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La Setta (2 parte)

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Use that head and think before sharing your face with anyone you don't know who can see it, save it and who will put it to bad use. Precisely for this reason I have never uploaded my photos on the regime's social networks because I am aware of the use they make of them. But as it happens by being in contact with other human beings, there is always someone who takes the photos, and someone who could only be a relative or a close friend can possess our photos taken many years ago. They did not have recent photos, as over time we learned that even friends and relatives are used as antennas to get the photos around those who should not receive them: you can also not publish your photos on social media, but friends and relatives will spread your photos against your will even if you tell them not to,  because according to their minds it is you who is wrong and they have the right to shoot your photos with riffraff. Not their photos, but yours. But how they defend their own photos! In fact, remember that friends and relatives are the first to be used against you, when the Government, Aliens and / or other dark people need Antennas: the closer they are to you, the more they will be able to deliver the worst low blows to you. So it was that among the photos of children and other adolescents who were victims of what was happening in that room, there were also our photos taken many years before by some relatives who had given them; on the other hand, those sick-minded people liked young boys. There was a lot of information that had to be discovered and understood: who had given them the photos? For what purpose? And what did those people do with them if they were not the ones directly involved? Of that huge group, no one knew me in person or indirectly, but they had my photo because they had been given to them by someone else who told them what to do with them. Each of those people went into that room with a bundle of photocopies; On each photo there was written in pen the name and surname of the person photographed, date of birth, city of birth and on some photos, there was other information such as the city in which he/she currently lived etc., but most had only the first three pieces of information. And what did they do with all that private information of the people photographed? Alexander and I analysed their sessions for weeks, both the group meetings and the individual people who made up the group, following them via Remote Viewing and observing what they did at home, how they led their lives and how they carried on their dark sessions. We realized that all these people had one detail in common. All of them, every day, went to church even several times a day. Why did these people who belonged to a group of Dark Arts go to church? Through the experience of the myriad practice sessions against them, even more answers came in than we were looking for. It was a very large group of the Catholic religious sect. Those people met there to "pray", but their idea of prayer was very different from what we understand and hope, because of the terrible sick do-goodism that had been instilled in our minds. We drink his blood and eat his flesh, we are taught, and we do it and repeat it like idiotic parrots without even understanding what the heck we are saying. Even before we asked ourselves what they were doing to us, we wondered what they were doing to Jesus. That's because we found ourselves discovering that group just as we were attacking Jesus' enemies, so what did they have to do with Jesus' enemies? Of course, we would have expected to find ourselves in front of very dark Entities, Demons, etc., and less to find ourselves in front of groups of ignorant bigots who went to church to "pray". What were those people really doing? By carefully observing their "prayer" meetings we realized that the first moves were repeated as a start at every single weekly meeting and were the following. Before, they sat in a circle, sometimes there were 40 people, other times 60, and depending on the size of the group it became more of an oval than a circle, but for the group it was very important that this chain was united without "missing chairs" so regardless of the shape that was created, each chair had to be occupied to complete the imperfect "circle". After that, all together they concentrated on staring at the exact center, that is, the central part that was exactly in the middle of the group: they had to make a circle and fix the center all together. According to their prayer, they had to visualize that Jesus on the cross was in the center, imagining that right in the center of the room was a huge cross and Jesus crucified in the center. 

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Their prayer focused on imagining Jesus alive being crucified repeatedly, while nails were being driven into his feet and hands (or wrists, depending on one’s personal pleasure) and visualizing Jesus' blood coming out of his veins, feet, liver – punctually wounded with a visualized spear – and his head, for the crown of thorns that will continue to tighten insistently, and on sticking the thorns inside the head causing a strong pain and endless blood that gushed out. According to these Catholics, what they were doing was positive and loving: imagining Jesus being tortured on the cross meant "freeing one's own sins," that is, the sins of these people who participated in the circle. To imagine Jesus being crucified, to imagine the nails endlessly thrusting into his feet and wrists, the blood flowing, and to imagine Jesus suffering and begging for mercy – according to their imaginations as weak cowards that they were – served to feel the passion of Christ, they served to feel the love and compassion that Christ had for them – those who sat in those chairs – and to feel how Christ had to and deserved to die that way for" delivering their sins." I hope you understand the contempt that must be felt towards these sick people, who are convinced that imagining Christ being crucified would make them feel "his passion". But passion of what exactly? How could they imagine Jesus being tortured to be a positive and loving act? This was the first move, but let me describe it to you in detail, because the first move took about 15-25 minutes before going on to the second move. So in the centre of the room they had to imagine that there was a cross, huge, very high, about 4 meters high... Here is revealed why they needed a room with such a high ceiling, I wondered. Everyone had to stare at that point and imagine that there was Jesus hanging on the cross, alive, weeping and suffering, begging for mercy. They decided to visualize Jesus crying and begging for mercy not because it was the truth, but because visualizing this scene all together, every day for years and years, causes a deep Curse that will be repeated for years towards his Soul (of Jesus), caused by people who are extremely convinced that they are doing the right thing and that they are carrying out an action of love. But you will understand within these pages how easy it is to manipulate depraved people and through the word "love" to push them to perform the sickest and darkest actions. So they had to visualize, all together, with the greatest concentration and the strongest intent they could, Jesus dissolving into a river of blood, visualizing his bright red blood flowing down from his arms, legs, head and liver, not a few drops but a whole river more than a human body can really hold, covering it all completely with blood. This scene was repeated for almost half an hour, every day, motivating each other to imagine stronger and more decisive so that everyone had to "see"; the group leaders said: you have to see it in front of you! See him, Christ, who is crucified for you, feel his passion, feel the love he feels as he is crucified for you!, and the faithful bigots nodded, they were moved, and felt proud to imagine Jesus suffering in front of them, because it seemed to them that they were experiencing something special. By visualizing plenty of blood flowing like rivers, they called back infinite red energy; many of the group began to suffer dizziness and nausea but their leaders reassured them: it is Christ who is giving you a signal! He's telling you that he loves you! And all those bigots who believed that it was really so, that the dizziness after visualizing Jesus losing liters of blood was a positive sign of love. So, in a group they visualized the red blood of Jesus coming down from the body, and then, the group leaders said: "Drink his blood, he is making his blood gushing for you, drink it" and everyone imagined drinking the blood of Jesus, believing that this was a proof of love for Jesus, a demonstration of love. Over time, you'll understand how much the word "love" has been tarnished over time to the point of becoming revolting to the point of being the exact opposite of what we believe it to be. To hear Catholics speaking of love means to speak of violence and terrifying cruelty. To hear Catholics speaking of passion means to speak of blood, of physical and carnal violence. To hear Catholics speaking of goodness and compassion towards others is to speak of submission.

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I want to point out that several years before I believed that these things were done by "Satanists", but when I met numerous Satanists, I realized that they were just exalted people, who talked, who drew a star on themselves and felt like rebels because they did not go to church. Observing with my own eyes that these truly satanic actions were carried out by Catholics, enabled me to understand that Satanists exist and are located exactly inside the Church. But they do not invoke Satan, they attack Jesus psychically while invoking another Demon who is even worse; but I will reveal its name to you later: we will get to talk about them too, and of course, we will also talk about the dark Satanism although I want to immediately clarify that there is no positive or good Satanism; there is only Satanism for young delinquents and Satanism for murderers and bloodthirsty criminals. Both, however, come from shit. Going back to the group, they concluded their "prayers of love" so called because the group leaders said that they were used to feel "the passion of Christ", after having spent almost half an hour imagining Jesus alive on the cross crying, begging for mercy, with blood gushing from every wound, focusing particularly on the crown of thorns that they had to tighten insistently on him, causing therefore unimaginable pain, suffering and humiliation. The Catholics in that group had to concentrate on having a strong intention and a strong emotion throughout the session. They were convinced that they were contacting Jesus and that they were communicating to him the happiness of seeing him on the cross "for them". But all they were doing was Psychically Attacking, every disgusting day, the memory, the Consciousness and the Soul of Jesus who unfortunately received all those attacks. The group leaders said, "Drink his blood" and the Catholics imagined drinking his blood. The group leaders said, "Eat his flesh, it is Jesus who asks you to!" and all the Catholics imagined that they were feeding on his flesh. I hope you are understanding that this is clearly an invitation to cannibalism, it is clearly a disgusting statement of cruelty, malice, mental illness and perversion, which all Catholics parrot as if they were peaceful and loving phrases. How many times have you heard the same phrase from the voice of the priest, as well as from the voice of all the "practicing Catholics": "Drink his blood and eat his flesh". I repeat: it is a clear invitation to cannibalism. How could it be an act of love and goodness to drink the blood of Jesus and eat His flesh? How could eating another human being be a Rite linked to a good God? Because cannibalism exists, and it is a Dark Rite linked to the Dark Demons that are generally summarized with the term "Satanism"; but these kinds of Dark Rites are much more complex to be summarized in a single word. After imagining Jesus naked hanging on the cross, in a sea of blood in the name of Catholic love, the group leaders indicated the next move. Yes, because, the first move of the Dark Rite to Jesus served to make them believe that they had to invoke the love of Christ to guide them towards the right, and with these ridiculous words the group leaders made sure that the Catholics present in the room carried out any order without feeling guilty or asking questions, as everything took place before the eyes of Christ,  so they had to be right and good things! But what eyes of Christ? And again, if Christ thought we were wrong, he would surely stop us, so it means that we are doing right. And again, the will and power of Jesus are questioned, as if to say "I'm attacking you, if you want me to stop you have to give me proof that you exist and appear before me", and according to them Jesus should take the trouble to make happy those shit who are trying to attack him; unfortunately the mentally ill bigots often reason in this way, believing that these thoughts make sense. They did not realize what absurdities they were babbling about, but they were convinced that whatever they did was approved by Jesus and therefore even the Evil they were causing to their neighbour would be considered Good, throwing the blame on Jesus. What did those Dark Rites have to do with the name of Jesus? This is the point: the Church has always managed its dirty business and crimes and mass murders using the name of Jesus and God. What worse Rite than to kill using the name of the Divinity who came into this world to do Good? What worse joke than associating the worst Darkness precisely with the name of the best Positive Psychic in the world? This is the point, in addition to being an obscure action it is also a mockery, a mockery, because the Darkness makes fun of us and convinces humanity to commit the worst crimes in the name of one God for another: the Church teaches to perform human sacrifices in the name of God but does not specify in the name of which God!

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Because there are Gods who require human sacrifices, but it is certainly not Jesus! We are talking about Dark Presences that deceive people by pretending to be "beings of light" yes, a very artificial light. Once the first move was completed, they carried out the second: each of the believers had to take in their hands the photocopies that each had brought to be delivered to the others, and all together they focused on a single individual at a time, in rotation. While they believed they had "invoked the love of Christ", what they were doing was invoking the darkest energy inside that room they were in that would serve them to carry out the second move: attacking the person depicted on the photo. But what you can't even imagine is what kind of Dark Entities entered that room while those crazy bigots convinced themselves that it was "the passion of Christ in the air". But of course, those sick people didn't see anything, because it's ridiculous to think that people who didn't even realize the dark deeds they were doing, could perceive and see the presence of the Entities that surrounded them. The group leaders, on the other hand, knew it well, they knew the truth while telling lies to the Catholic believer, manipulating them to push the entire group to carry out the worst actions. At first, I wanted to believe that these people didn't have the faintest idea what they were doing and didn't realize the manipulation they were receiving. But then I asked myself: how the heck can you not realize it? How can you, in front of someone who tells you “Drink his blood and eat his flesh" and "see him being crucified in front of you, see him suffering for you!" not realizing that he is pushing you to do something terribly dark? How can you not understand it immediately, or at least understand it shortly after, and refuse yourself to do it, and at least get away from there as soon as possible? Instead, those were people who had been attending that same group for more than 20 years; others for 30 years. So, they were not naïve people who came there by mistake, but they were people who basically liked to do this, while hiding behind the false kindness and the false and artificial positivity of the terms that because of them have become disgusting: "love, passion, sacrifice, compassion..." If those terms nowadays indicate those meanings of theirs, I prefer to stay away from them and use other terms. But we will talk about this later. What I didn't understand was how so many people couldn't realize what kind of dark deeds they were performing. The worst thing was just that: they convinced themselves that they were doing positive and loving actions! They thought they were on the right side, on the side of good! This was what I didn't understand: how can you think of being on the side of good, if you spend the day visualizing blood, sacrifices, suffering and death? But what kind of "good" is that good they mean? What really made me feel bad for several days was not knowing that those damned mentally ill people had my photos and tried to attack me, but that those damned mentally ill people every day began their Rites by visualizing Jesus crying, suffering and losing blood on the cross, visualizing in detail all the gestures of torture, blindly deluding themselves that those were thoughts of love and compassion, that they were thoughts that would help them connecting to God and his positive energies. And I want to clarify that Jesus did not miss a single tear when that terrible event occurred two thousand years ago, just for the record. But the will of the Church is to pass on the message of a man who is "human in everything" weak and fragile. False! Very few possess a Strength like that of Jesus. But then again, how can you manage to reason with people who have been performing these Dark Rites for more than 20 years? Do you think that it would be enough for you to talk to them to make them understand that what they are doing is wrong? Do you think that 20 years of those absurd manipulations can make those minds reason and make them conscious again? It's very simple: in there is no longer any Consciousness, in there those heads there is only shit, there is only Dark Possession, in there, there is no longer any crumb of life that can allow them to stop being dark. For the dark Ones do not know that they are serving Evil, and they are completely possessed, and no longer have any shred of conscience and wisdom within them. Those people have no way back, they are completely lost, and the only way to solve this problem is not to ignore their existence, not to ignore this very serious problem worldwide. Because ignoring it means allowing the Darkness to move undisturbed and carry out its projects without the slightest obstacle and limits. 

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We must become aware of what dark projects they are carrying out and stop them, one after another. Ignoring, or deciding not to know, means agreeing that the Darkness continues to make victims while we turn away. Don't be a fucking coward and stop hiding your eyes with your hands pretending to be good or to respect the will of others, because it's all bullshit that you tell yourself because you don't have the courage to see the Truth. There are very dangerous people in this world and the more we continue to pretend not to see them, the more they will continue to commit worse and worse crimes, until it is no longer possible to stop them. Don't be a weakling! I am saying this because I know well that many who read these words will think that it is wrong to spread the Truth, that it is better not to say it, that it is better not to make us think about these ugly things. But this block that dictates that you do not want to know the Truth was created on all of us with the mere intention of preventing us from acting, of preventing us from blocking the advance of the Darkness! Artificial thoughts push us into the brain, through technology, that must force us to think that we don't want to know anything about it, that it is more beautiful to think that this world is beautiful and pure to prevent us from feeling the terrible violence that is consumed every day around us; and at the same time we complain that this world sucks and that no one does anything to change things, because the doublethink forces us to live two opposite but simultaneous thoughts, which should perpetually confuse us and push us not to act, to do nothing to block the Darkness! Therefore, there is a need for you to read these Truths and there is a need for you to know them, regardless of how much it hurt you to read them, because I assure you, it is much worse to let the Sacrifices and the Dark Rites be carried out freely without us doing anything to stop them. So, keep in mind that there is nothing positive and nothing good in choosing not to want to know anything about it. Choosing to ignore every time dark acts taking place in the surroundings means choosing to protect the darkness and defend its will. I have decided that in my life I will never accept to look the other way while dark deeds are being carried out in front of me. On the contrary, I will focus my eyes and all my Faculties on them, and I will do my part and perhaps also the part of many others who out of cowardice will choose not to act, but I will act every time. So, Alexander and I decided to gather as much information as possible about that Cult and everyone who was part of it, because once we understood their plans, we would act against every single target of their own and against every single participant in that group. They were there, and whether they had been there for a short time or for many years, they were all there doing the exact same dark deeds and each of them would have received what they deserved.

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