Psichici e Divinità (1 parte)

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At the same time that the events related to the Scientists were happening, and before we discovered the Shape - partly because I discovered the Shape precisely because of the enemies we put down beforehand - Alexander and I, as was our habit every year, spent a long period practicing against the enemies of Jesus. Basically, our goal was to lower until we could remove the burdens of Jesus so that he could deal with more important matters. Common manipulation pushes us to believe that the more Powerful a Being such as Jesus, for example, is, the more we should not care about what happens in his life because he is strong, so he has to take care of himself. Worse still, it pushes us to believe that we have the right to expect him to help us and solve our personal problems because he is strong so he must solve our lives as well. Evolving means beginning to think outside these manipulations constructed specifically to set us against each other, because these ridiculous claims serve to set us against the real Powerful Ones and become directly or indirectly burdens on their shoulders. Today's Church - which has nothing to do with Jesus, which doesn't even remotely follow his teachings, and not even as a joke should we associate the Church with Jesus - urges us to believe that Jesus is just sitting there bored waiting for some of us to ask him to solve our problems so finally he too has something to do. Indeed, we are even led to believe that he is overjoyed to sacrifice himself for us, that he can't wait for us to ask him for help and that indeed, the more demands we make on him the better. And then what happens? It happens that whenever our desires are not fulfilled, the first culprit is Jesus, and the second culprit is God because it's their fault that they didn't bother to solve our problems. They solve them for everyone but us! Then they don't deserve our appreciation; so many prayers for nothing! So, what is happening in a short time? It happens that we go from the crazy idea that Jesus is there to serve us, that he is there waiting to solve our affairs, to the idea that if he doesn't solve them then he doesn't deserve our prayers. What we should do instead is first to slap ourselves in the face to give ourselves a good wake-up call. The Church is exploiting the name of Jesus to convince everyone that we need to throw the responsibilities of our lives onto the shoulders of another person. So, even when we don't pray to God or Jesus, every day we try to throw the responsibilities of our lives on the people close to us, for example, on our husbands, on our children, on our girlfriends, on the shoulders of our parents, in order not to take responsibility, that is, control of the events in our lives. If something good happens it's thanks to us, without a doubt, if something bad happens it's solely the fault of the other person who was unable to help us and solve the problem. Does that sound rational? But rationality goes to hell whenever it comes in handy again to negative influences. Thus, we are driven to believe all our lives that Jesus is there in heaven waiting for someone to call him, that he can't wait to rush in and solve your problems. But why would we think in such an unconscious and immature way? Because we have been taught to do it that way and it's really hard to learn to take control of our own minds and change the way we reason, as opposed to the way we have been programmed to be and do through long and exhausting manipulation sessions. Thus we don't give oxygen to the brain and allow it to function and understand, because we prefer not to care and believe that Jesus or any other Deity or Angel is there to serve us. Without realizing it, however, we convince ourselves that we are on a pedestal and that Deities, Saints, Angels, and so on, are there ready and waiting to serve us, that they exist to serve us. But who on earth should serve us? Since when did a Deity become the slave and humans unable to solve their own problems become the kings? Why on earth do we get the crazy idea that a Deity should rush to serve us, to solve problems for us as if she had nothing else to do but rush to serve an unconscious human, if we are talking about a Deity? I am sure you have never thought that a famous actor should rush to your house to wash your dishes when you need them, but rather, if you wanted someone to do this job for you, you would call a cleaning lady. I am also sure that you have never thought of calling a famous singer to the house to look after your children while you are away from home, but rather that you have always thought of calling a babysitter. Therefore, why is it that actors and singers who though famous have never performed any miracle in their lives other than to sell themselves to anyone in order to become famous, and instead disrespect the Deities by thinking that they should rush to perform your services as if they were housekeepers or babysitters?
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For this is precisely the point: we give importance and excessive admiration to those who have accomplished nothing good for us or to improve this planet, but we belittle the figure of Personalities who instead have made this world survive by saving the lives of the human people numerous times, believing that these people must flock to us to serve us, as if they were our servants. The Deities became such because they saved this planet numerous times, warding off the darker Alien races that intended to destroy the human race at that time, putting down the Demons that caused exterminations among the people, and so much more. The Deities then took care of the biggest problems on this planet, the ones that no one else could take care of. But how could they take care of the big problems of this planet if they were assigned the most trivial and childish problems? Of course it happened, but those Characters still managed to perform their Miracles. Today, the term Miracle is deliberately downplayed by the Church so that it will push ordinary people to believe that the Miracles performed by Jesus are almost comparable to fake magic tricks. By the Church, which wants to push us all to become alcoholics, Jesus' "miracle" of turning water into wine is repeated countless times. Yes, it's true that he did it, but when explained thus summarized it seems to appear less important than it was. We are talking about a time in history when drinkable water was hard to find and people preferred to drink fermented grape juice, which according to the thinking of the time was more reliable than drinking water found nearby. With that miracle Jesus was providing drinking at a time in history when finding clear water was not as obvious as for us who can buy it at the supermarket... but to this day that miracle is belittled and exploited by priests to use the excuse of drinking lots of wine. Probably many have not even had the foresight to think that the "wine" of the past was grapes fermented for 3-10 days, while today we drink aged wine, depending on taste, and there are those who spend a fortune to drink the one aged 100 years. From a few days to 100 years there is some difference: one is grape juice; the other is old alcohol. Yet, while we are always talking only about water turned into wine we are made to forget how countless times Jesus cured the blindness of blind people, enabling them to begin to see again. How many times Jesus cured people, face to face, of the worst diseases that were spread at the time, such as leprosy and other diseases that killed people but whose lives Jesus saved. We forget how many people who lost the use of their legs, arms, spine, how many people could no longer walk, stand up or even support their bodies because of diseases or bad falls and work efforts that destroyed their health, and Jesus restored their bones, rebuilt the tendons and reactivated the nerves so that the health of the physical body of all those people was restored and they suddenly could start walking again, stand up, even those who had been forced to spend their lives lying down because of their destroyed spines started living their lives again; only because of the Miracles of Jesus. The Miracles Jesus performed were so extensive and difficult to explain that even more commendable was the speed with which he was able to heal people by deciding that he wanted to use his energy and faculties to help people rather than to subdue them. Because it may not be very clear to everyone, but with his incredible Psychic Faculties he really could have subdued anyone if that was his intention. Just as he could cure blindness, he could create it and make his enemies blind. Just as he was able to cure the worst diseases, he was able to create them for his enemies, or whoever he wanted. Because the word enemy is just a word: everyone chooses who they want to hate, who they want to despise, who they want to belittle or subdue, and who they don't, and many times these people don't necessarily correspond to someone who has harmed us and who would deserve our hostile feelings; but it happens all the same. And just as he could rebuild bones and restore life to physical bodies, he could destroy the inside of the physical body, the bones, settle between the nerves and tendons of his enemies, and he could kill at a greater speed than it took to heal someone. Because let's be clear, hurting someone is very very simple, and it's also very fast. What few people are able to do, however, is to decide to do good to others. We are all perpetually convinced that we are on the side of good, that we are always available and ready to help others, that we are generous and good. But this is not true! The vast majority of people who believe in this are always too busy thinking only of themselves, then maybe one day they give two pennies to a homeless person sitting on the street and feel that they have made a gesture for which they deserve to go to heaven.
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But when you find out what heaven really is you won't want to go there so much anymore, and you will do anything not to end up there. So, ignorance and arrogance lead us to believe that we only need to give a little help to another human being that already God himself should come down to thank us for our grand gesture. We always feel too important as if God owes us something, as if life and the whole world owes us something. But they don't. In fact, the "help" that the vast majority of people think they give to others is worthless. When you help someone just to feel good about yourself, you are not helping your neighbor; you are merely trying to clear your conscience. Helping others means giving something that is valuable to you and taking away something that is valuable to you at the precise moment it matters to you, in order to offer it to someone else. Offering your energy and time when you feel like it basically means doing it for yourself and for your own account. When you throw away your broken items, you are not making a nice gesture to the homeless who will go rummaging through the dumpsters to scrape up the scraps they find useful from time to time, but you are just getting rid of a burden, for your own return. To help means to give something that is valuable to you at the very moment it is valuable; not afterwards, when it becomes waste to you and you can safely do without it. For example, going out with your friends is something you do for yourself, to have fun, to feel good, to have a good time. On the other hand, going out with a friend when she is feeling terrible even though you just today have a very important commitment that you would never want to give up, although she has always been there for you when you needed her, is what becomes a generous moment. You could have been thinking about yourself but you decided to take your time away to devote it to her: that is generous. But how often do you do it or have you really done it? Probably very few, really few times. We see this example all the more on the spiritual realm. It's easy to exchange your time and energy for something; this is not offering but exchanging. Everyone exchanges time and energy every day; very few people offer their time and energy. Exchanging means that there has to be an immediate reciprocation, it usually happens with money, but not only with money, for example one person gives help but the other person has to immediately repay in money. This is an exchange, not a gift. But the exact opposite also happens: that is, people claiming to be able to buy other people's time and energy, because we are used to being surrounded by worthless people who would do anything for a little money, so we get into our heads the idea that any person can be "bought" with a little money: "I will give you money if you do this for me," thinking, trivially, that this is a gesture of goodness. But it is not at all, because goodness is giving, while paying in exchange for immediate service is not goodness or altruism but is an exchange, a trade. Sometimes it even becomes blackmail. But we are so accustomed to trade that we do it not only with money but with everything. We make questionable claims about anything. For example, we do something for our neighbor thinking that it is a good and generous act, although from that gesture we demand to be repaid immediately. So, it is not a given gesture but an imposition of exchange: "I give you this without even asking if you want it, and you must immediately give me back something in return that I want and desire." Those who Rule our society have forced us to think in this way because from the smallest gesture we will succeed in soiling up to the greatest Miracle. In fact, in our minds are created that whole series of veiled "threats" and "blackmail" that we pose to other people, but also to other Entities including God or the Deities. "I'm praying to you so you have to give me something in return," as if the Deity or God gives a damn that you are praying to him. In fact, all you would be doing is throwing your burdens on Him. We have been convinced, in a way so profound that it is absurd, that if we ask a Deity for help we are paradoxically doing him or her a favor; as if she exists to serve us and by demanding help we would be allowing her to become useful.... But when have we ever? Yet, in the subconscious we believe it, we are deeply convinced: if we pray to a Deity for help she should immediately flock to us and should even thank us that we prayed to her and gave her some attention. It's literally crazy. But so much has this idea entered our minds that it is hard to uproot it and get it out of our minds. Just like when we pray to Jesus or God and shamelessly demand "Give me a sign that you are there!" as if to say, prove to me that you are there or else I won't believe in you anymore.
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But who do we think we are? Who do we think we are to expect a Deity to bend over and give us a sign of his existence? We have been accustomed to believe that Deities might "die" or "disappear" if we don't believe in them, as we have been made to believe about fairies in children's stories and movies: "if you don't believe in them, they will disappear!" but the truth is that all these Beings will exist whether you believe in them or not because it really doesn't change anything for them: Deities are Beings who have been reincarnating for billions of lifetimes and the vast majority of the population was born only yesterday as this is their first life. And the Souls, who were born many lifetimes before, are still "just born" compared to the Beings who are the Deities. Som let's reiterate: whether we believe in them or not, they don't change and don't give a damn: they will continue to exist and perform their Miracles in their lives without the need for our - ridiculous - human approval. They have accustomed us to believe that they need our approval. As if they were children? Whereupon with these trivial beliefs we are driven to claim that the Deities have nothing better to do than to spend time listening to our little prayers and rushing to our rescue whenever we have some tantrum to vent, we still seem to believe in Santa Claus: if we behave, he will come and reward us. With this crazy idea we are convinced that someone has to thank us and reward us if we "behave well" without realizing that those were stories we were told as children to keep us calm and obedient to our parents' orders just as today as adults we are told that if we behave well we will go to heaven to keep us obedient and submissive to the Church. Yes, because with others we can also behave like beasts, that the conviction of going to heaven is not taken away from us; however, I would recommend that we must behave well with the priests and donate all the years to the Catholic Church otherwise you don't go to heaven. But from what we are taught, heaven is a place that can be accessed only after spending our entire lives paying protection money to the Church. But while we ordinary citizens are made to believe that the Deities are like little dogs who as soon as you call them run up wagging their tails, the Truth is very very far from this crazy collective manipulation. The Mighty Deities of the past, of which Jesus was obviously a part, did not help people because they had to, but because they wanted to. But manipulators have always been there and are still there today: people-larvae who live only on the backs of others, eye those few people in the world who are altruistic by nature and latch onto them to suck up all their energy and time. The larvae-people persist in believing that others exist to serve them, that that is the only purpose of life: that others should help them and do everything good for them. So, they demand and even expect to be thanked for asking for help from them specifically. In other words, the human-larvae are convinced that if others must help them with the thought that says, "You are the one who wants to help me, I am not the one who is asking you. So, you have to help me, I'm doing you the favor of having you help me." Which are then the same people-larvae people who convince themselves that they are doing you a favor if they are helped by you, as if to say, "You must give me proof, you must help me and solve all my problems because it is your duty! Otherwise, I won't believe in you!" and with this conviction toward other ordinary people it is then even easier to target Deities and fool people to believe that they exist to serve anybody who deserves or not (who are these people-larvae) and that, otherwise, they don't exist. On the other hand, you know: if you ask a Deity for help and your problem is solved, then it's not thanks to him but to you because you were so good at solving it; if, on the other hand, the problem is not solved, then it's the fault of the Deity who didn't rush in to solve your business and therefore that Deity doesn't even exist. Whichever way, in the end you would always have to complain. But even if you were to give the merits of good results to that Deity, what do you think he gets in return? Nothing, between you and you you would say "it was thanks to Him, well I will ask Him for more favors," but in truth you would do nothing else good for Him: you would not testify to His Power, you would not try to spread the knowledge of His name so that many more people would know Her, you would not do anything that would be of use to Her, and so on and so forth. It would just be between you and you: he helped you and so you can forget about her, you will only remember her once you need help again. Or, again to follow yet another religious manipulation, you might think you're making strange renunciations in the name of that Deity thinking you're doing it for him, such as "I'm fasting all day today to prove my loyalty to him" or "I promise I won't spend any more money on junk to prove to him that I believe in her" or "I swear I won't cheat on my wife again out of loyalty to that god" but all these promises you're making to yourself: what do you think the Deity cares about or what do you think it can get good and useful if you don't eat or shop or cheat on your wife today?
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Seriously, how can anyone think that if you give up on something you are doing it for the sake of that Deity? It sounds crazy, then you read those words, yet ask yourself how many times you have thought about renouncing on something thinking you are doing it for God. These crazy thoughts have been inspired in us by sick religions; this is how renunciations are born and in the same crazy way sacrifices are born. Of course, as we have been well indoctrinated to do, the endless selfishness and arrogance we have, always drives us to expect others to help us without asking for anything in return; funny because when we give something to someone instead we demand that they return the favor. So, it's easy to think, "The Deity must help me without me asking for anything in return, otherwise what kind of help is it? You said it yourself, it wouldn't be a gift but an exchange!" easy to use these turns of phrase when it comes to oneself to cover one's ass, and not admit the incredible selfishness and arrogance that we are programmed deep down to have and to be. And that is profoundly wrong. Because everyone of spontaneity should always think, "How do I thank you? How can I repay you?" and let's be clear that words, thought or verbal thanks, neither humans nor Deities do anything with them. Thought words have no value. When you asked God or a Deity for help, did you expect a word? No, you expected facts, you expected your problems to be solved concretely. So, it must be spontaneous to decide to do something for the other person, not because we are forced to, just as the other person was not forced to help us but decided to do so, and I repeat, he decided because he wanted to and not because he had to. No one is forced to think about you and help you, let alone someone who does not know you, has not been a friend of yours for a long time, you have never met before. Yet he decides to help you without asking for anything in return. But does that mean you have the right to give a damn? No. Instead, you should think about how to pay him back with deeds, not words. When I was a child I prayed to Jesus very often, asked him to help me and wondered why a Being like him had chosen to help so many people who would give him nothing in return, in fact, once they received the help they would completely forget about him until the next problem to be solved. So, even as a child I decided to dedicate words to him every day to thank him and tell him how much I loved him, because I wanted to avoid "talking" to him only when I had problems. When I was a child of course I had been taught to pray and that was the only way I knew how to thank him: in words. Once I grew up, I understood through experience that the words we are thinking don't reach him as words of thanks, as we all imagine: perhaps as little letters he reads or hears or perfectly sent telepathic messages. Also not! Whatever our reasons for " praying", all we are sending him is solely heaviness: heavy energy, many times also very very negative and obviously very, very Low. And that is why once I started Practicing, I decided from the very beginning that I would never again want to stop at words, nor would I want to weigh him down with thoughts, but I would have to try in every possible way to concretize deeds. So, instead of delaying "until when I would be stronger" or "until I would have time" or "until when ..." - any excuse is good for not accomplishing deeds! But only words! - I decided that I would start Practicing toward the Deities who had helped me in the past. Yes, because the Deities really do help, but when they want to and can, not when they are insistently "tested" thinking, as some ridiculous people do, that the Miracles of the Deities should be tested. In fact, when I began to Practice, I also decided to devote time to give back, in some way, the help I knew I had received. Many people have been helped but don't even realize it, because the Deities certainly don't come and tell you. So, people find their problems solved and therefore at that point they completely forget about those who helped them and don't give a damn about God and the Deities until the next problem. But how could I have thanked Jesus? Certainly not in words; very little would be done about it. And of course not following those banal ideas of weird people who convince themselves to "send light" and "send love" to Jesus as if that would do them any good. I wondered: when I needed help, exactly what did I need? For example, that a problem would be solved, or that a positive event would happen in my life, or that a negative event would stop showing up in my life. These are essentially the reasons why one "prays" to God or the Deities. So, what could Jesus do with it if you send him light or send him love?
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If someone says they are sending you love, to you essentially what changes? Do your financial, health, life problems get solved? No, of course not, because they are just words, in reality nothing changes a damn thing. There are those who write every day in chat rooms about sending love to the saints or the Deities; do they think that writing it in chat rooms is equivalent to really sending them energy and solving their issues…? Then there are also those who make the promises that say, "From today I start practicing, I'm doing it for him/her (the Deity) I'm doing it just for him/her!" no, you're doing it for yourself! You're not doing a favor for hm/her, as you think, naively and even a little foolishly. You are doing it only and exclusively for you: he/she can, at best, be happy for you. But he/she gains nothing from you meditating or practicing today, because only you gain from it! So, when I thought about how to thank Jesus, I didn't want it to be just words so I began to Practice on him in an attempt to detach from him all those negative burdens in his life that all along the way must have happened to him and in the meantime I was pushing prana with the intention that positive events would happen in his life. It all started from there, from the intent to take weights off him and make positive events-and concrete ones, not words or fantasies! - would happen in his life. Some may think it's presumptuous to assume that you can help Jesus and do something for him. I think it's presumptuous to assume that he exists to serve you and that all you do in return is delude yourself that his reward should be your smile or your thoughtful thanks, "he should be happy for me being happy." Wow, what a reward and what deeply evolved reasoning! I consider that smiles do very little good once he has been killed by the same humans who smiled at him while torturing him until they saw him die in front of everyone's eyes. I consider that what he gave to this world is incomparable, that it is of unattainable value, but that this has become nowadays a disgusting excuse that everyone uses to not do a damn thing even to try to make that slightest positive change in his life. Because let's keep in mind that Jesus was the name of a reincarnation of that Being, but that before and after Jesus there have been countless reincarnations of that same Being who obviously did not call himself by the same name. So, why should believe that "he is dead now anyway and we can't do anything for him anymore" if when we need help we suddenly forget that he is dead and "pray" to him to rush in and solve our problems? When it's convenient for us he is more than alive, but when we can do something for him suddenly it becomes "useless because by now anyway..." and the story goes on like that, endlessly. It's obvious that these are dark manipulations to prevent us from reasoning and understanding how this Dimension and the multi-dimensions really work: we have received an infinite amount of direct and indirect help from God, and from numerous Deities who have protected this planet from very serious dark attacks; and if they have protected this planet it means that they have protected us who live in it, no use pretending that they haven't. So, we should start thanking them but not in words, and try in every way to return the favor although we don't possess their Divine Faculties, but equally we can contribute in deeds and not in words. I know so many mythomaniacs who say they send light and love to Jesus and gas themselves that they "helped him." As if Jesus ever liked mythomaniacs who use his name to look good and beautiful in front of others. Then again, isn't that exactly what the Church has been doing every day for two thousand years? Exploiting the name of Jesus to appear good in front of others, without EVER really helping people solve their problems, because the Church never helps people solve their problems: instead they ask for money, get rich in front of people's suffering and throw the blame back on God and Jesus: you must pray to them for your problems to be solved, but in the meantime give your money to the church if you want Jesus to help you! So, whether the help comes or not is Jesus' and God's fault, but if thanks to God the help comes, then you have to thank the church with facts by giving all your money to them. But not Jesus, woe to thank him with facts, he doesn't need it! So, you would probably say, "if Jesus was alive I would also give him everything I have, to thank him!" But that's not true. If Jesus were here in the flesh people would let him starve, they certainly wouldn't give him all the money they are giving to the Billionaire Church instead: because people don't want to help the Psychic, people want to help the Religious Sect. The point is, if we can't thank him with financial help, why should we ever sit still and comfort ourselves with this false belief.
End page 6 of 6. If you enjoyed the article, please comment below describing your feelings while reading or practicing the proposed technique.