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The people in the room arrived to the second move: get the pictures of kids, teens and more rarely of adults and “pray” for them. They way of praying for the majority of them was the following: visualizing the passion of Christ and push it on that kid, or teenager, on whom they wanted to pray. If you followed me carefully until now, you know perfectly what they were pushing in the life of that kid or teenager. The group leaders knew perfectly what it meant and what would have happened, but the Catholics who were regularly attending that “praying group” no, indeed, they were thinking they were doing something good! To the majority of the people present had been said that, in order to make those kids good and obedient towards their parents, they needed to send them the passion of Christ, meaning exactly what they called before: the presence of Dark Entities hurled at those people. But how could they not notice what are they doing? It is really easy, they do it through the hypnosis and dark manipulation that there is behind these “praying groups”. We are talking about people that don’t have Souls but mainly they are Gaia’s Bot and, some, are terribly corrupted Consciousnesses that follow the same dark path from life to life and reincarnate exactly to continue to do harm on this planet. But to fully understand how is possible that some people attend those “praying groups” one need first to understand who are these people. Bigots, first of all, bigots who are convinced that if the kids throw a tantrum then they are possessed by the devil; bigots who are convinced that if the teenagers have sex then they will go to hell because they deserve it; bigots who are convinced that if a woman gets divorced even if it is because her husband was hitting or raping her then she’ll go to hell because she is an impure and filthy woman; bigots who are convinced that if an underage girl that is raped by a stranger decides to abort the fetus originated by the rape she suffered, she is a witch possessed by the devil and she deserves to die (but the rapist has no fault, according the same bigots: the girl must be punished); bigots who are convinced, extremely convinced to be the eye and hand of God, bigots who are convinced that they can never make mistakes because they are guided by God and they themselves are bearers of God. These people are so fanatic that would kill and then say that they did it for love, because they are light and love and they are guided by God, so that no sin can be condemned to them, that everything they do is always right and perfect. These people are seriously sick and is dangerous to have them around, because they would do everything to subdue the others: even attending for many years to those “praying” sessions in which they invoke, even without seeing it, only some of them, the worst Evil. We are talking about the same people who hit their wives because God wants this, and that rape their own kids and grandchildren or that bring the kids precisely to the pedophile priests - of which they know perfectly well what they will do with those children! - because they are convinced that the priest will teach them what is love and what is God through the rape. These people should go to jail and we have them all around us, thinking that, as if this wasn’t already enough, they are good people because they go to church. Let’s open our eyes and realize which kind of people are in the world, and that because of the church they are grouped so that they can make a group and feel stronger, and also worse they get defended, and thanks to the Do-goodism they are considered good people because they follow the ecclesiastic sect. The same people who rape children, who hits the wives and so on, are considered good people by the community because they go to the church/sect. On the other hand how can we be surprised of this information, if the pedophile priests never get arrested? We all know that it is full of pedophile priests: there are websites where the testimonies of many raped children and adolescents are collected, people knows it! But these pedophiles never get arrested! When the people of the village discovers that the priest of the nearby parish has been reported for pedophilia, the Church moves the priest from that village to another far one; in this way the people don’t know the story of that priest and blindly trust him, until he’ll do the next rapes and until there will be a parent that finally will believe to the voice of his own child; thing that unfortunately does not happen very often. Many parents decide out of their own will to protect the priest and to silence their own kid, out of convenience, being afraid of the consequences, or out of the choice to defend the priest because they consider him being close to God even if he rapes children. 

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I remember what a Bigot woman told me when I asked her what she thought about the priest of the  nearby parish who just got discovered being a pedophile and so moved in another city; she answered me: “It’s not his fault, it was the devil possessing him! The priest does not have any fault, he didn’t want to do it, but the devil possessed him… the priest does not deserve any punishment!” so, when they have to defend a rapist also the devil takes the blame. But, when it happens to someone aside form priests, if someone is considered as a “possessed” gets also hit and treated as a “sick person”. So I’m wondering why this violent treatment is not reserved to pedophile priests: maybe a bit of beatings taken by each relative of the kid, and then by each parent of the kid’s schoolmates, and by everyone who wants it, would wake the priest up from his “possession” and would allow him to return… lucid. Then the jail is compulsory. But how come against the priests the Law doesn’t have a value and does not interfere? We’ll also speak about that. Also I must open a parenthesis.  Unfortunately the people who will read these pages will fall in the usual and trivial mental trap that says: “I know many people who go to church and they are not bad people… so it is not true that the Church does these things!” but if your father or your neighbor goes to church and he never raped someone, I think it obvious that he cannot be compared to the pedophile priests, since he never did such atrocities. So why even comparing them? The point is that we don’t need to reach the rape to be people who gets constantly manipulated. The faithful catholics are taken step by step, over the years and not in two days, to defend the choices of the Church even when they are wrong and slowly imitate them within certain limits, that can differ from people to people. If you ask your catholic neighbor what he thinks about the pedophile priests he’ll take up the cudgels for them, he’ll tell you that is not true, and if you’ll show him the pages of the newspapers that testify the truth of the news, he’ll still tell you that is not true and that kid is a dirty liar, that he came up with the rape only to be noticed. Yes, because the kids of 5 years old know what a rape is and have fun accusing priests of these violence they suffered from. Even if you christian neighbor never hurt a kid, he’s still defending the atrocities done by the Church, going against the ones that tell the truth accusing them to tell lies. The Church is pulling forward its loading of accuser bigots, meaning people who get manipulated and hypnotized by the Church to defend their crimes even if it means losing face: if your neighbor, or your father, or your grandmother, that take up the cudgel for the pedophile priest saying he has no fault - without even knowing that person nor listen/read the story told by the victim; sure that the priest is right regardless! - it means that is using his own face to defend a stranger who is also repeatedly accused for the same reason by several people. But the ones who go to church are not interested, they don’t want to see the proves, read the newspapers when they talk about priests or listen testimonies: they only and exclusively want to defend the church without a logic reason. They don’t get paid, indeed, they are the ones giving their money to the Church, every year, also more of what they could afford to give. And also this should make us understand the difference between an actor, and a person who is hypnotized and manipulated to precisely answer to that “signal”. So, we cannot categorize a person only according to the crimes he committed, because we hope he did not commit any. The fact remains that bigots choose to defend the choices and mistakes of the Church so much to deny the evidence, so much to deny the proves, so much to accuse the others to be liars despite all the proves are in favor of the victim who is denouncing the facts. But according the bigots the Church must be defended regardless, even when is wrong. This should make us understand that is not only physical violence, there are many people who go to church and never raped a kid, no wonder!, but they come back home and hit their kids because God wants this; it is not raping, it is hitting, but why this should look less severe? A lot of parents get hypnotized by the priests, who say to them that hitting their children is right, to educate them, to show them who is in command, because they have to learn through the hand of God, which moves through the slap of the parent. 

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Let’s calm down, because nobody here owns the hand of God, even if some mentally sick people strongly believe so. Priests teach parents to be respected by their children through physical violence, which naturally will be called “love” because if you mention the word “love” really everything can be done, as soon as beautiful enlightening words are used and never the Truth. So the master-fathers will hit their kids to teach them love, to teach them to respect and always be dependent on the wishes of the parents. We are talking about parents who want to maintain the absolute control of their children also after they’ll be on age, even thirty years old, and they will do so through feelings of guilt, obliging their kids to remain submissive to their wishes using words like “You are going against God, if you don’t listen to me you’ll go to hell!” - “If you don’t do as I say God will punish you, you must listen to your parents!” - “I know what is right for you, I’m doing this for your own good, God moves through me!” and if the thirty years old child will try to go away from his parents manipulations, many times these last ones, will will move on to threats, to more and more severe blackmail, and also to spread lies between the people in order to create a net of people that will talk badly against their child and will say the worst things, all of this to be sure that the child will come back to be submissive to the parents. This is exactly what the Sects do, so why does the Church accuse everything and everyone to be a Sect if then it itself is the first Sect ever? Because they need to play the game of being the first to accuse in order not to be accused: they call everyone a Sect, so nobody will have the foresight to realize that is exactly the Church the first Dark Sect in the world. The most absurd thing is that everyone knows it, but nobody dares to say it. Unfortunately I met a lot of people who had to escape from their families, even when they were 40 years old, after realizing that their parents manipulated their lives to oblige them to remain in the house with them, submitted for all their life. I met women of 30 and 40 years old being virgin because their mothers were saying “You have to become a Nun, if you’ll get engaged with a man you’ll go to hell!” and with these absurd manipulations these women remained at home, submitted to their parents, until old age. I met people of 30 years old whose fathers were saying to them “Don’t have sex or the devil will come to take you! You must immediately go to church and confess to the priest!” we are talking about 30 years old people, not about kids; so if these bigots people are able to manipulate the adults, with such accusations, threats, blackmail and psychological violence, what are they able to say and make kids believe in order to keep them submissive and scared? I listened to many things, unfortunately, and we should seriously denounce these people who have no right to ruin the life of children until their adulthood because of their mental depravity. Unfortunately I also met a lot of people in the opposite side. Many people believe in the church and at the same time they believe in spirituality, but they feel guilty because they are afraid the devil will come to punish them in case will be discovered that they are curious of such topics. Because let’s repeat it, according to the Church to study and get informed is against God, so much that the university students are already marked in the devil’s list because, according to the Church, they are choosing the culture which goes against God. If like this is not enough clear that the Church wants specially to oblige us to remain ignorant  because only through ignorance is possible to manipulate as many people as possible, tell me how else should them explain it to you: it is the Church itself who tells you that it wants you ignorant. After all we are talking about the same Church who made up its own story on “Adam and Eve” accusing the woman to be a filthy sinner because she took nourishment from the apple of Knowledge. Not from the apple of the devil, from the apple of hell, from the apple of Satan… no, from the apple of Knowledge. Since they impose us to study these nursery rhymes by hearth we don’t even realize the meaning of the words we say; such as drinking the blood of Christ and eat his flesh, we repeat it as if it was a nice nursery rhyme and we don’t stop to understand the real meaning of the spoken words. Surely it is also our fault, we have to admit it, for not being enough awake and for allowing the Sect to manipulate us with extreme ease. On the other hand the Church, with the excuse of the “miracle of transforming water in wine” had been able to make all the catholics pure alcoholics; and to think that Jesus was teaching to fast from wine, because already in that time he was realizing the bad effect alcoholism has on people. But we’ll get there gradually.

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Instead the Church was able to exploit the umpteenth sentence and turn it to its liking making the bigots believe that is needed to fast from food and feed only with wine, so it is sure that the bigots will become more and more alcoholics and as such extremely easy to manipulate and to Artificially Possess. I met, and I say unfortunately, many people who go to church and even if they thought they were really good people, because they were going to church, in their brain there were really terrific ideas. A lady even offered me a big sum of money in exchange for a "favor" that naturally I refused, asking me to psychically attack her 35 years old daughter because she went to move in with her boyfriend and, according to this lady, the daughter was unclean because probably she was having sex with her live-in boyfriend. That woman told me that because of the boyfriend, her daughter fell in the dark path of sex and she’ll go to hell. I know it may look like a joke, but when you understand that these people are serious and are able to go and pay medium, fortune tellers, sorcerers, asking them to attack their children because they did not respect the will (sick!) of the parents, you start to understand that in this small world there are more people with serious mental disorders than we can imagine. In fact that women reveled me that she already payed many “practitioners” to attack and sicken her daughter so she would learn the lesson and come back to her mother; but that they failed because, even if she got sick, her daughter did not come back to her. That girl was getting cursed because her mother, who needed a psychiatric hospitalization, was paying strangers to send her the worst curses. So she contacted me to ask me to act against that girl and make her come back at home, in exchange of money. Naturally she sent me her picture immediately – without me asking for it! - to show me the face of the girl without respecting the privacy of her daughter at all. First of all, without even thinking about it, the first thing I decided to do was to immediately Protect that girl, for which I was very sorry for what was being done to her; I didn’t know her, I did not know which kind of person she was or what she deserved, but I knew one thing, that her mother was sending her picture to any Tom, Dick and Harry to push people to attack her and so to provoke her the worst evils possible only because at 35 years old she didn’t want to continue living submitted to her mother. Secondly I badly answer to the lady and kicked her away; that girl had been lucky because her mother found me, but how many people already decided to unjustly attack her in order to get some dirty coins? The girl also got sick, may it be a coincidence or may it really be for the curses did not matter, because what mattered was that the mother was enjoying the fact that her daughter was suffering a disease, that according to her she deserved only because at 35 years old she had chosen to live-in with her boyfriend. Another lady of more or less 60 years old had recently become one of my students and took part to one of my Tours. During the break she came close to my desk and at two steps from me she started to cry, I immediately understood that it was a fake and misleading cry. I asked why was she crying and she answered: “Act on my son please!” I asked: “Is he feeling bad? What happened?” thinking she was about to ask me an Energetic Healing for the son, instead she answered: “he went away from home and doesn’t want to come back!” I asked her “did he escape? Is he underage?” she answered me that he was more than 30 years old and that he went to live in his girlfriend’s house. Then with other fake tears she asked me to practice to get that boy home to her. Here we aren’t speaking of parents who miss their children, because they can still see them even if they go to live in another house. Here we are speaking of people who don’t want their kids to have their own life as nature wants, and want to oblige their children to live submitted to them forever, in their parents’ house. Someone who could see the course of events from afar without understanding what that woman was asking me could have thought that poor lady, she was suffering and she deserved the help of everyone. Instead she was asking me to manipulate her son to make him come back to her, a perverse mother. You always need to be really careful about who you decide to help… because you may find yourself in the shoes of the dark person and not even notice it, like all the ones who let themselves feel pity for these sick mothers and accept to attack their kids thinking of doing something good and right. This is another absurd story, but it is only one of the ones I knew and lived first handed because of other women who turned to me to push the same situations against their children. So before they reached me, and after I sent them to hell, how many people did they contacted to pay them in exchange of cursing their own kids? 

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It may look absurd to you, but these people are a lot, really a lot, more than you think. They are convinced to be right, and obviously they will always speak with beautiful words; they will say “I want my daughter to come back home for her sake” but to do so they’ll pay someone to put a hex, cast the evil eye, curse the girl. They will say “I want my son to come back because he’d been manipulated” and to do so they will bring the photo to sorcerers in exchange of money to convince them to attack him: not saying that the parents themselves manipulated him for all his life and that finally the son managed to break free. What I could understand through these experiences is that the bigots who go to church are almost always manipulators: you are free as long as you obey to their orders; but when you want to do something for yourself, here you realize you had never been free. So you cannot consider yourself free, if freedom means to completely obey to other people even when it goes against your ideals and your future. Considering that we are talking about people of age, many times of 30 years old and 40 years old people, you realize that these “kids” are not children anymore. Then we need to seriously ask ourselves: if these treatments are reserved to 30 years old children that should have the right to choose for their life, what kind of treatments invisible and hidden inside the house walls are reserved to thee kids, who are too young to understand and too weak to escape from those chains? I realized, through time, that towards the children there aren’t enough Laws that protect them: psychological manipulation is a kind of violence from which the children should be defended. It is not easy to understand which kids are victims of the manipulations of their Bigot parents because there aren’t the instruments to do so, because the Government itself needs the children to be manipulated by the Church since young. The Church accuses everyone, accuses everybody, to prevent people from realizing that the first one to be called Sect is exactly the Church and the Vatican. But we need more control towards the parents who accuse their kids to be bad, violent, possessed by the devil, and investigate on these parents to find if they are or not hypnotized by the Church Sect: but since there is so much talk about Sects around, but we don’t realize that the worst Sect is precisely the one that covers the most territory in the world. We are talking about the richest Sect in the world: it falsely states to own some billions yearly, of euros – as if they were few – but owns the largest wealth in the world. Many billions of euros more compared to the ones it states to have! Only with a percentage of its wealth, the Church could rebuild the whole economic structure in Africa and accommodate every single human being in really few weeks, not years! But, it had been precisely the Church to deplete Africa, while it chooses to accuse “us citizens” to be the ones in fault, who knows how, for the poverty of the African people, throwing on us the feelings of guilt that will follow the request to donate money to the Church to help the kids who die from hunger. And you really believe the money will ever arrive to the children? Why should it, if it was precisely the Church that got the absolute control of Africa and its people through poverty and ignorance that comes from it. So let’s reflect a moment before you absolutely want to defend the Church and the bigots that feed it, protect it and bring new adepts every day for the Church to continue to have new blood to drink and new flesh to eat. Unfortunately not only as a saying. Now that you realize which kind of people there are, it won’t look weird to you to know that there are people who attend those “praying groups” to curse their own kids, relatives, and other people. In these groups there is everything: people who bring there the pictures of their grandchildren, really thinking that they will pray all together for his sake, but unaware of what instead the other people will do with their brains; people who bring there the pictures of their own husbands, to “pray that God will punish them” but only after doing the first move which is the one to invoke Dark Entities with the trivial idea to invoke the passion of Christ (translated in blood and violence!) and curse their families, their new wives and children. There were many people who were bringing there the pictures of the grandchildren, convinced that those kids were born to ruin their 40 years old child and oblige him to separate from his own parents – bigots precisely – with the idea that cursing that child with the hope that he would “disappear” would take back their own 40 years old kids at their parent’s home. There were also women bringing with them the pictures of the kids of their ex boyfriends or ex husbands to curse those kids, convinced that it was those kids’ fault if the ex husband broke up with them. 

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