The Freedom to be yourself

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The Freedom to be yourself: are we truly Free?
Nowadays, when people talk about the freedom to be yourself, they almost always mean sexual identity; everything revolves around whether someone is homosexual or heterosexual, nothing more. You’re told you should feel free to be homosexual, but if you believe you’re heterosexual, you’re expected to question it over and over because “until you try it, you can’t really know”, this is something more and more people hear every day. You should feel free to dress however you want, and if you’re a man who wants to wear a miniskirt or a woman who wants to act like a man, you should be free to do so. If you want to experiment with drugs, even at a young age, you should have the right to choose, because if your parents try to stop you, they’re taking away your freedom. But that’s just an excuse. You’re allowed to make your own choices, but only within the areas that they set for you. Beyond clothing, sexuality, drugs, and alcohol, freedom doesn’t exist.
You’re not free to think for yourself, unless you think exactly the way they want you to. You’re not free to follow your passions, unless they serve a purpose like making money and paying taxes. You’re not free to pursue something just because you love it, just to satisfy an inner desire; you’re only allowed to if it benefits those who control our lives from above, and no, I’m not talking about God, but about the people who actually run our lives.
You’re not free to question topics no one talks about, unless it's just the latest gossip trend that happens to be cool at the moment. You’re not free to ask why laws and social rules apply to some but not to others, unless you do it to defend those others while diminishing yourself and everyone else. You’re not free to trust your instincts or listen to your own intuition, unless it’s approved by others, who will always push you in the opposite direction of what you truly feel inside. You can drink alcohol from a young age, smoke, take drugs, sleep with whoever you want, even work for companies that the whole world knows are corrupt as long as you pay your taxes, you’re free to do whatever you want, as long as you follow their system and stay inside the lines. But if you believe you can make your own decisions, if you think you can reflect on things you’re not supposed to think about, if you believe you can truly choose the people you surround yourself with or decide what to fill your mind and time with, then no, you are not free to do that. You’ll be judged, you’ll be criticized, you’ll be labeled crazy, everyone around you will try to pull you back into the enclosure; using your emotions, your guilt, your fears, and even threats, just to make sure you willingly step back inside.
Choosing to be free is not an easy decision to make, let alone to stick to. If your choices align with what society accepts, you’ll always have people supporting you and cheering you on, but if your choices fall outside the norm you’ll quickly realize how hard it is to find anyone who won’t try to drag you back inside the enclosure every time you take a step forward, that could actually lead you to real freedom. An example of this is choosing to meditate, just like choosing to Spiritually Evolve. No matter how free you think you are, no matter how much the people around you try to make you believe that you are free to make your own choices; the moment you take even a small step away from the cage built around you, everyone will try to pull you back in, whether through kind words, threats, or verbal attacks – and not only that – an these will come from the very same people who no long before told you that you were free to make your own choices and that they would support you no matter what. If you choose to embrace homosexuality or experiment with drugs, you will always find someone who supports you or even pushes you toward that choice.
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But if you choose to Spiritually Evolve, finding that same enthusiasm and encouragement will be much harder.
You are free to do whatever you want, as long as you stay locked inside your enclosure. But the moment you start stepping out of it, you’ll realize that the people around you never truly wanted to see you free. And that's when you'll have to decide whether to go back inside the enclosure, choosing to live comfortably in the terrifying trap that awaits you, not happy, not fulfilled, but safe, because all you have to do is obey, or to have the courage to take control of your own life. You will be happy, fulfilled, confident, and responsible for yourself. Will it be hard?
Ask your future self, break free from the system and discover that you are capable of doing anything, as long as you step outside the enclosure.
Angel Jeanne
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