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La disinformazione sugli Alieni (1 parte)

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Aliens is a very generic term that defines non-terrestrial beings, but over time it may be confusing because it doesn’t make you understand who we are actually talking about. Therefore, we will go into much more detail, I will speak of the most important races and describe them in detail. As I mentioned in the beginning, there are good aliens and dark aliens, and in this book I will speak thoroughly about both of them. I will carefully describe what they do for us or against us, what their purposes are and what strategies they use to achieve their goals. I will mainly deal with the dark ones, not because they are more evolved or important, but because they are the aliens, we have to be the most careful of and that we have to know best. The races that bring the most trouble to this planet are the Reptilians, Pleiadians and the Orange race, followed of course by the Greys, who are mainly the workers. The Orange Aliens are strictly females and feminists to the point of exaggeration, they are a very clever and secretive race, whose presence is difficult to detect. They are not talked about at all, and today's ufologists ignore their presence, even though they are currently the most influential race on this planet. In fact, I have seen that most alien researchers are firmly convinced that the Reptilians are at the head of government, so they consider them the most powerful race, or even the only alien race to manipulate us. They have evidently overlooked a small detail: the fact that the most powerful race is also capable of hiding behind the back of an inferior race. In other words, the Reptilians – even though they are very strong – are used as a shield to hide much more powerful races, one of which is precisely the Orange race. The Reptilians collaborate – or rather, fear – the Orange race, which rules above them. Before we delve into the understanding of these races, however, I must explain why ordinary people are unaware of alien existence, therefore why they ignore the presence of aliens and fear them at the same time. I will explain why people are too busy every day and don’t have time to devote themselves to the research of the truth. I will describe how and why this society is organised specifically to keep us bound to rules chosen by those dark beings. Stay focused and let’s begin to understand. Years ago, when I came across more or less long articles written by 'ufology experts' concerning their beliefs about aliens, I would turn up my nose because certain readings cast serious doubts on the existence of reptilians; mainly because what they wrote about the alien account raised more doubts than reflections. Consequently, I found it hard to believe that a lizard could be ruling over humans. What does it mean to be ruling over humans? Can lizards talk? Certain statements didn't help, and in fact, because of them, when I was a teenager, I didn't even believe in the possibility that aliens could have arrived to this planet. Maybe they could have passed by, or at the most they may have camped for a few days in remote places like deserts or forests and then left. Naively, I had convinced myself that in case dark aliens arrived to our planet our government would protect us from them, or at least warn us about the problem immediately. I also believed that in case they came to our planet they would be chased off by the military in order protect us citizens from danger. Again, that was according to my childish thinking, I thought that the best that good aliens could do was to communicate – telepathically, not verbally – with only a few people in the world, perhaps with two or three 'special ones' who must surely be the most good, evolved and powerful of all humans. I didn't even consider that aliens could also be involved in world politics, even less I could accept that some of the world's richest politicians and people were hybridised aliens themselves: it was absurd, unconceivable. But life is different from what is written in books by people who 'think' about aliens. In the following years I have had and undergone so many experiences with aliens (without ever having sought them out) that today I can assure you of their existence. If they had told me ten years ago that aliens not only exist, but are inside human politics, manipulate us, put blockages and chips inside our physical body and brain through abductions and more, I would have ignored them, because I probably would not have been ready to understand.

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Today, however, I’m happy that something enabled me to open my eyes, because I would have never forgiven myself for being one of those people who ignore the Truth. When I found myself involved in really frightening situations without looking for them or wanting to know anything about them (like when aliens slipped small technologies into my body while I was wide awake, and to do it they had to hold me down with their hands) I realised that something had to be true. However, I realise that my initial non-belief was not only dictated by naivety, but mainly by the mechanism behind information. In fact, it is not by chance that those who claim to recount first-hand experiences describe them in an ironic and confusing manner, almost as if they were mocking the reader. In fact, it was precisely because of them that I did not believe in the presence of aliens on this planet. Many of those who write books about aliens – some of which are the most famous ones – are in fact paid to tell tall tales and confuse people, distract them from the real stories about aliens, so that the readers will be divided into two camps. In the first camp will be the people who believe everything written in that book: they will literally learn it by heart without even thinking about it and they will get a completely wrong idea about aliens. In the second group there will be people who will not believe what is written in that particular text, therefore they will think that aliens do not exist and that the whole thing is just a science fiction story to waste people's time or drive them crazy. Both groups are right and wrong at the same time because they both follow one part of their instinct, but they are fooled by the second part. In the first case, people feel within themselves that aliens exist, but they don't know what they are like, how they behave and what they want from us, so they end up believing the first writer or good speaker that comes along, without asking themselves whether that writer is really telling the truth or whether they have other plans in mind. Even in the second case (therefore in the group of people who don’t believe in anything that is written on the subject of aliens) there are people who have followed their instincts but in a different way, because they have perceived within themselves that the texts written about aliens by that author are false or wrong, either because of naivety or with the intention of leading people’s thinking away from the Truth. Unfortunately, however, at this point their minds will close and they will stop listening to the instinct that says “yes, these texts are wrong, and you are right in not believing a word, but aliens exist anyway, regardless of what they say here!". So, if we are talking about Reptilians, I think it’s normal not to believe in their existence at first, primarily because we have never been given a correct and sensible definition of them. If you think of a lizard that can talk, of course you wouldn't believe it’s real, but if you realise that alien races exist – because it is Impossible that in the whole Universe we are the only ones! – and that they have different shapes compared to humans, then you realise that it’s not so strange if some of them look like reptiles. On the other hand, it must also be said that our subconscious has registered many more faces of Greys than of Reptilians, because the Greys have had more contact with the humans of the cities. The Reptilians don't get as close to us physically, they work much more behind the scenes. So, it’s the Greys who do the abductions, the physical experiments on humans, and everything else that requires direct work. Therefore, even if we don’t see an immediate logical reason, our brain accepts the existence of the Greys much more willingly than the existence of Reptilians. This is because, although many of us don’t remember it, we have had direct contact with the Greys at least once in our lives. Whether they showed themselves to us when we were children or whether we underwent an abduction as adults, many of us have recorded - within our unconscious memory - the memory of what happened, hence the memory of the face of a Grey. Whether we also remember it consciously or not it doesn’t matter: inside ourselves we know that Greys exist because somehow we have had evidence of them, even if we don’t remember them clearly. It’s different with Reptilians who show themselves to humans more rarely, so it’s normal if you find it harder to believe in the existence of a big green being with a tail but find it easy to believe in a grey head with huge black eyes.

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You should pay attention to this conflict that arises in your mind whenever you think of aliens. I admit that I also had serious difficulties in believing that Reptilians could exist, and even worse that they could fool the human eye to the point that they could take on the likeness of a human and pretend to be human as well. However, with the benefit of hindsight I have come to the understanding of what methods – or rather, advanced technologies – these aliens use, and everything has become much clearer to me. When you see certain things with your own eyes you realise that you could pretend to not believe in their existence… but at the end of the day they will still exist and there is no point in being sceptical in the face of reality. For a very negative reason I was surrounded by people who constantly talked to me about aliens, but in such a deeply misleading way that they created in me disgust and unwillingness of wanting to know more: a real agenda to turn me away from knowledge. Only years later I realised that this was a grand scheme to make me inhibit myself with my own hands, to prevent me from finding out what the real Truth is. In fact, only later I realised that if I didn’t believe in the presence of aliens, it was because of the way I had been told about the various 'testimonies' of their presence. First of all the typical fifty-something year old, menopausal-but-still-on-heat woman, who repeatedly insisted on telling me how the world was going to end in a few years; but thanks to the beautiful blue-eyed blonde aliens all the humans (but only the good and evolved ones like her!) would be rescued and taken to a planet better than the Earth in order to live happily like one big mixed family where all the people would  make passionate love together with the aliens. Other versions stated that we will be brought inside a big spaceship where billions of people will live happily ever after with the beautiful aliens, of course while making love to them all day long. All this can make a person with a clear and sane mind only turn away from the subject of aliens and make them believe that all those who talk about them are a bunch of possessed imbeciles. This is a problem because then, people who have actually had real experiences with aliens (which are quite different from those mentioned above) will not be believed, as they will be associated with the idea that everyone who talks about aliens is an insane and foolish lunatic. Another example is the typical sixty-year-old man who pretends to be spiritual, grows a long beard to make himself look wiser, gives incomprehensible speeches by pronouncing words invented on the spot with the intention of making those who don't know certain terms feel ignorant, and then out of nowhere they start talking about aliens. When you meet these kinds of people it’s normal to end up thinking that aliens don't exist, because you associate the subject with the people who talk about it. If the people who talk about aliens are crazy people, it’s normal that you end up thinking that the aliens aren’t real. This should give us room for thought because it could be much more than a coincidence, it could be a planned event so that people – traumatised by these maniacs – spontaneously decide to turn away from the subject of aliens. It’s a bit like what happens with God: if you open your eyes and realise that the Church is a big machine of lies, falsehoods and ignorance, you spontaneously decide to turn away from it, but in the meantime you may run the risk of no longer believing in the existence of God because you have associated it with the people who talk about it, therefore with the people who go to church and the priests who are known to not be pure at all. But God is not what we are forced to believe during masses and catechism, during all those hours of compulsory religion that have been indoctrinating us with falsehoods and lies throughout our lives. God is not what the church tells us, the church is only interested in getting people's money by exploiting the name of ‘the Lord’. In the same way Jesus is not in touch with any of those priests who use the name of Christ every day in order to be believed by the people: they lie shamelessly to ensnare as many people and earn as much money as possible. God is God, Jesus is Jesus, the church is fraud! We must pay attention to the dark agenda behind this mechanism which divides us in two fractions. There are those who will blindly follow the word of those who speak (for instance, the priests and thus the church) and get it all wrong, and those who in order to not follow the priests will choose to become atheists, getting it all wrong as well. The point is that we must not associate the existence of something or someone with the people who talk about it.

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The priests are not God, so if you don't like the idea that Catholics have about God you should not be influenced into the belief that catholics know the absolute truth, and that if what they believe is wrong then there is no other truth. So, if you don’t believe their version, it doesn’t mean that there are no other ones, or that they’re all just as false. There are, in fact, much deeper truths than what you were taught in school or catechism, about God, about Aliens, about science and medicine, and about so many other subjects. If I had listened to those people who were talking about aliens and blathering that reptilians would conquer us all, that they would impregnate women and that our children will be born lizards, I would of course have walked away from the subject for good. But I decided to detach myself from everything that was being written or told by 'ufologists' and 'alien experts', and because of my first-hand experience I chose to open my mind and believe what was happening to me without associating it with what was being told by others. Today, however, I realise that these people actually serve the dark aliens well, because since the subject of aliens can no longer be avoided, these people make sure it is ridiculed, confused, and interpreted differently than it should be. In this way aliens make sure that humans will remain ignorant about them for quite a while. They are very bothered by the fact that people talk about them, but if the people who talk about them spread disinformation – to the point that they ruin the spiritual evolution of those who really wanted to know the truth – that’s all good for them. This is because thanks to such individuals, aliens make sure that even the people who believed in their existence will stop doing so, for fear of going mad like the characters described above. My intention isn’t to convince anyone of the existence of aliens, but to relate real experiences so that those who really want to inform themselves can do so without fear of reading another made-up story. Personally, I realised that the more people tried to convince me of the existence of aliens, the more I distanced myself from them and from the subject because I felt pressured and obliged to believe in their ideas, in which fortunately I did not identify at the time. It was only when I stopped listening to them and found myself in the midst of direct experiences (that I did not even know how to get out of) that I realised I should react rather than stay still and suffer. I realised that people were lying, as experience showed me that aliens did exist, but they were completely different from those previous descriptions. I realised that I should have not excluded anything. Years ago, I might have considered myself too young to understand the seriousness of the subject, I was probably not ready. This shows that a person is not born ready and experienced, as experience comes with time and according to the person's spiritual maturity, which also evolves. So not everyone is ready to understand at the same time as others, and we should not blame ourselves for that. There is a time for everyone, and it is not certain that those who consider themselves sceptical on the subject today will remain such for the rest of their lives. On the contrary, when faced with first-hand experience you can no longer pretend to be sceptical, because the truth is touching you, literally. The dark agenda around us causes the subject of aliens to be ridiculed, which makes it easier for more and more people to become sceptical, even though they may not really be, but they perceive inside themselves that certain famous books and popular writings are not as true as they want to make them seem. Therefore, because of those writings, even the people who were really interested in the subject will decide to turn away from anyone who talks about it. In order to evolve and learn the truth, we cannot rely on other people's tales, but must experiment with our own abilities and practice in order to retrieve the most unconscious memories hidden inside our minds, nothing to do with the fantasies that are collected during regressive hypnosis. Something bigger than me allowed me to regain the right motivation to seek the truth about this worldwide problem and prompted me to learn defensive techniques to protect myself from dark aliens – which is what I will teach you in this book – in order to give me the strength to react. In fact, I only came to know the information I will describe in these pages through direct face-to-face experiences with aliens. Information that I would have not understood and perhaps nor even believed otherwise.

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I never sought to have contacts with aliens, I had no desire to meet them, have experiences with them, nor visit them. The further they were from me the better, but sometimes you find yourself involved in events that you have never imagined or desired, and if you had a choice you would continue to avoid them for the rest of your life. Yet it happened to me and to many other people who don’t remember their experiences and who are therefore firmly convinced that they have never had any contact with aliens at all; just as I thought. Afterwards, however, time for me began to pass as if each year I lived lasted like five years for how intense they were due to the extreme contact with aliens. If I think about it carefully, I must admit that in just a few years my life changed radically. I must also thank who (or what) made this choice for me, so that certain experiences manifested themselves before my eyes, even the seemingly negative ones. Above all I have to thank myself, because instead of crying, despairing and complaining to others as if God or someone else was to blame, I bit the bullet and fought with the fixed thought in my mind that I could not let myself be subjugated by such beings. In this book I will present my experiences, the reflections that led me to specific conclusions, I will teach you the psychic techniques I learned on my own in order to defend myself against them, and I will ensure that anyone who decides to continue with this book will be able to protect themselves from aliens for life. Then everyone will be free to understand what motivated me to write this book and appreciate it, or the exact opposite. What matters to me is that as many people as possible learn how to defend themselves against darkness. The hardest part for me to accept was that aliens can be after ordinary people who have no interest in the subject of UFOs and enter their homes without permission or without anyone noticing, which is even worse. Simply I wasn’t aware of the capabilities and of the level of alien technologies, portals, alternate dimensions, underground alien bases and so much more that is hidden from us. Only with experience I was able to discover what they were and how they worked. Before I started to experience all of this by myself I was uninformed, because I realised that too many writers of UFOs were only interested in appearing as the superior and elected ones, but they had no real interest in the people, in the readers. In fact, after you finished reading certain books there was nothing left in your hands, only a deep emptiness in your chest. All this obviously would lead anyone to abandon any of these readings. My salvation was experience, which is why today I can say with absolute certainty that Reptilians – like many other alien races – do unfortunately exist. However, this doesn’t mean that everything that is being said about them is true. I would rather say the opposite: there is a lot of distorted information out there aimed to confuse us into thinking that none of this makes sense, including the existence of Reptilians, and it’s done on purpose! There are many known alien races on this planet, but it just so happens that the most famous one is the reptilian race. I think that it’s not possible to believe in their existence right away without first starting from the basics. That’s because they are very capable of hiding themselves, to the point that they manage to make humans believe that they don't exist through very strong programs inserted into our minds which act in our subconscious, in order to make us think what they want us to think. Have you ever been convinced that aliens exist... and the next day, without any logical reason, you were convinced that they don’t? Well, this sudden change of thought is due to the alien programs that they insert into our minds, specifically to make us forget about their existence. Our Consciousness says "Yes, they exist!" but these mental programs say "No, they do not exist!". Reptilians are not the most powerful race in the world, like all those who speak of them would naively make us believe, but they are certainly a race that has brought a lot of damage to humanity, and this cannot be denied. I would like to point out that in recent years, especially from 2013 to this day, Reptilians and all the other known dark races on this planet are decreasing in power, and overtime they will continue to lose power. In the meantime, they are trying to use all of their strength to resist as much as possible, in the hope of lading one final blow on our system.

End page 5 of 5. If you enjoyed the article, please comment below describing your feelings while reading or practicing the proposed technique.

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  • Iris

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    15:44 26/03/25

    Grazie Angel per questo libro, non immaginavo assolutamente tutte queste cose. Purtroppo non ne si è normalmente a conoscenza e, come dici te, ci sono poche notizie certe e molte confusive a riguardo, grossolane, assurde che fanno diminuire la credibilità del tutto facendo allontanare dalla voglia della ricerca della verità … Non avevo nemmeno sentito mai nominare le razze aliene che citi e sono sempre più curiosa e un po’ spaventata (ma più curiosa per meglio difendermi e orientarmi) di saperne di più sull argomento.