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Psichici e Divinità (2 parte)

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Because it’s clear that if he were here skin and bones, we would say we want to thank him with energy since we can’t do so with money because we earn little, etc., etc. (yet the Church receives money every year through the 8x1000 that many continue to allocate to it! Since in Italy people are obliged to allocate 0.8 percent of their annual taxes each year to religious denominations or the state, and if they don't express a preference this amount automatically goes to the Catholic Church. The same thing happens with the 5x1000 that is mandatorily allocated to associations that carry out socially relevant activities and the 2x1000 that is allocated to political parties or cultural associations that are listed and accepted by the state.) Still, since he is here “energetically,” we find a new excuse and say that only with financial help could a person be aided, but since he—who is not physical—would have little use for money, we can’t do anything for him. We completely forget about energetic help to the point that it doesn’t even cross our minds. So, selfishly and arrogantly, people ask themselves: “Why would a deity like Jesus need help?” from here follow all those mental obsessions and doublethink that serve only to throw mud at the Deity without ever, and I mean ever, doing something good and concrete for it. For example, they follow those ridiculous thoughts that say: “Why isn’t he strong enough? We have to help him! So, in reality, he wouldn’t be strong if it weren’t for our help!” But how! First, you think it would be useless to try to use energy to help him as it would be presumptuous to think you could do something good for him, and then you think he is strong only and solely thanks to you? Unfortunately, I had to converse with people with scrambled brains who presumed such theories. But you will discover later where this doublethink that affects and will increasingly affect more people worldwide comes from. I am referring to those people who first think/say: “I can’t do anything, I’m weak, I’m incapable of anything,” and instantly conclude the sentence by saying: “So I’m special, I’m very strong, the world must thank me because I exist!” and I assure you, I have met many of these people, and after 2022, I will meet even more. Like all those people who say “I don’t meditate because I can’t practice, I’m weak, I’m apathetic, I can’t do anything,” and as soon as something positive happens to someone or even a world event, they say: “It’s thanks to me and the practices I did that one time…!” But which time? In the same sentence, they manage to say they are not meditating and practicing because they don’t want to and/or can’t, but then conclude by saying that everything positive that happened is thanks to them and no one else in the world. This doublethink that may have seemed superficial and unimportant to me before, I realized over time, is a mad manipulation that will increasingly affect more people. As I’ve already said, we are in a historical period where Bots convince themselves they are great Souls, and Souls are convinced they are Bots. Often, people read these sentences and say: “I feel weak, I feel like I am nobody like I am a small Consciousness…. So, this means I am the most powerful Soul in the universe, I am a super Psychic even if I can’t do anything, and I could even be Jesus!” Well, that’s not how it works. One thing is to be optimistic and try to boost one’s self-esteem, another thing is to overdo it. As long as too many people continue to reason with this doublethink that in both cases will always lead far from the Truth, it will be difficult to reason with them because these same people will pour their obsessions onto any other topic presented. We talked about Jesus and Deities in general and how important it is to be altruistic and try to thank them with actions and words, for example by practicing on them to relieve some negative burdens from their lives. So, obsessed people who fail to understand the Power of Deities and their Missions will switch from a conviction that says “They are Deities and therefore must help me because they would be able to solve my problems so they must do so” to “The Deities need my help because I am too powerful and it is only thanks to me that they have existed,” all within a few minutes of conversation naturally taking place at the same moment and not on separate days, and, unfortunately, I have heard these sentences being said… I hope you understand how important it is to keep doublethink out of your mind with iron determination and ensure you reflect with Sense and thus with Consciousness. Earlier, I said that Deities, including Jesus, are not here to serve us as if they were our servants but are here because they decided to protect and keep this planet alive by helping the world and its people. And someone might think these two sentences clash because I first said that Deities are not here to satisfy our whims one by one and then said that Deities help and protect us.

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But that's the point—both statements are true and are absolutely not in conflict. The problem is that we, as citizens, have been conditioned to believe that if others are capable of solving our problems, they are obligated to do so, and if they do, there is no need to thank them because it was obvious they would (if they are good, they must help someone, otherwise they aren’t good!), and if they don’t, then they deserve the worst insults. I imagine that during your life, you’ve found yourself, at least for a period, in financial difficulties, perhaps not too serious or even in a grave situation. Yet, I doubt that you went knocking on the door of the richest actor, musician, or TV presenter living in Italy to ask them to solve your financial problems because they could afford to do so. Indeed, what might have been a severe financial problem for you, like a debt of 10,000 euros, would be a trivial amount, a mere coin, in the eyes of the famous actor who may have just bought a brand-new yacht, compared to the millions and millions they might have spent in the past months. Therefore, they could absolutely help you and instantly solve your problem without you having to do anything or consume yourself with fear of not making it or suffering. But I really don’t think you did that because you have too much respect for actors or TV presenters, and you think they are important people and wouldn’t even consider asking them for help, even though it would cost them nothing to do so because you find it absurd to make such a request. You might even think that if everyone did as you surely that “good actor” would become poor because if everyone asked for 10k like you, poor thing, they’d end up with less money than before. Or it would never occur to you to ask the Church for help, which has billions of hidden dollars, for which $10k would be a joke compared to the enormous wealth they possess. It would never cross your mind to ask the Church for help to solve your financial problem and save you in an instant, considering that it has enough money that if it wanted to, it could entirely restore Africa in 2-3 weeks. Yes, because while they’ve made us believe for decades and decades that Africa is starving because we don’t donate enough, all our money ends up in the hands of the Church, which by no means decides to save the lives of Africans! And while the blame is placed on us, who bear very little responsibility, the Church, which can and should use the money for good deeds, instead enjoys the certainty that ignorant religious followers convince themselves that it’s not right to ask it for help, even though it is one of the richest organizations in the world. And while the Church has enough money to save the lives of every single human on this Earth, it prefers instead to take all our money and then blame us and accuse us—after stripping us to the bone!—if people are dying of hunger in the world. Yes, but how is it that this situation hasn’t been resolved if it were true that the Church cares so much about helping Africans? In reality, we can observe that this is yet another dark manipulation by the Church that pits us humans against each other while the Dark Church revels in our suffering, wars, and deaths. So, you would never dream of asking for help from those who could really help you without the slightest effort and solve your problems in a single instant, thinking that these people are too important and that they should never deign to help you because you respect them too much, and that, in fact, because they would never help you and never even glance at you, they become even more important and special in your eyes (think about it, because this mechanism is truly dark!). Yet, you believe that the Deities should rush to serve you, to serve you personally, as soon as you snap your fingers. Why do you believe you aren’t important enough to receive help from another human being but consider yourself too important to demand that the Deities rush to help you? This is precisely doublethink—a dual thought process that asserts with absolute certainty two extreme truths that are used depending on the utility of whoever is manipulating you, and which can be interchanged depending on the day and situation. Sometimes you are absolutely certain of one idea, but a moment later you are absolutely certain of another. Doublethink is a term used by Orwell in the book written in 1948 titled 1984, which describes the mass manipulation that was happening at that time and would worsen in the future.

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Today, in 2022, realizing that even back then the Governmental pressure on the people was so palpable should make us reflect on the levels they use today. The reason why the Deities help and protect this world but do not rush to our signal as some people expect them to, as if they were little dogs, is much simpler to understand than one might think, as long as one does not reason with doublethink. Try to imagine what would happen if a surgeon had to spend his life performing tasks that an Oss (Social Health Operator) should be doing instead; just think if a surgeon had to spend time cleaning the hospital floors, the bathrooms of all the patient rooms, the corridors, etc. You might think: so what? Couldn't he do it? Are his hands too delicate to clean the floors? Of course, he could do it, the surgeon could clean the floors all day, the bathrooms, etc. But while he is cleaning the floors, who will perform the urgent surgeries on patients who are in line for various critical operations? No one because the cleaning staff who should be cleaning certainly cannot perform the surgeries, not even remotely having the skills to do so. The Oss operators, who are not specialized in surgeries, could not take on this role: otherwise, they would be called Surgeons and not Oss operators! So if those who are supposed to clean the hospital do their job properly, and the Oss operators take care of their tasks, and the nurses perform their duties, and so on, then the surgeons can operate. This is not a matter of inferiority or superiority because the person who studied to become a nurse chose to pursue that path; had they wanted to become a surgeon, they would have studied for that job—it’s not difficult to understand. But precisely because everyone has chosen their path and everyone is given tasks to carry out, those are the ones they should perform. Why don’t things work? Because hospitals are "cleaned" by people who don't care, and, in many hospitals, more allergies, diseases, and infections are picked up than at home due to staff not wanting to clean properly. Doctors don’t do the work they studied for, but rather the work they are corrupted to do. Thus, nurses are assigned roles that they shouldn’t even be professionally performing, and even worse, those in the most uncomfortable positions are relegated to the role of Oss, which is not what they specialize in. Everything works poorly because roles are reversed, and no one knows what one or the other is doing. Although the example of doctors and nurses may not be the most appropriate in this historical period we are living in, where doctors and nurses take lives instead of saving them, and solely to receive a dirty increased salary—and that for money, they carry out senseless mass extermination—the concept should still be clear to you.
Let's think of a Deity like Jesus, who should have solely been concerned with smashing the heads of the Dark Ones, be they Demons, Aliens, and so on. Instead, he had to waste part of his time defending himself against the accusations that the damned ignorant used to mislead and influence others' minds so that students would allow themselves to be manipulated and fall into the same traps. But what wasn’t clear to everyone was that if the disciples fell into the trap and began to doubt Jesus, his Missions, and his Power, it didn’t change anything for Jesus: he remained powerful just the same! It wasn’t Jesus who lost out, but the students who thought they were worth something, and instead, once they abandoned the path, rediscovered that they were nothing without the presence of Jesus. Because that was precisely the point. Jesus didn’t care about appearances, people's approval, or the number of followers, who today we would call followers. Jesus cared about fulfilling his Mission, which was to defeat the Darkness of that period. In the meantime, he also took some time to help the individuals he could, solving their health problems, as mentioned earlier. If the Church continues to repeat just one of the "miracles" performed by Jesus which is the water turned into wine, it means that the Church wants to make people believe that Miracles are magic tricks to perform in public squares to entertain people’s sleight of hand, optical illusions, things like that. This way, people ask for "proof" of the Miracles and expect Practitioners to turn water into vodka or a pizza into a chocolate dessert.

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But doesn’t it seem ridiculous to you? All of this just to forget what the real Miracles of Jesus were, which were far more important than the distorted idea people have about wine—Miracles like Healing the worst and deadliest diseases of people, allowing them to survive and continue living in good health, replacing such essential acts with ridiculous ideas of showmanship. This doesn’t mean that Jesus didn’t, for example, perform the Miracle of multiplication: in fact, by multiplying food, he allowed people to nourish themselves and eat, to survive, by doubling the Matrix codes of that element, thus doubling it and allowing people to live. But the message we need to understand is that Jesus performed Miracles to save people, to save the planet, not to play around and show off like circus clowns. We need to understand this! The Mission for which he reincarnated in that life was to defeat Darkness by fighting it Psychically, and in the meantime, to spread the Truth among people, teaching them to Evolve Psychically so that his students could become Practitioners and carry out the same Missions. Meanwhile, because he was very generous and altruistic, he even found time to perform Healing on unknown people he met and dedicate time to them as well.
Today, however, we are made to believe that Jesus, out of nowhere, started wandering the land, showing off here and there to gain some attention and that his only mission was to talk to people and, in the meantime, fully dedicate himself to solving other people's minor problems, as if he had become the village psychologist. It seems a bit out of whack to me. On the other hand, it’s not easy to understand the truth based on the false texts of the Church, which aims to ridicule the figure of the most Powerful Psychic by diminishing him in every form, while at the same time making it seem as if they are admiring him so that the Church can enrich itself by exploiting the name of Jesus. But this is precisely why it is important to Practice, to wake up and realize what the real Truth is, which is very different from the Dark spectacle carried on by the Church. Consequently, it is important to understand that Jesus did not spend his days idling around and then, when he felt like it, went to the square to give some “proof” to the ignorant. And then, simultaneously, we think that Jesus was born to serve humans, that every day he went around knocking on people's doors to see if they needed him because otherwise, he would get bored. Let’s get rid of this doublethink that, besides being ridiculous, also harms us.
During his incarnation, Jesus decided to use his Psychic Abilities, which he developed to exceptional levels and which, over the years, became increasingly advanced—reaching unattainable heights!—to act against the Darkness that was seriously damaging this world and the human population in that historical period. He was needed because only He and no one else could keep this planet alive and protect it from the incredible amount of Darkness that was striking our planet during that time. But he could have chosen to ignore it and let people die, living his life in the best way possible. Instead, he didn’t do that; he decided to Act to counter the Darkness and do everything possible to prevent it from striking this planet with the precise power it had when it began its journey: if you think the Darkness was powerful, just imagine how powerful it was before it was scaled down by Jesus’ Attacks. It goes without saying that Jesus managed to block a huge amount of Darkness outside the planet and prevent it from entering, choosing to sacrifice himself every day of his life, not just on the day of his death, which seems to have become the most important day for people. And yet, we allow ourselves to think that he had to do all of this, that it was his duty, and that he was obligated as if he couldn’t refuse and decide to renounce that role. But that’s precisely the point! We take for granted that a task was assigned to him and that he had to complete it and couldn’t reject it. Instead, contrary to what we are led to believe, he didn’t have to renounce anything because no task was imposed on him. He chose to use his time and energy to fight a Global Psychic War; he chose to take matters into his own hands and fight. No one dumped responsibilities on him or assigned him a task. He chose to Fight, and so that became his Mission. In other words, Jesus created and decided his Mission, and this is what happens for all of us.

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Between one double-think and another, we go from believing that we are nobody to be able to do something to change this world and that there’s no point in even trying, to a thought that says we all have our Mission and that we don’t even need to do anything because we are so important and special to this world that our Mission is simply existing on this planet: thinking like this, that the planet should thank us just because we exist. It’s ridiculous. All of us can create change, but not just by existing or talking nonsense! Instead, we can act for the common Mission, which is to fight against the Darkness so that it loses its power over this Dimension. But between saying and doing, there is the entire universe and beyond. Because talking is so easy, but acting… requires commitment, difficulties, unforeseen events, responsibility, choice—all nice words that people repeat but don’t implement or possess within themselves. We take for granted that anyone could become the next Jesus but at the same time that he is the only one who can do something, and therefore all the responsibilities of the entire world should be thrown onto his shoulders while we can enjoy apathy in artificial peace. We think this way to wash our hands of it, between one absurd thought and another.
Jesus performed infinite exhausting hours of Practice against Darkness and against the Antennas that Darkness sent to this planet. We are told that he drove out Demons, and that’s true, but we are not told that he Attacked the Demons and that he Attacked the Aliens to drive them off this planet while reducing their power. Jesus didn’t just drive the enemies away; he defeated them, which is very different. Jesus fought against very powerful Entities, very dark Demons, and countless technologically advanced Aliens. While carrying out these Missions, he also found time to help people, not the riffraff that showed up demanding his help or demanding “proof” from him or demanding that he show some magic trick, but rather he helped many people he encountered and whom he chose to help. At this point, double-think will push you to believe: “So, Jesus only helped special people, important people, those who deserved it!” NO! Jesus helped common and very simple people whom he simply encountered and who didn’t approach him arrogantly but asked for help without demanding it. Sometimes he could help, and other times he couldn’t it’s wrong to believe that he was always there, ready to solve people’s trivial problems as soon as someone snapped their fingers. It’s offensive and arrogant to think such a thing about the Divinity who in that life bore the name of Jesus. Sometimes he chose to use his time and energy to help individuals, other times he couldn’t because he first had to Attack the Darkness and defend the population from greater evils.
We are used to thinking, in an egotistical way, that each of us is the only one in the world who is suffering, who has problems, who needs help, and we take for granted that if someone in the world can help us, then they should. But I’ll let you in on a secret: everyone in the world experiences the same problems at the same times. Do you know why? Because the sender of our sufferings is the same. Even if we don’t know each other or will never meet, our enemy will remain the same. While each person thinks of themselves as the only one in the world who suffers or has problems, the Divinities understood that all these evils in the world came from the exact same sender. And so, even logically, you should understand that it was much more important to Fight against the sender than to spend a lifetime solving people's problems without ever acting against the One who creates those problems for humans. But it’s also true that the limited minds of many people can’t grasp that time is limited not only for themselves but for all of us. Just as you have little time in a day and must decide what to focus on and occupy it with, everyone in the world finds themselves in the exact same situation.
If we think about Psychics, we take for granted that they can do everything because we assume that they have no commitments, no obstacles, that they are there to serve people and have nothing else to do in life. Too bad, though, that to live in this Dimension, even Psychics have to follow the same rules, such as working to support themselves, for example; so they don’t have all this free time, as people think. But unlike what everyone else does, which is thinking only about themselves and complaining about being the only ones in the world suffering and having problems, there are people who decide to use the time they have left—even though they have to carry out all the tasks that other humans do, including working, I reiterate for those with short memories—they realize that a common enemy causes all these problems.

End page 5 of 5. If you enjoyed the article, please comment below describing your feelings while reading or practicing the proposed technique.