Tecnologia e Artificialità (1 parte)

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To understand what is happening in your life and the world around you, which unfortunately you often risk considering as if they were two separate factors – not realizing how extremely connected they are – first, I need to explain to you what technologies are being used to manipulate both the events of your private life, the events in the life of every single person around us individually, and the global events that concern the world collectively. Let’s start with the assumption that you will probably recognize yourself in many of the events listed. I suggest you mark √ next to all the symptoms you recognize in yourself. Since September 2022, and especially since the beginning of 2023, the following have increased:
- Daily headaches, with the pain extending beyond just the number of times a week you suffer from them;
- Instances where headaches have occurred while on the highway;
- Instances where, following a headache, you’ve almost had accidents/collisions, both on the road and on the highway;
- Instances where you hear sounds or even melodies inside your head while falling asleep and/or waking up;
- Instances where you hear sounds or melodies/songs while awake but that, in everyday reality, “do not exist”;
- An inexplicable crowding of thoughts in your head, so much so that it feels like you have a radio on inside;
- A crowding of voices and loops of songs 'heard in reality' that you can’t get out of your head even though you don’t like them;
- Extreme difficulty concentrating, and focusing on something, without being distracted by thoughts and mental 'videos';
- Inexplicable and sudden desires to start or add tattoos and especially to resort to cosmetic surgery even though you had never thought about it before;
- Unusual onset of dyslexia (and related disorders) in adulthood, even if you had never suffered from it before, and/or increasingly severe difficulty in reading and understanding the content of the text you read or listened to;
- Senseless onset of stuttering disorders and difficulty in composing sentences without making mistakes and/or slurring words, becoming more frequent, especially during moments of tiredness and stress, even though you had never suffered from it in your life;
- A significant increase in nightmares: not necessarily terrifying, but even neutral dreams that leave you feeling anxious and with a racing heart as if they were real nightmares;
- Experiences of “spontaneous” astral projections, without having practiced or made any effort, OOBE (Out-of-Body Experiences) events that suddenly start happening 'on their own';
- Instances where you wake up at very specific times (the same exact time every night) as well as excessive nighttime awakenings (waking up many times during the night);
- Muscle spasms both during the day, but especially at night while sleeping or just before falling asleep;
- Onset of sleepwalking, from the mildest forms like talking in your sleep, to more severe disturbances like moving, getting out of bed, even walking in your sleep;
- Increase in blood pressure both when standing and when lying in bed ready to sleep;
- Overheating of the body, making it difficult to lower and rebalance the temperature as if you were constantly overheating;
- Sudden stomach blocks that stop hunger, heat strokes, and digestive congestions without reason, both from heat and cold;
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- Sudden skin-related issues, including dermatitis and scalp problems such as dandruff;
- Unexplained health issues related to the thyroid, intestines, and colon;
- Frequent dizziness, feelings of faintness, heaviness in the head with a strong feeling of muffledness;
- Simultaneous decline of the 5 senses, such as: seeing less vivid colors and not noticing details (even if you were used to seeing them all before); instances where you increasingly fail to hear even very loud sounds like a car approaching on the street, as if you were isolated and distracted; not perceiving someone or something touching or brushing against you unless you see it with your eyes, then realizing you also perceive the tactile sense; not immediately detecting bad taste, but continuing to consume food even though it is of poor quality; not smelling odors, even strong ones (such as the smell of a stink bug), and sometimes not even pleasant smells in the environment (as if your sense of smell has lowered its range of detectable odors), and many other sensory reductions related to the 5 senses that have not yet been listed;
- Unexplained desire to consult a psychologist, believing in your mind that you need to do so even without a real reason;
- Unexplained desire to take psychiatric medications and antidepressants even though there is no real clinical need for you to do so;
- Unexplained sudden and intense bouts of depression, lasting 2-3 days, which disappear as illogically as they appeared out of nowhere;
- Unreasonable feelings that lead you to believe you are at risk of stroke, epileptic seizures, and panic attacks, even if you have never suffered from them before;
- Excessive increase in mental dialogues, from 'mental movies/videos' where you talk and live out situations with familiar people, to long-winded dialogues as if you were explaining/recounting something to someone, describing the chronology of events that have happened to you as if someone were interrogating you, only realizing after several minutes that you have thought long discourses that you will never actually express to anyone... but in which the intensity of the narrative seemed so real as if you were actually talking to someone, but inside your mind;
- The feeling of always being 'surrounded' by familiar people but also strangers, even when you are alone in your house or room, simply imagining them often around you;
- Strong needle-like stings in the fingertips of your hands and feet, but also in your legs, facial muscles, and other parts of your body, increasingly frequent both during the day and at night.
All these events and many other unlisted disturbances do not happen “always,” but often, and are steadily increasing in the daily routine of many people. This, of course, is recognizable by those who pay attention throughout the day to be more conscious, less so by the rest of the population who are experiencing the same situations but cannot notice because they are too asleep, and/or attribute the listed disturbances to aging and/or pre-existing conditions in themselves; ignoring, however, that these disturbances have appeared out of nowhere even in very young people (as well as children) and in those who have never suffered from any of the listed problems but who suddenly suffer from them as if it were normal. All this, let us specify, is for those who have not taken the doses of the farce virus; for those who have taken them, I won’t even go into detail, as the disturbances to be listed would be much worse, and among the various causes of death for these people is also suicide. This latter is not at all coincidental, but I will explain the reasons that will drive both the dosed and the non-dosed to suicide (completely unnatural and illogical); this is because, unfortunately, these technologies are also affecting the non-dosed due to proximity to the dosed, spreading various physical and mental ailments, including artificial mental disorders that lead to suicide, even among those who are not dosed.
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We will discuss these topics in detail and much more, reaching the point of describing artificial torture—or electronic torture—that more and more people are suffering from today. All those visual and auditory hallucinations that an increasing number of people are suddenly beginning to experience, so severe that they convince the unconscious victims they have gone mad (although, as you will discover, these are very well-designed holograms used to torture many people, not hallucinations), are related to electronic torture, and I will explain how to escape from it if you are a victim.
Let's start from the beginning, taking stock of the situation: all these problems stem from the same sources. All the disturbances listed above, and many others, are caused by the artificiality generated by Alien and Government technologies, that is, Alien-manufactured technologies that were then handed over to the Government to contribute to the mental subjugation of the population. The subjugation they aim for is not just physical, but mental, psychological, and psychic—in other words, a subjugation from which one cannot escape even after death, but which, on the contrary, prevails and forces obedience by imposing hypnosis on the Soul and prepares the population to become an army of armed slaves, a topic we will cover in these volumes.
You just need to observe the crimes the Government constantly commits against the population to realize that it is unthinkable that the Masters truly at the Top of the Government are 'humans,' because humans, no matter how evil or power-hungry they may be, would not pursue projects whose results will only be seen hundreds of years from now. The humans in power, such as politicians in the lower government, aim for control over the people that yields immediate results, not centuries later, when they will be dead. It is not a human mind that plans Scams and Wars that will produce results in the coming decades and centuries because a human mind knows, no matter how rich and powerful the person may be, that they will eventually die and never see the fruits of that work.
The minds at the top of global control are not human, as far as dark projects they are constantly working on, will only bear real fruits in the coming decades and centuries. To enjoy them, one would need a life much longer than a human's; in fact, we are talking about beings, or rather aliens, whose longevity surpasses that of humans by centuries. Politicians, no matter how rich and powerful, can live less than a single century, so it's clear they will not enjoy the results of these enormous projects. In other words, it is unthinkable that everything our planet and population have been suffering for centuries and millennia is simply caused by 'bad people' carrying out the projects of other deceased humans, fully aware that they themselves will not enjoy the future results.
The worst people can be found in politics, in the lower government—those people who would do anything for a bit of money, even sell their Nation to others. But when it comes to mass genocide that suddenly repeats every century out of nowhere, every century with different excuses but still relentlessly killing millions and millions, you realize that it is not simply a matter of some insane politician (who, by the way, would not even have the power to do so, as they would be stopped by others if they wanted to) but rather Masters far more powerful than mere politicians, to whom the latter obey and from whom they cannot escape. Politicians are not masters; they are slaves, and this does not make them victims, but it is important to clarify that they do not make decisions—they follow the orders of their true Masters; reiterating once again, this does not make them victims nor does it absolve them of the horrible actions they commit every day.
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However, even the most insane politician would think about enjoying the fruits of their power in this life, certainly not after they are dead. That’s why you must realize that those who truly rule this planet are the Masters above the politicians, the Masters above the public government, and these Masters who make up the real Government are predominantly Aliens. Below them are hybridized and modified 'humans,' totally obedient to the aliens, who occupy various roles (from Operators and scientists to military personnel, the richest people on the planet, and some of the most powerful politicians in the world...) are above the public government but also obey the aliens and cannot escape.
The public government is the lowest rung and is made up of the politicians we see on TV or live when they hold propaganda meetings, but they are nothing more than small pawns compared to what is hidden in the higher ranks above them. If you focus on observing all the anecdotes that have occurred over the decades and centuries, you will realize that the goals the true Masters intend to achieve are far more severe than the 'simple' desire for power and wealth that a small politician might desire.
We are talking about goals that are revealed over years, decades, and centuries, while public politicians die and are replaced by others, but the true Masters remain the same and do not die of old age or disease as quickly as humans do. The goals the aliens aim for concerning humanity are far worse than one can humanly understand, and that’s why, to grasp these concepts, it is necessary to Practice and Remember the past and to See the future, to think as a Soul that sees the project in its entirety and not as a simple human immersed in daily life. However, I will strive to explain their real projects to you in detail through these volumes.
As long as you observe life around you from within a human body distracted by daily events, you will be perpetually deluded into thinking you know the truth because you rely on the news, whether it’s broadcast on TV, YouTube... or Netflix. Today, Propaganda is so invasive that it is imposed in every single movie and TV series, which, between one scene and another, must imprint the news you are supposed to believe in your mind. And they succeed—oh, how they succeed. Just look around and realize how many people are completely manipulated without even knowing it, even if they don’t watch TV or the news. And if this is happening, it’s precisely because of the invasive and relentless Propaganda that we are forced to see and hear through every film, song, YouTube video, and commercial on the radio as on TV, as well as the banners that scroll on various websites or social networks we frequent.
In other words, we are bombarded by Propaganda that pushes us to believe in what the Government imposes on us, making it difficult not to be manipulated in at least some areas. So, as long as you observe life from within a human body living its daily routine, you will not be able to understand the real goals that Beings with lives far longer than ours are aiming for and the projects they are working on to achieve results in due time.
Anyone who believes that the Farce started in 2020 and ended in 2022 is obviously wrong, and badly so, because the Farce was not a standalone project but one of many steps that will gradually lead to the realization of their long-term goals. In other words, the Farce is not over but will evolve with new phases, one of which, of course, is the fake climate change. All of this is because even the latter is artificially programmed and is absolutely not a “problem caused by humans,” but rather a manipulation of the climate through Aliens and subsequently Governmental technologies.
Now, you’re probably realizing what all those Trails released for years and years and years were for: they weren’t interested in just making it rain occasionally; they intended to create a false climate change that exploded in 2023 as if nothing had happened! Because it’s well known that a hypothetical climate change would happen in 2-3 months, not over entire centuries of transition! It’s also known that a hypothetical hole in the ozone layer, supposedly caused by an infinity of chemical and toxic substances, is the fault of individual citizens living in the world and not the fault of the Multinational companies that release these same substances into the air.
But for those who still live in their fantasy world where 'humans are guilty of everything' and don’t realize that it’s the same old excuse used by the Government to pit us against each other and prevent us from seeing who our real enemy is and uniting to fight them, they will continue to do what they have always done: turn on the TV and/or spend entire days watching videos and TV series. This is their life; it’s the life of the human who is increasingly becoming a human Antenna. The Government has an urgent need for human Antennas.
End page 4 of 4. If you enjoyed the article, please comment below describing your feelings while reading or practicing the proposed technique.