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Scie Chimiche - I danni sull'umano (2 parte)

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Before explaining to you how the Chemtrails project is much more extensive than it may seem, let’s focus on the effects that the substances within the Chemtrails have on human health. The problem that Chemtrails pose to human life is extremely serious because they aim to deteriorate not only physical health but also mental and psychological health by strongly attacking the mind through metals and nanotechnologies programmed to act directly on the thoughts and minds of the victims. Let's start with viruses, from the lighter to the heavier ones. Today, we are accustomed to believing that it is entirely normal to catch the flu with every change of season; after the Farce, these events happen more frequently during the year, even though before the Farce, perhaps you hadn’t fallen ill for years, not even a slight sore throat. The concept is much more complicated than it seems. To reinforce the collective belief in the Farcemic and thus the need to comply with government rules, which the government itself (politicians) does not follow (such as social rules and medical measures, from social distancing to testing to vaccines, and so on, which apply only to citizens but not to politicians and the world’s wealthiest families), from 2020 onwards, Chemtrails have increased the release of viruses and various infectious agents into the air, which obviously aim to make people sick. I bet that you or someone in your family started to suffer, more intensely from the end of 2022 to the beginning of 2023, from “flu” that caused classic symptoms like colds, etc., but also stomach viruses that triggered various digestive issues, vomiting and diarrhea, severe dizziness, and even fainting, repeatedly, to the point where it felt like you recovered only to relapse a few days or weeks later into another illness. The intestinal issues that have increased since 2023 mainly come from the Chemtrails but also from insect flour, hemp, and Escherichia Coli flour that has been added, without being listed on the label, in all the food we buy at the supermarket; not just bread and pizza or bags of flour, which are the main products containing E. Coli, but also processed snacks, cake mixes, polenta, mashed potatoes, and other pre-cooked foods in general, custard, from dry pasta to packets of dried pasta preparations (e.g., synthetic seasonings, ramen packets, etc.), just as in many other processed products that apparently shouldn’t contain insect flour or E. Coli but have instead been added in large quantities. These “hidden ingredients” in the food we eat daily (bread, pizza, and pasta being the primary examples), in addition to the Chemtrails we inhale from morning until every hour of the night, have caused severe intestinal issues, affecting the entire digestive process, from the stomach to the colon to bowel movements. Take note of how, with the increase of dirty and infected flours in the food purchased at the supermarket, which occurred in the last months of 2022 and exponentially increased in the early months of 2023, many people started to fall seriously ill to the point of suffering severe damage to their digestive system, spending entire months with bowel obstructions being predominant, followed by numerous episodes where, without logic or reason, after eating, one would rush to vomit, along with severe bouts of diarrhea multiple times a week, continuing with heartburn, sharp colon pain, the sudden appearance of microfractures and cuts inside the stomach and intestines, leading to blood loss in stools like real hemorrhages, severe lower intestinal pain as if it were “hardening,” similar pain in the lower abdomen and much more. Yet we want to believe that it’s a coincidence that these same events have happened in all our families simultaneously from fall 2022/beginning of 2023 to today, even though we had never experienced such cases and were eating “the same things” as in previous years, or at least that’s what we thought. Regarding the health issues related to the abomination of the food we are being forced to eat without even mentioning their presence on ingredient labels, thus denying us the choice, which we will discuss later, these same health issues have been amplified by Chemtrails. If you are already familiar with these topics because you’ve been following the Academy for a long time, you will have already read the articles where I explain how the worst health problems, including those related to the intestines, were exacerbated precisely on those days when the sky was sprayed with more Chemtrails than usual.

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Basically, as of 2023, Chemtrails are being released every day, and you can see single streaks every few hours; however, there are days when the number of Chemtrails released is much higher and therefore more visible, because in addition to those single streaks spaced hours apart, there are so many planes in the sky that they create numerous trails released simultaneously, to the point where they intersect and it looks like they are playing Tetris, with the sky drawn in a checkerboard pattern, in the shape of "x", and in the shape of "#". It's an unbelievable scenario. The truth is that what is unbelievable is how people, in front of the checkerboard being drawn by planes at that precise moment under everyone's eyes and above everyone's heads, continue to insist that they are just contrails. The Government enjoys making what isn't normal seem normal, so much so that Chemtrails are now being included in video games and children's cartoons, even though there would be no reason to replace natural clouds with chemical ones as long as it’s just drawings and graphic representations... but the goal is precisely to get into children's minds and make them believe that chemical clouds are completely normal, familiarizing them with this New World. To do this, as always, the Government exploits the introduction of trends, which can become trends in speaking, trends in behavior, and trends in reasoning, to the point where the checkerboard we see so often in our skies today can also be seen on our phones. The "hashtag" trend, followed by writing anything next to it, was not introduced by chance. That being said, on days when Chemtrails heavily populate our skies, the population gets sick much more insistently, so much so that intestinal issues and flu-like symptoms occur even in those who usually did not suffer from them at all. After the start of the Farce, it became increasingly evident how Chemtrails release viruses and pathogens that go on to make our bodies sick; some people are more sensitive and get sick from the daily single Chemtrails, while others get sicker when there is more Chemtrails congestion; but this should not, as usual, lead to comparing the first with the second, claiming that the first is weaker, losing sight of the real issue. Instead, we must become aware that regardless of whether you get sick sooner or later, the problem is Chemtrails, and sooner or later make no difference because they affect all of us. What we need to do is be aware that all the illnesses that come or start in our bodies come from chemicals that have been inserted into us specifically to make us sick with that problem. Whether these issues come entirely from Chemtrails, mainly from Serums, or mainly from synthetic foods that are designed exactly to make us sick, we can get more specific as we go along with these pages; but all of them together enhance the damage that one of them creates once it is inserted, injected, or absorbed by our body. So first of all, we need to understand once and for all that everything that is advertised to us today as a natural or genetic illness, from diabetes to thyroid disorders to pollen allergies to gluten intolerance to seasonal flu, are all disorders created artificially and chemically on us specifically to make us sick and force us to "treat" ourselves with chemical medicines. And that's how the Government's project continues. Don't worry because we will revisit each of these topics to go into detail.

As for Chemtrails, for many years, at every change of season, planes (from unaware pilots or remote-controlled, i.e., planes piloted remotely without a physical person inside the plane) have been releasing Chemtrails in our sky that contain the viruses that are supposed to hit people and cause various types of flu and illnesses in the following days, so that people, just by breathing the substances released by Chemtrails, will get sick en masse with that same problem and rush to the doctor to get prescribed the specific medications that the Government wants to sell us, because in those specific medications are the chemicals and nanotechnologies that the Government wants us to absorb at that precise time all at once. So the project continues. And this has been happening long before the Farce, it has been happening since the existence of medicines and has worsened since the existence of Chemtrails (80s-90s), but from the start of the Farce onwards, the problems have increased exponentially. Through Chemtrails, they release what will become the so-called "seasonal flu" as well as the sudden "pollen allergies" which, by coincidence from 2023, even those who had never suffered from any allergy before then have started developing various forms of allergies.

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Whether it’s colds, pollen allergies, intestinal viruses, and so on, they are specifically designed to latch onto human DNA and then released largely through Chemtrails so that people immediately fall ill and rush to buy medications or get vaccinated for pollen allergies, flu, and so on. Well, this strategy certainly works because, at the first sign of trouble, people rush to buy medicine and/or get vaccinated without even questioning whether there’s a reason for that sudden problem or a more concrete solution than a medicine that’s supposed to eliminate the issue but instead simply postpones the symptoms to a few months later. This is because, let’s not forget, several decades ago when we were children and caught the flu, doctors and families assured us that after overcoming that phase, our bodies would create antibodies specifically against that virus that caused the flu, which in the future would no longer be able to affect us. Indeed, for those who lived a healthy life, once they caught the flu, i.e., that specific virus, they could enjoy several years without getting sick, even if surrounded by friends with colds, because their antibodies worked and did their job. Today, that’s no longer the case. If you get sick today and then recover, in a few months you’ll get sick again. And what’s the answer? That these are different viruses, for which your body was unprepared. But hearing this information should raise our "antennas" (as if we were human radios… what a strange way of saying it) because of the exponential increase in new viruses that can hit us several times a year, every year, even though before the Farce we didn’t get sick even once a year, is not natural but artificially created. It’s very easy for them to create an innumerable amount of viruses released into the air so that we get sick many times for different reasons; or at least they appear different, even if the sender and their goal are always the same. In other words, all the viruses that affect us today are not natural but chemically created by medicine and science working for the Government, to strike us and force us to buy chemical medicines in the hope of getting better. And those who are not yet familiar with the Path of Practice may think there’s no difference, that in the end it doesn’t matter whether the ailment is "natural" or "chemically created specifically for us" because it affects us anyway and there’s nothing we can do to counter it. This is where they’re wrong, and this is where I strongly recommend enrolling in the Academy of Dimensional Consciousness and starting to follow the Path, because by beginning to Practice, you realize the differences, heal from natural ailments just by Meditating, and even more interestingly, discover that, against artificiality, we can indeed take action. By Practicing together, we can prevent the release of Chemtrails, act against the technologies they use, and seriously slow down and hinder the projects that the Government aims to achieve. If you believe otherwise and think that, in the end, the Government wouldn’t harm us to the point of releasing viruses into the air just to push us to buy medicines and therefore increase the profits of Pharmaceutical Multinationals, which sell us medicines containing other elements that, while curing us of one issue, create five others in silence, then it means that the Propaganda they conduct on TV, in series, in cartoons, in advertisements, and so on, is working very well.

During and after the Farcemic, the substances inserted into Chemtrails have worsened severely. In recent years, they have been releasing technological substances through Chemtrails, in addition to chemical ones, which infiltrate human and animal organs – primarily through our breath, but also directly through the skin, penetrating the body – causing severe disorders, the most obvious being intestinal issues, even for those who had never experienced them before in their lives. And it seems self-evident that those who already suffered from them before will suffer all the worse because they’re already predisposed to these disorders. However, no one questions where these allergies originated from, as many have suffered from them since they were very young… here we reconnect to the vaccinations received as infants and children, from which numerous pathologies and allergies emerge, including diabetes, thyroid disorders, and so on. Today, through Chemtrails, they are releasing substances that affect the thyroid even in people who had never suffered from it before and who were not even "genetically predisposed" to suffer from it.

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I reiterate once again that thyroid disorders are not natural and are not truly genetic in the sense that public science explains to us but are caused by the chemical substances inserted into vaccines that, like diabetes, have been administered for centuries, and which from father to son cause these disorders, making it seem that they are genetic diseases that are therefore passed on from parent to child. Unfortunately for them, the "magic trick" that has managed to deceive billions of people is being revealed, as the same disorders are caused by substances that are associated with DNA, inserted into the body directly through vaccines in newborns. Thus, whether diabetes or thyroid disorders occur in the parent, then the child, then the grandchild, it does not derive from genetic transmission as much as from the difficulty of that specific DNA to protect itself from the substance present in that vaccine; so those who possess that DNA are more prone to "fall ill" with that disorder because they are more susceptible to the substance present in the Serum. Children who are not vaccinated are much stronger regarding many "genetic" disorders and more, which vaccinated children suffer from, guess why.

In the last 3-4 years, many people have been suffering from severe dermatitis, especially those who had never suffered from it before. Dermatitis on the face, dermatitis on the back and arms and legs, hands and feet, groin area, hairline, behind the neck, practically everywhere, from the mildest to the most severe cases. They have also affected those who have not been vaccinated and even those who have never worn the mask (those who did obviously suffer more severely and to hide the dermatitis are forced to wear the muzzle even today when no one wears it anymore!), but even those who did not bow to the Farce have started to suffer from it, as the dermatitis comes both from Chemtrails and from any type of vaccine! Not just those intended for the virus farce, but all the vaccines made in the past or during the Farce, which contain the same toxic substances: from the tetanus serum to the serum for pollen allergies, to the serum for ticks, and so on; all the so-called vaccines contain the same chemical substances and nanotechnologies that are installed in the body through the injection, and from there various health disorders will start. The names of the various vaccines are merely a deception; because all the serums contain the same substances. Just think about how children, newborns just vaccinated, immediately start developing dermatitis, as happens to 4-5-year-old children right after being vaccinated with the booster shot; as happens to 70-80-year-old grandparents who die immediately after the flu shot, deaths which obviously did not result from old age as we so much love to say and believe.

We will also talk about this and about how much economic gain the Government makes from the deaths of all the elderly who will no longer have their long-awaited and hard-earned pension. Since the Farce, it has become evident how the release of Chemtrails has greatly increased skin disorders, from the skin to the scalp, thus also causing hair loss and aging of the hair (which in 2022-2023 has caused the start of white hair even in very young people!), not surprisingly many young people (even under 20 years old) have realized how, precisely during the Farce (therefore from 2020 onwards), both white hair and major hair loss started, even though they are too young for it to happen.

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Chemtrails are releasing enormous quantities of viruses and diseases that affect the respiratory system, causing issues that one had never experienced before in their life (including unprovoked asthma attacks!), respiratory problems that evolve into various bronchial issues, also burdening other major organs, especially the heart. All of this has been caused largely by Chemtrails, making it significantly worse through the substances and nanotechnologies present in every single medicine available at the pharmacy. It worsens if one receives the Serums. The are just a few very visible signs, that is, the most evident pains and symptoms, but the worst ones are those that are not seen and not felt because they do not cause pain or any warning signs that would allow us to decipher the problem. The damage that Chemtrails are causing to our health is extremely serious, and we must not only rely on the immediately visible ones, like those that cause pain while ignoring all the others. Chemtrails are releasing many pathogenic microorganisms that serve to spread serious disorders and sudden illnesses among people.

The most noticeable are those recognized as severe flu and intestinal viruses that arrive suddenly without reason and, despite treatment through medication, continue to persist even for entire months. Unheard of before! They are bombarding us with diseases and substances that severely damage our health to force us to bow down due to health issues, compelling us to go to the doctor who will prescribe us chemical medicines and vaccines. We absolutely must not fall into these traps, and should inform ourselves about natural and homeopathic remedies in case and where Practice does not immediately heal us. There is no shame in seeking help from Natural Medicine, but it is a great shame to fall into the vaccine and testing trap in 2023! Falling into the test trap in 2023 is a huge disgrace and is truly for the weak and ignorant! Even more ridiculous is going to get vaccinated today in 2023-2024, whatever vaccine it may be, don't be ridiculous people!

After the Farce, Chemtrails have worsened significantly, and even more so during rain, they release very serious substances that, if in contact with the skin, speed up the access of nanobots and thus nanotechnologies. Even when it does not rain, Chemtrails still release substances that fall from the sky and spread across the entire territory, making plants, animals, and people sick. These substances are invisible to the human eye, and therefore they hit you even if you do not see them. But it is absolutely important to recognize that those associated with rain are extremely severe. Indeed, it is very important to understand that the solution is not to lock yourself inside your home in the hope of not being hit by Chemtrail substances because you breathe them in even inside your home, you absorb them by eating grains, fruits and vegetables, meat and fish, you absorb them regardless. From the moment you breathe, you are already absorbing the chemical substances released by Chemtrails. However, outdoor sports and physical activity help to also partially rid yourself of them (something that does not happen when closed indoors, unfortunately), so even if it may seem strange to you, in reality, going out and practicing sports outdoors continues to be the best solution (after Practice) to combat the chemical substances and nanotech that you have breathed in from Chemtrails. However, practicing sports under Chemtrail rain is not recommended. Nevertheless, practicing outdoor sports helps significantly in cleansing yourself – even if not eliminating all of them completely – from toxic substances and nanotechnologies in the body, as opposed to practicing sports indoors and thus in a gym, which unfortunately prevents the purging of both problems. Moreover, an important warning must be given. As of today, I seriously advise against staying in the rain if it suddenly starts raining, even if you have an umbrella. Because the chemical substances associated with the raindrops can penetrate the skin better and activate nanotechnologies controlled remotely, causing us immediate problems. If it starts raining, try to find shelter immediately, as today's rain in contact with the skin is much more harmful than you might think; even if it does not seem so on the surface. Therefore, I recommend, if possible, to take shelter right away and not stay out breathing the chemical air while it is raining. Wait for it to stop before going out. This is advice I urge you to follow whenever possible.

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Continuing on, for many years now, Chemtrails have been releasing chemical substances and nanotechnologies capable of entering our bodies and severely lowering our Consciousness, as well as our ability to reason, remember events, and have objective thoughts that are not extremely manipulated by Propaganda. In other words, through Chemtrails, substances, and nanotechnologies are being released that, upon entering our bodies through the skin and especially through breathing, can make their way to various organs, including, of course, the brain, allowing them to program our thoughts by acting directly on our neurons.

It is a true manipulation of thought, which unfortunately is difficult to recognize and accept as happening to you, your relatives, your friends, all of us—again, to you, not just others... and this remains the hardest obstacle to overcome. Through these chemical substances, our concentration is diminished, and Apathy and difficulty in maintaining focus on a thought or goal worsen, with thoughts constantly being modified and added to your mind, preventing you from staying focused. Through these technologies that infiltrate our bodies, they sever the connection to the Soul (and they do this also through the layers in the sky that create the Artificial Screen, meant to cut off the Soul and prevent those of us within the planet from communicating with the outside, namely with our Souls and with God, a topic we will revisit later), all intending to trap us in an artificial prison from which we will not be able to escape even after disincarnation. And it’s time for people to wake up, especially those of you in the Academy, and understand that the War we are living through is not something trivial from which you can escape by disincarnating. This belief is a grave deceptive trap intended to make you believe that "when you disincarnate" it will be enough to escape to another planet and reincarnate into a happy world. But what escape, what reincarnation, and what happy world? You need to understand that they are building an energetic, electrical, and artificial prison from which you won’t escape even after disincarnation. So, we must act now (as we are more powerful now than we will be after disincarnation!) and Attack the Chemtrails and the artificial prison they are constructing around us and the planet, from which we will never be able to escape if we don’t react Now!

You notice it too, yet you continue to do nothing to change things: every time they release Chemtrails (and the more abundant they are, the more you suffer the consequences), you feel apathetic and suffocated by the lack of desire to act and to practice. You all notice it because you always repeat it, but why don’t you do anything to change things? Why aren’t you practicing against Chemtrails?! You always say: that when there are more Chemtrails, you feel much more tired and much more apathetic, so you don’t practice. But if you let yourself be lowered, the less you practice, the stronger and more abundant the Chemtrails will become, and therefore you will practice even less because the Apathy will be too strong and powerful. We must not reach that point of no return! The more you complain about being apathetic, the more it means that you are not practicing. You need to become aware that the more Chemtrails are released above us, the lower your consciousness becomes, and the more tired, apathetic, and devoid of physical and mental energy you become. You must react and start Practicing. Otherwise, the situation will continue to worsen, and you have no idea where it is heading! Do not underestimate the issue, and do not overestimate yourself, thinking that if you can’t practice now despite the Chemtrails, in the future, if things get worse and "if you get angry," you’ll do great things and become extremely powerful because that’s not how it works! It is Now that you should be practicing so as not to be knocked down, not later when you’re already defeated! Because it’s not true that if you hit rock bottom, you’ll come back stronger. If you hit rock bottom, you’ve lost, and you’ll never return to how you were before, period. Leave those ridiculous self-motivational thoughts to the spineless who tell them to themselves because they are false, and lies only serve to give courage to the weak who have long been living in the fake dimensions inside their heads. Those who live in the artificial fantasy world inside their heads should not be listened to, much less followed.

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Now it is truly time to decide to understand and realize that if after the release of Chemtrails, you feel apathetic and unmotivated and have no desire to practice, and health problems such as underestimated but persistent headaches and even dizziness increase, you must immediately react and not fall into the trap of postponing to tomorrow because postponing will only cause more delay and lowering. If you react immediately, you can remove a lot of technology simply by acting on the Chemtrails that are being released right above your head at that moment. Not reacting means suffering and giving those technologies time to enter you, and you won't have the time to remove them because they will have already replaced your flesh tissues. And the less you react, the less strength you'll have to react tomorrow. The solution is to Attack the Chemtrails immediately.

The technological and scientific advancements regarding Chemtrails, unbeknownst to us, are becoming increasingly dangerous to our health every day. They are constantly being updated and worsened against our physical health, but also our mental health, creating real disorders to the point of pushing "mental hallucinations" and other phenomena in those who have never suffered from such problems until now. Today, Chemtrails are releasing substances, and I reiterate even worse, nanotechnologies remotely controlled by AI, which damage our health (even those who are not vaccinated, even those who practice, everyone, no one excluded!) and at the same time, they amplify the power of the technologies injected into vaccinated people so that they become even more controlled and controllable remotely. This means that during the release of Chemtrails, the vaccinated go crazier than usual and become more aggressive and violent, especially towards the unvaccinated, to the point that more and more of them are committing serious actions against themselves (even killing themselves), or worse, committing serious actions against others, killing children and relatives, or intentionally driving their car into someone on the street, killing the other person and possibly themselves as well. If you're not vaccinated, you still risk being killed by the vaccinated, especially on the road, due to the evident difficulty in driving well after receiving the vaccine. Do not underestimate the situation and observe the facts, analyzing the significant increase in accidents and deaths from 2021 to today, that is, since the beginning of vaccinations, and of course, also the increase in electric cars –remotely controllable by the Government itself – which we will discuss later.

While Chemtrails are releasing toxic substances and nanotechnologies that lower our Consciousness and cause illness in all of us, simultaneously and additionally, they are worsening the mental control over the vaccinated, making them much more susceptible to being manipulated remotely, to the point of being artificially controlled and possessed at the highest levels. Their Consciousness, if there was anything left after the vaccination – and that is very rare – is completely crushed by remote mental control, from which, unfortunately, it is very difficult to escape. It’s not about how powerful the Soul is; it’s about the fact that if the physical body and brain are completely replaced by technologies that replace tissues, cells, and neurons with similar technological ones, which are then controlled remotely, the Soul cannot intervene because it is pushed out and simultaneously damaged. So the Souls are not saved; get it out of your head that the Government and the Aliens are so stupid as to let the Souls escape freely as if they hadn't already thought of that. Everything they do is meant to damage the Souls, so they had already thought about it and organized everything in detail with the aim of very precisely damaging the Souls. Don’t be naive, the Souls are not saved, nor are the Consciousnesses. Therefore, this can happen to you as well, never underestimate the power of alien technology. It is absolutely not true that if a vaccinated person has "a strong Consciousness" they will not harm others or be artificially possessed... Because it's not a choice, it’s a chemical and artificial Possession that extinguishes any possibility of choice.

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It's not about a negative thought that tries to persuade you but one you can resist with a little willpower. It's about technologies that replace human synapses and tissues to the point of making a person's body more technological than biological, to completely control their intentions. Consciousness is crushed and then destroyed. So let's not trust too much in the vaccinated and Chemtrails as if they weren't harmful enough.

To be more specific, through Chemtrails, nanotechnologies are released that, through respiration, immediately enter the brain, attaching to tissues and reconstructing synapses and therefore... thoughts, or rather, thought formulas. Through small electrical discharges imperceptible to us, they direct our thoughts towards specific directions already calculated by them, to the point of controlling our thoughts and filling the mind with numerous thoughts that weren't supposed to be there but suddenly appear. The nanotechnologies, or nanobots, which can be remotely controlled and fully managed by AI as if it were an "autopilot," continuously work inside our body and brain.

Through the Chemtrails, the nanotechnologies enter our body and are then constantly guided and/or recharged through the physical antennas installed around us. And no, not just "5G Antennas," but all of them, especially because with the advancement of Government projects, and the installation of Wi-Fi routers around streets, cities, highways, at the sea as well as in the mountains, we are surrounded and constantly hit by the waves that guide and recharge the nanobots inside our bodies. There is no park or area where the waves lose signal, not even if you swim a few meters underwater or fly in an airplane because wherever you are, there are technologies that the Government uses to control and keep active the nanotechnologies that have entered inside us. The point is that there is no maximum limit to the number of nanotechnologies that can enter our body; rather, we absorb numerous amounts every day, more and more.

Those who Practice are holding on, and every day, in addition to absorbing new technologies, they are also cleansing themselves, maintaining a certain balance, and thus surviving total control; for now, that’s already something. But those who don't Practice are simply continuing to store nanotechnologies inside themselves without any limit, which continue to replace tissues and entire areas of the body. It’s clear that two single nanobots are not enough to create damage; that’s why through Chemtrails, they release billions of them, and we absorb hundreds and thousands inside us. Through Spiritual Practice, we can keep them under control and constantly cleanse ourselves, as long as we follow all the various steps already mentioned many times, including not drinking alcohol, not taking drugs, not even so-called light ones like cannabis, not consuming beverages from Multinationals that are packed with nanotechnologies, not smoking, especially not electronic cigarettes which are even more harmful today because they are filled with liquid poisons and contain nanotechnologies, and so on.

It is important to clarify that for the Government, nanotechnologies are so crucial to carrying out these projects and, at the same time, so economical that we can't even imagine how numerous the nanotechs released every day in Chemtrails and food products to be used against us are. On the other hand, without our knowledge, we are the ones financing their expenses, just as we financed the Farce, again without our knowledge, but with our money, from taxes to mandatory donations during income declarations, by purchasing medicines and paying more than twenty times their actual value, through illegal fines, through taxes on everything we buy, and much more. All the money we spend goes to fund all the projects that are meant to make us sick so we continue to spend money in hopes of getting better, continuing to finance the projects that make us sick, and so on endlessly. We saw all this with the Farce, while we paid taxes to receive care if needed and then were thrown out if not tested and vaccinated, even though we had paid the expenses for many years to ensure care! But that's just the beginning.

End page 8 of 8. If you enjoyed the article, please comment below describing your feelings while reading or practicing the proposed technique.