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Psichici e Divinità (3 parte)

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Psychics don’t talk, they Practise and as Psychics they act psychically directly on the problem and the problem creator, devoting their time for the common good and not just to think about themselves. Of course, if we are talking about good psychics, unlike what the dark psychics do, it goes without saying that they perform their tasks in a completely different way and for a completely different purpose. Jesus fought against the various dark enemies and against the true essence that is Darkness - which is not an abstract idea, but the first enemy ever to exist in this Universe - and only afterwards, I repeat only afterwards, did he teach people how to learn how to defend themselves and how to learn how to evolve psychically so that others could also protect themselves and perhaps, who knows, be able to help defeat the Darkness. Unfortunately, we should never take this for granted, because doublethink would lead us to believe that Jesus fundamentally needed the students to evolve psychically and help him; but the truth is very different, because so many people exploited him, so many people were only there to take and never to give. Do we want to remember that the traitors were among the closest and oldest students, and it was not some random passer-by we met the last minute before the event happened? We must remember that the traitor who prompted the killing of Jesus was precisely a student to whom he had given his energy and help because of his countless goodness for years, and the reward was to betray him and push him to the killing. Let’s remember this well. So, we should not think that Jesus taught his neighbour because he needed them, but rather he taught his neighbour because in his incredible generosity he also wanted to help people by showing them how to defend themselves, so that they would always have the right tools to improve their lives for themselves. Then once Jesus' life was over, how many of his students actually became Psychics and went on Missions? Of the hundreds and hundreds of students, how many became Psychics and fought the Darkness after Jesus' death? Very few, far too few. So few that it would be ridiculous to think that Jesus taught others because he needed them. Only a thought manipulated by the Darkness could lead us to reason in that way. We are talking about a Deity. The reason Jesus decided to teach others by offering them methods to develop their Psychic Faculties was for the purpose of doing good to people: he wanted to enable humans to become Consciousnesses; he wanted to enable Consciousnesses to become Souls; Jesus wanted to enable Souls to Awaken and not remain dormant in a Low trap that would cause them to live like Bots locked inside the fake lives that had been artificially programmed into them. In the meantime, when he could, if it was not in the way of the main Mission he had to perform against the real Darkness, he sometimes performed Miracle Healings, saved the lives of many people one at a time or entire families depending on the event; so, during his lifetime he updated his ‘psychic agenda’ considerably often. Nevertheless, one should never think the opposite, namely that he was there first to teach people (what was he supposed to teach if he had not been a Practitioner before?) that he was there as a second profession to meet people's demands, and then when he had time he fought against the Darkness. For to think of it this way belittles and besmirches the true psychic figure that was Jesus. On the other hand, with the people going around today there is a risk of confusion: today's ‘teachers’ claim to teach meditation and sporadic other spiritual subjects even though they themselves do not practice. And when you ask them: what do you teach, if you don’t practise in the first place? They will answer that they have become too strong by now and that they no longer need to practise. Wow! And to think that Jesus practised, and the further he went, the greater the intensity, quantity and strength of his practice became! But today's ‘teachers’ think they know more than Jesus and that they are on the same level or even superior. How good they are. Then we wonder why things go wrong on this planet. The Bots feel they are ancient Souls and are praised by people as such - thanks to the fundamental help of the Subterranean Operators acting with Pleiadian technologies - and the Souls are caged into lives by Bots so that they are really convinced that that life belongs to them. It’s obvious that one can and must get out of this programme, but it's also clear that there's much work to be done. 

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So, why should we bother to thank the Deities and try any way to reward them? Because if we do it with the people around us, why shouldn't we do it with these unknown but Psychic and Powerful Ones who decide to help us without even earning us anything; yet they have helped us and/or will help us over time even when we don't realise it. They don't gain anything from helping us, they don't gain notoriety or who knows what: and yet these Deities like Jesus have helped us and will still help us directly or indirectly, because if they protect the planet and defeat the dark ones they are also defeating our enemies - that is, those who cause us pain and suffering - and saving our lives even without us knowing that they are saving us, and without us knowing that they have helped us. Thinking of Jesus and other Deities such as Buddha, Krishna, Amon Ra, etc., who were Deities who truly deserved the title of Gods, we must also remember that they were Psychics reincarnated in human bodies, and this means that as such they were not inside a bubble outside of time and the earthly dimension, outside of the problems, interference, disturbances and mishaps that we all experienced, albeit in different ways depending on the era in question; but on the contrary, they all proved to be true Psychics precisely because despite the hindrances and terrible obstacles they had to endure in their lives they still managed to train their minds to the point where they became exceptionally Genius and Psychic. We are a little too used to thinking that they became Gods without needing to do anything; as if they were already born that way, perhaps in a soft life full of lightness and happiness and that without any training or hindrance they already knew everything and in the best possible way. It's clear that these fantasies serve to belittle the psychic deities through a mixture of envy and excessive naivety when thinking of them. In the commons, people have no real idea of what those Personalities had to go through before they became Gods known throughout the world and in all ages to follow; this is because their true stories are censored and subjected to great manipulation of information so that people are taught a completely false tale that's totally different from the truth. But the story told is so untrue that there is no foothold to reach the truth, because any detail you dwell on in an attempt to latch onto the truth will already be leading you off track again. It's done on purpose: no detail has been left to chance so that any smallest thing can confuse our minds and totally divert us from the real story. Precisely for this reason, as for the other Deities, Jesus too had to face a myriad of time-wasters, unnecessary burdens, including: people who went crazy around him to prevent him from concentrating solely on his Missions; people who begged him to solve their problems, and if he did not do so because he could not keep up with all the problems of the passers-by, these people in revenge would smear his name and make others believe that he was a liar. And again, there were accursed people who asked Jesus for help and then, after they had received it, besmirched his name just the same because they were jealous that he was really capable of performing such miracles and they were not. Well, why on earth would that rabble be capable of performing such miracles as Jesus? There is not even an element of comparison. So while we are taught the LIE that he spent all his time ‘preaching’ which is already a term that stinks from afar, and that he spent all day preaching here and there, and that the rest of the time he used to ‘pray’, the Truth is that he spent as much time as possible practising to psychically fight against the Darkness and the various dark figures of Demons/Aliens that presented themselves, regardless of the Dark Psychics he was dealing with who were really powerful, and only afterwards did he spread his teachings which were based solely on his experiences and his awakened Psychic Faculties: not on words, not on hearsay theories, nor even on tales told and stolen by other people - as it's so fashionable to do today, see how many in Italy and abroad copy and steal material from the Academy of Dimensional Consciousness to pretend it's their own material and cheat naive and/or unfortunate people who fall for their deception - but based solely on his Experiences. 

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Here we should really learn a lot from Jesus, from the real Jesus, and not from the lying character that has been constructed by the Church: a mammon character who spends his life with his mother and who's a virgin at the age of 30 but at the same time is engaged but not engaged to Magdalene, who doesn’t exist. Did you understand any of this? No? Good, because that's exactly their goal: not to make people understand a damn thing so that they remain silent and submissive and don't ask questions. What should make us see reason, and at the same time annoy us, is that such Beings like Jesus had to waste part of their time defending themselves even from lying people, damned liars and brawlers who lied about him only to besmirch him and try to make him look bad to the people around him, and meanwhile other accursed swindlers who, after attending the lessons and teachings of Jesus, went around telling that they themselves were the ‘teachers’, imitating Jesus and robbing him of ‘experiences’ so that people would believe them (and worse still end up believing that it was Jesus who ‘stole’ the merits from others) and the most absurd thing is that these events happened very often and he had to waste part of his time sorting out such falsehoods. And the falsehoods and lies that people make up about someone in order to ruin their reputation, where do they lead? In the past they led to death, let us realise. So to realise that a Deity, a Psychic Potentate like Jesus had to waste part of his time protecting himself while he wanted to protect humans and the planet from the Darkness, and that he could not do so because the same humans went against him, accused him and stole his time in one way or another - many times with aggression and violence, including precisely the lies spread to besmirch his name - must open our eyes and wake us up. This wake-up call was given to me a long time ago, when I decided to practise for a long time to observe the real life of Jesus and not fixate instead on what was told by the Church, which was and is all a lie. His real life was very different from the character the Church wants to force us to believe he was. It was precisely through Practice and Experience (which took a lot of time and not two hurried minutes from which you come out thinking you know everything even though you know nothing about the truth!) that I realised the Power of Jesus: not only because he performed Miracles, but because Jesus performed Miracles even though everything and everyone used every weapon to block him, to prevent him from performing his Missions and to give him every possible obstacle so that he would not live a single moment of peace. Yes, because in his short life he lived so intensely that it seems as if we were looking at a man who had lived 200 years, even though he had not yet reached 40. And then, how much experience he had gathered, how many exceptional events occurred in his life and how many discoveries, to be able to observe him. But we'll talk better about this later. What we should dwell on instead is the injustice that was thrown upon him by the Dark Aliens - and later upon the only two Apostles who had really understood the importance of his Mission by making it their own - in an attempt to slow him down to the point of bringing him down. So why on earth would a Deity of his calibre waste time protecting himself from accusers and possessed Bots specifically to snarl at him? If we were talking about a ‘Selfish Psychic’ let them, who cares. If we were talking about a ‘Dark Psychic’ then so much the better, let them distract him so he can't practise and carry out his dark designs! Instead, we are talking about a Deity whose goal was not to think of himself, but to think of saving the lives of others even at the cost of getting himself killed. Reading it seems so simple, but one has to think about these words and realise that there is really nothing simple in the life he chose to live in order to save other people's lives. By the way, not people from his own family or people he cared about, but we are talking about perfect strangers, because he taught perfect strangers who then became his students and continued to be perfect strangers. And let us remember that he taught For Free. In the face of those lying clowns who today pretend to be such highly evolved ‘spiritual teachers’ and who speak of ‘exchanges’, ‘money energy’ and other words of artificial light used to scam people. Jesus intended to save people, people he did not even know and who did not even know him, people he should have cared nothing about; instead, he practiced to try to save everyone, or as many people as possible. 

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To do this, he didn't spend his time solving the personal problems of the individuals who came knocking at his door; but first of all he aimed straight at the real Enemy that was affecting all those people and that was Darkness, together with its ‘Antennae’ which were quite numerous: Dark Psychic Humans, Entities, Demons, Aliens, other negative dimensional beings of which there's not even a trace left, and so on. Then, when he could, he would also help individual people solve their problems, but the list was always excessively long and he, a Powerful Psychic, certainly didn't want to and shouldn't waste his time solving every single person's damn problem. This is because he taught people to solve their problems themselves by developing their Psychic Faculties: what better gift is there than to learn to improve one's life by oneself? But many people have no desire to take responsibility for their own lives and prefer to throw the responsibility onto someone else, so that if it goes wrong, they can blame him. And if it goes right? They will blame him anyway, because shitty people have always existed as long as the Darkness that possesses them has existed. So, the reason that Alexander and I made the decision to practice for Jesus periodically every year was that sense of injustice at seeing Master Jesus being fatigued by such time-wasters and energy-stealers happening to vampire and slow him down. He would have no need of someone to support him because he was too powerful to be demotivated or brought down by such events. He has proved this countless times. But this doesn’t detract from the fact that what he has experienced on numerous occasions, without even mentioning his death, are unjust events that don’t deserve to have existed. It was this sense of injustice that prompted Alexander and I to decide to practise on him; we did not only focus on Jesus, it's obvious that we also focused a great deal on other Deities who experienced almost the same dark injustices that they did not deserve to suffer and that We could not accept. We could not bear and could not accept that the Master Jesus, as well as other Deities that were extremely important to us because they helped us and because they have sustained this planet countless times, should waste part of their time solving such misfortunes that, although trivial, took up time and energy. So what to do, other than stay and talk about it? We vented our sense of injustice that soon became anger at any Frequency we could muster among the enemies of Jesus. Whether they were physical persons, entities, demons, or aliens, we concentrated on attacking anyone who surfaced during our search. The aim was to lighten the burdens from Jesus' shoulders so that he could carry out his Missions with his utmost concentration without having to be distracted by anything else. So we began, and continued over the years. The enemies against Jesus were so many that we have weeded them out over the years, yet they remain countless to this day. Another demonstration of how powerful Jesus was: even though he had to fight against an indescribable number of enemies, he still carried out his Mission. Easy to say, but impossible to do; except for the profoundly Powerful Deities, who look human from the outside but inside... there are whole Universes. Periodically each year we dedicate ourselves to attacking the enemies of the Deities that are most important to us, and we dedicate a period of time to each of them to focus on their lives, one at a time so that we dedicate the right amount of time for each one. I believe that there's never enough time devoted to them. But in our eyes, no sentence can become an excuse for not practising: so even in 2019, even if we were in the midst of all the snags, time-wasters, energy-stealers and vampires trying to get at us because of humans, Possessed Bigots, Subterranean Operators, Aliens, and dark presences of various kinds, nothing in the world was going to stop us from practising on our Master Jesus that year too. So, we began. We concentrated, as usual, starting with a physical Healing on the body of Jesus so that, obviously in Temporal Connection to the past, a good dose of thanksgiving and deep admiration would come from us. We concentrated on the events that we knew he needed a little extra strength on, and then we moved on to the less important but collectively adding up events that during his life tried to bring him down, steal his energy, time, mental strength and so on. So, we started attacking the Dark Psychics next to him, and then those who attacked him from a distance, never coming close enough to be seen and recognised by him. Of course we attacked the Bots, the unconscious people and anyone who sided against him because they were being manipulated by the Dark Ones.

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We had no mercy on anyone who had harmed or attempted to harm Jesus, not even if they were Bots or people with no intelligence, because they still took beatings! So, we went on to attack the Entities, the Dimensional Presences reaching up to the Aliens. We also of course attacked the Pleiadians who were acting against Jesus at the time and during time travel, and their technologies. Then we attacked in general the dark enemies that Jesus encountered in later lives, then during his reincarnations, up to the present time. It took us many hours to finish this Practice and as we repeated it several times throughout the year every year, Alexander and I felt deeply happy and recharged, as if we had been reborn. Not just a feeling, we felt good, and the air of positivity and change spread through the room. Of course, we felt very satisfied, but that was not just internal and personal satisfaction, but something that was really changing in the air. It gave us great happiness because we felt that we had done the right thing and, above all, that we had done it well. We didn't know yet, however, that the Scientists were also deeply connected to that story, because the Scientists also collaborated in various mechanisms to attack Jesus from the future into the past to try to bring him down. So, without even realising it, by attacking the enemies of all times, that is historical periods of Jesus, we were also attacking the Scientists... and also other enemies that we had not yet realised, but who lived in the very same historical period as us. People don't know this because we would naively think that because Jesus existed more than two thousand years ago, in today's era there are no longer any enemies of him. We think that today there are only two kinds of people: the faithful, therefore those who believe in Jesus and admire him, and to the utmost the sceptics who don’t believe in him and therefore think he doesn’t exist. Little bad, the only ones who lose out are them. But the worst problem isn't the sceptics that nobody cares about and whose existence changes neither life nor the miracles that Jesus performed during his life. Rather, the problem is the Dark Ones who, from our present time, continue uninterruptedly to psychically attack Jesus so that Curses from the future more than two thousand years later may come to him. What I am about to describe to you is a series of very strong experiences for which you will have to be prepared, because certain elements may offend your sensibilities. Therefore, it's right that I warn you and tell you that you need to understand and learn from these writings with the utmost attention and high Tonale.

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