for us to know forbidden information. Another example is the typical character without a social and sentimental life who suffers his loneliness because knowledge is a huge burden to carry. In this way they slip concepts into our minds that we believe are real, such as the example that being ignorant allows us to live a serene, happy, carefree life, while if we knew the truths of the world it would be different because it would be a danger to us. Not enough people reflect on the fact that if the superhero of the movie really knew so much, how is it possible that he didn’t know how to improve his own life? How is it possible that that superhero, whose knowledge was a burden to bear, didn’t even know how to be happy with all that knowledge? This is also an important piece: through films they want to force us to believe that knowing the truth would make us unhappy, that it would make us suffer, and that the path to happiness can only be reached by remaining ignorant. On the other hand, if they are so keen to make us believe that knowing the truth would lead us to suffering, they are explicitly confirming that there is a 'hidden truth'. Consequently, they are not revealing all their knowledge to us because they are terrified by the thought of us discovering it. If we think about reality, not about films, but about reality and about all those people who were killed in order to keep the population from knowing several truths, we must understand how important that knowledge was for human evolution. All the attention today is focused on movies and TV series in order to distract us and prevent us from realising that in the reality all around us their dark agendas keep being carried out. We waste our time fantasising about movie characters rather than reflecting on the real people who existed and who were silenced through murder in order to prevent the population from waking up. They didn’t die because they were too well-informed, they were killed because they intended to let the world know about their discoveries, which would have completely revolved the global situation. They could have kept their knowledge to themselves and stayed alive, while watching the population sink deeper, but they wanted to save everyone. They were killed in the dark hope that once silenced no one would ever speak of them again. Contrary to their expectations, many of these heroes, males and females, are still imprinted in the minds of the many people who have realised the importance of knowing the Truth, exactly because of those heroes’ actions. These people who sacrificed themselves, aware of what was going to happen, were driven by generosity and altruism, by the one feeling that keeps the universe alive through these antennas of light: those who take action to save others. Because these people knew that their death would provoke in other people doubts and reflections about who governs us, they sacrificed their own existence to leave a mark. Many of them knew what they were going to face, but they risked their lives to let the rest of the population know what kind of darkness there is behind those who govern us, the very people who decide everything for us, even the air we have to breathe. Although many are still asleep, many others have begun to reflect on the reason why certain people were killed: what did they say that was so bad? If their words were not true, why kill them? This process of reflection has started among people, and it will allow them to realise that if such information is inconvenient, it means that it’s TRUE, and if TRUE information is inconvenient, it means that those at the top want to control every part of our lives and minds; they want to decide what we should think and how we should think it. If so. many people have been killed because they tried to reveal the Truth to the world, it means that the Government wants to hide more information from us than it reveals. What kinds of secrets drive the Rulers to kill citizens just for speaking? The Rulers first kill them and then belittle them in front of the population by exploiting mass media – newspapers and news programs paid to lie – in order to spread falsehoods about those heroes who were killed and then tried to be passed off as crazy. Those who govern us know that through mass media they are able to manipulate people’s thoughts and make them totally rely on gossip – albeit completely made up – rather than reflecting on the real reasons behind the events.
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But if they were fools there would have been no reason to kill them. These heroes and geniuses knew what they were going up against, but they chose to reveal the Truth at the cost of their lives anyway, knowing that through their sacrifice other people would have been able to open their eyes. These people deserve our respect, and we must be proud of them. We must understand that today films and television programs are totally being used to manipulate our way of thinking and push us to think the way they want us to think. It’s not enough for them to manipulate our thoughts, they pretend to manipulate our way of thinking, because if they can have power on our way of thinking it will be much easier for them to push our thoughts in a certain direction and stir them away from the Truths that they fear we will discover. That’s why the messages they send us through most of the movies are extremely different from what happens in reality. We have to learn, therefore, to stop believing that films and television in general represent real life, because they are just a continuous act designed to impress upon us a concept that we will mistake for real. And not only in films there is acting! Every single TV program, every single event that happens on TV, is pre-programmed and there is nothing real about it. From news programs to the most banal but popular cooking programs: all of them have been accepted and revised by the Controllers who decide which messages should be on TV in order to be impressed upon the mind of every single citizen... and which ones should never be mentioned, not even by mistake. We are victims of verbal and visual reprogramming, resulting in continuous distorted messages and bad examples to learn from, as well as endless false statements made in programs that are so famous that it’s enough to make them believed by the masses. We mistake TV for the voice of truth. We must stop being afraid to inform ourselves from sources other than television, which actually keeps us away from any form of truth and impregnates our heads with negative and obsessive thoughts. We must insist on wanting to know real information because it’s our right – and duty – to be able to achieve and maintain our personal freedom, the freedom of our country and of the rest of the world. We can start with small steps and slowly work our way through. We can’t demand to achieve everything right away, but we have to take the first steps because it’s not by standing still that we will be able to move forward. Many times, I was told that gathering information was dangerous because it could attract negative attentions on me, yet I was not interested in the subject of aliens nor did I talk about them with anyone, when I suffered their attentions without ever being interested in receiving them. So let me tell you that this is not how it works. The proof is the fact that many scholars and writers of books about aliens have never experienced direct contacts, but they write books about history or testimonies told by others. If this ‘rule’ was realistic, ufologists would have plenty of direct experiences and everyone else who is not interested in the subject would never have these experiences. But life is not like that. Many times, I gave the example of entities (or so-called ghosts), about whom there is the belief that if you speak of them, or even just mention the word “entity”, you will be immediately persecuted by infernal demons. Now, this is not how it works. And even if we wanted to believe this, is it possible that entities have nothing else to do in their lives but pick on someone who has only mentioned the word ghosts? Out of the billions of people in the world, do they have to come to me just because I mentioned the word entities for a moment? It’s clear that this doesn’t happen, so there is no need to fear that by wondering about their existence something bad will automatically happen in our lives. This fear of researching information has not been put upon us by entities, but by those who Govern us in order to prevent us from understanding who is wanting to forbid us knowledge. Especially since there aren’t only 'negative entities' but also many positive ones that can help us, which is why the Rulers impose an obligation on us not to get informed. But even more absurd is the charade they play out in order to cover up the benefits of Meditation, which bigots still fear as if it was something linked to who knows what demon; again, in order to prevent us from informing ourselves. Meditation is about physical relaxation and relieving the mind of negative thoughts. Why being afraid of it? Who put this strange idea into our heads?
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There are clearly those who know the true benefits it would have on the body and Consciousness of a person, leading them not only to live better, to be more positive and optimistic (unlike the way they want to program the masses’ life) but it would also bring evolution to the Mind and Sensoria of the practising person. In fact, Meditation allows us to evolve the Sixth Sense, the natural sensor I just mentioned. What harm would there be in developing a natural sense that belongs to our human nature? It could only be good for us, but for those who govern us it would be a very serious problem because they would no longer be able to make us believe their lies, because we would become able to immediately recognise them and perceive the Truth instead. That’s precisely why this subject is taboo. Everyone should be free to choose whether to meditate or not, and yet we can’t, because everywhere around us there are traps designed to prevent us from knowing the truth about this discipline. It’s precisely those who don’t know what meditation is who go mad at the mere mention of this word, as if a demon had just been summoned into the room! Just because they don’t know the truth and want to prevent those who know it from revealing it. Does this sound familiar? It’s always clearer how the same exact program takes place for every single truth that exists in this world, and which is hidden from us. So even the term Meditation is frightening, and we immediately start speaking of 'danger' just because of naming it. Yet, we should also ask ourselves why other terms that are really connected to danger and death, are not censored or a taboo. If we talk about drugs nobody gets goosebumps anymore, nobody raises an eyebrow thinking about what terrible word you mentioned. What was illegal yesterday has become legal today, all it took was removing two letters. People don't ask why something was illegal yesterday and why it magically became legal today. They accept it, as if it had always been this way, as if nothing ever changed. They don’t ask why the drugs that kill the brain, Consciousness, and then the person's body, are legal. Who makes the Laws? Why is it that what was punishable by the Law yesterday now is a commonplace and they sell it to you like candies? Why do we have to fear the word Meditation, which indicates a simple practice of relaxation, but we can feel free – and even fashionable! – if we talk about drugs? Why is it that what would makes us more intelligent and more conscious is considered a taboo word, and instead what destroys our intelligence, memory, lucidity, and leaves us incapable of understanding even the most basic concepts, has become a fashion that no one can refuse to try? We should seriously reflect on who, and why, wants mankind to take drugs and continue to take them. We should ask ourselves why we can talk freely about drugs as if they were something benign and as if no one had ever died from drugs. It’s clear that someone wants this: they push us to be in favour of all the things that are negative for our lives rather than wanting the positive ones, from which they keep us well away. And all of this is done on purpose to steer us in the precise direction they have planned. Is that why on TV they give news about rape, violence, and then all airy-fairy stuff, but almost never talk about deaths caused by drugs? Just so you know, at least 250.000 people die every year from drug use and this number is constantly on the rise, but nobody talks about it. Thousands of people die from drugs every year, and nobody talks about it, but we must be afraid to meditate!! The fear of knowing the Truth must be totally eliminated, because the more you know the less you will fear, and the less you fear the more you will discover new things and hidden truths. It will be a continuous positive mechanism, different from the one in which we find ourselves now and which we have been taught since childhood, based on pessimism and closed-mindedness. The time to know has come, so let’s stop to voluntarily decide to remain ignorant about the truth, because by doing so we are increasing the power of the Rulers to impose other absurd restrictions on us. All this is necessary to make you realise that everything is connected: in fact aliens absolutely need us to have fears, in order to enter and act in our lives. They need us to take drugs and they need us to not meditate. Only in this way can they ensure total control over our minds!
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You may not remember it now, or you may only remember it partially, but I’m extremely convinced that you have forgotten a lot of events that happened to you. The fact that you are looking for answers on the topic of aliens makes you realise that something has happened, even if you only know it subconsciously while on a conscious level you don’t perceive it and out of fear you may find yourself in denial. Many authors would tell you that because you bought this book you are a special person, that you are an old soul and that you are smarter than others; the usual manipulative crap they say to bring on their side, because they made you feel important for a moment. But this is not my way of doing things, I just want you to know the Truth about Aliens. From the moment you start asking yourself questions about aliens and you decide to delve deeper and move forward to satisfy your curiosity – unlike many others who prefer to shut down their research before they even start it because of their fear – you realise that something happened to you in order to make you react in a certain way. But don’t rush with expectations, calm your thoughts and continue with the understanding of these pages. At the end of this book, you will know within yourself whether or not I have said the truth and whether or not all the details described in these chapters coincide with what has happened in your life, very precise signs that no one had previously told you about. Dark aliens behave this way, and if you are not fearful, they will create fear in you, because it’s their gateway to enter your life. Have you ever considered how strange it is when you don't see anything scary – not only in the dark but also when you are in a bright room – and yet you suddenly feel a great fear, as if something is there beside you? For example, when you decide to watch a horror movie you are not scared before seeing it, as the feeling of fear only arises after seeing the scary scenes; so, the fear has a sensible and logical motivation. Another example is you meet a strange and possibly violent person in the street, and it may make you afraid, but you didn’t have this feeling before you met them, you only felt it afterwards. But why, when it’s the case of an entity or even an alien, fear comes before you even see anything? Why does it arise in you even if you don’t see anything? You feel that there is a presence beside you and the feeling is certain, yet you don't see it and you have doubts, but you still feel fearful because you feel that there really is something there beside you. After a while it disappears, just as quickly as it appeared. You know it’s strange! It’s clear that this feeling is not really yours, but it’s something that is pushed onto you in advance, to prepare the ground and deceive you. Every single experiment and every single abduction is carried out only after pushing a sense of fear towards you, or feelings very close to it such as anger (perhaps after an argument) or sadness (for example because of a negative thought that has affected your self-esteem). In other words, feelings of low vibration which bring your guard down so that you will allow negativity to enter. In this way you will accept that aliens can do something negative to you. They are able to enter because you have accepted that they can, because you don't protect yourself from them. But all this happens without you knowing it, because no one has ever warned you about it. It’s not enough to say to yourself "I don't want aliens to come in" because you know they will come in anyway, as no alien cares about what you say. If you don't practice, your subconscious will be so weak and manipulable that they will make you accept anything. They will choose your thoughts for you, your way of reasoning, they will choose for you how you should live your life and on many fronts they have already done so, for example by choosing for you who and what you should defend. Just think of how many people don’t fight for the rights of humans but would gladly fight for the 'rights' of paedophiles so that paedophilia is considered a sexual orientation which goes from being illegal to becoming legal. And guess what, you only need to erase two letters, as quickly as you erase people's memories. They are pushing us to forget the real differences in order to make us accept whatever they wish to impose on us. Behind all these absurd forms of evil there is something much bigger and worse than we want to believe. When we talk about aliens manipulating us, we are not talking about angels descended on Earth who will save our lives – as some self-deluded people want to believe – but about heartless beings who don’t have the slightest intention or feeling pity towards us and who are manipulating people to push this planet into more and more degradation.
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So why should we feel pity towards these dark beings? Unfortunately, we have to realise that the truth is this: we are at war and those who fight will win, everyone else will lose, no one will be spared. Only who fights wins, no one will be spared by the dark aliens. They have no pity: only who fights wins. One of the greatest fears that hold back those who want to stop the dark aliens is the fear of fighting back: the fear that if you fight back and rebel against their manipulations then they will get even angrier, and in revenge they will do their best to make you suffer. If you believe this, it’s because you have no idea of what the dark aliens have been doing to you throughout your whole life, and what they have already done to you personally, even just indirectly. Get rid of the idea that now they’re going easy on you because the truth, since you were a baby, is that they have never had the slightest mercy; to them you’re just a number. They’ve done their best and used all of their weapons and forces to manipulate your life in any possible way, even down to your most intimate and personal spheres. They have played dirty with you and made you believe that all your problems in life were normal, in order to distract you and prevent you from discovering the truth: it was them who created each and every health and life problem you suffered for, in order to distract you and distance you from knowledge. By fighting back you will take away the permission they now have to keep torturing you, both physically and psychologically, to insert diseases and various pains inside you, which could be a pain in your head, in your chest, in your elbow, and all those stings that cause quick but sharp pains that you feel in your fingers and toes without understanding what caused them. They will not take revenge for something that you should take revenge for. What should they take revenge for? You are accepting within yourself the manipulated thought that they have reasons to take revenge on you just because you would like to free yourself from their evil attentions. These thoughts are induced by the severe manipulations that we have been subject to for our whole lives, which lead us to thinking that if we realise that a conman wants to scam us, we should feel guilty if we decide not to be scammed. We are the 'bad ones' if we refuse to be scammed. These constant alterations in our logic serve to lead us to even worse moments in life, such as the situation in which aliens are harming us but we would be the bad ones if we decided to free ourselves from their attacks. Think about it. They enter your home without permission, experiment on you, make you suffer, ruin your life, insert chips in you... You are the one who has every right to take revenge, not them. They are already doing the worst they can do to you, but you don't see it and that's why you think that everything is fine. It’s clear that this way of thinking is a program – just like the fear felt before they even approach you – which is placed inside our heads to prevent us from reacting while allowing them to 'work’ undisturbed. The fear imposed on us by them – that leads us to believe that by learning about them we will make them angry, or even worse if we react against them – is a program that they have slipped into our heads to prevent us from understanding what’s going on. This should give us room for thought because the reason they create such mental limitations in us stems exactly from their terror that we will wake up and react. They are afraid that if we find out the truth of how many terrible experiments they have performed on us, a strong reaction impulse will start from deep within us, and we will destroy any chance of them coming back. That’s why they act on our memory in order to prevent us from remembering, and it’s for this exact same reason that they push on people the fashion of taking drugs. Because if people take substances that affect their memory – and therefore their ability to remember the events that took place in the past – they also destroy the brain's ability to recognise what is real from what is a dream or a fantasy. In this way, the people who can still remember the experiments they have undergone in the past, regardless of the alien manipulations, will confuse Reality with mere fantasies and believe that their memories of alien experiences were merely dreams. This is why the Rulers and the aliens insist that people take drugs. But a person who does not take drugs and does not take any hallucinogenic or consciousness-altering substances, can remember the real life events that actually happened, which are very different from fantasies! When you are lucid you can recognise the differences!!! And you cannot be silenced because your memories are real.
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We must protect our memory and mental clarity, which will always enable us to recognise truth from imagination. Experiences with aliens must be remembered lucidly. The dark aliens are doing their best to break us down, using every bit of their strength to ruin our lives, and they are terribly afraid that we might wake up and decide to fight back. I understand if all of this still seems strange to you at the moment, to the point that you might think you are not understanding anything; but give yourself the chance to keep reading these pages and realise that everything will become clearer and clearer. It may seem to you that I’m rushing ahead, but before long you will realise that you are keeping up with what you are reading and the whole picture will be complete. Aliens fear us deeply, for very important reasons that you will understand in a moment. In order to abduct us or carry out experiments on us – which happen very often indeed – they never come alone but always come in groups. They inject us with soporifics to make sure we won't wake up and hit them, so they paralyse our bodies to make sure we won't react physically. This is because they know perfectly well that we are extremely stronger than they are and before approaching them they make sure we are really sedated. If they were as physically strong as they pretend to be – like the terror they push into our minds towards them – they could attack us while we are awake without any need to sedate us, they could have killed us right away. So, we should ask ourselves: why don't they do it? Why don't they kill us right away? Easy, because they can't. They are very clever and smart, they know that in order to subjugate us they need to trick us, they are aware that they would not be able to have power over us only by brute force, so they need to trick us into voluntarily deciding to submit to their rules. To fool us they need a plan, which is the very one we are in now: they manipulate us through society, which they control to the smallest detail. The fear that is imposed on us has been worked on day after day, throughout the centuries, to ensure our submissiveness. We have to realise that there is a very thin line that divides conscious fear from unconscious fear: often those who believe they have no fears have in fact only disproportioned their ego to very high levels, and convinced themselves that they are untouchable just because they believe so. But this is not enough to become untouchable by aliens. Humans have a natural instinct to fear everything they don’t know, just as animals fear what is unknown to them. On this planet, the fear mechanism exists to prevent living beings from dying for futile reasons. For example, by preventing people from jumping off a skyscraper to see if they can fly; therefore, thanks to the fear of dying they will avoid risking their lives unnecessarily. This ensures that every living being strives to defend its physical and mental integrity by respecting life more. Therefore, fear is natural and often useful for survival. The dark side, however, knows how to use this feeling of ours, takes advantage of it and exploits it for its own purposes so that it can achieve a personal gain. Basically, they exploit our natural fear to artificially amplify it and program it in order to turn it into terror towards them. This way they ensure that fear will prevent us from reacting against them. Even animals sometimes perceive the fear that Presences send towards us before they appear, which is why in the presence of negative entities our pets behave differently by barking or staring at specific spots in the room, despite the fact that they never acted that way before. But when it comes to aliens the matter becomes more complicated, as aliens are able to manipulate the minds of animals and become invisible even to their eyes. As a result, animals can’t defend us from aliens, just as they couldn’t defend us from entities – although with entities they could at least enable us to tell when there is a very close presence and allow us to take cues from their behaviour. But animals are more manipulable than humans, and it’s important to understand that they can’t do anything to protect us from highly technologically advanced aliens. Everything around us wants to push us to be afraid to learn about aliens and convince us that they are unbeatable. Just notice the cinematic messages whereby in every film dealing with aliens, they want us to think that even our most powerful earthly weapons wouldn’t do them any damage, because they will always be more powerful than us. This leads us to the belief that reality is the same, and with the help of the chips and programs that they have inserted in us this thought will always be strong and will always lead us to believe that there is no possibility for us humans to escape from their clutches, because they are basically omniscient: it’s not true. We must be careful to recognise what is really ours from what has been implanted in us from the outside, just as they do with programs.
End page 6 of 6. If you enjoyed the article, please comment below describing your feelings while reading or practicing the proposed technique.