La disinformazione sugli Alieni (2 parte)
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Of course, the situation may be different depending on when you are reading this book: if you are reading this book as soon as it was published, in the year 2016, it means that what follows will tell you exactly what is happening at this precise time. If, on the other hand, you are reading this book many years after its publication, I would want to believe that the Reptilians and especially the Orange race are already to be considered as two dying races – regarding their presence on this planet – so they might not have as much power over us as they have had so far. But surely, there will be other races to defeat. Having said that, I am now describing these two races as some of the most powerful, but it may not necessarily still be the case in a few years' time. My advice is to follow me on the online platforms and learn about the actuality of the alien presence through my regular writings, so that you can stay up to date with the present along with all the other students who follow me. For sure though, regardless of when you are reading this book, everything that is described will help you recognise and protect yourself from the alien presence, whatever year or era you are living in. All the alien races that have come to the Earth have had more or less similar motivations that led them to visit this planet or to stay here. First of all, what drove them to come here and get to know us was the curiosity about a new planet. For some of them our Earth is vaguely similar to where they come from, so they found in it a sense of familiarity. For others it’s totally different from what they expected, so it became even more intriguing to their eyes. Just imagine how you would feel if you had the technology to travel to another planet without any worries, thanks to the safe and advanced means that you have: of course, your only thought would be wanting visit and discover as many places as possible. Among these travellers, however, there are many dark races driven by the desire to conquer, no less than the same desire that has driven us humans for all these millennia. Also, humans are conquerors, we have fought among ourselves to conquer other lands, so it shouldn’t seem so strange to us that better equipped beings travel further away to conquer entire planets and don’t stop at conquering just one. You have to open your mind in order to realise that if you have never done or accomplished anything like this in your life it doesn’t mean that this kind of situation doesn’t exist in the entire universe. There have been many people in human history who have conquered nation after nation until they obtained entire continents, in the same way it shouldn’t be difficult to understand the reason why some alien individuals - followed by their army - are interested in conquering entire planets. For us times have changed, or rather it looks that way because we live in a nation where war seems to have not been present for a while, but there are hidden wars invisible to the population that we will discuss later. Yet there is still war in some parts of the world, and, behind the scenes, there is still a subtle and hidden war present throughout the world, motivated by conflicts of economic interests. Nonetheless, we are still astonished by the thought that some alien races might have an interest in our planet in order to conquer it. If humans had the appropriate technology, do you think they wouldn't do the same? You may not, but the Government would, without you or any of the ordinary citizens know it. Who knows, maybe they have already been doing it behind our backs for quite some time, travelling to other planets with the intention of conquering them, perhaps with the result of creating enemies who might take revenge on the human race. Having said that, it shouldn’t be shocking to us to know that there are dark alien races whose only interest is to conquer our territory, our planet, without any interest in respecting our culture, life, and evolution. The dark races are driven by the desire to conquer, so they wish to conquer as many planets as possible with the intention of owning them all. Just like in wars between humans, the same conquering attitudes can be found in the alien races who believe that owning other planets, even at the cost of fighting and killing their inhabitants, can make them powerful enough to become immortal. Some races believe in this and with their advanced technologies they aim to achieve it. Our planet is in many ways attractive because unlike other worlds and dimensions, which are mostly monotonous, ours has a great variety of different cultures and places.
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We have landscapes that range from the most populous and futuristic cities (full of lights, decorations, cutting-edge technology, etc.) to much quieter cities and towns with humble features. On this planet we can find extremely crowded places such as the world's most imposing cities and at the same time places that are basically uninhabitable for mankind, such as deserts, vast expanses of forests, not to mention the oceans in which humans obviously cannot live. There are very rich countries and very poor countries, as well as islands where at this very moment non-civilised tribes still live (search for ‘uncontacted tribes of the world’ and you will find that there are many primitive people still living in the remotest parts of this planet). There are also some very hot places and some very cold ones. This is to show that on the Earth there is a huge variety of landscapes, people and cultures that are not necessarily found on other planets. For us it seems normal, but we actually know almost nothing about this world ourselves: we take it for granted even though we ignore most of the information about it. Nevertheless, there is a great variety of places, climates, levels of technological evolution and cultures on this planet. We could call it a planet with many resources, unlike other planets and dimensions that are more homogeneous, which means that regardless of where you look, they remain the same: it's either all hot or all cold, it's either always daytime or always nighttime... unlike this planet, which is very varied and peculiar, full of details that are different all over the globe. Not all other worlds look like ours: in fact, there are planets that are somewhat 'flat' in the sense that within them there is a single language, a single culture, and a single level of technology. Therefore, all the inhabitants of that planet live more or less in the same way, unlike here where people are all very different: from the colour of their skin to the education given since childhood, from personal culture to the way we eat. Humans all over the world are very different from each other and that’s why many alien races are intrigued by us. On the other hand, there are many other races who live on planets that are very variegated, like ours or even more, in the sense that there are more 'kinds' of living beings, more varieties of locations, temperatures and so on; a bit like our planet where there are different 'races' of humans, which is not meant to be an insult but rather a great merit of this planet. Also, on other planets there are different races of the same species, therefore individuals who are different in appearance but who in reality belong to the same species. Today, with the excuse of being inclusive and of being 'all the same', the government wants to destroy the diversity of our planet, which we should instead defend at all costs. That’s because the diversity of each one of us makes us unique, unlike the government wants us to believe with calculated phraseology and mental manipulations. They tell us that 'we are all the same' in order to make us all copies deprived of our identity. It’s the government that is racist, it’s the government that hates diversity, but to govern us it needs to make us believe that it’s the people who are racist and that it’s all our fault! We will talk about this again because our diversity makes us a population of unique and united people, which the government wants to replace with clones who hate each other. On other planets there are several alien races who, for one reason or another, find themselves living together on the same planet although they come from different birthplaces. So, let’s make it clear that our planet is not 'the only one' or 'the most beautiful'; there are many planets very different from ours and each one of them has its own peculiarities. Having said that, those who visit our planet remain fascinated by it because the Earth has peculiarities to suit all tastes, as well as minerals and substances that are not found on other planets and which aliens want to have, reason why they would like to take control of it and own it completely. On the other hand, not all of those races think of mass extermination, hence the elimination of humanity, because some of them consider it inconvenient. In fact, they are not only interested in the planet, they also want to own its content: the humans. Taking over a territory is not good enough if they can’t take care of it, so they need an army of servants. We think we are free, but at the end of the day we are serving those above us without even knowing the name of our ruler.
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While the neutral aliens come here to observe, contemplate our planet’s nature, and perhaps to learn about our culture and study humans more closely (while trying not to be discovered), the dark aliens strive to subjugate their war enemy (i.e. us) in order to rob them of their territory without exterminating the race altogether, because they need us to work for them. Some of the best races come here to help and not just out of curiosity or to discover how we live, as a kind of holiday or study tour, but they come here to help and to bring solutions to our problems without us knowing about it. Some of them become so attached to us that they even decide to help us by fighting against the dark aliens who have been trying to subjugate us for a long time, but they can’t do all the work. The evil races have no interest in becoming our friends or allies, of course they are very curious about our Mind and they study us as well, but their main goal is to take over the planet and make us their puppets. Therefore, they have to control our lives, and many of them enjoy seeing us suffer without any real motivation. Some dark races see us as inferior, useless and stupid beings, so they are convinced that they are allowed to mistreat and manipulate us. Regardless of what our level of evolution is, they have no right to come to our planet and decide of our lives because although they may have superior technologies to ours, that does not mean that they are our leaders. They aren’t God, they shouldn’t dare doing this to us, and yet we are letting them do it. We can see all of this within the human race as well as in the other races. In fact, even among humans there are people who think they are superior to others and feel the duty to 'train' other humans, to the point that they mistreat them, enslave them and deprive them of their lives while following the belief that everyone is inferior to them, consequently 'too stupid to think and decide for themselves'. With this same conviction some people decide to impose their will on others, as if the world needs these self-elected leaders who must guide the flock, because they believe everyone else is just a sheep. There is no logical reason for this, yet some people are convinced that they have to decide of the lives of others because they are convinced that otherwise, on their own, they wouldn’t know how to live it. That’s what they believe. Try to think, for example, of how many employers we have met during our working career. How many of them were convinced of being our bosses under every aspect of our lives, to the point that they forgot that they were only during working hours and only as far as that particular job was concerned? Some people, since they hire employees, begin to feel like the bosses of those people's lives not only within the company but also in their private lives, to the point that you may have known employers who have tried to decide for you how to manage your life outside working hours, how to behave, how to dress, who to hang out with. Just like those employers treat their employees like idiots – as if their lives were worth nothing unless their employers tell them how to behave – there are dark aliens who are convinced that because they have superior technological equipment to ours, they are entitled to control us, manipulate us and take over our lives. They believe they are superior to us, but even if that was true, we are living beings and we have the right to live our lives as we wish, without the need for a dictator to command upon us and decide what is best to do with our lives. Also, what they deem to be right is only aimed at what is best for themselves, as they are only interested in their own personal gain and certainly the dark aliens are not interested in our good. There have been times on this Earth when aliens have been stronger and more impactful, and others when it almost seemed that their presence was gone. This feeling was partly true as it stemmed from two main reasons: the first was that our planet was never the only one in which aliens were interested, but it has always been one of many. In fact, for certain periods (which may have lasted centuries) some races put it aside in order to go and occupy other planets. Many times, they left this world to try and conquer another one, and after succeeding – or failing miserably – they came back here to catch up with the work they had left behind. In the meantime, it doesn’t mean that our planet was left unvisited, but certainly the most troublesome races were less visible.
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The second reason is obviously dictated by the Psychic humans (we will talk about them in much more detail later) who have fought to defend this planet and won many times. In the past some highly evolved Psychic humans used all their mental and physical strength to take down the enemy and chase it away, so they eliminated certain dark alien races from the face of the Earth in the hope that they would never return. Unfortunately, however, humans don’t live forever, and those who have protected the human people for their whole lives couldn’t keep caring for them throughout the millennia, but only for the years they lived. This means that when these powerful Psychics unfortunately ran out of time and their lives came to an end (due to old age or other reasons) the dark aliens returned to this planet to try their luck again. Since none of the previous Warriors who had driven the alien presence away from this planet were there anymore, the humans had to wait for someone else to take their place and drive them out again. But finding this kind of person has never been easy. In fact, it’s not certain that anyone will become this person, let alone decide to take this mission seriously. So, it’s never to be taken for granted that the planet would be protected by Psychic people who work in order to protect the rest of the population from alien manipulations. The mistake that humans have made too many times, and still make today, is to always wait for someone else to do the job for them. So instead of working together and be well prepared through the evolution of our skills in order to prevent the enemy from attacking again sooner or later, we prefer to let someone else do the dirty work for us. Often times that kind of coward is us, waiting for someone else to save us without doing anything to help. Basically, we wait for someone else to step in and decide to counterattack the alien presence in order to protect everyone else, without considering that we should be the first ones to react. This is why some of the dark races on this planet have stayed for more years and some of them have been present for so many centuries that we no longer even notice their presence, because they have accustomed us to their appearance to the point that it seems normal to us and part of this planet as much as our own. After all of this, today they have still not been taken down. On this planet there are some people who are convinced to be more intelligent and powerful than others, partially thanks to the economic wealth they have, which allows them to do whatever they want. Therefore, they feel entitled to dominate over other people’s minds because they are sure that us citizens are too stupid and weak to be able to live our lives without someone controlling us and manipulating every choice we make. Among these people there are those used as a front, who we can see in videos, photos, magazines, on the web… and they are very influential because they have an enormous economic wealth - much more than we imagine - which they use to influence the population’s choices and to further increase their own fame. But those who really manipulate us, to the point that they keep us ignorant about everything, are those at the Top of the Government. Just like those human individuals, the real Rulers in the Government have to be really egomaniacal to be convinced that they are entitled to control us all. Who these individuals are, at the Top of the Government, is a great mystery. Not only we are not informed about their discoveries and knowledge on the most various topics that concern us all (such as aliens), but we are subject to a World Leader who we don’t know and cannot even ask who they are, otherwise we would risk our lives; or at least that is what they make us fear. Isn't this strange? Isn't it strange that the entire world population doesn’t decide to turn against those who govern us and demand answers once and for all? No, it’s not strange, because those at the Top of the Government have thought of how to avoid this problem: they disunite, in whatever way, the people of the world so that they can’t trust each other, so that there is no proper communication and no bond between the people of the world. In this way, the Government makes sure that people will not empower each other in order to go against these absurd mass manipulations. That’s why most people are afraid to ask this question. By doing so, however, we are playing their game, and we are once again accepting their victory upon us. The real Government is made of a small group of people of whom one is ultimately in charge, but the hierarchy is much higher than we think, to the point that not all of them even know each other, in order to maintain the most secure confidentiality.
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Who is at the very top of the government is so hidden and unknown that even the 'politicians' we know do not know who this individual is, as they are just puppets and they don’t really decide anything. In fact, the real government that controls the population is by no means the one we publicly know, made of the various politicians whose names and faces we are aware of, that’s just a little front to keep us distracted: those in charge never show themselves in public. Basically, we may very well no longer have anyone as Head of Government and not realise it, or we may have someone and not know whether they are a man, a woman, a child or an alien, we could suspect nothing because we have never seen them anywhere and we don’t have the slightest information about them. They keep an eye on us all through the endless worldwide control on people's identities, the cameras situated everywhere, as well as microphones and cameras on mobile phones and computers, all under the pretext of the safety of the citizens and thus for our good. Unfortunately, however, when we need a footage taken by those cameras for our own safety, they ‘never work’, which is a blatant excuse for not giving us access to those tapes. Not to mention the plan to make the subcutaneous chip compulsory worldwide within a few years, which is already having great success in Italy too, where more and more people are choosing of their own ‘free will’ to have it inserted. Although many still oppose this mass control project, people are so naive and manipulated that some will try to convince others to have the subcutaneous chip inserted as if it was something fashionable, something cool. At the end of the day, we just have to wait for the government to come up with new reasons (or excuses) to convince also the rest of the population to have the subcutaneous chip inserted. How? With another one of its tricks. In fact, those who govern us first blow up a building and then tell us that some criminals among us did it, and because of them (or 'us') it’s necessary to increase the means of control (with the insertion of cameras in every street, avenue and public places) to prevent this from happening again. Unfortunately, the criminals who blew up that building, and from who we have to defend ourselves, are exactly those who control us, who have developed these methods not only to make us willingly accept cameras everywhere, but also to make us voluntarily want to place them inside our own homes as well. Those at the Top of the government know everything about us, even though we know nothing about them. In other words, we could even have a dog as a ruler and no one would know. Especially in the last few centuries, humans have become increasingly softened and weakened, so that rather than taking responsibility for their own lives, they prefer to entrust them to someone else. In this way you don't have to do anything: they will take care of everything, you will no longer have any responsibility and nothing to worry about because they will decide of your life for you. In essence, without realising it anymore, we are accepting that someone else will decide for us, across the most various areas of our lives. We thought this would be the easiest solution, but unfortunately, just like anything, it has taken over and is ruling upon us. On the other hand, we often don’t think about the fact that even the leader of the Government is not immune to age, so who knows how many times they have changed and how many have taken this place, while no one has heard of anything. If the person changes, obviously the intentions and goals at the Top change; so the commands given to their subordinates change and the reasons for controlling the people also change. Ah, I forgot that some of the readers will still be thinking: 'What are you talking about? We know very well who is in government, in fact we have a very large list of politicians who...", but I am sorry to tell you that the politicians that we see on TV are not the ones who really make the Law, they are just people who act, who read a script given to them by others. This is because most politicians are just puppets placed in front of a screen, paid to act, to occupy our thoughts and to distract us, in order to hide the true face of the real leaders of this world who certainly do not want to be known and recognised by all of us. All the presidents, all the senators, all the politicians whose names and faces we know (many of whom have fictitious names to hide their origins!) are merely Actors, they are paid to act, and some of them don’t even know they are actors! They live lives where money is the only thing that counts and they don’t care about helping the people by studying a Law suitable for us, for our time and needs. They are handed documents written by someone else, which they will sign with their own name while acting in front of the cameras as if those were their ideas, their proposals, their decisions. That's normal, let alone if the real Ruler intended to be discovered! If that was the case everything would collapse, and that’s the last thing they want!
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