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Scie Chimiche - La causa dei problemi mentali (3 parte)

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The damage that the substances within Chemtrails cause to our human health does not stop here. First, it is important to realize that these chemical substances, inserted into Chemtrails specifically to be inhaled by humans, are not chosen randomly. And not all of them are known—or better yet, integrated—into the tables of substances and metals publicly accessible and therefore available to anyone who wishes to consult them. This means that within Chemtrails, there are substances that “do not exist” publicly for humanity. Still, they exist because the Government uses them, even though they are substances imported from other planets. By whom? Obviously by the same Rulers who are at the top of the Government, who are the Aliens. Now, on this point, we need to open a parenthesis. Understanding that the Government can easily use substances from other planets may unsettle some people’s thoughts, causing doubt about this possibility, which, in my opinion, is so obvious that it shouldn't even need to be specified every time. However, knowing how difficult it is to understand these topics, I’ll ask you a simple question. Let's talk for a second about the landing of the first man on the Moon.

Regarding this event, the human population is divided into two camps, as part of the people believes that the Moon landing really happened and that the American man in 1969 set foot on the Moon. The other part of the population believes that it is not true, not because it is impossible to travel outside our planet, but because the footage of the Moon landing is completely fake, and, with the same fake footage, (i.e., created on a film set), the Government fooled the entire population. If you believe that men actually landed on the moon, how can you not consider the possibility that, rather than returning empty-handed, he might have collected dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of vials containing samples of whatever he found? These samples could have been brought back to Earth and studied in secret laboratories—since this knowledge has never been publicly discussed—potentially leading to the discovery of substances present on the Moon but not on Earth. Or do you believe that humans went there only to take a selfie and then returned to Earth, completing a useless journey? Certainly, men and women of 2023-2024 would indeed do that, as they no longer have an interest in knowledge and discovery, but only care about followers and likes. However, behind this false society we live in, there are also people who continue with their studies. But, looking at the opposite side and wanting to believe that the Moon landing is completely fake and staged so that the Government led the entire humanity to believe in cinematic footage and in an infinity of fake interviews, news published by corrupt news outlets, public politicians, and scientists who claimed—and still do today—that the journey happened, and all the other "evidence" in their favor, and you are sure that the Government managed to deceive the entire population with its lies for half a century now, how can you believe that today it is not doing the same thing? How can you believe that the Government managed to deceive the whole world about an epochal event like the first trip to the Moon and that it hasn’t continued to deceive humanity on a thousand other fronts since then? Creating fake news, videos scripted specifically to make the population believe in something that is not actually happening and so on. Now, you are surely wondering what the truth is about this topic, who is right between the two sides? The answer is both! Both are half-right, and I will explain why and how both sides are right even though they seem to contradict each other, offering you the full explanation in the chapter "Satellites and the Artificial Screen." Having said this, you realize that just as a man could set foot in other territories, it is obvious that he could also extract minerals, materials, liquids, and substances present in the air and then bring them back to Earth, study them, make them his own, and reproduce them.

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Where it is not possible to replicate them, that is, to recreate or duplicate them from scratch, it is still possible to travel again and collect the necessary quantities of material for the scientists, and then bring them back to Earth. Unless you believe that since 1969, men have never been able to travel to the Moon again, or to any other natural satellite, planet, etc., otherwise, they would have told you. But regardless of what you believe, what the majority of people believe, what I believe, or what a few believe, it doesn't matter because they are continuing their scientific and technological advancements, completely indifferent to what we all believe. So let’s wake up and start keeping up with the real information, no matter how difficult it is to accept. And just as man can collect substances elsewhere and then bring them back to Earth, it is obvious that, as the Government is controlled by aliens, they themselves can import substances/materials to Earth to use during the creation of chemical and technological weapons against humanity. There should not even be any doubt about the total obviousness of these actions. If you don't believe that humans have never been able to leave Earth, it means you are still very far behind in knowledge and probably don't even realize the seriousness of this rigid mindset that keeps you anchored in enormous blocks. That’s a problem because it will always prevent you from understanding any kind of knowledge. Then, if you believe that the Apollo 11 mission was all a hoax, you are right, fully aware that man has left the planet several times without ever announcing it publicly, and we are not referring to the little that is revealed to us about astronauts, who really do very little.

Closing this parenthesis and understanding that the Government holds in its hands a quantity of various substances that are not publicly known to the population because they are kept hidden, and mostly are extracted from other planets or similar bodies (or imported from them), in addition to those created on our planet by the same "private" Government scientists but never revealed to the world, a portion of them is inserted into Chemtrails. While a portion of the substances in Chemtrails is publicly known (just read the studies published by courageous scientists who have analyzed Chemtrails—and have been threatened by the Government for it—finding incredible amounts of poisons harmful to the human body and mind!), another portion of substances present is currently unknown to the average human, as they are not substances from this planet. However, if they are in there, mixed with other harmful and deadly substances for humans, guess what reason they might have for being included in Chemtrails. In other words, not knowing the "scientific name" that we always need to assign to everything—otherwise, we don't believe anything—does not mean that these substances are not causing us serious damage to our physical, mental, and psychic health.

The effects of Chemtrails on human physical health are devastating, but no less serious are those on the mind. Unfortunately, there is still a lot of ignorance about the human mind, and many believe that it is untouchable, as if it were an abstract area that cannot be attacked, poisoned, or destroyed, chemically or technologically. What we consider "mind" is the product of the brain, combined with what becomes Conscience. Many believe that the brain can only be damaged if you hit your head hard, for example, in a fall or accident, but that is not the case! The brain is much more delicate than people think. However, we must immediately start from the concrete fact that if the physical brain is touched, even minimally, and therefore some areas or functions of the brain are modified, the mind will inevitably undergo the changes that occurred in the brain. There is no "Consciousness" that can resist, because if the brain is affected, then the mind will be affected, and it cannot be otherwise. So, it is really important to understand once and for all that Consciousness in this case has nothing to do with it, because if the brain is affected, the mind will suffer the consequences.

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You can believe in whatever you want, in the power of the Soul or divine miracles, but if a person seriously hits their head, the mind will suffer consequences; if someone is shot in the head and, for whatever miraculous reason, survives, their mind will still suffer consequences because part of the head and brain has changed, variations; if a person uses drugs, believe what you want, but the brain is damaged, to the point where small pieces of the brain are completely punctured, so much so that in CT scans and MRIs, the holes in the brain can be seen.

Let's realize the severity of the effects that drugs can have on our brains and understand once and for all that if a piece of the brain is missing, beyond the parts that stop functioning, it’s not the same as having an intact and well-functioning brain! So, rather than "indulging" the whims of those curious to try drugs to see if it’s true that the brain breaks down, and rather than "comforting" those who have already damaged themselves by making them believe that it’s nothing, that there’s no problem, let’s stop being ignorant and keep friends, family, and even strangers away from the grave mistake of approaching drugs. Including cannabis! The Government has managed to make young people and adults believe that it shouldn’t be considered a drug, even though it always has been and severely damages the brain! Just like alcohol, which is a poison for the body and the brain, it is for the mind. It must become clear, and we must stop indulging in our vices, pretending that they don’t lead to severe physical and mental damage. Once again, let’s remember that it was the Government that first convinced soldiers, and then the population, to use cocaine and later other drugs specifically to take control of people and ensure that they perfectly obey orders; even when they seem like "advice" and not orders, but that’s what they are. This immediately makes us understand that if the Government is so sure that those who use drugs become extremely manipulated by the political and propagandistic will of the same, we should do some calculations and maybe, just maybe, become conscious that if we want to stay clear-headed and not manipulable by the Government, it’s not enough to use drugs and then convince ourselves that we are not manipulable... because that very thought is part of the Government's plan. We are not talking about a group of idiots who don’t know what they’re doing, we are talking about a Government that knows very well what it’s doing and knows very well how to carry out its plans. Therefore, if the Government is sure that drugs make humans manipulable on deep levels, that alone should be enough for us to avoid any form of drugs.Then, if we want to focus on all the other reasons why we should never approach drugs—from physical damage to the brain to physical damage to the heart, blood, and other organs, to the addiction from which you can’t just escape by thinking about it—and yet continuing to use drugs!—and everything that follows, we’d have to stay here talking for hours. However, these are topics already discussed, and even though the Government is increasingly censoring the real and sensible scientific studies that explain in detail the severe harmful effects that drugs bring to our physical and psychological system, there are still doctors and scientists who continue to publish studies on the severe damage caused by drugs. So, it would be enough for you to inform yourself, rather than believing that your Ancient Soul will save you from the damage of drugs while continuing to use them today. Fine, believe in the Soul and whatever you want, but you also need to be intelligent here, otherwise, you won't get out of it, and the Government needs the population to be less and less smart.

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What is true intelligence? Is it the ability to talk and talk for hours about nothing, arguing useless discussions, or repeating school or university studies just to appear intelligent in front of others, but only showing off? No. And it's not about doing well in school or necessarily loving math. Intelligence is a capacity made up of many fragments, including the very important empathy, which all together form intelligence; and it can continue to develop and evolve, or unfortunately, it can be severely damaged. How? By physically damaging the brain. If the physical brain is damaged, that person's intelligence decreases, sometimes gradually depending on the damage received, other times in an inevitable way. Whether the person was a genius or someone with very little intelligence – since, let's be clear, we are not all equal and it’s naive to believe so – if their brain is hit, unfortunately, the damage they may suffer will not necessarily be proportional to the intelligence they had, but may vary in millions of cases, meaning they will act differently depending on the conditions and the person; not the intelligence.

To be clear, if two people – one very intelligent and one much less so – were both to fall down the stairs and hit their heads seriously, it is by no means certain that both will receive the exact same damage and with the same subsequent effects; but it could also happen that the genius ends up completely ruined, losing everything, while the less intelligent person, by luck or whatever, suffers very few injuries and almost completely recovers, returning to their "best" health. Therefore, the decrease in intelligence will absolutely not follow precise rules and percentages but will depend both on external factors and on internal ones, i.e., how one's body and health respond to that external event. What is the use of knowing all this? It helps us understand how Chemtrails manage to affect the human mind. They hit the brain, which then suffers the damage, and everyone experiences effects that, in general, can be summarized in events that happen to almost everyone, but all those factors can trigger more severe reactions in some individuals rather than others. It all does not depend on whether that person is "strong" or "weak"; their personality does not matter, nor does their Consciousness/Soul. What matters is how their body reacts to those substances, causing some people to suffer worse effects than others, which unfortunately are not easily calculable and preventable.

Within Chemtrails, there are substances that, once inhaled by the human body, immediately act on the brain, causing hysteria and various disorders. Unfortunately, we only remember how what we breathe can directly affect the brain when we use very specific terms, such as "sniffing," for example, cocaine, which immediately reminds us of how sniffing – that is, breathing through the nose – allows the powder to immediately reach brain functions and thus cause sensations, images, thoughts, hallucinations, and so on, acting directly on the brain. If the person were to ingest the same amount of coke (eating it) or shove it into their ears, would it cause the exact same effect? No, it would certainly cause physical damage, but it would not give the addict what they desire, which is false emotions and hallucinations that they want to achieve, and it is evident, otherwise, they wouldn’t always follow the same rule of sniffing, that is, breathing through the nose, or smoking, but every addict would use it as they, please. At this point, instead of stopping at the term "sniffing," we should observe the action, not the term, and realize that "sniffing" means "breathing," regardless of the word used depending on the case.

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Although sniffing is a term that is exclusively associated with drugs, in practical terms, it simply means breathing! Because whether you breathe fast or slow, it doesn’t change the fact that it’s still breathing: no different mechanisms are activated, it's still breathing. So, every day we breathe, sometimes faster, sometimes slower, depending on physical effort, for example. In fact, if we run, we breathe faster than when we are standing still, but it’s still breathing. The substances in some drugs work "best" if inhaled, while there are other substances that work better if injected—with a syringe—rather than ingested or inhaled; and there are other substances that work stronger if ingested rather than inhaled or injected. So, every substance works differently if ingested, inhaled, injected via syringe, etc. The substances that are inserted into Chemtrails are specifically designed for respiration, so that simply breathing in those invisible powders would have an effect on the human body. However, to make the situation even worse, substances are also inserted through the Chemtrails that work better if ingested by the human body. That is why, by releasing Chemtrails over large cultivated fields, they are absorbed by vegetables which, once eaten by humans, will release those substances that work during ingestion within the human body. We will discuss this in more detail on the following pages because it is important to understand that if there are many ways to poison us, the government doesn’t have a problem using just one, but uses all of them simultaneously! And that's why through Chemtrails, substances are released that work inside the human body if inhaled/respired, as well as those substances that work if ingested.

Just try to imagine what would happen if all humans, of all ages—including newborns, since they breathe too—oh yes, many may forget that newborns absorb Chemtrails as much as adults! And they experience worse effects than adults!—if all humanity were forced to breathe in some cocaine every day, from the first day of life until they die. Just try to imagine it: every day, without ever stopping, without pauses, without interruptions, forced to breathe in some drugs. Just try to imagine what would happen if the entire world population, every day, were forced to breathe in fragments of cocaine in just the right amount to cause damage to overall health and therefore also to the brain, but not enough to collapse from an overdose. That small amount, which wouldn’t actually be so small, wouldn’t kill instantly but would continue day after day to cause damage to the brain and the entire physical body, creating problems in various organs—which would then force us into chemical medications, often tying us to them for the rest of our lives—and permanent effects related to the drugs. From sudden mood changes to full-blown hysterical attacks to the increase of illnesses to which public science—that is, science subjected to the government—would simply respond by administering psychotropic drugs, i.e., further destructive drugs for the mind and physical body, along with all the physical side effects that drugs bring to the organism. So, from heart problems to blood pressure issues, ulcers, and all the various digestive organ disorders, to sterility and other various problems related to the reproductive system, and so on. If everyday humans were drugged without their knowledge and without them being able to refuse, making them inhale "small" amounts of drugs, just enough to drug them but not enough to make them collapse instantly, the population would be exactly… what we know today.

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This is because within Chemtrails, there is an insane amount of drugs, chemicals, and psychotropic substances, carefully mixed in dosages, which serve precisely to keep our bodies and brains perpetually vaxed so that there is no time for our bodies to expel and eliminate the harmful substances to cleanse themselves; because the next day it starts again: the next day they release the Chemtrails again, and we breathe them in. Unfortunately, it doesn't matter if you can't see them, or if they don't release them exactly over your head by a millimeter, because these substances fly and move, thanks to the wind, thanks to remote control, and lastly thanks to "pollen" and insects that fly and allow the substances to move from one place to another. So it doesn't matter if you don't see them precisely over your head: the Chemtrails released today, even if they're nearby and not directly above your house, still affect you. Now imagine the stronger effect when they release them directly above you.

These inhaled substances, and therefore absorbed by our brains, immediately cause mental disturbances. When we think of mental disturbances, we shouldn't immediately think of "the end", that is, what today is studied as a mental disorder—like bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and all those disorders that are not considered mental disturbances but manifest as problems linked to the mind, like epileptic seizures, etc. In short, all those disturbances are related to the mind, regardless of the term we want to give them. However, we need to focus on the beginning. The initial effects, which can later become much more serious over time, are the first ones to be addressed. Not to indulge in self-pity and believe there's nothing more to be done (almost like accusing oneself of having mental problems and at the same time letting those disturbances cradle you as if they become an excuse for everything you do), but to seriously start changing things. This is because the "mental problems" that are being advertised and propagated today as if it's cool to have them, are stemming—from the Serums injected, always in the first place—from the substances we inhale through Chemtrails. In recent years, there has been a frightening increase in those suffering from facial and gestural tics to disorders that suddenly emerge like stuttering and Tourette's syndrome, which are now literally being advertised. If you don't have tics or Tourette's, you're nobody! Because these disorders are happening to many famous people like actors, singers, and influencers, they are trying to make people believe it's cool and normal. And then, they also make you believe that these disorders can never be cured, except by controlling them with psychotropic drugs, but that they can never stop. What is the purpose of making people believe that there is no way out? Once tics and mental disturbances are given a name, and are advertised by the faces of singers or influencers loved by young people, the propaganda program immediately begins, imprinting the thought in people's minds that says: "This problem is known, I'm not the only one with it, even my idol suffers from it, so it's normal, and suffering from it too brings me closer to him/her." And that's where the manipulation starts. Because as long as you believe it’s not normal, you look for solutions to counteract or contain that problem. But if you believe it’s normal, and in fact, celebrities are used to make people believe that "if they have these problems, then it's cool and trendy for us to have them too", you stop looking for solutions, you stop wanting to fight that mental disorder, and you surrender to it, almost convinced that it somehow makes you "like your idols" and therefore "a better part of society".

In the past, tics that could come up in children suddenly, in an instant, could also be eliminated in a moment, with the help of a parent. Today, they are encouraged and motivated to worsen, and even to be maintained for the rest of one's life.

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As children, especially after vaccinations and/or after taking chemical medications (for flu, mumps, or any disorder that affects children), without warning and for no apparent reason, tics would suddenly start, and parents had to struggle to find a solution. Sometimes, it was enough for a parent, for a good reason, to make the child feel ashamed or scared, and the tic would magically disappear. "Stop doing that gesture, don’t you see how ugly you look doing that?" Offensive, something that many people today wouldn't approve of, yet it saved children's lives because, by feeling ashamed of looking ugly in their parents' eyes, they forced themselves to stop, and within a few days, the tic would disappear for good. Or "Stop moving your eyes like that! Otherwise, they will stay crooked forever!" and the terrible fright would push the child to exert control over their actions, and the tic would vanish. Certainly, today these methods aren't approved, as if they were physical violence – like those used by our grandparents – yet, with today’s extreme kindness, instead of trying to help their children, parents prefer to happily throw them into the arms of psychiatrists who will destroy their children's brains through psychotropic drugs. And they will make a lot of money from it. Will these tics disappear? Absolutely not!

They may even take a break, while the mind replaces them with others. Yet, one should remember how many times our parents, even if we hated them at the time for it, literally saved our lives by saying precise words – and sometimes making precise gestures – that forced us to take control of our bodies and decide that those tics had to go. I, too, suffered from several tics as a child, and as long as no one said anything to me, I couldn’t get rid of them; my parents even went so far as to mock me heavily and threaten that if I didn’t stop, they would slap me; the fright forced me to decide to take control and command my body to stop having tics. Since then, not only did those tics disappear a few days later, but they didn’t manifest in any other way, in the following days, with the appearance of other tics. For many years, I didn’t have any more tics, neither facial nor verbal, nor did I fall into rituals and similar disorders. They were simply gone, and even as a child, I understood that if others came years later, I would need to remember this event and decide to take control, because yes, taking control of tics is possible, it requires a lot of effort and commitment, but it can be done. And it’s not easy because when you’re alone in the fight, it’s not easy at all to take control. For some, it took longer than others, for example, the tics that came many years later, during adolescence, in a very painful period for me; no one gave me advice, nor did anyone realize I had this problem, so it took me longer to deal with it, but I managed on my own by remembering that if I had done it once, I could do it again. The method was the same: I decided that I would have to strive not to give in to it, not to let that urge to move those muscles take over, and even though it was very difficult, with time, I managed to take control of those parts of my body (mainly small muscles and small movements) deciding that they should no longer move without my command. We must accept that there is a difference between spasms, tremors, contractions of internal muscles (such as tremors and pulsations of the eyelids, or other areas of the body), and what are instead tics, because the first two are uncontrollable, whereas the third can be controlled, and we need to decide to do so. We need to control our bodies, not stress, nervousness, trauma, or something else.

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And I know very well that many people will hate this statement, that they will feel triggered by reading these truths written in black and white, and they will detest them. Many people will not accept knowing that you can work on tics and stop having them without taking psychiatric drugs and chemicals because it's much easier and more comfortable to believe in today's public science and accept that you'll be this way forever and that you can't do anything about it, that you shouldn't even try to reduce and eliminate the tics, otherwise, you'd be offensive to those who still have them! But realize that these are mental manipulations that serve solely to make us a society of disturbed and sick people. You can choose to feel special for having tics and Tourette's because today the Government makes you believe that if you have these problems, then you are a model citizen, or you can choose to commit to trying, again and again, to take control of your mind and body, enjoying the small improvements each time until you achieve the best result.

The reason why the Government promotes propaganda to make young people and adults believe that it is normal and cool to have tics, as celebrities themselves have them, is simply because they derive from the substances that the Government itself forces us to inhale, in addition to the substances that are injected into us through the Serums without our knowledge and against our will every time we get vaccinated. Talking about mental problems should not immediately make us think "of the end," therefore the point of no return, but should make us think of the beginning, that is, the phase in which the disorder is starting to develop, even if it hasn't yet escalated into something immediately considered serious. Tics, daily rituals (which will soon lead to obsessive-compulsive disorders), are indeed mental disorders, and this shouldn't be considered an offense – as we all have experienced them, as children or adults, for short or long periods – but rather as a warning, because it is possible to prevent these initial disorders from worsening. Because if you accept the tics, and therefore accept not having control over your mind and body, you can't feel too secure if tomorrow you'll also accept bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, OCD, etc. Because what are these disorders, after all? They are all related to the inability to control oneself. It's about the extreme difficulty of maintaining control over one's emotions, which then manifest in physical actions. But these disorders don't happen because one day you wake up and you're in a bad mood, immediately leading to OCD, but because chemicals damage the brain and trigger sudden emotions and thoughts that your body and mind were not prepared to control, so you lose control, and they take control over your life.

In the past, only certain people were "prone" to mental disorders – but later you'll discover that even in those cases, there was nothing normal about them! – but today, almost everyone is prone to developing mental health issues. Why? Today, it's no longer about genetics or deformities at birth, but mental disorders can affect anyone and, worse still, suddenly. They derive from the chemicals we inhale, ingest, and that are injected into us (through Chemtrails and more; through medicines and more; through vaccines and various Serums that change names, but are always the same thing) that immediately target the brain. Everything that affects the brain causes damage to the mind, making it unstable on some or many fronts. Some chemicals affect memory, others intelligence, others clarity, and so on, and these substances can simply be mixed so that they hit all points together. However, there is a second enormous problem that can cause severe mental disorders, and that is Electronic Torture, which we will talk about later.

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