Scie Chimiche - A cosa servono (1 parte)
Part 1 of 7
To begin understanding the Governmental technologies used against the human population, we must revisit the often overlooked and underestimated Chemtrails, from which we will then develop an understanding of Artificial Telepathy, Mind Manipulation, visual and auditory hallucinations, increasingly frequent nightmares, epileptic seizures, spasms, and even the remote control of limbs by military forces, the Artificial Screen, and so on.
The topic of Chemtrails is still highly relevant, one that I have been addressing for almost 15 years, never stopping to talk about it and constantly motivating students to practice alongside me in studying them. This is a subject I have already extensively explained, detailing its enormous usefulness to the Government and the functions it performs, particularly in volume 3 of the book “Prendiamo Coscienza degli Alieni” (“Let's Become Aware of the Aliens”).
When I wrote the book Alieni in 2015 and published entire chapters dedicated to Chemtrails with countless photographs taken in various parts of Italy and abroad, where they were simultaneously released (photos useful in sharing proof after proof of the existence of these Chemtrails!), I still had to approach a very closed-minded and shockingly ignorant audience. People couldn't see the Chemtrails with their own eyes, even if they were right in front of them, above their heads, every day. However, at that time, it was still somewhat understandable that someone might not grasp the Truth, even when seeing it with their own eyes every day.
But today, in 2024, it’s truly foolish not to believe in Chemtrails, even when they are in plain sight every hour of the day, to the point of refusing to see them despite being constantly bombarded by them, and the evidence is so overwhelming that we end up taking them for granted. The problem is that if someone still doesn’t believe in the existence of Chemtrails today, as if there were no way to see them with their own eyes, they must have serious mental deficiencies, as it would be like denying the existence of artificial satellites even though the world is completely surrounded by them.
In the following image, our planet is shown completely surrounded by millions of artificial satellites created by 'man.' Yes, because one or two weren’t enough... just imagine the effect that these millions of technological satellites around our planet are causing every day.
In 2015, I had to approach a very ignorant audience, so I decided to be very cautious in describing all the direct and even secondary effects produced by Chemtrails on human health and the environment. It is disturbing to see how many 'environmentalists' claim to fight for the good of the environment, while none of them realize that the severe damages far worse than false recycling are caused by Chemtrail pollution. I specified false recycling because, for those who still don't know or pretend not to know, while we carefully sort our trash at home between plastic, organic waste, etc., once the sanitation workers collect our neatly sorted bags, they dump them all into the same collection center, mixing them, preventing any separation and making the whole system completely useless. The same workers, in confidence, admit that recycling is just a farce and a completely useless program.
So, if we still want to feign naivety about the Government's lies on this rather minor issue compared to the larger projects it carries out, just imagine how 'awake' the 'environmentalists' are when it comes to pollution. It is disturbing to know that all these environmentalists pride themselves on fighting to protect the environment but lack the courage to address the most serious threat to the health of the planet, nature, and thus plants, useful insects, and animals—which is not plastic, but Chemtrails.
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Unfortunately, if the students don’t understand and don’t want to understand, I can’t push too hard, because many of them were so convinced that the Government would never create something that could harm them or that was even specifically designed for their/our harm, that they defended Chemtrails by calling them what the Government wanted and still wants them to be called: condensation trails.
Many of us still remember when we were children and could see real clouds. Those born before the 90s should well remember—unless their memories have been erased, as is sadly happening to more and more people—that when we were kids, we could see ‘sheep clouds’ and clouds so white and fluffy that our favorite game was watching them change shapes over time. The clouds were natural and took on various forms, becoming a favorite game for children because it was wonderful to watch them and wait for them to resemble something realistic or fantastical. Back then, planes released condensation trails that were so short that if you playfully pointed at the plane and tried to cover it with your finger, you would see that the condensation trail was as long as your finger, and as soon as the plane moved, the trail would disappear immediately. If you played counting how long it took for the trail to disappear, it was less than 2 seconds.
When we were children, our heads were down only when we had to study from schoolbooks, but the rest of the time, our heads were up, because we were looking at the sky, playing with clouds, counting stars, or hoping to see a shooting star; our faces were often turned upwards. During the day or in the evening, our gaze was always directed up.
The habits of today, which involve not only children but also adults—who are even more submissive and ignorant than children—are to keep their heads down looking at their phones. Even if they have Chemtrails above their heads, they don’t want to see them, because their faces are looking down, not up. The sky is no longer looked at, except almost by accident when they want to rest their eyes for a moment and then quickly return to looking at their phones.
The worst thing isn’t when a child doesn’t recognize a Chemtrail, because he is a victim of this process. The worst and most horrifying thing is when an adult, after living over 60 years of his life and thus being born well before the 90s (which should make us think that he must remember the past sky and the difference between clouds from then and now), in 2024 still wonders if those suffocating gray streaks in the sky are Chemtrails or condensation trails, as he believes he 'has never seen them before.' Yet he’s looking at them even at that very moment.
The fluffy white clouds that looked like sheep in the sky almost no longer exist today. Today, we only see long ‘clouds,’ some narrow, others wide, but streaked, covering the sky completely, sometimes forming waves. In the past, we saw a blue sky and many plump clouds, so much so that they moved across the sky, and you could recognize the space and distance between the clouds and the sky. Today, the chemical clouds are one with the sky, so much so that if you focus a bit longer, even when the sky is ‘clear,’ you can actually observe the semi-transparent film of chemical streaks.
The clouds of the past were so dense that they seemed tangible, providing great stimulation for the mind. They didn’t dirty the sky but rather beautified it. Today, we see a permanently gray, dirty sky, even when it’s theoretically not cloudy. When it is, the clouds stretch across the entire sky without leaving empty spaces because the whole sky is tainted. Today's clouds are completely artificial and dirty the sky to the point that even when it’s not theoretically cloudy, the sky is still dirty.
In the past, clouds were so compact that it seemed possible to walk on them, and as children, we loved imagining touching them and playing with them, imagining that angels or fantastic animals were hiding among the clouds, which greatly excited children, activating creativity and imagination. Today, no child would dream of touching or fantasizing about the clouds because they are disgusting, gray, and depressing.
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So far, I have talked about clouds because they were the first sign of a terrible change caused by Chemtrails, but they are certainly not the consequence we should truly be concerned about; in fact, this is the least of the phenomena we should focus on because the real problem is the serious physical illnesses and mental disorders that Chemtrails bring us. Remembering and recognizing the appearance of clouds is useful for identifying differences because if you have memory, you realize how, in just a few decades, the sky above you has changed radically; this visual aspect allows you to recognize the change, but it certainly isn’t enough to understand the truths hidden behind Chemtrails. However, if you can’t see the difference and can’t recall childhood memories of the sky and the nature that surrounded you—which in just 20-30 years has changed at a frightening pace—it can only mean that the great collective reset is working very well on you too. It's not something to be proud of.
In the second volume of Aliens, I extensively explained what Chemtrails were and what they were used for to achieve the goals that the Government aims to accomplish in the coming decades. Since then, I have studied and noted all the changes that have occurred in the following years, including the Government's attempt to hide Chemtrails and make them increasingly “invisible” to the eyes of the people, to the point of being mistaken for ‘normal.’ The problem is that the Government has succeeded so well in distracting both the old and new generations through the millions of artificial stimuli summarized by the term ‘smartphone’ that it has reached the point where, just as it hoped, there is no longer a need to make them invisible. This is because it has imposed on society such a strong will to stay bent over looking at their phones, or waste hours and hours of the day in front of the TV or computer screen watching videos and series, that people no longer look at the sky. After all, they’re too busy, to the point where even physical eyesight is deteriorating significantly. After spending hours staring at a screen, it becomes more difficult to see the reality around us with our own eyes, let alone the presence of Chemtrails, which people prefer to ignore, convincing themselves that nothing can be done to change things and therefore it’s better not to even think about it. Thus, the Government has achieved its goal and has relaxed, making less effort in the procedure of hiding Chemtrails, knowing that people wouldn’t do anything to stop this crime against humanity and the entire planet, but would simply lower their gaze. The Government no longer needed to make Chemtrails invisible, as people wouldn’t look at them anyway. So, if before Chemtrails were released but in secret so that people wouldn’t see them, today they fill our skies, playing tic-tac-toe with airplanes, knowing that people don’t even look at the sky, let alone feel like acting to stop this abomination.
I remember very well how several years ago a TV program called Mistero aired segments—a ridiculous show used to manipulate people through falsely spiritual topics. Within Mistero, they introduced a fictional character who wore a black mask (which already says a lot) who was supposed to ridiculously represent a spiritual guru that he was not, to explain phenomena like entities, orbs, aliens, etc. That character called ‘Adam Kadmon,’ ridiculous and prostituted to TV, was meant to deceive people through long manipulation, making them believe that he was telling the truth just because he was on TV, starting with semi-truthful topics so that people would think the first ones and then believe the following ones, to drop the much-awaited bombshell eventually: on TV, he revealed his pearl, saying that Chemtrails didn’t exist and that those who believed in them were stupid, citing the exact words: ‘If Chemtrails were real, the Government wouldn’t release them so openly in front of everyone, but would try to hide them! This means they are condensation trails!!’ And so, a large part of the population, following that ridiculous and insignificant actor, parroted his exact words. ‘Chemtrails don’t exist; otherwise, the Government would hide them and not release them in plain sight.’
That was precisely the time when I remember perfectly that the Government stopped hiding them and trying to find methods to make them less visible because people were so completely possessed by ignorance that they didn’t look at the sky because they were too busy watching TV.
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Nonetheless, during this period when many people began realizing that the sky was "different from usual," the Government organized numerous methods to hide the Chemtrails so that people wouldn't see or immediately recognize them. Below, I will describe some events I remember very well, also exposing the methods they used to deceive people in the most ridiculous ways possible. There was a time when the sky was still a beautiful bright blue, and Chemtrails were easily recognizable because, during the day, many "normal" planes passed by, leaving contrails that disappeared immediately after their passage. If you tried, you wouldn't even be able to follow them with your eyes because they disappeared so quickly. At the same time, however, in the same sky, you could see other planes, the ones leaving Chemtrails, so if you were already aware, you could instantly recognize the huge differences because some planes almost didn't leave trails, while others did, and the latter stayed for HOURS. This visible difference to anyone's eyes raised suspicions because the contrast was so stark. Therefore, to prevent people from waking up and comparing the two types of planes, the Government modified the tanks of all planes so that ALL would release the same Chemtrails, and there would almost no longer be any planes that weren't harmful, thus releasing only harmless contrails. In other words, almost all commercial planes, and not just them, quickly became carriers of Chemtrails. This effort was also intended to accelerate the effects of the Chemtrails since, up until then, despite the volume of Chemtrails, the effects the Government expected to see were still minimal. This was, obviously, due to the immediate Practices we organized in ACD against the Chemtrails and which we carried on for MANY years up to this day, where we still practice. Surely the effects of the Chemtrails didn't slow down for random reasons. Later, we'll also talk about commercial planes, especially Low-Cost ones, and I'll explain to you the real meaning, or rather, the utility of this service.
Just about ten years ago, Chemtrails weren't released every day as they are today, but only on alternate days, making it easier to recognize them for those who had eyes to see. Many non-spiritual people also realized the huge strangeness happening. That is, after the Chemtrails were released, about 4 hours later or sometimes the next day, even if the weather stations predicted it would be sunny, it would suddenly start to rain heavily and strangely. Back then, the Weather wasn't yet fully synchronized with the release of Chemtrails, so it happened that the Weather would predict good weather, but instead, it would suddenly rain heavily! And the technologies to predict the Weather, today as well as ten years ago, are quite advanced, so it's not so easy for them to be wrong unless something else capable of changing the climate and weather events in just a few hours is involved. Probably because the government wasn't yet clear on how long it took for the Chemtrails to cause climate changes, so the Weather often didn't match the real weather caused by the Chemtrails. Over time, the organization has improved, and today's Weather is more accurate regarding the rains or bad weather due to the effects of the Chemtrails. Today, almost nothing is natural anymore. However, we can also think that the official Weather in the past was private, meaning it wasn't subject to government projects, and therefore wasn't informed of the Chemtrails' passage, a program that has now been increased so that the news often – though not always, still – matches what happens in our sky due to the released Chemtrails. Regardless of this, there was indeed a period when people were realizing a very obvious event. For example, for a long period, it happened that precisely every Friday of every week, you could see the plane releasing the Chemtrails, and then immediately afterward, on Saturday and Sunday (days when people had rest and could go for a walk or go to the beach since it was the spring-summer period), it would start pouring rain heavily, and the only days when people could relax, they were forced to stay indoors because it rained unusually. For the rest of the week, there were no Chemtrails, but as soon as you observed them passing in the sky precisely on Friday, it would start raining the next day. Then on Monday, there was beautiful sunshine again. Many non-spiritual people began reflecting on the not-insignificant phenomena that increasingly occurred.
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As more people began talking and increasingly declaring, "It’s obvious they’re doing it on purpose! We spend all week working in the office, and then on Sunday when we can go out and get some fresh air, we're forced to stay home because it’s pouring rain!", this situation was becoming apparent. Not because it rained on Sunday, but because it only rained if Chemtrails had been released in the sky on Friday! During those years, the phenomenon of the "Easter rain" also became evident. Ordinary people, not practitioners or followers of these topics, but those who recognized with their intelligence that something was strange, started noticing. For instance, 1-2 days before Easter, planes would pass by, releasing Chemtrails visible to anyone willing to look up at the sky, and then, during the Easter holidays, it would rain heavily, preventing people from going out, having fun, and staying outdoors, thus avoiding fresh air and vitamin D. What surprised me was seeing people who supposedly knew nothing about Chemtrails, saying just a few days before Easter, "Want to bet it will rain on Easter? Let’s see if the trails pass; it's beautiful weather, but it will rain on Sunday! It depends on whether the trails will pass!" These statements were interesting.
They understood, and they knew it too. Everyone knew and understood, and yet so many so-called “spiritual” people, thinking that watching Adam Kadmon on Italian television was their way of awakening, were more ignorant than the people who didn't read or inform themselves about spiritual topics but simply looked at the sky and related events with their own eyes. Let's understand this! Those who considered themselves spiritual claimed that Chemtrails didn’t exist because Adam said so on television, while those who didn’t watch the “Mistero”, the TV program broadcast from 2009 to 2016 that talked about paranormal topics and mysticism, which made the actor Adam Kadmon famous, because they didn’t like those "spiritual" topics on TV, were more awake because they looked at the sky with their own eyes and saw the trails and the associated rains! The phenomenon of "Easter and Chemtrails" had become known to many. Because it happened every year, right on schedule! People, even those who didn’t believe in such topics or simply weren’t informed about them, were seeing with their own eyes what was happening: planes passed, and released Chemtrails, which didn’t disappear like condensation trails but instead stayed in the sky for at least 3-4 hours, then began to disperse, creating streaky clouds, thin but covering the sky completely, and within a few hours, it started raining and pouring. People saw the facts and understood them.
So, there was a period when people began to recognize Chemtrails and complain about how dirty the sky had become because of them. Therefore, as a precaution, the Government, to hide the Chemtrails from the eyes of those who knew how to see, ordered them to be released only at night so that people wouldn’t notice them. For a while, Chemtrails were only released at night. During that time, I couldn’t believe it, but people were starting to forget how just a few days before, Chemtrails had caused bad weather and gloomy skies, simply because for a few days, they didn’t see the Chemtrails being released during the day since they were being released at night. Even though it was nighttime, if you looked up, you could see (just as you can still do today!) strange white-grayish streaks standing out against the dark black sky. Since when are condensation trails visible in the night sky? That had never happened before. But since Chemtrails was being released at night and fewer and fewer people looked at the sky at night because by then there were already so many television programs occupying the evenings, people stopped understanding that it was still Chemtrails! Since the trails were released at night and then it rained the next day, but people didn’t see the release of the trails because it happened at night, they started saying, "It rains even without the trails, so it’s not the Chemtrails’ fault if the weather is bad." I remember how several times I tried to make people think, saying to them, "Look, they’ve been released at night; if you look out the window, you can see them," but they would reply, "And why would they release Chemtrails at night? The goal was to dirty the sky so we couldn’t go out on Sundays and enjoy the sun. But if they release Chemtrails at night, the sun isn’t there, so what sense does it make to hide it with Chemtrails if we’re not sunbathing at night?" These were the people's scientific responses.
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It was at that point I realized they couldn’t grasp the true Government Project at all. The whole story about Sunday rain keeping us from going to the beach was just a minor distraction, a way to divert attention and prevent people from understanding that the real issue with Chemtrails wasn’t just the rain preventing us from getting sunlight (which is significant when it comes to vitamin D) but everything that Chemtrails released into the sky that people, animals, and vegetation would absorb. But people were only concerned with going to the beach or having outdoor aperitifs, which were also ruined by the bad weather. I even tried explaining to my students back then that if it rained because Chemtrails had been released the day or night before, wasn’t the outcome the same? In other words, it rained anyway, so why deny that it was due to Chemtrails? They argued that Chemtrails couldn’t be released at night because, in their opinion, "it didn’t make sense." But what sense did it need to make? They simply released them at night so we wouldn’t see them; it was simpler than it seemed.
But I realized how strong the will to not understand was. And the more Chemtrails passed by, the less people were able to comprehend; this phenomenon wasn’t random, and later, you'll better understand why people’s attention and concentration diminished with each passing of Chemtrails. Obviously, this was due to the very substances released by the trails and inhaled by people. This period of only nighttime releases didn’t last long because, shortly after, they began releasing Chemtrails during the day again, eventually releasing them both day and night. The release of Chemtrails increased, but the difference was that they no longer even tried to hide them because the Government – unfortunately for us – realized there was no need to hide: the more they openly displayed Chemtrails, the more people ignored and underestimated them, to the point of becoming accustomed to them and stopping thinking about the danger.
As the years passed and we reached 2018-2019, a period we can consider rather long (until, with the Farce, they distracted us and people once again stopped paying attention to Chemtrails, partly due to the restrictions that prevented us from leaving our homes or even staying on our own balconies because of the “Laws” imposed by the government! Let’s not forget that!), people started noticing strange occurrences again right after the passage of the trails, not just related to rain but various ailments that people were suffering from, which were clearly correlated with the release of Chemtrails. These events were becoming increasingly evident, and people began not only to notice them but also to talk about and research Chemtrails. It’s no coincidence that the Government had to – partly for this reason – speed up the Farce project and lock us all inside our homes with the illegal deprivation of being able to go out into our gardens or onto our balconies, with military drones announcing over loudspeakers “Stay inside” as if we were at war, all to prevent us from seeing what they were doing in the meantime. Remember, during the 2020 lockdown, while the entire population was confined to their homes with no ability to even go out into their gardens, the Government sent workers to install 5G antennas in cities and towns near our homes, as these workers were exempt from the stay-at-home orders. The population was locked down not because of a supposedly deadly virus since the same virus didn’t affect the antenna installers, who were free to move around. Instead, it was solely to prevent people from seeing, reacting, and sabotaging the installation of these antennas. Of course, we’ll talk in detail about the 5G antennas later.
In the meantime, Chemtrails suddenly and drastically increased, so much so that from 2020 until today, Chemtrails have become a permanent part of the sky, with dozens of planes releasing them at any hour of the day. It all happened very quickly, and to speed up their projects so urgently, they had to lock us inside to keep us from seeing and communicating with each other. What could people do? Watch videos, watch TV series, and then more videos and movies. Only a few decided to Practice. But those few made a difference. Those few were Us, not the ones who spent time watching videos and movies to pass the time, or those who spent their days obsessively reading news thinking they were staying updated and informed, when in reality, they were wasting time instead of dedicating it to Practicing the instructions written every day on Hathor Network.
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In the years 2018-2019, for a certain period, Chemtrails were released in a grayish color, almost invisible, and this event worried me greatly because if they had made the Chemtrails invisible, even before, when they were visible, there were still people who didn't believe in them. Imagine what would have happened if they had become invisible: even those who previously had proof would have stopped having it and would therefore stop believing. I focused particularly on attacking the project to make Chemtrails invisible because this would have led to a severe global damage. For many years, I have attacked and continue to relentlessly attack Chemtrails, but if these had been made invisible, people would have stopped seeing them, and even that small portion of the population that believed and still believes in what they see with their own eyes would have stopped seeing the truth. It would have been a terrible damage. For this reason, I focused particularly on attacking the invisibility project, and evidently, the technologies were destroyed, and the project was abandoned, because although I could not alone prevent the worldwide advancement of the Chemtrail project, I was at least able to dismantle their invisibility. The project was abandoned because, after a while, they could no longer make them invisible, and they became visible again. I was very concerned about the idea of invisible Chemtrails because just thinking about those students who still didn't believe in the existence of or the presence of aliens, even though they talked about waking up in the middle of the night feeling dragged out of bed and/or seeing Greys in front of them, and then immediately after still refusing to admit that these were real experiences. Imagine what would happen if even when something happens in front of your eyes, you don't see it. If you can deny something you see with your own eyes, how easy is it to ignore everything you don't see? This was what I wanted to avoid regarding Chemtrails because I couldn't ignore how serious it would have been afterward if people no longer had visual proof of their existence. Anyway, today, we have proof every day above our heads, but the people (even among the "spiritual") who don't want to see them are now beyond recovery, certainly, people without Consciousness and Soul because only Bots can today not see and recognize Chemtrails. And I'm not joking when I say this.
But it was precisely starting from the problem of Chemtrails that I could discover and observe up close in people, unfortunately, the evolution of a phenomenon that worried me a lot, and which continues to develop: the censorship created directly in the eyes of those who look. I couldn't and didn't want to believe it until I found myself in front of people who, standing next to me, even when pointing them out in the sky, truly didn't see the Chemtrails, even though they were extremely visible as they extended over wide areas. They insisted that the sky was perfectly blue and clear, even though, at that very moment, large Chemtrails were being released right in front of us. Unbelievable. But from that moment, I started studying the disturbance of censorship directly in the eyes of those who look, which we will talk about in detail in the next chapters and which, obviously, is due to the presence of ocular technological chips.
End page 7 of 7. If you enjoyed the article, please comment below describing your feelings while reading or practicing the proposed technique