Introduzione (1 parte)

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I wish I could tell you that it would be enough to ignore the military and alien technological advancement against us so that it wouldn’t happen or affect you and cause you harm; but that would be a false tale, a cradle of lies, lies behind which it is wrong to hide. Especially today, a moment in which we can still do something to change the course of events. It’s not too late. We all know that the truth is frightening, that it’s scary to know that you have to devote time to the necessity of protecting yourself and reacting to what is happening around us, but knowing the truth allows you to change things and give real answers to all the events that happen in your daily life. Because, even if it’s difficult to understand, many events that are happening to you are also happening to many other people, and not just because 'we're all in the same boat,' but also because they are copy-paste programs that aliens and soldiers on their behalf – including, of course, the operators – paste into all of our lives, knowing, unfortunately, that each of us will believe we are the only ones experiencing those scenarios. Whether it’s a new romantic relationship or a move that is taking forever, whether it’s the incessant search for a job or a suitable home, whether it’s the constant search for a time of tranquility, or the strange artificial calm that induces apathy even when you know well that you need to move, and quickly, you will discover that these are events that are happening simultaneously to many people, events that are not random, but artificially programmed and then pasted into our lives. The events take different names and faces, yet the programs are the same.
You will realize that our lives resemble each other more than you imagine, and not because we are similar people, but because we are victims of the same technologies.
You will discover that “coincidences” or so-called “synchronicities” are not at all accidental, but this is not always positive news or something to be associated with positive entities, because today many events that happen to us are created, programmed, and controlled by Artificiality, that is, by technologies in alien and military hands with which they control the lives of the masses. And this is where you will discover how many events that happen in your life and how many beautiful or annoying people that appear to you don’t come by chance, but because your meeting was orchestrated. Naturally, unbeknownst to both of you. After the 6th book of Apathy, I announced various topics that I would cover during the writing of this volume; however, in the meantime, equally important and urgent issues have arisen, which we must focus on with greater attention. For this reason, before continuing with the topics already opened in previous volumes, it is necessary to start with an explanation of the new technologies that the Government is currently using right under everyone's noses, but that continue to go unnoticed, and then address fundamental topics such as the Radio in the head and the voices that can be heard. I will explain to you why people hate Chemtrails and 5G Antennas so much, and what the real effects of these technologies are on our daily physical and mental health. I recommend that you read this volume without delay, avoiding long pauses of days or weeks between chapters so that you can fully understand what is happening in this historical period without having your memory cut off and thus being prevented from learning in the best way how to react and defend yourself from all this abomination. I wish you a good reading and, above all, that this Book may open your eyes and give you the strength to act to change things.
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