La disinformazione sugli Alieni (3 parte)
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Among these actors there are some who have certainly been acting so well and for so long that they don’t even remember they are actors anymore and they have convinced themselves of being politicians. Others had just begun their journey when they found themselves thrown into a fiction and they still don’t know that they have to act; perhaps at first they really hoped to do something good for their country, for the people... but unfortunately there is so much corruption up there that they eventually surrendered to the higher will. So, even if they didn't want to, in the end they all become actors and serve only to hide the real leaders of the world, most of whom they don't even know themselves because it’s not their right. But this doesn’t mean that today's politicians are victims, because each one of them is analysed in great detail before being chosen to play the role of the actor-politician. The government would never leave its project in the hands of a 'good politician'. That’s why those who have good intentions are immediately excluded in order to give a seat only to those who will comply with every single decision of the Rulers: those who work to screw up this planet. There were very few politicians in the past who managed to stay in politics despite not accepting to be corrupted, but times have changed and today there’s no more of these examples. This is because those who are not compliant to the decisions made are simply eliminated from politics so that they will not possess any decision-making power; 'eliminated' often through murder. Those who govern would never let a 'banal human' who had recently entered politics with good intentions towards humanity ruin the empire built over so many centuries. One way or another, those with good intentions are removed from politics so that they can do nothing concrete for the people. So, everything will remain the same: in our eyes the faces of the actors change, but in the concrete facts nothing has changed, the script is always the same! Unfortunately, that's how it works up there: you either do as they say or they will destroy your career and you won’t be able to become anyone, neither famous nor important as you hoped. I am telling you about the Government so that you understand how they manage to keep us away from the truth about aliens even though it’s a subject in plain sight, yet they still manage to manipulate us into believing it’s all false. With all the hatred and curses that thousands of people all around the world send to politicians on a daily basis, they should all be dead by now, but strangely enough this does not happen despite the fact that it would only take one person sending a curse to another one to cause a fatal accident. Why is this? Because apparently our 'politicians' are protected by something else more hidden, which we ignore, convinced that these people are so crystal-clear towards us that they could hide nothing from us. Of course! What we must notice is that if these leaders who protect the politicians-actors from behind the scenes in order to prevent them from dying (just because they need them alive to play their part) were brought down, then the politicians we see on TV would be left uncovered, and thus it will be easier to take them down. Behind the Government there is a group of aliens who manipulates the global situation. Aliens cannot go against us directly because they know very well that we would win (even though we may not believe it ourselves) and this is why they trick us in order to bring us down bit by bit from within. In a few words, I see humans as the victims who are not committed to freeing themselves because they accept being manipulated, above them there are the fake politicians (i.e. puppets sold in body and soul) and even higher than them there are so many 'people' that it is impossible to describe them in a few words – which is why I wrote three books to do so – but many of them are convinced themselves that there is no one else above them. In other words, in the Government there is a group of special soldiers who work for a top-secret group of people who in turn work for a top secret group of dark aliens including the Reptilians, who pretend to be equals but in reality are subservient to the female group of Orange. These two alien groups do not currently declare war on each other becausethey first intend to work together to take over our planet, and after that they will fight each other to determine who should rule it. The dark aliens cannot be trusted, none of them, as they betray and kill each other without any sense of guilt.
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This sometimes happens even within the group of the Reptilian leaders itself. In fact, the main 'leader' of the race is one, but he’s not a real leader for he has become one only after showing more strength than the others. Therefore, if someone was to defeat him, they would take his place. We could say that above the Government – among the races that rule on this planet – there is also a group of Reptilians who rule over the Reptilians of lower rank and give them orders that they will have to obey around the world. One of them in particular feels and calls himself the main leader of the whole Reptilian crew because of being the strongest of the race, physically and psychically. In other words, he is the one who always has the last word on everything. Aliens have much more advanced technologies than ours (referring to those who have managed to come so far to reach the Earth) and among them the Reptilians and the Orange aliens are particularly powerful races because they possess weapons that can change our way of thinking. There are worse races than these two but they will be further explained later. This way they manage to make us take decisions that we believe to be spontaneous, but which in reality have been pushed upon us by them, who make us change our way of thinking and even forget what they don’t want us to remember. In fact, their strength lies in being able to manipulate our thoughts, because that’s how they are able to make us do what they want us to do, such as voting for a certain party, following a certain fashion, buying specific products that damage our health, ruining our relationships with other members of this planet, and much more. They can do many things because of being able to manipulate us from the inside. Through their technologies they manage to change the vibrations around and within us and push us to think differently. What are thoughts? They are energies, which move through the synapses that are nothing more than 'energy propellers' which can be influenced by precise technologies that affect them, therefore thoughts will change according to their movement. With this equipment aliens shift our thinking onto a lower wave, making it heavier, slower in understanding, and more pessimistic. There are those who still believe that thoughts can’t even be read, let alone manipulated, but I invite these people to inform themselves about 'mind-reading machines'. They are not science fiction, but technologies created and made public several years ago by humans themselves in order to read the minds of other people. they have made the headlines everywhere. The official (but not entirely sincere) purpose for the creation of these computers is to give the ability to communicate to those people who can no longer move their bodies because they are unfortunately totally paralysed, due to accidents or illnesses. This technology would give them the ability to 'talk to us' by having their thoughts read by a computer; and by choosing the right letters to combine the words they would like to say, they can easily explain to us what they are feeling. It’s an exceptional solution to be able to keep communicating despite the blocked body, so that these people can still feel alive despite everything. Clearly, this technology has been proven, and I invite the more sceptical ones to get informed because these machines really do exist and have already been used for many years. But beyond what is revealed, are we sure that the original purpose was to help the poor paralysed people? Or is there something else going on behind the interest of our good? And even if it was true that these technologies have been created for the positive purpose of helping paralysed people, do we want to believe that these technologies are not also used on all other citizens who are not paralysed? In fact, no one prohibits this. Therefore, are we sure that some individuals are not already using these machines to read people's minds and divert them? After all, as science itself states, between reading minds and changing them the boundary is really very thin. Basically, this publicly confirms that it’s possible to manipulate people’s thoughts. What is not said is that thoughts can be manipulated by both technology and psychic practice; therefore, people with strong psychic abilities can manipulate the thoughts of others. But if both techniques were used by the government, what would happen? What if those who govern us not only did this technologically, but also psychically? What if those who claim that Telepathy doesn't exist were saying so in order to keep us away from the truth while hiding hundreds of Psychics who are paid to manipulate people’s minds around the world? The answer lies in the question, you just need to remove the question mark.
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Most of the alien races that manipulate us are humanoids, and thanks to their advanced technology they manage to convert our words into communications that allow them to understand us, and vice versa. Just think of the extremely suspicious 'piano' that is used within the Senate. In this regard, I invite you do some research about the 'Michela Steno Machine', which has been hidden from the public until a few years ago, despite existing since 1876. This is a 'technological piano' used to transcribe what our dear politicians babble during their meetings. Yes! Because what they say to each other during closed-door meetings (quite different from what is shown on TV, when they recite the script in front of the cameras) is not recorded with a normal tape recorder – which as a piece of evidence would lead to public knowledge of their statements – but is transcribed into musical notes that the computer will then translate into words while an attendant will correct them, and replace them with fictitious conversations when necessary. For those not yet familiar with it, it’s a piano with twenty keys, but very few people in the world are chosen by the government to use it in the Senate. This is because the job of these people is not to transcribe the actual conversations that take place during political meetings, but to edit the text by choosing more appropriate words, censoring what should not be revealed to the population and replacing it with different topics. In fact, it’s not talented people who will be chosen to work in the Senate, but those who will sell themselves and be corrupted. All this should sound suspicious, especially since it’s a machine that until a few years ago nobody knew about. Only recently the Italian Senate begun to reveal such details during the tours inside its building, during which I remember it’s not possible to take photos, for no given reason. Consequently, we know that the person in charge of writing, or rather playing this piano, is supposed to faithfully 'write' the words that are expressed by the politicians, but basically, they will have to decide what terms to use and how to modify the interactions of those people so that the result will be a professional conversation, intended for the good of the nation. This is how they cheat naive people today, who are unable to understand that if our politicians really had nothing to hide there would be no reason to pay a reviser to completely change their speeches through an old machine, but they would use a very modern voice recorder! This way people could know their real intentions, but evidently not everyone gets it. Of course, thanks to the Michela machine and the transcribers – put there after long training and preparation that guarantees the government their total trustworthiness in betraying the population – all the dialogues written by these insiders will seem spontaneous, natural and positive, therefore they will put those politicians under a good light thanks to the beautiful words and sensible phrases transcribed in the text. Too bad that the ones who chose those words were not the politicians. In all of this the transcriber, or better said the 'musician', will not be writing in words but in melodies, which the computer will then translate and convert into written words. The peculiarity is that through this piano it’s possible to transcribe conversations in different languages even if the transcriber can’t speak nor understand them because all they need to do is press the musical notes associated with the sound of those words and the computer will translate and compose perfect dialogues, although the transcriber may not have the slightest idea of what they said to each other. That’s why some people who are capable of playing this instrument are not only used to transcribe human conversations. Many times I have wondered why people don’t realise the real reason why the Senate 'prefers' to use antiquated means such as the Michela machine rather than immediate technologies like the classic tape recorder which is clearly higher quality technology. Because, in case not everyone has figured it out by now, it’s clear that the technologies marketed and purchasable by ordinary citizens are not the same as those of military use. Just think of the most banal example of the jammer, which is a technology that the military and the police can use at any time they deem appropriate in order to block the use of the mobile phones of all the citizens in the area decided by them. Although this tool is publicly used to prevent dangerous events, its abuse is recurrent especially during protests for human rights, which make the Government feel disturbed.
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People are still astonished at the idea that the military has technology that’s more advanced than the ordinary mobile phones which are sold to anyone in the world, and they are surprised when in the vicinity of a specific politician that the government wants to protect – or in the middle of a peaceful demonstration – the protesters' mobile phones stop working and they can no longer record audio or video, take pictures, let alone send messages or make calls. This is an event that instils in many people a justified and sensible terror. Yet, the government-paid journalists are also there to record the event and to cut and stitch the images and spoken words to their liking, in order to manipulate public information and make up their own stories… and it just so happens that their mobile phones and video cameras never freeze! This way the public has no evidence to prove that the journalists are blatantly lying, even when in front of thousands of people who see the truth. But the rest of the world will believe the lies told by the journalists: the only ones who have had the right to record the event and then edit a video that manipulates the look of the situation in order to convey the opposite message of what really happened that day. Pretty easy, isn't it? So, if they have technologies that are so easy for them to use, such as a tool that can prevent anyone in that area from using any function of their smartphone – by blocking it completely for as long as they want – why don't we ask ourselves why the Senate wants us to believe at all costs that a small secular piano is better than modern technology? Because we want to believe what we want to believe, but the truth is that in the Senate, with a tape recorder, the true statements made during such diplomatic meetings would be memorized. Yet, we have to rely on the transcriptions offered by the staff whose role is to modify the speeches given, in order to make them appear better to our eyes. Basically, they have access to sophisticated military technologies, but they still choose to use the outdated ones. Doesn’t this musical instrument/translator, which appeared in 1878 (coincidentally just after the government made that famous agreement with aliens, which I will discuss later), make us suspicious that it may be a method to make what we say understood – through the vibrations emanated by our voice and then translated by the instrument – to someone who might need similar means to communicate with humans? Of course I am not precisely talking about the now obsolete Michela machine, but about very similar means adjusted to current military and governmental needs. After all, what was the real purpose of that creation? Let’s put aside the official answers, which miss no opportunity to lie. It’s clear that this updated tool is an excellent method of communication between those who really enforce the law (the aliens) and those who have to pretend to do so (the politicians). Some humanoid alien races have vocal cords roughly similar to ours, which they can use – with hard training – to produce noises similar to ours and despite the different voice they can roughly learn our language. Yet, they are very rare, because most of them use technology in order to manipulate our minds and make us believe we are hearing a perfectly human voice expressing sensible concepts, when, in reality, they are just making incomprehensible noises; but they are artificially modified to make us hear what they want. Other races have technologies capable of recording our language, reprocessing it through the advanced artificial intelligence in their possession so that they can translate and understand the meaning and quickly reverse the role so that a real direct communication can take place. In fact, it must be premised that each race has its own technologies, and we must never fall into the error of thinking that they all have the exact same level of technological and scientific knowledge. In fact, there are alien races that still abduct humans in order to study them because they still don’t perfectly know human biology, but many other races abduct us to carry out other kinds of much more complex and advanced experiments, as they already perfectly know the composition of our organism; that’s to make you understand the different levels they’re at. Every race is different, but when it comes to dark aliens there is something they all have in common: they are insensitive beings who detest humans. The reason why us humans don’t immediately see their real physical appearance comes from the technological ability they have to replace their appearance with a kind of virtual illusion, which shows others a different vision from what they really are.
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It goes without saying that aliens who are more technologically advanced than us also have tools to bypass the 'illusions' created by other aliens, but as long as we are dealing with humans who only believe what they see – and what we see is illusory – it’s very easy for them to fool us. So, it’s easy to change the appearance of an alien face and show us a human one through their sophisticated technology. But it becomes even easier if they first insert chips inside humans – most of us unaware of already having some inside – through which they can modify the images that the eyes see, directly from inside the brain. But more on this in a moment! Although they use these technologies, aliens take great care not to communicate directly face-to-face with an ordinary citizen because they fear they might be seen and uncovered anyway due to their strange features or gestures, since they can't hide everything from the possibility of an attentive eye, with or without technology! That might hinder their cover, but if it becomes necessary to confront a human, they will try hard not to let them discover who they really are and most of the time they will succeed because most people don't even understand what they are seeing. Other alien races, however, are so advanced that they are able to transform the appearance of their bodies almost instantaneously by making them human-like or by making them resemble the race they need to look like. This is because such alien races did not create their advanced technologies only to cheat humans – for whom much less would have been enough – but to prevail on many other races that were also advanced, but not as advanced as their opponents. Consequently, it’s important for them to keep improving their tools so that they become more and more effective. Aliens are way ahead with technology: they discovered long ago how to create, pass through, and close portals that allow them to move from one place to another at a speed that our official science is not even aware of, while the private government is and even today it makes us believe that it’s still "impossible" to travel outside the Earth because it would require such innovative technologies that they will not be ready even in decades from now. That’s because official science forces us to believe that in order to travel from one planet to another it’s necessary to cover every single kilometre of distance, metre after metre, in order to distract us and prevent us from understanding the real means that aliens use daily: technologies that allow them to jump from one point of the atmosphere to another by simply passing through an artificial portal, without any need to waste time using traditional routes as we have always been taught, as these are the most primitive ones to their eyes. No alien would ever think of travelling from one planet to another while navigating kilometre after kilometre in an antiquated vehicle such as a spacecraft created by Earthlings. It’s clear that the lies the Government tells us about the technologies they possess serve to keep us bound to absolute ignorance. They know of spacecrafts capable of travelling at unimaginable speeds, and they make us believe that the fastest craft was built by humans... The aliens, meanwhile, continue to advance technologically with every breath we take. Their UFOs can be adjusted in speed and visibility, so aliens can decide whether to slow down their journey or cross light-year distances in a matter of moments. They also decide whether to make their UFOs visible or to make them invisible to our eyes, although it’s important to mention that many times this latter function can be blocked and I will explain later why this happens and what happens in the meantime. Their defence and attack technologies are very advanced, and so are the tools they use to manipulate the thoughts of others, in this case humans’. It’s clear that aliens are extremely more evolved than us in terms of technological knowledge, chemistry, science, engineering and much more. Therefore, we cannot force ourselves to understand their knowledge through our own knowledge, which is deliberately limited, therefore we find it difficult to understand that all of this is possible because of our closed-mindedness… and for many it’s difficult to accept that there’s someone else who knows more than they do. Through our studies in school, we cannot understand how these aliens are able to travel through space, shape their appearance or manipulate people's thoughts. Yet we have to accept that as long as we lock ourselves in the ignorance that prevents us from moving forward, everyone in the universe will continue to move forward except from us. The point is that on other planets there are 'leaders' with the intent of making their people evolve, but on the Earth it’s our own Government that wants us ignorant and submissive, because that’s the only way they can manipulate us. So, it’s time to put aside our current logic controlled by the dark aliens in order to prevent us from understanding and evolving, and start relying more on our instincts.
End page 5 of 5. If you enjoyed the article, please comment below describing your feelings while reading or practicing the proposed technique.