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La Paura degli Alieni (2 parte)

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Those who really know the seriousness of the alien presence on this planet decide not to remain ignorant about anything that concerns aliens, unlike those who Govern us and make us increasingly unaware would like us to do. They try to convince us that staying ignorant is a good thing and even a decision of our own. The truth is that we don’t have the right to choose, because the dark aliens impose their invisible Laws upon us and no one asks for our permission before we are subjugated by them. Aliens abduct us and perform experiments on us, but they use technology to prevent us from remembering what they have done. This is why most people are unaware that they have already experienced contacts, and because of this they ignore alien existence. The vicious circle continues because by ignoring the alien presence the person won’t take the decision of protecting themselves, so aliens will be free to keep abducting them. But you must know that those who Practice Psychic Defence will no longer suffer any abductions, as long as they keep practicing it every day. If a person protects themselves, aliens cannot physically approach them. However, I want to emphasise that I am referring to the practice of my Psychic Techniques, as these are techniques based solely on my own experience, and I teach them to my students so that they can protect themselves from aliens. There are many authors who talk about aliens, but none of them teaches how to defend ourselves from them; on the othe hand, they will push people in the mental conviction that it’s enough to believe to be protected to really be so. It’s a shame, however, that self-persuasion serves little purpose. If this was the case, we would return onto the idea that people who are ignorant about the alien presence are already protected by nature because they don’t fear aliens, since they are convinced that they don’t exist. Yet, these people are the first ones to be abducted. Therefore, before I go any further, I would like to make it clear that I do not take any responsibility for the beliefs of other authors who write books on aliens, nor do I want to be associated with them, with what other people say in their books, on the web, or in their live seminars, regarding this subject. That’s because my knowledge comes solely from the experiences that I have had first-hand, which have enabled me to understand aliens without being confused by other people's versions. Experience has to be lived, and it’s the only thing that can teach you the truth. Unconsciously, all those who are unaware of the alien presence have a deep fear of aliens. This is no accident and yet it’s not even ‘logical’, considered that in theory they don’t believe in their existence. Why fear something you believe does not exist? The first step towards understanding is to stop thinking that the only reason you fear aliens is because you know nothing about them: if you don’t believe in aliens, you are not even afraid to talk about them. The reason is much more complex, as our unconscious fear stems from experiences we have had but which we don’t consciously remember because something has affected our memory; therefore, we rule out having had any contact with aliens while at the same time we are fearing their presence. They implant in us the fear that serves to prevent us from taking courage and rebelling against their submission. We ignore what they have done to us, and because of this they are free to keep doing whatever they want to us. Being ignorant doesn’t mean being stupid: the word ignorant indicates a person who doesn’t have information and who, moreover, is unaware that there is anything more to know about a subject. Not only does this person not know, they don’t even know that they don’t know. Many don’t realise the difference and think that it’s almost the same thing. You could be a very educated person, have multiple degrees, have a good career and have gained important achievements, but that wouldn’t mean that you would also be aware of the alien presence and of how these beings influence you. This is because certain topics that affect each and every one of us in our daily lives are not taught in school, which, on the contrary, is under the total control of the same people who govern us and who work to keep the population ignorant about dark presences. Consequently, it would be absurd to think that schools would be free to teach us any truths, even very small ones which would motivate us to seek further answers. The whole educational structure is designed so that people grow up with their minds shackled, so that when we become adults no one will ask questions. But some people can still feel within themselves the urge to ask questions, which the schools have failed to answer, and actually tried to silence.

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Education is decided upon by the same 'humans' who govern us, and that’s why every step of it is designed to turn us into machines, devoid of Consciousness, who will grow up in total obedience and submission in the long run. Since childhood we have been accustomed to being afraid to inform ourselves. "If you know too much, you will get into trouble!" and we can see this in every moment of our lives. If we reflect on our past for a moment, we realise that from the schools we only learnt one thing: to obey. In kindergarten, if you saw a child commit a bad action and you didn’t immediately report it to the teacher, for them you automatically became their accomplice, who had decided to cover up the facts and for that reason you were punished along with the first kid. On the other hand, if you reported it to the teachers, you would be a spy and get punished anyway. The only way not to be blamed was to not see anything. In primary school, if a classmate told a lie to their parents and you knew about it, you would automatically be blamed by them for not speaking up, but if you did speak up you would have been punished for behaving like a spy. If you hadn't known anything you wouldn't have been punished. In middle school if you found out that your brother smoked and didn't tell your parents, you would have automatically been punished for covering him up, but if you told them, you would have had an argument with your brother and you would have been called a snitch. But if you hadn't known about it, you wouldn't have ended up in this situation. In high school, university... it’s always the same story and it certainly won't change in the working environment. You can never ask your employer the reason for something, because if you try, you will not only be picked on an be treated horribly at every opportunity, but you will also seriously risk being fired, with trivial excuses invented on the spot and coming out of nowhere just in order to get you out. We are used to this treatment and we accept it passively because we are used to it from childhood. When we were scolded and punished exaggeratedly by our parents we couldn’t ask why, otherwise the answer would be "just because", and they would punish us more immediately afterwards. We have been prepared from childhood to be afraid of being informed, so as adults we respect what is imposed on us without even asking ourselves whether it’s right or wrong, legal or illegal, positive or negative, because we are afraid to ask this question almost as if we were afraid of the answer. For aliens it’s extremely convenient that we decide to accept everything that’s imposed on us, without asking for explanations and without reflecting on what is happening to us to see if it’s really all right. They have studied over the centuries a really effective method to make us fall deeper and deeper into their trap and, since they cannot kill us directly, they have had to devise a plan to succeed in subduing us. Society is tightly manipulated by the aliens who have worked tirelessly to create a routine of their liking for us, one that makes it difficult for us to evolve, and educated us to accept everything that is imposed on us from above without batting an eyelid. They are strong because we accept that they are, and they take action on us because we accept that they can. Everything depends on our daily decision. I know it may seem very complex to understand, and I am not asking you to understand everything straight away, but you have to know that in this book I will do everything I can to explain to you how aliens have the greatest control over the social structure in which we live, and I intend to pass onto you all my knowledge about them. I don’t want you to rush, nor to go straight to the end of this book convinced that by reading the last pages you will discover the secret keys to be able to protect yourself, because the key will be the whole journey, and not just the ending. I ask you to carefully read every single word of this book in order to understand it fully. Aliens want us to live in ignorance because the more ignorant we are, the more manipulable we are. If you didn’t have a primary school leaving certificate, would you feel able to discuss law with a lawyer? Obviously not, because they would use their extensive knowledge and impeccable dialectics to corner you at every word you might say, and every single gesture or feeling you express they would be able to turn it against you, restrain you and silence you within seconds. This is because their extensive vocabulary, coupled with the knowledge of countless articles of law, against your utter ignorance would allow them to knock you down without the slightest effort. They could even be lying to you, and you wouldn’t understand it because you wouldn’t have the knowledge to, let alone you would be able to prove that they are lying.

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Would you dare to discuss informatics with the creator of the computer if you didn't even know where to plug in the cable to connect your PC to your mobile phone? No, because there would be no equal dialogue: they would be right, and you would be wrong. They would talk and you would be silent. It’s very clear as a situation: you can’t argue with someone who knows more than you about a subject because they know how to manipulate you. What if we were talking about a corrupt lawyer or a conning computer technician? Let's take the case of the lawyer for instance: he or she would be able to send you to prison even if you hadn’t committed any crime, by accusing you with their refined and confident language, but above all by confusing you and putting words in your mouth that you didn’t say. Indeed, they would probably even manage to get you to say those words, even if you didn’t want to! In this way they would use their knowledge against your ignorance to make you do whatever they want! And the swindling computer scientist? They would make you buy the most expensive antivirus, or replace parts of your computer with defective ones so that it would soon manifest problems and therefore you would have to call them again for help. This is where the classic NLP scam, used by so many scammers in so many different fields and of course by those humans who Govern us, would also come into play. You can see the example of the fraudulent computer technician happening in any other cotext, even more so in politics and in those who manipulate the information for us, the public. A computer technician, by using a lot of complicated computer terms, random terms (in order to appear to you as if he was smarter and more educated than you) and by stretching the discourse, will succeed in getting anything they want from you and even make you want to give them more money in the hope of making them proud of you. That’s because after a bit of verbal manipulation you will start to think: 'Maybe if I make him happy by giving him more money, he will do me a better job'. In fact I’m sure you have already experienced a similar situation at least once in your life, whereby someone has scammed you. This person, out of duty, should have offered you a high quality service or product to satisfy your needs and requirements as a paying customer. But with all the waiting, all the strange turns of phrase and distractions that they purposely adopted on you, you begun to want to free yourself from that situation, which had become unbearable to the point that in desperation –  instead of insisting and demanding to be satisfied by the salesman – you decided to be the one to satisfy him and offered   him what he wanted, in the hope that they will leave you alone. Come on, how many times has this happened to you? Afterwards, the thought of having been cheated like that made you so angry that you didn't want to think about it anymore, you almost denied what happened in order not to admit to yourself that you had done a stupid thing in letting yourself be manipulated so easily. This happens more frequently than it seems, even every day, and we should not resign so quickly. We should not allow those who are scamming us to turn things around right before our eyes while we pretend that nothing is wrong, as we allow them to do whatever they want to us despite the fact that we know they are fooling us. This happens both in the everyday routine and in spiritual life, like during contacts with aliens. For example, a salesman calls us on the phone to list the prices of some offers, and then when we agree to a contract, he suddenly changes the prices by listing other figures, therefore we discover that the bill we will pay is a lot dearer than expected. Should we perhaps be afraid to ask "Why is that? What is that extra cost due to?" and accept the consequences with a "Well, at this point…" while knowing that for the months or years to come we will mentally reproach ourselves and think "Why did I do that? Why didn't I ask earlier...?". To this I say that we have to take the courage to ask, inquire for the reasons that we have the right to know. I’m not telling you that you have the right to inquire about other people’s personal business – which you may even be more inclined to do – but you have to start demanding to have the information that is rightfully yours. In our subconscious we have been forced to believe that it’s rude to ask for clarification and that it’s much kinder to let ourselves be swindled in order to look good in the eyes of the swindler. An important rule that is as useful in daily life as it is in spiritual life is to learn to recognise what is rightfully yours and what is not, what would really change your life if you knew about it, and what would only be a childlish curiosity and misleading gossip.

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We must learn not to be afraid to ask for what is rightfully ours. If our employer lowers our salary, doesn’t pay us for a month, or fires us out of the blue, we have the right to know why. It’s not our right, on the other hand, to know if he’s got a social life, how often he sleeps with his partner, etc. All things which we are all too willing to know even though it’s not our business. We have to learn to understand what is in our interest and what is not. Knowing this private information about him would not improve our life because it would not change it at all, but knowing information about us is our right and we must remember this; so why not ask for it? We are becoming too shy and insecure, just as aliens want us to be, to the extent that even though it’s our right to do or know something that concerns us, we decide not to do it (manipulated by them through thousands of unconscious messages that we receive every day!) for fear of looking bad in the eyes of others. If it’s your right, why should you appear negatively? If it’s your right, why are you afraid to ask and to want to know the truth? And in the end, who chooses which rights the citizens have? It’s as if the government suddenly imposed the use of video surveillance inside the citizens' private homes to monitor what we do 24 hours a day, despite the fact that they have no right to do so. In the meantime, you keep silent instead of objecting and asking why, ashamed and intimidated by the fear of asking for explanations, as if being informed would cause you any personal harm. Well, we are not so far from that possibility. We are being educated to let the government go that far, while preventing ourselves from reacting and objecting to such absurd impositions. They are getting us used to being afraid of the smallest everyday things so that we will consent to everything, even to their most absurd and ridiculous decisions. Then they will impose greater and greater demands on us, and we will be so used to the equation ‘knowledge=punishment’ that we will accept anything without asking for explanations, so as not to appear rude while in the meantime deciding of our own free will to do our best to satisfy their whims in order to appear as good people. We like to look like good people in the eyes of those who are cheating us! At the same time, we will go against those who ask for explanations, those only brave citizens who will defend themselves and others. We will call them infidels, ignorant, dark conspirators, etc. We will go against the only ones who would defend our rights because we will prefer to agree with those who are taking them away from us. Basically, we will reach the point where we will no longer live a personal life as we did in the past, but we will live an increasingly public life, as we are already gradually being pushed to do. And if anyone tries to defend their personal life, we will go against them by preventing them from doing so, in order to look like better people. We will be good people in the eyes of the government that is scamming us! Is this what we want? Our obedience is making us stupid, unable to recognise the limit, the line that divides what is legal from what is illegal. Because in the end those who decide the Law are the same ones who break it every day and at any moment they can make legal what until yesterday was illegal. For their sole convenience, they will do it, without asking for our permission! If yesterday it was illegal to spy on a person, tomorrow it will no longer be, because all it will take is to remove two letters from the word and suddenly it will become legal to invade the privacy of a citizen. The fear we have is not normal, it has been imposed on us in order to force us to be terrified of Knowledge. Let’s cite a subject where fear is immediately apparent, we all know about it but nobody wants to know about it: the Mafia! Yes because everyone knows it exists, thousands of people know the names and even the home addresses of all the mobsters, yet these people are still free to do what they want and traffick as they want. We all know and think that “if those who know the names decided to speak up once and for all, the mafia would cease to exist and would disappear from the face of the Earth”. But while everyone is terrified that the Mafia might take revenge, to the point of believing that it’s better not to know, the censorship of the journalists who work for the government ensures that the news don’t reach the public; because the Mafia (of which all politicians are part) is nothing compared to the darkness that rules at the Top of the Government. The politicians are nothing compared to the Rulers, those who really govern us. But it’s useful to these dark beings that mankind is also distracted by the fear of the mafia, so they will not think about who is really in charge.

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Here we come back to the concept that has been imprinted on our minds: being ignorant is better, because knowing is dangerous. This concept will also be useful to you while dealing with the subject of aliens, which is more connected than you imagine. Those who know do not speak, afraid of the mafia and of its possible reaction, and they don’t only prefer to keep silent, but they go against those who would like to speak up. It’s at this point that those who don’t know want to stay ignorant, convinced that 'not knowing' is better, ‘so you don't get into trouble’. But in the meantime, we keep complaining that “the mafia here... corrupt politicians there... the situation is not changing… things are always getting worse… no one is doing anything to change the situation...” instead of taking action ourselves to bring about change. Here we are, always keeping quiet and expecting others to do the dirty work for us, while we go against them and obstruct them from bringing about real change. Where is the coherence? We have to change this mechanism. The fear of informing ourselves in the small situations of our life will lead us not to inform ourselves about the more important ones either: we are interested in knowing how many guys that young lady goes out with, what she does during the day and what she doesn’t, but we are not interested in knowing, for example, how many days a week our politicians work. I don't want to start on this topic because I already know it would become exaggeratedly long, but the point I want to get to is this: think about it, do you know? No, probably because you have always believed that it was not important to know, but if you knew the truth (and I ask you to inform yourself, it doesn't take any effort!) you would find out how many thousands of euros they earn per month for not working, our thousands of euros. OK, let's end this discussion but let's continue with the example. Just as you don't know how much the politicians work and earn – and this is a very important piece of information to know because it’s a subject that affects your personal life, since you are the one who has to pay taxes to offer luxury trips to these people – there is a lot of other information that you don't know because you are convinced that it doesn't interest you or that you don't need to know. But if you did know, it would definitely change the way you see reality and therefore live it, drawing positive consequences because your life would take a different turn. One is the existence of aliens and the manipulation they perform on us. If you knew, not only you would not be fooled – like in the case of the salesman mentioned earlier – but you would also not be subjugated in your daily life because you would be able to defend yourself against all those who, like the example of the corrupt lawyer, try to make you bend to their feet in any way. You would come out of the situation victorious every time. Knowledge is the human salvation, there is no other key to obtain Freedom. Knowledge is exactly what very important people – today known as heroes or geniuses – have been fighting for throughout the centuries, in order to obtain Freedom and allow others to obtain it too (both those they knew and those they would have never met) and that’s what made them special. Because when you think about it, they were very ordinary people, but by fighting for what they believed in they became extremely important individuals for us. They were revolutionaries and, as you can easily understand, only one of them was still not enough to bring about change, you need many people. Even today there is a need for change and there is a need for people to fight for it, because one person alone is not enough to carry this project alone. They are forcing us to believe that knowledge, especially about topics that we don't talk about in school or in church, is to be absolutely removed from our lives because these subjects are defined as 'dangerous', in the conviction that this information would lead us to suffering. For example, the subject of the true God, the Soul, entities, aliens, but also fighting for human rights, something that a priest will never mention during his masses because he actually pushes the sheep to stay submissive and obedient. On the other hand, how can we not realise the collective manipulation after all those messages we have always been manipulated with, to convince us that it’s better not to know? Starting with the old saying “if the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve”: if you don't know, you don't suffer. This suggests that if you have cheated on someone and they never find out, then it’s perfectly fine, there will be no problem, you can keep cheating or be cheated on. Whereas if they find out they will suffer and therefore you will be guilty of telling them. Instead, why not saying “if you cheat, he/she will suffer, if you don't cheat he/she will be happy”? Wouldn't that be better?

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