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La Paura degli Alieni (1 parte)

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The dark aliens base their power almost entirely on the advanced technology they possess. In absence of it they wouldn’t be worth much, and they are aware of this. Their intention is to subjugate us by exploiting our worst trait: the fear of the unknown, which is what I will talk about in this chapter. As humans we have a natural internal sensor that allows us to understand when someone is approaching us with bad intentions. In the beginning we don’t know that this feeling has a name, let alone we know how to exploit it, which is why we often ignore it and end up being easily fooled. How do we realise that something with a negative aura is approaching us and wants to harm us? First of all we feel afraid, or anxious, then we start to have negative emotions; after that, we start to suspect that there is someone next to us. Even if we don’t see it with our eyes we feel that somehow there is a presence beside us. Why do we become afraid even before we realise that there is something next to us, and at times fear comes even before someone starts to approach us? Simple, because fear is thrown at us by that presence to make sure that they are in control of the situation. In other words, this presence, which could be an alien or an entity, has to prepare the ground before they approach us. In other words, they send us feelings of fear and submissiveness to make sure they don't run any risks once they get close. This preparation serves several purposes. First of all some of them would not be able to enter our dimension if we don’t accept this fear within ourselves, and this is a very complicated matter that I will explain thoroughly so that you understand it best. Other presences would succeed anyway, but through this feeling of fear they ensure that your mind will be unstable in front of of their presence, therefore unable to react with lucidity and it will let you be invaded by that feeling of fear that will block all of your actions. Some alien races need to send out this feeling of fear before approaching us, so that if we accept this vibration within us they will be able to access the place where we are, for instance our room. But not all races have the same technologies, in fact some races have superior and more advanced ones, so they would be able to gain access even if you were not afraid. But we will talk about this later, in order to clear up any doubts. Accepting this fear within us is not really a choice, or rather it’s not a choice unless you learn to control your emotions and decide which ones to let in and which ones not to let in. That’s why aliens play dirty, because they give us no choice: they act on us as if we were lab rats, and no scientist asks permission from the lab rats to experiment on them. On the other hand, even if you had no choice but to be subject to that fear, you are accepting within yourself that feeling that some alien races will use to increase their power. This means that there is also the possibility of not accepting fear within ourselves and deciding to direct the game. A necessary distinction must be made between conscious and unconscious fear. Unconscious fear is the fear that many people discuss within themselves with the typical question that you are probably also thinking: "If I’m not afraid of aliens, since I don’t even think about them, why should they still be able to enter my house?". It’s simple: since you don’t have a psychic defence, as you have never practiced it and you probably don’t even know what it is (not because of any fault of your own, but because the society we live in is run by a Government which prevents us from knowing how to protect ourselves) any negative presence – be it entities or aliens – could enter your home, as there is no protection in place to hinder their access and prevent them from crossing the barriers of your home. On the other hand, conscious fear is that fear that you know you have: you are aware that you are afraid of something and you admit having that feeling. The problem is the unconscious fears, the ones you don't know you have and which you don't even know why they are there. Yet, unconscious fears always have a reason. Unconscious fears takes place in the presence of something that you don’t really know who or what it is, but your unconscious feels it and perceives its presence even if you consciously don’t understand it. Therefore you feel fear, then a strange anguish and bad feelings are activated in you, which accompany you throughout the night and haunt you in the nights to come.

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Since you are not conscious of what you are afraid of at that moment, you will simply feel anguished or fearful without knowing the cause, so it will be a sensation that is devoid of logic and that you will probably end up associating with a false cause; precisely because you consciously have no idea of what’s going on. Even if you believe not to be afraid of aliens, you are deeply afraid of them, and not because of weakness, inferiority or because of 'not being special', but simply because it’s natural to be afraid of something you don’t know and from which you don’t know how to defend yourself. If you knew how to protect yourself from these presences you would no longer have the slightest fear, and I am here exactly to make you get rid of it it from the outset: I will teach you how to Protect yourself. A conscious fear is one you are aware of having, for example when you turn off the light at night and start imagining elements that scare you (be it entities, monsters, aliens, zombies, whatever it may be) and perhaps immerse yourself in fantasies of how they might attack you and harm you. Well, these fears cause a sense of helplessness and agitation in you and sometimes you even risk to 'pull in' some negative entity that will be attracted because of these late-night thoughts. That’s why you shouldn’t let yourself be influenced by negative thoughts that could open the doors to unwanted beings, regardless of what you were thinking. Many of them need your fear in order to better enter your dimension, but most importantly – and that’s what empowers them the most – they need your ignorance. Fear is caused exactly by ignorance; in fact, the less you know, the more likely your fears will be high, with the result that you will be more easily scared. This is their calculation. In order to do this, aliens have been playing us tricks for centuries, like using the theory of 'the less you know, the better', to convince the human mind that the more we remain ignorant the less problems can happen to us. However, I would like to point something out to you: have you ever wondered who are the victims of dark alien experiments and abductions? Only ufologists and people who are interested in aliens, or also and especially people who are ignorant about all of this and who don’t even believe in the existence of aliens because of their ignorance? Just so you know, abductions happen especially to people who know nothing about UFOs and who don’t even believe in the existence of alien life on other planets; or rather they didn’t believe in it before they had experiences with aliens. Why? Because the people who really know what aliens are and how they attack (and I'm not talking about ufologists or hypnotists who know very little about aliens even if they pretend to be experts!) have learnt how to act to protect themselves from them, both in theory and above all in practice. If we then talk about psychics, they are able to protect themselves perfectly from dark aliens, to the point of totally eliminating the possibility of abductions or experiments caused by these beings. Of course, this happens gradually, so it’s not enough just to think in order to be really able to defend yourself. On the other hand, all those who don’t even know about the existence of aliens, inevitably don’t even put themselves in front of the problem of having to protect themselves from them. And that’s why it’s extremely easier for aliens to act towards the people who are unaware of their existence rather than towards those who are well-informed, and above all who practice in order to defend themselves from their unwelcome attentions. At this point you will begin to understand why the government wants to keep us ignorant about the alien presence: because this way we don’t feel the urge to defend ourselves from them. But another problem is, as always, the arrogance of those who convince themselves that it’s enough to read two short pages about aliens in order to know everything about them, and worse, to think that they know how to protect themselves from them even if they actually have no clue. Some people believe that it’s enough to convince themselves that they know how to defend themselves against aliens in order to actually do so. On the other hand, how can we blame them if the authors of books about aliens don’t protect themselves and don’t even know about the possibility of doing so, in the conviction that the only thing that can be done is to talk about aliens? They will still be abducted during the night and they will not remember it. Also, they underestimate the difference between conscious and unconscious fear, as well as the absence of psychic protection. This is why I recommend you start to inform yourself by clicking on this Link and learn how to Protect Yourself. Knowing how to protect yourself from aliens is of fundamental importance and, as you will understand in the following chapters, it will not be enough to do it once in a while, but it will be necessary to be commited to it because it’s your own safety that is at stake, and if you really care about protecting yourself you will do it without delaying.

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