I principali passaggi (2 parte)
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Also the treacherous relatives were bringing the pictures of cousins and various grandchildren. Between the people who were unaware of what fate they would lead those children in the pictures, and the people who instead were fully wishing it, that “praying group” was attended by too many people who were meeting do to the same thing. Invoking the Evil for then throwing it on people who were strangers to them, especially on children. But who put in their head the idea to bring there especially pictures of children and not, even if this isn’t less serious, the pictures of the ex husbands? The group leaders. That praying group had group leaders: when the priests and the bishops were presenting themselves in the group then everyone relied on them, and when they were missing the command was passing to other group leaders that were deacons and other people “outside” from the church who were attending the group and were commanding it although they did not publicly hold positions inside the church; but if the priests were the ones promoting them “group leaders” nobody would have a reason to disagree. However you’ll discover in the future that these outsiders were chosen precisely to take up that role and at the same time to not look linked to the church, purposely avoiding to link an official “term” to them as deacon, priest, women of prayer and so on. The group leaders were all men, even if the group itself was was predominantly female, with more or less 60/65% women and 35-40% male, considering however that in the group meeting not everyone was always present so some afternoons there were more women and other afternoons there were more men, but the women majority was still evident. These group leaders who knew much better which was the real goal, were pushing the other people to bring the pictures of their loved ones and of their children with the excuse of praying for them, to protect and so on; then with other people, who were “complaining” about their relatives among them also their kids, were telling them to bring the pictures to “pray” that they’ll behave better towards them and that thanks to their prayers they would be more obedient to their orders. So with the excuse to protect the son, with the excuse to make him more obedient, and with the excuse to resolve matters between relatives, everyone was bringing a lot of pictures of acquaintances that then each one of them had to distribute to the group and deliver to the group leaders. But what were the people doing with all those pictures? The people really few but the group leaders, as well as people who knew very well where those energies wold be directed, were carrying out a sort of computer network where people do not know they are participating: your relatives bring the pictures to them and you are not aware of how many people suddenly owns your printed face. Acting on that group me and Alexander soon realized that it was only “one of the many” because, while in that praying group sometimes they were in 40 sometimes they were around 60, other times around 80 participants and so on, the group leaders instead knew many other groups that they were managing, in addition to those in which they participated, and receiving printed pictures from every single participant they ended up having thousand of pictures of people from every corner of Italy. We are speaking about true photo folders given willingly by naive people, but not only their own picture, but the pictures of their relatives, friends and children. If you think they managed to get pictures of people who are not on regimen social networks, imagine how easy is for them to get the ones regarding all those people who publish their pictures on social medias and make them visible at least to their relatives: here it happens that saving those pictures on the computer and than print them appears to be the easiest action in the world. Naively you may think that is impossible for so many people to bring the pictures of their relatives in those praying groups and give them to others, including the group leaders. But why would that be weird? Each one of them thinks they’re doing it for a good cause: many do it hoping that everyone present in the group will pray for their children and will protect them, so the idea is also good, if it wasn’t that the first move being done is to Psychically Attack Jesus… but of which some ignorant people do not realize the gravity of what they are thinking of.
But the fact remains that they had been convinced by the group leaders to bring the pictures of their relatives and children, through beautiful words of love and passion that the more they are repeated and the more I get sick to hear them; let alone repeating them, for so much they managed to dirty those terms! So they don’t see anything bad in collecting the pictures of relatives and friends that they wish to “love” and “pray for them” and bring them to the meetings to pray all together for them.
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But the thing they don’t know is that bringing the picture of their relatives, what they are doing is to create a group thinking cloud which will throw heaviness on every single person in the picture. Just imagine 40-60 people who think all together to a boy portrayed in the picture: all thinking to send him the passion of Christ on him, which translated in real words means sending him blood, pain, sacrifice, physical pain and headache caused by the thorn crown that all of them visualize with strong intensity. If it goes well, the boy will only get really strong headache for months without stopping. But unfortunately we have to consider the group leaders, who in addition to direct the thoughts of the people present in those groups, they perfectly know that the real goal is another one, and so they send the worst curses to that same boy who could really end up very bad. Yes he may die, but this is not the only meaning of ending up very bad, because to live a hellish life is not so much better, live a life full of health issues, physical problems, pains and suffering, and lots of continuous misfortunes, is not so much better. What do you think will reach the boy, after invoking the worst pains of Jesus with which then invoking the worst dark Entities and sending all those energies to the frequency of the boy portrait in the picture? Nothing good, I’m assuring you. The worst thing is that I could observe how the wickedness of the bigots allow them to provoke strong damages to the people even thought they wouldn’t have many psychical abilities to do so, but they manage to do it because of the quantity of wickedness and darkness they manage to throw on a person, also more if he’s a relative, or even the child, because they take advantage of those natural “wires” that connect relatives and unconsciously allow the energies of the relatives to enter in your own life. Basically, without you ever noticing, you unconsciously leave the “doors open” to all the energies that come from your relatives, because being them family members, of friends that you care of, is like if you think with the brain that they will never hurt you and so they can enter in your life when and how they want to. But the problem is that this unconscious will to leave the doors open that will allow their energy to enter in your life, will be used by dark Entities and especially by Aliens, who will use your own relatives and/or friends as Antennae to better enter inside your life. The solution is not the one to eliminate your own social life and stop seeing friends and relatives, but the one to work on your subconscious and close those doors that will allow negative influences to enter your life through them. In other words you need to prevent negative energies from entering in your life through friends and relatives, but cutting the wires in not enough – although is essential to do it and probably you are not doing so because you think to cut the wires from them is wrong; today you know is not so – but you need to work on your subconscious and enable your brain to recognize that, even if they are friends and relatives, they should not be able to manipulate your life and influence it against your will. With time you will understand it better and better. But besides from them, you have to constantly cut the wires because you can never know who is the one thinking about you and who is the one sending you his negative energies, among which thoughts, dark intentions, programs about your life. Just cutting the wires every day you allow yourself to take off burdens of people you don’t even know but who have the attachment to your frequency, such as from the pictures that you publish on Social media and of which you don’t even imagine how many people see them. Of course, it is also time to start removing your “frequency” from social media and prevent everyone from sending you the worst negative intents. By negative intent I don’t just mean only when someone personally hates you and therefore want something bad to happen to you. I mean the thoughts of the people who even worse do not realize that they are negative and evil thoughts, but sends them to you as to want to impose their will on you. Since I could meet many people in my life even more met through the Spiritual Path that I teach, who were actively attending the church and observing them all, and comparing them to the ones who instead do not attend the church I realized that the way of thinking was just different: who was attending the church even without realizing they were wrong – in fact they were always convinced to be on the right side and to be in the side of God – had the habit to try to impose their will on others; both women and men, kept trying to impose their thinking on others even when it was about the life of other people, wanting to convince them to take the road chosen by them and impose it on the life of others.
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I discussed with them many times exactly because they were demanding me to take one way or another in my life, although in reality nothing would have changed for them, but they still wanted to try to impose a decision that according to them was more proper for me; obviously with me they have always picked on the wrong person and in fact the more they were insisting that I should have done something and the more they were strengthening my decision of not doing it. But also more important it was to notice how all the people that I met even very young, even people of 20 years old, who were actively attending the church, were convincing themselves to be the bearers of God and that everything they were doing was always right and guided by God. So they feel the right to impose their ideas on others because they became religious zealots and believe that God communicates through them. I would like to point out that I met many mythomaniacs, even between people who did not practice catholicism; but how much mythomaniac are the people who passed some years in the church, there is no comparison! Though many people I know of every age now don’t attend it anymore and had been even 5-10 years since some people are not attending it, their illusion to be guided by God and to be always right when they have the intention to impose an idea on other people also convinced to know which are the right choices to take for the lives of others, make them so pushy to the point of becoming manipulative with anyone who gives them the minimum confidence needed. They convince themselves to know what is the best for the lives of others, but they convince themselves to the point of deciding to pass very long periods of time “praying” or “practicing” other intents to energetically impose that thought on other people, trying to manipulate them telepathically. The point is that their belief to know what is right and what is the best for other people is so strong, that many times they pass very long time, even months and even years, to insist both verbally, and psychically, so that those people will obey do their will. Of course there is always case and case, but I’m telling you about my experiences since I did not meet only 2-3 people, but hundreds of catholics who I have compared and only few saved themselves from those absurd manipulations of the church. So you realize that the ones who go to church are deeply hypnotized without knowing how or why, and between the various actions they will implement there will constantly be the one to impose their will on others. So there is nothing to be surprised about if some people are willing to “pray” for many months and also years for their children, so that they will strongly respect the will of their parents, even when these children are more than at age and would have all the reasons to choose for their lives. The thing that the bigots parents don’t want to understand, because the hypnosis of the Sect pushes them to become manipulators towards the others, is that the children are not toys to be programmed according to their will; not even they are their miniature clones who once they will grow up will have to obey to the orders of the parents. Since the children are still young and adolescent, the bigot parents want to decide for their lives, choosing their course of study even if the children ask to study another course, but the parents are convinced to know what is right and the best for them and oblige them to study subjects the children hate and that after, naturally, will lead them not to find a job since those children did not want to do that job or will lead them to have a job which they will hate for all their life. But for the bigot parents is not enough to ruin the life of teenagers choosing which friends they are supposed to go out with and which ones no, imposing it also with psychological violence and blackmail towards the kids, but they will continue with this blackmail also when they will be adults: once they will be on age nothing will have changed, because the bigot parents will continue to impose choices to their children through psychological violence, mockery, and constant brainwashing which will be needed to literally make the children crazy in order to make them obedient. And also at the age of 30 years old these children will be still unable to go out with the friends they want, or to get engaged with the person they love, because the parents will continue to be in the middle and do everything in order to push those friends away, or make the child to break up with the lover, not only speaking with the child but actively manipulating the people around him so that the child will be obliged to respect the will of the parents even when he doesn’t want to. This is what the Church teaches to its followers, manipulate other people and close their children in psychical and mental cells, building a manipulative life on their children to make them unable to ever go out.
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It is easy to think that it never happened to us, that this is not true; this happens because the bigot parents impose their will on the children with the smile on their face, always and in any case covering their manipulations with words of love and light: I’m doing this for your own good, they will always repeat. You’ll feel free, as long as you’ll obey to their orders. But when you start thinking with your own brain and wish something which goes out from their programs on you, there the hell starts. Obeying orders is not Freedom, remember it. Becoming aware of the manipulation suffered is not easy, especially when you are born in a family of manipulators who programmed us since babies, making us believe that that life is the only way to live: according to their rules. Many times when I do these speeches people are terrified and parents start to shake: dear parents, if you have done nothing wrong, you don’t need to fear anything. If you did not manipulate in every way your children, you don’t need to fear my words. If you are in the Sect and do not burn the ground around your children, deliberately pushing away their friends, their partners, the opportunities from their lives, in order to ruin their social and working life trying to impose on your children your programming delusions on their lives, you have nothing to fear. So who will feel involved, who will be afraid that reading these words their children may start waking up and go to denounce you, be aware: I’m describing the reality of facts, is not me the one ruining the life of your children who I don’t even know; it was you ruining their lives trying to manipulate every their breath and choice and now you have to pay the consequences. But if you did not do it why should you be afraid… on the other hand only those with a guilty conscience should watch out. Let’s keep this in mind.
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