La Setta (1 parte)
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On practicing against Jesus' enemies, we discovered the existence of what we called The Sect, which became an incredible starting point. Let's start from the beginning. As we took action against the nearly newly discovered Scientists, and in the meantime practiced the sessions dedicated to Jesus and his enemies, Alexander and I began to become aware of some somewhat strange presences that had been attacking us for some time, but which we were only beginning to discover at that moment. Precisely because they had been attacking us for a long time, but they were only recently to be found, we immediately thought that they were connected to the Scientists and that they were simply them; so, we didn't immediately focus on investigating to find out who they were because they were contemporaries of the Scientists, so we immediately thought they were the same members of that group. We began to sense the presence of some very dark Entities who did not approach our Dimension to attack us but did so from faraway Dimensions. At first, we thought that it was always aliens and various technologies simulating the presence of Entities as it had already happened in the past and that they were always them, so we focused mainly on acting against the Scientists. But in the meantime, there continued to be these Presences of Entities that we perceived attacking us from time to time, but from Dimensions so remote and well structured that it was difficult to perceive them, except that they attacked us directly and therefore by hooking on to those attacks we tracked down their Frequencies. We had the doubt that those Entities were not directly connected to the Scientists but, as often happens, they observed that the Scientists were attacking us and so they also took advantage of this to attack us in the hope that, distracted by the Scientists, we would not be aware of them and therefore we would not react against those Entities. For a few days it was like this, then we realized that there was something beyond what it seemed. So, among the thousands of things to do, we also began to attack those Entities who were presumably taking advantage of the revelry to join us and attack us hopefully and arrogantly. But we seized the opportunity and attacked them again, all the more so because we were amused to discover such attitudes from Entities that perhaps were not clear about what the consequences would be for them. It didn't take much to take them down a peg, all the more so when the blows on their muzzle prevented him from getting closer. As quickly as we attacked them, they quickly ran away. But when they left, they left uncovered Presences that had been hiding just behind their backs; and these last Presences seemed even more naïve about what would happen to them from the moment they were discovered. Those Entities – which I will explain to you only later – were hiding behind the other Presences that, although one would expect them to be stronger than the first ones, were actually the exact opposite. But from that moment on, a succession of experiences that we never thought would happen, began. Attacking the Entities, they immediately fled without any desire to continue approaching us; behind them were these feminine Presences that if at first glance seemed vaguely entities of their own, we realized that were too human. It must be said that for some time, when we attacked our enemies, we perceived a strange female presence, but there were always so many "people" to attack us among humans, aliens, various enemies from all over the world, that we had neglected those figures. By the way, sometimes we mistook them for Orange. So, several times we attacked the Oranges again, but the psychic responses were always the same: the Oranges are no longer there, and they have no desire or intention to try again to get closer to you and this world. So, if those female figures weren't the Oranges attacking us, presumably it could have been their previous attacks from the past into the future that were coming at that time, and so, even though the Oranges of the present had been shot down, their attacks from the past to the future were still coming. But since we had already attacked their attacks very much, to block them and prevent them from reaching our future, we realized that this assumption was not correct either. Anyway, regardless, we focused on those female figures and attacked them. I remember one particular moment when I became aware of their presence, clearly feeling them as middle-aged and older women, far overweight and practicing rituals against me and Alexander.
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I immediately felt that they were "witches" who practiced rituals, rituals, curses, voodoo dolls, and other similar kinds of Dark Attacks. So, I immediately thought: they are the witches of the Ancient One! As the Ancient One had recently passed away – about a year and a half – and it was likely that the Witches and Warlocks of the Ancient One – those who "worked" for him – had taken some time to settle down and then decided to try again to attack us to avenge the death of the Ancient One. Also because when the Ancient One and his Warlocks attacked us in the past, the first thing they did was hurling dozens of angry Dark Entities at us who attacked us like trained dogs with the aim of distracting us and emptying us, with the results of making us more tired before the Ancient One and the Warlocks attacked us lastly. So it could be that they were back in charge and that together with the Scientists, we would have to fight the Warlocks as well. So, when in doubt, Alexander and I went back to the Ancient One and attacked him, obviously attacking his Presence, his Soul, and not the physical body which of course had died long ago and there was nothing to attack there. After attacking the Ancient One, a doubt made its way through our minds, as he didn't want to have us by his side at all, and when we attacked him, he ran away as an Entity in an attempt to save himself. He didn't expect our arrival in the slightest, so much so that he was stunned and almost asked for mercy, as if to say "What, are you still attacking me?" too bad that pity was no longer a useful move to use towards us. At the end of the practice against the Ancient One, we lashed out at the Sorcerers who in the past were connected to him: well, let's say that there were very few left of those we remembered, and those few had stopped practicing because they were destroyed, both physically and energetically. Although a short time had passed materially, a little more than a year and a half since his death, for the Sorcerers it seemed like at least ten years had passed: they had aged a lot, weak, very weak physically and sluggish, as if losing the Ancient One had made them lose all the energy and all the protections that until recently they had gassed to have. In fact, it was true: the Warlocks could feel as Psychic as they wanted, but without their Master they were nobody! On the other hand, they could still cause harm and trouble against ordinary people, so we decided to attack them! Their reaction was nil. They didn't defend themselves, they didn't protect themselves, they didn't even notice that we were lashing out at them: they just took the beatings, and they took them very hard. They were there waiting for their death, for their Dark Master was no more. Finished with them, we looked for the women who belonged to the same group; each one was scattered around their houses, to other cities, some of them even moved to France, so don't think that they were all gathered in the old house of the Old One as in the old days, because of course it was no more like that. You had to look for them one by one and visit them at home. Only one Witch was in the old house of the Ancient One, who had probably left the house’s custody to her after his death. I'm not going to describe all the practices that took place, all of which we saw during the Remote Visions or what we perceived during the Extracting Memories because it would be too long. You will be interested to know that those few were all very depressed, very fatigued and tired: the women seemed slightly more psychically active than the men but all of them seemed to have aged many years since the death of the Ancient One, as if their cells no longer had the "flow of energy" that the Ancient One gave them to drink and had aged quickly. It seemed to see docile grannies, yes, docile grannies who had killed countless innocent people during their Dark Rites. So, we attacked them without the slightest mercy or any other emotion that might have lessened the strength of our attacks. While we were attacking them, one of them, the one who was in the house of the Ancient One, realized that someone was attacking them and thought very loudly in the words: "Behold, my hour has come... I just have to wait..." with a sense of abandonment and surrender never felt before in them, who were very cruel and very confident Witches, but in that moment, she was aware that those attacks were coming for a reason.
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We attacked them all, clearly perceiving that between the two, the Witches had maintained, albeit slightly, their psychic activities, continuing to attack a little here and there the people and especially the children they met; while the Sorcerers abandoned themselves much more, after the death of the Ancient One, giving up almost completely the practices for most of them; on the other hand, many men and women who were part of the Ancient group had died almost immediately after the Ancient One. This does not exclude the possibility that even if women tried to keep active, without the power of the Ancient One in life, they could not do anything special, but just those curses towards ordinary and defenceless people that obviously were as always much easier to attack. When we concluded the attacks on all of them, we asked ourselves: but then who are those "Presences of women" who attack us if the Witches of the Ancient no longer have the strength even to approach us? It had to be someone else, because it had become clear that it couldn't be them: the frequencies didn't match either. Nevertheless, a good beat of the barrel also came to them, which was always good! Of course, we didn't forget about dear old Vampire, but he didn't have the will or the strength to fight either, so he took the beatings but didn't react in the slightest. Nor did he try to fight back after that. Well, of course: just because it's us; if it was someone else trying to connect to the frequency of the Vampire or the Witches, he would have taken a beating from them. But he didn't have anything to do with what was happening either. So, having removed any doubts about the correlation with the Ancient One (dead) and his group (dead and dying) and what was happening to us in that last period, we decided to focus exclusively on those Witches who were attacking us at that time and find out as much as possible about them, all the more so because we were now sure that they had nothing to do with the Witches of the Ancient One; they were completely different people. A premise must also be made. Over time, among our acquaintances, Alexander and I often found ourselves meeting people who claimed to be mediums who contacted Demons or other dark Entities; sorcerers who claimed to practice dark arts; witches who claimed to be able to kill with their curses, and many more. And it happened many times that after meeting us, because of their unhealthy ideas that we had to submit to their ideas because they were old and we were very young, they hoped to be able to do something about it. But apart from the great majority who never had the courage to try to fight us, the more arrogant ones who tried to do so received such blows that they could never tell us again. So, there were several witches and warlocks who tried to attack us with their dark arts, but their dark arts were evidently not on the same level of our Psychic Arts. But even though they did not know it at first, and thought the contrary, so much so that they deluded themselves that they could try their luck against us, some had to discover on their skin that fortune does not turn on the side of our enemies. So it was nothing new for us to meet dark practitioners because we met several of them during our Path: so much so that some of them asked me to become their Master because they wanted to practice the true Psychic Arts. But what surprised us from this new experience was not the presence of Witches more evil than those we had previously encountered, but how they got there, how they had met us or who had sent them to us because it seemed that they knew us but we had never seen them. That story was getting really interesting. On specific days, it would happen that a group of women and some men would suddenly connect to us to attack us. They all connected together as if it were something organized in a group, in fact they never connected one at a time and at alternating times, but always all together. They were all almost elderly: a large part of them were between 70 and 85 years old; the minority was between 60 and 70 years old, and finally the "youngest" of the group ranged from 40 to 50 years old but the latter were much less numerous. Most of those present were in their 70s and 80s. But what were these elders doing against us? It wasn't clear to us why the kind grandparents, dark as they sucked, should be angry with us. So, we focused on finding out who they were and what they wanted. First, I looked at their appearance and meeting place.
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Ther were a lot of people, sitting on black folding chairs that formed a large circle: they were quite a few people and yet they sat in a circle, albeit squashed, still determined to maintain that position (creating the circle, although forced) rather than another more sensible given the number of people seated. They were in a huge room with a very high ceiling, it didn't look like a hotel conference room or someone's house at all, because it was too "old" in terms of furniture and also too large and spacious to be the home of any of them, who on the contrary did not seem at all rich or well-off people. So, who did that hall or building belong to? In fact, it looked like a "loaned" or rented room, but that only those people used and not just anyone who wanted to. The high ceiling was very reminiscent of the interior of a church but without stained glass windows and decorations, only the structure reminded us of it. These people sat in a circle not out of friendship or not to turn their backs on others, but because, as is customary during the Dark Rites, they created a circle to call Someone within. Since they were the people who were attacking us, they certainly didn't intend to call out good things during that circle rite. At first glance I didn't seem to know or recognize any of those people, and perceiving their memories they didn't even know me and Alexander in person, not even from having spoken to us face to face only once, so why were they attacking us even though they hadn't met us even once in their lives? It was clear that these people had been called by someone else; but this “someone” had to be very rich to pay all those people and convince them to risk their lives to attack us as a group, because otherwise we wouldn’t know how this could have been possible. Anyway, looking at them, they looked like poor people and so probably a few coins were enough to convince them to join those dark rites, or even worse, maybe he manipulated them in another way. At specific times of day, about once a week, they would meet in groups and begin their "session" towards us that lasted half an hour/an hour. Some of them then took it upon themselves to bring their "homework" and in particular an elderly woman began to practice her "curses" even once at home, alone, and a man followed suit, while all the others continued only when they were in a group. In addition to attacking them, however, we decided to observe what they were doing because just attacking them to defend ourselves was not enough for us, we also wanted to understand if what was happening to us was also being done to other victims, unaware of the harm that those elders were bringing them. Just like when we took down the Ancient One and his group of Warlocks, we didn't just do it for ourselves, because if it were up to us, it would have been enough to attack the Ancient One, make him understand that he shouldn't fight against us, and end it there: he would continue to attack all his favorite victims as long as he didn't get close to us. But no, we didn't leave him free to hurt anyone he wanted, that’s why we attacked him until the end of his life to prevent him from hurting other people who came within his reach, including many teenagers and children, and we did the same for all his Sorcerers. That is why even on this last occasion, which we have just recounted, we did not leave the Witches and Warlocks and the Vampire alone just because they were no longer attacking us; it's easy to decide not to attack us when we show that we're going to smash his face! But that didn't mean they would stop attacking other people, those people who are unable to defend themselves and fight back against those dark and very strong attacks. So even though it wasn't them on this last occasion, since we were there, we decided to attack them again to make sure they didn't have the strength to hurt other innocent people. It's very simple, you don't have to think only about yourself but you have to understand that if you let a dark person being free, even if he won't touch you anymore, he will touch many other people who don't deserve to suffer by venting on them; so he should never let himself go at full strength and not give a damn about what would have happened. Even if he doesn't attack you anymore at that point you can't give a damn by pretending you don't know or lulling yourself to the false kind ideas (but completely manipulated by the Pleiadians!) that if it's happening to them then maybe those people deserve to receive the attacks and nor would it be fair to help and save them. I decided a long time ago that I would not be lulled into the kind thoughts that aim to not help others, or to not to intervene when other people and/or other Beings are receiving unprovoked dark attacks.
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Of course, there are also many people who deserve attacks... And I let them do the same, because it is one thing to defend an innocent person, but another different matter is to defend an enemy. Anyway, these lessons to learn the differences between the two are learned by practice, not just by reading. Therefore, just as we had decided to attack the Witches and Warlocks of the Ancient One, the Ancient One and the Vampire, again, to keep our intentions on them updated and remind them once again that we are keeping an eye on them, we would do the same on the new "group" of elders who were deciding to attack us. It wasn't enough for us to smash their head until they stopped touching us. We were going to smash their heads until they stopped attacking everyone. So, we watched what they were doing, besides meeting up to try to attack us. What we saw was truly terrible. Each of those people carried pictures of someone, the vast majority of whom carried pictures of boys and girls. Other photos portrayed teenagers, boys and girls, a few other photos belonged to people under 30 years old; so, all photos of very young guys and more rarely photos of older people. Alexander and I were 25 years old at the time. Their goal was to curse every single person that the photos portrayed, which was taken by each of them, then they photocopied it, passed the photocopies to everyone else so that everyone had one, and all together acted in groups to curse that person portrayed and of whom everyone had a photocopy. What disturbed me most of all was not seeing my photo in their hands but knowing that beyond my photo there were dozens and dozens of photos of children and then teenagers unaware of what would happen to them after those sessions that were conducted without them knowing about it. Who were these people and what did they do? The worst thing was to realize that a Dark Sect like that, capable of carrying out the worst dark acts, was made up of elderly people who had families and grandchildren, and who brought with them the photos of adult relatives and especially of teenagers and children, to spread photocopies of their faces and curse those people all together. Among those photos there were also ours, taken several years before, and we had to find out who had brought them there without us knowing, since we had not been the ones to spread them, also because we do not have social networks. Unfortunately, there are many people who publish their photos on the regime's social networks and then expect that some strange legal rule will prevent people from saving the photos on their PC or device and doing with those photos what they want. These same people post photos of their children and grandchildren on the internet, thinking that there is nothing wrong in doing so; but these people, immature, reckless, damn ignorant, and don't know that there are too many, too many people who save photos of children and of course also of adults to make really dark uses of them. But people are so ignorant, and many parents are so stupid and morons, that they publish photos of their children on social media without giving a damn about how many pedophiles will save those photos and then use them in a disgusting way. But parents don't care! Because they have to post pictures of their children to brag to people about how beautiful children are. Parents do not realize the seriousness of this choice even when their children disappear, because even in extreme situations they do not take responsibility and realize that it is only morons to publish children's photos on the internet. But if they don't realize it when children are kidnapped and raped, imagine if they realize the gravity of the whole matter when children are not kidnapped, but their photos are used for the worst intentions and these children, even if not kidnapped, are persecuted from afar for many years. And once they're teenagers, they're groomed. But parents don't know that their children had been persecuted for many years before, even since they were in kindergarten. To parents who publish photos of children thinking they have the right to throw their children's faces into the hands of the mentally ill should be made a prior complaint. But in addition to pedophiles, which seems absurd to me that it is not enough as a reason to never publish photos of one's children and grandchildren on the internet, there are other, much more hidden reasons to take into account, whenever it occurs to you to share your own, and other people's photos, on the public web. Because even if you trivially believe that you can choose the restrictions and decide who should see your photos and who should not, you are not taking into account that all your photos will be seen by the worst criminals in the world; you can only choose not to show them to your closest relatives, but whoever is behind the regime's social networks, i.e. those who control the regime's social networks such as FB or Instag, share your photos with the worst criminals.
End page 5 of 5. If you enjoyed the article, please comment below describing your feelings while reading or practicing the proposed technique.